From patchwork Fri Oct 4 15:07:13 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Serhii Iliushyk X-Patchwork-Id: 145060 Return-Path: X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AC6D845AAF; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:12:08 +0200 (CEST) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1C3ED42D99; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:08:44 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0E875427D9 for ; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:08:29 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ( []) by (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=NO); Fri, 04 Oct 2024 15:08:26 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=o6/seIRmtdjOEG9DGrWyxvqXHwYTkwZsGDAcvgFh//NKOnqX4ERNsh/O38MPwpfaqCDnvzH1hJd0RInAqDURpKp8X7xIwJXaP6XBLlCJS1DzVZBNGcGqUR9eIbBt6Uo8NhNksl+xcOdr1ejbtp/waMZOW/4bdMzlMwp8Mm0wH/oJREvuwCT1Rh56D84QFKCis9ZtNejFFO3jbkno/LNzaL2M/L/mqfnkUHQF/mcZ9XPLuJ5zkU4TgBHoHTNMGypQE24jOJ9osNgUX0GMBdk0lIwgdOU8EgYbvYn2KGb4BdW4AoaTtfLrIGLJfWVPVyfiN9DUoZGGbvwN55WHf3V/dg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=L0Y4Jm3us5b6rZH42wvVYA0U9jNbIVin2oF0cAFYR4I=; b=SpRQITvfFIExRKIkDrOAQn1lBMoUZFp2ub1kxKSdtqOEO4snZyixRR3mOIwnyVbhK/EFSydj9EEDh+mA6LoveV7OphJcV3Dlf0lduZAfJ5w1PaOqoixpa48J+nODOEKHgkpcFQnSFFjoKLN8FH7fAuIbvP3aNVAba68MrOuw/94QgnEY7WC3Mmi8Hhu/yO/ZS7PkaKVEAmZAetn7An2pmGi15xO+auSsbH9vUK0Tqukg1wOr1NiIeTo9cS9vuCZk/t+xBcIxhIyaIclIOvdC/33xqprYkn0h9Y46kJiRMj9AbY5n5I5/2CNEkO7WmBbOhR8lwkWM5o+I2wh7nuhzvw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=fail (sender ip is; dmarc=fail (p=reject sp=reject pct=100) action=oreject; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none (0) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=L0Y4Jm3us5b6rZH42wvVYA0U9jNbIVin2oF0cAFYR4I=; b=I+3cLRCNuqNly+owTmSc5w04JNEE5aT9V5QiOeu3VDjvMADnJ+tbNEkvM+vQKP7v1x5kCIImDTcoiBtLIta/a15QXhM3loZ18WhUcSXbLxUrNnbTAkev0wvobu4hXd4EJ31X/5qhookmOTqFSV184lFxvXt/uLAPrL7prjVHs9k= Received: from (2603:10a6:208:3e::38) by PA4P190MB1263.EURP190.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:102:100::16) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8026.16; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 15:08:23 +0000 Received: from (2603:10a6:208:3e:cafe::45) by (2603:10a6:208:3e::38) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8026.16 via Frontend Transport; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 15:08:23 +0000 X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=fail action=oreject; Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of does not designate as permitted sender); client-ip=; helo=localhost.localdomain; Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.20.7918.13 via Frontend Transport; Fri, 4 Oct 2024 15:08:23 +0000 From: Serhii Iliushyk To: Cc:,,,, Subject: [PATCH v1 20/31] net/ntnic: add Tx Packet Editor (TPE) flow module Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:07:13 +0200 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.45.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AMS0EPF000001AC:EE_|PA4P190MB1263:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 2ddbacea-62af-4bdc-2795-08dce486641a X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; ARA:13230040|376014|36860700013|82310400026|1800799024; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:DK; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:localhost.localdomain; PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230040)(376014)(36860700013)(82310400026)(1800799024); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-ExternalHop-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-ExternalHop-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Oct 2024 15:08:23.4235 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 2ddbacea-62af-4bdc-2795-08dce486641a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: c4540d0b-728a-4233-9da5-9ea30c7ec3ed X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=c4540d0b-728a-4233-9da5-9ea30c7ec3ed; Ip=[]; Helo=[localhost.localdomain] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: PA4P190MB1263 X-BESS-ID: 1728054505-311388-12690-30402-1 X-BESS-VER: 2019.1_20240924.1654 X-BESS-Apparent-Source-IP: X-BESS-Parts: H4sIAAAAAAACA4uuVkqtKFGyUioBkjpK+cVKViYWRmYmQGYGUNTU3CI1xSzFOD U5OS01xdTIMtnIMDXN1NLANDnJODHJVKk2FgDRrgtIQgAAAA== X-BESS-Outbound-Spam-Score: 0.50 X-BESS-Outbound-Spam-Report: Code version 3.2, rules version [from] Rule breakdown below pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------- 0.50 BSF_RULE7568M META: Custom Rule 7568M 0.00 BSF_BESS_OUTBOUND META: BESS Outbound X-BESS-Outbound-Spam-Status: SCORE=0.50 using account:ESS113687 scores of KILL_LEVEL=7.0 tests=BSF_RULE7568M, BSF_BESS_OUTBOUND X-BESS-BRTS-Status: 1 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.29 Precedence: list List-Id: DPDK patches and discussions List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: The TX Packet Editor is a software abstraction module, that keeps track of the handful of FPGA modules that are used to edit packets in the TX pipeline. Signed-off-by: Serhii Iliushyk --- drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_backend.h | 27 ++ drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_tpe_v3.h | 126 ++++++ .../nthw/flow_api/flow_backend/flow_backend.c | 364 ++++++++++++++++++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.c | 79 ++++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.h | 9 + .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.c | 131 +++++++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.h | 30 ++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.c | 55 +++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.h | 11 + .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.c | 81 ++++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h | 17 + .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.c | 49 +++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h | 10 + .