[4/6] examples/ntb: enable an example for ntb

Message ID 20190603084611.40931-5-xiaoyun.li@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series rawdev driver for ntb |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation fail Compilation issues

Commit Message

Li, Xiaoyun June 3, 2019, 8:46 a.m. UTC
Enable an example for rawdev ntb. Support interactive mode to send
file on one host and receive file from another host. The command line
would be 'send [filepath]' and 'receive [filepath]'.

But since the FIFO is not enabled right now, use rte_memcpy as the enqueue
and dequeue functions and only support transmitting file no more than 4M.

Signed-off-by: Xiaoyun Li <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>
 drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c |  25 +-
 examples/Makefile                   |   1 +
 examples/meson.build                |  21 +-
 examples/ntb/Makefile               |  68 ++++++
 examples/ntb/meson.build            |  16 ++
 examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c              | 364 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/ntb/Makefile
 create mode 100644 examples/ntb/meson.build
 create mode 100644 examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c


Xiaolong Ye June 4, 2019, 6:48 a.m. UTC | #1
On 06/03, Xiaoyun Li wrote:
>Enable an example for rawdev ntb. Support interactive mode to send
>file on one host and receive file from another host. The command line
>would be 'send [filepath]' and 'receive [filepath]'.
>But since the FIFO is not enabled right now, use rte_memcpy as the enqueue
>and dequeue functions and only support transmitting file no more than 4M.
>Signed-off-by: Xiaoyun Li <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>
> drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c |  25 +-
> examples/Makefile                   |   1 +
> examples/meson.build                |  21 +-
> examples/ntb/Makefile               |  68 ++++++
> examples/ntb/meson.build            |  16 ++
> examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c              | 364 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 6 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
> create mode 100644 examples/ntb/Makefile
> create mode 100644 examples/ntb/meson.build
> create mode 100644 examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
>diff --git a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
>index 35bc34c54..1824842f2 100644
>--- a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
>+++ b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
>@@ -212,11 +212,16 @@ ntb_enqueue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
> 		 unsigned int count,
> 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
> {
>-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
>+	/* Not FIFO right now. Just for test memory write. */
>+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
>+	uint64_t bar_addr, size;
>+	unsigned int i;
>+	bar_addr = (*hw->ntb_ops->get_peer_mw_addr)(dev, 0);

check the func pointer before calling it.

>+	size = (uint64_t)context;
>+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
>+		rte_memcpy((void *)bar_addr, buffers[i]->buf_addr, size);
> 	return 0;
> }
>@@ -226,11 +231,15 @@ ntb_dequeue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
> 		 unsigned int count,
> 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
> {
>-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
>-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
>+	/* Not FIFO. Just for test memory read. */
>+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
>+	uint64_t size;
>+	unsigned int i;
>+	size = (uint64_t)context;
>+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
>+		rte_memcpy(buffers[i]->buf_addr, hw->mz[i]->addr, size);
> 	return 0;
> }
>diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
>index 7562424d9..de11dd487 100644
>--- a/examples/Makefile
>+++ b/examples/Makefile
>@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ DIRS-y += link_status_interrupt
> DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_LPM) += load_balancer
> DIRS-y += multi_process
> DIRS-y += netmap_compat/bridge
>+DIRS-y += ntb
> DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REORDER) += packet_ordering
> ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_ARCH_X86_64),y)
> DIRS-y += performance-thread
>diff --git a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build
>index de35656d4..dda4a07a8 100644
>--- a/examples/meson.build
>+++ b/examples/meson.build
>@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ all_examples = [
> 	'l3fwd-acl', 'l3fwd-power',
> 	'l3fwd-vf', 'link_status_interrupt',
> 	'load_balancer', 'multi_process',
>-	'netmap_compat', 'packet_ordering',
>-	'performance-thread', 'ptpclient',
>-	'qos_meter', 'qos_sched',
>-	'quota_watermark', 'rxtx_callbacks',
>-	'server_node_efd', 'service_cores',
>-	'skeleton', 'tep_termination',
>-	'timer', 'vdpa',
>-	'vhost', 'vhost_crypto',
>-	'vhost_scsi', 'vm_power_manager',
>-	'vmdq', 'vmdq_dcb',
>+	'netmap_compat', 'ntb',
>+	'packet_ordering', 'performance-thread',
>+	'ptpclient', 'qos_meter',
>+	'qos_sched', 'quota_watermark',
>+	'rxtx_callbacks', 'server_node_efd',
>+	'service_cores', 'skeleton',
>+	'tep_termination', 'timer',
>+	'vdpa', 'vhost',
>+	'vhost_crypto', 'vhost_scsi',
>+	'vm_power_manager', 'vmdq',
>+	'vmdq_dcb',
> ]
> # install all example code on install - irrespective of whether the example in
> # question is to be built as part of this build or not.
>diff --git a/examples/ntb/Makefile b/examples/ntb/Makefile
>new file mode 100644
>index 000000000..5ddd9b95f
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/examples/ntb/Makefile
>@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
>+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
>+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
>+# binary name
>+APP = ntb_fwd
>+# all source are stored in SRCS-y
>+SRCS-y := ntb_fwd.c
>+# Build using pkg-config variables if possible
>+$(shell pkg-config --exists libdpdk)
>+ifeq ($(.SHELLSTATUS),0)
>+all: shared
>+.PHONY: shared static
>+shared: build/$(APP)-shared
>+	ln -sf $(APP)-shared build/$(APP)
>+static: build/$(APP)-static
>+	ln -sf $(APP)-static build/$(APP)
>+LDFLAGS += -pthread
>+PC_FILE := $(shell pkg-config --path libdpdk)
>+CFLAGS += -O3 $(shell pkg-config --cflags libdpdk)
>+LDFLAGS_SHARED = $(shell pkg-config --libs libdpdk)
>+LDFLAGS_STATIC = -Wl,-Bstatic $(shell pkg-config --static --libs libdpdk)
>+build/$(APP)-shared: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
>+build/$(APP)-static: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
>+	@mkdir -p $@
>+.PHONY: clean
>+	rm -f build/$(APP) build/$(APP)-static build/$(APP)-shared
>+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty build
>+else # Build using legacy build system
>+ifeq ($(RTE_SDK),)
>+$(error "Please define RTE_SDK environment variable")
>+# Default target, can be overridden by command line or environment
>+RTE_TARGET ?= x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
>+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk
>+$(info This application can only operate in a linuxapp environment, \
>+please change the definition of the RTE_TARGET environment variable)
>+CFLAGS += -O2
>+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.extapp.mk
>diff --git a/examples/ntb/meson.build b/examples/ntb/meson.build
>new file mode 100644
>index 000000000..9a6288f4f
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/examples/ntb/meson.build
>@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
>+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
>+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
>+# meson file, for building this example as part of a main DPDK build.
>+# To build this example as a standalone application with an already-installed
>+# DPDK instance, use 'make'
>+if host_machine.system() != 'linux'
>+	build = false
>+deps += 'rawdev'
>+cflags += ['-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']
>+sources = files(
>+	'ntb_fwd.c'
>diff --git a/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
>new file mode 100644
>index 000000000..7835d817a
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
>@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
>+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
>+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
>+ */
>+#include <stdint.h>
>+#include <stdio.h>
>+#include <unistd.h>
>+#include <signal.h>
>+#include <string.h>
>+#include <getopt.h>
>+#include <cmdline_parse_string.h>
>+#include <cmdline_socket.h>
>+#include <cmdline.h>
>+#include <rte_common.h>
>+#include <rte_rawdev.h>
>+#include <rte_lcore.h>
>+static uint64_t max_file_size = 0x400000;
>+static uint8_t interactive = 1;
>+static uint16_t dev_id;
>+/* *** Help command with introduction. *** */
>+struct cmd_help_result {
>+	cmdline_fixed_string_t help;
>+static void cmd_help_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
>+			    struct cmdline *cl,
>+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
>+	cmdline_printf(
>+		cl,
>+		"\n"
>+		"The following commands are currently available:\n\n"
>+		"Control:\n"
>+		"    quit                                      :"
>+		" Quit the application.\n"
>+		"\nFile transmit:\n"
>+		"    send [path]                               :"
>+		" Send [path] file. (No more than %lu)\n"
>+		"    recv [path]                            :"
>+		" Receive file to [path]. Make sure sending is done"
>+		" on the other side.\n",
>+		max_file_size
>+	);
>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_help_help =
>+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_help_result, help, "help");
>+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_help = {
>+	.f = cmd_help_parsed,
>+	.data = NULL,
>+	.help_str = "show help",
>+	.tokens = {
>+		(void *)&cmd_help_help,
>+		NULL,
>+	},
>+/* *** QUIT *** */
>+struct cmd_quit_result {
>+	cmdline_fixed_string_t quit;
>+static void cmd_quit_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
>+			    struct cmdline *cl,
>+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
>+	/* Stop traffic and Close port. */
>+	rte_rawdev_stop(dev_id);
>+	rte_rawdev_close(dev_id);
>+	cmdline_quit(cl);
>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_quit_quit =
>+		TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_quit_result, quit, "quit");
>+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_quit = {
>+	.f = cmd_quit_parsed,
>+	.data = NULL,
>+	.help_str = "exit application",
>+	.tokens = {
>+		(void *)&cmd_quit_quit,
>+		NULL,
>+	},
>+/* *** SEND FILE PARAMETERS *** */
>+struct cmd_sendfile_result {
>+	cmdline_fixed_string_t send_string;
>+	char filepath[];
>+static void
>+cmd_sendfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
>+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
>+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
>+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
>+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_send[1];
>+	uint64_t rsize, size, link;
>+	char *filepath;
>+	uint8_t *buff;
>+	uint32_t val;
>+	FILE *file;
>+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
>+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");

