mbox series

[pull-request] dpdk-next-net-eventdev - 21.05 - PRE-RC1

Message ID SN7PR18MB4398B6507C1A0567260158CDC8709@SN7PR18MB4398.namprd18.prod.outlook.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series [pull-request] dpdk-next-net-eventdev - 21.05 - PRE-RC1 |




Context Check Description
ci/Intel-compilation fail apply issues
ci/travis-robot success travis build: passed


Jerin Jacob April 12, 2021, 1:20 p.m. UTC
Patched moved to next  pull-request for next RC1

1) http://patches.dpdk.org/user/todo/dpdk/?series=16285 (Waiting for @abhinandan.gujjar@intel.com Ack)
2) http://patches.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/8d73cf4b565f5f66badaca26ec3a9f26cedf2304.1618217424.git.sthotton@marvell.com/ 	(Waiting for @abhinandan.gujjar@intel.com Ack)

Patches moved to next  pull-request for RC2
1) event/dlb2 rework( Waiting for @Timothy McDaniel's next version)
2) event/cnxk addition ( Waiting for @Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran Review)

Patched moved to v21.08
1) http://patches.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/20210409113223.65260-1-mattias.ronnblom@ericsson.com/ (Waiting for Review from @harry.van.haaren@intel.com @Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran for RFC patch)

Hi @Thomas Monjalon

The following changes since commit b40d7062ff2e065fb617494589ee810766e12a19:

  net/dpaa2: fix RSS distribution size field (2021-04-09 11:00:30 +0200)

are available in the Git repository at:


for you to fetch changes up to 36a402db0966a64cbf9d133d2d982b234a0ff9fb:

  event/octeontx2: fix device reconfigure for single slot (2021-04-12 12:53:34 +0530)

Harman Kalra (1):
      event/octeontx2: fix device reconfigure for single slot

Harry van Haaren (1):
      event/sw: add xstats to expose progress details

Mattias Rönnblom (1):
      event/dsw: use GCC built-ins for atomics

Pavan Nikhilesh (14):
      test/event: fix timeout accuracy
      event/octeontx2: fix xaq pool reconfigure
      app/eventdev: fix timeout accuracy
      event/octeontx2: simplify timer bucket estimation
      event/octeontx2: optimize timer arm routine
      event/octeontx2: reduce chunk pool memory usage
      event/octeontx2: timer always use virtual counter
      eventdev: introduce event vector capability
      eventdev: introduce event vector Rx capability
      eventdev: introduce event vector Tx capability
      eventdev: add Rx adapter event vector support
      eventdev: add Tx adapter event vector support
      app/eventdev: add event vector mode in pipeline test
      doc: announce event Rx adapter config changes

Shijith Thotton (3):
      eventdev: introduce adapter flags for periodic mode
      test/event: add unit tests for periodic timer
      event/octeontx2: add timer periodic mode support

