[v4,42/86] net/ntnic: add FLM module registers

Message ID 20241029164243.1648775-43-sil-plv@napatech.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Ferruh Yigit
Series Provide flow filter API and statistics |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Serhii Iliushyk Oct. 29, 2024, 4:41 p.m. UTC
From: Oleksandr Kolomeiets <okl-plv@napatech.com>

The Flow Matcher module is a high-performance stateful SDRAM lookup and
programming engine which supported exact match lookup in line-rate
of up to hundreds of millions of flows.

Signed-off-by: Oleksandr Kolomeiets <okl-plv@napatech.com>
 .../supported/nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000.c   | 286 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 284 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/supported/nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/supported/nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000.c
index efa7b306bc..739cabfb1c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/supported/nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/supported/nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000.c
@@ -468,6 +468,288 @@  static nthw_fpga_register_init_s dbs_registers[] = {
 	{ DBS_TX_UW_DATA, 17, 94, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 8, dbs_tx_uw_data_fields },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_buf_ctrl_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_BUF_CTRL_INF_AVAIL, 16, 16, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_BUF_CTRL_LRN_FREE, 16, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_BUF_CTRL_STA_AVAIL, 16, 32, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_control_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_CRCRD, 1, 12, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_CRCWR, 1, 11, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_EAB, 5, 18, 0 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_INIT, 1, 1, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_LDS, 1, 2, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_LFS, 1, 3, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_LIS, 1, 4, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_PDS, 1, 9, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_PIS, 1, 10, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_RBL, 4, 13, 0 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_RDS, 1, 7, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_RIS, 1, 8, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_UDS, 1, 5, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_UIS, 1, 6, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL_WPD, 1, 17, 0 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_inf_data_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_INF_DATA_BYTES, 64, 0, 0x0000 }, { FLM_INF_DATA_CAUSE, 3, 224, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_INF_DATA_EOR, 1, 287, 0x0000 }, { FLM_INF_DATA_ID, 32, 192, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_INF_DATA_PACKETS, 64, 64, 0x0000 }, { FLM_INF_DATA_TS, 64, 128, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_load_aps_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_LOAD_APS_APS, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_load_bin_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_LOAD_BIN_BIN, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_load_lps_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_LOAD_LPS_LPS, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_lrn_data_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_ADJ, 32, 480, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_COLOR, 32, 448, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_DSCP, 6, 698, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_ENT, 1, 693, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_EOR, 1, 767, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_FILL, 16, 544, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_FT, 4, 560, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_FT_MBR, 4, 564, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_FT_MISS, 4, 568, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_ID, 32, 512, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_KID, 8, 328, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_MBR_ID1, 28, 572, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_MBR_ID2, 28, 600, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_MBR_ID3, 28, 628, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_MBR_ID4, 28, 656, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_NAT_EN, 1, 711, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_NAT_IP, 32, 336, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_NAT_PORT, 16, 400, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_NOFI, 1, 716, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_OP, 4, 694, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_PRIO, 2, 691, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_PROT, 8, 320, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_QFI, 6, 704, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_QW0, 128, 192, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_QW4, 128, 64, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_RATE, 16, 416, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_RQI, 1, 710, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_SIZE, 16, 432, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_STAT_PROF, 4, 687, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_SW8, 32, 32, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_SW9, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA_TEID, 32, 368, 0x0000 }, { FLM_LRN_DATA_VOL_IDX, 3, 684, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_prio_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_PRIO_FT0, 4, 4, 1 }, { FLM_PRIO_FT1, 4, 12, 1 }, { FLM_PRIO_FT2, 4, 20, 1 },
+	{ FLM_PRIO_FT3, 4, 28, 1 }, { FLM_PRIO_LIMIT0, 4, 0, 0 }, { FLM_PRIO_LIMIT1, 4, 8, 0 },
