[3/5] dts: use Pydantic in the configuration

Message ID 20240822163941.1390326-4-luca.vizzarro@arm.com (mailing list archive)
State New
Delegated to: Paul Szczepanek
Series dts: Pydantic configuration |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Luca Vizzarro Aug. 22, 2024, 4:39 p.m. UTC
This change brings in Pydantic in place of Warlock. Pydantic offers
a built-in model validation system in the classes, which allows for
a more resilient and simpler code. As a consequence of this change:

- most validation is now built-in
- further validation is added to verify:
  - cross referencing of node names and ports
  - test suite and test cases names
- dictionaries representing the config schema are removed
- the config schema is no longer used for validation but kept as an
  alternative format for the developer
- the config schema can now be generated automatically from the
  Pydantic models
- the TrafficGeneratorType enum has been changed from inheriting
  StrEnum to the native str and Enum. This change was necessary to
  enable the discriminator for object unions
- the structure of the classes has been slightly changed to perfectly
  match the structure of the configuration files
- updates the test suite argument to catch the ValidationError that
  TestSuiteConfig can now raise

Bugzilla ID: 1508

Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>
 dts/framework/config/__init__.py              | 588 +++++++++---------
 dts/framework/config/types.py                 | 132 ----
 dts/framework/runner.py                       |  35 +-
 dts/framework/settings.py                     |  16 +-
 dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py       |   2 +-
 .../traffic_generator/__init__.py             |   4 +-
 .../traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py    |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 325 insertions(+), 454 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dts/framework/config/types.py


Juraj Linkeš Sept. 17, 2024, 11:13 a.m. UTC | #1
On 22. 8. 2024 18:39, Luca Vizzarro wrote:
> This change brings in Pydantic in place of Warlock. Pydantic offers
> a built-in model validation system in the classes, which allows for
> a more resilient and simpler code. As a consequence of this change:
> - most validation is now built-in
> - further validation is added to verify:
>    - cross referencing of node names and ports
>    - test suite and test cases names
> - dictionaries representing the config schema are removed
> - the config schema is no longer used for validation but kept as an
>    alternative format for the developer

If it's not used, we should remove it right away (in this patch). I see 
that it's updated in v5, but we can just add it back.

> - the config schema can now be generated automatically from the
>    Pydantic models
> - the TrafficGeneratorType enum has been changed from inheriting
>    StrEnum to the native str and Enum. This change was necessary to
>    enable the discriminator for object unions
> - the structure of the classes has been slightly changed to perfectly
>    match the structure of the configuration files
> - updates the test suite argument to catch the ValidationError that
>    TestSuiteConfig can now raise

Passive voice is not used here, but the rest of the bullet points are 
using it.

>   delete mode 100644 dts/framework/config/types.py

A note, don't forget to remove this from doc sources if those get merged 
before this.

> diff --git a/dts/framework/config/__init__.py b/dts/framework/config/__init__.py

> @@ -2,17 +2,19 @@

> -the YAML test run configuration file
> -and validates it according to :download:`the schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.
> +the YAML test run configuration file and validates it against the :class:`Configuration` Pydantic
> +dataclass model. The Pydantic model is also available as
> +:download:`JSON schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.

This second sentence should be moved to the last patch.

> @@ -33,29 +35,31 @@

> +)
> +from pydantic.config import JsonDict
> +from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

We should probably distinguish between built-in dataclasses and pydantic 
dataclasses (as pydantic adds the extra argument). Importing them as 
pydantic_dataclass seems like the easiest way to achieve this.

> @@ -116,14 +120,14 @@ class Compiler(StrEnum):

>   @unique
> -class TrafficGeneratorType(StrEnum):
> +class TrafficGeneratorType(str, Enum):
>       """The supported traffic generators."""
>       #:
> -    SCAPY = auto()
> +    SCAPY = "SCAPY"

Do discriminators not work with auto()?

> -@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
> +@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))

Is there any special reason for kw_only? Maybe we should add the reason 
for this (and also the config arg) to the module dosctring and commit msg.

> @@ -136,12 +140,17 @@ class HugepageConfiguration:

> -@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
> +PciAddress = Annotated[
> +    str, StringConstraints(pattern=r"^[\da-fA-F]{4}:[\da-fA-F]{2}:[\da-fA-F]{2}.\d:?\w*$")

We have a pattern for this in utils.py. We can reuse and maybe update it 
if needed.

> +]
> +"""A constrained string type representing a PCI address."""

This should be above the var and I think regular comment (with #) should 

> @@ -150,69 +159,53 @@ class PortConfig:

> +TrafficGeneratorConfigTypes = Annotated[ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig, Field(discriminator="type")]
> -@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
> -class ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig(TrafficGeneratorConfig):
> -    """Scapy traffic generator specific configuration."""
> -    pass
> +LogicalCores = Annotated[
> +    str,
> +    StringConstraints(pattern=r"^(([0-9]+|([0-9]+-[0-9]+))(,([0-9]+|([0-9]+-[0-9]+)))*)?$"),
> +    Field(
> +        description="Comma-separated list of logical cores to use. "
> +        "An empty string means use all lcores.",
> +        examples=["1,2,3,4,5,18-22", "10-15"],
> +    ),
> +]

These two types don't have have a docstring, but others have.

> @@ -232,69 +225,25 @@ class NodeConfiguration:

>       arch: Architecture
>       os: OS

Adding the descriptions to all fields would be beneficial. Do we want to 
do that in this patch?

> @@ -313,10 +264,14 @@ class TGNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration):

> -    traffic_generator: TrafficGeneratorConfig
> +    traffic_generator: TrafficGeneratorConfigTypes
> +
> +NodeConfigurationTypes = TGNodeConfiguration | SutNodeConfiguration
> +"""Union type for all the node configuration types."""

Same note as with PciAddress.

> @@ -405,31 +369,63 @@ class TestSuiteConfig:

> +    test_suite_name: str = Field(
> +        title="Test suite name",
> +        description="The identifying name of the test suite.",

I think we need to update this to mention that it's the test suite 
module name. Maybe we can also update the field, as it's only used in 
this object.

> +        alias="test_suite",
> +    )
> +    test_cases_names: list[str] = Field(
> +        default_factory=list,
> +        title="Test cases by name",
> +        description="The identifying name of the test cases of the test suite.",
> +        alias="test_cases",
> +    )

The attributes under Attributes need to be updated.

> +
> +    @cached_property
> +    def test_suite_spec(self) -> "TestSuiteSpec":
> +        """The specification of the requested test suite."""
> +        from framework.test_suite import find_by_name
> +
> +        test_suite_spec = find_by_name(self.test_suite_name)
> +        assert test_suite_spec is not None, f"{self.test_suite_name} is not a valid test suite name"

Doesn't end with a dot; the message should also mention that we're 
dealing with module name.

> +        return test_suite_spec
> +
> +    @model_validator(mode="before")

I think it makes sense to exlude these from docs. I tried putting :meta 
private: into a docstring and it seems to be working.

