[v2,48/58] net/bnxt: add shared session support to ULP

Message ID 20210613000652.28191-49-ajit.khaparde@broadcom.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Ajit Khaparde
Series enhancements to host based flow table management |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Ajit Khaparde June 13, 2021, 12:06 a.m. UTC
From: Mike Baucom <michael.baucom@broadcom.com>

Shared session permits cooperative sharing of prescribed resources
between applications.

- devargs added for app-id in order to enable sharing session
  resources across applications
- shared session management added
- TRUFLOW resource reservations are now app ID and device dependent

Signed-off-by: Mike Baucom <michael.baucom@broadcom.com>
Signed-off-by: Venkat Duvvuru <venkatkumar.duvvuru@broadcom.com>
Reviewed-by: Kishore Padmanabha <kishore.padmanabha@broadcom.com>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Khaparde <ajit.khaparde@broadcom.com>
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h                       |    2 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c                |   50 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.c            |  645 +++--
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.h            |   39 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.c          |  186 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.h          |    1 +
 .../net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_enum.h    |   13 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_tbl.c | 2177 +++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h |   33 +
 9 files changed, 2909 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)


diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
index e8a6a50eaa..376f3173e8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
@@ -874,9 +874,11 @@  struct bnxt {
 	uint16_t		port_svif;
 	struct tf		tfp;
+	struct tf		tfp_shared;
 	struct bnxt_ulp_context	*ulp_ctx;
 	struct bnxt_flow_stat_info *flow_stat;
 	uint16_t		max_num_kflows;
+	uint8_t			app_id;
 	uint16_t		tx_cfa_action;
 	struct bnxt_ring_stats	*prev_rx_ring_stats;
 	struct bnxt_ring_stats	*prev_tx_ring_stats;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
index 93fa126adb..d859ef5034 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@  static const struct rte_pci_id bnxt_pci_id_map[] = {
 #define BNXT_DEVARG_REP_Q_F2R  "rep-q-f2r"
 #define BNXT_DEVARG_REP_FC_R2F  "rep-fc-r2f"
 #define BNXT_DEVARG_REP_FC_F2R  "rep-fc-f2r"
+#define BNXT_DEVARG_APP_ID	"app-id"
 static const char *const bnxt_dev_args[] = {
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@  static const char *const bnxt_dev_args[] = {
@@ -118,6 +120,11 @@  static const char *const bnxt_dev_args[] = {
 #define	BNXT_DEVARG_ACCUM_STATS_INVALID(accum_stats)	((accum_stats) > 1)
+ * app-id = an non-negative 8-bit number
+ */
+#define BNXT_DEVARG_APP_ID_INVALID(val)			((val) > 255)
  * flow_xstat == false to disable the feature
  * flow_xstat == true to enable the feature
@@ -5430,6 +5437,42 @@  bnxt_parse_devarg_max_num_kflows(__rte_unused const char *key,
 	return 0;
+static int
+bnxt_parse_devarg_app_id(__rte_unused const char *key,
+				 const char *value, void *opaque_arg)
+	struct bnxt *bp = opaque_arg;
+	unsigned long app_id;
+	char *end = NULL;
+	if (!value || !opaque_arg) {
+			    "Invalid parameter passed to app-id "
+			    "devargs.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	app_id = strtoul(value, &end, 10);
+	if (end == NULL || *end != '\0' ||
+	    (app_id == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)) {
+			    "Invalid parameter passed to app_id "
+			    "devargs.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+		PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid app-id(%d) devargs.\n",
+			    (uint16_t)app_id);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	bp->app_id = app_id;
+	PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "app-id=%d feature enabled.\n", (uint16_t)app_id);
+	return 0;
 static int
 bnxt_parse_devarg_rep_is_pf(__rte_unused const char *key,
 			    const char *value, void *opaque_arg)
@@ -5691,6 +5734,13 @@  bnxt_parse_dev_args(struct bnxt *bp, struct rte_devargs *devargs)
 		goto err;
+	/*
+	 * Handler for "app-id" devarg.
