[v3,3/8] fib: move lookup definition into the header file

Message ID 4095cebec2712a48ac7dd967b143114fe21d33de.1589890262.git.vladimir.medvedkin@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: David Marchand
Series fib: implement AVX512 vector lookup |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation fail Compilation issues

Commit Message

Vladimir Medvedkin May 19, 2020, 12:12 p.m. UTC
Move dir24_8 table layout and lookup defenition into the
private header file. This is necessary for implementing a
vectorized lookup function in a separate .с file.

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Medvedkin <vladimir.medvedkin@intel.com>
 lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.c | 225 +----------------------------------------------
 lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.h | 224 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)


Ananyev, Konstantin July 8, 2020, 11:23 a.m. UTC | #1
> Move dir24_8 table layout and lookup defenition into the
> private header file. This is necessary for implementing a
> vectorized lookup function in a separate .с file.
> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Medvedkin <vladimir.medvedkin@intel.com>
> ---

Acked-by: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@intel.com>

> 2.7.4


diff --git a/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.c b/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.c
index 825d061..9d74653 100644
--- a/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.c
+++ b/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.c
@@ -11,240 +11,17 @@ 
 #include <rte_debug.h>
 #include <rte_malloc.h>
-#include <rte_prefetch.h>
 #include <rte_errno.h>
 #include <rte_memory.h>
-#include <rte_branch_prediction.h>
-#include <rte_fib.h>
 #include <rte_rib.h>
+#include <rte_fib.h>
 #include "dir24_8.h"
 #define DIR24_8_NAMESIZE	64
-#define DIR24_8_TBL24_NUM_ENT		(1 << 24)
-#define DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT	256U
-#define DIR24_8_EXT_ENT			1
-#define DIR24_8_TBL24_MASK		0xffffff00
-struct dir24_8_tbl {
-	uint32_t	number_tbl8s;	/**< Total number of tbl8s */
-	uint32_t	rsvd_tbl8s;	/**< Number of reserved tbl8s */
-	uint32_t	cur_tbl8s;	/**< Current number of tbl8s */
-	enum rte_fib_dir24_8_nh_sz	nh_sz;	/**< Size of nexthop entry */
-	uint64_t	def_nh;		/**< Default next hop */
-	uint64_t	*tbl8;		/**< tbl8 table. */
-	uint64_t	*tbl8_idxes;	/**< bitmap containing free tbl8 idxes*/
-	/* tbl24 table. */
-	__extension__ uint64_t	tbl24[0] __rte_cache_aligned;
 #define ROUNDUP(x, y)	 RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(x, (1 << (32 - y)))
-static inline void *
-get_tbl24_p(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return (void *)&((uint8_t *)dp->tbl24)[(ip &
-		DIR24_8_TBL24_MASK) >> (8 - nh_sz)];
-static inline  uint8_t
-bits_in_nh(uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return 8 * (1 << nh_sz);
-static inline uint64_t
-get_max_nh(uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return ((1ULL << (bits_in_nh(nh_sz) - 1)) - 1);
-static  inline uint32_t
-get_tbl24_idx(uint32_t ip)
-	return ip >> 8;
-static  inline uint32_t
-get_tbl8_idx(uint32_t res, uint32_t ip)
-	return (res >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT + (uint8_t)ip;
-static inline uint64_t
-lookup_msk(uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return ((1ULL << ((1 << (nh_sz + 3)) - 1)) << 1) - 1;
-static inline uint8_t
-get_psd_idx(uint32_t val, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return val & ((1 << (3 - nh_sz)) - 1);
-static inline uint32_t
-get_tbl_idx(uint32_t val, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return val >> (3 - nh_sz);
-static inline uint64_t
-get_tbl24(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return ((dp->tbl24[get_tbl_idx(get_tbl24_idx(ip), nh_sz)] >>
-		(get_psd_idx(get_tbl24_idx(ip), nh_sz) *
-		bits_in_nh(nh_sz))) & lookup_msk(nh_sz));
-static inline uint64_t
-get_tbl8(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t res, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	return ((dp->tbl8[get_tbl_idx(get_tbl8_idx(res, ip), nh_sz)] >>
-		(get_psd_idx(get_tbl8_idx(res, ip), nh_sz) *
-		bits_in_nh(nh_sz))) & lookup_msk(nh_sz));
-static inline int
-is_entry_extended(uint64_t ent)
-	return (ent & DIR24_8_EXT_ENT) == DIR24_8_EXT_ENT;
-#define LOOKUP_FUNC(suffix, type, bulk_prefetch, nh_sz)			\
-static void dir24_8_lookup_bulk_##suffix(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,	\
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)			\
-{									\
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;		\
-	uint64_t tmp;							\
-	uint32_t i;							\
-	uint32_t prefetch_offset =					\
-		RTE_MIN((unsigned int)bulk_prefetch, n);		\
-									\
-	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)				\
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));		\
-	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {			\