>       @classmethod
> -    def from_dict(
> -        cls,
> -        entry: str | TestSuiteConfigDict,
> -    ) -> Self:
> -        """Create an instance from two different types.
> +    def convert_from_string(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
> +        """Convert the string representation into a valid mapping."""
> +        if isinstance(data, str):
> +            [test_suite, *test_cases] = data.split()
> +            return dict(test_suite=test_suite, test_cases=test_cases)
> +        return data
> +

Why is this here? To unify the format with the one accepted by the 
--test-suite argument? Do we want to add an alternative format? If so, 
we need to make sure we document clearly that there are two alternatives 
and that they're equivalent.

> +    @model_validator(mode="after")
> +    def validate_names(self) -> Self:
> +        """Validate the supplied test suite and test cases names."""

In Configuration.validate_test_runs_with_nodes() the docstring mentions 
the use of the cached property, let's also do that here.

> +        available_test_cases = map(lambda t: t.name, self.test_suite_spec.test_cases)
> +        for requested_test_case in self.test_cases_names:
> +            assert requested_test_case in available_test_cases, (
> +                f"{requested_test_case} is not a valid test case "
> +                f"for test suite {self.test_suite_name}"

for test suite -> of test suite; also end with a dot. The dot is missing 
in a lot of places (and capital letters where the message doesn't start 
with a var value).

> @@ -442,143 +438,132 @@ class TestRunConfiguration:

> -@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
> +
> +@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
>   class Configuration:
>       """DTS testbed and test configuration.
> -    The node configuration is not stored in this object. Rather, all used node configurations
> -    are stored inside the test run configuration where the nodes are actually used.
> -

I think it makes sense to explain the extra validation (with the 
@*_validator decorators) that's being done in the docstring (if we 
remove the validation methods from the generated docs). The docstring 
should be updated for each model that doing the extra validation.

>       Attributes:
>           test_runs: Test run configurations.
> +        nodes: Node configurations.
>       """
> -    test_runs: list[TestRunConfiguration]
> +    test_runs: list[TestRunConfiguration] = Field(min_length=1)
> +    nodes: list[NodeConfigurationTypes] = Field(min_length=1)
> +    @field_validator("nodes")
>       @classmethod
> -    def from_dict(cls, d: ConfigurationDict) -> Self:
> -        """A convenience method that processes the inputs before creating an instance.
> +    def validate_node_names(cls, nodes: list[NodeConfiguration]) -> list[NodeConfiguration]:
> +        """Validate that the node names are unique."""
> +        nodes_by_name: dict[str, int] = {}
> +        for node_no, node in enumerate(nodes):
> +            assert node.name not in nodes_by_name, (
> +                f"node {node_no} cannot have the same name as node {nodes_by_name[node.name]} "
> +                f"({node.name})"
> +            )
> +            nodes_by_name[node.name] = node_no
> +
> +        return nodes
> +
> +    @model_validator(mode="after")
> +    def validate_ports(self) -> Self:
> +        """Validate that the ports are all linked to valid ones."""
> +        port_links: dict[tuple[str, str], Literal[False] | tuple[int, int]] = {
> +            (node.name, port.pci): False for node in self.nodes for port in node.ports
> +        }
> +
> +        for node_no, node in enumerate(self.nodes):

I could see why we're use enumeration for nodes in validate_node_names, 
but here we can just use node names in assert messages. At least that 
should be the case if nodes get validated before this model validator 
runs - it that the case?

> +            for port_no, port in enumerate(node.ports):
> +                peer_port_identifier = (port.peer_node, port.peer_pci)
> +                peer_port = port_links.get(peer_port_identifier, None)
> +                assert peer_port is not None, (
> +                    "invalid peer port specified for " f"nodes.{node_no}.ports.{port_no}"
> +                )
> +                assert peer_port is False, (
> +                    f"the peer port specified for nodes.{node_no}.ports.{port_no} "
> +                    f"is already linked to nodes.{peer_port[0]}.ports.{peer_port[1]}"
> +                )
> +                port_links[peer_port_identifier] = (node_no, port_no)

> +    @cached_property
> +    def test_runs_with_nodes(self) -> list[TestRunWithNodesConfiguration]:

Let's move the property to be the first member of the class, to unify 
the order it with TestSuiteConfig.

> +        """List test runs with the associated nodes."""

This doesn't list the test runs. I think the docstring should say a bit 
more to make it obvious that this is the main attribute to use with this 
class. Or maybe that could be in the the class's docstring.

We're also missing the Returns: section.

> +        test_runs_with_nodes = []
> -        Returns:
> -            The whole configuration instance.
> -        """
> -        nodes: list[SutNodeConfiguration | TGNodeConfiguration] = list(
> -            map(NodeConfiguration.from_dict, d["nodes"])
> -        )
> -        assert len(nodes) > 0, "There must be a node to test"
> +        for test_run_no, test_run in enumerate(self.test_runs):
> +            sut_node_name = test_run.system_under_test_node.node_name
> +            sut_node = next(filter(lambda n: n.name == sut_node_name, self.nodes), None)

There are a number of these instead of a list comprehension (I mentioned 
this in a previous patch). I still don't really see a reason to not use 
list comprehensions in all these cases.

> +
> +
> +ConfigurationType = TypeAdapter(Configuration)

This new transformed class exists only for validation purposes, right? I 
think we can move this to load_config, as it's not going to be used 
anywhere else.

Also I'd rename it to something else, it's not a type. Maybe 
ConfigurationAdapter or PydanticConfiguration or ConfigurationModel (as 
the adapter adds some methods from BaseModel). Or something else, but 
the type in the name confused me.

> diff --git a/dts/framework/runner.py b/dts/framework/runner.py
> @@ -231,10 +234,10 @@ def _get_test_suites_with_cases(
>           test_suites_with_cases = []
>           for test_suite_config in test_suite_configs:
> -            test_suite_class = self._get_test_suite_class(test_suite_config.test_suite)
> +            test_suite_class = self._get_test_suite_class(test_suite_config.test_suite_name)

We've already done all the validation and importing at this point and we 
should be able to use test_suite_config.test_suite_spec, right? The same 
is true for TestSuiteWithCases, which holds the same information.

Looks like you removed _get_test_suite_class in a subsequent patch, but 
we should think about getting rid of TestSuiteWithCases, as it was 
conceived to do what TestSuiteSpec is doing.
Nicholas Pratte Sept. 30, 2024, 5:56 p.m. UTC | #2
Hi Luca! See my comments below, thanks!

