[v2,4/6] net/mlx5: separate Tx burst template to header file

Message ID 1618209145-3055-5-git-send-email-michaelba@nvidia.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Raslan Darawsheh
Series net/mlx5: reduce Tx datapath compile time |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Michael Baum April 12, 2021, 6:32 a.m. UTC
This patch moves Tx burst and its inline functions declarations to
header file to allow its use from several separate source files and as a
possible preparation for Tx cleanup.

Signed-off-by: Michael Baum <michaelba@nvidia.com>
Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <viacheslavo@nvidia.com>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c | 3331 +-----------------------------------------
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_tx.h   | 3304 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 3305 insertions(+), 3330 deletions(-)


diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c
index 57ff407..2f36754 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c
@@ -28,57 +28,6 @@ 
 #include "mlx5_rx.h"
 #include "mlx5_tx.h"
-/* TX burst subroutines return codes. */
-enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
- * These defines are used to configure Tx burst routine option set
- * supported at compile time. The not specified options are optimized out
- * out due to if conditions can be explicitly calculated at compile time.
- * The offloads with bigger runtime check (require more CPU cycles to
- * skip) overhead should have the bigger index - this is needed to
- * select the better matching routine function if no exact match and
- * some offloads are not actually requested.
- */
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_MULTI (1u << 0) /* Multi-segment packets.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_TSO (1u << 1) /* TCP send offload supported.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_SWP (1u << 2) /* Tunnels/SW Parser offloads.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_CSUM (1u << 3) /* Check Sums offloaded. */
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_INLINE (1u << 4) /* Data inlining supported. */
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN (1u << 5) /* VLAN insertion supported.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_METADATA (1u << 6) /* Flow metadata. */
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_EMPW (1u << 8) /* Enhanced MPW supported.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_MPW (1u << 9) /* Legacy MPW supported.*/
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_TXPP (1u << 10) /* Scheduling on timestamp.*/
-/* The most common offloads groups. */
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(mask) (olx & MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_##mask)
-#define MLX5_TXOFF_DECL(func, olx) \
-static uint16_t mlx5_tx_burst_##func(void *txq, \
-				     struct rte_mbuf **pkts, \
-				    uint16_t pkts_n) \
-{ \
-	return mlx5_tx_burst_tmpl((struct mlx5_txq_data *)txq, \
-		    pkts, pkts_n, (olx)); \
 #define MLX5_TXOFF_INFO(func, olx) {mlx5_tx_burst_##func, olx},
 /* static asserts */
@@ -139,7 +88,6 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
 uint8_t mlx5_swp_types_table[1 << 10] __rte_cache_aligned;
 uint64_t rte_net_mlx5_dynf_inline_mask;
-#define PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE rte_net_mlx5_dynf_inline_mask
  * Build a table to translate Rx completion flags to packet type.
@@ -366,109 +314,6 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
- * Set Software Parser flags and offsets in Ethernet Segment of WQE.
- * Flags must be preliminary initialized to zero.
- *
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param swp_flags
- *   Pointer to store Software Parser flags
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Software Parser offsets packed in dword.
- *   Software Parser flags are set by pointer.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline uint32_t
-txq_mbuf_to_swp(struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		uint8_t *swp_flags,
-		unsigned int olx)
-	uint64_t ol, tunnel;
-	unsigned int idx, off;
-	uint32_t set;
-		return 0;
-	ol = loc->mbuf->ol_flags;
-	tunnel = ol & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK;
-	/*
-	 * Check whether Software Parser is required.
-	 * Only customized tunnels may ask for.
-	 */
-	if (likely(tunnel != PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP && tunnel != PKT_TX_TUNNEL_IP))
-		return 0;
-	/*
-	 * The index should have:
-	 * bit[0:1] = PKT_TX_L4_MASK
-	 * bit[4] = PKT_TX_IPV6
-	 * bit[8] = PKT_TX_OUTER_IPV6
-	 * bit[9] = PKT_TX_OUTER_UDP
-	 */
-	idx = (ol & (PKT_TX_L4_MASK | PKT_TX_IPV6 | PKT_TX_OUTER_IPV6)) >> 52;
-	idx |= (tunnel == PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP) ? (1 << 9) : 0;
-	*swp_flags = mlx5_swp_types_table[idx];
-	/*
-	 * Set offsets for SW parser. Since ConnectX-5, SW parser just
-	 * complements HW parser. SW parser starts to engage only if HW parser
-	 * can't reach a header. For the older devices, HW parser will not kick
-	 * in if any of SWP offsets is set. Therefore, all of the L3 offsets
-	 * should be set regardless of HW offload.
-	 */
-	off = loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len;
-		off += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	set = (off >> 1) << 8; /* Outer L3 offset. */
-	off += loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
-	if (tunnel == PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP)
-		set |= off >> 1; /* Outer L4 offset. */
-	if (ol & (PKT_TX_IPV4 | PKT_TX_IPV6)) { /* Inner IP. */
-		const uint64_t csum = ol & PKT_TX_L4_MASK;
-			off += loc->mbuf->l2_len;
-		set |= (off >> 1) << 24; /* Inner L3 offset. */
-		if (csum == PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM ||
-		    csum == PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM ||
-		    (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(TSO) && ol & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
-			off += loc->mbuf->l3_len;
-			set |= (off >> 1) << 16; /* Inner L4 offset. */
-		}
-	}
-	set = rte_cpu_to_le_32(set);
-	return set;
- * Convert the Checksum offloads to Verbs.
- *
- * @param buf
- *   Pointer to the mbuf.
- *
- * @return
- *   Converted checksum flags.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline uint8_t
-txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(struct rte_mbuf *buf)
-	uint32_t idx;
-	uint8_t is_tunnel = !!(buf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK);
-	const uint64_t ol_flags_mask = PKT_TX_TCP_SEG | PKT_TX_L4_MASK |
-	/*
-	 * The index should have:
-	 * bit[0] = PKT_TX_TCP_SEG
-	 * bit[4] = PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM
-	 * bit[8] = PKT_TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM
-	 * bit[9] = tunnel
-	 */
-	idx = ((buf->ol_flags & ol_flags_mask) >> 50) | (!!is_tunnel << 9);
-	return mlx5_cksum_table[idx];
 #define MLX5_SYSTEM_LOG_DIR "/var/log"
  * Dump debug information to log file.