I think we can directly return here when the device is not started, instead of
continuing the execution.

>+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &link);
>+	if (!link)
>+		printf("Link is not up, cannot send file.\n");

return if link is down.

>+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
>+	if (filepath == NULL) {
>+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
>+		return;
>+	}
>+	file = fopen(filepath, "r");

Actually I was thinking why we need the filepath, why not just
	file = fopen(res->filepath, "r")

Then we don't need to handle filepath free at all.

>+	if (!file) {

style 1.8.1

>+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");

Need to free filepath in this error handling.

>+		return;
>+	}
>+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
>+	size = ftell(file);
>+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
>+	/**
>+	 * No FIFO now. Only test memory. Limit sending file
>+	 * size <= max_file_size.
>+	 */
>+	if (size > max_file_size)
>+		size = max_file_size;

It's better to give the user some reminder info about the max size limition,
rather than truncate the file silently.

>+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
>+	rsize = fread(buff, size, 1, file);
>+	if (rsize != 1) {
>+		printf("Fail to read file.\n");
>+		fclose(file);

Need to free filepath and buff.

>+		return;
>+	}
>+	/* Tell remote about the file size. */
>+	val = size >> 32;
>+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad14", val);
>+	val = size;
>+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad15", val);
>+	pkts_send[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
>+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
>+	pkts_send[0]->buf_addr = buff;
>+	rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_send, 1, (void *)size);

May need to check the return value.

>+	printf("Done sending file.\n");
>+	fclose(file);
>+	free((void *)filepath);

Need to free allocated pkts_send[0] and buff. 

>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_send =
>+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, send_string,
>+				 "send");
>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_filepath =
>+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, filepath, NULL);
>+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_send_file = {
>+	.f = cmd_sendfile_parsed,
>+	.data = NULL,
>+	.help_str = "send <file_path>",
>+	.tokens = {
>+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_send,
>+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_filepath,
>+		NULL,
>+	},
>+struct cmd_recvfile_result {
>+	cmdline_fixed_string_t recv_string;
>+	char filepath[];
>+static void
>+cmd_recvfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
>+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
>+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
>+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
>+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_recv[1];
>+	uint64_t size, val;
>+	char *filepath;
>+	uint8_t *buff;
>+	FILE *file;
>+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
>+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");

return directly.

>+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &val);
>+	if (!val)
>+		printf("Link is not up, cannot receive file.\n");

return directly.

>+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
>+	if (filepath == NULL) {
>+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
>+		return;
>+	}
>+	file = fopen(filepath, "w");
>+	if (!file) {

style 1.8.1

>+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");
>+		return;
>+	}
>+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad14", &val);
>+	size = val << 32;
>+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad15", &val);
>+	size |= val;
>+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
>+	pkts_recv[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
>+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
>+	pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr = buff;
>+	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
>+	fwrite(buff, size, 1, file);
>+	printf("Done receiving to file.\n");
>+	fclose(file);
>+	free((void *)filepath);

free buff and pkts_recv[0] as well.

I noticed that there are two allocations, one for pkts_recv[0] and another for
pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr, How about we declare 

	struct rte_rawdev_buf pkts_recv[1];

and allocate memory for its buf_addr

	pkts_recv[0].buf_addr = malloc(size);

then we call 

	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, &pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);

After that, we just need to free once.


