[v2,19/26] net/ngbe: support flow control

Message ID 20211021095023.18288-20-jiawenwu@trustnetic.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Ferruh Yigit
Series net/ngbe: add many features |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Jiawen Wu Oct. 21, 2021, 9:50 a.m. UTC
Support to get and set flow control.

Signed-off-by: Jiawen Wu <jiawenwu@trustnetic.com>
 doc/guides/nics/features/ngbe.ini      |   1 +
 doc/guides/nics/ngbe.rst               |   1 +
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst |   1 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_dummy.h     |  31 +++
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.c        | 334 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.h        |   6 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.c       |   9 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.h       |   3 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.c   |  57 +++++
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.h   |   4 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.c   |  42 ++++
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.h   |   3 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.c    |  44 ++++
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.h    |   6 +
 drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_type.h      |  32 +++
 drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.c         | 111 ++++++++
 drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.h         |   8 +
 17 files changed, 693 insertions(+)


diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/features/ngbe.ini b/doc/guides/nics/features/ngbe.ini
index ffb91d17da..1652e611fb 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/features/ngbe.ini
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/features/ngbe.ini
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@  RSS key update       = Y
 RSS reta update      = Y
 SR-IOV               = Y
 VLAN filter          = Y
+Flow control         = Y
 CRC offload          = Y
 VLAN offload         = Y
 QinQ offload         = Y
diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/ngbe.rst b/doc/guides/nics/ngbe.rst
index 1ca2a70074..978bb09495 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/ngbe.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/ngbe.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@  Features
 - Port hardware statistics
 - Jumbo frames
 - Link state information
+- Link flow control
 - Scattered and gather for TX and RX
 - FW version
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst
index ad25e6aeb2..7ff9a0385f 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@  New Features
   * Added device basic statistics and extended stats.
   * Added multi-queue and RSS.
   * Added SRIOV.
+  * Added flow control.
 * **Added multi-process support for testpmd.**
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_dummy.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_dummy.h
index 940b448734..0baabcbae7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_dummy.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_dummy.h
@@ -154,6 +154,17 @@  static inline void ngbe_mac_set_vlan_anti_spoofing_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0,
 					bool TUP1, int TUP2)
+static inline s32 ngbe_mac_fc_enable_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0)
+static inline s32 ngbe_mac_setup_fc_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0)
+static inline void ngbe_mac_fc_autoneg_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0)
 static inline s32 ngbe_mac_init_thermal_ssth_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0)
@@ -205,6 +216,20 @@  static inline s32 ngbe_phy_check_link_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0, u32 *TUP1,
+static inline s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0,
+					u8 *TUP1)
+static inline s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0,
+					u8 *TUP1)
+static inline s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0, u16 TUP1)
 /* struct ngbe_mbx_operations */
 static inline void ngbe_mbx_init_params_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *TUP0)
@@ -264,6 +289,9 @@  static inline void ngbe_init_ops_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	hw->mac.set_vlvf = ngbe_mac_set_vlvf_dummy;
 	hw->mac.set_mac_anti_spoofing = ngbe_mac_set_mac_anti_spoofing_dummy;
 	hw->mac.set_vlan_anti_spoofing = ngbe_mac_set_vlan_anti_spoofing_dummy;
+	hw->mac.fc_enable = ngbe_mac_fc_enable_dummy;
+	hw->mac.setup_fc = ngbe_mac_setup_fc_dummy;
+	hw->mac.fc_autoneg = ngbe_mac_fc_autoneg_dummy;
 	hw->mac.init_thermal_sensor_thresh = ngbe_mac_init_thermal_ssth_dummy;
 	hw->mac.check_overtemp = ngbe_mac_check_overtemp_dummy;
 	hw->phy.identify = ngbe_phy_identify_dummy;
@@ -275,6 +303,9 @@  static inline void ngbe_init_ops_dummy(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	hw->phy.write_reg_unlocked = ngbe_phy_write_reg_unlocked_dummy;
 	hw->phy.setup_link = ngbe_phy_setup_link_dummy;
 	hw->phy.check_link = ngbe_phy_check_link_dummy;
+	hw->phy.get_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_dummy;
+	hw->phy.get_lp_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_dummy;
+	hw->phy.set_pause_adv = ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_dummy;
 	hw->mbx.init_params = ngbe_mbx_init_params_dummy;
 	hw->mbx.read = ngbe_mbx_read_dummy;
 	hw->mbx.write = ngbe_mbx_write_dummy;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.c
index 541d916479..8262e50a80 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.c
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ 
 s32 ngbe_start_hw(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
+	s32 err;
 	/* Clear the VLAN filter table */
@@ -26,6 +28,13 @@  s32 ngbe_start_hw(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	/* Clear statistics registers */
+	/* Setup flow control */
+	err = hw->mac.setup_fc(hw);
+	if (err != 0 && err != NGBE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow control setup failed, returning %d\n", err);
+		return err;
+	}
 	/* Clear adapter stopped flag */
 	hw->adapter_stopped = false;
@@ -703,6 +712,326 @@  s32 ngbe_update_mc_addr_list(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr_list,
 	return 0;
+ *  ngbe_setup_fc_em - Set up flow control
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Called at init time to set up flow control.
