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« 1 2 3 454 55 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[V1] vswitch_pvp_multi_paths_performance_with_cbdma: delete testsuite [V1] vswitch_pvp_multi_paths_performance_with_cbdma: delete testsuite - - - 31- 2023-05-23 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V1] pvp_virtio_user_4k_pages: rename testsuite [V1] pvp_virtio_user_4k_pages: rename testsuite - - - 3-- 2023-05-22 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V1] test_plans/vhost_user_live_migration: add restart NFS service step [V1] test_plans/vhost_user_live_migration: add restart NFS service step - - - 31- 2023-05-22 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[v2] framework: fix container vm port conflict [v2] framework: fix container vm port conflict - 1 - 3-- 2023-05-22 Gao, DaxueX Accepted
[v1] framework: fix container vm port conflict [v1] framework: fix container vm port conflict - - - 2-1 2023-05-22 Gao, DaxueX Superseded
[V2] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg and add -a param and save meson tes… [V2] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg and add -a param and save meson tes… - 1 - 2-1 2023-05-18 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V4,3/3] conf: add iavf_checksum_offload_perf configuration file add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test suite - - - 31- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Accepted
[V4,2/3] tests: add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test script add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Accepted
[V4,1/3] test_plans: add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test plan add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Accepted
[V4,0/3] add iavf_checksum_offload_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han None
[V4,3/3] conf: add i40e_multi_driver_perf configuration file add i40e_multi_driver_perf test suite - - - 111 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V4,2/3] tests: add i40e_multi_driver_perf test script add i40e_multi_driver_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V4,1/3] test_plans: add i40e_multi_driver_perf test plan add i40e_multi_driver_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V4,0/3] add i40e_multi_driver_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-05-18 Yingya Han None
[V1] tests/vf_single_core_perf: support IO forwarding mode [V1] tests/vf_single_core_perf: support IO forwarding mode - - - 111 2023-05-18 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V1] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg and add -a param and save meson tes… [V1] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg and add -a param and save meson tes… - - - 2-1 2023-05-17 Jiang, YuX Superseded
[V1] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg, add -a param and save meson test l… [V1] tests/meson_tests: split test_args in conf/meson_tests.cfg, add -a param and save meson test l… - - - 1-2 2023-05-17 Jiang, YuX Superseded
[V2,2/2] tests/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test script [V2,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan - - - 3-1 2023-05-12 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V2,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan [V2,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan - - - --- 2023-05-12 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,2/2] tests/iavf_flexible_descriptor: remove "IGC-I225_LM" as support for nic remove "IGC-I225_LM" as support for nic - - - 2-1 2023-05-12 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V1,1/2] tests/flexible_rxd: remove "IGC-I225_LM" as support for nic remove "IGC-I225_LM" as support for nic - - - --- 2023-05-12 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V1,0/2] remove "IGC-I225_LM" as support for nic - - - --- 2023-05-12 Jiale, SongX None
[V1,4/4] conf/*: to correct I40E_10G-SFP_X710 codename to-correct-I40E_10G-SFP_X710-codename - - - 3-- 2023-05-10 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V1,3/4] tests/*: to correct I40E_10G-SFP_X710 codename to-correct-I40E_10G-SFP_X710-codename - - - --- 2023-05-10 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V1,2/4] test_plans/ip_pipeline: to correct I40E_10G-SFP_X710 codename to-correct-I40E_10G-SFP_X710-codename - - - --- 2023-05-10 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V1,1/4] framework/*: to correct I40E_10G-SFP_X710 codename to-correct-I40E_10G-SFP_X710-codename - - - --- 2023-05-10 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V1,0/4] to-correct-I40E_10G-SFP_X710-codename - - - --- 2023-05-10 Jiang, YuX None
[v2,2/2] conf/power_empty_poll: remove power_empty_poll configuration remove power_empty_poll test_plan and conf 1 - - 31- 2023-05-08 Tadhg Kearney Accepted
[v2,1/2] test_plan/power_empty_poll: remove power_empty_poll test_plan remove power_empty_poll test_plan and conf 1 - - --- 2023-05-08 Tadhg Kearney Accepted
[v2,0/2] remove power_empty_poll test_plan and conf - - - --- 2023-05-08 Tadhg Kearney None
[V1] tests/efd: supports simultaneous compilation of examples [V1] tests/efd: supports simultaneous compilation of examples - - - 3-- 2023-05-06 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V1] test_plan/power_empty_poll: remove power_empty_poll test_plan [V1] test_plan/power_empty_poll: remove power_empty_poll test_plan - - - 31- 2023-05-05 Tadhg Kearney Superseded