Timothy McDaniel (1):
       event/dlb: remove dlb driver

MAINTAINERS                                        |    5 -
 app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h                     |    4 +
 app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c                    |   52 +
 app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h                    |    4 +
 app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c               |   22 +-
 app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_atq.c              |  310 +-
 app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.c           |  113 +-
 app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.h           |   18 +
 app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_queue.c            |  318 +-
 app/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c                |  142 +-
 app/test/test_eventdev.c                           |    7 -
 config/rte_config.h                                |    6 -
 doc/api/doxy-api-index.md                          |    1 -
 doc/api/doxy-api.conf.in                           |    1 -
 doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb.rst                       |  341 -
 doc/guides/eventdevs/index.rst                     |    1 -
 .../prog_guide/event_ethernet_rx_adapter.rst       |   57 +
 .../prog_guide/event_ethernet_tx_adapter.rst       |   12 +
 doc/guides/prog_guide/event_timer_adapter.rst      |   16 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst                 |   36 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst               |    9 +
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst             |    3 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst             |   16 +
 doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst                  |   45 +-
 drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h               |    7 +
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c                            | 4085 ------------
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.c                      |   79 -
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.h                      |   82 -
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_inline_fns.h                 |   36 -
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_log.h                        |   25 -
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_priv.h                       |  511 --
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_selftest.c                   | 1544 -----
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_user.h                       |  814 ---
 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_xstats.c                     | 1212 ----
 drivers/event/dlb/meson.build                      |   22 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_hw_types.h           |  334 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep.h              |  310 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_bitmap.h       |  441 --
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_list.h         |  131 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_types.h        |   31 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_regs.h               | 2368 -------
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.c           | 6904 --------------------
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.h           |  876 ---
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.c                    |  552 --
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.h                    |   44 -
 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_pf.c                      |  755 ---
 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.c                    |   38 -
 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.h                    |   77 -
 drivers/event/dlb/version.map                      |    9 -
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.c                      |    5 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.h                      |    6 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_event.c                      |   37 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_xstats.c                     |    4 +-
 drivers/event/meson.build                          |    2 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_evdev.c               |   65 +-
drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_evdev.c           |  145 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_evdev.h           |  109 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.c          |    9 +-
 drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h          |  211 +-
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev.h                        |    2 +
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_scheduler.c              |   13 +
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_selftest.c               |   28 +-
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_xstats.c                 |    9 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/eventdev_pmd.h                 |   60 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.c     |  386 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.h     |  108 +
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_tx_adapter.c     |   66 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_timer_adapter.h      |   13 +
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.c                 |   53 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.h                 |  117 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/version.map                    |    5 +
 71 files changed, 2209 insertions(+), 22070 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb.rst
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_inline_fns.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_log.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_priv.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_selftest.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_user.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_xstats.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/meson.build
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_hw_types.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_bitmap.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_list.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_types.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_regs.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_pf.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/version.map