+ **/
+s32 ngbe_setup_fc_em(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
+	s32 err = 0;
+	u16 reg_cu = 0;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_setup_fc");
+	/* Validate the requested mode */
+	if (hw->fc.strict_ieee && hw->fc.requested_mode == ngbe_fc_rx_pause) {
+		DEBUGOUT("ngbe_fc_rx_pause not valid in strict IEEE mode\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * 1gig parts do not have a word in the EEPROM to determine the
+	 * default flow control setting, so we explicitly set it to full.
+	 */
+	if (hw->fc.requested_mode == ngbe_fc_default)
+		hw->fc.requested_mode = ngbe_fc_full;
+	/*
+	 * The possible values of fc.requested_mode are:
+	 * 0: Flow control is completely disabled
+	 * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause frames,
+	 *    but not send pause frames).
+	 * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames but
+	 *    we do not support receiving pause frames).
+	 * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) are enabled.
+	 * other: Invalid.
+	 */
+	switch (hw->fc.requested_mode) {
+	case ngbe_fc_none:
+		/* Flow control completely disabled by software override. */
+		break;
+	case ngbe_fc_tx_pause:
+		/*
+		 * Tx Flow control is enabled, and Rx Flow control is
+		 * disabled by software override.
+		 */
+		if (hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_mvl_sfi ||
+			hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_yt8521s_sfi)
+			reg_cu |= MVL_FANA_ASM_PAUSE;
+		else
+			reg_cu |= 0x800; /*need to merge rtl and mvl on page 0*/
+		break;
+	case ngbe_fc_rx_pause:
+		/*
+		 * Rx Flow control is enabled and Tx Flow control is
+		 * disabled by software override. Since there really
+		 * isn't a way to advertise that we are capable of RX
+		 * Pause ONLY, we will advertise that we support both
+		 * symmetric and asymmetric Rx PAUSE, as such we fall
+		 * through to the fc_full statement.  Later, we will
+		 * disable the adapter's ability to send PAUSE frames.
+		 */
+	case ngbe_fc_full:
+		/* Flow control (both Rx and Tx) is enabled by SW override. */
+		if (hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_mvl_sfi ||
+			hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_yt8521s_sfi)
+			reg_cu |= MVL_FANA_SYM_PAUSE;
+		else
+			reg_cu |= 0xC00; /*need to merge rtl and mvl on page 0*/
+		break;
+	default:
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow control param set incorrectly\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	err = hw->phy.set_pause_adv(hw, reg_cu);
+	return err;
+ *  ngbe_fc_enable - Enable flow control
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Enable flow control according to the current settings.
