doc: update command scope information

Message ID (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series doc: update command scope information |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/loongarch-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/loongarch-unit-testing success Unit Testing PASS
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/intel-Testing success Testing PASS
ci/github-robot: build success github build: passed
ci/iol-intel-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-broadcom-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-intel-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/intel-Functional success Functional PASS
ci/iol-broadcom-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-sample-apps-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-abi-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-mellanox-Performance success Performance Testing PASS

Commit Message

Sunil Kumar Kori Jan. 8, 2024, 7:34 a.m. UTC
From: Sunil Kumar Kori <>

Set of CLI commands are classified into following types;

- Commands which must be used in script only.
- Commands which must be used via telnet session only.
- Commands which can be used either in script or via telnet session.

Rename "Dynamic" column to "Scope" to provide clear scope of commands.

Signed-off-by: Sunil Kumar Kori <>
 doc/guides/tools/graph.rst | 211 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)


Rakesh Kudurumalla Jan. 17, 2024, 10:58 a.m. UTC | #1
Acked-by: Rakesh Kudurumalla <>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 1:04 PM
> To: Sunil Kumar Kori <>; Rakesh Kudurumalla
> <>
> Cc:
> Subject: [PATCH] doc: update command scope information
> From: Sunil Kumar Kori <>
> Set of CLI commands are classified into following types;
> - Commands which must be used in script only.
> - Commands which must be used via telnet session only.
> - Commands which can be used either in script or via telnet session.
> Rename "Dynamic" column to "Scope" to provide clear scope of commands.
> Signed-off-by: Sunil Kumar Kori <>
> ---
>  doc/guides/tools/graph.rst | 211 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
>  1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst index
> 1855d12891..6c559afe35 100644
> --- a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
> +++ b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
> @@ -154,109 +154,114 @@ file to express the requested use case
> configuration.
>  .. table:: Exposed CLIs
>     :widths: auto
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   |               Command                |             Description           | Dynamic |
> Optional |
> -
> +======================================+========================
> ===========+=========+==========+
> -   | | graph <usecases> [bsz <size>]      | | Command to express the desired  |
> No    |    No    |
> -   | | [tmo <ns>] [coremask <bitmask>]    | | use case. Also enables/disable  |
> |          |
> -   | | model <rtc/mcd/default> pcap_enable| | pcap capturing.                 |
> |          |
> -   | | <0/1> num_pcap_pkts <num> pcap_file|                                   |         |
> |
> -   | | <output_capture_file>              |                                   |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | graph start                          | | Command to start the graph.     |   No    |
> No    |
> -   |                                      | | This command triggers that no   |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | more commands are left to be    |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | parsed and graph initialization |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | can be started now. It must be  |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | the last command in usecase.cli |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | graph stats show                     | | Command to dump current graph   |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | statistics.                     |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help graph                           | | Command to dump graph help      |   Yes   |
> Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | mempool <mempool_name> size        | | Command to create mempool
> which |   No    |    No    |
> -   | | <mbuf_size> buffers                | | will be further associated to   |         |
> |
> -   | | <number_of_buffers>                | | RxQ to dequeue the packets.     |
> |          |
> -   | | cache <cache_size> numa <numa_id>  |                                   |         |
> |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help mempool                         | | Command to dump mempool help    |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues>| | Command to create DPDK
> port with|   No    |    No    |
> -   | | txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>      | | given number of Rx and Tx
> queues|         |          |
> -   |                                      | | . Also attach RxQ with given    |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | mempool. Each port can have     |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | single mempool only i.e. all    |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | RxQs will share the same mempool|         |          |
> -   |                                      | | .                               |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>    | | Command to configure MTU
> of DPDK|   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | port.                           |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   |  | ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous  | | Command to enable/disable
> |   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |  | <on/off>                          | | promiscuous mode on DPDK port.  |         |
> |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | ethdev <ethdev_name> show            | | Command to dump current
> ethdev  |   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | configuration.                  |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | ethdev <ethdev_name> stats           | | Command to dump current ethdev
> |   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | statistics.                     |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv4
> |   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |         |
> |
> -   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | ``ipv4_lookup`` node.           |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv6
> |   Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |         |
> |
> -   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | ``ipv6_lookup`` node.           |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help ethdev                          | | Command to dump ethdev help     |   Yes   |
> Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ipv4_lookup route add ipv4 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv4_lookup`` LPM table. It is|
> |          |
> -   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM lookup |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | table.                          |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help ipv4_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv4_lookup`` |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | help message.                   |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ipv6_lookup route add ipv6 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv6_lookup`` LPM table. It is|
> |          |
> -   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM6 lookup|         |          |
> -   |                                      | | table.                          |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help ipv6_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv6_lookup`` |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | help message.                   |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | neigh add ipv4 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | information into                |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | ``ipv4_rewrite`` node.          |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | neigh add ipv6 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |
> Yes   |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | information into                |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | ``ipv6_rewrite`` node.          |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help neigh                           | | Command to dump neigh help      |   Yes   |
> Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | | ethdev_rx map port <ethdev_name>   | | Command to add port-
> queue-core  |   No    |    No    |
> -   | | queue <q_num> core <core_id>       | | mapping to ``ethdev_rx`` node.
> |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | ``ethdev_rx`` node instance will|         |          |
> -   |                                      | | be pinned on given core and will|         |          |
> -   |                                      | | poll on requested port/queue    |         |          |
> -   |                                      | | pair.                           |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -   | help ethdev_rx                       | | Command to dump ethdev_rx help  |   Yes
> |    Yes   |
> -   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
> -   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
> -+
> -
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   |               Command                |             Description           |     Scope         |
> Optional |
> +
> +======================================+========================
> ===========+===================+==========+
> +   | | graph <usecases> [bsz <size>]      | | Command to express the desired
> | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
> +   | | [tmo <ns>] [coremask <bitmask>]    | | use case. Also enables/disable
> |                   |          |
> +   | | model <rtc/mcd/default> pcap_enable| | pcap capturing.                 |
> |          |
> +   | | <0/1> num_pcap_pkts <num> pcap_file|                                   |
> |          |
> +   | | <output_capture_file>              |                                   |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | graph start                          | | Command to start the graph.     | :ref:`1
> <scopes>` |    No    |
> +   |                                      | | This command triggers that no   |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | more commands are left to be    |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | parsed and graph initialization |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | can be started now. It must be  |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | the last command in usecase.cli |                   |
> |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | graph stats show                     | | Command to dump current graph   |
> :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | statistics.                     |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help graph                           | | Command to dump graph help      | :ref:`2
> <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | mempool <mempool_name> size        | | Command to create mempool
> which | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
> +   | | <mbuf_size> buffers                | | will be further associated to   |
> |          |
> +   | | <number_of_buffers>                | | RxQ to dequeue the packets.     |
> |          |
> +   | | cache <cache_size> numa <numa_id>  |                                   |
> |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help mempool                         | | Command to dump mempool help    |
> :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues>| | Command to create DPDK
> port with| :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
> +   | | txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>      | | given number of Rx and Tx
> queues|                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | . Also attach RxQ with given    |                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | mempool. Each port can have     |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | single mempool only i.e. all    |                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | RxQs will share the same mempool|                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | .                               |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>    | | Command to configure MTU
> of DPDK| :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | port.                           |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous   | | Command to enable/disable
> | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   | | <on/off>                           | | promiscuous mode on DPDK port.  |
> |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | ethdev <ethdev_name> show            | | Command to dump current
> ethdev  | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | configuration.                  |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | ethdev <ethdev_name> stats           | | Command to dump current
> ethdev  | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | statistics.                     |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv4
> | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |
> |          |
> +   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | ``ipv4_lookup`` node.           |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv6
> | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |
> |          |
> +   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | ``ipv6_lookup`` node.           |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help ethdev                          | | Command to dump ethdev help     | :ref:`2
> <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ipv4_lookup route add ipv4 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into
> | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv4_lookup`` LPM table. It is|
> |          |
> +   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM lookup |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | table.                          |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help ipv4_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv4_lookup`` |
> :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | help message.                   |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ipv6_lookup route add ipv6 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into
> | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv6_lookup`` LPM table. It is|
> |          |
> +   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM6 lookup|                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | table.                          |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help ipv6_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv6_lookup`` |
> :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | help message.                   |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | neigh add ipv4 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |
> :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | information into                |                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | ``ipv4_rewrite`` node.          |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | neigh add ipv6 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |
> :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | information into                |                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | ``ipv6_rewrite`` node.          |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help neigh                           | | Command to dump neigh help      | :ref:`2
> <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | | ethdev_rx map port <ethdev_name>   | | Command to add port-
> queue-core  | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
> +   | | queue <q_num> core <core_id>       | | mapping to ``ethdev_rx`` node.
> |                   |          |
> +   |                                      | | ``ethdev_rx`` node instance will|                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | be pinned on given core and will|                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | poll on requested port/queue    |                   |
> |
> +   |                                      | | pair.                           |                   |          |
> +   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------
> +----------+
> +   | help ethdev_rx                       | | Command to dump ethdev_rx help  |
> :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
> +   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
> +
> + +--------------------------------------+------------------------------
> + -----+-------------------+----------+
> +
> +.. _scopes:
> +
> +1. Script only
> +2. Telnet only
> +3. Script and telnet both
>  Runtime configuration
>  ---------------------
> --
> 2.25.1