+	{ FLM_PRIO_LIMIT2, 4, 16, 0 }, { FLM_PRIO_LIMIT3, 4, 24, 0 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_pst_ctrl_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_PST_CTRL_ADR, 4, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_PST_CTRL_CNT, 16, 16, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_pst_data_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_PST_DATA_BP, 5, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_PST_DATA_PP, 5, 5, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_PST_DATA_TP, 5, 10, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_rcp_ctrl_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_RCP_CTRL_ADR, 5, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_CTRL_CNT, 16, 16, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_rcp_data_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_AUTO_IPV4_MASK, 1, 402, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_BYT_DYN, 5, 387, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_BYT_OFS, 8, 392, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_IPN, 1, 386, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_KID, 8, 377, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_LOOKUP, 1, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_MASK, 320, 57, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_OPN, 1, 385, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_QW0_DYN, 5, 1, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_QW0_OFS, 8, 6, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_QW0_SEL, 2, 14, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_QW4_DYN, 5, 16, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_QW4_OFS, 8, 21, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_SW8_DYN, 5, 29, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_SW8_OFS, 8, 34, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_SW8_SEL, 2, 42, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_SW9_DYN, 5, 44, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_SW9_OFS, 8, 49, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA_TXPLM, 2, 400, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_scan_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_SCAN_I, 16, 0, 0 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_status_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STATUS_CALIB_FAIL, 3, 3, 0 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_CRCERR, 1, 10, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_CRITICAL, 1, 8, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_EFT_BP, 1, 11, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_IDLE, 1, 7, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_INITDONE, 1, 6, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STATUS_PANIC, 1, 9, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_aul_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_aul_fail_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_FAIL_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_aul_ignore_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_IGNORE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_csh_hit_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_HIT_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_csh_miss_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_MISS_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_csh_unh_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_UNH_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_cuc_move_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_CUC_MOVE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_cuc_start_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_CUC_START_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_flows_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_FLOWS_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_inf_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_INF_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_inf_skip_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_INF_SKIP_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_lrn_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_lrn_fail_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_FAIL_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_lrn_ignore_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_IGNORE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_pck_dis_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_DIS_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_pck_hit_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_HIT_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_pck_miss_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_MISS_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_pck_unh_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_UNH_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_prb_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PRB_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_prb_ignore_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_PRB_IGNORE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_rel_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_REL_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_rel_ignore_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_REL_IGNORE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_sta_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_STA_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_tul_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_TUL_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_unl_done_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_UNL_DONE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_stat_unl_ignore_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STAT_UNL_IGNORE_CNT, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_field_init_s flm_sta_data_fields[] = {
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_EOR, 1, 95, 0x0000 }, { FLM_STA_DATA_ID, 32, 0, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_LDS, 1, 32, 0x0000 }, { FLM_STA_DATA_LFS, 1, 33, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_LIS, 1, 34, 0x0000 }, { FLM_STA_DATA_PDS, 1, 39, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_PIS, 1, 40, 0x0000 }, { FLM_STA_DATA_RDS, 1, 37, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_RIS, 1, 38, 0x0000 }, { FLM_STA_DATA_UDS, 1, 35, 0x0000 },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA_UIS, 1, 36, 0x0000 },
