[v3,2/2] dts: add softnic test

Message ID 20250109134421.160262-3-thomas.wilks@arm.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Delegated to: Paul Szczepanek
Series dts: add softnic test |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/loongarch-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/loongarch-unit-testing success Unit Testing PASS
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/intel-Testing success Testing PASS
ci/intel-Functional success Functional PASS
ci/github-robot: build success github build: passed
ci/iol-broadcom-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-marvell-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-mellanox-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-intel-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-sample-apps-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-abi-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-amd64-testing success Testing PASS

Commit Message

Thomas Wilks Jan. 9, 2025, 1:44 p.m. UTC
From: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>

Add test that uses a softnic virtual device to forward packets.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Wilks <thomas.wilks@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>
 dts/tests/TestSuite_softnic.py | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/tests/TestSuite_softnic.py


Luca Vizzarro Jan. 10, 2025, 11:30 a.m. UTC | #1
Reviewed-by: Luca Vizzarro  <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>


diff --git a/dts/tests/TestSuite_softnic.py b/dts/tests/TestSuite_softnic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07480db392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_softnic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
+"""Softnic test suite.
+Create a softnic virtual device and verify it successfully forwards packets.
+from pathlib import Path, PurePath
+from framework.params.testpmd import EthPeer
+from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell
+from framework.test_suite import TestSuite, func_test
+from framework.testbed_model.capability import requires
+from framework.testbed_model.topology import TopologyType
+from framework.testbed_model.virtual_device import VirtualDevice
+from framework.utils import generate_random_packets
+class TestSoftnic(TestSuite):
+    """Softnic test suite."""
+    #: The total number of packets to generate and send for forwarding.
+    #: The payload size to use for the generated packets in bytes.
+    PAYLOAD_SIZE = 100
+    def set_up_suite(self) -> None:
+        """Set up the test suite.
+        Setup:
+            Generate the random packets that will be sent and create the softnic config files.
+        """
+        self.packets = generate_random_packets(self.NUMBER_OF_PACKETS_TO_SEND, self.PAYLOAD_SIZE)
+        self.cli_file = self.prepare_softnic_files()
+    def prepare_softnic_files(self) -> PurePath:
+        """Creates the config files that are required for the creation of the softnic.
+        The config files are created at runtime to accommodate paths and device addresses.
+        """
+        # paths of files needed by softnic
+        cli_file = Path("rx_tx.cli")
+        spec_file = Path("rx_tx.spec")
+        rx_tx_1_file = Path("rx_tx_1.io")
+        rx_tx_2_file = Path("rx_tx_2.io")
+        path_sut = self.sut_node.remote_dpdk_build_dir
+        cli_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, cli_file)
+        spec_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, spec_file)
+        rx_tx_1_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, rx_tx_1_file)
+        rx_tx_2_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, rx_tx_2_file)
+        firmware_c_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, "firmware.c")
+        firmware_so_file_sut = self.sut_node.main_session.join_remote_path(path_sut, "firmware.so")
+        # write correct remote paths to local files
+        with open(cli_file, "w+") as fh:
+            fh.write(f"pipeline codegen {spec_file_sut} {firmware_c_file_sut}\n")
+            fh.write(f"pipeline libbuild {firmware_c_file_sut} {firmware_so_file_sut}\n")
+            fh.write(f"pipeline RX build lib {firmware_so_file_sut} io {rx_tx_1_file_sut} numa 0\n")
+            fh.write(f"pipeline TX build lib {firmware_so_file_sut} io {rx_tx_2_file_sut} numa 0\n")
+            fh.write("thread 2 pipeline RX enable\n")
+            fh.write("thread 2 pipeline TX enable\n")
+        with open(spec_file, "w+") as fh:
+            fh.write("struct metadata_t {{\n")
+            fh.write("	bit<32> port\n")
+            fh.write("}}\n")
+            fh.write("metadata instanceof metadata_t\n")
+            fh.write("apply {{\n")
+            fh.write("	rx m.port\n")
+            fh.write("	tx m.port\n")
+            fh.write("}}\n")
+        with open(rx_tx_1_file, "w+") as fh:
+            fh.write(f"port in 0 ethdev {self.sut_node.config.ports[0].pci} rxq 0 bsz 32\n")
+            fh.write("port out 0 ring RXQ0 bsz 32\n")
+        with open(rx_tx_2_file, "w+") as fh:
+            fh.write("port in 0 ring TXQ0 bsz 32\n")
+            fh.write(f"port out 1 ethdev {self.sut_node.config.ports[1].pci} txq 0 bsz 32\n")
+        # copy files over to SUT
+        self.sut_node.main_session.copy_to(cli_file, cli_file_sut)
+        self.sut_node.main_session.copy_to(spec_file, spec_file_sut)
+        self.sut_node.main_session.copy_to(rx_tx_1_file, rx_tx_1_file_sut)
+        self.sut_node.main_session.copy_to(rx_tx_2_file, rx_tx_2_file_sut)
+        # and cleanup local files
+        cli_file.unlink()
+        spec_file.unlink()
+        rx_tx_1_file.unlink()
+        rx_tx_2_file.unlink()
+        return cli_file_sut
+    @func_test
+    def softnic(self) -> None:
+        """Softnic test.
+        Steps:
+            Start Testpmd with a softnic vdev using the provided config files.
+            Testpmd forwarding is disabled, instead configure softnic to forward packets
+            from port 0 to port 1 of the physical device.
+            Send generated packets from the TG.
+        Verify:
+            The packets that are received are the same as the packets sent.
+        """
+        with TestPmdShell(
+            self.sut_node,
+            vdevs=[VirtualDevice(f"net_softnic0,firmware={self.cli_file},cpu_id=1,conn_port=8086")],
+            eth_peer=[EthPeer(1, self.tg_node.ports[1].mac_address)],
+            port_topology=None,
+        ) as shell:
+            shell.start()
+            received_packets = self.send_packets_and_capture(self.packets)
+            # packets are being forwarded without addresses being amended so
+            # we get the address as it would be expected to come from TG
+            expected_packets = self.get_expected_packets(self.packets, sent_from_tg=True)
+            self.match_all_packets(expected_packets, received_packets)