[RFC,v1,02/13] dts: merge DTS conf/pktgen.cfg to DPDK

Message ID 20220406150742.2914878-3-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State RFC, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series merge DTS conf files to DPDK |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš April 6, 2022, 3:07 p.m. UTC
 dts/conf/pktgen.cfg | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/conf/pktgen.cfg


diff --git a/dts/conf/pktgen.cfg b/dts/conf/pktgen.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3176f49625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/conf/pktgen.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ 
+#PkTGEN configuration
+# trex_root_path: trex tar package decompression directory
+#    trex server binary file is under this directory.
+# trex_lib_path(optional): trex stateless client libs directory, it is optional.
+#    If it is not set, use a default relative directory.
+# coremask:
+#  1. a list of masks (one core mask per port), sort sequence as 
+#    <port 0 core mask>,<port 1 core mask>
+#     example:  core_mask=0x3,0x5
+#     for each dual ports (a group that shares the same cores), the cores will
+#     be divided half pinned for each port.
+#     example:  core_mask=CORE_MASK_PIN
+# num -n: Number of memory channels
+# proc_type --proc-type: Type of this process
+# pci_blocklist --pci-blocklist, -b: Add a PCI device in block list.
+# pci_allowlist --pci-allowlist, -a: Add a PCI device in allow list.
+# file_prefix --file-prefix: Prefix for hugepage filenames
+# socket_memory --socket-mem: Memory to allocate on specific sockets
+# mapping_ports -m: Matrix for mapping ports to logical cores.
+# pcap_port_num -s P:file: The PCAP packet file to stream. P is the port number.
+# start_trex: Set to a nonempty value to start trex ourselves.
+# IXIA port Configuration
+# IxiaGroup: Group name for IXIA ports
+# Version  : IXIA TCL server version
+# IP       : IXIA server IP address
+# Ports    : [IXIA port list]
+# ixia_force100g: We need to set this to enable if we need IXIA port work in 100G mode.
+    card=1,port=1;
+    card=1,port=2;
+    card=1,port=3;
+    card=1,port=4;
+# ixia network REST server ip address
+# maximum re-run traffic times, default is 5 times. (optional)
+    card=1,port=1;
+    card=1,port=2;
+    card=1,port=3;
+    card=1,port=4;