+	 * Invoked as for ex: "-a 000:00:0d.0,app-id=1"
+	 */
+	rte_kvargs_process(kvlist, BNXT_DEVARG_APP_ID,
+			   bnxt_parse_devarg_app_id, bp);
 	return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.c
index dd992a246b..632334674c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.c
@@ -68,240 +68,336 @@  bnxt_ulp_devid_get(struct bnxt *bp,
 	return 0;
+struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info *
+bnxt_ulp_app_cap_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries)
+	if (!num_entries)
+		return NULL;
+	*num_entries = BNXT_ULP_APP_CAP_TBL_MAX_SZ;
+	return ulp_app_cap_info_list;
+struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info *
+bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries)
+	if (!num_entries)
+		return NULL;
+	return ulp_resource_resv_list;
+struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *
+bnxt_ulp_app_glb_resource_info_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries)
+	if (!num_entries)
+		return NULL;
+	return ulp_app_glb_resource_tbl;
 static int32_t
-bnxt_ulp_tf_session_resources_get(struct bnxt *bp,
-				  struct tf_session_resources *res)
+bnxt_ulp_tf_resources_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
+			  struct tf_session_resources *res)
-	uint32_t dev_id;
+	struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info *info = NULL;
+	uint32_t dev_id, res_type, i, num;
+	enum tf_dir dir;
+	uint8_t app_id;
+	int32_t rc = 0;
+	if (!ulp_ctx || !res) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Invalid arguments to get resources.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	info = bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_list_get(&num);
+	if (!info) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get resource reservation list.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(ulp_ctx, &app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get the app id from ulp.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get the device id from ulp.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+		if (app_id != info[i].app_id || dev_id != info[i].device_id)
+			continue;
+		dir = info[i].direction;
+		res_type = info[i].resource_type;
+		switch (info[i].resource_func) {
+			res->ident_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type] = info[i].count;
+			break;
+			res->tbl_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type] = info[i].count;
+			break;
+			res->tcam_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type] = info[i].count;
+			break;
+			res->em_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type] = info[i].count;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int32_t
+bnxt_ulp_tf_shared_session_resources_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
+					 struct tf_session_resources *res)
+	struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *info;
+	uint32_t dev_id, res_type, i, num;
+	enum tf_dir dir;
+	uint8_t app_id;
 	int32_t rc;
-	uint16_t *tmp_cnt;
-	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(bp->ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(ulp_ctx, &app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get the app id from ulp.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
 	if (rc) {
 		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get device id from ulp.\n");
 		return -EINVAL;
-	switch (dev_id) {
-		/** RX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 422;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 6;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 192;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 64;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 192;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4] = 1023;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B] = 511;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B] = 63;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] =
-			422;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] =
-			6;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 960;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 88;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 13168;
-		/* EEM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE] = 1;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC] = 255;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG] = 1;
-		/** TX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 292;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 148;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 192;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 64;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 192;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4] = 1023;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B] = 511;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B] = 223;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B] = 255;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] =
-			292;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] =
-			144;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 960;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 928;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 15232;
-		/* EEM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE] = 1;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4] = 488;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV6] = 511;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG] = 1;
+	/* Make sure the resources are zero before accumulating. */
+	memset(res, 0, sizeof(struct tf_session_resources));
+	/* Get the list and tally the resources. */
+	info = bnxt_ulp_app_glb_resource_info_list_get(&num);
+	if (!info) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get app global resource list\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+		if (dev_id != info[i].device_id || app_id != info[i].app_id)
+			continue;
+		dir = info[i].direction;
+		res_type = info[i].resource_type;
+		switch (info[i].resource_func) {
+			res->ident_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type]++;
+			break;
+			res->tbl_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type]++;
+			break;
+			res->tcam_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type]++;
+			break;
+			res->em_cnt[dir].cnt[res_type]++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unknown resource func (0x%x)\n,",
+				    info[i].resource_func);
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_caps_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
+			     uint8_t app_id, uint32_t dev_id)
+	struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info *info;
+	uint32_t num = 0;
+	uint16_t i;
+	bool found = false;
+	if (ULP_APP_DEV_UNSUPPORTED_ENABLED(ulp_ctx->cfg_data->ulp_flags)) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "APP ID %d, Device ID: 0x%x not supported.\n",
+			    app_id, dev_id);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	info = bnxt_ulp_app_cap_list_get(&num);
+	if (!info || !num) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get app capabilities.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+		if (info[i].app_id != app_id || info[i].device_id != dev_id)
+			continue;
+		found = true;
+		if (info[i].flags & BNXT_ULP_APP_CAP_SHARED_EN)
+			ulp_ctx->cfg_data->ulp_flags |=
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "APP ID %d, Device ID: 0x%x not supported.\n",
+			    app_id, dev_id);
+		ulp_ctx->cfg_data->ulp_flags |= BNXT_ULP_APP_DEV_UNSUPPORTED;
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void
+ulp_ctx_shared_session_close(struct bnxt *bp,
+			     struct bnxt_ulp_session_state *session)
+	struct tf *tfp;
+	int32_t rc;
+	if (!bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(bp->ulp_ctx))
+		return;
+	tfp = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_get(bp->ulp_ctx);
+	if (!tfp) {
+		/*
+		 * Log it under debug since this is likely a case of the
+		 * shared session not being created.  For example, a failed
+		 * initialization.