@@ -720,214 +565,6 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
- * Free the mbufs from the linear array of pointers.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
- * @param pkts
- *   Pointer to array of packets to be free.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets to be freed.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		  unsigned int pkts_n,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct rte_mempool *pool = NULL;
-	struct rte_mbuf **p_free = NULL;
-	struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
-	unsigned int n_free = 0;
-	/*
-	 * The implemented algorithm eliminates
-	 * copying pointers to temporary array
-	 * for rte_mempool_put_bulk() calls.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
-	/*
-	 * Free mbufs directly to the pool in bulk
-	 * if fast free offload is engaged
-	 */
-	if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MULTI) && txq->fast_free) {
-		mbuf = *pkts;
-		pool = mbuf->pool;
-		rte_mempool_put_bulk(pool, (void *)pkts, pkts_n);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (;;) {
-		for (;;) {
-			/*
-			 * Decrement mbuf reference counter, detach
-			 * indirect and external buffers if needed.
-			 */
-			mbuf = rte_pktmbuf_prefree_seg(*pkts);
-			if (likely(mbuf != NULL)) {
-				MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf == *pkts);
-				if (likely(n_free != 0)) {
-					if (unlikely(pool != mbuf->pool))
-						/* From different pool. */
-						break;
-				} else {
-					/* Start new scan array. */
-					pool = mbuf->pool;
-					p_free = pkts;
-				}
-				++n_free;
-				++pkts;
-				--pkts_n;
-				if (unlikely(pkts_n == 0)) {
-					mbuf = NULL;
-					break;
-				}
-			} else {
-				/*
-				 * This happens if mbuf is still referenced.
-				 * We can't put it back to the pool, skip.
-				 */
-				++pkts;
-				--pkts_n;
-				if (unlikely(n_free != 0))
-					/* There is some array to free.*/
-					break;
-				if (unlikely(pkts_n == 0))
-					/* Last mbuf, nothing to free. */
-					return;
-			}
-		}
-		for (;;) {
-			/*
-			 * This loop is implemented to avoid multiple
-			 * inlining of rte_mempool_put_bulk().
-			 */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(pool);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(p_free);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(n_free);
-			/*
-			 * Free the array of pre-freed mbufs
-			 * belonging to the same memory pool.
-			 */
-			rte_mempool_put_bulk(pool, (void *)p_free, n_free);
-			if (unlikely(mbuf != NULL)) {
-				/* There is the request to start new scan. */
-				pool = mbuf->pool;
-				p_free = pkts++;
-				n_free = 1;
-				--pkts_n;
-				if (likely(pkts_n != 0))
-					break;
-				/*
-				 * This is the last mbuf to be freed.
-				 * Do one more loop iteration to complete.
-				 * This is rare case of the last unique mbuf.
-				 */
-				mbuf = NULL;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (likely(pkts_n == 0))
-				return;
-			n_free = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
- * No inline version to free buffers for optimal call
- * on the tx_burst completion.
- */
-static __rte_noinline void
-__mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		    struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		    unsigned int pkts_n,
-		    unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq, pkts, pkts_n, olx);
- * Free the mbuf from the elts ring buffer till new tail.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
- * @param tail
- *   Index in elts to free up to, becomes new elts tail.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_free_elts(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  uint16_t tail,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	uint16_t n_elts = tail - txq->elts_tail;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(n_elts);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(n_elts <= txq->elts_s);
-	/*
-	 * Implement a loop to support ring buffer wraparound
-	 * with single inlining of mlx5_tx_free_mbuf().
-	 */
-	do {
-		unsigned int part;
-		part = txq->elts_s - (txq->elts_tail & txq->elts_m);
-		part = RTE_MIN(part, n_elts);
-		MLX5_ASSERT(part);
-		MLX5_ASSERT(part <= txq->elts_s);
-		mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq,
-				  &txq->elts[txq->elts_tail & txq->elts_m],
-				  part, olx);
-		txq->elts_tail += part;
-		n_elts -= part;
-	} while (n_elts);
- * Store the mbuf being sent into elts ring buffer.
- * On Tx completion these mbufs will be freed.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
- * @param pkts
- *   Pointer to array of packets to be stored.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets to be stored.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_copy_elts(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		  unsigned int pkts_n,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	unsigned int part;
-	struct rte_mbuf **elts = (struct rte_mbuf **)txq->elts;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
-	part = txq->elts_s - (txq->elts_head & txq->elts_m);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(part);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(part <= txq->elts_s);
-	/* This code is a good candidate for vectorizing with SIMD. */
-	rte_memcpy((void *)(elts + (txq->elts_head & txq->elts_m)),
-		   (void *)pkts,
-		   RTE_MIN(part, pkts_n) * sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *));
-	txq->elts_head += pkts_n;
-	if (unlikely(part < pkts_n))
-		/* The copy is wrapping around the elts array. */
-		rte_memcpy((void *)elts, (void *)(pkts + part),
-			   (pkts_n - part) * sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *));
  * Update completion queue consuming index via doorbell
  * and flush the completed data buffers.
@@ -970,7 +607,7 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
  * NOTE: not inlined intentionally, it makes tx_burst
  * routine smaller, simple and faster - from experiments.
-static void
 mlx5_tx_handle_completion(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
 			  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
@@ -1047,54 +684,6 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
- * Check if the completion request flag should be set in the last WQE.
- * Both pushed mbufs and WQEs are monitored and the completion request
- * flag is set if any of thresholds is reached.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_request_completion(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			   unsigned int olx)
-	uint16_t head = txq->elts_head;
-	unsigned int part;
-	       0 : loc->pkts_sent - loc->pkts_copy;
-	head += part;
-	if ((uint16_t)(head - txq->elts_comp) >= MLX5_TX_COMP_THRESH ||
-	     (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_comp) >= txq->wqe_thres)) {
-		volatile struct mlx5_wqe *last = loc->wqe_last;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(last);
-		txq->elts_comp = head;
-			txq->wqe_comp = txq->wqe_ci;
-		/* Request unconditional completion on last WQE. */
-		last->cseg.flags = RTE_BE32(MLX5_COMP_ALWAYS <<
-		/* Save elts_head in dedicated free on completion queue. */
-		txq->fcqs[txq->cq_pi++ & txq->cqe_m] = head |
-			  (last->cseg.opcode >> 8) << 16;
-		txq->fcqs[txq->cq_pi++ & txq->cqe_m] = head;
-		/* A CQE slot must always be available. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT((txq->cq_pi - txq->cq_ci) <= txq->cqe_s);
-	}
  * DPDK callback to check the status of a tx descriptor.
