[RFC,1/1] bbdev: device PF initialization helper through bbdev API

Message ID 20221014014205.38074-2-nicolas.chautru@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Rejected, archived
Delegated to: Maxime Coquelin
Series baseband PMD API |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation fail Compilation issues
ci/intel-Testing success Testing PASS

Commit Message

Chautru, Nicolas Oct. 14, 2022, 1:42 a.m. UTC
Moved from PMD API to bbdev API.
This API is only meant for bbdev-test usage (notably for OEMs).
The actual configuration structure still need to
be exposed as it is device specific.
RFI only

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Chautru <nicolas.chautru@intel.com>
 app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c              |  10 +-
 drivers/baseband/acc/acc100_pmd.h             |   1 -
 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_cfg.h             |  32 --
 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h             |   1 -
 drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build              |   2 +-
 drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c         | 308 +++++++++---------
 drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc200_pmd.c         | 256 +++++++--------
 drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_cfg.h            |  49 ---
 drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_common_cfg.h     |  15 +-
 drivers/baseband/acc/version.map              |   6 -
 .../fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_fpga_5gnr_fec.c         | 206 ++++++------
 .../fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h     |  35 +-
 drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/version.map    |   7 -
 drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.c  | 202 ++++++------
 drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.h  |  35 +-
 drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/version.map     |   7 -
 lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c                         |  20 ++
 lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h                         |  17 +
 lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h                     |  10 +
 lib/bbdev/version.map                         |   1 +
 20 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 685 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_cfg.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_cfg.h


diff --git a/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c b/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
index 52396f1473..89a4f20b0b 100644
--- a/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
+++ b/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ 
-#include <rte_acc_cfg.h>
+#include <rte_acc_common_cfg.h>
 #define ACC100PF_DRIVER_NAME   ("intel_acc100_pf")
 #define ACC100VF_DRIVER_NAME   ("intel_acc100_vf")
 #define ACC100_QMGR_NUM_AQS 16
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@  add_bbdev_dev(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info,
 		conf.flr_time_out = FLR_4G_TIMEOUT;
 		/* setup FPGA PF with configuration information */
-		ret = rte_fpga_lte_fec_configure(info->dev_name, &conf);
+		ret = rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(dev_id, (void *)&conf);
 				"Failed to configure 4G FPGA PF for bbdev %s",
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@  add_bbdev_dev(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info,
 		conf.dl_load_balance = DL_5G_LOAD_BALANCE;
 		/* setup FPGA PF with configuration information */
-		ret = rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_configure(info->dev_name, &conf);
+		ret = rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(dev_id, (void *)&conf);
 				"Failed to configure 5G FPGA PF for bbdev %s",
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@  add_bbdev_dev(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info,
 		conf.q_dl_5g.aq_depth_log2 = ACC100_QMGR_AQ_DEPTH;
 		/* setup PF with configuration information */
-		ret = rte_acc_configure(info->dev_name, &conf);
+		ret = rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(dev_id, (void *)&conf);
 				"Failed to configure ACC100 PF for bbdev %s",
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@  add_bbdev_dev(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info,
 		conf.q_fft.aq_depth_log2 = ACC200_QMGR_AQ_DEPTH;
 		/* setup PF with configuration information */
-		ret = rte_acc_configure(info->dev_name, &conf);
+		ret = rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(dev_id, (void *)&conf);
 				"Failed to configure ACC200 PF for bbdev %s",
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc100_pmd.h b/drivers/baseband/acc/acc100_pmd.h
index 9486e98521..56ae427092 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc100_pmd.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/acc100_pmd.h
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ 
 #include "acc100_pf_enum.h"
 #include "acc100_vf_enum.h"
-#include "rte_acc_cfg.h"
 #include "acc_common.h"
 /* Helper macro for logging */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_cfg.h b/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_cfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d77506b560..0000000000
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_cfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _ACC200_CFG_H_
-#define _ACC200_CFG_H_
- * @file acc200_cfg.h
- *
- * Functions for configuring ACC200 HW.
- * Configuration related to encoding/decoding is done through the
- * librte_bbdev library.
- */
- * Configure a ACC200 device.
- *
- * @param dev_name
- *   The name of the device. This is the short form of PCI BDF, e.g. 00:01.0.
- *   It can also be retrieved for a bbdev device from the dev_name field in the
- *   rte_bbdev_info structure returned by rte_bbdev_info_get().
- * @param conf
- *   Configuration to apply to ACC200 HW.
- *
- * @return
- *   Zero on success, negative value on failure.