+		 */
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(DEBUG, "Failed to get shared tfp on close.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	rc = tf_close_session(tfp);
+	if (rc)
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to close the shared session rc=%d.\n",
+			    rc);
+	(void)bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_set(bp->ulp_ctx, NULL);
+	session->g_shared_tfp.session = NULL;
+static int32_t
+ulp_ctx_shared_session_open(struct bnxt *bp,
+			    struct bnxt_ulp_session_state *session)
+	struct rte_eth_dev *ethdev = bp->eth_dev;
+	struct tf_session_resources *resources;
+	struct tf_open_session_parms parms;
+	size_t copy_num_bytes;
+	uint32_t ulp_dev_id;
+	int32_t	rc = 0;
+	/* only perform this if shared session is enabled. */
+	if (!bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(bp->ulp_ctx))
+		return 0;
+	memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms));
+	rc = rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port(ethdev->data->port_id,
+					  parms.ctrl_chan_name);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Invalid port %d, rc = %d\n",
+			    ethdev->data->port_id, rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	resources = &parms.resources;
+	/*
+	 * Need to account for size of ctrl_chan_name and 1 extra for Null
+	 * terminator
+	 */
+	copy_num_bytes = sizeof(parms.ctrl_chan_name) -
+		strlen(parms.ctrl_chan_name) - 1;
+	/* Build the ctrl_chan_name with shared token */
+	strncat(parms.ctrl_chan_name, "-tf_shared", copy_num_bytes);
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_tf_shared_session_resources_get(bp->ulp_ctx, resources);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get shared resource count.\n");
+		return rc;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(bp->ulp_ctx, &ulp_dev_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get device id from ulp.\n");
+		return rc;
+	}
+	switch (ulp_dev_id) {
+		parms.device_type = TF_DEVICE_TYPE_WH;
-		/** RX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 315;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 6;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 192;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 64;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 192;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 16384;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4] = 1023;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B] = 511;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B] = 63;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] =
-			315;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] =
-			6;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 960;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 112;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 13200;
-		/* EEM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE] = 1;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC] = 256;
-		/** TX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 292;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 127;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 192;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 64;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 192;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 8192;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 16384;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4] = 1023;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B] = 367;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B] = 223;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B] = 255;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] =
-			292;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] =
-			127;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 960;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 928;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 15232;
-		/* EEM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE] = 1;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4] = 488;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV6] = 512;
+		parms.device_type = TF_DEVICE_TYPE_SR;
-		/** RX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 26;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 6;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 32;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 32;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 32;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 1024;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 512;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG] = 14;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB] = 32;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB] = 32;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B] = 64;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		tmp_cnt = &res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[0];
-		tmp_cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] = 300;
-		tmp_cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] = 6;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 128;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 112;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 13200;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_RX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4] = 64;
-		/** TX **/
-		/* Identifiers */
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH] = 26;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW] = 26;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF] = 32;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC] = 63;
-		res->ident_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF] = 32;
-		/* Table Types */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD] = 1024;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64] = 512;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG] = 14;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB] = 32;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB] = 32;
-		/* ENCAP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B] = 64;
-		/* TCAMs */
-		tmp_cnt = &res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[0];
-		tmp_cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH] = 200;
-		tmp_cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW] = 110;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM] = 128;
-		res->tcam_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM] = 128;
-		/* EM */
-		res->em_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD] = 15232;
-		/* SP */
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4] = 100;
-		res->tbl_cnt[TF_DIR_TX].cnt[TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG] = 1;
+		parms.device_type = TF_DEVICE_TYPE_THOR;
-		return -EINVAL;
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to determine device for "
+			    "opening session.\n");
+		return rc;
-	return 0;
+	parms.shadow_copy = true;
+	parms.bp = bp;
+	/*
+	 * Open the session here, but the collect the resources during the
+	 * mapper initialization.
+	 */
+	rc = tf_open_session(&bp->tfp_shared, &parms);
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	if (parms.shared_session_creator)
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(DEBUG, "Shared session creator.\n");
+	else
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(DEBUG, "Shared session attached.\n");
+	/* Save the shared session in global data */
+	if (!session->g_shared_tfp.session)
+		session->g_shared_tfp.session = bp->tfp_shared.session;
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_set(bp->ulp_ctx, &bp->tfp_shared);
+	if (rc)
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to add shared tfp to ulp (%d)\n", rc);
+	return rc;
+static int32_t
+ulp_ctx_shared_session_attach(struct bnxt *bp,
+			      struct bnxt_ulp_session_state *session)
+	int32_t rc = 0;
+	/* Simply return success if shared session not enabled */
+	if (bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(bp->ulp_ctx)) {
+		bp->tfp_shared.session = session->g_shared_tfp.session;
+		rc = ulp_ctx_shared_session_open(bp, session);
+	}
+	return rc;
+static void
+ulp_ctx_shared_session_detach(struct bnxt *bp)
+	if (bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(bp->ulp_ctx)) {
+		if (bp->tfp_shared.session) {
+			tf_close_session(&bp->tfp_shared);
+			bp->tfp_shared.session = NULL;
+		}
+	}
@@ -360,7 +456,7 @@  ulp_ctx_session_open(struct bnxt *bp,
 	resources = &params.resources;
-	rc = bnxt_ulp_tf_session_resources_get(bp, resources);
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_tf_resources_get(bp->ulp_ctx, resources);
 	if (rc) {
 		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to determine tf resources for "
 			    "session open.\n");
@@ -557,6 +653,9 @@  ulp_ctx_deinit(struct bnxt *bp,
 	/* close the tf session */
 	ulp_ctx_session_close(bp, session);
+	/* The shared session must be closed last. */
+	ulp_ctx_shared_session_close(bp, session);
 	/* Free the contents */
 	if (session->cfg_data) {
@@ -601,6 +700,29 @@  ulp_ctx_init(struct bnxt *bp,
 		goto error_deinit;
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_set(bp->ulp_ctx, bp->app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to set app_id for ULP init.\n");
+		goto error_deinit;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_caps_init(bp->ulp_ctx, bp->app_id, devid);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to set capabilities for "
+			    " app(%x)/dev(%x)\n", bp->app_id, devid);
+		goto error_deinit;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Shared session must be created before first regular session but after
+	 * the ulp_ctx is valid.