On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 12:40 PM Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com> wrote:
> This change brings in Pydantic in place of Warlock. Pydantic offers
> a built-in model validation system in the classes, which allows for
> a more resilient and simpler code. As a consequence of this change:
> - most validation is now built-in
> - further validation is added to verify:
>   - cross referencing of node names and ports
>   - test suite and test cases names
> - dictionaries representing the config schema are removed
> - the config schema is no longer used for validation but kept as an
>   alternative format for the developer
> - the config schema can now be generated automatically from the
>   Pydantic models
> - the TrafficGeneratorType enum has been changed from inheriting
>   StrEnum to the native str and Enum. This change was necessary to
>   enable the discriminator for object unions
> - the structure of the classes has been slightly changed to perfectly
>   match the structure of the configuration files
> - updates the test suite argument to catch the ValidationError that
>   TestSuiteConfig can now raise
> Bugzilla ID: 1508
> Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>
> Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>
> ---
>  dts/framework/config/__init__.py              | 588 +++++++++---------
>  dts/framework/config/types.py                 | 132 ----
>  dts/framework/runner.py                       |  35 +-
>  dts/framework/settings.py                     |  16 +-
>  dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py       |   2 +-
>  .../traffic_generator/__init__.py             |   4 +-
>  .../traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py    |   2 +-
>  7 files changed, 325 insertions(+), 454 deletions(-)
>  delete mode 100644 dts/framework/config/types.py
> diff --git a/dts/framework/config/__init__.py b/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
> index df60a5030e..013c529829 100644
> --- a/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
> +++ b/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
> @@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
>  # Copyright(c) 2010-2021 Intel Corporation
>  # Copyright(c) 2022-2023 University of New Hampshire
>  # Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
> +# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
>  """Testbed configuration and test suite specification.
>  This package offers classes that hold real-time information about the testbed, hold test run
>  configuration describing the tested testbed and a loader function, :func:`load_config`, which loads
> -the YAML test run configuration file
> -and validates it according to :download:`the schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.
> +the YAML test run configuration file and validates it against the :class:`Configuration` Pydantic
> +dataclass model. The Pydantic model is also available as

Out of curiosity, what is the reason for maintaining use of
dataclasses here as opposed to creating BaseModel subclasses for the
Pydantic library? I suppose both implementations would lead to the
same result, but is it mostly for the sake of familiarity and
consistency that we're still using dataclasses here?

> +:download:`JSON schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.
>  The YAML test run configuration file is parsed into a dictionary, parts of which are used throughout
> -this package. The allowed keys and types inside this dictionary are defined in
> -the :doc:`types <framework.config.types>` module.
> +this package. The allowed keys and types inside this dictionary map directly to the
> +:class:`Configuration` model, its fields and sub-models.
>  The test run configuration has two main sections:
> @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@
>  The real-time information about testbed is supposed to be gathered at runtime.
> -The classes defined in this package make heavy use of :mod:`dataclasses`.
> +The classes defined in this package make heavy use of :mod:`pydantic.dataclasses`.
>  All of them use slots and are frozen:
>      * Slots enables some optimizations, by pre-allocating space for the defined
> @@ -33,29 +35,31 @@
>        and makes it thread safe should we ever want to move in that direction.
>  """
> -import json
> -import os.path
> -from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
> -from enum import auto, unique
> +from enum import Enum, auto, unique
> +from functools import cached_property
>  from pathlib import Path
> -from typing import Union
> +from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Any, Literal, NamedTuple, Protocol
> -import warlock  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
>  import yaml
> +from pydantic import (
> +    ConfigDict,
> +    Field,
> +    StringConstraints,
> +    TypeAdapter,
> +    ValidationError,
> +    field_validator,
> +    model_validator,
> +)
> +from pydantic.config import JsonDict
> +from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
>  from typing_extensions import Self
> -from framework.config.types import (
> -    BuildTargetConfigDict,
> -    ConfigurationDict,
> -    NodeConfigDict,
> -    PortConfigDict,
> -    TestRunConfigDict,
> -    TestSuiteConfigDict,
> -    TrafficGeneratorConfigDict,
> -)
>  from framework.exception import ConfigurationError
>  from framework.utils import StrEnum
> +    from framework.test_suite import TestSuiteSpec
> +
>  @unique
>  class Architecture(StrEnum):
> @@ -116,14 +120,14 @@ class Compiler(StrEnum):
>  @unique
> -class TrafficGeneratorType(StrEnum):
> +class TrafficGeneratorType(str, Enum):
>      """The supported traffic generators."""
>      #:
> -    SCAPY = auto()
> +    SCAPY = "SCAPY"

Going off of Juraj's comments, would you be able to provide an deeper
explanation as how this new parameterization of str and enum works
with respect to the Pydantic field discriminators?

The rest of what you've provided is more straightforward, but I'd
still like to look at this deeper and provide review. The comments
asked here are probably my most significant.
Dean Marx Sept. 30, 2024, 9:45 p.m. UTC | #3
On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 12:40 PM Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>

> This change brings in Pydantic in place of Warlock. Pydantic offers
> a built-in model validation system in the classes, which allows for
> a more resilient and simpler code. As a consequence of this change:
> - most validation is now built-in
> - further validation is added to verify:
>   - cross referencing of node names and ports
>   - test suite and test cases names
> - dictionaries representing the config schema are removed
> - the config schema is no longer used for validation but kept as an
>   alternative format for the developer
> - the config schema can now be generated automatically from the
>   Pydantic models
> - the TrafficGeneratorType enum has been changed from inheriting
>   StrEnum to the native str and Enum. This change was necessary to
>   enable the discriminator for object unions
> - the structure of the classes has been slightly changed to perfectly
>   match the structure of the configuration files
> - updates the test suite argument to catch the ValidationError that
>   TestSuiteConfig can now raise
> Bugzilla ID: 1508
> Signed-off-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>
> Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>


> -@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
> +@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True,
> config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))

Up to you but I think it might be worth specifying what some of these extra
pydantic args are for if we're going to keep the name of the decorator as
"dataclass." For example, this ConfigDict "forbid" argument seems to be
commonly used, same with the "before/after" modes with the model_validator.
Maybe a brief description somewhere in the docstrings, just so others can
see how it differs from the previous implementation even without experience
using pydantic.


> +    @model_validator(mode="before")
>      @classmethod
> -    def from_dict(
> -        cls,
> -        entry: str | TestSuiteConfigDict,
> -    ) -> Self:
> -        """Create an instance from two different types.
> +    def convert_from_string(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
> +        """Convert the string representation into a valid mapping."""
> +        if isinstance(data, str):
> +            [test_suite, *test_cases] = data.split()
> +            return dict(test_suite=test_suite, test_cases=test_cases)
> +        return data

Again this is completely your call, but might be worth explaining in the
docstrings why this "before" method is used here while the other validators
are running with "after."


