[v9,01/23] devtools: add script to check for non inclusive naming

Message ID 20240205180328.131019-2-stephen@networkplumber.org (mailing list archive)
State New
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series Use inclusive naming in DPDK |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Stephen Hemminger Feb. 5, 2024, 5:43 p.m. UTC
Add a new script to find words that should not be used.
It is a wrapper around git grep command.
By default it prints matches but can also display counts.

Uses the word lists from Inclusive Naming Initiative
see https://inclusivenaming.org/word-lists/

Note: the JSON list has extra comma at end of list of elements which is not
valid in basic JSON but is allowed in user-friendly JSON5 (https://json5.org/)
To handle this the tool uses the PyPi package for parsing json5 format.

$ ./devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py -c | head -5

$ ./devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py lib/pcapng
lib/pcapng/rte_pcapng.c:		/* sanity check that is really a pcapng mbuf */

$ ./devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py -l lib/eal

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
 MAINTAINERS                        |   1 +
 devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 136 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py


index 5fb3a73f840e..dbf7ea2d916d 100644
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@  F: devtools/check-doc-vs-code.sh
 F: devtools/check-dup-includes.sh
 F: devtools/check-maintainers.sh
 F: devtools/check-forbidden-tokens.awk
+F: devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py
 F: devtools/check-git-log.sh
 F: devtools/check-spdx-tag.sh
 F: devtools/check-symbol-change.sh
diff --git a/devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py b/devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e8989c3c9b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/check-inclusive-naming.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright 2023 Stephen Hemminger
+# This script scans the source tree and creates list of files
+# containing words that are recommended to be avoided by the
+# Inclusive Naming Initiative.
+# See: https://inclusivenaming.org/word-lists/
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+# Need JSON5 to be able to handle extra comma
+import json5
+DEFAULT_URL = 'https://inclusivenaming.org/word-lists/index.json'
+# These give false positives
+skip_files = [
+    'doc/guides/rel_notes/', 'doc/guides/contributing/coding_style.rst',
+    'doc/guides/prog_guide/glossary.rst'
+# These are allowed for now
+allow_words = ['abort']
+def args_parse():
+    "parse arguments and return the argument object back to main"
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Identify word usage not aligned with inclusive naming")
+    parser.add_argument('-c',
+                        '--count',
+                        help="Show the number of lines that match",
+                        action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('-d',
+                        '--debug',
+                        default=False,
+                        help="Debug this script",
+                        action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('-l',
+                        '--files-with-matches',
+                        help="Show only names of files with hits",
+                        action='store_true')
+    # note: tier 0 is "ok to use"
+    parser.add_argument('-t',
+                        '--tier',
+                        type=int,
+                        choices=range(0, 4),
+                        action='append',
+                        help="Show non-conforming words of particular tier")
+    parser.add_argument('-x',
+                        '--exclude',
+                        default=skip_files,
+                        action='append',
+                        help="Exclude path from scan")
+    parser.add_argument('-a',
+                        '--allow',
+                        default=allow_words,
+                        action='append',
+                        help="Ignore these words")
+    parser.add_argument('--url',
+                        default=DEFAULT_URL,
+                        help="URL for the non-inclusive naming word list")
+    parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', help='files and directory to scan')
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def fetch_wordlist(url, tiers):
+    "Read list of words from inclusivenaming.org"
+    # The wordlist is returned as JSON like:
+    # {
+    # "data" :
+    #         [
+    #             {
+    #                 "term": "abort",
+    #                 "tier" : "1",
+    #                 "recommendation": "Replace when possible.",
+    # ...
+    with urlopen(url) as response:
+        entries = json5.loads(response.read())['data']
+    wordlist = []
+    for item in entries:
+        tier = int(item['tier'])
+        if tiers.count(tier) > 0:
+            # convert minus sign to minus or space regex
+            pattern = item['term'].replace('-', '[- ]')
+            if not pattern in allow_words:
+                wordlist.append(pattern.lower())
+    return wordlist
+def process(args):
+    "Find matching words"
+    # Default to Tier 1, 2 and 3.
+    if args.tier:
+        tiers = args.tier
+    else:
+        tiers = list(range(1, 4))
+    wordlist = fetch_wordlist(args.url, tiers)
+    if args.debug:
+        print(f'Matching on {len(wordlist)} words')
+    cmd = ['git', 'grep', '-i']
+    if args.files_with_matches:
+        cmd.append('-l')
+    if args.count:
+        cmd.append('-c')
+    for word in wordlist:
+        cmd.append('-e')
+        cmd.append(word)
+    cmd.append('--')
+    for path in skip_files:
+        cmd.append(f':^{path}')
+    cmd += args.paths
+    if args.debug:
+        print(cmd)
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=False)
+def main():
+    '''program main function'''
+    process(args_parse())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()