[v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic

Message ID 20240923092601.728817-1-niall.meade@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Ferruh Yigit
Series [v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/loongarch-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/loongarch-unit-testing success Unit Testing PASS
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/intel-Testing success Testing PASS
ci/intel-Functional success Functional PASS
ci/iol-broadcom-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-sample-apps-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-intel-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-marvell-Functional success Functional Testing PASS

Commit Message

Meade, Niall Sept. 23, 2024, 9:26 a.m. UTC
Addressed a specific overflow issue in the eth_dev_adjust_nb_desc()
function where the uint16_t variable nb_desc would overflow when its
value was greater than (2^16 - nb_align). This overflow caused nb_desc
to incorrectly wrap around between 0 and nb_align-1, leading to the
function setting nb_desc to nb_min instead of the expected nb_max.

The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
without the risk of overflow.

Fixes: 0f67fc3baeb9 ("ethdev: add function to adjust number of descriptors")

Signed-off-by: Niall Meade <niall.meade@intel.com>
 .mailmap                |  1 +
 lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c | 12 +++++++++---
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


Ferruh Yigit Sept. 25, 2024, 11:16 p.m. UTC | #1
On 9/23/2024 10:26 AM, Niall Meade wrote:
> Addressed a specific overflow issue in the eth_dev_adjust_nb_desc()
> function where the uint16_t variable nb_desc would overflow when its
> value was greater than (2^16 - nb_align). This overflow caused nb_desc
> to incorrectly wrap around between 0 and nb_align-1, leading to the
> function setting nb_desc to nb_min instead of the expected nb_max.
> The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
> call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
> result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
> a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
> without the risk of overflow.

Hi Niall,

Thanks for the patch.

For the 'RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align)' macro, 'align' should be power of
two, as 'desc_lim->nb_align' is uint16_t, max value it can get is 2^15.
'val' should be smaller than or equal to 'align', so '*nb_desc' can be
maximum 2^15.

So RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^15-1, 2^15) = 2^15, I think this should work fine
(although I didn't test).

And even with your uint32_t cast, I think following will fail:
RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^16-1, 2^15)
(again, not tested).

Or maybe I am missing a case, can you please give some actual numbers to
show the problem and the fix?

Perhaps what we need is to verify mentioned requirements of the macro in
the function:
- 'align' should be power of two
- val <= align
But as this is a static function, these checks can be done in caller
function and preconditions can be enforced.

> Fixes: 0f67fc3baeb9 ("ethdev: add function to adjust number of descriptors")
> Signed-off-by: Niall Meade <niall.meade@intel.com>
> ---
>  .mailmap                |  1 +
>  lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c | 12 +++++++++---
>  2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap
> index 4a508bafad..c1941e78bb 100644
> --- a/.mailmap
> +++ b/.mailmap
> @@ -1053,6 +1053,7 @@ Nelson Escobar <neescoba@cisco.com>
>  Nemanja Marjanovic <nemanja.marjanovic@intel.com>
>  Netanel Belgazal <netanel@amazon.com>
>  Netanel Gonen <netanelg@mellanox.com>
> +Niall Meade <niall.meade@intel.com>
>  Niall Power <niall.power@intel.com>
>  Nicholas Pratte <npratte@iol.unh.edu>
>  Nick Connolly <nick.connolly@arm.com> <nick.connolly@mayadata.io>
> diff --git a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
> index f1c658f49e..f978283edf 100644
> --- a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
> +++ b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
> @@ -6577,13 +6577,19 @@ static void
>  eth_dev_adjust_nb_desc(uint16_t *nb_desc,
>  		const struct rte_eth_desc_lim *desc_lim)
>  {
> +	/* Upcast to uint32 to avoid potential overflow with RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(). */
> +	uint32_t nb_desc_32 = *nb_desc;
> +
>  	if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
> -		*nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);
> +		nb_desc_32 = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_align);
>  	if (desc_lim->nb_max != 0)
> -		*nb_desc = RTE_MIN(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_max);
> +		nb_desc_32 = RTE_MIN(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max);
> +
> +	nb_desc_32 = RTE_MAX(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_min);
> -	*nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min);
> +	/* Assign clipped u32 back to u16. */
> +	*nb_desc = nb_desc_32;
>  }
>  int
Meade, Niall Sept. 26, 2024, 2:03 p.m. UTC | #2
> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@amd.com>
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:16 AM
> To: Meade, Niall <niall.meade@intel.com>; Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru>; Roman Zhukov <roman.zhukov@arknetworks.am>
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org <dev@dpdk.org>
> Subject: Re: [PATCH v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic
> > The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
> > RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
> > call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
> > result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
> > a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
> > without the risk of overflow.
> >
> Hi Niall,

Hi Ferruh,

> Thanks for the patch.
> For the 'RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align)' macro, 'align' should be power of
> two, as 'desc_lim->nb_align' is uint16_t, max value it can get is 2^15.
> 'val' should be smaller than or equal to 'align', so '*nb_desc' can be
> maximum 2^15.
> So RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^15-1, 2^15) = 2^15, I think this should work fine
> (although I didn't test).
> And even with your uint32_t cast, I think following will fail:
> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^16-1, 2^15)
> (again, not tested).