+ **/
+s32 ngbe_fc_enable(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
+	s32 err = 0;
+	u32 mflcn_reg, fccfg_reg;
+	u32 pause_time;
+	u32 fcrtl, fcrth;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_fc_enable");
+	/* Validate the water mark configuration */
+	if (!hw->fc.pause_time) {
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* Low water mark of zero causes XOFF floods */
+	if ((hw->fc.current_mode & ngbe_fc_tx_pause) && hw->fc.high_water) {
+		if (!hw->fc.low_water ||
+			hw->fc.low_water >= hw->fc.high_water) {
+			DEBUGOUT("Invalid water mark configuration\n");
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Negotiate the fc mode to use */
+	hw->mac.fc_autoneg(hw);
+	/* Disable any previous flow control settings */
+	mflcn_reg = rd32(hw, NGBE_RXFCCFG);
+	mflcn_reg &= ~NGBE_RXFCCFG_FC;
+	fccfg_reg = rd32(hw, NGBE_TXFCCFG);
+	fccfg_reg &= ~NGBE_TXFCCFG_FC;
+	/*
+	 * The possible values of fc.current_mode are:
+	 * 0: Flow control is completely disabled
+	 * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause frames,
+	 *    but not send pause frames).
+	 * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames but
+	 *    we do not support receiving pause frames).
+	 * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) are enabled.
+	 * other: Invalid.
+	 */
+	switch (hw->fc.current_mode) {
+	case ngbe_fc_none:
+		/*
+		 * Flow control is disabled by software override or autoneg.
+		 * The code below will actually disable it in the HW.
+		 */
+		break;
+	case ngbe_fc_rx_pause:
+		/*
+		 * Rx Flow control is enabled and Tx Flow control is
+		 * disabled by software override. Since there really
+		 * isn't a way to advertise that we are capable of RX
+		 * Pause ONLY, we will advertise that we support both
+		 * symmetric and asymmetric Rx PAUSE.  Later, we will
+		 * disable the adapter's ability to send PAUSE frames.
+		 */
+		mflcn_reg |= NGBE_RXFCCFG_FC;
+		break;
+	case ngbe_fc_tx_pause:
+		/*
+		 * Tx Flow control is enabled, and Rx Flow control is
+		 * disabled by software override.
+		 */
+		fccfg_reg |= NGBE_TXFCCFG_FC;
+		break;
+	case ngbe_fc_full:
+		/* Flow control (both Rx and Tx) is enabled by SW override. */
+		mflcn_reg |= NGBE_RXFCCFG_FC;
+		fccfg_reg |= NGBE_TXFCCFG_FC;
+		break;
+	default:
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow control param set incorrectly\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* Set 802.3x based flow control settings. */
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_RXFCCFG, mflcn_reg);
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_TXFCCFG, fccfg_reg);
+	/* Set up and enable Rx high/low water mark thresholds, enable XON. */
+	if ((hw->fc.current_mode & ngbe_fc_tx_pause) &&
+		hw->fc.high_water) {
+		fcrtl = NGBE_FCWTRLO_TH(hw->fc.low_water) |
+		fcrth = NGBE_FCWTRHI_TH(hw->fc.high_water) |
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * In order to prevent Tx hangs when the internal Tx
+		 * switch is enabled we must set the high water mark
+		 * to the Rx packet buffer size - 24KB.  This allows
+		 * the Tx switch to function even under heavy Rx
+		 * workloads.