diff --git a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
index 1855d12891..6c559afe35 100644
--- a/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/tools/graph.rst
@@ -154,109 +154,114 @@  file to express the requested use case configuration.
 .. table:: Exposed CLIs
    :widths: auto
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   |               Command                |             Description           | Dynamic | Optional |
-   +======================================+===================================+=========+==========+
-   | | graph <usecases> [bsz <size>]      | | Command to express the desired  |   No    |    No    |
-   | | [tmo <ns>] [coremask <bitmask>]    | | use case. Also enables/disable  |         |          |
-   | | model <rtc/mcd/default> pcap_enable| | pcap capturing.                 |         |          |
-   | | <0/1> num_pcap_pkts <num> pcap_file|                                   |         |          |
-   | | <output_capture_file>              |                                   |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | graph start                          | | Command to start the graph.     |   No    |    No    |
-   |                                      | | This command triggers that no   |         |          |
-   |                                      | | more commands are left to be    |         |          |
-   |                                      | | parsed and graph initialization |         |          |
-   |                                      | | can be started now. It must be  |         |          |
-   |                                      | | the last command in usecase.cli |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | graph stats show                     | | Command to dump current graph   |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | statistics.                     |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help graph                           | | Command to dump graph help      |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | mempool <mempool_name> size        | | Command to create mempool which |   No    |    No    |
-   | | <mbuf_size> buffers                | | will be further associated to   |         |          |
-   | | <number_of_buffers>                | | RxQ to dequeue the packets.     |         |          |
-   | | cache <cache_size> numa <numa_id>  |                                   |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help mempool                         | | Command to dump mempool help    |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues>| | Command to create DPDK port with|   No    |    No    |
-   | | txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>      | | given number of Rx and Tx queues|         |          |
-   |                                      | | . Also attach RxQ with given    |         |          |
-   |                                      | | mempool. Each port can have     |         |          |
-   |                                      | | single mempool only i.e. all    |         |          |
-   |                                      | | RxQs will share the same mempool|         |          |
-   |                                      | | .                               |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>    | | Command to configure MTU of DPDK|   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | port.                           |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   |  | ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous  | | Command to enable/disable       |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |  | <on/off>                          | | promiscuous mode on DPDK port.  |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | ethdev <ethdev_name> show            | | Command to dump current ethdev  |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | configuration.                  |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | ethdev <ethdev_name> stats           | | Command to dump current ethdev  |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | statistics.                     |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv4       |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |         |          |
-   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |         |          |
-   |                                      | | ``ipv4_lookup`` node.           |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv6       |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |         |          |
-   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |         |          |
-   |                                      | | ``ipv6_lookup`` node.           |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help ethdev                          | | Command to dump ethdev help     |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ipv4_lookup route add ipv4 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv4_lookup`` LPM table. It is|         |          |
-   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |         |          |
-   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM lookup |         |          |
-   |                                      | | table.                          |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help ipv4_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv4_lookup`` |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | help message.                   |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ipv6_lookup route add ipv6 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv6_lookup`` LPM table. It is|         |          |
-   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |         |          |
-   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM6 lookup|         |          |
-   |                                      | | table.                          |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help ipv6_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv6_lookup`` |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | help message.                   |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | neigh add ipv4 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | information into                |         |          |
-   |                                      | | ``ipv4_rewrite`` node.          |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | neigh add ipv6 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | information into                |         |          |
-   |                                      | | ``ipv6_rewrite`` node.          |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help neigh                           | | Command to dump neigh help      |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | | ethdev_rx map port <ethdev_name>   | | Command to add port-queue-core  |   No    |    No    |
-   | | queue <q_num> core <core_id>       | | mapping to ``ethdev_rx`` node.  |         |          |
-   |                                      | | ``ethdev_rx`` node instance will|         |          |
-   |                                      | | be pinned on given core and will|         |          |
-   |                                      | | poll on requested port/queue    |         |          |
-   |                                      | | pair.                           |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
-   | help ethdev_rx                       | | Command to dump ethdev_rx help  |   Yes   |    Yes   |
-   |                                      | | message.                        |         |          |