  * @param tx_queue
@@ -1118,2924 +707,6 @@  enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
- * Build the Control Segment with specified opcode:
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Control Segment.
- * @param ds
- *   Supposed length of WQE in segments.
- * @param opcode
- *   SQ WQE opcode to put into Control Segment.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_cseg_init(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int ds,
-		  unsigned int opcode,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_cseg *__rte_restrict cs = &wqe->cseg;
-	/* For legacy MPW replace the EMPW by TSO with modifier. */
-		opcode = MLX5_OPCODE_TSO | MLX5_OPC_MOD_MPW << 24;
-	cs->opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_32((txq->wqe_ci << 8) | opcode);
-	cs->sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
-	cs->flags = RTE_BE32(MLX5_COMP_ONLY_FIRST_ERR <<
-	cs->misc = RTE_BE32(0);
- * Build the Synchronize Queue Segment with specified completion index.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Control Segment.
- * @param wci
- *   Completion index in Clock Queue to wait.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_wseg_init(struct mlx5_txq_data *restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *restrict loc __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int wci,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_qseg *qs;
-	qs = RTE_PTR_ADD(wqe, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-	qs->max_index = rte_cpu_to_be_32(wci);
-	qs->qpn_cqn = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->sh->txpp.clock_queue.cq_obj.cq->id);
-	qs->reserved0 = RTE_BE32(0);
-	qs->reserved1 = RTE_BE32(0);
- * Build the Ethernet Segment without inlined data.
- * Supports Software Parser, Checksums and VLAN
- * insertion Tx offload features.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_eseg_none(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
-	uint32_t csum;
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
-	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
-	 */
-	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
-	es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
-	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
-	 */
-	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
-	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
-	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
-		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
-		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
-	/* Engage VLAN tag insertion feature if requested. */
-	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
-		/*
-		 * We should get here only if device support
-		 * this feature correctly.
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(txq->vlan_en);
-		es->inline_hdr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(MLX5_ETH_WQE_VLAN_INSERT |
-						  loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
-	} else {
-		es->inline_hdr = RTE_BE32(0);
-	}
- * Build the Ethernet Segment with minimal inlined data
- * of MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE bytes length. This is
- * used to fill the gap in single WQEBB WQEs.
- * Supports Software Parser, Checksums and VLAN
- * insertion Tx offload features.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
- * @param vlan
- *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_eseg_dmin(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int vlan,
-		  unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
-	uint32_t csum;
-	uint8_t *psrc, *pdst;
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
-	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
-	 */
-	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
-	es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
-	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
-	 */
-	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
-	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
-	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
-		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
-		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
-	psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
-	es->inline_hdr_sz = RTE_BE16(MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
-	es->inline_data = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
-	psrc +=	sizeof(uint16_t);
-	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 1);
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
-		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
-		memcpy(pdst, psrc, 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t));
-		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
-		psrc +=	2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
-		/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. */
-		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
-						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
-						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
-		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-		/* Copy the rest two bytes from packet data. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(pdst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, sizeof(uint16_t)));
-		*(uint16_t *)pdst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
-	} else {
-		/* Fill the gap in the title WQEBB with inline data. */
-		rte_mov16(pdst, psrc);
-	}
- * Build the Ethernet Segment with entire packet
- * data inlining. Checks the boundary of WQEBB and
- * ring buffer wrapping, supports Software Parser,
- * Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
- * @param vlan
- *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
- * @param inlen
- *   Length of data to inline (VLAN included, if any).
- * @param tso
- *   TSO flag, set mss field from the packet.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Pointer to the next Data Segment (aligned and wrapped around).
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
-mlx5_tx_eseg_data(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int vlan,
-		  unsigned int inlen,
-		  unsigned int tso,
-		  unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
-	uint32_t csum;
-	uint8_t *psrc, *pdst;
-	unsigned int part;
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
-	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
-	 */
-	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
-	if (tso) {
-		csum <<= 24;
-		csum |= loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
-		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_be_32(csum);
-	} else {
-		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
-	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
-	 */
-	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
-	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
-	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
-		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
-		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
-	psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
-	es->inline_hdr_sz = rte_cpu_to_be_16(inlen);
-	es->inline_data = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
-	psrc +=	sizeof(uint16_t);
-	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 1);
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
-		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
-		memcpy(pdst, psrc, 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t));
-		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
-		psrc +=	2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
-		/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. */
-		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
-						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
-						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
-		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-		/* Copy the rest two bytes from packet data. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(pdst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, sizeof(uint16_t)));
-		*(uint16_t *)pdst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
-		psrc += sizeof(uint16_t);
-	} else {
-		/* Fill the gap in the title WQEBB with inline data. */
-		rte_mov16(pdst, psrc);
-		psrc += sizeof(rte_v128u32_t);
-	}
-	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 2);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pdst < (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end);
-	if (!inlen) {
-		return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
-	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
-	 */
-	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
-	part = RTE_MIN(part, inlen);
-	do {
-		rte_memcpy(pdst, psrc, part);
-		inlen -= part;
-		if (likely(!inlen)) {
-			/*
-			 * If return value is not used by the caller
-			 * the code below will be optimized out.
-			 */
-			pdst += part;
-			pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-			if (unlikely(pdst >= (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end))
-				pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
-		}
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-		psrc += part;
-		part = inlen;
-	} while (true);
- * Copy data from chain of mbuf to the specified linear buffer.
- * Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features. If data
- * from some mbuf copied completely this mbuf is freed. Local
- * structure is used to keep the byte stream state.
- *
- * @param pdst
- *   Pointer to the destination linear buffer.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param len
- *   Length of data to be copied.
- * @param must
- *   Length of data to be copied ignoring no inline hint.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Number of actual copied data bytes. This is always greater than or
- *   equal to must parameter and might be lesser than len in no inline
- *   hint flag is encountered.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
-mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(uint8_t *pdst,
-		    struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		    unsigned int len,
-		    unsigned int must,
-		    unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
-	unsigned int part, dlen, copy = 0;
-	uint8_t *psrc;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(must <= len);
-	do {
-		/* Allow zero length packets, must check first. */
-		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-		if (dlen <= loc->mbuf_off) {
-			/* Exhausted packet, just free. */
-			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
-			loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
-			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
-			loc->mbuf_off = 0;
-			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_nseg > 1);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf);
-			--loc->mbuf_nseg;
-			if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE) {
-				unsigned int diff;
-				if (copy >= must) {
-					/*
-					 * We already copied the minimal
-					 * requested amount of data.
