
[0/5] trivial blank line at end of file cleanup

Message ID 20190410180537.14226-1-stephen@networkplumber.org (mailing list archive)


Stephen Hemminger April 10, 2019, 6:05 p.m. UTC
Ran script that looks for extra whitespace (what git and checkpatch
complain about). Found several trival cases of extra line at
end of file.

Stephen Hemminger (5):
  vhost: eliminate blank line at EOF
  net/atlantic: remove extra blank line at EOF
  bus/fslmc: remove blank line at EOF
  raw/ifpga_rawdev: remove blank line at EOF
  net/qede: remove blank line at EOF

 drivers/bus/fslmc/rte_bus_fslmc_version.map       | 1 -
 drivers/net/atlantic/atl_ethdev.c                 | 1 -
 drivers/net/atlantic/atl_rxtx.c                   | 1 -
 drivers/net/atlantic/hw_atl/hw_atl_b0.c           | 1 -
 drivers/net/qede/qede_filter.c                    | 1 -
 drivers/raw/ifpga_rawdev/base/ifpga_feature_dev.c | 1 -
 drivers/raw/ifpga_rawdev/ifpga_rawdev.c           | 1 -
 lib/librte_vhost/iotlb.c                          | 1 -
 8 files changed, 8 deletions(-)