Timothy McDaniel April 12, 2021, 1:27 p.m. UTC | #1
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran <jerinj@marvell.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 8:20 AM
> To: Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>; Gujjar, Abhinandan S
> <abhinandan.gujjar@intel.com>; McDaniel, Timothy
> <timothy.mcdaniel@intel.com>; Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran
> <jerinj@marvell.com>; Van Haaren, Harry <harry.van.haaren@intel.com>
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Shijith Thotton <sthotton@marvell.com>; Akhil Goyal
> <gakhil@marvell.com>; Pavan Nikhilesh Bhagavatula
> <pbhagavatula@marvell.com>; mattias.ronnblom
> <mattias.ronnblom@ericsson.com>
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [pull-request] dpdk-next-net-eventdev - 21.05 - PRE-RC1
> Patched moved to next  pull-request for next RC1
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1) http://patches.dpdk.org/user/todo/dpdk/?series=16285 (Waiting for
> @abhinandan.gujjar@intel.com Ack)
> 2)
> http://patches.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/8d73cf4b565f5f66badaca26ec3a9f
> 26cedf2304.1618217424.git.sthotton@marvell.com/ 	(Waiting for
> @abhinandan.gujjar@intel.com Ack)
> Patches moved to next  pull-request for RC2
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1) event/dlb2 rework( Waiting for @Timothy McDaniel's next version)
> 2) event/cnxk addition ( Waiting for @Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran Review)
> Patched moved to v21.08
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1) http://patches.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/20210409113223.65260-1-
> mattias.ronnblom@ericsson.com/ (Waiting for Review from
> @harry.van.haaren@intel.com @Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran for RFC patch)
> Hi @Thomas Monjalon
> The following changes since commit
> b40d7062ff2e065fb617494589ee810766e12a19:
>   net/dpaa2: fix RSS distribution size field (2021-04-09 11:00:30 +0200)
> are available in the Git repository at:
>   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
> for you to fetch changes up to 36a402db0966a64cbf9d133d2d982b234a0ff9fb:
>   event/octeontx2: fix device reconfigure for single slot (2021-04-12 12:53:34
> +0530)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Harman Kalra (1):
>       event/octeontx2: fix device reconfigure for single slot
> Harry van Haaren (1):
>       event/sw: add xstats to expose progress details
> Mattias Rönnblom (1):
>       event/dsw: use GCC built-ins for atomics
> Pavan Nikhilesh (14):
>       test/event: fix timeout accuracy
>       event/octeontx2: fix xaq pool reconfigure
>       app/eventdev: fix timeout accuracy
>       event/octeontx2: simplify timer bucket estimation
>       event/octeontx2: optimize timer arm routine
>       event/octeontx2: reduce chunk pool memory usage
>       event/octeontx2: timer always use virtual counter
>       eventdev: introduce event vector capability
>       eventdev: introduce event vector Rx capability
>       eventdev: introduce event vector Tx capability
>       eventdev: add Rx adapter event vector support
>       eventdev: add Tx adapter event vector support
>       app/eventdev: add event vector mode in pipeline test
>       doc: announce event Rx adapter config changes
> Shijith Thotton (3):
>       eventdev: introduce adapter flags for periodic mode
>       test/event: add unit tests for periodic timer
>       event/octeontx2: add timer periodic mode support
> Timothy McDaniel (1):
>        event/dlb: remove dlb driver
> MAINTAINERS                                        |    5 -
>  app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h                     |    4 +
>  app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c                    |   52 +
>  app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h                    |    4 +
>  app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c               |   22 +-
>  app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_atq.c              |  310 +-
>  app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.c           |  113 +-
>  app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.h           |   18 +
>  app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_queue.c            |  318 +-
>  app/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c                |  142 +-
>  app/test/test_eventdev.c                           |    7 -
>  config/rte_config.h                                |    6 -
>  doc/api/doxy-api-index.md                          |    1 -
>  doc/api/doxy-api.conf.in                           |    1 -
>  doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb.rst                       |  341 -
>  doc/guides/eventdevs/index.rst                     |    1 -
>  .../prog_guide/event_ethernet_rx_adapter.rst       |   57 +
>  .../prog_guide/event_ethernet_tx_adapter.rst       |   12 +
>  doc/guides/prog_guide/event_timer_adapter.rst      |   16 +-
>  doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst                 |   36 +-
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst               |    9 +
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst             |    3 +-
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst             |   16 +
>  doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst                  |   45 +-
>  drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h               |    7 +
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c                            | 4085 ------------
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.c                      |   79 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.h                      |   82 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_inline_fns.h                 |   36 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_log.h                        |   25 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_priv.h                       |  511 --
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_selftest.c                   | 1544 -----
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_user.h                       |  814 ---
>  drivers/event/dlb/dlb_xstats.c                     | 1212 ----
>  drivers/event/dlb/meson.build                      |   22 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_hw_types.h           |  334 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep.h              |  310 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_bitmap.h       |  441 --
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_list.h         |  131 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_types.h        |   31 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_regs.h               | 2368 -------
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.c           | 6904 --------------------
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.h           |  876 ---
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.c                    |  552 --
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.h                    |   44 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_pf.c                      |  755 ---
>  drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.c                    |   38 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.h                    |   77 -
>  drivers/event/dlb/version.map                      |    9 -
>  drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.c                      |    5 +-
>  drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.h                      |    6 +-
>  drivers/event/dsw/dsw_event.c                      |   37 +-
>  drivers/event/dsw/dsw_xstats.c                     |    4 +-
>  drivers/event/meson.build                          |    2 +-
>  drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_evdev.c               |   65 +-
> drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_evdev.c           |  145 +-
>  drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_evdev.h           |  109 +-
>  drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.c          |    9 +-
>  drivers/event/octeontx2/otx2_tim_worker.h          |  211 +-
>  drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev.h                        |    2 +
>  drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_scheduler.c              |   13 +
>  drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_selftest.c               |   28 +-
>  drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_xstats.c                 |    9 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/eventdev_pmd.h                 |   60 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.c     |  386 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.h     |  108 +
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_tx_adapter.c     |   66 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_timer_adapter.h      |   13 +
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.c                 |   53 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/rte_eventdev.h                 |  117 +-
>  lib/librte_eventdev/version.map                    |    5 +
>  71 files changed, 2209 insertions(+), 22070 deletions(-)
>  delete mode 100644 doc/guides/eventdevs/dlb.rst
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_iface.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_inline_fns.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_log.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_priv.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_selftest.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_user.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/dlb_xstats.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/meson.build
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_hw_types.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_bitmap.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_list.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_osdep_types.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_regs.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/base/dlb_resource.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_main.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/pf/dlb_pf.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.c
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/rte_pmd_dlb.h
>  delete mode 100644 drivers/event/dlb/version.map


