[07/13] net/mlx5: add basic flow queue operation

Message ID 20220210162926.20436-8-suanmingm@nvidia.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Raslan Darawsheh
Series net/mlx5: add hardware steering |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Suanming Mou Feb. 10, 2022, 4:29 p.m. UTC
The HW steering uses queue-based flow rules management mechanism.
The matcher and part of the actions have been prepared during
flow table creation. Some left actions will be constructed during
flow creation if needed.

A flow postpone attribute bit decribles if flow creation/destruction
should be applied to the HW directly. An extra drain function has
also been prepared to force push all the cached flows to the HW.

Once the flow has been applied to the HW, the pull function will be
called to get the enqueued creation/destruction flows.

The DR rule flow memory is represented in PMD layer instead of
allocating from HW steering layer. While destroying the flow, the
flow rule memory can only be freed after the CQE received.

The HW queue job descriptor is currently introduced to convey
the flow information and operation type between the flow
insertion/destruction in the pull function.

This commit adds the basic flow queue operation for:

Signed-off-by: Suanming Mou <suanmingm@nvidia.com>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h         |   2 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c    | 158 ++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h    |  39 +++++
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c | 278 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
index a4bc8d1fb7..ec4eb7ee94 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@  enum {
 /* HW steering flow management job descriptor. */
 struct mlx5_hw_q_job {
 	uint32_t type; /* Job type. */
-	struct rte_flow *flow; /* Flow attached to the job. */
+	struct rte_flow_hw *flow; /* Flow attached to the job. */
 	void *user_data; /* Job user data. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
index 2e70e1eaaf..b48a3af0fb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
@@ -845,6 +845,33 @@  static int
 mlx5_flow_table_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 			struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
 			struct rte_flow_error *error);
+static struct rte_flow *
+mlx5_flow_q_flow_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			uint32_t queue,
+			const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
+			const struct rte_flow_item items[],
+			uint8_t pattern_template_index,
+			const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+			uint8_t action_template_index,
+			struct rte_flow_error *error);
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_flow_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			 struct rte_flow *flow,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_pull(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		 uint32_t queue,
+		 struct rte_flow_q_op_res res[],
+		 uint16_t n_res,
+		 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_push(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		 uint32_t queue,
+		 struct rte_flow_error *error);
 static const struct rte_flow_ops mlx5_flow_ops = {
 	.validate = mlx5_flow_validate,
@@ -873,6 +900,10 @@  static const struct rte_flow_ops mlx5_flow_ops = {
 	.actions_template_destroy = mlx5_flow_actions_template_destroy,
 	.template_table_create = mlx5_flow_table_create,
 	.template_table_destroy = mlx5_flow_table_destroy,
+	.q_flow_create = mlx5_flow_q_flow_create,
+	.q_flow_destroy = mlx5_flow_q_flow_destroy,
+	.q_pull = mlx5_flow_q_pull,
+	.q_push = mlx5_flow_q_push,
 /* Tunnel information. */
@@ -8062,6 +8093,133 @@  mlx5_flow_table_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 	return fops->template_table_destroy(dev, table, error);
+ * Enqueue flow creation.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue_id
+ *   The queue to create the flow.
+ * @param[in] attr
+ *   Pointer to the flow operation attributes.
+ * @param[in] items
+ *   Items with flow spec value.
+ * @param[in] pattern_template_index
+ *   The item pattern flow follows from the table.
+ * @param[in] actions
+ *   Action with flow spec value.
+ * @param[in] action_template_index
+ *   The action pattern flow follows from the table.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    Flow pointer on success, NULL otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static struct rte_flow *
+mlx5_flow_q_flow_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			uint32_t queue_id,