+	 */
+	rc = ulp_ctx_shared_session_open(bp, session);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to open shared session (%d)\n", rc);
+		goto error_deinit;
+	}
 	/* Open the ulp session. */
 	rc = ulp_ctx_session_open(bp, session);
 	if (rc)
@@ -677,6 +799,8 @@  ulp_ctx_attach(struct bnxt *bp,
 	       struct bnxt_ulp_session_state *session)
 	int32_t rc = 0;
+	uint32_t flags, dev_id;
+	uint8_t app_id;
 	/* Increment the ulp context data reference count usage. */
 	bp->ulp_ctx->cfg_data = session->cfg_data;
@@ -685,6 +809,29 @@  ulp_ctx_attach(struct bnxt *bp,
 	/* update the session details in bnxt tfp */
 	bp->tfp.session = session->g_tfp->session;
+	/*
+	 * The supported flag will be set during the init. Use it now to
+	 * know if we should go through the attach.
+	 */
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(bp->ulp_ctx, &app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable to get the app id from ulp.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(bp->ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unable do get the dev_id.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	flags = bp->ulp_ctx->cfg_data->ulp_flags;
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "APP ID %d, Device ID: 0x%x not supported.\n",
+			    app_id, dev_id);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
 	/* Create a TF Client */
 	rc = ulp_ctx_session_open(bp, session);
 	if (rc) {
@@ -1126,6 +1273,18 @@  bnxt_ulp_port_init(struct bnxt *bp)
 			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to attach the ulp context\n");
 			goto jump_to_error;
+		/*
+		 * Attach to the shared session, must be called after the
+		 * ulp_ctx_attach in order to ensure that ulp data is available
+		 * for attaching.
+		 */
+		rc = ulp_ctx_shared_session_attach(bp, session);
+		if (rc) {
+				    "Failed attach to shared session (%d)", rc);
+			goto jump_to_error;
+		}
 	} else {
 		rc = bnxt_ulp_init(bp, session);
 		if (rc) {
@@ -1224,6 +1383,9 @@  bnxt_ulp_port_deinit(struct bnxt *bp)
 			/* close the session associated with this port */
+			/* always detach/close shared after the session. */
+			ulp_ctx_shared_session_detach(bp);
 		} else {
 			/* Perform ulp ctx deinit */
 			bnxt_ulp_deinit(bp, session);
@@ -1264,6 +1426,31 @@  bnxt_ulp_cntxt_ptr2_mark_db_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx)
 	return ulp_ctx->cfg_data->mark_tbl;
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx)
+	return ULP_SHARED_SESSION_IS_ENABLED(ulp_ctx->cfg_data->ulp_flags);
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx, uint8_t app_id)
+	if (!ulp_ctx)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ulp_ctx->cfg_data->app_id = app_id;
+	return 0;
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx, uint8_t *app_id)
+	/* Default APP id is zero */
+	if (!ulp_ctx || !app_id)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	*app_id = ulp_ctx->cfg_data->app_id;
+	return 0;
 /* Function to set the device id of the hardware. */
 bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
@@ -1341,6 +1528,30 @@  bnxt_ulp_cntxt_tbl_scope_id_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 	return -EINVAL;
+/* Function to set the shared tfp session details from the ulp context. */
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp, struct tf *tfp)
+	if (!ulp) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Invalid arguments\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ulp->g_shared_tfp = tfp;
+	return 0;
+/* Function to get the shared tfp session details from the ulp context. */
+struct tf *
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp)
+	if (!ulp) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Invalid arguments\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return ulp->g_shared_tfp;
 /* Function to set the tfp session details from the ulp context. */
 bnxt_ulp_cntxt_tfp_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp, struct tf *tfp)
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.h
index 854eca24c3..648fb2ab37 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/bnxt_ulp.h
@@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ 
 /* defines for the ulp_flags */
+#define ULP_SHARED_SESSION_IS_ENABLED(flag) ((flag) &\
+#define ULP_APP_DEV_UNSUPPORTED_ENABLED(flag)	((flag) &\
 enum bnxt_ulp_flow_mem_type {
@@ -67,11 +73,13 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_data {
 	struct bnxt_tun_cache_entry	tun_tbl[BNXT_ULP_MAX_TUN_CACHE_ENTRIES];
 	bool				accum_stats;
+	uint8_t				app_id;
 struct bnxt_ulp_context {
 	struct bnxt_ulp_data	*cfg_data;
 	struct tf		*g_tfp;
+	struct tf		*g_shared_tfp;
 struct bnxt_ulp_pci_info {
@@ -86,6 +94,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_session_state {
 	struct bnxt_ulp_pci_info		pci_info;
 	struct bnxt_ulp_data			*cfg_data;
 	struct tf				*g_tfp;
+	struct tf				g_shared_tfp;
 	uint32_t				session_opened;
@@ -135,6 +144,14 @@  int32_t
 bnxt_ulp_cntxt_tbl_scope_id_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 				uint32_t *tbl_scope_id);
+/* Function to set the tfp session details in the ulp context. */
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp, struct tf *tfp);
+/* Function to get the tfp session details from ulp context. */
+struct tf *
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp);
 /* Function to set the tfp session details in the ulp context. */
 bnxt_ulp_cntxt_tfp_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp, struct tf *tfp);