- */
-acc200_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf);
-#endif /* _ACC200_CFG_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h b/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h
index f3f2627ae9..acead1d17c 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ 
 #include "acc_common.h"
 #include "acc200_pf_enum.h"
 #include "acc200_vf_enum.h"
-#include "acc200_cfg.h"
 /* Helper macro for logging */
 #define rte_bbdev_log(level, fmt, ...) \
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build b/drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build
index 77c393b533..c7f7004174 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@  deps += ['bbdev', 'bus_pci']
 sources = files('rte_acc100_pmd.c', 'rte_acc200_pmd.c')
-headers = files('rte_acc_cfg.h')
+headers = files('rte_acc_common_cfg.h')
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c
index e5384223d1..a932754d5d 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ 
 #include <rte_bbdev_pmd.h>
 #include "acc100_pmd.h"
 #include "acc101_pmd.h"
-#include "acc200_cfg.h"
@@ -964,40 +963,6 @@  acc100_queue_intr_disable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id)
 	return 0;
-static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc100_bbdev_ops = {
-	.setup_queues = acc100_setup_queues,
-	.intr_enable = acc100_intr_enable,
-	.close = acc100_dev_close,
-	.info_get = acc100_dev_info_get,
-	.queue_setup = acc100_queue_setup,
-	.queue_release = acc100_queue_release,
-	.queue_intr_enable = acc100_queue_intr_enable,
-	.queue_intr_disable = acc100_queue_intr_disable
-/* ACC100 PCI PF address map */
-static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc100_pf_map[] = {
-	{
-	},
-	{
-	},
-	{.device_id = 0},
-/* ACC100 PCI VF address map */
-static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc100_vf_map[] = {
-	{
-	},
-	{
-	},
-	{.device_id = 0},
 /* Fill in a frame control word for turbo decoding. */
 static inline void
 acc100_fcw_td_fill(const struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_fcw_td *fcw)
@@ -3662,107 +3627,6 @@  acc100_dequeue_ldpc_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data,
 	return i;
-/* Initialization Function */
-static void
-acc100_bbdev_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
-	dev->dev_ops = &acc100_bbdev_ops;
-	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = acc100_enqueue_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = acc100_enqueue_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = acc100_dequeue_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = acc100_dequeue_dec;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc100_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc100_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc100_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc100_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
-	/* Device variant specific handling */
-	if ((pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC100_PF_DEVICE_ID) ||
-			(pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC100_VF_DEVICE_ID)) {
-		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->device_variant = ACC100_VARIANT;
-		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->fcw_ld_fill = acc100_fcw_ld_fill;
-	} else {
-		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->device_variant = ACC101_VARIANT;
-		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->fcw_ld_fill = acc101_fcw_ld_fill;
-	}
-	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
-			!strcmp(drv->driver.name, RTE_STR(ACC100PF_DRIVER_NAME));
-	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Init device %s [%s] @ vaddr %p paddr %#"PRIx64"",
-			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
-			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
-static int acc100_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
-	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
-	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
-	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
-	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
-	if (bbdev == NULL)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	/* allocate device private memory */
-	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
-			sizeof(struct acc_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
-	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
-				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
-				sizeof(struct acc_device), dev_name);
-				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
-	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
-	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
-	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
-	/* Invoke ACC100 device initialization function */
-	acc100_bbdev_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Initialised bbdev %s (id = %u)",
-			dev_name, bbdev->data->dev_id);
-	return 0;
-static struct rte_pci_driver acc100_pci_pf_driver = {
-		.probe = acc100_pci_probe,
-		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
-		.id_table = pci_id_acc100_pf_map,
-		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
-static struct rte_pci_driver acc100_pci_vf_driver = {
-		.probe = acc100_pci_probe,
-		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
-		.id_table = pci_id_acc100_vf_map,
-		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
-RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC100PF_DRIVER_NAME, acc100_pci_pf_driver);
-RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC100VF_DRIVER_NAME, acc100_pci_vf_driver);
  * Workaround implementation to fix the power on status of some 5GUL engines
  * This requires DMA permission if ported outside DPDK
@@ -3919,12 +3783,11 @@  poweron_cleanup(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, struct acc_device *d,
 /* Initial configuration of a ACC100 device prior to running configure() */
 static int
-acc100_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
+acc100_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "rte_acc100_configure");
 	uint32_t value, address, status;
 	int qg_idx, template_idx, vf_idx, acc, i, j;
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
 	/* Compile time checks */
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_dma_req_desc) != 256);
@@ -3932,12 +3795,6 @@  acc100_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_td) != 24);
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_te) != 32);
-	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
-		"Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-		dev_name);
-		return -ENODEV;
-	}
 	struct acc_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
 	/* Store configuration */
@@ -4314,12 +4171,11 @@  acc100_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 /* Initial configuration of a ACC101 device prior to running configure() */
 static int
-acc101_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
+acc101_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "rte_acc101_configure");
 	uint32_t value, address, status;
 	int qg_idx, template_idx, vf_idx, acc, i;
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
 	/* Compile time checks */
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_dma_req_desc) != 256);
@@ -4327,12 +4183,6 @@  acc101_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_td) != 24);