diff --git a/dts/framework/config/__init__.py b/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
index df60a5030e..013c529829 100644
--- a/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
+++ b/dts/framework/config/__init__.py
@@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ 
 # Copyright(c) 2010-2021 Intel Corporation
 # Copyright(c) 2022-2023 University of New Hampshire
 # Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Arm Limited
 """Testbed configuration and test suite specification.
 This package offers classes that hold real-time information about the testbed, hold test run
 configuration describing the tested testbed and a loader function, :func:`load_config`, which loads
-the YAML test run configuration file
-and validates it according to :download:`the schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.
+the YAML test run configuration file and validates it against the :class:`Configuration` Pydantic
+dataclass model. The Pydantic model is also available as
+:download:`JSON schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`.
 The YAML test run configuration file is parsed into a dictionary, parts of which are used throughout
-this package. The allowed keys and types inside this dictionary are defined in
-the :doc:`types <framework.config.types>` module.
+this package. The allowed keys and types inside this dictionary map directly to the
+:class:`Configuration` model, its fields and sub-models.
 The test run configuration has two main sections:
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ 
 The real-time information about testbed is supposed to be gathered at runtime.
-The classes defined in this package make heavy use of :mod:`dataclasses`.
+The classes defined in this package make heavy use of :mod:`pydantic.dataclasses`.
 All of them use slots and are frozen:
     * Slots enables some optimizations, by pre-allocating space for the defined
@@ -33,29 +35,31 @@ 
       and makes it thread safe should we ever want to move in that direction.
-import json
-import os.path
-from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
-from enum import auto, unique
+from enum import Enum, auto, unique
+from functools import cached_property
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Any, Literal, NamedTuple, Protocol
-import warlock  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
 import yaml
+from pydantic import (
+    ConfigDict,
+    Field,
+    StringConstraints,
+    TypeAdapter,
+    ValidationError,
+    field_validator,
+    model_validator,
+from pydantic.config import JsonDict
+from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
 from typing_extensions import Self
-from framework.config.types import (
-    BuildTargetConfigDict,
-    ConfigurationDict,
-    NodeConfigDict,
-    PortConfigDict,
-    TestRunConfigDict,
-    TestSuiteConfigDict,
-    TrafficGeneratorConfigDict,
 from framework.exception import ConfigurationError
 from framework.utils import StrEnum
+    from framework.test_suite import TestSuiteSpec
 class Architecture(StrEnum):
@@ -116,14 +120,14 @@  class Compiler(StrEnum):
-class TrafficGeneratorType(StrEnum):
+class TrafficGeneratorType(str, Enum):
     """The supported traffic generators."""
-    SCAPY = auto()
+    SCAPY = "SCAPY"
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class HugepageConfiguration:
     r"""The hugepage configuration of :class:`~framework.testbed_model.node.Node`\s.
@@ -136,12 +140,17 @@  class HugepageConfiguration:
     force_first_numa: bool
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+PciAddress = Annotated[
+    str, StringConstraints(pattern=r"^[\da-fA-F]{4}:[\da-fA-F]{2}:[\da-fA-F]{2}.\d:?\w*$")
+"""A constrained string type representing a PCI address."""
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class PortConfig:
     r"""The port configuration of :class:`~framework.testbed_model.node.Node`\s.
-        node: The :class:`~framework.testbed_model.node.Node` where this port exists.
         pci: The PCI address of the port.
         os_driver_for_dpdk: The operating system driver name for use with DPDK.
         os_driver: The operating system driver name when the operating system controls the port.
@@ -150,69 +159,53 @@  class PortConfig:
         peer_pci: The PCI address of the port connected to this port.
-    node: str
-    pci: str
-    os_driver_for_dpdk: str
-    os_driver: str
-    peer_node: str
-    peer_pci: str
-    @classmethod
-    def from_dict(cls, node: str, d: PortConfigDict) -> Self:
-        """A convenience method that creates the object from fewer inputs.
-        Args:
-            node: The node where this port exists.
-            d: The configuration dictionary.
-        Returns:
-            The port configuration instance.
-        """
-        return cls(node=node, **d)
+    pci: PciAddress = Field(description="The local PCI address of the port.")
+    os_driver_for_dpdk: str = Field(
+        description="The driver that the kernel should bind this device to for DPDK to use it.",
+        examples=["vfio-pci", "mlx5_core"],
+    )
+    os_driver: str = Field(
+        description="The driver normally used by this port", examples=["i40e", "ice", "mlx5_core"]
+    )
+    peer_node: str = Field(description="The name of the peer node this port is connected to.")
+    peer_pci: PciAddress = Field(
+        description="The PCI address of the peer port this port is connected to."
+    )
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
-class TrafficGeneratorConfig:
-    """The configuration of traffic generators.
-    The class will be expanded when more configuration is needed.
+class TrafficGeneratorConfig(Protocol):
+    """A protocol required to define traffic generator types.
-        traffic_generator_type: The type of the traffic generator.
+        type: The traffic generator type, the child class is required to define to be distinguished
+            among others.
-    traffic_generator_type: TrafficGeneratorType
+    type: TrafficGeneratorType
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_dict(d: TrafficGeneratorConfigDict) -> "TrafficGeneratorConfig":
-        """A convenience method that produces traffic generator config of the proper type.
-        Args:
-            d: The configuration dictionary.
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
+class ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig(TrafficGeneratorConfig):
+    """Scapy traffic generator specific configuration."""
-        Returns:
-            The traffic generator configuration instance.
+    type: Literal[TrafficGeneratorType.SCAPY]
-        Raises:
-            ConfigurationError: An unknown traffic generator type was encountered.
-        """
-        match TrafficGeneratorType(d["type"]):
-            case TrafficGeneratorType.SCAPY:
-                return ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig(
-                    traffic_generator_type=TrafficGeneratorType.SCAPY
-                )
-            case _:
-                raise ConfigurationError(f'Unknown traffic generator type "{d["type"]}".')
+TrafficGeneratorConfigTypes = Annotated[ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig, Field(discriminator="type")]
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
-class ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig(TrafficGeneratorConfig):
-    """Scapy traffic generator specific configuration."""
-    pass
+LogicalCores = Annotated[
+    str,
+    StringConstraints(pattern=r"^(([0-9]+|([0-9]+-[0-9]+))(,([0-9]+|([0-9]+-[0-9]+)))*)?$"),
+    Field(
+        description="Comma-separated list of logical cores to use. "
+        "An empty string means use all lcores.",
+        examples=["1,2,3,4,5,18-22", "10-15"],
+    ),
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class NodeConfiguration:
     r"""The configuration of :class:`~framework.testbed_model.node.Node`\s.
@@ -232,69 +225,25 @@  class NodeConfiguration:
         ports: The ports that can be used in testing.
-    name: str
-    hostname: str