>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_recv =
>+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, recv_string,
>+				 "recv");
>+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_filepath =
>+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, filepath, NULL);
>+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_recv_file = {
>+	.f = cmd_recvfile_parsed,
>+	.data = NULL,
>+	.help_str = "recv <file_path>",
>+	.tokens = {
>+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_recv,
>+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_filepath,
>+		NULL,
>+	},
>+/* list of instructions */
>+cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
>+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_help,
>+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_send_file,
>+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_recv_file,
>+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_quit,
>+	NULL,
>+/* prompt function, called from main on MASTER lcore */
>+static void
>+	struct cmdline *cl;
>+	cl = cmdline_stdin_new(main_ctx, "ntb> ");
>+	if (cl == NULL)
>+		return;
>+	cmdline_interact(cl);
>+	cmdline_stdin_exit(cl);
>+static void
>+signal_handler(int signum)
>+	if (signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) {
>+		printf("\nSignal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum);
>+		signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
>+		kill(getpid(), signum);
>+	}
>+static void
>+ntb_usage(const char *prgname)
>+	printf("%s [EAL options] -- [options]\n"
>+	       "-i : run in interactive mode (default value is 1)\n",
>+	       prgname);
>+static int
>+parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
>+	char *prgname = argv[0], **argvopt = argv;
>+	int opt, ret;
>+	/* Only support interactive mode to send/recv file first. */
>+	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argvopt, "i")) != EOF) {
>+		switch (opt) {
>+		case 'i':
>+			printf("Interactive-mode selected\n");
>+			interactive = 1;
>+			break;
>+		default:
>+			ntb_usage(prgname);
>+			return -1;
>+		}
>+	}
>+	if (optind >= 0)
>+		argv[optind-1] = prgname;
>+	ret = optind-1;
>+	optind = 1; /* reset getopt lib */
>+	return ret;
>+main(int argc, char **argv)
>+	int ret, i;
>+	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
>+	signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
>+	ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
>+	if (ret < 0)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization.\n");
>+	/* Find 1st ntb rawdev. */
>+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS; i++)
>+		if (rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name &&
>+		    (strncmp(rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name, "raw_ntb", 7) == 0) &&

Use Macro for the 7.