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp,				\
-			ips[i + prefetch_offset], nh_sz));		\
-		tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl24)[ips[i] >> 8];			\
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))			\
-			tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl8)[(uint8_t)ips[i] +	\
-				((tmp >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT)]; \
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;				\
-	}								\
-	for (; i < n; i++) {						\
-		tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl24)[ips[i] >> 8];			\
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))			\
-			tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl8)[(uint8_t)ips[i] +	\
-				((tmp >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT)]; \
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;				\
-	}								\
-}									\
-LOOKUP_FUNC(1b, uint8_t, 5, 0)
-LOOKUP_FUNC(2b, uint16_t, 6, 1)
-LOOKUP_FUNC(4b, uint32_t, 15, 2)
-LOOKUP_FUNC(8b, uint64_t, 12, 3)
-static inline void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n, uint8_t nh_sz)
-	uint64_t tmp;
-	uint32_t i;
-	uint32_t prefetch_offset = RTE_MIN(15U, n);
-	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));
-	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i + prefetch_offset],
-			nh_sz));
-		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
-			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
-	}
-	for (; i < n; i++) {
-		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
-			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
-	}
-static void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk_0(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
-	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 0);
-static void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk_1(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
-	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 1);
-static void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk_2(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
-	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 2);
-static void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk_3(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
-	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 3);
-static void
-dir24_8_lookup_bulk_uni(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
-	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
-	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
-	uint64_t tmp;
-	uint32_t i;
-	uint32_t prefetch_offset = RTE_MIN(15U, n);
-	uint8_t nh_sz = dp->nh_sz;
-	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));
-	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {
-		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i + prefetch_offset],
-			nh_sz));
-		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
-			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
-	}
-	for (; i < n; i++) {
-		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
-			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
-		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
-	}
 dir24_8_get_lookup_fn(void *p, enum rte_fib_dir24_8_lookup_type type)
diff --git a/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.h b/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.h
index 53c5dd2..56d0389 100644
--- a/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.h
+++ b/lib/librte_fib/dir24_8.h
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ 
 #ifndef _DIR24_8_H_
 #define _DIR24_8_H_
+#include <rte_prefetch.h>
+#include <rte_branch_prediction.h>
  * @file
  * DIR24_8 algorithm
@@ -15,6 +18,227 @@ 
 extern "C" {
+#define DIR24_8_TBL24_NUM_ENT		(1 << 24)
+#define DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT	256U
+#define DIR24_8_EXT_ENT			1
+#define DIR24_8_TBL24_MASK		0xffffff00
+struct dir24_8_tbl {
+	uint32_t	number_tbl8s;	/**< Total number of tbl8s */
+	uint32_t	rsvd_tbl8s;	/**< Number of reserved tbl8s */
+	uint32_t	cur_tbl8s;	/**< Current number of tbl8s */
+	enum rte_fib_dir24_8_nh_sz	nh_sz;	/**< Size of nexthop entry */
+	uint64_t	def_nh;		/**< Default next hop */
+	uint64_t	*tbl8;		/**< tbl8 table. */
+	uint64_t	*tbl8_idxes;	/**< bitmap containing free tbl8 idxes*/
+	/* tbl24 table. */
+	__extension__ uint64_t	tbl24[0] __rte_cache_aligned;
+static inline void *
+get_tbl24_p(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return (void *)&((uint8_t *)dp->tbl24)[(ip &
+		DIR24_8_TBL24_MASK) >> (8 - nh_sz)];
+static inline  uint8_t
+bits_in_nh(uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return 8 * (1 << nh_sz);
+static inline uint64_t
+get_max_nh(uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return ((1ULL << (bits_in_nh(nh_sz) - 1)) - 1);
+static  inline uint32_t
+get_tbl24_idx(uint32_t ip)
+	return ip >> 8;
+static  inline uint32_t
+get_tbl8_idx(uint32_t res, uint32_t ip)