-    user: str
-    password: str | None
+    name: str = Field(description="A unique identifier for this node.")
+    hostname: str = Field(description="The hostname or IP address of the node.")
+    user: str = Field(description="The login user to use to connect to this node.")
+    password: str | None = Field(
+        default=None,
+        description="The login password to use to connect to this node. "
+        "SSH keys are STRONGLY preferred, use only as last resort.",
+    )
     arch: Architecture
     os: OS
-    lcores: str
-    use_first_core: bool
-    hugepages: HugepageConfiguration | None
-    ports: list[PortConfig]
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_dict(
-        d: NodeConfigDict,
-    ) -> Union["SutNodeConfiguration", "TGNodeConfiguration"]:
-        """A convenience method that processes the inputs before creating a specialized instance.
-        Args:
-            d: The configuration dictionary.
-        Returns:
-            Either an SUT or TG configuration instance.
-        """
-        hugepage_config = None
-        if "hugepages_2mb" in d:
-            hugepage_config_dict = d["hugepages_2mb"]
-            if "force_first_numa" not in hugepage_config_dict:
-                hugepage_config_dict["force_first_numa"] = False
-            hugepage_config = HugepageConfiguration(**hugepage_config_dict)
-        # The calls here contain duplicated code which is here because Mypy doesn't
-        # properly support dictionary unpacking with TypedDicts
-        if "traffic_generator" in d:
-            return TGNodeConfiguration(
-                name=d["name"],
-                hostname=d["hostname"],
-                user=d["user"],
-                password=d.get("password"),
-                arch=Architecture(d["arch"]),
-                os=OS(d["os"]),
-                lcores=d.get("lcores", "1"),
-                use_first_core=d.get("use_first_core", False),
-                hugepages=hugepage_config,
-                ports=[PortConfig.from_dict(d["name"], port) for port in d["ports"]],
-                traffic_generator=TrafficGeneratorConfig.from_dict(d["traffic_generator"]),
-            )
-        else:
-            return SutNodeConfiguration(
-                name=d["name"],
-                hostname=d["hostname"],
-                user=d["user"],
-                password=d.get("password"),
-                arch=Architecture(d["arch"]),
-                os=OS(d["os"]),
-                lcores=d.get("lcores", "1"),
-                use_first_core=d.get("use_first_core", False),
-                hugepages=hugepage_config,
-                ports=[PortConfig.from_dict(d["name"], port) for port in d["ports"]],
-                memory_channels=d.get("memory_channels", 1),
-            )
+    lcores: LogicalCores = "1"
+    use_first_core: bool = Field(
+        default=False, description="DPDK won't use the first physical core if set to False."
+    )
+    hugepages: HugepageConfiguration | None = Field(None, alias="hugepages_2mb")
+    ports: list[PortConfig] = Field(min_length=1)
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class SutNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration):
     """:class:`~framework.testbed_model.sut_node.SutNode` specific configuration.
@@ -302,10 +251,12 @@  class SutNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration):
         memory_channels: The number of memory channels to use when running DPDK.
-    memory_channels: int
+    memory_channels: int = Field(
+        default=1, description="Number of memory channels to use when running DPDK."
+    )
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class TGNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration):
     """:class:`~framework.testbed_model.tg_node.TGNode` specific configuration.
@@ -313,10 +264,14 @@  class TGNodeConfiguration(NodeConfiguration):
         traffic_generator: The configuration of the traffic generator present on the TG node.
-    traffic_generator: TrafficGeneratorConfig
+    traffic_generator: TrafficGeneratorConfigTypes
+NodeConfigurationTypes = TGNodeConfiguration | SutNodeConfiguration
+"""Union type for all the node configuration types."""
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class NodeInfo:
     """Supplemental node information.
@@ -334,7 +289,7 @@  class NodeInfo:
     kernel_version: str
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class BuildTargetConfiguration:
     """DPDK build configuration.
@@ -347,40 +302,21 @@  class BuildTargetConfiguration:
         compiler: The compiler executable to use.
         compiler_wrapper: This string will be put in front of the compiler when
             executing the build. Useful for adding wrapper commands, such as ``ccache``.
-        name: The name of the compiler.
     arch: Architecture
     os: OS
     cpu: CPUType
     compiler: Compiler
-    compiler_wrapper: str
-    name: str
+    compiler_wrapper: str = ""
-    @classmethod
-    def from_dict(cls, d: BuildTargetConfigDict) -> Self:
-        r"""A convenience method that processes the inputs before creating an instance.
-        `arch`, `os`, `cpu` and `compiler` are converted to :class:`Enum`\s and
-        `name` is constructed from `arch`, `os`, `cpu` and `compiler`.
-        Args:
-            d: The configuration dictionary.
-        Returns:
-            The build target configuration instance.
-        """
-        return cls(
-            arch=Architecture(d["arch"]),
-            os=OS(d["os"]),
-            cpu=CPUType(d["cpu"]),
-            compiler=Compiler(d["compiler"]),
-            compiler_wrapper=d.get("compiler_wrapper", ""),
-            name=f"{d['arch']}-{d['os']}-{d['cpu']}-{d['compiler']}",
-        )
+    @cached_property
+    def name(self) -> str:
+        """The name of the compiler."""
+        return f"{self.arch}-{self.os}-{self.cpu}-{self.compiler}"
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class BuildTargetInfo:
     """Various versions and other information about a build target.
@@ -393,11 +329,39 @@  class BuildTargetInfo:
     compiler_version: str
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+def make_parsable_schema(schema: JsonDict):
+    """Updates a model's JSON schema to make a string representation a valid alternative.
+    This utility function is required to be used with models that can be represented and validated
+    as a string instead of an object mapping. Normally the generated JSON schema will just show
+    the object mapping. This function wraps the mapping under an anyOf property sequenced with a
+    string type.
+    This function is a valid `Callable` for the `json_schema_extra` attribute of
+    `~pydantic.config.ConfigDict`.
+    """
+    inner_schema = schema.copy()
+    del inner_schema["title"]
+    title = schema.get("title")
+    description = schema.get("description")
+    schema.clear()
+    schema["title"] = title
+    schema["description"] = description
+    schema["anyOf"] = [inner_schema, {"type": "string"}]
+    frozen=True,
+    config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid", json_schema_extra=make_parsable_schema),
 class TestSuiteConfig:
     """Test suite configuration.
-    Information about a single test suite to be executed.
+    Information about a single test suite to be executed. It can be represented and validated as a
+    string type in the form of: ``TEST_SUITE [TEST_CASE, ...]``, in the configuration file.
         test_suite: The name of the test suite module without the starting ``TestSuite_``.
@@ -405,31 +369,63 @@  class TestSuiteConfig:
             If empty, all test cases will be executed.
-    test_suite: str
-    test_cases: list[str]
+    test_suite_name: str = Field(
+        title="Test suite name",
+        description="The identifying name of the test suite.",
+        alias="test_suite",
+    )
+    test_cases_names: list[str] = Field(
+        default_factory=list,
+        title="Test cases by name",
+        description="The identifying name of the test cases of the test suite.",
