@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* Copyright(C) 2021 Marvell.
#include <cnxk_flow.h>
+#include <cnxk_rep.h>
const struct cnxk_rte_flow_term_info term[] = {
[RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ETH] = {ROC_NPC_ITEM_TYPE_ETH, sizeof(struct rte_flow_item_eth)},
@@ -185,11 +186,44 @@ roc_npc_parse_sample_subaction(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flo
return 0;
+static int
+representor_portid_action(struct roc_npc_action *in_actions, struct rte_eth_dev *portid_eth_dev,
+ uint16_t *dst_pf_func, uint8_t has_tunnel_pattern, int *act_cnt)
+ struct rte_eth_dev *rep_eth_dev = portid_eth_dev;
+ struct rte_flow_action_mark *act_mark;
+ struct cnxk_rep_dev *rep_dev;
+ /* For inserting an action in the list */
+ int i = *act_cnt;
+ rep_dev = cnxk_rep_pmd_priv(rep_eth_dev);
+ *dst_pf_func = rep_dev->hw_func;
+ /* Add Mark action */
+ i++;
+ act_mark = plt_zmalloc(sizeof(struct rte_flow_action_mark), 0);
+ if (!act_mark) {
+ plt_err("Error allocation memory");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /* Mark ID format: (tunnel type - VxLAN, Geneve << 6) | Tunnel decap */
+ act_mark->id = has_tunnel_pattern ? ((has_tunnel_pattern << 6) | 5) : 1;
+ in_actions[i].type = ROC_NPC_ACTION_TYPE_MARK;
+ in_actions[i].conf = (struct rte_flow_action_mark *)act_mark;
+ *act_cnt = i;
+ plt_rep_dbg("Rep port %d ID %d mark ID is %d rep_dev->hw_func 0x%x", rep_dev->port_id,
+ rep_dev->rep_id, act_mark->id, rep_dev->hw_func);
+ return 0;
static int
cnxk_map_actions(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
const struct rte_flow_action actions[], struct roc_npc_action in_actions[],
struct roc_npc_action_sample *in_sample_actions, uint32_t *flowkey_cfg,
- uint16_t *dst_pf_func)
+ uint16_t *dst_pf_func, uint8_t has_tunnel_pattern)
struct cnxk_eth_dev *dev = cnxk_eth_pmd_priv(eth_dev);
const struct rte_flow_action_queue *act_q = NULL;
@@ -256,14 +290,27 @@ cnxk_map_actions(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
plt_err("eth_dev not found for output port id");
goto err_exit;
- if (strcmp(portid_eth_dev->device->driver->name,
- eth_dev->device->driver->name) != 0) {
- plt_err("Output port not under same driver");
- goto err_exit;
+ if (cnxk_ethdev_is_representor(if_name)) {
+ plt_rep_dbg("Representor port %d act port %d", port_act->id,
+ act_ethdev->port_id);
+ if (representor_portid_action(in_actions, portid_eth_dev,
+ dst_pf_func, has_tunnel_pattern,
+ &i)) {
+ plt_err("Representor port action set failed");
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(portid_eth_dev->device->driver->name,
+ eth_dev->device->driver->name) != 0) {
+ plt_err("Output port not under same driver");
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ hw_dst = portid_eth_dev->data->dev_private;
+ roc_npc_dst = &hw_dst->npc;
+ *dst_pf_func = roc_npc_dst->pf_func;
- hw_dst = portid_eth_dev->data->dev_private;
- roc_npc_dst = &hw_dst->npc;
- *dst_pf_func = roc_npc_dst->pf_func;
@@ -324,6 +371,8 @@ cnxk_map_actions(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
in_actions[i].type = ROC_NPC_ACTION_TYPE_SAMPLE;
in_actions[i].conf = in_sample_actions;
+ continue;
plt_npc_dbg("Action is not supported = %d", actions->type);
goto err_exit;
@@ -346,12 +395,8 @@ cnxk_map_actions(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
static int
-cnxk_map_flow_data(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
- const struct rte_flow_item pattern[], const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
- struct roc_npc_attr *in_attr, struct roc_npc_item_info in_pattern[],
- struct roc_npc_action in_actions[],