[4/4] test_plan: updated testsuite details for ipsec testcases Added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release features - - - 4-- 2023-05-01 Yogesh Jangra Accepted
[3/4] tests/pipeline: added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release Added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release features - - - --- 2023-05-01 Yogesh Jangra Accepted
[2/4] dep/pipeline: added dependency for dpdk 23.03 release testcases Added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release features - - - --- 2023-05-01 Yogesh Jangra Accepted
[1/4] dep/pipeline: updated dependencies for mempool parameter Added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release features - - - --- 2023-05-01 Yogesh Jangra Accepted
[0/4] Added testcases for dpdk 23.03 release features - - - --- 2023-05-01 Yogesh Jangra None
doc/dts_gsg: Add container user guide doc/dts_gsg: Add container user guide 1 - - 31- 2023-04-28 Luo, Michael Accepted
version: 23.07-rc0 version: 23.07-rc0 - - - 21- 2023-04-28 Tu, Lijuan Accepted
[V1,2/2] tests/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test script [V1,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan - - - 2-2 2023-04-27 Lingli Chen Superseded
[V1,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan [V1,1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: add vf_queue_start_stop test plan - - - --- 2023-04-27 Lingli Chen Superseded
[V1] test_plans/dpdk_gso_lib & dpdk_gro_lib: Optimize launch qemu parameters [V1] test_plans/dpdk_gso_lib & dpdk_gro_lib: Optimize launch qemu parameters - - - 31- 2023-04-27 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters [V2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters - - - 31- 2023-04-27 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V1] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters [V1] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters 1 - - --- 2023-04-27 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V1] test_plans/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters [V1] test_plans/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize launch qemu parameters - - - 11- 2023-04-27 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V3] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V3] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method 2 - - 21- 2023-04-27 Yuan, DukaiX Accepted
[V1] tests/ice_buffer_split: optimize scripts [V1] tests/ice_buffer_split: optimize scripts - - - 3-- 2023-04-26 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V1] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize the Secure Copy file size [V1] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma & vswitch_sample_cbdma: Optimize the Secure Copy file size 2 - - 3-- 2023-04-26 Yuan, DukaiX Accepted
version: 23.03.0 version: 23.03.0 - - - 21- 2023-04-26 Tu, Lijuan Accepted
version: 23.03.0 version: 23.03.0 - - - 21- 2023-04-26 Tu, Lijuan Superseded
update release note for 23.03 update release note for 23.03 - - - 31- 2023-04-26 Tu, Lijuan Accepted
[V3] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify [V3] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify 1 - - 21- 2023-04-26 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V2] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V2] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method - - - 21- 2023-04-26 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V2] tests/*_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V2] tests/*_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method - - - 3-- 2023-04-26 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V2] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify [V2] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify - - - 21- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify [V1] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: add expected value in suite config file to verify - - - 21- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1] tests/pvp_virtio_user_4k_hugepages: add expected value in suite config to verify [V1] tests/pvp_virtio_user_4k_hugepages: add expected value in suite config to verify 2 - - 31- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V1,2/2] conf/pvp_virtio_user_2M_hugepages: add suite config to save expected value add expected value in suite config to 2 - - 2-- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V1,1/2] tests/pvp_virtio_user_2M_hugepages: add expected value in suite config to verify add expected value in suite config to - - - --- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V1,0/2] add expected value in suite config to - - - --- 2023-04-25 Ling, WeiX None
[V1] tests/vf_pmd_bonded: optimize scripts [V1] tests/vf_pmd_bonded: optimize scripts - - - 11- 2023-04-24 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V1,2/2] conf/pvp_virtio_user_4k_pages: add expected value to verify add expected value to verify - - - 2-- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1,1/2] tests/pvp_virtio_user_4k_pages: add expected value to verify add expected value to verify - - - --- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1,0/2] add expected value to verify - - - --- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX None