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_te) != 32);
-	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
-		"Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-		dev_name);
-		return -ENODEV;
-	}
 	struct acc_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
 	/* Store configuration */
@@ -4604,21 +4454,157 @@  acc101_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	return 0;
-rte_acc_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
+static int
+acc1xx_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, void *conf)
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev;
 	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-				dev_name);
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid device or not yet initialised");
 		return -ENODEV;
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(bbdev->device);
+	pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(bbdev->device);
 	printf("Configure dev id %x\n", pci_dev->id.device_id);
 	if (pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC100_PF_DEVICE_ID)
-		return acc100_configure(dev_name, conf);
+		return acc100_configure(bbdev, (struct rte_acc_conf *)conf);
 	else if (pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC101_PF_DEVICE_ID)
-		return acc101_configure(dev_name, conf);
+		return acc101_configure(bbdev, (struct rte_acc_conf *)conf);
-		return acc200_configure(dev_name, conf);
+		return -1;
+static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc100_bbdev_ops = {
+	.setup_queues = acc100_setup_queues,
+	.intr_enable = acc100_intr_enable,
+	.close = acc100_dev_close,
+	.info_get = acc100_dev_info_get,
+	.queue_setup = acc100_queue_setup,
+	.queue_release = acc100_queue_release,
+	.queue_intr_enable = acc100_queue_intr_enable,
+	.queue_intr_disable = acc100_queue_intr_disable,
+	.pf_init_helper = acc1xx_configure
+/* ACC100 PCI PF address map */
+static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc100_pf_map[] = {
+	{
+	},
+	{
+	},
+	{.device_id = 0},
+/* ACC100 PCI VF address map */
+static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc100_vf_map[] = {
+	{
+	},
+	{
+	},
+	{.device_id = 0},
+/* Initialization Function */
+static void
+acc100_bbdev_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
+	dev->dev_ops = &acc100_bbdev_ops;
+	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = acc100_enqueue_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = acc100_enqueue_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = acc100_dequeue_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = acc100_dequeue_dec;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc100_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc100_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc100_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc100_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
+	/* Device variant specific handling */
+	if ((pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC100_PF_DEVICE_ID) ||
+			(pci_dev->id.device_id == ACC100_VF_DEVICE_ID)) {
+		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->device_variant = ACC100_VARIANT;
+		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->fcw_ld_fill = acc100_fcw_ld_fill;
+	} else {
+		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->device_variant = ACC101_VARIANT;
+		((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->fcw_ld_fill = acc101_fcw_ld_fill;
+	}
+	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
+			!strcmp(drv->driver.name, RTE_STR(ACC100PF_DRIVER_NAME));
+	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Init device %s [%s] @ vaddr %p paddr %#"PRIx64"",
+			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
+			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
+static int acc100_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
+	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
+	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
+	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
+	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
+	if (bbdev == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	/* allocate device private memory */
+	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
+			sizeof(struct acc_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
+			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
+	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
+				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
+				sizeof(struct acc_device), dev_name);
+				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
+	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
+	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
+	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
+	/* Invoke ACC100 device initialization function */
+	acc100_bbdev_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Initialised bbdev %s (id = %u)",
+			dev_name, bbdev->data->dev_id);
+	return 0;
+static struct rte_pci_driver acc100_pci_pf_driver = {
+		.probe = acc100_pci_probe,
+		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
+		.id_table = pci_id_acc100_pf_map,
+		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
+static struct rte_pci_driver acc100_pci_vf_driver = {
+		.probe = acc100_pci_probe,
+		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
+		.id_table = pci_id_acc100_vf_map,
+		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
+RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC100PF_DRIVER_NAME, acc100_pci_pf_driver);
+RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC100VF_DRIVER_NAME, acc100_pci_vf_driver);
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc200_pmd.c b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc200_pmd.c
index 8ee9023451..d219c5d4db 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc200_pmd.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc200_pmd.c
@@ -1154,34 +1154,6 @@  acc200_queue_intr_disable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id)
 	return 0;
-static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc200_bbdev_ops = {
-	.setup_queues = acc200_setup_queues,
-	.intr_enable = acc200_intr_enable,
-	.close = acc200_dev_close,
-	.info_get = acc200_dev_info_get,
-	.queue_setup = acc200_queue_setup,
-	.queue_release = acc200_queue_release,
-	.queue_stop = acc200_queue_stop,
-	.queue_intr_enable = acc200_queue_intr_enable,
-	.queue_intr_disable = acc200_queue_intr_disable
-/* ACC200 PCI PF address map. */
-static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_pf_map[] = {
-	{
-	},
-	{.device_id = 0},
-/* ACC200 PCI VF address map. */
-static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_vf_map[] = {
-	{
-	},
-	{.device_id = 0},
 /* Fill in a frame control word for turbo decoding. */
 static inline void
 acc200_fcw_td_fill(const struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_fcw_td *fcw)
@@ -3320,108 +3292,15 @@  acc200_dequeue_fft(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data,
 	return i;
-/* Initialization Function */
-static void
-acc200_bbdev_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
-	dev->dev_ops = &acc200_bbdev_ops;
-	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_dec;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
-	dev->enqueue_fft_ops = acc200_enqueue_fft;
-	dev->dequeue_fft_ops = acc200_dequeue_fft;