>+		    (rte_rawdevs[i].attached == 1))
>+			break;
>+	if (i == RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot find any ntb device.\n");
>+	dev_id = i;
>+	argc -= ret;
>+	argv += ret;
>+	ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
>+	if (ret < 0)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid arguments\n");
>+	rte_rawdev_start(dev_id);
>+	if (interactive) {
>+		sleep(1);
>+		prompt();
>+	}
>+	return 0;
Li, Xiaoyun June 4, 2019, 8:12 a.m. UTC | #2
OK. Will fix them in next version including other patches' comments. Thanks.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ye, Xiaolong
> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 14:48
> To: Li, Xiaoyun <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>
> Cc: Wu, Jingjing <jingjing.wu@intel.com>; Wiles, Keith <keith.wiles@intel.com>;
> Liang, Cunming <cunming.liang@intel.com>; Maslekar, Omkar
> <omkar.maslekar@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 4/6] examples/ntb: enable an example for ntb
> On 06/03, Xiaoyun Li wrote:
> >Enable an example for rawdev ntb. Support interactive mode to send file
> >on one host and receive file from another host. The command line would
> >be 'send [filepath]' and 'receive [filepath]'.
> >
> >But since the FIFO is not enabled right now, use rte_memcpy as the
> >enqueue and dequeue functions and only support transmitting file no more
> than 4M.
> >
> >Signed-off-by: Xiaoyun Li <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>
> >---
> > drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c |  25 +-
> > examples/Makefile                   |   1 +
> > examples/meson.build                |  21 +-
> > examples/ntb/Makefile               |  68 ++++++
> > examples/ntb/meson.build            |  16 ++
> > examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c              | 364 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > 6 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)  create mode
> >100644 examples/ntb/Makefile  create mode 100644
> >examples/ntb/meson.build  create mode 100644 examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
> >
> >diff --git a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
> >b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
> >index 35bc34c54..1824842f2 100644
> >--- a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
> >+++ b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
> >@@ -212,11 +212,16 @@ ntb_enqueue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
> > 		 unsigned int count,
> > 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
> > {
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
> >+	/* Not FIFO right now. Just for test memory write. */
> >+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
> >+	uint64_t bar_addr, size;
> >+	unsigned int i;
> >+
> >+	bar_addr = (*hw->ntb_ops->get_peer_mw_addr)(dev, 0);
> check the func pointer before calling it.
> >+	size = (uint64_t)context;
> >
> >+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
> >+		rte_memcpy((void *)bar_addr, buffers[i]->buf_addr, size);
> > 	return 0;
> > }
> >
> >@@ -226,11 +231,15 @@ ntb_dequeue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
> > 		 unsigned int count,
> > 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
> > {
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
> >-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
> >+	/* Not FIFO. Just for test memory read. */
> >+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
> >+	uint64_t size;
> >+	unsigned int i;
> >+
> >+	size = (uint64_t)context;
> >
> >+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
> >+		rte_memcpy(buffers[i]->buf_addr, hw->mz[i]->addr, size);
> > 	return 0;
> > }
> >
> >diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile index
> >7562424d9..de11dd487 100644
> >--- a/examples/Makefile
> >+++ b/examples/Makefile
> >@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ DIRS-y += link_status_interrupt
> > DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_LPM) += load_balancer  DIRS-y +=
> >multi_process  DIRS-y += netmap_compat/bridge
> >+DIRS-y += ntb
> > DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REORDER) += packet_ordering  ifeq
> >($(CONFIG_RTE_ARCH_X86_64),y)  DIRS-y += performance-thread diff --git
> >a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build index
> >de35656d4..dda4a07a8 100644
> >--- a/examples/meson.build
> >+++ b/examples/meson.build
> >@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ all_examples = [
> > 	'l3fwd-acl', 'l3fwd-power',
> > 	'l3fwd-vf', 'link_status_interrupt',
> > 	'load_balancer', 'multi_process',
> >-	'netmap_compat', 'packet_ordering',
> >-	'performance-thread', 'ptpclient',
> >-	'qos_meter', 'qos_sched',
> >-	'quota_watermark', 'rxtx_callbacks',
> >-	'server_node_efd', 'service_cores',
> >-	'skeleton', 'tep_termination',
> >-	'timer', 'vdpa',
> >-	'vhost', 'vhost_crypto',
> >-	'vhost_scsi', 'vm_power_manager',
> >-	'vmdq', 'vmdq_dcb',
> >+	'netmap_compat', 'ntb',
> >+	'packet_ordering', 'performance-thread',
> >+	'ptpclient', 'qos_meter',
> >+	'qos_sched', 'quota_watermark',
> >+	'rxtx_callbacks', 'server_node_efd',
> >+	'service_cores', 'skeleton',
> >+	'tep_termination', 'timer',
> >+	'vdpa', 'vhost',
> >+	'vhost_crypto', 'vhost_scsi',
> >+	'vm_power_manager', 'vmdq',
> >+	'vmdq_dcb',
> > ]
> > # install all example code on install - irrespective of whether the
> >example in  # question is to be built as part of this build or not.
> >diff --git a/examples/ntb/Makefile b/examples/ntb/Makefile new file
> >mode 100644 index 000000000..5ddd9b95f
> >--- /dev/null
> >+++ b/examples/ntb/Makefile
> >@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
> >+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2019 Intel
> >+Corporation
> >+
> >+# binary name
> >+APP = ntb_fwd
> >+
> >+# all source are stored in SRCS-y
> >+SRCS-y := ntb_fwd.c
> >+
> >+# Build using pkg-config variables if possible $(shell pkg-config
> >+--exists libdpdk) ifeq ($(.SHELLSTATUS),0)
> >+
> >+all: shared
> >+.PHONY: shared static
> >+shared: build/$(APP)-shared
> >+	ln -sf $(APP)-shared build/$(APP)
> >+static: build/$(APP)-static
> >+	ln -sf $(APP)-static build/$(APP)
> >+
> >+LDFLAGS += -pthread
> >+
> >+PC_FILE := $(shell pkg-config --path libdpdk) CFLAGS += -O3 $(shell
> >+pkg-config --cflags libdpdk) LDFLAGS_SHARED = $(shell pkg-config
> >+--libs libdpdk) LDFLAGS_STATIC = -Wl,-Bstatic $(shell pkg-config
> >+--static --libs libdpdk)
> >+
> >+build/$(APP)-shared: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
> >+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS-y) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SHARED)
> >+
> >+build/$(APP)-static: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
> >+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS-y) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_STATIC)
> >+
> >+build:
> >+	@mkdir -p $@
> >+
> >+.PHONY: clean
> >+clean:
> >+	rm -f build/$(APP) build/$(APP)-static build/$(APP)-shared
> >+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty build
> >+
> >+else # Build using legacy build system
> >+
> >+ifeq ($(RTE_SDK),)
> >+$(error "Please define RTE_SDK environment variable") endif
> >+
> >+# Default target, can be overridden by command line or environment
> >+RTE_TARGET ?= x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
> >+
> >+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk
> >+
> >+$(info This application can only operate in a linuxapp environment, \
> >+please change the definition of the RTE_TARGET environment variable)
> >+all:
> >+else
> >+
> >+CFLAGS += -O2
> >+
> >+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.extapp.mk
> >+
> >+endif
> >+endif
> >diff --git a/examples/ntb/meson.build b/examples/ntb/meson.build new
> >file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a6288f4f
> >--- /dev/null
> >+++ b/examples/ntb/meson.build
> >@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
> >+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2019 Intel
> >+Corporation
> >+
> >+# meson file, for building this example as part of a main DPDK build.
> >+#
> >+# To build this example as a standalone application with an
> >+already-installed # DPDK instance, use 'make'
> >+
> >+if host_machine.system() != 'linux'
> >+	build = false
> >+endif
> >+deps += 'rawdev'
> >+cflags += ['-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']
> >+sources = files(
> >+	'ntb_fwd.c'
> >+)
> >diff --git a/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c new file
> >mode 100644 index 000000000..7835d817a
> >--- /dev/null
> >+++ b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
> >@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
> >+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
> >+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation  */ #include <stdint.h>
> >+#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include
> >+<string.h> #include <getopt.h>
> >+
> >+#include <cmdline_parse_string.h>
> >+#include <cmdline_socket.h>
> >+#include <cmdline.h>
> >+#include <rte_common.h>
> >+#include <rte_rawdev.h>
> >+#include <rte_lcore.h>
> >+
> >+static uint64_t max_file_size = 0x400000; static uint8_t interactive =
> >+1; static uint16_t dev_id;
> >+
> >+/* *** Help command with introduction. *** */ struct cmd_help_result {
> >+	cmdline_fixed_string_t help;
> >+};
> >+
> >+static void cmd_help_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
> >+			    struct cmdline *cl,
> >+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data) {
> >+	cmdline_printf(
> >+		cl,
> >+		"\n"
> >+		"The following commands are currently available:\n\n"
> >+		"Control:\n"
> >+		"    quit                                      :"
> >+		" Quit the application.\n"
> >+		"\nFile transmit:\n"
> >+		"    send [path]                               :"
> >+		" Send [path] file. (No more than %lu)\n"
> >+		"    recv [path]                            :"
> >+		" Receive file to [path]. Make sure sending is done"
> >+		" on the other side.\n",
> >+		max_file_size
> >+	);
> >+
> >+}
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_help_help =
> >+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_help_result, help, "help");
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_help = {
> >+	.f = cmd_help_parsed,
> >+	.data = NULL,
> >+	.help_str = "show help",
> >+	.tokens = {
> >+		(void *)&cmd_help_help,
> >+		NULL,
> >+	},
> >+};
> >+
> >+/* *** QUIT *** */
> >+struct cmd_quit_result {
> >+	cmdline_fixed_string_t quit;
> >+};
> >+
> >+static void cmd_quit_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
> >+			    struct cmdline *cl,