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.c | 36 ++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.h | 9 + .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.c | 94 +++++ .../ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h | 22 ++ 17 files changed, 1150 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_tpe_v3.h diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_backend.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_backend.h index 3ea2fefc53..29c33306d1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_backend.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_backend.h @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ #include "hw_mod_pdb_v9.h" #include "hw_mod_slc_lr_v2.h" #include "hw_mod_hsh_v5.h" +#include "hw_mod_tpe_v3.h" #define MAX_PHYS_ADAPTERS 8 @@ -114,6 +115,18 @@ struct pdb_func_s { }; }; +struct tpe_func_s { + COMMON_FUNC_INFO_S; + uint32_t nb_rcp_categories; + uint32_t nb_ifr_categories; + uint32_t nb_cpy_writers; + uint32_t nb_rpl_depth; + uint32_t nb_rpl_ext_categories; + union { + struct hw_mod_tpe_v3_s v3; + }; +}; + enum debug_mode_e { FLOW_BACKEND_DEBUG_MODE_NONE = 0x0000, FLOW_BACKEND_DEBUG_MODE_WRITE = 0x0001 @@ -244,6 +257,20 @@ struct flow_api_backend_ops { uint32_t (*get_pdb_version)(void *dev); int (*pdb_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct pdb_func_s *pdb, int category, int cnt); int (*pdb_config_flush)(void *dev, const struct pdb_func_s *pdb); + + /* TPE */ + bool (*get_tpe_present)(void *dev); + uint32_t (*get_tpe_version)(void *dev); + int (*tpe_rpp_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_rpp_ifr_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_ifr_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_ins_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_rpl_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_rpl_ext_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_rpl_rpl_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_cpy_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_hfu_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); + int (*tpe_csu_rcp_flush)(void *dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tpe, int index, int cnt); }; struct flow_api_backend_s { diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_tpe_v3.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_tpe_v3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87710d8b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/include/hw_mod_tpe_v3.h @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2023 Napatech A/S + */ + +#ifndef _HW_MOD_TPE_V3_H_ +#define _HW_MOD_TPE_V3_H_ + +#include + +struct tpe_v1_rpp_v0_rcp_s { + uint32_t exp; +}; + +struct tpe_v1_ins_v1_rcp_s { + uint32_t dyn; + uint32_t ofs; + uint32_t len; +}; + +struct tpe_v3_rpl_v4_rcp_s { + uint32_t dyn; + uint32_t ofs; + uint32_t len; + uint32_t rpl_ptr; + uint32_t ext_prio; + uint32_t eth_type_wr; +}; + +struct tpe_v1_rpl_v2_ext_s { + uint32_t rpl_ptr; + uint32_t meta_rpl_len; /* SW only */ +}; + +struct tpe_v1_rpl_v2_rpl_s { + uint32_t value[4]; +}; + +struct tpe_v1_cpy_v1_rcp_s { + uint32_t reader_select; + uint32_t dyn; + uint32_t ofs; + uint32_t len; +}; + +struct tpe_v1_hfu_v1_rcp_s { + uint32_t len_a_wr; + uint32_t len_a_outer_l4_len; + uint32_t len_a_pos_dyn; + uint32_t len_a_pos_ofs; + uint32_t len_a_add_dyn; + uint32_t len_a_add_ofs; + uint32_t len_a_sub_dyn; + + uint32_t len_b_wr; + uint32_t len_b_pos_dyn; + uint32_t len_b_pos_ofs; + uint32_t len_b_add_dyn; + uint32_t len_b_add_ofs; + uint32_t len_b_sub_dyn; + + uint32_t len_c_wr; + uint32_t len_c_pos_dyn; + uint32_t len_c_pos_ofs; + uint32_t len_c_add_dyn; + uint32_t len_c_add_ofs; + uint32_t len_c_sub_dyn; + + uint32_t ttl_wr; + uint32_t ttl_pos_dyn; + uint32_t ttl_pos_ofs; + + uint32_t cs_inf; + uint32_t l3_prt; + uint32_t l3_frag; + uint32_t tunnel; + uint32_t l4_prt; + uint32_t outer_l3_ofs; + uint32_t outer_l4_ofs; + uint32_t inner_l3_ofs; + uint32_t inner_l4_ofs; +}; + +struct tpe_v1_csu_v0_rcp_s { + uint32_t ol3_cmd; + uint32_t ol4_cmd; + uint32_t il3_cmd; + uint32_t il4_cmd; +}; + +struct tpe_v2_rpp_v1_ifr_rcp_s { + uint32_t ipv4_en; + uint32_t ipv4_df_drop; + uint32_t ipv6_en; + uint32_t ipv6_drop; + uint32_t mtu; +}; + +struct tpe_v2_ifr_v1_rcp_s { + uint32_t ipv4_en; + uint32_t ipv4_df_drop; + uint32_t ipv6_en; + uint32_t ipv6_drop; + uint32_t mtu; +}; + +struct hw_mod_tpe_v3_s { + struct tpe_v1_rpp_v0_rcp_s *rpp_rcp; + + struct tpe_v1_ins_v1_rcp_s *ins_rcp; + + struct tpe_v3_rpl_v4_rcp_s *rpl_rcp; + struct tpe_v1_rpl_v2_ext_s *rpl_ext; + struct tpe_v1_rpl_v2_rpl_s *rpl_rpl; + + struct tpe_v1_cpy_v1_rcp_s *cpy_rcp; + + struct tpe_v1_hfu_v1_rcp_s *hfu_rcp; + + struct tpe_v1_csu_v0_rcp_s *csu_rcp; + + struct tpe_v2_rpp_v1_ifr_rcp_s *rpp_ifr_rcp; + struct tpe_v2_ifr_v1_rcp_s *ifr_rcp; +}; + +#endif /* _HW_MOD_TPE_V3_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_api/flow_backend/flow_backend.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_api/flow_backend/flow_backend.c index f093bfb8bb..ff359e1713 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_api/flow_backend/flow_backend.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_api/flow_backend/flow_backend.c @@ -1576,6 +1576,357 @@ static int pdb_config_flush(void *be_dev, const struct pdb_func_s *pdb) return 0; } +/* + * TPE + */ + +static bool tpe_get_present(void *be_dev) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + return be->p_csu_nthw != NULL && be->p_hfu_nthw != NULL && be->p_rpp_lr_nthw != NULL && + be->p_tx_cpy_nthw != NULL && be->p_tx_ins_nthw != NULL && + be->p_tx_rpl_nthw != NULL; +} + +static uint32_t tpe_get_version(void *be_dev) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + + const uint32_t csu_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_csu_nthw->m_csu) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_csu_nthw->m_csu) & 0xffff)); + + const uint32_t hfu_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_hfu_nthw->m_hfu) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_hfu_nthw->m_hfu) & 0xffff)); + + const uint32_t