+			const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
+			const struct rte_flow_item items[],
+			uint8_t pattern_template_index,
+			const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+			uint8_t action_template_index,
+			struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops *fops =
+			flow_get_drv_ops(MLX5_FLOW_TYPE_HW);
+	return fops->q_flow_create(dev, queue_id, attr, table,
+				   items, pattern_template_index,
+				   actions, action_template_index,
+				   error);
+ * Enqueue flow destruction.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to destroy the flow.
+ * @param[in] attr
+ *   Pointer to the flow operation attributes.
+ * @param[in] flow
+ *   Pointer to the flow to be destroyed.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    0 on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_flow_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			 struct rte_flow *flow,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops *fops =
+			flow_get_drv_ops(MLX5_FLOW_TYPE_HW);
+	return fops->q_flow_destroy(dev, queue, attr, flow, error);
+ * Pull the enqueued flows.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to pull the result.
+ * @param[in/out] res
+ *   Array to save the results.
+ * @param[in] n_res
+ *   Available result with the array.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    Result number on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_pull(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		 uint32_t queue,
+		 struct rte_flow_q_op_res res[],
+		 uint16_t n_res,
+		 struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops *fops =
+			flow_get_drv_ops(MLX5_FLOW_TYPE_HW);
+	return fops->q_pull(dev, queue, res, n_res, error);
+ * Push the enqueued flows.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to push the flows.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    0 on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_q_push(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		 uint32_t queue,
+		 struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops *fops =
+			flow_get_drv_ops(MLX5_FLOW_TYPE_HW);
+	return fops->q_push(dev, queue, error);
  * Allocate a new memory for the counter values wrapped by all the needed
  * management.
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
index 02eb03e4cf..40eb8d79aa 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
@@ -1015,6 +1015,13 @@  struct rte_flow {
 	uint32_t geneve_tlv_option; /**< Holds Geneve TLV option id. > */
 } __rte_packed;
+/* HWS flow struct. */
+struct rte_flow_hw {
+	uint32_t idx; /* Flow index from indexed pool. */
+	struct rte_flow_template_table *table; /* The table flow allcated from. */
+	struct mlx5dr_rule rule; /* HWS layer data struct. */
+} __rte_packed;
 /* Flow item template struct. */
 struct rte_flow_pattern_template {
 	LIST_ENTRY(rte_flow_pattern_template) next;
@@ -1366,6 +1373,32 @@  typedef int (*mlx5_flow_table_destroy_t)
 			(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 			 struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
 			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+typedef struct rte_flow *(*mlx5_flow_q_flow_create_t)
+			(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			 struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
+			 const struct rte_flow_item items[],
+			 uint8_t pattern_template_index,
+			 const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+			 uint8_t action_template_index,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+typedef int (*mlx5_flow_q_flow_destroy_t)
+			(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+			 struct rte_flow *flow,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+typedef int (*mlx5_flow_q_pull_t)
+			(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 struct rte_flow_q_op_res res[],
+			 uint16_t n_res,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
+typedef int (*mlx5_flow_q_push_t)
+			(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 uint32_t queue,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
 struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops {
 	mlx5_flow_validate_t validate;
@@ -1411,6 +1444,10 @@  struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops {
 	mlx5_flow_actions_template_destroy_t actions_template_destroy;
 	mlx5_flow_table_create_t template_table_create;
 	mlx5_flow_table_destroy_t template_table_destroy;
+	mlx5_flow_q_flow_create_t q_flow_create;
+	mlx5_flow_q_flow_destroy_t q_flow_destroy;
+	mlx5_flow_q_pull_t q_pull;
+	mlx5_flow_q_push_t q_push;
 /* mlx5_flow.c */