+        alias="test_cases",
+    )
+    @cached_property
+    def test_suite_spec(self) -> "TestSuiteSpec":
+        """The specification of the requested test suite."""
+        from framework.test_suite import find_by_name
+        test_suite_spec = find_by_name(self.test_suite_name)
+        assert test_suite_spec is not None, f"{self.test_suite_name} is not a valid test suite name"
+        return test_suite_spec
+    @model_validator(mode="before")
-    def from_dict(
-        cls,
-        entry: str | TestSuiteConfigDict,
-    ) -> Self:
-        """Create an instance from two different types.
+    def convert_from_string(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
+        """Convert the string representation into a valid mapping."""
+        if isinstance(data, str):
+            [test_suite, *test_cases] = data.split()
+            return dict(test_suite=test_suite, test_cases=test_cases)
+        return data
+    @model_validator(mode="after")
+    def validate_names(self) -> Self:
+        """Validate the supplied test suite and test cases names."""
+        available_test_cases = map(lambda t: t.name, self.test_suite_spec.test_cases)
+        for requested_test_case in self.test_cases_names:
+            assert requested_test_case in available_test_cases, (
+                f"{requested_test_case} is not a valid test case "
+                f"for test suite {self.test_suite_name}"
+            )
-        Args:
-            entry: Either a suite name or a dictionary containing the config.
+        return self
-        Returns:
-            The test suite configuration instance.
-        """
-        if isinstance(entry, str):
-            return cls(test_suite=entry, test_cases=[])
-        elif isinstance(entry, dict):
-            return cls(test_suite=entry["suite"], test_cases=entry["cases"])
-        else:
-            raise TypeError(f"{type(entry)} is not valid for a test suite config.")
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
+class TestRunSUTNodeConfiguration:
+    """The SUT node configuration of a test run.
+    Attributes:
+        node_name: The SUT node to use in this test run.
+        vdevs: The names of virtual devices to test.
+    """
+    node_name: str
+    vdevs: list[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, kw_only=True, config=ConfigDict(extra="forbid"))
 class TestRunConfiguration:
     """The configuration of a test run.
@@ -442,143 +438,132 @@  class TestRunConfiguration:
         func: Whether to run functional tests.
         skip_smoke_tests: Whether to skip smoke tests.
         test_suites: The names of test suites and/or test cases to execute.
-        system_under_test_node: The SUT node to use in this test run.
-        traffic_generator_node: The TG node to use in this test run.
-        vdevs: The names of virtual devices to test.
+        system_under_test_node: The SUT node configuration to use in this test run.
+        traffic_generator_node: The TG node name to use in this test run.
     build_targets: list[BuildTargetConfiguration]
-    perf: bool
-    func: bool
-    skip_smoke_tests: bool
-    test_suites: list[TestSuiteConfig]
-    system_under_test_node: SutNodeConfiguration
-    traffic_generator_node: TGNodeConfiguration
-    vdevs: list[str]
+    perf: bool = Field(description="Enable performance testing.")
+    func: bool = Field(description="Enable functional testing.")
+    skip_smoke_tests: bool = False
+    test_suites: list[TestSuiteConfig] = Field(min_length=1)
+    system_under_test_node: TestRunSUTNodeConfiguration
+    traffic_generator_node: str
-    @classmethod
-    def from_dict(
-        cls,
-        d: TestRunConfigDict,
-        node_map: dict[str, SutNodeConfiguration | TGNodeConfiguration],
-    ) -> Self:
-        """A convenience method that processes the inputs before creating an instance.
-        The build target and the test suite config are transformed into their respective objects.
-        SUT and TG configurations are taken from `node_map`. The other (:class:`bool`) attributes
-        are just stored.
-        Args:
-            d: The test run configuration dictionary.
-            node_map: A dictionary mapping node names to their config objects.
-        Returns:
-            The test run configuration instance.
-        """
-        build_targets: list[BuildTargetConfiguration] = list(
-            map(BuildTargetConfiguration.from_dict, d["build_targets"])
-        )
-        test_suites: list[TestSuiteConfig] = list(map(TestSuiteConfig.from_dict, d["test_suites"]))
-        sut_name = d["system_under_test_node"]["node_name"]
-        skip_smoke_tests = d.get("skip_smoke_tests", False)
-        assert sut_name in node_map, f"Unknown SUT {sut_name} in test run {d}"
-        system_under_test_node = node_map[sut_name]
-        assert isinstance(
-            system_under_test_node, SutNodeConfiguration
-        ), f"Invalid SUT configuration {system_under_test_node}"
-        tg_name = d["traffic_generator_node"]
-        assert tg_name in node_map, f"Unknown TG {tg_name} in test run {d}"
-        traffic_generator_node = node_map[tg_name]
-        assert isinstance(
-            traffic_generator_node, TGNodeConfiguration
-        ), f"Invalid TG configuration {traffic_generator_node}"
-        vdevs = (
-            d["system_under_test_node"]["vdevs"] if "vdevs" in d["system_under_test_node"] else []
-        )
-        return cls(
-            build_targets=build_targets,
-            perf=d["perf"],
-            func=d["func"],
-            skip_smoke_tests=skip_smoke_tests,
-            test_suites=test_suites,
-            system_under_test_node=system_under_test_node,
-            traffic_generator_node=traffic_generator_node,
-            vdevs=vdevs,
-        )
-    def copy_and_modify(self, **kwargs) -> Self:
-        """Create a shallow copy with any of the fields modified.
-        The only new data are those passed to this method.
-        The rest are copied from the object's fields calling the method.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs: The names and types of keyword arguments are defined
-                by the fields of the :class:`TestRunConfiguration` class.
-        Returns:
-            The copied and modified test run configuration.
-        """
-        new_config = {}
-        for field in fields(self):
-            if field.name in kwargs:
-                new_config[field.name] = kwargs[field.name]
-            else:
-                new_config[field.name] = getattr(self, field.name)
-        return type(self)(**new_config)
+class TestRunWithNodesConfiguration(NamedTuple):
+    """Tuple containing the configuration of the test run and its associated nodes."""
+    #:
+    test_run_config: TestRunConfiguration
+    #:
+    sut_node_config: SutNodeConfiguration
+    #:
+    tg_node_config: TGNodeConfiguration
-@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
 class Configuration:
     """DTS testbed and test configuration.
-    The node configuration is not stored in this object. Rather, all used node configurations
-    are stored inside the test run configuration where the nodes are actually used.
         test_runs: Test run configurations.
+        nodes: Node configurations.
-    test_runs: list[TestRunConfiguration]
+    test_runs: list[TestRunConfiguration] = Field(min_length=1)
+    nodes: list[NodeConfigurationTypes] = Field(min_length=1)
+    @field_validator("nodes")
-    def from_dict(cls, d: ConfigurationDict) -> Self:
-        """A convenience method that processes the inputs before creating an instance.
+    def validate_node_names(cls, nodes: list[NodeConfiguration]) -> list[NodeConfiguration]:
+        """Validate that the node names are unique."""
+        nodes_by_name: dict[str, int] = {}
+        for node_no, node in enumerate(nodes):
+            assert node.name not in nodes_by_name, (
+                f"node {node_no} cannot have the same name as node {nodes_by_name[node.name]} "
+                f"({node.name})"