[V1] test_plans/loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa: fix testplan issue [V1] test_plans/loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa: fix testplan issue 2 - - 31- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V2,3/3] conf/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add expected value to verify add case3 and optimize verify expected value 2 - - 31- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V2,2/3] tests/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add case3 to test virtio1.1 and optimize verify expected add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V2,1/3] test_plans/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add case3 to test virtio 1.1 path add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX Accepted
[V2,0/3] add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-24 Ling, WeiX None
[V2] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V2] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method - - - 21- 2023-04-23 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V2,3/3] conf: add ice_iavf_checksum_perf configuration file add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test suite - - - 211 2023-04-21 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V2,2/3] tests: add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test script add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-04-21 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V2,1/3] test_plans: add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test plan add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-04-21 Yingya Han Changes Requested
[V2,0/3] add ice_iavf_checksum_perf test suite - - - --- 2023-04-21 Yingya Han None
[V1] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V1] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method - - - 21- 2023-04-21 Yuan, DukaiX Superseded
[V1,2/2] tests/generic_flow_api: add ixgbe new cases [V1,1/2] test_plans/generic_flow_api: add ixgbe new cases 1 - 1 31- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,1/2] test_plans/generic_flow_api: add ixgbe new cases [V1,1/2] test_plans/generic_flow_api: add ixgbe new cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,3/3] conf/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add expected value to verify add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - 31- 2023-04-20 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1,2/3] tests/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add case3 to test virtio1.1 and optimize verify expected value add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-20 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1,1/3] test_plans/pvp_diff_qemu_version: add case3 to test virtio 1.1 path add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-20 Ling, WeiX Superseded
[V1,0/3] add case3 and optimize verify expected value - - - --- 2023-04-20 Ling, WeiX None
[V1,5/5] tests/ddp_mpls: skip igb_uio cases skip DPDK PF as host related cases 1 - 1 31- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,4/5] test_plans/ddp_mpls: add note skip DPDK PF as host related cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,3/5] tests/ddp_gtp: skip igb_uio cases skip DPDK PF as host related cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,2/5] test_plans/ddp_gtp: add note skip DPDK PF as host related cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,1/5] test_plans/vf_macfilter: change "igb_uio" to "vfio-pci" in kernel pf cases skip DPDK PF as host related cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen Accepted
[V1,0/5] skip DPDK PF as host related cases - - - --- 2023-04-20 Lingli Chen None
[V1] tests/vf_l2fwd: Optimize scripts [V1] tests/vf_l2fwd: Optimize scripts - - - 2-1 2023-04-19 Jiang, YuX Accepted
[V3,2/2] tests/stats_checks: add a case add a case to test pf negative xstats check 1 - - 4-- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V3,1/2] test_plans/stats_checks: add a case add a case to test pf negative xstats check - - - --- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V3,0/2] add a case to test pf negative xstats check - - - --- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX None
[V3,2/2] tests/stats_checks: add a case add a case to test pf negative xstats check - - - 4-- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX Superseded
[V3,1/2] test_plans/stats_checks: add a case add a case to test pf negative xstats check - - - --- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX Superseded
[V3,0/2] add a case to test pf negative xstats check - - - --- 2023-04-18 Jiale, SongX None
[V1,3/3] tests/ddp_mpls: skip igb_uio cases [V1,1/3] test_plans/vf_macfilter: change "igb_uio" to "vfio-pci" in kernel pf cases - - - 31- 2023-04-18 Lingli Chen Superseded
[V1,2/3] tests/ddp_gtp: skip igb_uio cases [V1,1/3] test_plans/vf_macfilter: change "igb_uio" to "vfio-pci" in kernel pf cases - - - --- 2023-04-18 Lingli Chen Superseded
[V1,1/3] test_plans/vf_macfilter: change "igb_uio" to "vfio-pci" in kernel pf cases [V1,1/3] test_plans/vf_macfilter: change "igb_uio" to "vfio-pci" in kernel pf cases - - - --- 2023-04-18 Lingli Chen Superseded
[V1] tests/*_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method [V1] tests/*_cbdma: Optimize calling virtio_common API method - - - 3-- 2023-04-18 Yuan, DukaiX Accepted
[V1,4/4] tests/dual_vlan: add a case to test vlan priority value add case to test vlan priority value 2 - - 3-1 2023-04-17 Jiale, SongX Accepted
[V1,3/4] test_plans/dual_vlan: add a case to test vlan priority value add case to test vlan priority value - - - --- 2023-04-17 Jiale, SongX Accepted
« 1 2 3 454 55 »