+static nthw_fpga_register_init_s flm_registers[] = {
+	{ FLM_BUF_CTRL, 14, 48, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RW, 0, 3, flm_buf_ctrl_fields },
+	{ FLM_CONTROL, 0, 31, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_MIXED, 134217728, 18, flm_control_fields },
+	{ FLM_INF_DATA, 16, 288, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 6, flm_inf_data_fields },
+	{ FLM_LOAD_APS, 5, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_load_aps_fields },
+	{ FLM_LOAD_BIN, 3, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 1, flm_load_bin_fields },
+	{ FLM_LOAD_LPS, 4, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_load_lps_fields },
+	{ FLM_LRN_DATA, 15, 768, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 34, flm_lrn_data_fields },
+	{ FLM_PRIO, 6, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 269488144, 8, flm_prio_fields },
+	{ FLM_PST_CTRL, 12, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 2, flm_pst_ctrl_fields },
+	{ FLM_PST_DATA, 13, 15, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 3, flm_pst_data_fields },
+	{ FLM_RCP_CTRL, 8, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 2, flm_rcp_ctrl_fields },
+	{ FLM_RCP_DATA, 9, 403, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 19, flm_rcp_data_fields },
+	{ FLM_SCAN, 2, 16, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_WO, 0, 1, flm_scan_fields },
+	{ FLM_STATUS, 1, 17, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_MIXED, 0, 9, flm_status_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_DONE, 41, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_aul_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_FAIL, 43, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_aul_fail_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_AUL_IGNORE, 42, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_aul_ignore_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_HIT, 52, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_csh_hit_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_MISS, 53, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_csh_miss_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_CSH_UNH, 54, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_csh_unh_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_CUC_MOVE, 56, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_cuc_move_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_CUC_START, 55, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_cuc_start_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_FLOWS, 18, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_flows_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_INF_DONE, 46, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_inf_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_INF_SKIP, 47, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_inf_skip_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_DONE, 32, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_lrn_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_FAIL, 34, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_lrn_fail_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_LRN_IGNORE, 33, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_lrn_ignore_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_DIS, 51, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_pck_dis_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_HIT, 48, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_pck_hit_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_MISS, 49, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_pck_miss_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PCK_UNH, 50, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_pck_unh_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PRB_DONE, 39, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_prb_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_PRB_IGNORE, 40, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_prb_ignore_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_REL_DONE, 37, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_rel_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_REL_IGNORE, 38, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_rel_ignore_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_STA_DONE, 45, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_sta_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_TUL_DONE, 44, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_tul_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_UNL_DONE, 35, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_unl_done_fields },
+	{ FLM_STAT_UNL_IGNORE, 36, 32, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 1, flm_stat_unl_ignore_fields },
+	{ FLM_STA_DATA, 17, 96, NTHW_FPGA_REG_TYPE_RO, 0, 11, flm_sta_data_fields },
 static nthw_fpga_field_init_s gfg_burstsize0_fields[] = {
 	{ GFG_BURSTSIZE0_VAL, 24, 0, 0 },
@@ -1743,6 +2025,7 @@  static nthw_fpga_module_init_s fpga_modules[] = {
 	{ MOD_CAT, 0, MOD_CAT, 0, 21, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB1, 768, 34, cat_registers },
 	{ MOD_CSU, 0, MOD_CSU, 0, 0, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB1, 9728, 2, csu_registers },
 	{ MOD_DBS, 0, MOD_DBS, 0, 11, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB2, 12832, 27, dbs_registers },
+	{ MOD_FLM, 0, MOD_FLM, 0, 25, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB1, 1280, 43, flm_registers },
 	{ MOD_GFG, 0, MOD_GFG, 1, 1, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB2, 8704, 10, gfg_registers },
 	{ MOD_GMF, 0, MOD_GMF, 2, 5, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB2, 9216, 12, gmf_registers },
 	{ MOD_GMF, 1, MOD_GMF, 2, 5, NTHW_FPGA_BUS_TYPE_RAB2, 9728, 12, gmf_registers },
@@ -1817,7 +2100,6 @@  static nthw_fpga_prod_param_s product_parameters[] = {
 	{ NT_FLM_PRESENT, 1 },
 	{ NT_FLM_PRIOS, 4 },
 	{ NT_FLM_SIZE_MB, 12288 },
 	{ NT_FLM_VARIANT, 2 },
@@ -1937,5 +2219,5 @@  static nthw_fpga_prod_param_s product_parameters[] = {
 nthw_fpga_prod_init_s nthw_fpga_9563_055_049_0000 = {
-	200, 9563, 55, 49, 0, 0, 1726740521, 152, product_parameters, 23, fpga_modules,
+	200, 9563, 55, 49, 0, 0, 1726740521, 152, product_parameters, 24, fpga_modules,