rpp_lr_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw->m_rpp_lr) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw->m_rpp_lr) & 0xffff)); + + const uint32_t tx_cpy_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw->m_tx_cpy) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw->m_tx_cpy) & 0xffff)); + + const uint32_t tx_ins_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_tx_ins_nthw->m_tx_ins) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_tx_ins_nthw->m_tx_ins) & 0xffff)); + + const uint32_t tx_rpl_version = + (uint32_t)((nthw_module_get_major_version(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw->m_tx_rpl) << 16) | + (nthw_module_get_minor_version(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw->m_tx_rpl) & 0xffff)); + + /* + * we have to support 9563-55-28 and 9563-55-30 + * so check for INS ver 0.1 and RPL ver 0.2 or for INS ver 0.2 and RPL ver 0.4 + */ + if (csu_version == 0 && hfu_version == 2 && rpp_lr_version >= 1 && tx_cpy_version == 2 && + ((tx_ins_version == 1 && tx_rpl_version == 2) || + (tx_ins_version == 2 && tx_rpl_version == 4))) { + return 3; + } + + if (csu_version == 0 && hfu_version == 2 && rpp_lr_version >= 1 && tx_cpy_version == 4 && + ((tx_ins_version == 1 && tx_rpl_version == 2) || + (tx_ins_version == 2 && tx_rpl_version == 4))) { + return 3; + } + + assert(false); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_rpp_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *rpp_lr, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, rpp_lr, be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + + if (rpp_lr->ver >= 1) { + rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, index + i); + rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_exp(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, rpp_lr->v3.rpp_rcp[index + i].exp); + rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(rpp_lr, be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_rpp_ifr_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *rpp_lr, int index, int cnt) +{ + int res = 0; + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, rpp_lr, be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + + if (rpp_lr->ver >= 2) { + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_cnt(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_select(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, index + i); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_en(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, + rpp_lr->v3.rpp_ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv4_en); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, + rpp_lr->v3.rpp_ifr_rcp[index + i] + .ipv4_df_drop); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_en(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, + rpp_lr->v3.rpp_ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv6_en); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_drop(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, + rpp_lr->v3.rpp_ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv6_drop); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_mtu(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw, + rpp_lr->v3.rpp_ifr_rcp[index + i].mtu); + rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_flush(be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + } + + } else { + res = -1; + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(rpp_lr, be->p_rpp_lr_nthw); + return res; +} + +static int tpe_ifr_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *ifr, int index, int cnt) +{ + int res = 0; + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, ifr, be->p_ifr_nthw); + + if (ifr->ver >= 2) { + ifr_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_ifr_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + ifr_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_ifr_nthw, index + i); + ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_en(be->p_ifr_nthw, ifr->v3.ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv4_en); + ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(be->p_ifr_nthw, + ifr->v3.ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv4_df_drop); + ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_en(be->p_ifr_nthw, ifr->v3.ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv6_en); + ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_drop(be->p_ifr_nthw, + ifr->v3.ifr_rcp[index + i].ipv6_drop); + ifr_nthw_rcp_mtu(be->p_ifr_nthw, ifr->v3.ifr_rcp[index + i].mtu); + ifr_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_ifr_nthw); + } + + } else { + res = -1; + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(ifr, be->p_ifr_nthw); + return res; +} + +static int tpe_ins_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tx_ins, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, tx_ins, be->p_tx_ins_nthw); + + if (tx_ins->ver >= 1) { + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_tx_ins_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_tx_ins_nthw, index + i); + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_dyn(be->p_tx_ins_nthw, tx_ins->v3.ins_rcp[index + i].dyn); + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_ofs(be->p_tx_ins_nthw, tx_ins->v3.ins_rcp[index + i].ofs); + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_len(be->p_tx_ins_nthw, tx_ins->v3.ins_rcp[index + i].len); + tx_ins_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_tx_ins_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(tx_ins, be->p_tx_ins_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_rpl_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tx_rpl, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + + if (tx_rpl->ver >= 1) { + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, index + i); + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_dyn(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i].dyn); + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ofs(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i].ofs); + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_len(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i].len); + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_rpl_ptr(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, + tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i].rpl_ptr); + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ext_prio(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, + tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i].ext_prio); + + if (tx_rpl->ver >= 3) { + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_eth_type_wr(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, + tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rcp[index + i] + .eth_type_wr); + } + + tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_rpl_ext_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tx_rpl, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + + if (tx_rpl->ver >= 1) { + tx_rpl_nthw_ext_cnt(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + tx_rpl_nthw_ext_select(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, index + i); + tx_rpl_nthw_ext_rpl_ptr(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, + tx_rpl->v3.rpl_ext[index + i].rpl_ptr); + tx_rpl_nthw_ext_flush(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_rpl_rpl_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tx_rpl, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + + if (tx_rpl->ver >= 1) { + tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_cnt(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_select(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, index + i); + tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_value(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw, + tx_rpl->v3.rpl_rpl[index + i].value); + tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_flush(be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(tx_rpl, be->p_tx_rpl_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_cpy_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *tx_cpy, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + unsigned int wr_index = -1; + + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, tx_cpy, be->p_tx_cpy_nthw); + + if (tx_cpy->ver >= 1) { + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + if (wr_index != (index + i) / tx_cpy->nb_rcp_categories) { + wr_index = (index + i) / tx_cpy->nb_rcp_categories; + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_cnt(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, 1); + } + + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_select(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, + (index + i) % tx_cpy->nb_rcp_categories); + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_reader_select(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, + tx_cpy->v3.cpy_rcp[index + i] + .reader_select); + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_dyn(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, + tx_cpy->v3.cpy_rcp[index + i].dyn); + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_ofs(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, + tx_cpy->v3.cpy_rcp[index + i].ofs); + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_len(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index, + tx_cpy->v3.cpy_rcp[index + i].len); + tx_cpy_nthw_writer_flush(be->p_tx_cpy_nthw, wr_index); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(tx_cpy, be->p_tx_cpy_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_hfu_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *hfu, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, hfu, be->p_hfu_nthw); + + if (hfu->ver >= 1) { + hfu_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_hfu_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + hfu_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_hfu_nthw, index + i); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_wr(be->p_hfu_nthw, hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_wr); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_ol4len(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_outer_l4_len); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_pos_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_pos_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_add_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_add_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_sub_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_a_sub_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_wr(be->p_hfu_nthw, hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_wr); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_pos_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_pos_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_add_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_add_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_sub_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_b_sub_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_wr(be->p_hfu_nthw, hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_wr); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_pos_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_pos_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_add_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_add_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_sub_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].len_c_sub_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_wr(be->p_hfu_nthw, hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].ttl_wr); + hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_dyn(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].ttl_pos_dyn); + hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_ofs(be->p_hfu_nthw, + hfu->v3.hfu_rcp[index + i].ttl_pos_ofs); + hfu_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_hfu_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(hfu, be->p_hfu_nthw); + return 0; +} + +static int tpe_csu_rcp_flush(void *be_dev, const struct tpe_func_s *csu, int index, int cnt) +{ + struct backend_dev_s *be = (struct backend_dev_s *)be_dev; + CHECK_DEBUG_ON(be, csu, be->p_csu_nthw); + + if (csu->ver >= 1) { + csu_nthw_rcp_cnt(be->p_csu_nthw, 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + csu_nthw_rcp_select(be->p_csu_nthw, index + i); + csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l3_cmd(be->p_csu_nthw, + csu->v3.csu_rcp[index + i].ol3_cmd); + csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l4_cmd(be->p_csu_nthw, + csu->v3.csu_rcp[index + i].ol4_cmd); + csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l3_cmd(be->p_csu_nthw, + csu->v3.csu_rcp[index + i].il3_cmd); + csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l4_cmd(be->p_csu_nthw, + csu->v3.csu_rcp[index + i].il4_cmd); + csu_nthw_rcp_flush(be->p_csu_nthw); + } + } + + CHECK_DEBUG_OFF(csu, be->p_csu_nthw); + return 0; +} + /* * DBS */ @@ -1705,6 +2056,19 @@ const struct flow_api_backend_ops flow_be_iface = { pdb_get_version, pdb_rcp_flush, pdb_config_flush, + + tpe_get_present, + tpe_get_version, + tpe_rpp_rcp_flush, + tpe_rpp_ifr_rcp_flush, + tpe_ifr_rcp_flush, + tpe_ins_rcp_flush, + tpe_rpl_rcp_flush, + tpe_rpl_ext_flush, + tpe_rpl_rpl_flush, + tpe_cpy_rcp_flush, + tpe_hfu_rcp_flush, + tpe_csu_rcp_flush, }; const struct flow_api_backend_ops *bin_flow_backend_init(nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, void **dev) diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.c index 21efc62eda..f92f322d07 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_csu.h" +void csu_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct csu_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_csu, n_debug_mode); +} + struct csu_nthw *csu_nthw_new(void) { struct csu_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct csu_nthw)); @@ -60,3 +65,77 @@ int csu_nthw_init(struct csu_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void csu_nthw_rcp_select(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_ctrl_adr, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_ctrl_cnt, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l3_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + /* + * Select L3 calc method for outer layer3. + * 0: Do not touch checksum field. + * 1: Check, but do not touch checksum field. + * 2: Insert checksum header value for BAD checksum. + * 3: Insert checksum header value for GOOD checksum. + */ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ol3_cmd, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l4_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + /* + * Select L4 calc method for outer layer4. + * 0: Do not touch checksum field. + * 1: Check, but do not touch checksum field. + * 2: Insert checksum header value for BAD checksum. + * 3: Insert checksum header value for GOOD checksum. + * 4: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for both IPv4/IPv6, set good checksum for TCP. + * 5: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for IPv4, set good checksum for TCP. + * 6: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for outer tunnel when tunnel is IPv4/IPv6 and UDP, + * otherwise GOOD checksum. 7: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for outer tunnel when tunnel + * is IPv4 and UDP, otherwise GOOD checksum. + */ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ol4_cmd, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l3_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + /* + * Select L3 calc method for inner layer3 (tunneled). + * 0: Do not touch checksum field. + * 1: Check, but do not touch checksum field. + * 2: Insert checksum header value for BAD checksum. + * 3: Insert checksum header value for GOOD checksum. + */ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_il3_cmd, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l4_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + /* + * Select L4 calc method for inner layer4 (tunneled). + * 0: Do not touch checksum field. + * 1: Check, but do not touch checksum field. + * 2: Insert checksum header value for BAD checksum. + * 3: Insert checksum header value for GOOD checksum. + * 4: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for both IPv4/IPv6, set good checksum for TCP. + * 5: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for IPv4, set good checksum for TCP. + * 6: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for outer tunnel when tunnel is IPv4/IPv6 and UDP, + * otherwise GOOD checksum. 7: Set UDP checksum value of ZERO for outer tunnel when tunnel + * is IPv4 and UDP, otherwise GOOD checksum. + */ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_il4_cmd, val); +} + +void csu_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct csu_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.h index e5986a1a9b..91a0926318 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_csu.h @@ -31,5 +31,14 @@ void csu_nthw_delete(struct csu_nthw *p); int csu_nthw_init(struct csu_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int csu_nthw_setup(struct csu_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void csu_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct csu_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +void csu_nthw_rcp_select(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l3_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_outer_l4_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l3_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_inner_l4_cmd(const struct csu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void csu_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct csu_nthw *p); #endif /* _FLOW_NTHW_CSU_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.c index 36d181df02..fcb4003aed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_hfu.h" +void hfu_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct hfu_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_hfu, n_debug_mode); +} + struct hfu_nthw *hfu_nthw_new(void) { struct hfu_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct hfu_nthw)); @@ -97,3 +102,129 @@ int hfu_nthw_init(struct hfu_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_select(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_addr, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_cnt, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_wr, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_ol4len(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_ol4len, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_pos_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_pos_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_add_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_add_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_a_sub_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_wr, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_pos_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_pos_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_add_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_add_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_b_sub_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_wr, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_pos_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_pos_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_add_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_add_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len_c_sub_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ttl_wr, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ttl_pos_dyn, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ttl_pos_ofs, val); +} + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct hfu_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.h index 7a59066b92..77002a639e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_hfu.h @@ -50,5 +50,35 @@ void hfu_nthw_delete(struct hfu_nthw *p); int hfu_nthw_init(struct hfu_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int hfu_nthw_setup(struct hfu_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void hfu_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct hfu_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +/* RCP */ +void hfu_nthw_rcp_select(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_ol4len(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_a_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_b_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_add_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_len_c_sub_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_wr(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_dyn(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void hfu_nthw_rcp_ttl_pos_ofs(const struct hfu_nthw *p, uint32_t val); + +void hfu_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct hfu_nthw *p); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_HFU_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.c index 849c599e32..e6bb4329da 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_ifr.h" +void ifr_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct ifr_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_ifr, n_debug_mode); +} + struct ifr_nthw *ifr_nthw_new(void) { struct ifr_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct ifr_nthw)); @@ -66,3 +71,53 @@ int ifr_nthw_init(struct ifr_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_select(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_addr); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_addr, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_cnt, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_en(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_rcp_data_ipv4_en) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ipv4_en, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_rcp_data_ipv4_df_drop) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ipv4_df_drop, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_en(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_rcp_data_ipv6_en) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ipv6_en, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_drop(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_rcp_data_ipv6_drop) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ipv6_drop, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_mtu(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_data_mtu); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_mtu, val); +} + +void ifr_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct ifr_nthw *p) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_ctrl); + assert(p->mp_rcp_data); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.h index 439aafbfbc..6751a599aa 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_ifr.h @@ -39,5 +39,16 @@ struct ifr_nthw *ifr_nthw_new(void); int ifr_nthw_init(struct ifr_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int ifr_nthw_setup(struct ifr_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void ifr_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct ifr_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +/* IFR */ +void ifr_nthw_rcp_select(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_en(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_en(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_ipv6_drop(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_mtu(const struct ifr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void ifr_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct ifr_nthw *p); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_IFR_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.c index 84bbcbdc4f..6cdc2dea37 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h" +void rpp_lr_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_rpp_lr, n_debug_mode); +} + struct rpp_lr_nthw *rpp_lr_nthw_new(void) { struct rpp_lr_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct rpp_lr_nthw)); @@ -74,3 +79,79 @@ int