-	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
-			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
-	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Init device %s [%s] @ vaddr %p paddr %#"PRIx64"",
-			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
-			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
-static int acc200_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
-	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
-	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
-	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers. */
-	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
-	if (bbdev == NULL)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	/* allocate device private memory. */
-	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
-			sizeof(struct acc_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
-	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
-				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
-				sizeof(struct acc_device), dev_name);
-				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure. */
-	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
-	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
-	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
-	/* Invoke ACC200 device initialization function. */
-	acc200_bbdev_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Initialised bbdev %s (id = %u)",
-			dev_name, bbdev->data->dev_id);
-	return 0;
-static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_pf_driver = {
-		.probe = acc200_pci_probe,
-		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
-		.id_table = pci_id_acc200_pf_map,
-		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
-static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_vf_driver = {
-		.probe = acc200_pci_probe,
-		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
-		.id_table = pci_id_acc200_vf_map,
-		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
-RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200PF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_pf_driver);
-RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200VF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_vf_driver);
 /* Initial configuration of a ACC200 device prior to running configure(). */
-acc200_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
+static int
+acc200_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, void *config)
 	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "acc200_configure");
 	uint32_t value, address, status;
 	int qg_idx, template_idx, vf_idx, acc, i, rlim, alen, timestamp, totalQgs, numEngines;
 	int numQgs, numQqsAcc;
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
+	struct rte_acc_conf *conf = (struct rte_acc_conf *)config;
 	/* Compile time checks. */
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_dma_req_desc) != 256);
@@ -3429,12 +3308,6 @@  acc200_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_td) != 24);
 	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_te) != 32);
-	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
-		"Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-		dev_name);
-		return -ENODEV;
-	}
 	struct acc_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
 	/* Store configuration. */
@@ -3819,3 +3692,126 @@  acc200_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf)
 	rte_bbdev_log_debug("PF Tip configuration complete for %s", dev_name);
 	return 0;
+static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc200_bbdev_ops = {
+	.setup_queues = acc200_setup_queues,
+	.intr_enable = acc200_intr_enable,
+	.close = acc200_dev_close,
+	.info_get = acc200_dev_info_get,
+	.queue_setup = acc200_queue_setup,
+	.queue_release = acc200_queue_release,
+	.queue_stop = acc200_queue_stop,
+	.queue_intr_enable = acc200_queue_intr_enable,
+	.queue_intr_disable = acc200_queue_intr_disable,
+	.pf_init_helper = acc200_configure
+/* ACC200 PCI PF address map. */
+static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_pf_map[] = {
+	{
+	},
+	{.device_id = 0},
+/* ACC200 PCI VF address map. */
+static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_vf_map[] = {
+	{
+	},
+	{.device_id = 0},
+/* Initialization Function */
+static void
+acc200_bbdev_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
+	dev->dev_ops = &acc200_bbdev_ops;
+	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_dec;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
+	dev->enqueue_fft_ops = acc200_enqueue_fft;
+	dev->dequeue_fft_ops = acc200_dequeue_fft;
+	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
+			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
+	((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Init device %s [%s] @ vaddr %p paddr %#"PRIx64"",
+			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
+			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
+static int acc200_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
+	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
+	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
+	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers. */
+	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
+	if (bbdev == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	/* allocate device private memory. */
+	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
+			sizeof(struct acc_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
+			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
+	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
+				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
+				sizeof(struct acc_device), dev_name);
+				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure. */
+	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
+	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
+	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
+	/* Invoke ACC200 device initialization function. */
+	acc200_bbdev_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("Initialised bbdev %s (id = %u)",
+			dev_name, bbdev->data->dev_id);
+	return 0;
+static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_pf_driver = {
+		.probe = acc200_pci_probe,
+		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
+		.id_table = pci_id_acc200_pf_map,
+		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
+static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_vf_driver = {
+		.probe = acc200_pci_probe,
+		.remove = acc_pci_remove,
+		.id_table = pci_id_acc200_vf_map,
+		.drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING
+RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200PF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_pf_driver);
+RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200VF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_vf_driver);
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_cfg.h b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_cfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21bcf88dad..0000000000
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_cfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ 
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _RTE_ACC_CFG_H_
-#define _RTE_ACC_CFG_H_
- * @file rte_acc_cfg.h
- *
- * Functions for configuring ACC HW, exposed directly to applications.
