[RFC,v1,22/24] dts: merge DTS doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst to DPDK

Message ID 20220406151106.2915304-23-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State RFC, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series merge DTS documentation files to DPDK |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš April 6, 2022, 3:11 p.m. UTC
 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst


diff --git a/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b91eef9db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/sys_reqs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ 
+System Requirements
+This chapter describes the packages required to deploy DTS, including Tester and DUT.
+Tester and DUT should have one interface connected to the same internet, so that they can be accessed by each other from local IP address.
+The tester and DUT are recommended to install the latest Centos, Redhat or Ubuntu for easily installing DTS(DPDK Test Suite) or DPDK required modules.
+.. note::
+   Uubuntu 20.04 are installed for Tester and DUT, and  The setup instruction and required packages may be different on different operation systems.
+Firewall should be disabled on Tester and DUT so that all packets can be accepted by NIC Interface.
+.. code-block:: console
+   systemctl disable firewalld.service
+SSH Service
+Since DPDK Test Suite Tester communicates with DUT via SSH, please install and start sshd service in your Tester and DUT.
+.. code-block:: console
+   apt-get install openssh-server      # download / install ssh software
+   service ssh start                   # start ssh service
+Generally DTS use Linux username and password to login, but it also supports to use authorized login.
+For create authorized login session, user needs to generate RSA authentication keys to ssh connectioni:
+.. code-block:: console
+   ssh-keygen -t rsa
+Python modules
+To run DTS, `Python3` must be installed, and it uses the following packages:
+* xlwt: it is used to generate spreadsheet files which compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files。
+* numpy: it provides method to deal with array-processing test results.
+* pexpect: it provides API to automate interactive SSH sessions.
+* docutils:it is a modular system for processing documentation into useful formats, such as HTML, XML, and LaTeX
+* pcapy: it is a Python extension module that interfaces with the libpcap packet capture library. Pcapy enables python scripts to capture packets on the network.
+* xlrd: it is a Python module that extracts data from Excel spreadsheets.
+* threadpool: it is a Python module that maintains a pool of worker threads to perform time consuming operations in parallel.
+* scapy: it is a Python program that enables the user to send, sniff and dissect and forge network packets.
+They are recorded in `requirements.txt`.
+.. code-block:: console
+   [root@tester ~]# cat requirements.txt
+    ...
+    xlwt==1.3.0
+    pexpect==4.7.0
+    numpy==1.18.5
+    docutils
+    pcapy
+    xlrd
+    scapy==2.4.4
+    threadpool
+Recommend installing them quickly with following commands:
+.. code-block:: console
+   apt-get install python3-pip
+   pip3 install -r ../requirements.txt
+DTS uses python module scapy to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them over the wire, capture them, and analyse the packets.
+We recommend installing scapy-2.4.4, as some protocol such as PFCP, GTPPDUSessionContainer are supported from this version.
+.. code-block:: console
+   pip3 install scapy  # install default version
+   pip3 install scapy==2.4.4 # install specific version
+Here are some differences between scapy 2.4.4 and scapy 2.4.3 about the packet layer:
+.. table:: Differences between scapy 2.4.3 with scapy 2.4.4
+    +------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Layer                  | packet in scapy 2.4.3           | packet in scapy 2.4.4                         | Comments                                              |
+    +========================+=================================+===============================================+=======================================================+
+    | PPP                    | PPP(proto=0xc021)               | PPP(b\'\\xc0\\x21\')                          | PPP protocol filed length is 1 byte in scapy2.4.4     |
+    +------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+    | L2TP                   | L2TP(\'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x11\')  | L2TP(b\'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x11\')               | L2TP is byte type in scapy2.4.4                       |
+    +------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+    | PFCP                   | N/A                             | PFCP(S=1, seid=1)                             | PFCP is not supported in scapy2.4.3                   |
+    +------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+    | GTPPDUSessionContainer | N/A                             | GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34) | GTPPDUSessionContainer is not supported in scapy2.4.3 |
+    +------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+BIOS Setting Prerequisite on x86
+For the majority of platforms, no special BIOS settings for Tester and DUT.
+DPDK prefers devices bound to ``vfio-pci`` kernel module, therefore, `VT-x` and `VT-d` should be enabled.
+.. code-block:: console
+   Advanced -> Integrated IO Configuration -> Intel(R) VT for Directed I/O <Enabled>
+   Advanced -> Processor Configuration -> Intel(R) Virtualization Technology <Enabled>
+DPDK running Prerequisite
+Hugepage support is required for the large memory pool allocation used for packet buffers.
+DPDK performance will be imporved more with 1G page size than 2M, therefore, recommend to use 1G pages for DPDK.
+The following options should be passed to Linux Cmdline:
+.. code-block:: console
+   hugepagesz=1G hugepages=16 default_hugepagesz=1G
+For more detail information of DPDK requirements, please refer to `Data Plane Development Kit Getting Started Guide <http://dpdk.org/doc/guides>`_.
+Performance testing requirements
+DTS supports three kinds of traffic generators: `Scapy`, `TRex` and `Ixia IxExplorer`. Scapy is for functional testing, TRex and `Ixia IxExplorer` are for performance testing. The mechanism in DTS that mananges traffic generators for performance is called `Pktgen`.
+`Ixia IxExplorer` is the principal means used to program Ixia hardware and to perform testing on network devices. Ixia is a hardware traffic generator product of `keysight <https://www.keysight.com>`_ company. DTS requires to install TCL (Tool Command Language) package to connect and control `Ixia IxExplorer`:
+.. code-block:: console
+   apt-get install tcl
+`TRex <https://trex-tgn.cisco.com>`_ is an open source software traffic generator fuelled by DPDK. It generates L3-7 traffic and provides in one tool capabilities. DTS requires to install `Trex` and configure it before lunching DTS.