@@ -233,4 +250,26 @@  bnxt_ulp_cntxt_release_fdb_lock(struct bnxt_ulp_context	*ulp_ctx);
 ulp_post_process_tun_flow(struct ulp_rte_parser_params *params);
+struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *
+bnxt_ulp_app_glb_resource_info_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries);
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_set(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx, uint8_t app_id);
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx, uint8_t *app_id);
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx);
+struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info *
+bnxt_ulp_app_cap_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries);
+bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_caps_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
+			     uint8_t app_id, uint32_t dev_id);
+struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info *
+bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_list_get(uint32_t *num_entries);
 #endif /* _BNXT_ULP_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.c
index 60c60564c4..58104eeedf 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.c
@@ -58,13 +58,15 @@  static int32_t
 ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *mapper_data,
 			     enum tf_dir dir,
 			     uint16_t idx,
-			     uint64_t *regval)
+			     uint64_t *regval,
+			     bool *shared)
-	if (!mapper_data || !regval ||
+	if (!mapper_data || !regval || !shared ||
 	    dir >= TF_DIR_MAX || idx >= BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_LAST)
 		return -EINVAL;
 	*regval = mapper_data->glb_res_tbl[dir][idx].resource_hndl;
+	*shared = mapper_data->glb_res_tbl[dir][idx].shared;
 	return 0;
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *mapper_data,
 static int32_t
 ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *data,
 			      struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *res,
-			      uint64_t regval)
+			      uint64_t regval, bool shared)
 	struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_glb_resource_entry *ent;
@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *data,
 	ent->resource_func = res->resource_func;
 	ent->resource_type = res->resource_type;
 	ent->resource_hndl = regval;
+	ent->shared = shared;
 	return 0;
@@ -129,8 +132,12 @@  ulp_mapper_resource_ident_allocate(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 	/* entries are stored as big-endian format */
 	regval = tfp_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)iparms.id);
-	/* write to the mapper global resource */
-	rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(mapper_data, glb_res, regval);
+	/*
+	 * write to the mapper global resource
+	 * Shared resources are never allocated through this method, so the
+	 * shared flag is always false.
+	 */
+	rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(mapper_data, glb_res, regval, false);
 	if (rc) {
 		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to write to global resource id\n");
 		/* Free the identifier when update failed */
@@ -186,8 +193,12 @@  ulp_mapper_resource_index_tbl_alloc(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 	/* entries are stored as big-endian format */
 	regval = tfp_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)aparms.idx);
-	/* write to the mapper global resource */
-	rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(mapper_data, glb_res, regval);
+	/*
+	 * write to the mapper global resource
+	 * Shared resources are never allocated through this method, so the
+	 * shared flag is always false.
+	 */
+	rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(mapper_data, glb_res, regval, false);
 	if (rc) {
 		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to write to global resource id\n");
 		/* Free the identifier when update failed */
@@ -963,6 +974,7 @@  ulp_mapper_field_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 	uint32_t update_flag = 0;
 	uint64_t src1_val64;
 	uint32_t port_id;
+	bool shared;
 	/* process the field opcode */
 	if (fld->field_opc != BNXT_ULP_FIELD_OPC_COND_OP) {
@@ -1244,9 +1256,8 @@  ulp_mapper_field_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 			return -EINVAL;
 		idx = tfp_be_to_cpu_16(idx);
-		if (ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(parms->mapper_data,
-						 dir,
-						 idx, &regval)) {
+		if (ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(parms->mapper_data, dir,
+						 idx, &regval, &shared)) {
 			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "%s global regfile[%d] read failed.\n",
 				    name, idx);
 			return -EINVAL;
@@ -2215,6 +2226,7 @@  ulp_mapper_index_tbl_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 	bool write = false;
 	bool global = false;
 	uint64_t act_rec_size;
+	bool shared = false;
 	/* use the max size if encap is enabled */
 	if (tbl->encap_num_fields)
@@ -2293,7 +2305,7 @@  ulp_mapper_index_tbl_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 		if (ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(parms->mapper_data,
-						 &regval)) {
+						 &regval, &shared)) {
 				    "Failed to get tbl idx from Global "
@@ -2400,8 +2412,13 @@  ulp_mapper_index_tbl_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 		regval = tfp_cpu_to_be_64(regval);
 		if (global) {
+			/*
+			 * Shared resources are never allocated through this
+			 * method, so the shared flag is always false.