- * Configuration related to encoding/decoding is done through the
- * librte_bbdev library.
- *
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "rte_acc_common_cfg.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Configure a ACC device in PF mode notably for bbdev-test
- *
- * @param dev_name
- *   The name of the device. This is the short form of PCI BDF, e.g. 00:01.0.
- *   It can also be retrieved for a bbdev device from the dev_name field in the
- *   rte_bbdev_info structure returned by rte_bbdev_info_get().
- * @param conf
- *   Configuration to apply to ACC HW.
- *
- * @return
- *   Zero on success, negative value on failure.
- */
-rte_acc_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _RTE_ACC_CFG_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_common_cfg.h b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_common_cfg.h
index cce75d5878..28175c5dde 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_common_cfg.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc_common_cfg.h
@@ -8,20 +8,13 @@ 
  * @file rte_acc_common_cfg.h
- * Functions for configuring ACC HW, exposed directly to applications.
- * Configuration related to encoding/decoding is done through the
- * librte_bbdev library.
- *
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ * Structure used for the PF configuration from bbdev-test
+ * using *rte_pf_init_helper*.
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
 /**< Maximum number of Virtual Functions ACC may support */
 #define RTE_ACC_NUM_VFS 64
@@ -94,8 +87,4 @@  struct rte_acc_conf {
 	struct rte_acc_arbitration arb_mld[RTE_ACC_NUM_VFS];
-#ifdef __cplusplus
 #endif /* _RTE_ACC_COMMON_CFG_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc/version.map b/drivers/baseband/acc/version.map
index 95ae74dd35..78c3585d7c 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc/version.map
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc/version.map
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@ 
 DPDK_23 {
 	local: *;
-	global:
-	rte_acc_configure;
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_fpga_5gnr_fec.c b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_fpga_5gnr_fec.c
index d520d5238f..b26d652e4e 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_fpga_5gnr_fec.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_fpga_5gnr_fec.c
@@ -781,19 +781,6 @@  fpga_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
 	return 0;
-static const struct rte_bbdev_ops fpga_ops = {
-	.setup_queues = fpga_setup_queues,
-	.intr_enable = fpga_intr_enable,
-	.close = fpga_dev_close,
-	.info_get = fpga_dev_info_get,
-	.queue_setup = fpga_queue_setup,
-	.queue_stop = fpga_queue_stop,
-	.queue_start = fpga_queue_start,
-	.queue_release = fpga_queue_release,
-	.queue_intr_enable = fpga_queue_intr_enable,
-	.queue_intr_disable = fpga_queue_intr_disable
 static inline void
 fpga_dma_enqueue(struct fpga_queue *q, uint16_t num_desc,
 		struct rte_bbdev_stats *queue_stats)
@@ -2142,90 +2129,6 @@  fpga_dequeue_ldpc_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data,
 	return i;
-/* Initialization Function */
-static void
-fpga_5gnr_fec_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
-	dev->dev_ops = &fpga_ops;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = fpga_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = fpga_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = fpga_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = fpga_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
-	((struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
-			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
-	((struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug(
-			"Init device %s [%s] @ virtaddr %p phyaddr %#"PRIx64,
-			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
-			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
-static int
-fpga_5gnr_fec_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
-	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
-	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
-	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
-	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
-	if (bbdev == NULL)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	/* allocate device private memory */
-	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
-			sizeof(struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device),
-			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
-	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
-				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
-				sizeof(struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device), dev_name);
-				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
-	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
-	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
-	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
-	/* Invoke FEC FPGA device initialization function */
-	fpga_5gnr_fec_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("bbdev id = %u [%s]",
-			bbdev->data->dev_id, dev_name);
-	struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
-	uint32_t version_id = fpga_reg_read_32(d->mmio_base,
-	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "FEC FPGA RTL v%u.%u",
-		((uint16_t)(version_id >> 16)), ((uint16_t)version_id));
-	if (!strcmp(pci_drv->driver.name,