> >+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data) {
> >+	/* Stop traffic and Close port. */
> >+	rte_rawdev_stop(dev_id);
> >+	rte_rawdev_close(dev_id);
> >+
> >+	cmdline_quit(cl);
> >+}
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_quit_quit =
> >+		TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_quit_result, quit,
> "quit");
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_quit = {
> >+	.f = cmd_quit_parsed,
> >+	.data = NULL,
> >+	.help_str = "exit application",
> >+	.tokens = {
> >+		(void *)&cmd_quit_quit,
> >+		NULL,
> >+	},
> >+};
> >+
> >+/* *** SEND FILE PARAMETERS *** */
> >+struct cmd_sendfile_result {
> >+	cmdline_fixed_string_t send_string;
> >+	char filepath[];
> >+};
> >+
> >+static void
> >+cmd_sendfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
> >+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
> >+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data) {
> >+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
> >+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_send[1];
> >+	uint64_t rsize, size, link;
> >+	char *filepath;
> >+	uint8_t *buff;
> >+	uint32_t val;
> >+	FILE *file;
> >+
> >+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
> >+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");
> I think we can directly return here when the device is not started, instead of
> continuing the execution.
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &link);
> >+	if (!link)
> >+		printf("Link is not up, cannot send file.\n");
> return if link is down.
> >+
> >+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
> >+	if (filepath == NULL) {
> >+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
> >+		return;
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	file = fopen(filepath, "r");
> Actually I was thinking why we need the filepath, why not just
> 	file = fopen(res->filepath, "r")
> Then we don't need to handle filepath free at all.
> >+	if (!file) {
> style 1.8.1
> >+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");
> Need to free filepath in this error handling.
> >+		return;
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
> >+	size = ftell(file);
> >+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
> >+
> >+	/**
> >+	 * No FIFO now. Only test memory. Limit sending file
> >+	 * size <= max_file_size.
> >+	 */
> >+	if (size > max_file_size)
> >+		size = max_file_size;
> It's better to give the user some reminder info about the max size limition,
> rather than truncate the file silently.
> >+
> >+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
> >+	rsize = fread(buff, size, 1, file);
> >+	if (rsize != 1) {
> >+		printf("Fail to read file.\n");
> >+		fclose(file);
> Need to free filepath and buff.
> >+		return;
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	/* Tell remote about the file size. */
> >+	val = size >> 32;
> >+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad14", val);
> >+	val = size;
> >+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad15", val);
> >+
> >+	pkts_send[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
> >+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
> >+	pkts_send[0]->buf_addr = buff;
> >+	rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_send, 1, (void *)size);
> May need to check the return value.
> >+	printf("Done sending file.\n");
> >+
> >+	fclose(file);
> >+	free((void *)filepath);
> Need to free allocated pkts_send[0] and buff.
> >+}
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_send =
> >+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, send_string,
> >+				 "send");
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_filepath =
> >+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, filepath, NULL);
> >+
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_send_file = {
> >+	.f = cmd_sendfile_parsed,
> >+	.data = NULL,
> >+	.help_str = "send <file_path>",
> >+	.tokens = {
> >+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_send,
> >+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_filepath,
> >+		NULL,
> >+	},
> >+};
> >+
> >+struct cmd_recvfile_result {
> >+	cmdline_fixed_string_t recv_string;
> >+	char filepath[];
> >+};
> >+
> >+static void
> >+cmd_recvfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
> >+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
> >+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data) {
> >+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
> >+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_recv[1];
> >+	uint64_t size, val;
> >+	char *filepath;
> >+	uint8_t *buff;
> >+	FILE *file;
> >+
> >+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
> >+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");
> return directly.
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &val);
> >+	if (!val)
> >+		printf("Link is not up, cannot receive file.\n");
> return directly.
> >+
> >+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
> >+	if (filepath == NULL) {
> >+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
> >+		return;
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	file = fopen(filepath, "w");
> >+	if (!file) {
> style 1.8.1
> >+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");
> >+		return;
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad14", &val);
> >+	size = val << 32;
> >+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad15", &val);
> >+	size |= val;
> >+
> >+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
> >+	pkts_recv[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
> >+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
> >+	pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr = buff;
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
> >+
> >+	fwrite(buff, size, 1, file);
> >+	printf("Done receiving to file.\n");
> >+
> >+	fclose(file);
> >+	free((void *)filepath);
> free buff and pkts_recv[0] as well.
> I noticed that there are two allocations, one for pkts_recv[0] and another for
> pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr, How about we declare
> 	struct rte_rawdev_buf pkts_recv[1];
> and allocate memory for its buf_addr
> 	pkts_recv[0].buf_addr = malloc(size);
> then we call
> 	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, &pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
> After that, we just need to free once.
> 	free(pkts_recv[0].buf_addr);
> >+}
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_recv =
> >+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, recv_string,
> >+				 "recv");
> >+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_filepath =
> >+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, filepath, NULL);
> >+
> >+
> >+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_recv_file = {
> >+	.f = cmd_recvfile_parsed,
> >+	.data = NULL,
> >+	.help_str = "recv <file_path>",
> >+	.tokens = {
> >+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_recv,
> >+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_filepath,
> >+		NULL,
> >+	},
> >+};
> >+
> >+/* list of instructions */
> >+cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
> >+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_help,
> >+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_send_file,
> >+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_recv_file,
> >+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_quit,
> >+	NULL,
> >+};
> >+
> >+/* prompt function, called from main on MASTER lcore */ static void
> >+prompt(void)
> >+{
> >+	struct cmdline *cl;
> >+
> >+	cl = cmdline_stdin_new(main_ctx, "ntb> ");
> >+	if (cl == NULL)
> >+		return;
> >+
> >+	cmdline_interact(cl);
> >+	cmdline_stdin_exit(cl);
> >+}
> >+
> >+static void
> >+signal_handler(int signum)
> >+{
> >+	if (signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) {
> >+		printf("\nSignal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum);
> >+		signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
> >+		kill(getpid(), signum);
> >+	}
> >+}
> >+
> >+static void
> >+ntb_usage(const char *prgname)
> >+{
> >+	printf("%s [EAL options] -- [options]\n"
> >+	       "-i : run in interactive mode (default value is 1)\n",
> >+	       prgname);
> >+}
> >+
> >+static int
> >+parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
> >+{
> >+	char *prgname = argv[0], **argvopt = argv;
> >+	int opt, ret;
> >+
> >+	/* Only support interactive mode to send/recv file first. */
> >+	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argvopt, "i")) != EOF) {
> >+		switch (opt) {
> >+		case 'i':
> >+			printf("Interactive-mode selected\n");
> >+			interactive = 1;
> >+			break;
> >+
> >+		default:
> >+			ntb_usage(prgname);
> >+			return -1;
> >+		}
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	if (optind >= 0)
> >+		argv[optind-1] = prgname;
> >+
> >+	ret = optind-1;
> >+	optind = 1; /* reset getopt lib */
> >+	return ret;
> >+}
> >+
> >+int
> >+main(int argc, char **argv)
> >+{
> >+	int ret, i;
> >+
> >+	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
> >+	signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
> >+
> >+	ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
> >+	if (ret < 0)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization.\n");
> >+
> >+	/* Find 1st ntb rawdev. */
> >+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS; i++)
> >+		if (rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name &&
> >+		    (strncmp(rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name, "raw_ntb", 7) == 0) &&
> Use Macro for the 7.
> >+		    (rte_rawdevs[i].attached == 1))
> >+			break;
> >+
> >+	if (i == RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot find any ntb device.\n");
> >+
> >+	dev_id = i;
> >+
> >+	argc -= ret;
> >+	argv += ret;
> >+
> >+	ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
> >+	if (ret < 0)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid arguments\n");
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_start(dev_id);
> >+
> >+	if (interactive) {
> >+		sleep(1);
> >+		prompt();
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	return 0;
> >+}
> >--
> >2.17.1
> >
Xiaolong Ye June 4, 2019, 8:48 a.m. UTC | #3
On 06/03, Xiaoyun Li wrote:
>Enable an example for rawdev ntb. Support interactive mode to send
>file on one host and receive file from another host. The command line
>would be 'send [filepath]' and 'receive [filepath]'.
>But since the FIFO is not enabled right now, use rte_memcpy as the enqueue
>and dequeue functions and only support transmitting file no more than 4M.
>Signed-off-by: Xiaoyun Li <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>