+			 */
 			rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(parms->mapper_data,
-							   &glb_res, regval);
+							   &glb_res, regval,
+							   false);
 		} else {
 			rc = ulp_regfile_write(parms->regfile,
 					       tbl->tbl_operand, regval);
@@ -2422,6 +2439,8 @@  ulp_mapper_index_tbl_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 		sparms.data_sz_in_bytes = ULP_BITS_2_BYTE(tmplen);
 		sparms.idx = index;
 		sparms.tbl_scope_id = tbl_scope_id;
+		if (shared)
+			tfp = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_get(parms->ulp_ctx);
 		rc = tf_set_tbl_entry(tfp, &sparms);
 		if (rc) {
@@ -2469,6 +2488,9 @@  ulp_mapper_index_tbl_process(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 	return rc;
+	/* Shared resources are not freed */
+	if (shared)
+		return rc;
 	 * Free the allocated resource since we failed to either
 	 * write to the entry or link the flow
@@ -2810,7 +2832,8 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_info_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 				  struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *mapper_data)
 	struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *glb_res;
-	uint32_t num_glb_res_ids, idx;
+	uint32_t num_glb_res_ids, idx, dev_id;
+	uint8_t app_id;
 	int32_t rc = 0;
 	glb_res = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_info_list_get(&num_glb_res_ids);
@@ -2819,8 +2842,25 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_info_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 		return -EINVAL;
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get device id for "
+			    "global init (%d)\n", rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(ulp_ctx, &app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get app id for "
+			    "global init (%d)\n", rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
 	/* Iterate the global resources and process each one */
 	for (idx = 0; idx < num_glb_res_ids; idx++) {
+		if (dev_id != glb_res[idx].device_id ||
+		    glb_res[idx].app_id != app_id)
+			continue;
 		switch (glb_res[idx].resource_func) {
 			rc = ulp_mapper_resource_ident_allocate(ulp_ctx,
@@ -2844,6 +2884,104 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_info_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 	return rc;
+ * Iterate over the shared resources assigned during tf_open_session and store
+ * them in the global regfile with the shared flag.
+ */
+static int32_t
+ulp_mapper_app_glb_resource_info_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
+				      struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data *mapper_data)
+	struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info *glb_res;
+	struct tf_get_session_info_parms sparms;
+	uint32_t num_entries, i, dev_id, res;
+	struct tf_resource_info *res_info;
+	uint64_t regval;
+	enum tf_dir dir;
+	int32_t rc = 0;
+	struct tf *tfp;
+	uint8_t app_id;
+	memset(&sparms, 0, sizeof(sparms));
+	glb_res = bnxt_ulp_app_glb_resource_info_list_get(&num_entries);
+	if (!glb_res || !num_entries) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Invalid Arguments\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	tfp = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_tfp_get(ulp_ctx);
+	if (!tfp) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get tfp for app global init");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Retrieve the resources that were assigned during the shared session
+	 * creation.
+	 */
+	rc = tf_get_session_info(tfp, &sparms);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get session info (%d)\n", rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_app_id_get(ulp_ctx, &app_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get the app id in global init "
+			    "(%d).\n", rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	rc = bnxt_ulp_cntxt_dev_id_get(ulp_ctx, &dev_id);
+	if (rc) {
+		BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to get device id for app "
+			    "global init (%d)\n", rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	/* Store all the app global resources */
+	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
+		if (dev_id != glb_res[i].device_id ||
+		    app_id != glb_res[i].app_id)
+			continue;
+		dir = glb_res[i].direction;
+		res = glb_res[i].resource_type;
+		switch (glb_res[i].resource_func) {
+			res_info = &sparms.session_info.ident[dir].info[res];
+			break;
+			res_info = &sparms.session_info.tbl[dir].info[res];
+			break;
+			res_info = &sparms.session_info.tcam[dir].info[res];
+			break;
+			res_info = &sparms.session_info.em[dir].info[res];
+			break;
+		default:
+			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Unknown resource func (0x%x)\n",
+				    glb_res[i].resource_func);
+			continue;
+		}
+		regval = tfp_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)res_info->start);
+		res_info->start++;
+		/*
+		 * All resources written to the global regfile are shared for
+		 * this function.
+		 */
+		rc = ulp_mapper_glb_resource_write(mapper_data, &glb_res[i],
+						   regval, true);
+		if (rc)
+			return rc;
+	}
+	return rc;
  * Common conditional opcode process routine that is used for both the template
  * rejection and table conditional execution.
@@ -2994,6 +3132,7 @@  ulp_mapper_cc_upd_opr_compute(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 			      uint64_t *result)
 	uint64_t regval;
+	bool shared;
 	*result =  false;
 	switch (cc_src) {
@@ -3013,7 +3152,7 @@  ulp_mapper_cc_upd_opr_compute(struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_parms *parms,
 		if (ulp_mapper_glb_resource_read(parms->mapper_data, dir,
-						 cc_opr, &regval)) {
+						 cc_opr, &regval, &shared)) {
 			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "global regfile[%d] read failed.\n",
 			return -EINVAL;
@@ -3493,11 +3632,11 @@  ulp_mapper_glb_resource_info_deinit(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx,
 	/* Iterate the global resources and process each one */
 	for (dir = TF_DIR_RX; dir < TF_DIR_MAX; dir++) {
-		for (idx = 0; idx < BNXT_ULP_GLB_RESOURCE_TBL_MAX_SZ;
-		      idx++) {
+		for (idx = 0; idx < BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_LAST; idx++) {
 			ent = &mapper_data->glb_res_tbl[dir][idx];
 			if (ent->resource_func ==
+			    ent->shared)
 			memset(&res, 0, sizeof(struct ulp_flow_db_res_params));
 			res.resource_func = ent->resource_func;
@@ -3673,6 +3812,19 @@  ulp_mapper_init(struct bnxt_ulp_context *ulp_ctx)
 		goto error;
+	/*
+	 * Only initialize the app global resources if a shared session was
+	 * created.