+		 */
+		fcrtl = 0;
+		fcrth = rd32(hw, NGBE_PBRXSIZE) - 24576;
+	}
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_FCWTRLO, fcrtl);
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_FCWTRHI, fcrth);
+	/* Configure pause time */
+	pause_time = NGBE_RXFCFSH_TIME(hw->fc.pause_time);
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_FCXOFFTM, pause_time * 0x00010000);
+	/* Configure flow control refresh threshold value */
+	wr32(hw, NGBE_RXFCRFSH, hw->fc.pause_time / 2);
+	return err;
+ *  ngbe_negotiate_fc - Negotiate flow control
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *  @adv_reg: flow control advertised settings
+ *  @lp_reg: link partner's flow control settings
+ *  @adv_sym: symmetric pause bit in advertisement
+ *  @adv_asm: asymmetric pause bit in advertisement
+ *  @lp_sym: symmetric pause bit in link partner advertisement
+ *  @lp_asm: asymmetric pause bit in link partner advertisement
+ *
+ *  Find the intersection between advertised settings and link partner's
+ *  advertised settings
+ **/
+s32 ngbe_negotiate_fc(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 adv_reg, u32 lp_reg,
+		       u32 adv_sym, u32 adv_asm, u32 lp_sym, u32 lp_asm)
+	if ((!(adv_reg)) ||  (!(lp_reg))) {
+		DEBUGOUT("Local or link partner's advertised flow control "
+			 "settings are NULL. Local: %x, link partner: %x\n",
+			      adv_reg, lp_reg);
+	}
+	if ((adv_reg & adv_sym) && (lp_reg & lp_sym)) {
+		/*
+		 * Now we need to check if the user selected Rx ONLY
+		 * of pause frames.  In this case, we had to advertise
+		 * FULL flow control because we could not advertise RX
+		 * ONLY. Hence, we must now check to see if we need to
+		 * turn OFF the TRANSMISSION of PAUSE frames.
+		 */
+		if (hw->fc.requested_mode == ngbe_fc_full) {
+			hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_full;
+			DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = FULL.\n");
+		} else {
+			hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_rx_pause;
+			DEBUGOUT("Flow Control=RX PAUSE frames only\n");
+		}
+	} else if (!(adv_reg & adv_sym) && (adv_reg & adv_asm) &&
+		   (lp_reg & lp_sym) && (lp_reg & lp_asm)) {
+		hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_tx_pause;
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = TX PAUSE frames only.\n");
+	} else if ((adv_reg & adv_sym) && (adv_reg & adv_asm) &&
+		   !(lp_reg & lp_sym) && (lp_reg & lp_asm)) {
+		hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_rx_pause;
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = RX PAUSE frames only.\n");
+	} else {
+		hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_none;
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = NONE.\n");
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *  ngbe_fc_autoneg_em - Enable flow control IEEE clause 37
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Enable flow control according to IEEE clause 37.
+ **/
+STATIC s32 ngbe_fc_autoneg_em(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
+	u8 technology_ability_reg = 0;
+	u8 lp_technology_ability_reg = 0;
+	hw->phy.get_adv_pause(hw, &technology_ability_reg);
+	hw->phy.get_lp_adv_pause(hw, &lp_technology_ability_reg);
+	return ngbe_negotiate_fc(hw, (u32)technology_ability_reg,
+				  (u32)lp_technology_ability_reg,
+ *  ngbe_fc_autoneg - Configure flow control
+ *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ *  Compares our advertised flow control capabilities to those advertised by
+ *  our link partner, and determines the proper flow control mode to use.
+ **/
+void ngbe_fc_autoneg(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
+	u32 speed;
+	bool link_up;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_fc_autoneg");
+	/*
+	 * AN should have completed when the cable was plugged in.
+	 * Look for reasons to bail out.  Bail out if:
+	 * - FC autoneg is disabled, or if
+	 * - link is not up.
