@@ -279,6 +279,354 @@ test_enqueue_copies(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan)
|| do_multi_copies(dev_id, vchan, 0, 0, 1);
+/* Failure handling test cases - global macros and variables for those tests*/
+#define COMP_BURST_SZ 16
+#define OPT_FENCE(idx) ((fence && idx == 8) ? RTE_DMA_OP_FLAG_FENCE : 0)
+static int
+test_failure_in_full_burst(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence,
+ struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx)
+ /* Test single full batch statuses with failures */
+ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ];
+ struct rte_dmadev_stats baseline, stats;
+ uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0;
+ uint16_t idx;
+ uint16_t count, status_count;
+ unsigned int i;
+ bool error = false;
+ int err_count = 0;
+ rte_dmadev_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &baseline); /* get a baseline set of stats */
+ for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) {
+ int id = rte_dmadev_copy(dev_id, vchan,
+ (i == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[i]->buf_iova + srcs[i]->data_off)),
+ dsts[i]->buf_iova + dsts[i]->data_off,
+ if (id < 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy for buffer %u\n", i);
+ if (i == fail_idx)
+ invalid_addr_id = id;
+ }
+ rte_dmadev_submit(dev_id, vchan);
+ rte_dmadev_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &stats);
+ if (stats.submitted != baseline.submitted + COMP_BURST_SZ)
+ ERR_RETURN("Submitted stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n",
+ stats.submitted, baseline.submitted + COMP_BURST_SZ);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ count = rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error);
+ if (count != fail_idx)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_completed for failure test. Got returned %u not %u.\n",
+ count, fail_idx);
+ if (!error)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. has_error is not set\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. Got last idx %u, not %u\n",
+ fail_idx, idx, invalid_addr_id - 1);
+ /* all checks ok, now verify calling completed() again always returns 0 */
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ if (rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error) != 0
+ || error == false || idx != (invalid_addr_id - 1))
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with follow-up completed calls for fail idx %u\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ status_count = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ,
+ &idx, status);
+ /* some HW may stop on error and be restarted after getting error status for single value
+ * To handle this case, if we get just one error back, wait for more completions and get
+ * status for rest of the burst
+ */
+ if (status_count == 1) {
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ status_count += rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ - 1,
+ &idx, &status[1]);
+ }
+ /* check that at this point we have all status values */
+ if (status_count != COMP_BURST_SZ - count)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with completed_status calls for fail idx %u. Got %u not %u\n",
+ fail_idx, status_count, COMP_BURST_SZ - count);
+ /* now verify just one failure followed by multiple successful or skipped entries */
+ if (status[0] == RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with status returned for fail idx %u. First status was not failure\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ for (i = 1; i < status_count; i++)
+ /* after a failure in a burst, depending on ordering/fencing,
+ * operations may be successful or skipped because of previous error.
+ */
+ if (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with status calls for fail idx %u. Status for job %u (of %u) is not successful\n",
+ fail_idx, count + i, COMP_BURST_SZ);
+ /* check the completed + errors stats are as expected */
+ rte_dmadev_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &stats);
+ if (stats.completed != baseline.completed + COMP_BURST_SZ)
+ ERR_RETURN("Completed stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n",
+ stats.completed, baseline.completed + COMP_BURST_SZ);
+ for (i = 0; i < status_count; i++)
+ err_count += (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL);
+ if (stats.errors != baseline.errors + err_count)
+ ERR_RETURN("'Errors' stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n",
+ stats.errors, baseline.errors + err_count);
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_individual_status_query_with_failure(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence,
+ struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx)
+ /* Test gathering batch statuses one at a time */
+ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ];
+ uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0;
+ uint16_t idx;
+ uint16_t count = 0, status_count = 0;
+ unsigned int j;
+ bool error = false;
+ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) {
+ int id = rte_dmadev_copy(dev_id, vchan,
+ (j == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off)),
+ dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off,
+ if (id < 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy for buffer %u\n", j);
+ if (j == fail_idx)
+ invalid_addr_id = id;
+ }
+ rte_dmadev_submit(dev_id, vchan);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ /* use regular "completed" until we hit error */
+ while (!error) {
+ uint16_t n = rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx, &error);
+ count += n;
+ if (n > 1 || count >= COMP_BURST_SZ)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error - too many completions got\n");
+ if (n == 0 && !error)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpectedly got zero completions after %u completed\n",
+ count);
+ }
+ if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, last successful index not as expected, got %u, expected %u\n",
+ idx, invalid_addr_id - 1);
+ /* use completed_status until we hit end of burst */
+ while (count + status_count < COMP_BURST_SZ) {
+ uint16_t n = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx,
+ &status[status_count]);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan); /* allow delay to ensure jobs are completed */
+ status_count += n;
+ if (n != 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error: unexpected number of completions received, %u, not 1\n",
+ n);
+ }
+ /* check for single failure */
+ if (status[0] == RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpected successful DMA transaction\n");
+ for (j = 1; j < status_count; j++)
+ if (status[j] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpected DMA error reported\n");
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_single_item_status_query_with_failure(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan,
+ struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx)
+ /* When error occurs just collect a single error using "completed_status()"
+ * before going to back to completed() calls
+ */
+ enum rte_dma_status_code status;
+ uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0;