-					 */
-					return copy;
-				}
-				diff = must - copy;
-				if (diff <= rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf)) {
-					/*
-					 * Copy only the minimal required
-					 * part of the data buffer.
-					 */
-					len = diff;
-				}
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		dlen -= loc->mbuf_off;
-		psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *,
-					       loc->mbuf_off);
-		part = RTE_MIN(len, dlen);
-		rte_memcpy(pdst, psrc, part);
-		copy += part;
-		loc->mbuf_off += part;
-		len -= part;
-		if (!len) {
-			if (loc->mbuf_off >= rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf)) {
-				loc->mbuf_off = 0;
-				/* Exhausted packet, just free. */
-				mbuf = loc->mbuf;
-				loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
-				rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
-				loc->mbuf_off = 0;
-				MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_nseg >= 1);
-				--loc->mbuf_nseg;
-			}
-			return copy;
-		}
-		pdst += part;
-	} while (true);
- * Build the Ethernet Segment with inlined data from
- * multi-segment packet. Checks the boundary of WQEBB
- * and ring buffer wrapping, supports Software Parser,
- * Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
- * @param vlan
- *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
- * @param inlen
- *   Length of data to inline (VLAN included, if any).
- * @param tso
- *   TSO flag, set mss field from the packet.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Pointer to the next Data Segment (aligned and
- *   possible NOT wrapped around - caller should do
- *   wrapping check on its own).
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
-mlx5_tx_eseg_mdat(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		  unsigned int vlan,
-		  unsigned int inlen,
-		  unsigned int tso,
-		  unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
-	uint32_t csum;
-	uint8_t *pdst;
-	unsigned int part, tlen = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, uint32_t field
-	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
-	 */
-	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
-	if (tso) {
-		csum <<= 24;
-		csum |= loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
-		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_be_32(csum);
-	} else {
-		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
-	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
-	 */
-	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
-	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
-	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
-		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
-		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
-	pdst = (uint8_t *)&es->inline_data;
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
-		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
-		mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(pdst, loc,
-				    2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
-				    2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN, olx);
-		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
-		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
-						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
-						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
-		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-		tlen += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN + sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pdst < (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end);
-	/*
-	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
-	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
-	 */
-	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
-	part = RTE_MIN(part, inlen - tlen);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(part);
-	do {
-		unsigned int copy;
-		/*
-		 * Copying may be interrupted inside the routine
-		 * if run into no inline hint flag.
-		 */
-		copy = tlen >= txq->inlen_mode ? 0 : (txq->inlen_mode - tlen);
-		copy = mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(pdst, loc, part, copy, olx);
-		tlen += copy;
-		if (likely(inlen <= tlen) || copy < part) {
-			es->inline_hdr_sz = rte_cpu_to_be_16(tlen);
-			pdst += copy;
-			pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
-		}
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-		part = inlen - tlen;
-	} while (true);
- * Build the Data Segment of pointer type.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param dseg
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
- * @param buf
- *   Data buffer to point.
- * @param len
- *   Data buffer length.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		 struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		 struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
-		 uint8_t *buf,
-		 unsigned int len,
-		 unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
-	dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len);
-	dseg->lkey = mlx5_tx_mb2mr(txq, loc->mbuf);
-	dseg->pbuf = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uintptr_t)buf);
- * Build the Data Segment of pointer type or inline
- * if data length is less than buffer in minimal
- * Data Segment size.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param dseg
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
- * @param buf
- *   Data buffer to point.
- * @param len
- *   Data buffer length.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
-		  uint8_t *buf,
-		  unsigned int len,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	uintptr_t dst, src;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
-	if (len > MLX5_DSEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE) {
-		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len);
-		dseg->lkey = mlx5_tx_mb2mr(txq, loc->mbuf);
-		dseg->pbuf = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uintptr_t)buf);
-		return;
-	}
-	dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len | MLX5_ETH_WQE_DATA_INLINE);
-	/* Unrolled implementation of generic rte_memcpy. */
-	dst = (uintptr_t)&dseg->inline_data[0];
-	src = (uintptr_t)buf;
-	if (len & 0x08) {
-		MLX5_ASSERT(dst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(dst, sizeof(uint32_t)));
-		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
-		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
-		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
-		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
-		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
-		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
-		*(uint64_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint64_t *)src;
-		dst += sizeof(uint64_t);
-		src += sizeof(uint64_t);
-	}
-	if (len & 0x04) {
-		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
-		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
-		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
-	}
-	if (len & 0x02) {
-		*(uint16_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)src;
-		dst += sizeof(uint16_t);
-		src += sizeof(uint16_t);
-	}
-	if (len & 0x01)
-		*(uint8_t *)dst = *(uint8_t *)src;
- * Build the Data Segment of inlined data from single
- * segment packet, no VLAN insertion.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param dseg
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
- * @param buf
- *   Data buffer to point.
- * @param len
- *   Data buffer length.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Pointer to the next Data Segment after inlined data.
- *   Ring buffer wraparound check is needed. We do not
- *   do it here because it may not be needed for the
- *   last packet in the eMPW session.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
-mlx5_tx_dseg_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
-		  uint8_t *buf,
-		  unsigned int len,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	unsigned int part;
-	uint8_t *pdst;
-		/* Store the descriptor byte counter for eMPW sessions. */
-		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len | MLX5_ETH_WQE_DATA_INLINE);
-		pdst = &dseg->inline_data[0];
-	} else {
-		/* The entire legacy MPW session counter is stored on close. */
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)dseg;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
-	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
-	 */
-	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
-	part = RTE_MIN(part, len);
-	do {
-		rte_memcpy(pdst, buf, part);
-		len -= part;
-		if (likely(!len)) {
-			pdst += part;
-				pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-			/* Note: no final wraparound check here. */
-			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
-		}
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-		buf += part;
-		part = len;
-	} while (true);
- * Build the Data Segment of inlined data from single
- * segment packet with VLAN insertion.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param dseg
- *   Pointer to the dseg fill with built Data Segment.
- * @param buf
- *   Data buffer to point.
- * @param len
- *   Data buffer length.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Pointer to the next Data Segment after inlined data.