- struct roc_npc_action_sample *in_sample_actions, uint32_t *flowkey_cfg,
- uint16_t *dst_pf_func)
+cnxk_map_pattern(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_item pattern[],
+ struct roc_npc_item_info in_pattern[], uint8_t *has_tunnel_pattern)
struct cnxk_eth_dev *dev = cnxk_eth_pmd_priv(eth_dev);
const struct rte_flow_item_ethdev *rep_eth_dev;
@@ -360,10 +405,6 @@ cnxk_map_flow_data(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr
struct cnxk_eth_dev *hw_dst;
int i = 0;
- in_attr->priority = attr->priority;
- in_attr->ingress = attr->ingress;
- in_attr->egress = attr->egress;
while (pattern->type != RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_END) {
in_pattern[i].spec = pattern->spec;
in_pattern[i].last = pattern->last;
@@ -374,30 +415,81 @@ cnxk_map_flow_data(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr
rep_eth_dev = (const struct rte_flow_item_ethdev *)pattern->spec;
if (rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port(rep_eth_dev->port_id, if_name)) {
plt_err("Name not found for output port id");
- return -EINVAL;
+ goto fail;
portid_eth_dev = rte_eth_dev_allocated(if_name);
if (!portid_eth_dev) {
plt_err("eth_dev not found for output port id");
- return -EINVAL;
+ goto fail;
if (strcmp(portid_eth_dev->device->driver->name,
eth_dev->device->driver->name) != 0) {
plt_err("Output port not under same driver");
- return -EINVAL;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (cnxk_ethdev_is_representor(if_name)) {
+ /* Case where represented port not part of same
+ * app and represented by a representor port.
+ */
+ struct cnxk_rep_dev *rep_dev;
+ struct cnxk_eswitch_dev *eswitch_dev;
+ rep_dev = cnxk_rep_pmd_priv(portid_eth_dev);
+ eswitch_dev = rep_dev->parent_dev;
+ dev->npc.rep_npc = &eswitch_dev->npc;
+ dev->npc.rep_port_id = rep_eth_dev->port_id;
+ dev->npc.rep_pf_func = rep_dev->hw_func;
+ plt_rep_dbg("Represented port %d act port %d rep_dev->hw_func 0x%x",
+ rep_eth_dev->port_id, eth_dev->data->port_id,
+ rep_dev->hw_func);
+ } else {
+ /* Case where represented port part of same app
+ * as PF.
+ */
+ hw_dst = portid_eth_dev->data->dev_private;
+ dev->npc.rep_npc = &hw_dst->npc;
+ dev->npc.rep_port_id = rep_eth_dev->port_id;
+ dev->npc.rep_pf_func = hw_dst->npc.pf_func;
- hw_dst = portid_eth_dev->data->dev_private;
- dev->npc.rep_npc = &hw_dst->npc;
- dev->npc.rep_port_id = rep_eth_dev->port_id;
- dev->npc.rep_pf_func = hw_dst->npc.pf_func;
+ if (pattern->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN ||
+ pattern->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN_GPE ||
+ pattern->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE)
+ *has_tunnel_pattern = pattern->type;
in_pattern[i].type = ROC_NPC_ITEM_TYPE_END;
+ return 0;
+ return -EINVAL;
+static int
+cnxk_map_flow_data(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
+ const struct rte_flow_item pattern[], const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+ struct roc_npc_attr *in_attr, struct roc_npc_item_info in_pattern[],
+ struct roc_npc_action in_actions[],
+ struct roc_npc_action_sample *in_sample_actions, uint32_t *flowkey_cfg,
+ uint16_t *dst_pf_func)
+ uint8_t has_tunnel_pattern = 0;
+ int rc;
+ in_attr->priority = attr->priority;
+ in_attr->ingress = attr->ingress;
+ in_attr->egress = attr->egress;
+ rc = cnxk_map_pattern(eth_dev, pattern, in_pattern, &has_tunnel_pattern);
+ if (rc) {
+ plt_err("Failed to map pattern list");
+ return rc;
+ }
return cnxk_map_actions(eth_dev, attr, actions, in_actions, in_sample_actions, flowkey_cfg,
- dst_pf_func);
+ dst_pf_func, has_tunnel_pattern);
static int
@@ -461,6 +553,7 @@ cnxk_flow_create(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