-   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+----------+
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   |               Command                |             Description           |     Scope         | Optional |
+   +======================================+===================================+===================+==========+
+   | | graph <usecases> [bsz <size>]      | | Command to express the desired  | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
+   | | [tmo <ns>] [coremask <bitmask>]    | | use case. Also enables/disable  |                   |          |
+   | | model <rtc/mcd/default> pcap_enable| | pcap capturing.                 |                   |          |
+   | | <0/1> num_pcap_pkts <num> pcap_file|                                   |                   |          |
+   | | <output_capture_file>              |                                   |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | graph start                          | | Command to start the graph.     | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
+   |                                      | | This command triggers that no   |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | more commands are left to be    |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | parsed and graph initialization |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | can be started now. It must be  |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | the last command in usecase.cli |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | graph stats show                     | | Command to dump current graph   | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | statistics.                     |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help graph                           | | Command to dump graph help      | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | mempool <mempool_name> size        | | Command to create mempool which | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
+   | | <mbuf_size> buffers                | | will be further associated to   |                   |          |
+   | | <number_of_buffers>                | | RxQ to dequeue the packets.     |                   |          |
+   | | cache <cache_size> numa <numa_id>  |                                   |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help mempool                         | | Command to dump mempool help    | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> rxq <n_queues>| | Command to create DPDK port with| :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
+   | | txq <n_queues> <mempool_name>      | | given number of Rx and Tx queues|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | . Also attach RxQ with given    |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | mempool. Each port can have     |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | single mempool only i.e. all    |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | RxQs will share the same mempool|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | .                               |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> mtu <mtu_sz>    | | Command to configure MTU of DPDK| :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | port.                           |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> promiscuous   | | Command to enable/disable       | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   | | <on/off>                           | | promiscuous mode on DPDK port.  |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> show            | | Command to dump current ethdev  | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | configuration.                  |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | ethdev <ethdev_name> stats           | | Command to dump current ethdev  | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | statistics.                     |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip4 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv4       | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv4_lookup`` node.           |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ethdev <ethdev_name> ip6 addr add  | | Command to configure IPv6       | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   | | <ip> netmask <mask>                | | address on given PCI device. It |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | is needed if user wishes to use |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv6_lookup`` node.           |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help ethdev                          | | Command to dump ethdev help     | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ipv4_lookup route add ipv4 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv4_lookup`` LPM table. It is|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM lookup |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | table.                          |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help ipv4_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv4_lookup`` | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | help message.                   |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ipv6_lookup route add ipv6 <ip>    | | Command to add a route into     | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   | |  netmask <mask> via <ip>           | | ``ipv6_lookup`` LPM table. It is|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | needed if user wishes to route  |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | the packets based on LPM6 lookup|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | table.                          |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help ipv6_lookup                     | | Command to dump ``ipv6_lookup`` | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | help message.                   |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | neigh add ipv4 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | information into                |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv4_rewrite`` node.          |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | neigh add ipv6 <ip> <mac>            | | Command to add a neighbour      | :ref:`3 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | information into                |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ipv6_rewrite`` node.          |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help neigh                           | | Command to dump neigh help      | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | | ethdev_rx map port <ethdev_name>   | | Command to add port-queue-core  | :ref:`1 <scopes>` |    No    |
+   | | queue <q_num> core <core_id>       | | mapping to ``ethdev_rx`` node.  |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | ``ethdev_rx`` node instance will|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | be pinned on given core and will|                   |          |
+   |                                      | | poll on requested port/queue    |                   |          |
+   |                                      | | pair.                           |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+   | help ethdev_rx                       | | Command to dump ethdev_rx help  | :ref:`2 <scopes>` |    Yes   |
+   |                                      | | message.                        |                   |          |
+   +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------+
+.. _scopes:
+1. Script only
+2. Telnet only
+3. Script and telnet both
 Runtime configuration