- *   Ring buffer wraparound check is needed.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
-mlx5_tx_dseg_vlan(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
-		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
-		  uint8_t *buf,
-		  unsigned int len,
-		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	unsigned int part;
-	uint8_t *pdst;
-		/* Store the descriptor byte counter for eMPW sessions. */
-		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32
-				((len + sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) |
-		pdst = &dseg->inline_data[0];
-	} else {
-		/* The entire legacy MPW session counter is stored on close. */
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)dseg;
-	}
-	memcpy(pdst, buf, MLX5_DSEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
-	/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. Pointer is aligned. */
-	if (unlikely(pdst >= (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end))
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-	*(uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
-					      loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
-	pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	/*
-	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
-	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
-	 */
-	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
-	part = RTE_MIN(part, len);
-	do {
-		rte_memcpy(pdst, buf, part);
-		len -= part;
-		if (likely(!len)) {
-			pdst += part;
-				pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-			/* Note: no final wraparound check here. */
-			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
-		}
-		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
-		buf += part;
-		part = len;
-	} while (true);
- * Build the Ethernet Segment with optionally inlined data with
- * VLAN insertion and following Data Segments (if any) from
- * multi-segment packet. Used by ordinary send and TSO.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param wqe
- *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet/Data Segments.
- * @param vlan
- *   Length of VLAN header to insert, 0 means no VLAN insertion.
- * @param inlen
- *   Data length to inline. For TSO this parameter specifies
- *   exact value, for ordinary send routine can be aligned by
- *   caller to provide better WQE space saving and data buffer
- *   start address alignment. This length includes VLAN header
- *   being inserted.
- * @param tso
- *   Zero means ordinary send, inlined data can be extended,
- *   otherwise this is TSO, inlined data length is fixed.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   Actual size of built WQE in segments.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
-mlx5_tx_mseg_build(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		   struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
-		   unsigned int vlan,
-		   unsigned int inlen,
-		   unsigned int tso,
-		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-	unsigned int ds;
-	MLX5_ASSERT((rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf) + vlan) >= inlen);
-	loc->mbuf_nseg = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf);
-	loc->mbuf_off = 0;
-	dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_mdat(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, tso, olx);
-	if (!loc->mbuf_nseg)
-		goto dseg_done;
-	/*
-	 * There are still some mbuf remaining, not inlined.
-	 * The first mbuf may be partially inlined and we
-	 * must process the possible non-zero data offset.
-	 */
-	if (loc->mbuf_off) {
-		unsigned int dlen;
-		uint8_t *dptr;
-		/*
-		 * Exhausted packets must be dropped before.
-		 * Non-zero offset means there are some data
-		 * remained in the packet.
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_off < rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
-		MLX5_ASSERT(rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
-		dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *,
-					       loc->mbuf_off);
-		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf) - loc->mbuf_off;
-		/*
-		 * Build the pointer/minimal data Data Segment.
-		 * Do ring buffer wrapping check in advance.
-		 */
-		if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
-			dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
-		mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
-		/* Store the mbuf to be freed on completion. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free);
-		txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-		--loc->elts_free;
-		++dseg;
-		if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
-			goto dseg_done;
-		loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
-		loc->mbuf_off = 0;
-	}
-	do {
-		if (unlikely(!rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))) {
-			struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
-			/* Zero length segment found, just skip. */
-			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
-			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
-			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
-			if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
-				break;
-		} else {
-			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
-				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
-			mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr
-				(txq, loc, dseg,
-				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
-				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free);
-			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-			--loc->elts_free;
-			++dseg;
-			if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
-				break;
-			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
-		}
-	} while (true);
-	/* Calculate actual segments used from the dseg pointer. */
-	if ((uintptr_t)wqe < (uintptr_t)dseg)
-		ds = ((uintptr_t)dseg - (uintptr_t)wqe) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-	else
-		ds = (((uintptr_t)dseg - (uintptr_t)wqe) +
-		      txq->wqe_s * MLX5_WQE_SIZE) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-	return ds;
- * The routine checks timestamp flag in the current packet,
- * and push WAIT WQE into the queue if scheduling is required.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - continue processing with the packet.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - the WAIT inserted, continue processing.
- * Local context variables partially updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_schedule_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *restrict txq,
-		      struct mlx5_txq_local *restrict loc,
-		      unsigned int olx)
-	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & txq->ts_mask) {
-		struct mlx5_wqe *wqe;
-		uint64_t ts;
-		int32_t wci;
-		/*
-		 * Estimate the required space quickly and roughly.
-		 * We would like to ensure the packet can be pushed
-		 * to the queue and we won't get the orphan WAIT WQE.
-		 */
-		if (loc->wqe_free <= MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WQE_SIZE ||
-		    loc->elts_free < NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		/* Convert the timestamp into completion to wait. */
-		ts = *RTE_MBUF_DYNFIELD(loc->mbuf, txq->ts_offset, uint64_t *);
-		wci = mlx5_txpp_convert_tx_ts(txq->sh, ts);
-		if (unlikely(wci < 0))
-		/* Build the WAIT WQE with specified completion. */
-		wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 2, MLX5_OPCODE_WAIT, olx);
-		mlx5_tx_wseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, wci, olx);
-		++txq->wqe_ci;
-		--loc->wqe_free;
-	}
- * Tx one packet function for multi-segment TSO. Supports all
- * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_TSO to build WQEs,
- * sends one packet per WQE.
- *
- * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- * Local context variables partially updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_packet_multi_tso(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
-	unsigned int ds, dlen, inlen, ntcp, vlan = 0;
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Calculate data length to be inlined to estimate
-	 * the required space in WQE ring buffer.
-	 */
-	dlen = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
-		vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	inlen = loc->mbuf->l2_len + vlan +
-		loc->mbuf->l3_len + loc->mbuf->l4_len;
-	if (unlikely((!inlen || !loc->mbuf->tso_segsz)))
-	if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK)
-		inlen += loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len + loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
-	/* Packet must contain all TSO headers. */
-	if (unlikely(inlen > MLX5_MAX_TSO_HEADER ||
-		     inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE ||
-		     inlen > (dlen + vlan)))
-	MLX5_ASSERT(inlen >= txq->inlen_mode);
-	/*
-	 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
-	 * - Control Segment
-	 * - Ethernet Segment
-	 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
-	 * - ... data continued ...
-	 * - Data Segments of pointer/min inline type
-	 */
-	ds = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) + 2 + (inlen -
-				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE +
-				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
-	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
-	ntcp = (dlen - (inlen - vlan) + loc->mbuf->tso_segsz - 1) /
-		loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
-	/*
-	 * One will be added for mbuf itself
-	 * at the end of the mlx5_tx_burst from
-	 * loc->pkts_sent field.