I had sent you an email last week asking for clarification on your request that I use git mv.

Thanks, Tim
Jerin Jacob April 12, 2021, 1:40 p.m. UTC | #2
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 6:57 PM McDaniel, Timothy
<timothy.mcdaniel@intel.com> wrote:

> Jerin,
> I had sent you an email last week asking for clarification on your request that I use git mv.

@McDaniel, Timothy  Could you share the link for patchwork link for the same.

> Thanks, Tim
Thomas Monjalon April 12, 2021, 10:12 p.m. UTC | #3
12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
>   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev

Pulled, thanks.

Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
or "add support" simplified as "support",
and release notes moved in the right place.
David Marchand April 13, 2021, 7:15 a.m. UTC | #4
On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:12 AM Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> wrote:
> 12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
> >   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
> Pulled, thanks.
> Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
> or "add support" simplified as "support",
> and release notes moved in the right place.

The ABI check now reports an error on event/dlb.
The reason is that the event/dlb driver has been removed, and so the
check complains about a missing dump.
This will have to be fixed quickly or reverted.

This has been missed by multiple people, so trying to understand why.

The ABI check should have caught this when run by maintainers (/me
looks at Thomas and Jerin).

The CI should have caught it too.
But, v1 did not apply.
For v2, I can see a doc generation issue reported by Intel CI that I
can't reproduce, so it could be just noise.
I can't find reports for Travis or GHA and I could not find in the
robot logs why the series_15708 branch was not created.

Looking at UNH reports:
But looking at the log:
[2713/2716] Compiling C object
[2714/2716] Linking static target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.a.
[2715/2716] Generating rte_event_octeontx2.sym_chk with a meson_exe.py
custom command.
[2716/2716] Linking target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.so.21.1.
Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump in

Is this something that has been fixed since then?

I don't have the main branch/recent series status from UNH, but at
least GHA and Travis are now complaining about ABI.
Thomas Monjalon April 13, 2021, 7:31 a.m. UTC | #5
13/04/2021 09:15, David Marchand:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:12 AM Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> wrote:
> >
> > 12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
> > >   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
> >
> > Pulled, thanks.
> >
> > Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
> > or "add support" simplified as "support",
> > and release notes moved in the right place.
> The ABI check now reports an error on event/dlb.
> The reason is that the event/dlb driver has been removed, and so the
> check complains about a missing dump.
> This will have to be fixed quickly or reverted.
> This has been missed by multiple people, so trying to understand why.
> The ABI check should have caught this when run by maintainers (/me
> looks at Thomas and Jerin).
> The CI should have caught it too.
> But, v1 did not apply.
> For v2, I can see a doc generation issue reported by Intel CI that I
> can't reproduce, so it could be just noise.
> I can't find reports for Travis or GHA and I could not find in the
> robot logs why the series_15708 branch was not created.
> Looking at UNH reports:
> http://mails.dpdk.org/archives/test-report/2021-March/182956.html
> But looking at the log:
> [2713/2716] Compiling C object
> 'drivers/a715181@@rte_event_octeontx2@sta/meson-generated_.._rte_event_octeontx2.pmd.c.o'.
> [2714/2716] Linking static target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.a.
> [2715/2716] Generating rte_event_octeontx2.sym_chk with a meson_exe.py
> custom command.
> [2716/2716] Linking target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.so.21.1.
> Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump in
> /home-local/jenkins-local/jenkins-agent/workspace/Ubuntu18.04-Compile-DPDK-ABI/dpdk/build-gcc-shared/install
> Is this something that has been fixed since then?
> I don't have the main branch/recent series status from UNH, but at
> least GHA and Travis are now complaining about ABI.