int rc;
memset(&in_sample_action, 0, sizeof(in_sample_action));
+ memset(&in_attr, 0, sizeof(struct roc_npc_attr));
rc = cnxk_map_flow_data(eth_dev, attr, pattern, actions, &in_attr, in_pattern, in_actions,
&in_sample_action, &npc->flowkey_cfg_state, &dst_pf_func);
if (rc) {
@@ -646,6 +739,81 @@ cnxk_flow_get_aged_flows(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, void **context,
return cnt;
+static int
+cnxk_flow_tunnel_decap_set(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_flow_tunnel *tunnel,
+ struct rte_flow_action **pmd_actions, uint32_t *num_of_actions,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_error *err)
+ struct rte_flow_action *nfp_action;
+ nfp_action = rte_zmalloc("nfp_tun_action", sizeof(struct rte_flow_action), 0);
+ if (nfp_action == NULL) {
+ plt_err("Alloc memory for nfp tunnel action failed.");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ if (tunnel->is_ipv6)
+ nfp_action->conf = (void *)~0;
+ switch (tunnel->type) {
+ nfp_action->type = RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_VXLAN_DECAP;
+ *pmd_actions = nfp_action;
+ *num_of_actions = 1;
+ break;
+ nfp_action->type = RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_RAW_DECAP;
+ *pmd_actions = nfp_action;
+ *num_of_actions = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pmd_actions = NULL;
+ *num_of_actions = 0;
+ rte_free(nfp_action);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+cnxk_flow_tunnel_action_decap_release(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+ struct rte_flow_action *pmd_actions, uint32_t num_of_actions,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_error *err)
+ uint32_t i;
+ struct rte_flow_action *nfp_action;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_of_actions; i++) {
+ nfp_action = &pmd_actions[i];
+ nfp_action->conf = NULL;
+ rte_free(nfp_action);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+cnxk_flow_tunnel_match(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_tunnel *tunnel,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_item **pmd_items, uint32_t *num_of_items,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_error *err)
+ *num_of_items = 0;
+ return 0;
+static int
+cnxk_flow_tunnel_item_release(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_item *pmd_items,
+ __rte_unused uint32_t num_of_items,
+ __rte_unused struct rte_flow_error *err)
+ return 0;
struct rte_flow_ops cnxk_flow_ops = {
.validate = cnxk_flow_validate,
.flush = cnxk_flow_flush,
@@ -653,4 +821,8 @@ struct rte_flow_ops cnxk_flow_ops = {
.isolate = cnxk_flow_isolate,
.dev_dump = cnxk_flow_dev_dump,
.get_aged_flows = cnxk_flow_get_aged_flows,
+ .tunnel_match = cnxk_flow_tunnel_match,
+ .tunnel_item_release = cnxk_flow_tunnel_item_release,
+ .tunnel_decap_set = cnxk_flow_tunnel_decap_set,
+ .tunnel_action_decap_release = cnxk_flow_tunnel_action_decap_release,
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright(C) 2023 Marvell.
+#include <regex.h>
#include <cnxk_eswitch.h>
#include <cnxk_ethdev.h>
@@ -90,6 +93,17 @@ cnxk_rep_pool_buffer_stats(struct rte_mempool *pool)
pool->size, rte_mempool_in_use_count(pool), rte_mempool_avail_count(pool));
+static inline int
+cnxk_ethdev_is_representor(const char *if_name)
+ regex_t regex;
+ int val;
+ val = regcomp(®ex, "net_.*_representor_.*", 0);
+ val = regexec(®ex, if_name, 0, NULL, 0);
+ return (val == 0);
/* Prototypes */
int cnxk_rep_dev_probe(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev, struct cnxk_eswitch_dev *eswitch_dev);
int cnxk_rep_dev_remove(struct cnxk_eswitch_dev *eswitch_dev);