-	 */
-	--ntcp;
-	txq->stats.opackets += ntcp;
-	txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan + ntcp * inlen;
-	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 0, MLX5_OPCODE_TSO, olx);
-	ds = mlx5_tx_mseg_build(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, 1, olx);
-	wqe->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
-	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
- * Tx one packet function for multi-segment SEND. Supports all
- * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND to build WQEs,
- * sends one packet per WQE, without any data inlining in
- * Ethernet Segment.
- *
- * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- * Local context variables partially updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			  unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
-	unsigned int ds, nseg;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-	}
-	/*
-	 * No inline at all, it means the CPU cycles saving
-	 * is prioritized at configuration, we should not
-	 * copy any packet data to WQE.
-	 */
-	nseg = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf);
-	ds = 2 + nseg;
-	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
-	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/*
-	 * Some Tx offloads may cause an error if
-	 * packet is not long enough, check against
-	 * assumed minimal length.
-	 */
-	if (rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf) <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
-	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-	txq->stats.obytes += rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
-	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
-		txq->stats.obytes += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	/*
-	 * SEND WQE, one WQEBB:
-	 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
-	 * - Ethernet Segment, optional VLAN, no inline
-	 * - Data Segments, pointer only type
-	 */
-	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds, MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-	mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqe, olx);
-	dseg = &wqe->dseg[0];
-	do {
-		if (unlikely(!rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))) {
-			struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
-			/*
-			 * Zero length segment found, have to
-			 * correct total size of WQE in segments.
-			 * It is supposed to be rare occasion, so
-			 * in normal case (no zero length segments)
-			 * we avoid extra writing to the Control
-			 * Segment.
-			 */
-			--ds;
-			wqe->cseg.sq_ds -= RTE_BE32(1);
-			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
-			loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
-			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
-			if (--nseg == 0)
-				break;
-		} else {
-			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
-				(txq, loc, dseg,
-				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
-				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
-			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-			--loc->elts_free;
-			if (--nseg == 0)
-				break;
-			++dseg;
-			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
-				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
-			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
-		}
-	} while (true);
-	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
- * Tx one packet function for multi-segment SEND. Supports all
- * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND to build WQEs,
- * sends one packet per WQE, with data inlining in
- * Ethernet Segment and minimal Data Segments.
- *
- * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- * Local context variables partially updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_packet_multi_inline(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			    struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			    unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
-	unsigned int ds, inlen, dlen, vlan = 0;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-	}
-	/*
-	 * First calculate data length to be inlined
-	 * to estimate the required space for WQE.
-	 */
-	dlen = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
-		vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-	inlen = dlen + vlan;
-	/* Check against minimal length. */
-	if (inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
-	if (inlen > txq->inlen_send ||
-	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE) {
-		struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
-		unsigned int nxlen;
-		uintptr_t start;
-		/*
-		 * Packet length exceeds the allowed inline
-		 * data length, check whether the minimal
-		 * inlining is required.
-		 */
-		if (txq->inlen_mode) {
-			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode >=
-			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode <= txq->inlen_send);
-			inlen = txq->inlen_mode;
-		} else {
-			if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE ||
-			    !vlan || txq->vlan_en) {
-				/*
-				 * VLAN insertion will be done inside by HW.
-				 * It is not utmost effective - VLAN flag is
-				 * checked twice, but we should proceed the
-				 * inlining length correctly and take into
-				 * account the VLAN header being inserted.
-				 */
-				return mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send
-							(txq, loc, olx);
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Now we know the minimal amount of data is requested
-		 * to inline. Check whether we should inline the buffers
-		 * from the chain beginning to eliminate some mbufs.
-		 */
-		mbuf = loc->mbuf;
-		nxlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
-		if (unlikely(nxlen <= txq->inlen_send)) {
-			/* We can inline first mbuf at least. */
-			if (nxlen < inlen) {
-				unsigned int smlen;
-				/* Scan mbufs till inlen filled. */
-				do {
-					smlen = nxlen;
-					mbuf = NEXT(mbuf);
-					MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf);
-					nxlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
-					nxlen += smlen;
-				} while (unlikely(nxlen < inlen));
-				if (unlikely(nxlen > txq->inlen_send)) {
-					/* We cannot inline entire mbuf. */
-					smlen = inlen - smlen;
-					start = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset
-						    (mbuf, uintptr_t, smlen);
-					goto do_align;
-				}
-			}
-			do {
-				inlen = nxlen;
-				mbuf = NEXT(mbuf);
-				/* There should be not end of packet. */
-				MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf);
-				nxlen = inlen + rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
-			} while (unlikely(nxlen < txq->inlen_send));
-		}
-		start = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, uintptr_t);
-		/*
-		 * Check whether we can do inline to align start
-		 * address of data buffer to cacheline.
-		 */
-		start = (~start + 1) & (RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
-		if (unlikely(start)) {
-			start += inlen;
-			if (start <= txq->inlen_send)
-				inlen = start;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
-	 * - Control Segment
-	 * - Ethernet Segment
-	 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
-	 * - ... data continued ...
-	 * - Data Segments of pointer/min inline type
-	 *
-	 * Estimate the number of Data Segments conservatively,
-	 * supposing no any mbufs is being freed during inlining.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(inlen <= txq->inlen_send);
-	ds = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) + 2 + (inlen -
-				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE +
-				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
-	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
-	/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
-	txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan;
-	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 0, MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-	ds = mlx5_tx_mseg_build(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, 0, olx);
-	wqe->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
-	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
- * Tx burst function for multi-segment packets. Supports all
- * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND/TSO to build WQEs,
- * sends one packet per WQE. Function stops sending if it
- * encounters the single-segment packet.
- *
- * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param[in] pkts
- *   Packets to transmit.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets in array.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet encountered.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO single-segment packet encountered.
- * Local context variables updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_mseg(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		   unsigned int pkts_n,
-		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		   unsigned int olx)
-	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
-	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
-	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
-	for (;;) {
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
-		/*
-		 * Estimate the number of free elts quickly but
-		 * conservatively. Some segment may be fully inlined
-		 * and freed, ignore this here - precise estimation
-		 * is costly.
