mbox series

[v4,00/14] remove IWYU flagged headers

Message ID 20220620104030.1889156-1-sean.morrissey@intel.com (mailing list archive)
Series remove IWYU flagged headers |


Sean Morrissey June 20, 2022, 10:40 a.m. UTC
This patchset removes unused header includes flagged
by the IWYU tool for the 22.07 release.

* Fix arm build issues.
* Fix more linux build issues.
* Fix various build issues.

Sean Morrissey (14):
  cmdline: remove unneeded header includes
  eal: remove unneeded header includes
  ethdev: remove unneeded header includes
  gpudev: remove unneeded header includes
  gso: remove unneeded header includes
  hash: remove unneeded header includes
  jobstats: remove unneeded header includes
  meter: remove unneeded header includes
  net: remove unneeded header includes
  power: remove unneeded header includes
  rawdev: remove unneeded header includes
  sched: remove unneeded header includes
  timer: remove unneeded header includes
  vhost: remove unneeded header includes

 lib/cmdline/cmdline_cirbuf.h       | 1 -
 lib/cmdline/cmdline_parse_num.c    | 3 ---
 lib/cmdline/cmdline_socket.c       | 4 ----
 lib/cmdline/cmdline_socket.h       | 1 -
 lib/eal/common/eal_common_config.c | 1 -
 lib/eal/common/eal_common_launch.c | 1 -
 lib/eal/common/eal_common_log.c    | 1 -
 lib/eal/linux/eal_thread.c         | 6 ------
 lib/eal/unix/eal_filesystem.c      | 2 --
 lib/ethdev/rte_class_eth.c         | 2 --
 lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c            | 9 ---------
 lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h            | 1 -
 lib/ethdev/rte_flow.c              | 2 --
 lib/ethdev/rte_flow.h              | 3 ---
 lib/ethdev/rte_mtr.c               | 1 -
 lib/gpudev/gpudev.c                | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_common.c               | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_common.h               | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_tcp4.h                 | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_tunnel_tcp4.h          | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_tunnel_udp4.h          | 1 -
 lib/gso/gso_udp4.h                 | 1 -
 lib/hash/rte_cuckoo_hash.c         | 2 --
 lib/jobstats/rte_jobstats.h        | 1 -
 lib/meter/rte_meter.c              | 3 ---
 lib/net/rte_net.h                  | 1 -
 lib/power/rte_power_empty_poll.h   | 3 ---
 lib/power/rte_power_pmd_mgmt.h     | 4 ----
 lib/rawdev/rte_rawdev.h            | 1 -
 lib/sched/rte_pie.c                | 1 -
 lib/timer/rte_timer.c              | 1 -
 lib/timer/rte_timer.h              | 2 --
 lib/vhost/vhost.h                  | 2 --
 lib/vhost/vhost_user.h             | 1 -
 34 files changed, 67 deletions(-)


Thomas Monjalon June 21, 2022, 2:48 p.m. UTC | #1
20/06/2022 12:40, Sean Morrissey:
> This patchset removes unused header includes flagged
> by the IWYU tool for the 22.07 release.
> V4:
> * Fix arm build issues.
> V3:
> * Fix more linux build issues.
> V2:
> * Fix various build issues.

Build looks fine now.
Applied, thanks.