>+main(int argc, char **argv)
>+	int ret, i;
>+	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
>+	signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
>+	ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
>+	if (ret < 0)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization.\n");
>+	/* Find 1st ntb rawdev. */
>+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS; i++)
>+		if (rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name &&
>+		    (strncmp(rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name, "raw_ntb", 7) == 0) &&
>+		    (rte_rawdevs[i].attached == 1))
>+			break;

Can replace above code block with rawdev API rte_rawdev_get_dev_id.


>+	if (i == RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot find any ntb device.\n");
>+	dev_id = i;
>+	argc -= ret;
>+	argv += ret;
>+	ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
>+	if (ret < 0)
>+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid arguments\n");
>+	rte_rawdev_start(dev_id);
>+	if (interactive) {
>+		sleep(1);
>+		prompt();
>+	}
>+	return 0;
Li, Xiaoyun June 5, 2019, 3:11 a.m. UTC | #4

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ye, Xiaolong
> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 16:49
> To: Li, Xiaoyun <xiaoyun.li@intel.com>
> Cc: Wu, Jingjing <jingjing.wu@intel.com>; Wiles, Keith <keith.wiles@intel.com>;
> Liang, Cunming <cunming.liang@intel.com>; Maslekar, Omkar
> <omkar.maslekar@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 4/6] examples/ntb: enable an example for ntb
> > [snip]
> >---
> >+
> >+int
> >+main(int argc, char **argv)
> >+{
> >+	int ret, i;
> >+
> >+	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
> >+	signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
> >+
> >+	ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
> >+	if (ret < 0)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization.\n");
> >+
> >+	/* Find 1st ntb rawdev. */
> >+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS; i++)
> >+		if (rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name &&
> >+		    (strncmp(rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name, "raw_ntb", 7) == 0) &&
> >+		    (rte_rawdevs[i].attached == 1))
> >+			break;
> Can replace above code block with rawdev API rte_rawdev_get_dev_id.
In fact, I've considered this API. But this API uses name (device name) not driver name to identify device and it uses strcmp not strncmp.
But I want the first device who driver is ''raw_ntb". The device name is set to "NTB:[bus]:[dev].[func]" which is specific to the device.

> Thanks,
> Xiaolong
> >+
> >+	if (i == RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot find any ntb device.\n");
> >+
> >+	dev_id = i;
> >+
> >+	argc -= ret;
> >+	argv += ret;
> >+
> >+	ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
> >+	if (ret < 0)
> >+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid arguments\n");
> >+
> >+	rte_rawdev_start(dev_id);
> >+
> >+	if (interactive) {
> >+		sleep(1);
> >+		prompt();
> >+	}
> >+
> >+	return 0;
> >+}
> >--
> >2.17.1
> >
Li, Xiaoyun June 5, 2019, 8:32 a.m. UTC | #5
> > I noticed that there are two allocations, one for pkts_recv[0] and another for
> > pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr, How about we declare
> >
> > 	struct rte_rawdev_buf pkts_recv[1];
> >
> > and allocate memory for its buf_addr
> >
> > 	pkts_recv[0].buf_addr = malloc(size);
> >
> > then we call
> >
> > 	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, &pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
> >
> > After that, we just need to free once.
> >
> > 	free(pkts_recv[0].buf_addr);
> >

Double pointer does not represent 2D arrays. Please refer to

It will cause segment fault in enqueue/dequeue.

I will free twice.

> > >2.17.1
> > >
Xiaolong Ye June 5, 2019, 9:25 a.m. UTC | #6
On 06/05, Li, Xiaoyun wrote:
>> > I noticed that there are two allocations, one for pkts_recv[0] and another for
>> > pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr, How about we declare
>> >
>> > 	struct rte_rawdev_buf pkts_recv[1];
>> >
>> > and allocate memory for its buf_addr
>> >
>> > 	pkts_recv[0].buf_addr = malloc(size);
>> >
>> > then we call
>> >
>> > 	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, &pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
>> >
>> > After that, we just need to free once.
>> >
>> > 	free(pkts_recv[0].buf_addr);
>> >
>Double pointer does not represent 2D arrays. Please refer to

Yes, I agree, but I don't think it is the case here.

>It will cause segment fault in enqueue/dequeue.

Hmm, have you debug it? Which line caused the segfault?

You can refer to test_rawdev_enqdeq function in skeleton_rawdev_test.c, what it
does is similar to my suggestion, and you just need one alloc/free.


>I will free twice.
>> > >2.17.1
>> > >
Li, Xiaoyun June 5, 2019, 1:36 p.m. UTC | #7
> Yes, I agree, but I don't think it is the case here.
> >It will cause segment fault in enqueue/dequeue.
> Hmm, have you debug it? Which line caused the segfault?
> You can refer to test_rawdev_enqdeq function in skeleton_rawdev_test.c, what
> it does is similar to my suggestion, and you just need one alloc/free.
Of course I debug on it. It will cause seg fault at rte_memcpy. Because buffers[0]->buf_addr is not right.
You can see the debug log.
(gdb) p test_pkts_send[0].buf_addr
$3 = (void *) 0x5555562784c0
(gdb) n
164             rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad14", val);
ntb_attr_set(): Set attribute (spad14) Value (0)
165             val = size;
166             rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad15", val);
ntb_attr_set(): Set attribute (spad15) Value (35)
175             rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers(dev_id, (struct rte_rawdev_buf **)&test_pkts_send, 1, (void *)size);

Thread 1 "ntb_fwd" hit Breakpoint 2, ntb_enqueue_bufs (dev=0x555556023b80 <rte_rawdevices>, buffers=0x7fffffff7fe0, count=1,
    context=0x23) at /home/xiaoyun/ntb/dpdk-next-net-intel/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c:244
244             struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
(gdb) n
248             if (hw->ntb_ops->get_peer_mw_addr == NULL)
249                     return -ENOTSUP;
(gdb) p buffers[0]->buf_addr
$4 = (void *) 0x6f77206f6c6c6568
(gdb) p &buffers[0]->buf_addr
$5 = (void **) 0x5555562784c0