+	 */
+	if (hw->fc.disable_fc_autoneg) {
+		DEBUGOUT("Flow control autoneg is disabled");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	hw->mac.check_link(hw, &speed, &link_up, false);
+	if (!link_up) {
+		DEBUGOUT("The link is down");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	err = ngbe_fc_autoneg_em(hw);
+	if (err == 0) {
+		hw->fc.fc_was_autonegged = true;
+	} else {
+		hw->fc.fc_was_autonegged = false;
+		hw->fc.current_mode = hw->fc.requested_mode;
+	}
  *  ngbe_acquire_swfw_sync - Acquire SWFW semaphore
  *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
@@ -1520,6 +1849,11 @@  s32 ngbe_init_ops_pf(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	mac->set_mac_anti_spoofing = ngbe_set_mac_anti_spoofing;
 	mac->set_vlan_anti_spoofing = ngbe_set_vlan_anti_spoofing;
+	/* Flow Control */
+	mac->fc_enable = ngbe_fc_enable;
+	mac->fc_autoneg = ngbe_fc_autoneg;
+	mac->setup_fc = ngbe_setup_fc_em;
 	/* Link */
 	mac->get_link_capabilities = ngbe_get_link_capabilities_em;
 	mac->check_link = ngbe_check_mac_link_em;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.h
index 83ad646dde..a84ddca6ac 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_hw.h
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@  s32 ngbe_update_mc_addr_list(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr_list,
 s32 ngbe_disable_sec_rx_path(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 s32 ngbe_enable_sec_rx_path(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+s32 ngbe_setup_fc_em(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+s32 ngbe_fc_enable(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+void ngbe_fc_autoneg(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 s32 ngbe_validate_mac_addr(u8 *mac_addr);
 s32 ngbe_acquire_swfw_sync(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 mask);
 void ngbe_release_swfw_sync(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 mask);
@@ -64,6 +68,8 @@  s32 ngbe_mac_check_overtemp(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 void ngbe_disable_rx(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 void ngbe_enable_rx(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 void ngbe_set_mta(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr);
+s32 ngbe_negotiate_fc(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 adv_reg, u32 lp_reg,
+			u32 adv_sym, u32 adv_asm, u32 lp_sym, u32 lp_asm);
 s32 ngbe_init_shared_code(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 s32 ngbe_set_mac_type(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 s32 ngbe_init_ops_pf(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.c
index 691171ee9f..51b0a2ec60 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.c
@@ -429,18 +429,27 @@  s32 ngbe_init_phy(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 		hw->phy.init_hw = ngbe_init_phy_rtl;
 		hw->phy.check_link = ngbe_check_phy_link_rtl;
 		hw->phy.setup_link = ngbe_setup_phy_link_rtl;
+		hw->phy.get_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_rtl;
+		hw->phy.get_lp_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_rtl;
+		hw->phy.set_pause_adv = ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_rtl;
 	case ngbe_phy_mvl:
 	case ngbe_phy_mvl_sfi:
 		hw->phy.init_hw = ngbe_init_phy_mvl;
 		hw->phy.check_link = ngbe_check_phy_link_mvl;
 		hw->phy.setup_link = ngbe_setup_phy_link_mvl;
+		hw->phy.get_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_mvl;
+		hw->phy.get_lp_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_mvl;
+		hw->phy.set_pause_adv = ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_mvl;
 	case ngbe_phy_yt8521s:
 	case ngbe_phy_yt8521s_sfi:
 		hw->phy.init_hw = ngbe_init_phy_yt;
 		hw->phy.check_link = ngbe_check_phy_link_yt;
 		hw->phy.setup_link = ngbe_setup_phy_link_yt;
+		hw->phy.get_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_yt;
+		hw->phy.get_lp_adv_pause = ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_yt;
+		hw->phy.set_pause_adv = ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_yt;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.h
index 5d6ff1711c..f262ff3350 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy.h
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@  typedef struct mdi_reg mdi_reg_t;
 #define NGBE_MD22_PHY_ID_HIGH		0x2 /* PHY ID High Reg*/
 #define NGBE_MD22_PHY_ID_LOW		0x3 /* PHY ID Low Reg*/
+#define NGBE_TAF_SYM_PAUSE		0x1
+#define NGBE_TAF_ASM_PAUSE		0x2
 s32 ngbe_mdi_map_register(mdi_reg_t *reg, mdi_reg_22_t *reg22);
 bool ngbe_validate_phy_addr(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 phy_addr);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.c
index 86b0a072c1..2eb351d258 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.c