-		 */
-		if (loc->elts_free < NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
-			/* Proceed with multi-segment TSO. */
-			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_tso(txq, loc, olx);
-		} else if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE)) {
-			/* Proceed with multi-segment SEND with inlining. */
-			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_inline(txq, loc, olx);
-		} else {
-			/* Proceed with multi-segment SEND w/o inlining. */
-			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send(txq, loc, olx);
-		}
-		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-		/* WQE is built, go to the next packet. */
-		++loc->pkts_sent;
-		--pkts_n;
-		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-		if (pkts_n > 1)
-			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-		if (likely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
-			continue;
-		/* Here ends the series of multi-segment packets. */
-		    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
- * Tx burst function for single-segment packets with TSO.
- * Supports all types of Tx offloads, except multi-packets.
- * Uses MLX5_OPCODE_TSO to build WQEs, sends one packet per WQE.
- * Function stops sending if it encounters the multi-segment
- * packet or packet without TSO requested.
- *
- * The routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head if inline
- * offloads is requested due to possible early freeing
- * of the inlined mbufs (can not store pkts array in elts
- * as a batch).
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param[in] pkts
- *   Packets to transmit.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets in array.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet encountered.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
- * Local context variables updated.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_tso(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		  unsigned int pkts_n,
-		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		  unsigned int olx)
-	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
-	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
-	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
-	for (;;) {
-		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
-		unsigned int ds, dlen, hlen, ntcp, vlan = 0;
-		uint8_t *dptr;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-		}
-		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-		    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
-			vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * First calculate the WQE size to check
-		 * whether we have enough space in ring buffer.
-		 */
-		hlen = loc->mbuf->l2_len + vlan +
-		       loc->mbuf->l3_len + loc->mbuf->l4_len;
-		if (unlikely((!hlen || !loc->mbuf->tso_segsz)))
-		if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK)
-			hlen += loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len +
-				loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
-		/* Segment must contain all TSO headers. */
-		if (unlikely(hlen > MLX5_MAX_TSO_HEADER ||
-			     hlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE ||
-			     hlen > (dlen + vlan)))
-		/*
-		 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
-		 * - Control Segment
-		 * - Ethernet Segment
-		 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
-		 * - ... data continued ...
-		 * - Finishing Data Segment of pointer type
-		 */
-		ds = 4 + (hlen - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE +
-		if (loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
-		ntcp = (dlen + vlan - hlen +
-			loc->mbuf->tso_segsz - 1) /
-			loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
-		/*
-		 * One will be added for mbuf itself at the end
-		 * of the mlx5_tx_burst from loc->pkts_sent field.
-		 */
-		--ntcp;
-		txq->stats.opackets += ntcp;
-		txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan + ntcp * hlen;
-		/*
-		 * Build the TSO WQE:
-		 * - Control Segment
-		 * - Ethernet Segment with hlen bytes inlined
-		 * - Data Segment of pointer type
-		 */
-		wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-		loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds,
-				  MLX5_OPCODE_TSO, olx);
-		dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, hlen, 1, olx);
-		dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) + hlen - vlan;
-		dlen -= hlen - vlan;
-		mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
-		/*
-		 * WQE is built, update the loop parameters
-		 * and go to the next packet.
-		 */
-		txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-		loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
-			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-		--loc->elts_free;
-		++loc->pkts_sent;
-		--pkts_n;
-		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-		if (pkts_n > 1)
-			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-		    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
-		if (likely(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)))
-		/* Continue with the next TSO packet. */
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
- * Analyze the packet and select the best method to send.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- * @param newp
- *   The predefined flag whether do complete check for
- *   multi-segment packets and TSO.
- *
- * @return
- *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
- *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO required, use TSO/LSO.
- *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet, use SEND.
- *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW - single-segment packet, use MPW.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		     struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		     unsigned int olx,
-		     bool newp)
-	/* Check for multi-segment packet. */
-	if (newp &&
-	    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
-	/* Check for TSO packet. */
-	if (newp &&
-	    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG))
-		return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
-	/* Check if eMPW is enabled at all. */
-	/* Check if eMPW can be engaged. */
-	    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) &&
-		 unlikely((rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf) +
-			   sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) > txq->inlen_empw))) {
-		/*
-		 * eMPW does not support VLAN insertion offload,
-		 * we have to inline the entire packet but
-		 * packet is too long for inlining.
-		 */
-	}
- * Check the next packet attributes to match with the eMPW batch ones.
- * In addition, for legacy MPW the packet length is checked either.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param es
- *   Pointer to Ethernet Segment of eMPW batch.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param dlen
- *   Length of previous packet in MPW descriptor.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
- *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline bool
-mlx5_tx_match_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es,
-		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		   uint32_t dlen,
-		   unsigned int olx)
-	uint8_t swp_flags = 0;
-	/* Compare the checksum flags, if any. */
-	    txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) != es->cs_flags)
-		return false;
-	/* Compare the Software Parser offsets and flags. */
-	    (es->swp_offs != txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &swp_flags, olx) ||
-	     es->swp_flags != swp_flags))
-		return false;
-	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
-		es->metadata != (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
-				 *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0))
-		return false;
-	/* Legacy MPW can send packets with the same lengt only. */
-	    dlen != rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))
-		return false;
-	/* There must be no VLAN packets in eMPW loop. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT));
-	/* Check if the scheduling is requested. */
-	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & txq->ts_mask)
-		return false;
-	return true;
- * Update send loop variables and WQE for eMPW loop
- * without data inlining. Number of Data Segments is
- * equal to the number of sent packets.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param ds
- *   Number of packets/Data Segments/Packets.
- * @param slen
- *   Accumulated statistics, bytes sent
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
- *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		   unsigned int ds,
-		   unsigned int slen,
-		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-	 txq->stats.obytes += slen;
-	(void)slen;
-	loc->elts_free -= ds;
-	loc->pkts_sent += ds;
-	ds += 2;
-	loc->wqe_last->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
-	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
- * Update send loop variables and WQE for eMPW loop
- * with data inlining. Gets the size of pushed descriptors
- * and data to the WQE.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param len
- *   Total size of descriptor/data in bytes.
- * @param slen
- *   Accumulated statistics, data bytes sent.
- * @param wqem
- *   The base WQE for the eMPW/MPW descriptor.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
- *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-mlx5_tx_idone_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		   unsigned int len,
-		   unsigned int slen,
-		   struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqem,
-		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
-	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *dseg = &wqem->dseg[0];
-	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-	 txq->stats.obytes += slen;
-	(void)slen;
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) && dseg->bcount == RTE_BE32(0)) {
-		/*
-		 * If the legacy MPW session contains the inline packets
-		 * we should set the only inline data segment length
-		 * and align the total length to the segment size.