> Thanks,
> Xiaolong
> >
> >I will free twice.
> >
> >> > >2.17.1
> >> > >
Xiaolong Ye June 6, 2019, 2:07 a.m. UTC | #8
On 06/05, Li, Xiaoyun wrote:
>> Yes, I agree, but I don't think it is the case here.
>> >It will cause segment fault in enqueue/dequeue.
>> Hmm, have you debug it? Which line caused the segfault?
>> You can refer to test_rawdev_enqdeq function in skeleton_rawdev_test.c, what
>> it does is similar to my suggestion, and you just need one alloc/free.
>Of course I debug on it. It will cause seg fault at rte_memcpy. Because buffers[0]->buf_addr is not right.
>You can see the debug log.
>(gdb) p test_pkts_send[0].buf_addr
>$3 = (void *) 0x5555562784c0
>(gdb) n
>164             rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad14", val);
>ntb_attr_set(): Set attribute (spad14) Value (0)
>165             val = size;
>166             rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad15", val);
>ntb_attr_set(): Set attribute (spad15) Value (35)
>175             rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers(dev_id, (struct rte_rawdev_buf **)&test_pkts_send, 1, (void *)size);
>Thread 1 "ntb_fwd" hit Breakpoint 2, ntb_enqueue_bufs (dev=0x555556023b80 <rte_rawdevices>, buffers=0x7fffffff7fe0, count=1,
>    context=0x23) at /home/xiaoyun/ntb/dpdk-next-net-intel/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c:244
>244             struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
>(gdb) n
>248             if (hw->ntb_ops->get_peer_mw_addr == NULL)
>249                     return -ENOTSUP;
>(gdb) p buffers[0]->buf_addr
>$4 = (void *) 0x6f77206f6c6c6568
>(gdb) p &buffers[0]->buf_addr
>$5 = (void **) 0x5555562784c0

Hmm, you're right, after a second thought, we do need double alloc/free in this
case, my bad.


>> Thanks,
>> Xiaolong
>> >
>> >I will free twice.
>> >
>> >> > >2.17.1
>> >> > >