-		print_static_reg_debug_info(d->mmio_base);
-	return 0;
 static int
 fpga_5gnr_fec_remove(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
@@ -2285,21 +2188,18 @@  set_default_fpga_conf(struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf *def_conf)
 /* Initial configuration of FPGA 5GNR FEC device */
-rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
-		const struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf *conf)
+static int
+fpga_5gnr_fec_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, void *config)
 	uint32_t payload_32, address;
 	uint16_t payload_16;
 	uint8_t payload_8;
 	uint16_t q_id, vf_id, total_q_id, total_ul_q_id, total_dl_q_id;
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
 	struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf def_conf;
+	const struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf *conf = config;
 	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
-				"Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-				dev_name);
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid device, or device is not yet initialised");
 		return -ENODEV;
@@ -2457,6 +2357,104 @@  rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
 	return 0;
+static const struct rte_bbdev_ops fpga_ops = {
+	.setup_queues = fpga_setup_queues,
+	.intr_enable = fpga_intr_enable,
+	.close = fpga_dev_close,
+	.info_get = fpga_dev_info_get,
+	.queue_setup = fpga_queue_setup,
+	.queue_stop = fpga_queue_stop,
+	.queue_start = fpga_queue_start,
+	.queue_release = fpga_queue_release,
+	.queue_intr_enable = fpga_queue_intr_enable,
+	.queue_intr_disable = fpga_queue_intr_disable,
+	.pf_init_helper = fpga_5gnr_fec_configure
+/* Initialization Function */
+static void
+fpga_5gnr_fec_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
+	dev->dev_ops = &fpga_ops;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = fpga_enqueue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = fpga_enqueue_ldpc_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = fpga_dequeue_ldpc_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = fpga_dequeue_ldpc_dec;
+	((struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
+			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
+	((struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug(
+			"Init device %s [%s] @ virtaddr %p phyaddr %#"PRIx64,
+			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
+			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
+static int
+fpga_5gnr_fec_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
+	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
+	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
+	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
+	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
+	if (bbdev == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	/* allocate device private memory */
+	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
+			sizeof(struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device),
+			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
+	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
+				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
+				sizeof(struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device), dev_name);
+				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
+	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
+	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
+	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
+	/* Invoke FEC FPGA device initialization function */
+	fpga_5gnr_fec_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("bbdev id = %u [%s]",
+			bbdev->data->dev_id, dev_name);
+	struct fpga_5gnr_fec_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
+	uint32_t version_id = fpga_reg_read_32(d->mmio_base,
+	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "FEC FPGA RTL v%u.%u",
+		((uint16_t)(version_id >> 16)), ((uint16_t)version_id));
+	if (!strcmp(pci_drv->driver.name,
+		print_static_reg_debug_info(d->mmio_base);
+	return 0;
 /* FPGA 5GNR FEC PCI PF address map */
 static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_fpga_5gnr_fec_pf_map[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h
index 93a87c8e82..1c0eb7d815 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h
@@ -11,19 +11,10 @@ 
  * @file rte_pmd_fpga_5gnr_fec.h
- * Interface for Intel(R) FGPA 5GNR FEC device configuration at the host level,
- * directly accessible by the application.
- * Configuration related to 5GNR functionality is done through
- * librte_bbdev library.
- *
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ * Structure used for the PF configuration from bbdev-test
+ * using *rte_pf_init_helper*.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
 /** Number of Virtual Functions FGPA 4G FEC supports */
 #define FPGA_5GNR_FEC_NUM_VFS 8
@@ -47,26 +38,4 @@  struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf {
 	uint8_t dl_load_balance;
- * Configure Intel(R) FPGA 5GNR FEC device
- *
- * @param dev_name
- *   The name of the device. This is the short form of PCI BDF, e.g. 00:01.0.
- *   It can also be retrieved for a bbdev device from the dev_name field in the
- *   rte_bbdev_info structure returned by rte_bbdev_info_get().
- * @param conf
- *   Configuration to apply to FPGA 4G FEC.
- *
- * @return
- *   Zero on success, negative value on failure.