@@ -209,6 +209,63 @@  s32 ngbe_reset_phy_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	if (hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_mvl) {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_ANA, 0, &value);
+		*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 10);
+	} else {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_ANA, 0, &value);
+		value &= MVL_FANA_PAUSE_MASK;
+		*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 7);
+	}
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	if (hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_mvl) {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_LPAR, 0, &value);
+		*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 10);
+	} else {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_LPAR, 0, &value);
+		*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 7);
+	}
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_mvl");
+	if (hw->phy.type == ngbe_phy_mvl) {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_ANA, 0, &value);
+	} else {
+		status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, MVL_ANA, 0, &value);
+		value &= ~MVL_FANA_PAUSE_MASK;
+	}
+	value |= pause_bit;
+	status = hw->phy.write_reg(hw, MVL_ANA, 0, value);
+	return status;
 s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 		u32 *speed, bool *link_up)
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.h
index 74d5ecba77..a2b5202d4b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_mvl.h
@@ -94,4 +94,8 @@  s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 		u32 *speed, bool *link_up);
 s32 ngbe_setup_phy_link_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 			u32 speed, bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_mvl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit);
 #endif /* _NGBE_PHY_MVL_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.c
index 83830921c2..7b08b7a46c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.c
@@ -249,6 +249,48 @@  s32 ngbe_reset_phy_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, RTL_ANAR, RTL_DEV_ZERO, &value);
+	*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 10);
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, RTL_INSR, 0xa43, &value);
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, RTL_BMSR, RTL_DEV_ZERO, &value);
+	value = value & RTL_BMSR_ANC;
+	/* if AN complete then check lp adv pause */
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, RTL_ANLPAR, RTL_DEV_ZERO, &value);
+	value &= RTL_ANLPAR_LP;
+	*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 10);
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, RTL_ANAR, RTL_DEV_ZERO, &value);
+	value |= pause_bit;
+	status = hw->phy.write_reg(hw, RTL_ANAR, RTL_DEV_ZERO, value);
+	return status;
 s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 *speed, bool *link_up)
 	s32 status = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.h
index 9ce2058eac..d717a1915c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_rtl.h
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@  s32 ngbe_setup_phy_link_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 s32 ngbe_init_phy_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 s32 ngbe_reset_phy_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit);
 s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_rtl(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 			u32 *speed, bool *link_up);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.c
index 2a7061c100..8db0f9ce48 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.c
@@ -234,6 +234,50 @@  s32 ngbe_reset_phy_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw)
 	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_yt");
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, YT_ANA, 0, &value);
+	value &= YT_FANA_PAUSE_MASK;
+	*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 7);
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_yt");
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, YT_LPAR, 0, &value);
+	*pause_bit = (u8)(value >> 7);
+	return status;
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit)
+	u16 value;
+	s32 status = 0;
+	DEBUGFUNC("ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_yt");
+	status = hw->phy.read_reg(hw, YT_ANA, 0, &value);
+	value &= ~YT_FANA_PAUSE_MASK;
+	value |= pause_bit;
+	status = hw->phy.write_reg(hw, YT_ANA, 0, value);
+	return status;
 s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 		u32 *speed, bool *link_up)
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.h
index 157339cce8..e729e0c854 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_phy_yt.h