diff --git a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
index 35bc34c54..1824842f2 100644
--- a/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
+++ b/drivers/raw/ntb_rawdev/ntb_rawdev.c
@@ -212,11 +212,16 @@  ntb_enqueue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
 		 unsigned int count,
 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
+	/* Not FIFO right now. Just for test memory write. */
+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
+	uint64_t bar_addr, size;
+	unsigned int i;
+	bar_addr = (*hw->ntb_ops->get_peer_mw_addr)(dev, 0);
+	size = (uint64_t)context;
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+		rte_memcpy((void *)bar_addr, buffers[i]->buf_addr, size);
 	return 0;
@@ -226,11 +231,15 @@  ntb_dequeue_bufs(struct rte_rawdev *dev,
 		 unsigned int count,
 		 rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
-	RTE_SET_USED(dev);
-	RTE_SET_USED(buffers);
-	RTE_SET_USED(count);
-	RTE_SET_USED(context);
+	/* Not FIFO. Just for test memory read. */
+	struct ntb_hw *hw = dev->dev_private;
+	uint64_t size;
+	unsigned int i;
+	size = (uint64_t)context;
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+		rte_memcpy(buffers[i]->buf_addr, hw->mz[i]->addr, size);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
index 7562424d9..de11dd487 100644
--- a/examples/Makefile
+++ b/examples/Makefile
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@  DIRS-y += link_status_interrupt
 DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_LPM) += load_balancer
 DIRS-y += multi_process
 DIRS-y += netmap_compat/bridge
+DIRS-y += ntb
 DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REORDER) += packet_ordering
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_ARCH_X86_64),y)
 DIRS-y += performance-thread
diff --git a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build
index de35656d4..dda4a07a8 100644
--- a/examples/meson.build
+++ b/examples/meson.build
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@  all_examples = [
 	'l3fwd-acl', 'l3fwd-power',
 	'l3fwd-vf', 'link_status_interrupt',
 	'load_balancer', 'multi_process',
-	'netmap_compat', 'packet_ordering',
-	'performance-thread', 'ptpclient',
-	'qos_meter', 'qos_sched',
-	'quota_watermark', 'rxtx_callbacks',
-	'server_node_efd', 'service_cores',
-	'skeleton', 'tep_termination',
-	'timer', 'vdpa',
-	'vhost', 'vhost_crypto',
-	'vhost_scsi', 'vm_power_manager',
-	'vmdq', 'vmdq_dcb',
+	'netmap_compat', 'ntb',
+	'packet_ordering', 'performance-thread',
+	'ptpclient', 'qos_meter',
+	'qos_sched', 'quota_watermark',
+	'rxtx_callbacks', 'server_node_efd',
+	'service_cores', 'skeleton',
+	'tep_termination', 'timer',
+	'vdpa', 'vhost',
+	'vhost_crypto', 'vhost_scsi',
+	'vm_power_manager', 'vmdq',
+	'vmdq_dcb',
 # install all example code on install - irrespective of whether the example in
 # question is to be built as part of this build or not.
diff --git a/examples/ntb/Makefile b/examples/ntb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ddd9b95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ntb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+# binary name
+APP = ntb_fwd
+# all source are stored in SRCS-y
+SRCS-y := ntb_fwd.c
+# Build using pkg-config variables if possible
+$(shell pkg-config --exists libdpdk)
+ifeq ($(.SHELLSTATUS),0)
+all: shared
+.PHONY: shared static
+shared: build/$(APP)-shared
+	ln -sf $(APP)-shared build/$(APP)
+static: build/$(APP)-static
+	ln -sf $(APP)-static build/$(APP)
+LDFLAGS += -pthread
+PC_FILE := $(shell pkg-config --path libdpdk)
+CFLAGS += -O3 $(shell pkg-config --cflags libdpdk)
+LDFLAGS_SHARED = $(shell pkg-config --libs libdpdk)
+LDFLAGS_STATIC = -Wl,-Bstatic $(shell pkg-config --static --libs libdpdk)
+build/$(APP)-shared: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
+build/$(APP)-static: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
+	@mkdir -p $@
+.PHONY: clean
+	rm -f build/$(APP) build/$(APP)-static build/$(APP)-shared
+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty build
+else # Build using legacy build system
+ifeq ($(RTE_SDK),)
+$(error "Please define RTE_SDK environment variable")
+# Default target, can be overridden by command line or environment
+RTE_TARGET ?= x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk
+$(info This application can only operate in a linuxapp environment, \
+please change the definition of the RTE_TARGET environment variable)
+CFLAGS += -O2
+include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.extapp.mk
diff --git a/examples/ntb/meson.build b/examples/ntb/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a6288f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ntb/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+# meson file, for building this example as part of a main DPDK build.
+# To build this example as a standalone application with an already-installed
+# DPDK instance, use 'make'
+if host_machine.system() != 'linux'
+	build = false
+deps += 'rawdev'
+cflags += ['-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']
+sources = files(
+	'ntb_fwd.c'
diff --git a/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7835d817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <cmdline_parse_string.h>
+#include <cmdline_socket.h>
+#include <cmdline.h>
+#include <rte_common.h>
+#include <rte_rawdev.h>
+#include <rte_lcore.h>
+static uint64_t max_file_size = 0x400000;
+static uint8_t interactive = 1;
+static uint16_t dev_id;
+/* *** Help command with introduction. *** */
+struct cmd_help_result {
+	cmdline_fixed_string_t help;
+static void cmd_help_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
+			    struct cmdline *cl,
+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+	cmdline_printf(
+		cl,
+		"\n"
+		"The following commands are currently available:\n\n"
+		"Control:\n"
+		"    quit                                      :"
+		" Quit the application.\n"
+		"\nFile transmit:\n"
+		"    send [path]                               :"
+		" Send [path] file. (No more than %lu)\n"
+		"    recv [path]                            :"
+		" Receive file to [path]. Make sure sending is done"
+		" on the other side.\n",
+		max_file_size
+	);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_help_help =
+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_help_result, help, "help");
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_help = {
+	.f = cmd_help_parsed,
+	.data = NULL,
+	.help_str = "show help",
+	.tokens = {
+		(void *)&cmd_help_help,
+		NULL,
+	},
+/* *** QUIT *** */
+struct cmd_quit_result {
+	cmdline_fixed_string_t quit;
+static void cmd_quit_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result,
+			    struct cmdline *cl,
+			    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+	/* Stop traffic and Close port. */
+	rte_rawdev_stop(dev_id);
+	rte_rawdev_close(dev_id);
+	cmdline_quit(cl);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_quit_quit =
+		TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_quit_result, quit, "quit");
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_quit = {
+	.f = cmd_quit_parsed,
+	.data = NULL,
+	.help_str = "exit application",
+	.tokens = {
+		(void *)&cmd_quit_quit,
+		NULL,
+	},
+struct cmd_sendfile_result {
+	cmdline_fixed_string_t send_string;
+	char filepath[];
+static void
+cmd_sendfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_send[1];
+	uint64_t rsize, size, link;
+	char *filepath;
+	uint8_t *buff;
+	uint32_t val;
+	FILE *file;
+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");
+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &link);
+	if (!link)
+		printf("Link is not up, cannot send file.\n");
+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
+	if (filepath == NULL) {
+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	file = fopen(filepath, "r");
+	if (!file) {
+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
+	size = ftell(file);
+	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	/**
+	 * No FIFO now. Only test memory. Limit sending file
+	 * size <= max_file_size.
+	 */
+	if (size > max_file_size)
+		size = max_file_size;
+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
+	rsize = fread(buff, size, 1, file);
+	if (rsize != 1) {
+		printf("Fail to read file.\n");
+		fclose(file);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Tell remote about the file size. */
+	val = size >> 32;
+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad14", val);
+	val = size;
+	rte_rawdev_set_attr(dev_id, "spad15", val);
+	pkts_send[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
+	pkts_send[0]->buf_addr = buff;
+	rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_send, 1, (void *)size);
+	printf("Done sending file.\n");
+	fclose(file);
+	free((void *)filepath);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_send =
+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, send_string,
+				 "send");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_send_file_filepath =
+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_sendfile_result, filepath, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_send_file = {
+	.f = cmd_sendfile_parsed,
+	.data = NULL,
+	.help_str = "send <file_path>",
+	.tokens = {
+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_send,
+		(void *)&cmd_send_file_filepath,
+		NULL,
+	},
+struct cmd_recvfile_result {
+	cmdline_fixed_string_t recv_string;
+	char filepath[];
+static void
+cmd_recvfile_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+		    __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
+		    __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+	struct cmd_sendfile_result *res = parsed_result;
+	struct rte_rawdev_buf *pkts_recv[1];
+	uint64_t size, val;
+	char *filepath;
+	uint8_t *buff;
+	FILE *file;
+	if (!rte_rawdevs[dev_id].started)
+		printf("Device needs to be up first. Try later.\n");
+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "link_status", &val);
+	if (!val)
+		printf("Link is not up, cannot receive file.\n");
+	filepath = strdup(res->filepath);
+	if (filepath == NULL) {
+		printf("Fail to get filepath.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	file = fopen(filepath, "w");
+	if (!file) {
+		printf("Fail to open the file.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad14", &val);
+	size = val << 32;
+	rte_rawdev_get_attr(dev_id, "spad15", &val);
+	size |= val;
+	buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
+	pkts_recv[0] = (struct rte_rawdev_buf *)malloc
+			(sizeof(struct rte_rawdev_buf));
+	pkts_recv[0]->buf_addr = buff;
+	rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers(dev_id, pkts_recv, 1, (void *)size);
+	fwrite(buff, size, 1, file);
+	printf("Done receiving to file.\n");
+	fclose(file);
+	free((void *)filepath);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_recv =
+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, recv_string,
+				 "recv");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_recv_file_filepath =
+	TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_recvfile_result, filepath, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_recv_file = {
+	.f = cmd_recvfile_parsed,
+	.data = NULL,
+	.help_str = "recv <file_path>",
+	.tokens = {
+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_recv,
+		(void *)&cmd_recv_file_filepath,
+		NULL,
+	},
+/* list of instructions */
+cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_help,
+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_send_file,
+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_recv_file,
+	(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_quit,
+/* prompt function, called from main on MASTER lcore */
+static void
+	struct cmdline *cl;
+	cl = cmdline_stdin_new(main_ctx, "ntb> ");
+	if (cl == NULL)
+		return;
+	cmdline_interact(cl);
+	cmdline_stdin_exit(cl);
+static void
+signal_handler(int signum)
+	if (signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) {
+		printf("\nSignal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum);
+		signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
+		kill(getpid(), signum);
+	}
+static void
+ntb_usage(const char *prgname)
+	printf("%s [EAL options] -- [options]\n"
+	       "-i : run in interactive mode (default value is 1)\n",
+	       prgname);
+static int
+parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
+	char *prgname = argv[0], **argvopt = argv;
+	int opt, ret;
+	/* Only support interactive mode to send/recv file first. */
+	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argvopt, "i")) != EOF) {
+		switch (opt) {
+		case 'i':
+			printf("Interactive-mode selected\n");
+			interactive = 1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			ntb_usage(prgname);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (optind >= 0)
+		argv[optind-1] = prgname;
+	ret = optind-1;
+	optind = 1; /* reset getopt lib */
+	return ret;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int ret, i;
+	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
+	signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
+	ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization.\n");
+	/* Find 1st ntb rawdev. */
+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_RAWDEV_MAX_DEVS; i++)
+		if (rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name &&
+		    (strncmp(rte_rawdevs[i].driver_name, "raw_ntb", 7) == 0) &&
+		    (rte_rawdevs[i].attached == 1))
+			break;
+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot find any ntb device.\n");
+	dev_id = i;
+	argc -= ret;
+	argv += ret;
+	ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid arguments\n");
+	rte_rawdev_start(dev_id);
+	if (interactive) {
+		sleep(1);
+		prompt();
+	}
+	return 0;