- */
-rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
-		const struct rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_conf *conf);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
 #endif /* _RTE_PMD_FPGA_5GNR_FEC_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/version.map b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/version.map
index 6b191cf330..78c3585d7c 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/version.map
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec/version.map
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@ 
 DPDK_23 {
 	local: *;
-	global:
-	rte_fpga_5gnr_fec_configure;
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.c b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.c
index fc86f13bee..8083905efe 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.c
@@ -1056,19 +1056,6 @@  fpga_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
 	return 0;
-static const struct rte_bbdev_ops fpga_ops = {
-	.setup_queues = fpga_setup_queues,
-	.intr_enable = fpga_intr_enable,
-	.close = fpga_dev_close,
-	.info_get = fpga_dev_info_get,
-	.queue_setup = fpga_queue_setup,
-	.queue_stop = fpga_queue_stop,
-	.queue_start = fpga_queue_start,
-	.queue_release = fpga_queue_release,
-	.queue_intr_enable = fpga_queue_intr_enable,
-	.queue_intr_disable = fpga_queue_intr_disable
 static inline void
 fpga_dma_enqueue(struct fpga_queue *q, uint16_t num_desc,
 		struct rte_bbdev_stats *queue_stats)
@@ -2320,88 +2307,6 @@  fpga_dequeue_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data,
 	return i;
-/* Initialization Function */
-static void
-fpga_lte_fec_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
-	dev->dev_ops = &fpga_ops;
-	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = fpga_enqueue_enc;
-	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = fpga_enqueue_dec;
-	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = fpga_dequeue_enc;
-	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = fpga_dequeue_dec;
-	((struct fpga_lte_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
-			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
-	((struct fpga_lte_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug(
-			"Init device %s [%s] @ virtaddr %p phyaddr %#"PRIx64,
-			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
-			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
-			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
-static int
-fpga_lte_fec_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
-	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
-	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
-	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
-	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
-	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
-	if (bbdev == NULL)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	/* allocate device private memory */
-	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
-			sizeof(struct fpga_lte_fec_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
-	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
-				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
-				sizeof(struct fpga_lte_fec_device), dev_name);
-				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
-	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
-	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
-	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
-	/* Invoke FEC FPGA device initialization function */
-	fpga_lte_fec_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
-	rte_bbdev_log_debug("bbdev id = %u [%s]",
-			bbdev->data->dev_id, dev_name);
-	struct fpga_lte_fec_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
-	uint32_t version_id = fpga_reg_read_32(d->mmio_base,
-	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "FEC FPGA RTL v%u.%u",
-		((uint16_t)(version_id >> 16)), ((uint16_t)version_id));
-	if (!strcmp(pci_drv->driver.name,
-		print_static_reg_debug_info(d->mmio_base);
-	return 0;
 static int
 fpga_lte_fec_remove(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
@@ -2461,21 +2366,18 @@  set_default_fpga_conf(struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf *def_conf)
 /* Initial configuration of FPGA LTE FEC device */
-rte_fpga_lte_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
-		const struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf *conf)
+static int
+fpga_lte_fec_configure(struct rte_bbdev *bbdev, void *config)
 	uint32_t payload_32, address;
 	uint16_t payload_16;
 	uint8_t payload_8;
 	uint16_t q_id, vf_id, total_q_id, total_ul_q_id, total_dl_q_id;
-	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name);
 	struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf def_conf;
+	const struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf *conf = config;
 	if (bbdev == NULL) {
-		rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
-				"Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised",
-				dev_name);
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid device, or device is not yet initialised");
 		return -ENODEV;
@@ -2638,6 +2540,102 @@  rte_fpga_lte_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
 	return 0;
+static const struct rte_bbdev_ops fpga_ops = {
+	.setup_queues = fpga_setup_queues,
+	.intr_enable = fpga_intr_enable,
+	.close = fpga_dev_close,
+	.info_get = fpga_dev_info_get,
+	.queue_setup = fpga_queue_setup,
+	.queue_stop = fpga_queue_stop,
+	.queue_start = fpga_queue_start,
+	.queue_release = fpga_queue_release,
+	.queue_intr_enable = fpga_queue_intr_enable,
+	.queue_intr_disable = fpga_queue_intr_disable,
+	.pf_init_helper = fpga_lte_fec_configure
+/* Initialization Function */
+static void
+fpga_lte_fec_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
+	dev->dev_ops = &fpga_ops;
+	dev->enqueue_enc_ops = fpga_enqueue_enc;
+	dev->enqueue_dec_ops = fpga_enqueue_dec;
+	dev->dequeue_enc_ops = fpga_dequeue_enc;
+	dev->dequeue_dec_ops = fpga_dequeue_dec;
+	((struct fpga_lte_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device =
+			!strcmp(drv->driver.name,
+	((struct fpga_lte_fec_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base =
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr;
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug(
+			"Init device %s [%s] @ virtaddr %p phyaddr %#"PRIx64,
+			drv->driver.name, dev->data->name,
+			(void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr,
+			pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr);
+static int
+fpga_lte_fec_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv,
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
+	struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL;
+	char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+	if (pci_dev == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name));
+	/* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */
+	bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name);
+	if (bbdev == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	/* allocate device private memory */
+	bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name,
+			sizeof(struct fpga_lte_fec_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
+			pci_dev->device.numa_node);
+	if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
+		rte_bbdev_log(CRIT,
+				"Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed",
+				sizeof(struct fpga_lte_fec_device), dev_name);
+				rte_bbdev_release(bbdev);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Fill HW specific part of device structure */
+	bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device;
+	bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle;
+	bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node;
+	/* Invoke FEC FPGA device initialization function */
+	fpga_lte_fec_init(bbdev, pci_drv);
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("bbdev id = %u [%s]",
+			bbdev->data->dev_id, dev_name);
+	struct fpga_lte_fec_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private;
+	uint32_t version_id = fpga_reg_read_32(d->mmio_base,
+	rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "FEC FPGA RTL v%u.%u",
+		((uint16_t)(version_id >> 16)), ((uint16_t)version_id));
+	if (!strcmp(pci_drv->driver.name,
+		print_static_reg_debug_info(d->mmio_base);
+	return 0;
 /* FPGA LTE FEC PCI PF address map */
 static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_fpga_lte_fec_pf_map[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.h b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.h
index b35c7a484e..b416e34018 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/fpga_lte_fec.h
@@ -11,19 +11,10 @@ 
  * @file fpga_lte_fec.h
- * Interface for Intel(R) FGPA LTE FEC device configuration at the host level,
- * directly accessible by the application.