@@ -73,4 +73,10 @@  s32 ngbe_check_phy_link_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 		u32 *speed, bool *link_up);
 s32 ngbe_setup_phy_link_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 			u32 speed, bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_advertised_pause_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
+				u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_get_phy_lp_advertised_pause_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
+						u8 *pause_bit);
+s32 ngbe_set_phy_pause_adv_yt(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit);
 #endif /* _NGBE_PHY_YT_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_type.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_type.h
index 7a85f82abd..310d32ecfa 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_type.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/base/ngbe_type.h
@@ -67,6 +67,15 @@  enum ngbe_media_type {
+/* Flow Control Settings */
+enum ngbe_fc_mode {
+	ngbe_fc_none = 0,
+	ngbe_fc_rx_pause,
+	ngbe_fc_tx_pause,
+	ngbe_fc_full,
+	ngbe_fc_default
 struct ngbe_hw;
 struct ngbe_addr_filter_info {
@@ -82,6 +91,19 @@  struct ngbe_bus_info {
 	u8 lan_id;
+/* Flow control parameters */
+struct ngbe_fc_info {
+	u32 high_water; /* Flow Ctrl High-water */
+	u32 low_water; /* Flow Ctrl Low-water */
+	u16 pause_time; /* Flow Control Pause timer */
+	bool send_xon; /* Flow control send XON */
+	bool strict_ieee; /* Strict IEEE mode */
+	bool disable_fc_autoneg; /* Do not autonegotiate FC */
+	bool fc_was_autonegged; /* Is current_mode the result of autonegging? */
+	enum ngbe_fc_mode current_mode; /* FC mode in effect */
+	enum ngbe_fc_mode requested_mode; /* FC mode requested by caller */
 /* Statistics counters collected by the MAC */
 /* PB[] RxTx */
 struct ngbe_pb_stats {
@@ -263,6 +285,11 @@  struct ngbe_mac_info {
 	void (*set_vlan_anti_spoofing)(struct ngbe_hw *hw,
 					bool enable, int vf);
+	/* Flow Control */
+	s32 (*fc_enable)(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+	s32 (*setup_fc)(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
+	void (*fc_autoneg)(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 	/* Manageability interface */
 	s32 (*init_thermal_sensor_thresh)(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
 	s32 (*check_overtemp)(struct ngbe_hw *hw);
@@ -302,6 +329,10 @@  struct ngbe_phy_info {
 	s32 (*setup_link)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 speed,
 				bool autoneg_wait_to_complete);
 	s32 (*check_link)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u32 *speed, bool *link_up);
+	s32 (*set_phy_power)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, bool on);
+	s32 (*get_adv_pause)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+	s32 (*get_lp_adv_pause)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u8 *pause_bit);
+	s32 (*set_pause_adv)(struct ngbe_hw *hw, u16 pause_bit);
 	enum ngbe_media_type media_type;
 	enum ngbe_phy_type type;
@@ -349,6 +380,7 @@  struct ngbe_hw {
 	void *back;
 	struct ngbe_mac_info mac;
 	struct ngbe_addr_filter_info addr_ctrl;
+	struct ngbe_fc_info fc;
 	struct ngbe_phy_info phy;
 	struct ngbe_rom_info rom;
 	struct ngbe_bus_info bus;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.c
index 01a643fc9a..94d6de15f9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.c
@@ -317,6 +317,14 @@  eth_ngbe_dev_init(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, void *init_params __rte_unused)
 	/* Unlock any pending hardware semaphore */
+	/* Get Hardware Flow Control setting */
+	hw->fc.requested_mode = ngbe_fc_full;
+	hw->fc.current_mode = ngbe_fc_full;
+	hw->fc.pause_time = NGBE_FC_PAUSE_TIME;
+	hw->fc.low_water = NGBE_FC_XON_LOTH;
+	hw->fc.high_water = NGBE_FC_XOFF_HITH;
+	hw->fc.send_xon = 1;
 	err = hw->rom.init_params(hw);
 	if (err != 0) {
 		PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "The EEPROM init failed: %d", err);
@@ -2180,6 +2188,107 @@  ngbe_dev_interrupt_handler(void *param)
+static int
+ngbe_flow_ctrl_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_fc_conf *fc_conf)
+	struct ngbe_hw *hw = ngbe_dev_hw(dev);
+	uint32_t mflcn_reg;
+	uint32_t fccfg_reg;
+	int rx_pause;
+	int tx_pause;
+	fc_conf->pause_time = hw->fc.pause_time;
+	fc_conf->high_water = hw->fc.high_water;
+	fc_conf->low_water = hw->fc.low_water;
+	fc_conf->send_xon = hw->fc.send_xon;
+	fc_conf->autoneg = !hw->fc.disable_fc_autoneg;
+	/*
+	 * Return rx_pause status according to actual setting of
+	 * RXFCCFG register.
+	 */
+	mflcn_reg = rd32(hw, NGBE_RXFCCFG);
+	if (mflcn_reg & NGBE_RXFCCFG_FC)
+		rx_pause = 1;
+	else
+		rx_pause = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Return tx_pause status according to actual setting of
+	 * TXFCCFG register.
