[v4] doc: update RSS action with best effort

Message ID 1597072105-91338-1-git-send-email-orika@nvidia.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Ferruh Yigit
Series [v4] doc: update RSS action with best effort |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/travis-robot success Travis build: passed

Commit Message

Ori Kam Aug. 10, 2020, 3:08 p.m. UTC
Using the rte_flow action RSS types field,
may result in undefined outcome.

For example selecting both UDP and TCP,
selecting TCP RSS type but the pattern is targeting UDP traffic.
another option is that the PMD doesn't support all requested types.

Until now, it wasn't clear what will happen in such cases.
This commit clarify this issue by stating that the PMD
will work in the best-effort mode, and will fail
in case the requested type is not supported.

Signed-off-by: Ori Kam <orika@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <arybchenko@solarflare.com>
 doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst | 13 +++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)


Ferruh Yigit Sept. 14, 2020, 2:43 p.m. UTC | #1
On 8/10/2020 4:08 PM, Ori Kam wrote:
> Using the rte_flow action RSS types field,
> may result in undefined outcome.
> For example selecting both UDP and TCP,
> selecting TCP RSS type but the pattern is targeting UDP traffic.
> another option is that the PMD doesn't support all requested types.
> Until now, it wasn't clear what will happen in such cases.
> This commit clarify this issue by stating that the PMD
> will work in the best-effort mode, and will fail
> in case the requested type is not supported.
> Signed-off-by: Ori Kam <orika@nvidia.com>
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <arybchenko@solarflare.com>

Applied to dpdk-next-net/main, thanks.


diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst b/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst
index 3e5cd1e..944e824 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst
@@ -1735,6 +1735,19 @@  unspecified "best-effort" settings from the underlying PMD, which depending
 on the flow rule, may result in anything ranging from empty (single queue)
 to all-inclusive RSS.
+If non-applicable for matching packets RSS types are requested,
+these RSS types are simply ignored. For example, it happens if:
+- Hashing of both TCP and UDP ports is requested
+  (only one can present in a packet).
+- Requested RSS types contradict to flow rule pattern
+  (e.g. pattern has UDP item, but RSS types contain TCP).
+If requested RSS hash types are not supported by the Ethernet device at all
+(not reported in ``dev_info.flow_tpe_rss_offloads``),
+the flow creation will fail.
 Note: RSS hash result is stored in the ``hash.rss`` mbuf field which
 overlaps ``hash.fdir.lo``. Since `Action: MARK`_ sets the ``hash.fdir.hi``
 field only, both can be requested simultaneously.