- * Configuration related to LTE Turbo coding functionality is done through
- * librte_bbdev library.
- *
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ * Structure used for the PF configuration from bbdev-test
+ * using *rte_pf_init_helper*.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
 /**< Number of Virtual Functions FGPA 4G FEC supports */
@@ -49,26 +40,4 @@  struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf {
 	uint16_t flr_time_out;
- * Configure Intel(R) FPGA LTE FEC device
- *
- * @param dev_name
- *   The name of the device. This is the short form of PCI BDF, e.g. 00:01.0.
- *   It can also be retrieved for a bbdev device from the dev_name field in the
- *   rte_bbdev_info structure returned by rte_bbdev_info_get().
- * @param conf
- *   Configuration to apply to FPGA 4G FEC.
- *
- * @return
- *   Zero on success, negative value on failure.
- */
-rte_fpga_lte_fec_configure(const char *dev_name,
-		const struct rte_fpga_lte_fec_conf *conf);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
 #endif /* _FPGA_LTE_FEC_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/version.map b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/version.map
index aab28a9976..78c3585d7c 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/version.map
+++ b/drivers/baseband/fpga_lte_fec/version.map
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@ 
 DPDK_23 {
 	local: *;
-	global:
-	rte_fpga_lte_fec_configure;
diff --git a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
index 1521cdbc53..a84bcac260 100644
--- a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
+++ b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.c
@@ -1184,3 +1184,23 @@  rte_bbdev_enqueue_status_str(enum rte_bbdev_enqueue_status status)
 	rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid enqueue status");
 	return NULL;
+rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(uint16_t dev_id, void *config)
+	struct rte_bbdev *dev = get_dev(dev_id);
+	VALID_DEV_OR_RET_ERR(dev, dev_id);
+	VALID_DEV_OPS_OR_RET_ERR(dev, dev_id);
+	if (dev->dev_ops->pf_init_helper) {
+		int ret = dev->dev_ops->pf_init_helper(dev, config);
+		if (ret < 0) {
+			rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Device %u PF inialization failed", dev_id);
+			return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	rte_bbdev_log_debug("PF initialization of device %u", dev_id);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h
index 1eb5fa532b..b34c1ea7e6 100644
--- a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h
+++ b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev.h
@@ -230,6 +230,23 @@  rte_bbdev_queue_start(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id);
 rte_bbdev_queue_stop(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id);
+ * Helper function to initialize the device from the PF.
+ * This is only meant to be used in the context of bbdev-test
+ * so that to be able to test the device from the PF without
+ * dependency on 3rd party configuration ingredients.
+ * Optional only.
+ *
+ * @param dev_id
+ *   The identifier of the device.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - negative value on failure - as returned from PMD
+ */
+rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper(uint16_t dev_id, void *config);
  * Flags to indicate the reason why a previous enqueue may not have
  * consumed all requested operations.
diff --git a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h
index 3da7a2bdf5..be71db91db 100644
--- a/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h
+++ b/lib/bbdev/rte_bbdev_pmd.h
@@ -134,6 +134,13 @@  typedef int (*rte_bbdev_queue_intr_enable_t)(struct rte_bbdev *dev,
 typedef int (*rte_bbdev_queue_intr_disable_t)(struct rte_bbdev *dev,
 				    uint16_t queue_id);
+ * @internal
+ * Function to help to initialize the device from the PF.
+ * Only meant for test purpose notably using bbdev-test.
+ */
+typedef int (*rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper_t)(struct rte_bbdev *dev, void *conf);
  * Operations implemented by drivers. Fields marked as "Required" must be
  * provided by a driver for a device to have basic functionality. "Optional"
@@ -171,6 +178,9 @@  struct rte_bbdev_ops {
 	rte_bbdev_queue_intr_enable_t queue_intr_enable;
 	/** Disable queue interrupt. Optional */
 	rte_bbdev_queue_intr_disable_t queue_intr_disable;
+	/** Companion helper to init device for testing purpose. Optional. */
+	rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper_t pf_init_helper;
diff --git a/lib/bbdev/version.map b/lib/bbdev/version.map
index d0bb835255..d05d63483a 100644
--- a/lib/bbdev/version.map
+++ b/lib/bbdev/version.map
@@ -50,4 +50,5 @@  EXPERIMENTAL {
+	rte_bbdev_pf_init_helper;