I tested my code with these values and the behaviour is as expected from
what I can see.
At a high level I ran into this issue when passing uint16_tMAX into
rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc() with the intent of selecting the maximum
ring descriptor size but the minimum was selected.

> Or maybe I am missing a case, can you please give some actual numbers to
> show the problem and the fix?

Yes sure! If we take an example of val= (2^16)-1 and align= 32.
RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align) calls RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(val + align - 1, align). With
val as a uint16_t this subsequent macro call results in a wrap around for val
(originally was the max uint16_t and now we are attempting to add align to
it). The returned value of RTE_ALIGN_CEIL() in this case is 0. This results in
nb_desc being set to 0, and later set to the minimum ring descriptor size for
that NIC with *nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min).

While this example is an unreasonably large request for a descriptor ring size,
the expected behaviour would be that the descriptor ring size defaults back to
the maximum possible for that particular NIC, not to the minimum which it
currently does.
By introducing a uint32_t, the wrap around in RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR() is avoided,
keeping the large value of nb_desc_32 which is later set to an appropriate size
in RTE_MIN(*nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max)

> >  {
> > +     /* Upcast to uint32 to avoid potential overflow with RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(). */
> > +     uint32_t nb_desc_32 = *nb_desc;
> > +
> >        if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
> > -             *nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);
> > +             nb_desc_32 = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_align);
Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
Registered in Ireland
Registered Office: Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, County Kildare
Registered Number: 308263

This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole
use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is
strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender and delete all copies.
Ferruh Yigit Sept. 26, 2024, 11:51 p.m. UTC | #3
On 9/26/2024 3:03 PM, Meade, Niall wrote:
>> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@amd.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:16 AM
>> To: Meade, Niall <niall.meade@intel.com>; Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru>; Roman Zhukov <roman.zhukov@arknetworks.am>
>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org <dev@dpdk.org>
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic
> <snip>
>>> The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
>>> call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
>>> result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
>>> a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
>>> without the risk of overflow.
>> Hi Niall,
> Hi Ferruh,
>> Thanks for the patch.
>> For the 'RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align)' macro, 'align' should be power of
>> two, as 'desc_lim->nb_align' is uint16_t, max value it can get is 2^15.
>> 'val' should be smaller than or equal to 'align', so '*nb_desc' can be
>> maximum 2^15.
>> So RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^15-1, 2^15) = 2^15, I think this should work fine
>> (although I didn't test).
>> And even with your uint32_t cast, I think following will fail:
>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^16-1, 2^15)
>> (again, not tested).
> I tested my code with these values and the behaviour is as expected from
> what I can see.
> At a high level I ran into this issue when passing uint16_tMAX into
> rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc() with the intent of selecting the maximum
> ring descriptor size but the minimum was selected.
>> Or maybe I am missing a case, can you please give some actual numbers to
>> show the problem and the fix?
> Yes sure! If we take an example of val= (2^16)-1 and align= 32.
> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align) calls RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(val + align - 1, align). With
> val as a uint16_t this subsequent macro call results in a wrap around for val
> (originally was the max uint16_t and now we are attempting to add align to
> it). The returned value of RTE_ALIGN_CEIL() in this case is 0. This results in
> nb_desc being set to 0, and later set to the minimum ring descriptor size for
> that NIC with *nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min).
> While this example is an unreasonably large request for a descriptor ring size,
> the expected behaviour would be that the descriptor ring size defaults back to
> the maximum possible for that particular NIC, not to the minimum which it
> currently does.
> By introducing a uint32_t, the wrap around in RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR() is avoided,
> keeping the large value of nb_desc_32 which is later set to an appropriate size
> in RTE_MIN(*nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max)

I see the problem now, thanks.

When value > (2^16 - align), next aligned value is 2^16, which is
UINT16_MAX + 1, hence wraps to 0, this is kind of expected.

For the relevant code, assuming 'desc_lim->nb_max' & 'desc_lim->nb_min'
are already aligned to 'desc_lim->nb_align', following should fix the
issue, that seems simpler to me, what do you think:

if (desc_lim->nb_max != 0)
	*nb_desc = RTE_MIN(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_max);

nb_desc_32 = RTE_MAX(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_min);

if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
	*nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);

Basically just changing the order of the operations...