+	 */
+	fccfg_reg = rd32(hw, NGBE_TXFCCFG);
+	if (fccfg_reg & NGBE_TXFCCFG_FC)
+		tx_pause = 1;
+	else
+		tx_pause = 0;
+	if (rx_pause && tx_pause)
+		fc_conf->mode = RTE_FC_FULL;
+	else if (rx_pause)
+		fc_conf->mode = RTE_FC_RX_PAUSE;
+	else if (tx_pause)
+		fc_conf->mode = RTE_FC_TX_PAUSE;
+	else
+		fc_conf->mode = RTE_FC_NONE;
+	return 0;
+static int
+ngbe_flow_ctrl_set(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_fc_conf *fc_conf)
+	struct ngbe_hw *hw = ngbe_dev_hw(dev);
+	int err;
+	uint32_t rx_buf_size;
+	uint32_t max_high_water;
+	enum ngbe_fc_mode rte_fcmode_2_ngbe_fcmode[] = {
+		ngbe_fc_none,
+		ngbe_fc_rx_pause,
+		ngbe_fc_tx_pause,
+		ngbe_fc_full
+	};
+	rx_buf_size = rd32(hw, NGBE_PBRXSIZE);
+	PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "Rx packet buffer size = 0x%x", rx_buf_size);
+	/*
+	 * At least reserve one Ethernet frame for watermark
+	 * high_water/low_water in kilo bytes for ngbe
+	 */
+	max_high_water = (rx_buf_size - RTE_ETHER_MAX_LEN) >> 10;
+	if (fc_conf->high_water > max_high_water ||
+	    fc_conf->high_water < fc_conf->low_water) {
+		PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Invalid high/low water setup value in KB");
+		PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "High_water must <= 0x%x", max_high_water);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	hw->fc.requested_mode = rte_fcmode_2_ngbe_fcmode[fc_conf->mode];
+	hw->fc.pause_time     = fc_conf->pause_time;
+	hw->fc.high_water     = fc_conf->high_water;
+	hw->fc.low_water      = fc_conf->low_water;
+	hw->fc.send_xon       = fc_conf->send_xon;
+	hw->fc.disable_fc_autoneg = !fc_conf->autoneg;
+	err = hw->mac.fc_enable(hw);
+	/* Not negotiated is not an error case */
+	if (err == 0 || err == NGBE_ERR_FC_NOT_NEGOTIATED) {
+		      (fc_conf->mac_ctrl_frame_fwd
+		ngbe_flush(hw);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "ngbe_fc_enable = 0x%x", err);
+	return -EIO;
 ngbe_dev_rss_reta_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 			  struct rte_eth_rss_reta_entry64 *reta_conf,
@@ -2583,6 +2692,8 @@  static const struct eth_dev_ops ngbe_eth_dev_ops = {
 	.rx_queue_release           = ngbe_dev_rx_queue_release,
 	.tx_queue_setup             = ngbe_dev_tx_queue_setup,
 	.tx_queue_release           = ngbe_dev_tx_queue_release,
+	.flow_ctrl_get              = ngbe_flow_ctrl_get,
+	.flow_ctrl_set              = ngbe_flow_ctrl_set,
 	.mac_addr_add               = ngbe_add_rar,
 	.mac_addr_remove            = ngbe_remove_rar,
 	.mac_addr_set               = ngbe_set_default_mac_addr,
diff --git a/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.h b/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.h
index 51a726a140..97260c56d0 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ngbe/ngbe_ethdev.h
@@ -276,6 +276,14 @@  void ngbe_pf_mbx_process(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev);
 int ngbe_pf_host_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev);
+/* High threshold controlling when to start sending XOFF frames. */
+#define NGBE_FC_XOFF_HITH              128 /*KB*/
+/* Low threshold controlling when to start sending XON frames. */
+#define NGBE_FC_XON_LOTH               64 /*KB*/
+/* Timer value included in XOFF frames. */
+#define NGBE_FC_PAUSE_TIME 0x680
 #define NGBE_LINK_DOWN_CHECK_TIMEOUT 4000 /* ms */
 #define NGBE_LINK_UP_CHECK_TIMEOUT   1000 /* ms */
 #define NGBE_VMDQ_NUM_UC_MAC         4096 /* Maximum nb. of UC MAC addr. */