+            )
+            nodes_by_name[node.name] = node_no
+        return nodes
+    @model_validator(mode="after")
+    def validate_ports(self) -> Self:
+        """Validate that the ports are all linked to valid ones."""
+        port_links: dict[tuple[str, str], Literal[False] | tuple[int, int]] = {
+            (node.name, port.pci): False for node in self.nodes for port in node.ports
+        }
+        for node_no, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
+            for port_no, port in enumerate(node.ports):
+                peer_port_identifier = (port.peer_node, port.peer_pci)
+                peer_port = port_links.get(peer_port_identifier, None)
+                assert peer_port is not None, (
+                    "invalid peer port specified for " f"nodes.{node_no}.ports.{port_no}"
+                )
+                assert peer_port is False, (
+                    f"the peer port specified for nodes.{node_no}.ports.{port_no} "
+                    f"is already linked to nodes.{peer_port[0]}.ports.{peer_port[1]}"
+                )
+                port_links[peer_port_identifier] = (node_no, port_no)
-        Build target and test suite config are transformed into their respective objects.
-        SUT and TG configurations are taken from `node_map`. The other (:class:`bool`) attributes
-        are just stored.
+        return self
-        Args:
-            d: The configuration dictionary.
+    @cached_property
+    def test_runs_with_nodes(self) -> list[TestRunWithNodesConfiguration]:
+        """List test runs with the associated nodes."""
+        test_runs_with_nodes = []
-        Returns:
-            The whole configuration instance.
-        """
-        nodes: list[SutNodeConfiguration | TGNodeConfiguration] = list(
-            map(NodeConfiguration.from_dict, d["nodes"])
-        )
-        assert len(nodes) > 0, "There must be a node to test"
+        for test_run_no, test_run in enumerate(self.test_runs):
+            sut_node_name = test_run.system_under_test_node.node_name
+            sut_node = next(filter(lambda n: n.name == sut_node_name, self.nodes), None)
-        node_map = {node.name: node for node in nodes}
-        assert len(nodes) == len(node_map), "Duplicate node names are not allowed"
+            assert sut_node is not None, (
+                f"test_runs.{test_run_no}.sut_node_config.node_name "
+                f"({test_run.system_under_test_node.node_name}) is not a valid node name"
+            )
+            assert isinstance(sut_node, SutNodeConfiguration), (
+                f"test_runs.{test_run_no}.sut_node_config.node_name is a valid node name, "
+                "but it is not a valid SUT node"
+            )
+            tg_node_name = test_run.traffic_generator_node
+            tg_node = next(filter(lambda n: n.name == tg_node_name, self.nodes), None)
-        test_runs: list[TestRunConfiguration] = list(
-            map(TestRunConfiguration.from_dict, d["test_runs"], [node_map for _ in d])
-        )
+            assert tg_node is not None, (
+                f"test_runs.{test_run_no}.tg_node_name "
+                f"({test_run.traffic_generator_node}) is not a valid node name"
+            )
+            assert isinstance(tg_node, TGNodeConfiguration), (
+                f"test_runs.{test_run_no}.tg_node_name is a valid node name, "
+                "but it is not a valid TG node"
+            )
-        return cls(test_runs=test_runs)
+            test_runs_with_nodes.append(TestRunWithNodesConfiguration(test_run, sut_node, tg_node))
+        return test_runs_with_nodes
+    @model_validator(mode="after")
+    def validate_test_runs_with_nodes(self) -> Self:
+        """Validate the test runs to nodes associations.
+        This validator relies on the cached property `test_runs_with_nodes` to run for the first
+        time in this call, therefore triggering the assertions if needed.
+        """
+        if self.test_runs_with_nodes:
+            pass
+        return self
+ConfigurationType = TypeAdapter(Configuration)
 def load_config(config_file_path: Path) -> Configuration:
     """Load DTS test run configuration from a file.
-    Load the YAML test run configuration file
-    and :download:`the configuration file schema <conf_yaml_schema.json>`,
-    validate the test run configuration file, and create a test run configuration object.
+    Load the YAML test run configuration file, validate it, and create a test run configuration
+    object.
     The YAML test run configuration file is specified in the :option:`--config-file` command line
     argument or the :envvar:`DTS_CFG_FILE` environment variable.
@@ -588,14 +573,15 @@  def load_config(config_file_path: Path) -> Configuration:
         The parsed test run configuration.
+    Raises:
+        ConfigurationError: If the supplied configuration file is invalid.
     with open(config_file_path, "r") as f:
         config_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
-    schema_path = os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.resolve(), "conf_yaml_schema.json")
-    with open(schema_path, "r") as f:
-        schema = json.load(f)
-    config = warlock.model_factory(schema, name="_Config")(config_data)
-    config_obj: Configuration = Configuration.from_dict(dict(config))  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    return config_obj
+    try:
+        ConfigurationType.json_schema()
+        return ConfigurationType.validate_python(config_data)
+    except ValidationError as e:
+        raise ConfigurationError("failed to load the supplied configuration") from e
diff --git a/dts/framework/config/types.py b/dts/framework/config/types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf16556403..0000000000
--- a/dts/framework/config/types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ 
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
-"""Configuration dictionary contents specification.
-These type definitions serve as documentation of the configuration dictionary contents.
-The definitions use the built-in :class:`~typing.TypedDict` construct.
-from typing import TypedDict
-class PortConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    pci: str
-    #:
-    os_driver_for_dpdk: str
-    #:
-    os_driver: str
-    #:
-    peer_node: str
-    #:
-    peer_pci: str
-class TrafficGeneratorConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    type: str
-class HugepageConfigurationDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    number_of: int
-    #:
-    force_first_numa: bool
-class NodeConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    hugepages_2mb: HugepageConfigurationDict
-    #:
-    name: str
-    #:
-    hostname: str
-    #:
-    user: str
-    #:
-    password: str
-    #:
-    arch: str
-    #:
-    os: str
-    #:
-    lcores: str
-    #:
-    use_first_core: bool
-    #:
-    ports: list[PortConfigDict]
-    #:
-    memory_channels: int
-    #:
-    traffic_generator: TrafficGeneratorConfigDict
-class BuildTargetConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    arch: str
-    #:
-    os: str
-    #:
-    cpu: str
-    #:
-    compiler: str
-    #:
-    compiler_wrapper: str
-class TestSuiteConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    suite: str
-    #:
-    cases: list[str]
-class TestRunSUTConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    node_name: str
-    #:
-    vdevs: list[str]
-class TestRunConfigDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    build_targets: list[BuildTargetConfigDict]
-    #:
-    perf: bool
-    #:
-    func: bool
-    #:
-    skip_smoke_tests: bool
-    #:
-    test_suites: TestSuiteConfigDict
-    #:
-    system_under_test_node: TestRunSUTConfigDict
-    #:
-    traffic_generator_node: str
-class ConfigurationDict(TypedDict):
-    """Allowed keys and values."""
-    #:
-    nodes: list[NodeConfigDict]
-    #:
-    test_runs: list[TestRunConfigDict]
diff --git a/dts/framework/runner.py b/dts/framework/runner.py