It is not easy to see the problem, can you please give sample values in
the commit log (for '*nb_desc', 'nb_align', 'nb_max' & 'nb_min'), that
makes much easier to see why above works.
Meade, Niall Sept. 27, 2024, 10:46 a.m. UTC | #4
>On 9/26/2024 3:03 PM, Meade, Niall wrote:
>>> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@amd.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:16 AM
>>> To: Meade, Niall <niall.meade@intel.com>; Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru>; Roman Zhukov <roman.zhukov@arknetworks.am>
>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org <dev@dpdk.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic
>> <snip>
>>>> The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
>>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
>>>> call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
>>>> result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
>>>> a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
>>>> without the risk of overflow.
>>> Hi Niall,
>> Hi Ferruh,
>>> Thanks for the patch.
>>> For the 'RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align)' macro, 'align' should be power of
>>> two, as 'desc_lim->nb_align' is uint16_t, max value it can get is 2^15.
>>> 'val' should be smaller than or equal to 'align', so '*nb_desc' can be
>>> maximum 2^15.
>>> So RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^15-1, 2^15) = 2^15, I think this should work fine
>>> (although I didn't test).
>>> And even with your uint32_t cast, I think following will fail:
>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^16-1, 2^15)
>>> (again, not tested).
>> I tested my code with these values and the behaviour is as expected from
>> what I can see.
>> At a high level I ran into this issue when passing uint16_tMAX into
>> rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc() with the intent of selecting the maximum
>> ring descriptor size but the minimum was selected.
>>> Or maybe I am missing a case, can you please give some actual numbers to
>>> show the problem and the fix?
>> Yes sure! If we take an example of val= (2^16)-1 and align= 32.
>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align) calls RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(val + align - 1, align). With
>> val as a uint16_t this subsequent macro call results in a wrap around for val
>> (originally was the max uint16_t and now we are attempting to add align to
>> it). The returned value of RTE_ALIGN_CEIL() in this case is 0. This results in
>> nb_desc being set to 0, and later set to the minimum ring descriptor size for
>> that NIC with *nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min).
>> While this example is an unreasonably large request for a descriptor ring size,
>> the expected behaviour would be that the descriptor ring size defaults back to
>> the maximum possible for that particular NIC, not to the minimum which it
>> currently does.
>> By introducing a uint32_t, the wrap around in RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR() is avoided,
>> keeping the large value of nb_desc_32 which is later set to an appropriate size
>> in RTE_MIN(*nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max)
>I see the problem now, thanks.
>When value > (2^16 - align), next aligned value is 2^16, which is
>UINT16_MAX + 1, hence wraps to 0, this is kind of expected.
>For the relevant code, assuming 'desc_lim->nb_max' & 'desc_lim->nb_min'
>are already aligned to 'desc_lim->nb_align', following should fix the
>issue, that seems simpler to me, what do you think:

Yes, while it is a simpler solution there is still potential for an overflow if nb_max
is equal to 0. If nb_max is 0 while nb_desc is UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX will be
passed to the align macro resulting in an overflow again.

>if (desc_lim->nb_max != 0)
>        *nb_desc = RTE_MIN(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_max);
>nb_desc_32 = RTE_MAX(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_min);
>if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
>        *nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);
>Basically just changing the order of the operations...
>It is not easy to see the problem, can you please give sample values in
>the commit log (for '*nb_desc', 'nb_align', 'nb_max' & 'nb_min'), that
>makes much easier to see why above works.

Yes, good idea! I'll add an example to the commit log for clarity.
Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
Registered in Ireland
Registered Office: Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, County Kildare
Registered Number: 308263