+	 */
+	if (bnxt_ulp_cntxt_shared_session_enabled(ulp_ctx)) {
+		rc = ulp_mapper_app_glb_resource_info_init(ulp_ctx, data);
+		if (rc) {
+			BNXT_TF_DBG(ERR, "Failed to initialize app "
+				    "global resources\n");
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
 	/* Allocate the generic table list */
 	rc = ulp_mapper_generic_tbl_list_init(data);
 	if (rc) {
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.h
index 9432462404..6e4d9e8522 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_mapper.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_glb_resource_entry {
 	enum bnxt_ulp_resource_func	resource_func;
 	uint32_t			resource_type; /* TF_ enum type */
 	uint64_t			resource_hndl;
+	bool				shared;
 struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_data {
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_enum.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_enum.h
index ca019bbe93..5c8893c129 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_enum.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_enum.h
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ 
 #define BNXT_ULP_ACT_HID_MASK 2047
 #define BNXT_ULP_COND_GOTO_RF 0x10000
@@ -348,7 +350,8 @@  enum bnxt_ulp_glb_rf_idx {
 enum bnxt_ulp_hdr_type {
@@ -476,6 +479,10 @@  enum bnxt_ulp_template_type {
+enum bnxt_ulp_app_cap {
 enum bnxt_ulp_fdb_resource_flags {
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_tbl.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_tbl.c
index dd23635c57..c8ab14a843 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_tbl.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_db_tbl.c
@@ -224,9 +224,244 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_device_params ulp_device_params[BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_LAST] = {
+/* List of device specific parameters */
+struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info ulp_app_cap_info_list[] = {
+	[0] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.flags                   = 0
+	},
+	[1] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.flags                   = 0
+	},
+/* List of device specific parameters */
+struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_app_glb_resource_tbl[]  = {
+	[0] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[1] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_L2_CNTXT_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[2] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_L2_CNTXT_ID_1,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[3] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[4] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[5] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[6] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_L2_CNTXT_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[7] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[8] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[9] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[10] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[11] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[12] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[13] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[14] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[15] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_L2_CNTXT_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[16] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[17] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[18] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[19] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_L2_CNTXT_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[20] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[21] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[22] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[23] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[24] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_KEY_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[25] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_EM_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[26] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_APP_GLB_WC_PROFILE_ID_0,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	}
 /* List of device specific parameters */
 struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	[0] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -234,6 +469,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
 	[1] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -241,6 +477,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
 	[2] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
 	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
@@ -248,6 +485,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
 	[3] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -255,6 +493,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
 	[4] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -262,6 +501,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
 	[5] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -269,6 +509,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
 	[6] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
 	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
@@ -276,6 +517,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
 	[7] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
 	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
@@ -283,6 +525,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
 	[8] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -290,6 +533,7 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
 	[9] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
 	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
@@ -297,11 +541,1944 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[] = {
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
 	[10] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_LB_AREC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[11] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[12] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[13] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_LB_AREC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[14] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_L2_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[15] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_L2_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[16] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_VXLAN_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[17] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_ENCAP_MAC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[18] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_ENCAP_MAC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[19] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[20] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[21] = {
+	.app_id                  = 1,
 	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
 	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
 	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
 	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_LB_AREC_PTR,
 	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[22] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[23] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[24] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_LB_AREC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[25] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_L2_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[26] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_L2_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[27] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_VXLAN_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[28] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_ENCAP_MAC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[29] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_ENCAP_MAC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[30] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX
+	},
+	[31] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_PROF_FUNC_ID,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	},
+	[32] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.glb_regfile_index       = BNXT_ULP_GLB_RF_IDX_GLB_LB_AREC_PTR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX
+	}
+/* List of tf resources required to be reserved per app/device */
+struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info ulp_resource_resv_list[] = {
+	[0] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 422
+	},
+	[1] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW,
+	.count                   = 6
+	},
+	[2] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.count                   = 192
+	},
+	[3] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.count                   = 64
+	},
+	[4] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.count                   = 192
+	},
+	[5] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 8192
+	},
+	[6] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64,
+	.count                   = 16384
+	},
+	[7] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 1023
+	},
+	[8] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B,
+	.count                   = 511
+	},
+	[9] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.count                   = 63
+	},
+	[10] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC,
+	.count                   = 255
+	},