@@ -1581,6 +1618,8 @@  mlx5_translate_tunnel_etypes(uint64_t pattern_flags)
 	return 0;
+int flow_hw_q_flow_flush(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+			 struct rte_flow_error *error);
 int mlx5_flow_group_to_table(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 			     const struct mlx5_flow_tunnel *tunnel,
 			     uint32_t group, uint32_t *table,
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
index 5cb5e2ebb9..a74825312f 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ 
+/* The maximum actions support in the flow. */
+#define MLX5_HW_MAX_ACTS 16
 const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops mlx5_flow_hw_drv_ops;
 /* DR action flags with different table. */
@@ -105,6 +108,275 @@  flow_hw_actions_translate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 	return 0;
+ * Construct flow action array.
+ *
+ * For action template contains dynamic actions, these actions need to
+ * be updated according to the rte_flow action during flow creation.
+ *
+ * @param[in] hw_acts
+ *   Pointer to translated actions from template.
+ * @param[in] actions
+ *   Array of rte_flow action need to be checked.
+ * @param[in] rule_acts
+ *   Array of DR rule actions to be used during flow creation..
+ * @param[in] acts_num
+ *   Pointer to the real acts_num flow has.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    0 on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline int
+flow_hw_actions_construct(struct mlx5_hw_actions *hw_acts,
+			  const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+			  struct mlx5dr_rule_action *rule_acts,
+			  uint32_t *acts_num)
+	bool actions_end = false;
+	uint32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; !actions_end || (i >= MLX5_HW_MAX_ACTS); actions++) {
+		switch (actions->type) {
+			break;
+			break;
+			rule_acts[i++].action = hw_acts->drop;
+			break;
+			actions_end = true;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	*acts_num = i;
+	return 0;
+ * Enqueue HW steering flow creation.
+ *
+ * The flow will be applied to the HW only if the postpone bit is not set or
+ * the extra push function is called.
+ * The flow creation status should be checked from dequeue result.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to create the flow.
+ * @param[in] attr
+ *   Pointer to the flow operation attributes.
+ * @param[in] items
+ *   Items with flow spec value.
+ * @param[in] pattern_template_index
+ *   The item pattern flow follows from the table.
+ * @param[in] actions
+ *   Action with flow spec value.
+ * @param[in] action_template_index
+ *   The action pattern flow follows from the table.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    Flow pointer on success, NULL otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static struct rte_flow *
+flow_hw_q_flow_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		      uint32_t queue,
+		      const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+		      struct rte_flow_template_table *table,
+		      const struct rte_flow_item items[],
+		      uint8_t pattern_template_index,
+		      const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
+		      uint8_t action_template_index,
+		      struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	struct mlx5dr_rule_attr rule_attr = {
+		.queue_id = queue,
+		.user_data = attr->user_data,
+		.burst = attr->postpone,
+	};
+	struct mlx5dr_rule_action rule_acts[MLX5_HW_MAX_ACTS];
+	struct mlx5_hw_actions *hw_acts;
+	struct rte_flow_hw *flow;
+	struct mlx5_hw_q_job *job;
+	uint32_t acts_num, flow_idx;
+	int ret;
+	if (unlikely(!priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx)) {
+		rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto error;
+	}
+	flow = mlx5_ipool_zmalloc(table->flow, &flow_idx);
+	if (!flow)
+		goto error;
+	/*
+	 * Set the table here in order to know the destination table
+	 * when free the flow afterwards.
+	 */
+	flow->table = table;
+	flow->idx = flow_idx;
+	job = priv->hw_q[queue].job[--priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx];
+	/*
+	 * Set the job type here in order to know if the flow memory
+	 * should be freed or not when get the result from dequeue.
+	 */
+	job->type = MLX5_HW_Q_JOB_TYPE_CREATE;
+	job->flow = flow;
+	job->user_data = attr->user_data;
+	rule_attr.user_data = job;
+	hw_acts = &table->ats[action_template_index].acts;
+	/* Construct the flow action array based on the input actions.*/
+	flow_hw_actions_construct(hw_acts, actions, rule_acts, &acts_num);
+	ret = mlx5dr_rule_create(table->matcher,
+				 pattern_template_index, items,
+				 rule_acts, acts_num,