Sorry about that, this is because I stupidly thought I could fix it
locally without thinking about the CI.
I am going to send a patch for devtools/libabigail.abignore.
Jerin Jacob April 13, 2021, 8:54 a.m. UTC | #6
On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:46 PM David Marchand
<david.marchand@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:12 AM Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> wrote:
> >
> > 12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
> > >   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
> >
> > Pulled, thanks.
> >
> > Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
> > or "add support" simplified as "support",
> > and release notes moved in the right place.
> The ABI check now reports an error on event/dlb.
> The reason is that the event/dlb driver has been removed, and so the
> check complains about a missing dump.
> This will have to be fixed quickly or reverted.
> This has been missed by multiple people, so trying to understand why.

I was running the following script[1] to detect ABI issues.
Since the "./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh" did not return non zero value or
the error print was "Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump", It is
missed from my side.

@David Marchand  @Thomas Monjalon Could you share the snippet you are
using for detecting the ABI issue.

# ABI check
./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh 1> /tmp/build.log 2> /tmp/build.log
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "ABI check failed"

grep "Error: ABI issue reported" /tmp/build.log
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "ABI issue"

> The ABI check should have caught this when run by maintainers (/me
> looks at Thomas and Jerin).

Sorry for that :-(
Thomas Monjalon April 13, 2021, 9:01 a.m. UTC | #7
13/04/2021 10:54, Jerin Jacob:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:46 PM David Marchand
> <david.marchand@redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:12 AM Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> wrote:
> > >
> > > 12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
> > > >   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
> > >
> > > Pulled, thanks.
> > >
> > > Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
> > > or "add support" simplified as "support",
> > > and release notes moved in the right place.
> >
> > The ABI check now reports an error on event/dlb.
> > The reason is that the event/dlb driver has been removed, and so the
> > check complains about a missing dump.
> > This will have to be fixed quickly or reverted.
> >
> >
> > This has been missed by multiple people, so trying to understand why.
> I was running the following script[1] to detect ABI issues.
> Since the "./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh" did not return non zero value or
> the error print was "Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump", It is
> missed from my side.
> @David Marchand  @Thomas Monjalon Could you share the snippet you are
> using for detecting the ABI issue.

I do like you: simply run test-meson-builds.sh
And yes I saw the error, and I don't know why I thought it was OK!
We are humans :)

> ------------------------
> # ABI check
> ./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh 1> /tmp/build.log 2> /tmp/build.log
> if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>         echo "ABI check failed"
>         exit
> fi
> grep "Error: ABI issue reported" /tmp/build.log
> if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
>         echo "ABI issue"
>         exit
> fi
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > The ABI check should have caught this when run by maintainers (/me
> > looks at Thomas and Jerin).
> Sorry for that :-(
David Marchand April 13, 2021, 9:07 a.m. UTC | #8
On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM Jerin Jacob <jerinjacobk@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was running the following script[1] to detect ABI issues.
> Since the "./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh" did not return non zero value or
> the error print was "Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump", It is
> missed from my side.
> @David Marchand  @Thomas Monjalon Could you share the snippet you are
> using for detecting the ABI issue.
> ------------------------
> # ABI check

Ah ok, this is because event/dlb did not exist in 20.11.
Running against 21.02, you should get the error.
Thomas Monjalon April 13, 2021, 9:12 a.m. UTC | #9
13/04/2021 11:07, David Marchand:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM Jerin Jacob <jerinjacobk@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was running the following script[1] to detect ABI issues.
> > Since the "./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh" did not return non zero value or
> > the error print was "Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump", It is
> > missed from my side.
> >
> > @David Marchand  @Thomas Monjalon Could you share the snippet you are
> > using for detecting the ABI issue.
> >
> >
> > ------------------------
> > # ABI check
> Ah ok, this is because event/dlb did not exist in 20.11.