This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole
use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is
strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender and delete all copies.
Ferruh Yigit Sept. 27, 2024, 9:39 p.m. UTC | #5
On 9/27/2024 11:46 AM, Meade, Niall wrote:
>> On 9/26/2024 3:03 PM, Meade, Niall wrote:
>>>> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@amd.com>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:16 AM
>>>> To: Meade, Niall <niall.meade@intel.com>; Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru>; Roman Zhukov <roman.zhukov@arknetworks.am>
>>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org <dev@dpdk.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v1] ethdev: fix int overflow in descriptor count logic
>>> <snip>
>>>>> The resolution involves upcasting nb_desc to a uint32_t before the
>>>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL macro is applied. This change ensures that the subsequent
>>>>> call to RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_desc + (nb_align - 1), nb_align) does not
>>>>> result in an overflow, as it would when nb_desc is a uint16_t. By using
>>>>> a uint32_t for these operations, the correct behavior is maintained
>>>>> without the risk of overflow.
>>>> Hi Niall,
>>> Hi Ferruh,
>>>> Thanks for the patch.
>>>> For the 'RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align)' macro, 'align' should be power of
>>>> two, as 'desc_lim->nb_align' is uint16_t, max value it can get is 2^15.
>>>> 'val' should be smaller than or equal to 'align', so '*nb_desc' can be
>>>> maximum 2^15.
>>>> So RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^15-1, 2^15) = 2^15, I think this should work fine
>>>> (although I didn't test).
>>>> And even with your uint32_t cast, I think following will fail:
>>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(2^16-1, 2^15)
>>>> (again, not tested).
>>> I tested my code with these values and the behaviour is as expected from
>>> what I can see.
>>> At a high level I ran into this issue when passing uint16_tMAX into
>>> rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc() with the intent of selecting the maximum
>>> ring descriptor size but the minimum was selected.
>>>> Or maybe I am missing a case, can you please give some actual numbers to
>>>> show the problem and the fix?
>>> Yes sure! If we take an example of val= (2^16)-1 and align= 32.
>>> RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(val, align) calls RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(val + align - 1, align). With
>>> val as a uint16_t this subsequent macro call results in a wrap around for val
>>> (originally was the max uint16_t and now we are attempting to add align to
>>> it). The returned value of RTE_ALIGN_CEIL() in this case is 0. This results in
>>> nb_desc being set to 0, and later set to the minimum ring descriptor size for
>>> that NIC with *nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min).
>>> While this example is an unreasonably large request for a descriptor ring size,
>>> the expected behaviour would be that the descriptor ring size defaults back to
>>> the maximum possible for that particular NIC, not to the minimum which it
>>> currently does.
>>> By introducing a uint32_t, the wrap around in RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR() is avoided,
>>> keeping the large value of nb_desc_32 which is later set to an appropriate size
>>> in RTE_MIN(*nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max)
>> I see the problem now, thanks.
>> When value > (2^16 - align), next aligned value is 2^16, which is
>> UINT16_MAX + 1, hence wraps to 0, this is kind of expected.
>> For the relevant code, assuming 'desc_lim->nb_max' & 'desc_lim->nb_min'
>> are already aligned to 'desc_lim->nb_align', following should fix the
>> issue, that seems simpler to me, what do you think:
> Yes, while it is a simpler solution there is still potential for an overflow if nb_max
> is equal to 0. If nb_max is 0 while nb_desc is UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX will be
> passed to the align macro resulting in an overflow again.


>> ```
>> if (desc_lim->nb_max != 0)
>>         *nb_desc = RTE_MIN(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_max);
>> nb_desc_32 = RTE_MAX(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_min);
>> if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
>>         *nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);
>> ```
>> Basically just changing the order of the operations...
>> It is not easy to see the problem, can you please give sample values in
>> the commit log (for '*nb_desc', 'nb_align', 'nb_max' & 'nb_min'), that
>> makes much easier to see why above works.
> Yes, good idea! I'll add an example to the commit log for clarity.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
> Registered in Ireland
> Registered Office: Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, County Kildare
> Registered Number: 308263
> This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole
> use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is
> strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
> sender and delete all copies.


diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap
index 4a508bafad..c1941e78bb 100644
--- a/.mailmap
+++ b/.mailmap
@@ -1053,6 +1053,7 @@  Nelson Escobar <neescoba@cisco.com>
 Nemanja Marjanovic <nemanja.marjanovic@intel.com>
 Netanel Belgazal <netanel@amazon.com>
 Netanel Gonen <netanelg@mellanox.com>
+Niall Meade <niall.meade@intel.com>
 Niall Power <niall.power@intel.com>
 Nicholas Pratte <npratte@iol.unh.edu>
 Nick Connolly <nick.connolly@arm.com> <nick.connolly@mayadata.io>
diff --git a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
index f1c658f49e..f978283edf 100644
--- a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
+++ b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
@@ -6577,13 +6577,19 @@  static void
 eth_dev_adjust_nb_desc(uint16_t *nb_desc,
 		const struct rte_eth_desc_lim *desc_lim)
+	/* Upcast to uint32 to avoid potential overflow with RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(). */
+	uint32_t nb_desc_32 = *nb_desc;
 	if (desc_lim->nb_align != 0)
-		*nb_desc = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_align);
+		nb_desc_32 = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_align);
 	if (desc_lim->nb_max != 0)
-		*nb_desc = RTE_MIN(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_max);
+		nb_desc_32 = RTE_MIN(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_max);
+	nb_desc_32 = RTE_MAX(nb_desc_32, desc_lim->nb_min);
-	*nb_desc = RTE_MAX(*nb_desc, desc_lim->nb_min);
+	/* Assign clipped u32 back to u16. */
+	*nb_desc = nb_desc_32;