+				 &rule_attr, &flow->rule);
+	if (likely(!ret))
+		return (struct rte_flow *)flow;
+	/* Flow created fail, return the descriptor and flow memory. */
+	mlx5_ipool_free(table->flow, flow_idx);
+	priv->hw_q[queue].job[priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx++] = job;
+	rte_flow_error_set(error, rte_errno,
+			   "fail to create rte flow");
+	return NULL;
+ * Enqueue HW steering flow destruction.
+ *
+ * The flow will be applied to the HW only if the postpone bit is not set or
+ * the extra push function is called.
+ * The flow destruction status should be checked from dequeue result.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to destroy the flow.
+ * @param[in] attr
+ *   Pointer to the flow operation attributes.
+ * @param[in] flow
+ *   Pointer to the flow to be destroyed.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    0 on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+flow_hw_q_flow_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+		       uint32_t queue,
+		       const struct rte_flow_q_ops_attr *attr,
+		       struct rte_flow *flow,
+		       struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	struct mlx5dr_rule_attr rule_attr = {
+		.queue_id = queue,
+		.user_data = attr->user_data,
+		.burst = attr->postpone,
+	};
+	struct rte_flow_hw *fh = (struct rte_flow_hw *)flow;
+	struct mlx5_hw_q_job *job;
+	int ret;
+	if (unlikely(!priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx)) {
+		rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto error;
+	}
+	job = priv->hw_q[queue].job[--priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx];
+	job->type = MLX5_HW_Q_JOB_TYPE_DESTROY;
+	job->user_data = attr->user_data;
+	job->flow = fh;
+	rule_attr.user_data = job;
+	ret = mlx5dr_rule_destroy(&fh->rule, &rule_attr);
+	if (ret)
+		goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return rte_flow_error_set(error, rte_errno,
+			"fail to create rte flow");
+ * Pull the enqueued flows.
+ *
+ * For flows enqueued from creation/destruction, the status should be
+ * checked from the dequeue result.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to pull the result.
+ * @param[in/out] res
+ *   Array to save the results.
+ * @param[in] n_res
+ *   Available result with the array.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    Result number on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+flow_hw_q_pull(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+	       uint32_t queue,
+	       struct rte_flow_q_op_res res[],
+	       uint16_t n_res,
+	       struct rte_flow_error *error)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	struct mlx5_hw_q_job *job;
+	int ret, i;
+	ret = mlx5dr_send_queue_poll(priv->dr_ctx, queue, res, n_res);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return rte_flow_error_set(error, rte_errno,
+				"fail to query flow queue");
+	for (i = 0; i <  ret; i++) {
+		job = (struct mlx5_hw_q_job *)res[i].user_data;
+		/* Restore user data. */
+		res[i].user_data = job->user_data;
+		if (job->type == MLX5_HW_Q_JOB_TYPE_DESTROY)
+			mlx5_ipool_free(job->flow->table->flow, job->flow->idx);
+		priv->hw_q[queue].job[priv->hw_q[queue].job_idx++] = job;
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * Push the enqueued flows to HW.
+ *
+ * Force apply all the enqueued flows to the HW.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to the rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] queue
+ *   The queue to push the flow.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    0 on success, negative value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+flow_hw_q_push(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+	       uint32_t queue,
+	       struct rte_flow_error *error __rte_unused)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	return mlx5dr_send_queue_action(priv->dr_ctx, queue,
  * Create flow table.
@@ -152,7 +424,7 @@  flow_hw_table_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 		.data = &flow_attr,
 	struct mlx5_indexed_pool_config cfg = {
-		.size = sizeof(struct rte_flow),
+		.size = sizeof(struct rte_flow_hw),
 		.trunk_size = 1 << 12,
 		.per_core_cache = 1 << 13,
 		.need_lock = 1,
@@ -860,6 +1132,10 @@  const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops mlx5_flow_hw_drv_ops = {
 	.actions_template_destroy = flow_hw_actions_template_destroy,
 	.template_table_create = flow_hw_table_create,
 	.template_table_destroy = flow_hw_table_destroy,
+	.q_flow_create = flow_hw_q_flow_create,
+	.q_flow_destroy = flow_hw_q_flow_destroy,
+	.q_pull = flow_hw_q_pull,
+	.q_push = flow_hw_q_push,