+	[11] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[12] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 422
+	},
+	[13] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW,
+	.count                   = 6
+	},
+	[14] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 960
+	},
+	[15] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 88
+	},
+	[16] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 13168
+	},
+	[17] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[18] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 292
+	},
+	[19] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW,
+	.count                   = 148
+	},
+	[20] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.count                   = 192
+	},
+	[21] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.count                   = 64
+	},
+	[22] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.count                   = 192
+	},
+	[23] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 8192
+	},
+	[24] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64,
+	.count                   = 16384
+	},
+	[25] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 1023
+	},
+	[26] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B,
+	.count                   = 511
+	},
+	[27] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.count                   = 223
+	},
+	[28] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B,
+	.count                   = 255
+	},
+	[29] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 488
+	},
+	[30] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV6,
+	.count                   = 511
+	},
+	[31] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[32] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 292
+	},
+	[33] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW,
+	.count                   = 144
+	},
+	[34] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 960
+	},
+	[35] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 928
+	},
+	[36] = {
+	.app_id                  = 0,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
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+	.count                   = 32
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+	.count                   = 32
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+	.count                   = 128
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+	.count                   = 192
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+	.count                   = 63
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+	.count                   = 6
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+	.count                   = 960
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+	.count                   = 88
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+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.count                   = 192
+	},
+	[169] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 8192
+	},
+	[170] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64,
+	.count                   = 16384
+	},
+	[171] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_MODIFY_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 1023
+	},
+	[172] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B,
+	.count                   = 511
+	},
+	[173] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_16B,
+	.count                   = 223
+	},
+	[174] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_8B,
+	.count                   = 255
+	},
+	[175] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 488
+	},
+	[176] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV6,
+	.count                   = 511
+	},
+	[177] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[178] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 292
+	},
+	[179] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW,
+	.count                   = 144
+	},
+	[180] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 960
+	},
+	[181] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 928
+	},
+	[182] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 15232
+	},
+	[183] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_WH_PLUS,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_TBL_SCOPE,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[184] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 26
+	},
+	[185] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW,
+	.count                   = 6
+	},
+	[186] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[187] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[188] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[189] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 1024
+	},
+	[190] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64,
+	.count                   = 512
+	},
+	[191] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 14
+	},
+	[192] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[193] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[194] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B,
+	.count                   = 64
+	},
+	[195] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 64
+	},
+	[196] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 300
+	},
+	[197] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW,
+	.count                   = 6
+	},
+	[198] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 128
+	},
+	[199] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 112
+	},
+	[200] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_RX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 13200
+	},
+	[201] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 26
+	},
+	[202] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_L2_CTXT_LOW,
+	.count                   = 26
+	},
+	[203] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_WC_PROF,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[204] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_PROF_FUNC,
+	.count                   = 63
+	},
+	[205] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_IDENTIFIER,
+	.resource_type           = TF_IDENT_TYPE_EM_PROF,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[206] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_FULL_ACT_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 1024
+	},
+	[207] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_STATS_64,
+	.count                   = 512
+	},
+	[208] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 14
+	},
+	[209] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_EM_FKB,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[210] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_WC_FKB,
+	.count                   = 32
+	},
+	[211] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_ENCAP_64B,
+	.count                   = 64
+	},
+	[212] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_ACT_SP_SMAC_IPV4,
+	.count                   = 100
+	},
+	[213] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_INDEX_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TBL_TYPE_MIRROR_CONFIG,
+	.count                   = 1
+	},
+	[214] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_HIGH,
+	.count                   = 200
+	},
+	[215] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_L2_CTXT_TCAM_LOW,
+	.count                   = 110
+	},
+	[216] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_PROF_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 128
+	},
+	[217] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_TCAM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_TCAM_TBL_TYPE_WC_TCAM,
+	.count                   = 128
+	},
+	[218] = {
+	.app_id                  = 2,
+	.device_id               = BNXT_ULP_DEVICE_ID_THOR,
+	.direction               = TF_DIR_TX,
+	.resource_func           = BNXT_ULP_RESOURCE_FUNC_EM_TABLE,
+	.resource_type           = TF_EM_TBL_TYPE_EM_RECORD,
+	.count                   = 15232
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h
index d18f6cab73..ee5fbdedaa 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_template_struct.h
@@ -312,11 +312,27 @@  struct bnxt_ulp_mapper_ident_info {
 struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info {
+	uint8_t				app_id;
 	enum bnxt_ulp_device_id		device_id;
+	enum tf_dir			direction;
 	enum bnxt_ulp_resource_func	resource_func;
 	uint32_t			resource_type; /* TF_ enum type */
 	enum bnxt_ulp_glb_rf_idx	glb_regfile_index;
+struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info {
+	uint8_t				app_id;
+	enum bnxt_ulp_device_id		device_id;
 	enum tf_dir			direction;
+	enum bnxt_ulp_resource_func	resource_func;
+	uint32_t			resource_type; /* TF_ enum type */
+	uint32_t			count;
+struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info {
+	uint8_t				app_id;
+	enum bnxt_ulp_device_id		device_id;
+	uint32_t			flags;
 struct bnxt_ulp_cache_tbl_params {
@@ -361,6 +377,23 @@  extern uint32_t ulp_act_prop_map_table[];
 extern struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_glb_resource_tbl[];
+ * The ulp_app_glb_resource_tbl provides the list of shared resources required
+ * in the event that shared session is enabled.
+ */
+extern struct bnxt_ulp_glb_resource_info ulp_app_glb_resource_tbl[];
+ * The ulp_resource_resv_list provides the list of tf resources required when
+ * calling tf_open.
+ */
+extern struct bnxt_ulp_resource_resv_info ulp_resource_resv_list[];
+ * The_app_cap_info_list provides the list of ULP capabilities per app/device.
+ */
+extern struct bnxt_ulp_app_capabilities_info ulp_app_cap_info_list[];
  * The ulp_cache_tbl_parms table provides the sizes of the cache tables the
  * mapper must dynamically allocate during initialization.