[v3,4/4] build: enable MSVC specific compiler options
Commit Message
* Enable optional use of C11 atomics support.
* Enable use of C23 typeof operator.
* Explicitly force intrinsics when building with MSVC.
* Disable MSVC C runtime checks.
Signed-off-by: Tyler Retzlaff <roretzla@linux.microsoft.com>
config/meson.build | 8 ++++++++
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_EXEC_ENV_' + exec_env.to_upper(), 1)
is_ms_compiler = is_windows and (cc.get_id() == 'msvc')
is_ms_linker = is_windows and (cc.get_id() == 'clang' or is_ms_compiler)
+# MS compiler (except x86) does not support inline assembly
+if is_ms_compiler
+ dpdk_conf.set('_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', 1)
+ dpdk_conf.set('RTE_FORCE_INTRINSICS', 1)
+ add_project_arguments('/experimental:c11atomics', language: 'c')
+ add_project_arguments('/d1experimental:typeof', language: 'c')
# set the major version, which might be used by drivers and libraries
# depending on the configuration options
pver = meson.project_version().split('.')