No it was added in 20.11.

> Running against 21.02, you should get the error.

Yes we should always run the ABI check against the latest release.
It means you must upgrade DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION after each release.
David Marchand April 13, 2021, 9:14 a.m. UTC | #10
On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 11:07 AM David Marchand
<david.marchand@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM Jerin Jacob <jerinjacobk@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was running the following script[1] to detect ABI issues.
> > Since the "./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh" did not return non zero value or
> > the error print was "Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump", It is
> > missed from my side.
> >
> > @David Marchand  @Thomas Monjalon Could you share the snippet you are
> > using for detecting the ABI issue.
> >
> >
> > ------------------------
> > # ABI check
> Ah ok, this is because event/dlb did not exist in 20.11.
> Running against 21.02, you should get the error.

Clicked send too quickly...

No, it did exist.

$ DPDK_ABI_REF_VERSION=v20.11 ./devtools/test-meson-builds.sh
ninja: Entering directory `/home/dmarchan/builds/build-gcc-static'
ninja: no work to do.
ninja: Entering directory `/home/dmarchan/builds/build-gcc-shared'
ninja: no work to do.
Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump in

Hum... the next reason I see would be that your reference does not
have event/dlb which is surprising with default configuration.
$ ls $DPDK_ABI_REF_DIR/*/*/dump/*dlb.dump
Aaron Conole April 13, 2021, 12:58 p.m. UTC | #11
David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> writes:

> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:12 AM Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> wrote:
>> 12/04/2021 15:20, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran:
>> >   http://dpdk.org/git/next/dpdk-next-eventdev
>> Pulled, thanks.
>> Note few changes in titles like uppercases for acronyms,
>> or "add support" simplified as "support",
>> and release notes moved in the right place.
> The ABI check now reports an error on event/dlb.
> The reason is that the event/dlb driver has been removed, and so the
> check complains about a missing dump.
> This will have to be fixed quickly or reverted.
> This has been missed by multiple people, so trying to understand why.
> The ABI check should have caught this when run by maintainers (/me
> looks at Thomas and Jerin).
> The CI should have caught it too.
> But, v1 did not apply.
> For v2, I can see a doc generation issue reported by Intel CI that I
> can't reproduce, so it could be just noise.
> I can't find reports for Travis or GHA and I could not find in the
> robot logs why the series_15708 branch was not created.

I need to go back in the logs - there were a few cases during a
change-over that the robot wasn't running right.

> Looking at UNH reports:
> http://mails.dpdk.org/archives/test-report/2021-March/182956.html
> But looking at the log:
> [2713/2716] Compiling C object
> 'drivers/a715181@@rte_event_octeontx2@sta/meson-generated_.._rte_event_octeontx2.pmd.c.o'.
> [2714/2716] Linking static target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.a.
> [2715/2716] Generating rte_event_octeontx2.sym_chk with a meson_exe.py
> custom command.
> [2716/2716] Linking target drivers/librte_event_octeontx2.so.21.1.
> Error: cannot find librte_event_dlb.dump in
> /home-local/jenkins-local/jenkins-agent/workspace/Ubuntu18.04-Compile-DPDK-ABI/dpdk/build-gcc-shared/install
> Is this something that has been fixed since then?
> I don't have the main branch/recent series status from UNH, but at
> least GHA and Travis are now complaining about ABI.