rpp_lr_nthw_init(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_select(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_addr); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_addr, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_cnt, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_exp(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_data_exp); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_exp, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_ctrl); + assert(p->mp_rcp_data); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_select(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_ifr_rcp_addr); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_addr, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_cnt(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_ifr_rcp_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_cnt, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_en(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv4_en) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv4_en, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv4_df_drop) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv4_df_drop, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_en(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv6_en) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv6_en, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_drop(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + if (p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv6_drop) + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_ipv6_drop, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_mtu(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_mtu); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data_mtu, val); +} + +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_flush(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p) +{ + assert(p->mp_ifr_rcp_ctrl); + assert(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_ifr_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_ifr_rcp_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h index 509e46fc48..bdb2e5fa54 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_rpp_lr.h @@ -40,5 +40,22 @@ void rpp_lr_nthw_delete(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p); int rpp_lr_nthw_init(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int rpp_lr_nthw_setup(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void rpp_lr_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +/* RCP */ +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_select(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_exp(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p); + +/* RCP IFR */ +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_select(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_cnt(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_en(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv4_df_drop(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_en(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_ipv6_drop(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_mtu(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void rpp_lr_nthw_ifr_rcp_flush(const struct rpp_lr_nthw *p); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_RPP_LR_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.c index 197baae334..9ba8b97701 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h" +void tx_cpy_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_tx_cpy, n_debug_mode); +} + struct tx_cpy_nthw *tx_cpy_nthw_new(void) { struct tx_cpy_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct tx_cpy_nthw)); @@ -337,3 +342,47 @@ int tx_cpy_nthw_init(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_select(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_ctrl_addr, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_cnt(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_ctrl_cnt, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_reader_select(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, + uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_data_reader_select, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_dyn(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_data_dyn, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_ofs(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_data_ofs, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_len(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_data_len, val); +} + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_flush(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index) +{ + assert(index < p->m_writers_cnt); + nthw_register_flush(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->m_writers[index].mp_writer_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h index 801b47b0bb..c1094c09a9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_cpy.h @@ -45,5 +45,15 @@ void tx_cpy_nthw_delete(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p); int tx_cpy_nthw_init(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int tx_cpy_nthw_setup(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void tx_cpy_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_select(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_cnt(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_reader_select(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, + uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_dyn(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_ofs(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_len(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index, uint32_t val); +void tx_cpy_nthw_writer_flush(const struct tx_cpy_nthw *p, unsigned int index); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_TX_CPY_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.c index 5d9867981e..d27752444c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_tx_ins.h" +void tx_ins_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_ins_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_tx_ins, n_debug_mode); +} + struct