+	return (res >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT + (uint8_t)ip;
+static inline uint64_t
+lookup_msk(uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return ((1ULL << ((1 << (nh_sz + 3)) - 1)) << 1) - 1;
+static inline uint8_t
+get_psd_idx(uint32_t val, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return val & ((1 << (3 - nh_sz)) - 1);
+static inline uint32_t
+get_tbl_idx(uint32_t val, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return val >> (3 - nh_sz);
+static inline uint64_t
+get_tbl24(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return ((dp->tbl24[get_tbl_idx(get_tbl24_idx(ip), nh_sz)] >>
+		(get_psd_idx(get_tbl24_idx(ip), nh_sz) *
+		bits_in_nh(nh_sz))) & lookup_msk(nh_sz));
+static inline uint64_t
+get_tbl8(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, uint32_t res, uint32_t ip, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	return ((dp->tbl8[get_tbl_idx(get_tbl8_idx(res, ip), nh_sz)] >>
+		(get_psd_idx(get_tbl8_idx(res, ip), nh_sz) *
+		bits_in_nh(nh_sz))) & lookup_msk(nh_sz));
+static inline int
+is_entry_extended(uint64_t ent)
+	return (ent & DIR24_8_EXT_ENT) == DIR24_8_EXT_ENT;
+#define LOOKUP_FUNC(suffix, type, bulk_prefetch, nh_sz)			\
+static inline void dir24_8_lookup_bulk_##suffix(void *p, const uint32_t *ips, \
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)			\
+{									\
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;		\
+	uint64_t tmp;							\
+	uint32_t i;							\
+	uint32_t prefetch_offset =					\
+		RTE_MIN((unsigned int)bulk_prefetch, n);		\
+									\
+	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)				\
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));		\
+	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {			\
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp,				\
+			ips[i + prefetch_offset], nh_sz));		\
+		tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl24)[ips[i] >> 8];			\
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))			\
+			tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl8)[(uint8_t)ips[i] +	\
+				((tmp >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT)]; \
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;				\
+	}								\
+	for (; i < n; i++) {						\
+		tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl24)[ips[i] >> 8];			\
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))			\
+			tmp = ((type *)dp->tbl8)[(uint8_t)ips[i] +	\
+				((tmp >> 1) * DIR24_8_TBL8_GRP_NUM_ENT)]; \
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;				\
+	}								\
+}									\
+LOOKUP_FUNC(1b, uint8_t, 5, 0)
+LOOKUP_FUNC(2b, uint16_t, 6, 1)
+LOOKUP_FUNC(4b, uint32_t, 15, 2)
+LOOKUP_FUNC(8b, uint64_t, 12, 3)
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk(struct dir24_8_tbl *dp, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n, uint8_t nh_sz)
+	uint64_t tmp;
+	uint32_t i;
+	uint32_t prefetch_offset = RTE_MIN(15U, n);
+	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));
+	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i + prefetch_offset],
+			nh_sz));
+		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
+			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
+	}
+	for (; i < n; i++) {
+		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
+			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
+	}
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk_0(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
+	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 0);
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk_1(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
+	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 1);
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk_2(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
+	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 2);
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk_3(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
+	dir24_8_lookup_bulk(dp, ips, next_hops, n, 3);
+static inline void
+dir24_8_lookup_bulk_uni(void *p, const uint32_t *ips,
+	uint64_t *next_hops, const unsigned int n)
+	struct dir24_8_tbl *dp = (struct dir24_8_tbl *)p;
+	uint64_t tmp;
+	uint32_t i;
+	uint32_t prefetch_offset = RTE_MIN(15U, n);
+	uint8_t nh_sz = dp->nh_sz;
+	for (i = 0; i < prefetch_offset; i++)
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i], nh_sz));
+	for (i = 0; i < (n - prefetch_offset); i++) {
+		rte_prefetch0(get_tbl24_p(dp, ips[i + prefetch_offset],
+			nh_sz));
+		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
+			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
+	}
+	for (; i < n; i++) {
+		tmp = get_tbl24(dp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		if (unlikely(is_entry_extended(tmp)))
+			tmp = get_tbl8(dp, tmp, ips[i], nh_sz);
+		next_hops[i] = tmp >> 1;
+	}
 void *
 dir24_8_create(const char *name, int socket_id, struct rte_fib_conf *conf);