index 6b6f6a05f5..14e405aced 100644
--- a/dts/framework/runner.py
+++ b/dts/framework/runner.py
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ 
 from .config import (
+    SutNodeConfiguration,
+    TGNodeConfiguration,
 from .exception import (
@@ -142,18 +144,17 @@  def run(self) -> None:
             # for all test run sections
-            for test_run_config in self._configuration.test_runs:
+            for test_run_with_nodes_config in self._configuration.test_runs_with_nodes:
+                test_run_config, sut_node_config, tg_node_config = test_run_with_nodes_config
-                self._logger.info(
-                    f"Running test run with SUT '{test_run_config.system_under_test_node.name}'."
-                )
+                self._logger.info(f"Running test run with SUT '{sut_node_config.name}'.")
                 test_run_result = self._result.add_test_run(test_run_config)
                 # we don't want to modify the original config, so create a copy
                 test_run_test_suites = list(
                     SETTINGS.test_suites if SETTINGS.test_suites else test_run_config.test_suites
                 if not test_run_config.skip_smoke_tests:
-                    test_run_test_suites[:0] = [TestSuiteConfig.from_dict("smoke_tests")]
+                    test_run_test_suites[:0] = [TestSuiteConfig("smoke_tests")]
                     test_suites_with_cases = self._get_test_suites_with_cases(
                         test_run_test_suites, test_run_config.func, test_run_config.perf
@@ -169,6 +170,8 @@  def run(self) -> None:
+                        sut_node_config,
+                        tg_node_config,
@@ -231,10 +234,10 @@  def _get_test_suites_with_cases(
         test_suites_with_cases = []
         for test_suite_config in test_suite_configs:
-            test_suite_class = self._get_test_suite_class(test_suite_config.test_suite)
+            test_suite_class = self._get_test_suite_class(test_suite_config.test_suite_name)
             test_cases = []
             func_test_cases, perf_test_cases = self._filter_test_cases(
-                test_suite_class, test_suite_config.test_cases
+                test_suite_class, test_suite_config.test_cases_names
             if func:
@@ -364,6 +367,8 @@  def _connect_nodes_and_run_test_run(
         sut_nodes: dict[str, SutNode],
         tg_nodes: dict[str, TGNode],
+        sut_node_config: SutNodeConfiguration,
+        tg_node_config: TGNodeConfiguration,
         test_run_config: TestRunConfiguration,
         test_run_result: TestRunResult,
         test_suites_with_cases: Iterable[TestSuiteWithCases],
@@ -378,24 +383,26 @@  def _connect_nodes_and_run_test_run(
             sut_nodes: A dictionary storing connected/to be connected SUT nodes.
             tg_nodes: A dictionary storing connected/to be connected TG nodes.
+            sut_node_config: The test run's SUT node configuration.
+            tg_node_config: The test run's TG node configuration.
             test_run_config: A test run configuration.
             test_run_result: The test run's result.
             test_suites_with_cases: The test suites with test cases to run.
-        sut_node = sut_nodes.get(test_run_config.system_under_test_node.name)
-        tg_node = tg_nodes.get(test_run_config.traffic_generator_node.name)
+        sut_node = sut_nodes.get(sut_node_config.name)
+        tg_node = tg_nodes.get(tg_node_config.name)
             if not sut_node:
-                sut_node = SutNode(test_run_config.system_under_test_node)
+                sut_node = SutNode(sut_node_config)
                 sut_nodes[sut_node.name] = sut_node
             if not tg_node:
-                tg_node = TGNode(test_run_config.traffic_generator_node)
+                tg_node = TGNode(tg_node_config)
                 tg_nodes[tg_node.name] = tg_node
         except Exception as e:
-            failed_node = test_run_config.system_under_test_node.name
+            failed_node = test_run_config.system_under_test_node.node_name
             if sut_node:
-                failed_node = test_run_config.traffic_generator_node.name
+                failed_node = test_run_config.traffic_generator_node
             self._logger.exception(f"The Creation of node {failed_node} failed.")
             test_run_result.update_setup(Result.FAIL, e)
@@ -425,7 +432,7 @@  def _run_test_run(
             test_suites_with_cases: The test suites with test cases to run.
-            f"Running test run with SUT '{test_run_config.system_under_test_node.name}'."
+            f"Running test run with SUT '{test_run_config.system_under_test_node.node_name}'."
diff --git a/dts/framework/settings.py b/dts/framework/settings.py
index f6303066d4..2e8dedef4f 100644
--- a/dts/framework/settings.py
+++ b/dts/framework/settings.py
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ 
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Callable
+from pydantic import ValidationError
 from .config import TestSuiteConfig
 from .exception import ConfigurationError
 from .utils import DPDKGitTarball, get_commit_id
@@ -391,11 +393,21 @@  def _process_test_suites(
         A list of test suite configurations to execute.
-    if parser.find_action("test_suites", _is_from_env):
+    action = parser.find_action("test_suites", _is_from_env)
+    if action:
         # Environment variable in the form of "SUITE1 CASE1 CASE2, SUITE2 CASE1, SUITE3, ..."
         args = [suite_with_cases.split() for suite_with_cases in args[0][0].split(",")]
-    return [TestSuiteConfig(test_suite, test_cases) for [test_suite, *test_cases] in args]
+    try:
+        return [TestSuiteConfig(test_suite, test_cases) for [test_suite, *test_cases] in args]
+    except ValidationError as e:
+        print(
+            "An error has occurred while validating the test suites supplied in the "
+            f"{'environment variable' if action else 'arguments'}:",
+            file=sys.stderr,
+        )
+        print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
 def get_settings() -> Settings:
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py b/dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py
index 2855fe0276..5957e8140c 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/sut_node.py
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@  def set_up_test_run(self, test_run_config: TestRunConfiguration) -> None:
                 the setup steps will be taken.
-        for vdev in test_run_config.vdevs:
+        for vdev in test_run_config.system_under_test_node.vdevs:
     def tear_down_test_run(self) -> None:
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/__init__.py b/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/__init__.py
index 6dac86a224..bb271836a9 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/__init__.py
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/__init__.py
@@ -38,6 +38,4 @@  def create_traffic_generator(
         case ScapyTrafficGeneratorConfig():
             return ScapyTrafficGenerator(tg_node, traffic_generator_config)
         case _:
-            raise ConfigurationError(
-                f"Unknown traffic generator: {traffic_generator_config.traffic_generator_type}"
-            )
+            raise ConfigurationError(f"Unknown traffic generator: {traffic_generator_config.type}")
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py b/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py
index 4ce1148706..39a4170979 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/traffic_generator/traffic_generator.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@  def __init__(self, tg_node: Node, config: TrafficGeneratorConfig):
         self._config = config
         self._tg_node = tg_node
-        self._logger = get_dts_logger(f"{self._tg_node.name} {self._config.traffic_generator_type}")
+        self._logger = get_dts_logger(f"{self._tg_node.name} {self._config.type}")
     def send_packet(self, packet: Packet, port: Port) -> None:
         """Send `packet` and block until it is fully sent.