+ uint16_t idx;
+ uint16_t count, status_count, count2;
+ unsigned int j;
+ bool error = false;
+ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) {
+ int id = rte_dmadev_copy(dev_id, vchan,
+ (j == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off)),
+ dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off,
+ COPY_LEN, 0);
+ if (id < 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy for buffer %u\n", j);
+ if (j == fail_idx)
+ invalid_addr_id = id;
+ }
+ rte_dmadev_submit(dev_id, vchan);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ /* get up to the error point */
+ count = rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error);
+ if (count != fail_idx)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_completed for failure test. Got returned %u not %u.\n",
+ count, fail_idx);
+ if (!error)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. has_error is not set\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. Got last idx %u, not %u\n",
+ fail_idx, idx, invalid_addr_id - 1);
+ /* get the error code */
+ status_count = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx, &status);
+ if (status_count != 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with completed_status calls for fail idx %u. Got %u not %u\n",
+ fail_idx, status_count, COMP_BURST_SZ - count);
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with status returned for fail idx %u. First status was not failure\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ /* delay in case time needed after err handled to complete other jobs */
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ /* get the rest of the completions without status */
+ count2 = rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error);
+ if (error == true)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, got further errors post completed_status() call, for failure case %u.\n",
+ fail_idx);
+ if (count + status_count + count2 != COMP_BURST_SZ)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error, incorrect number of completions received, got %u not %u\n",
+ count + status_count + count2, COMP_BURST_SZ);
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_multi_failure(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan, struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts,
+ const unsigned int *fail, size_t num_fail)
+ /* test having multiple errors in one go */
+ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ];
+ unsigned int i, j;
+ uint16_t count, err_count = 0;
+ bool error = false;
+ /* enqueue and gather completions in one go */
+ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) {
+ uintptr_t src = srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off;
+ /* set up for failure if the current index is anywhere is the fails array */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_fail; i++)
+ if (j == fail[i])
+ src = 0;
+ int id = rte_dmadev_copy(dev_id, vchan,
+ src, dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off,
+ COPY_LEN, 0);
+ if (id < 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy for buffer %u\n", j);
+ }
+ rte_dmadev_submit(dev_id, vchan);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ count = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, NULL, status);
+ while (count < COMP_BURST_SZ) {
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ uint16_t ret = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ - count,
+ NULL, &status[count]);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error getting all completions for jobs. Got %u of %u\n",
+ count, COMP_BURST_SZ);
+ count += ret;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ if (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL)
+ err_count++;
+ if (err_count != num_fail)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error: Invalid number of failed completions returned, %u; expected %zu\n",
+ err_count, num_fail);
+ /* enqueue and gather completions in bursts, but getting errors one at a time */
+ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) {
+ uintptr_t src = srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off;
+ /* set up for failure if the current index is anywhere is the fails array */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_fail; i++)
+ if (j == fail[i])
+ src = 0;
+ int id = rte_dmadev_copy(dev_id, vchan,
+ src, dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off,
+ COPY_LEN, 0);
+ if (id < 0)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy for buffer %u\n", j);
+ }
+ rte_dmadev_submit(dev_id, vchan);
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ count = 0;
+ err_count = 0;
+ while (count + err_count < COMP_BURST_SZ) {
+ count += rte_dmadev_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, NULL, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ uint16_t ret = rte_dmadev_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1,
+ NULL, status);
+ if (ret != 1)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error getting error-status for completions\n");
+ err_count += ret;
+ await_hw(dev_id, vchan);
+ }
+ }
+ if (err_count != num_fail)
+ ERR_RETURN("Error: Incorrect number of failed completions received, got %u not %zu\n",
+ err_count, num_fail);
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_completion_status(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence)
+ const unsigned int fail[] = {0, 7, 14, 15};
+ struct rte_mbuf *srcs[COMP_BURST_SZ], *dsts[COMP_BURST_SZ];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) {
+ srcs[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool);
+ dsts[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(fail); i++) {
+ if (test_failure_in_full_burst(dev_id, vchan, fence, srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (test_individual_status_query_with_failure(dev_id, vchan, fence,
+ srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ /* test is run the same fenced, or unfenced, but no harm in running it twice */
+ if (test_single_item_status_query_with_failure(dev_id, vchan,
+ srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (test_multi_failure(dev_id, vchan, srcs, dsts, fail, RTE_DIM(fail)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) {
+ rte_pktmbuf_free(srcs[i]);
+ rte_pktmbuf_free(dsts[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_completion_handling(int dev_id, uint16_t vchan)
+ return test_completion_status(dev_id, vchan, false) /* without fences */
+ || test_completion_status(dev_id, vchan, true); /* with fences */
static int
test_dmadev_instance(uint16_t dev_id)
@@ -335,6 +683,15 @@ test_dmadev_instance(uint16_t dev_id)
if (runtest("copy", test_enqueue_copies, 640, dev_id, vchan, CHECK_ERRS) < 0)
goto err;
+ /* to test error handling we can provide null pointers for source or dest in copies. This
+ * requires VA mode in DPDK, since NULL(0) is a valid physical address.
+ */
+ if (rte_eal_iova_mode() != RTE_IOVA_VA)
+ printf("DMA Dev %u: DPDK not in VA mode, skipping error handling tests\n", dev_id);
+ else if (runtest("error handling", test_completion_handling, 1,
+ dev_id, vchan, !CHECK_ERRS) < 0)
+ goto err;
rte_dmadev_stats_reset(dev_id, vchan);