tx_ins_nthw *tx_ins_nthw_new(void) { struct tx_ins_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct tx_ins_nthw)); @@ -60,3 +65,34 @@ int tx_ins_nthw_init(struct tx_ins_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_select(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_addr, val); +} + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_cnt, val); +} + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_dyn(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_dyn, val); +} + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_ofs(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ofs, val); +} + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_len(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len, val); +} + +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.h index 4e7c4133da..b87b9dcac3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_ins.h @@ -31,5 +31,14 @@ void tx_ins_nthw_delete(struct tx_ins_nthw *p); int tx_ins_nthw_init(struct tx_ins_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int tx_ins_nthw_setup(struct tx_ins_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void tx_ins_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_ins_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +/* RCP */ +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_select(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_dyn(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_ofs(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_len(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_ins_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct tx_ins_nthw *p); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_TX_INS_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.c b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.c index 65fc1a9c5e..a3a7554f16 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.c +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.c @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ #include "flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h" +void tx_rpl_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode) +{ + nthw_module_set_debug_mode(p->m_tx_rpl, n_debug_mode); +} + struct tx_rpl_nthw *tx_rpl_nthw_new(void) { struct tx_rpl_nthw *p = malloc(sizeof(struct tx_rpl_nthw)); @@ -76,3 +81,92 @@ int tx_rpl_nthw_init(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance) return 0; } + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_ctrl_addr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_ctrl_cnt, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_dyn(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_dyn, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ofs(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ofs, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_len(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_len, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_rpl_ptr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_rpl_ptr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ext_prio(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_ext_prio, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_eth_type_wr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + assert(p->mp_rcp_data_eth_type_wr); + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rcp_data_eth_type_wr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rcp_data, 1); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ext_ctrl_addr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ext_ctrl_cnt, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_rpl_ptr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_ext_data_rpl_ptr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_ext_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_ext_data, 1); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rpl_ctrl_addr, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val32(p->mp_rpl_ctrl_cnt, val); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_value(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, const uint32_t *val) +{ + nthw_field_set_val(p->mp_rpl_data_value, val, 4); +} + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p) +{ + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rpl_ctrl, 1); + nthw_register_flush(p->mp_rpl_data, 1); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h index 7425021692..f743b418f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h +++ b/drivers/net/ntnic/nthw/flow_filter/flow_nthw_tx_rpl.h @@ -48,5 +48,27 @@ void tx_rpl_nthw_delete(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p); int tx_rpl_nthw_init(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, nthw_fpga_t *p_fpga, int n_instance); int tx_rpl_nthw_setup(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, int n_idx, int n_idx_cnt); +void tx_rpl_nthw_set_debug_mode(struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, unsigned int n_debug_mode); + +/* RCP */ +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_dyn(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ofs(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_len(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_rpl_ptr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_ext_prio(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_eth_type_wr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rcp_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p); + +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_rpl_ptr(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_ext_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p); + +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_select(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_cnt(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, uint32_t val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_value(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p, const uint32_t *val); +void tx_rpl_nthw_rpl_flush(const struct tx_rpl_nthw *p); #endif /* __FLOW_NTHW_TX_RPL_H__ */