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(len > sizeof(dseg->bcount));
-		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32((len - sizeof(dseg->bcount)) |
-		len = (len + MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE + 2;
-	} else {
-		/*
-		 * The session is not legacy MPW or contains the
-		 * data buffer pointer segments.
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT((len % MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) == 0);
-		len = len / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE + 2;
-	}
-	wqem->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | len);
-	txq->wqe_ci += (len + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_free -= (len + 3) / 4;
-	loc->wqe_last = wqem;
- * The set of Tx burst functions for single-segment packets
- * without TSO and with Multi-Packet Writing feature support.
- * Supports all types of Tx offloads, except multi-packets
- * and TSO.
- *
- * Uses MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW to build WQEs if possible and sends
- * as many packet per WQE as it can. If eMPW is not configured
- * or packet can not be sent with eMPW (VLAN insertion) the
- * ordinary SEND opcode is used and only one packet placed
- * in WQE.
- *
- * Functions stop sending if it encounters the multi-segment
- * packet or packet with TSO requested.
- *
- * The routines are responsible for storing processed mbuf
- * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head if inlining
- * offload is requested. Otherwise the copying mbufs to elts
- * can be postponed and completed at the end of burst routine.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param[in] pkts
- *   Packets to transmit.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets in array.
- * @param loc
- *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
- *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
- *
- * @return
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO packet encountered.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - used inside functions set.
- *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW - used inside functions set.
- *
- * Local context variables updated.
- *
- *
- * The routine sends packets with MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW
- * without inlining, this is dedicated optimized branch.
- * No VLAN insertion is supported.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_empw_simple(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-			  unsigned int pkts_n,
-			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			  unsigned int olx)
-	/*
-	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single()
-	 * and sends single-segment packet with eMPW opcode
-	 * without data inlining.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
-	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
-	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
-	for (;;) {
-		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-		struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict eseg;
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-		unsigned int part, loop;
-		unsigned int slen = 0;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-		}
-		part = RTE_MIN(pkts_n, MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) ?
-				       MLX5_MPW_MAX_PACKETS :
-				       MLX5_EMPW_MAX_PACKETS);
-		if (unlikely(loc->elts_free < part)) {
-			/* We have no enough elts to save all mbufs. */
-			if (unlikely(loc->elts_free < MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS))
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			/* But we still able to send at least minimal eMPW. */
-			part = loc->elts_free;
-		}
-		/* Check whether we have enough WQEs */
-		if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((2 + part + 3) / 4))) {
-			if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free <
-				((2 + MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS + 3) / 4)))
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			part = (loc->wqe_free * 4) - 2;
-		}
-		if (likely(part > 1))
-			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-		loc->wqe_last = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-		/*
-		 * Build eMPW title WQEBB:
-		 * - Control Segment, eMPW opcode
-		 * - Ethernet Segment, no inline
-		 */
-		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, loc->wqe_last, part + 2,
-		mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, loc->wqe_last,
-				  olx & ~MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN);
-		eseg = &loc->wqe_last->eseg;
-		dseg = &loc->wqe_last->dseg[0];
-		loop = part;
-		/* Store the packet length for legacy MPW. */
-			eseg->mss = rte_cpu_to_be_16
-					(rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
-		for (;;) {
-			uint32_t dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-			slen += dlen;
-			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
-				(txq, loc, dseg,
-				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
-				 dlen, olx);
-			if (unlikely(--loop == 0))
-				break;
-			loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-			if (likely(loop > 1))
-				rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-			ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
-			/*
-			 * Unroll the completion code to avoid
-			 * returning variable value - it results in
-			 * unoptimized sequent checking in caller.
-			 */
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
-				part -= loop;
-				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI;
-			}
-			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
-				part -= loop;
-				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
-			}
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
-				part -= loop;
-				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			}
-			if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW) {
-				MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-				part -= loop;
-				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Check whether packet parameters coincide
-			 * within assumed eMPW batch:
-			 * - check sum settings
-			 * - metadata value
-			 * - software parser settings
-			 * - packets length (legacy MPW only)
-			 * - scheduling is not required
-			 */
-			if (!mlx5_tx_match_empw(txq, eseg, loc, dlen, olx)) {
-				MLX5_ASSERT(loop);
-				part -= loop;
-				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				pkts_n -= part;
-				goto next_empw;
-			}
-			/* Packet attributes match, continue the same eMPW. */
-			++dseg;
-			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
-				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
-		}
-		/* eMPW is built successfully, update loop parameters. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(!loop);
-		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n >= part);
-		/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-		txq->stats.obytes += slen;
-		loc->elts_free -= part;
-		loc->pkts_sent += part;
-		txq->wqe_ci += (2 + part + 3) / 4;
-		loc->wqe_free -= (2 + part + 3) / 4;
-		pkts_n -= part;
-		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-		ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
-		if (unlikely(ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW))
-			return ret;
-		/* Continue sending eMPW batches. */
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
- * The routine sends packets with MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW
- * with inlining, optionally supports VLAN insertion.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_empw_inline(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-			  unsigned int pkts_n,
-			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			  unsigned int olx)
-	/*
-	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single()
-	 * and sends single-segment packet with eMPW opcode
-	 * with data inlining.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
-	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
-	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
-	for (;;) {
-		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqem;
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-		unsigned int room, part, nlim;
-		unsigned int slen = 0;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Limits the amount of packets in one WQE
-		 * to improve CQE latency generation.
-		 */
-		nlim = RTE_MIN(pkts_n, MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) ?
-				       MLX5_EMPW_MAX_PACKETS);
-		/* Check whether we have minimal amount WQEs */
-		if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free <
-			    ((2 + MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS + 3) / 4)))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		if (likely(pkts_n > 1))
-			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-		wqem = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-		/*
-		 * Build eMPW title WQEBB:
-		 * - Control Segment, eMPW opcode, zero DS
-		 * - Ethernet Segment, no inline
-		 */
-		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqem, 0,
-		mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqem,
-				  olx & ~MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN);
-		dseg = &wqem->dseg[0];
-		/* Store the packet length for legacy MPW. */
-			wqem->eseg.mss = rte_cpu_to_be_16
-					 (rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
-			       loc->wqe_free) * MLX5_WQE_SIZE -
-		/* Limit the room for legacy MPW sessions for performance. */
-			room = RTE_MIN(room,
-				       RTE_MAX(txq->inlen_empw +
-					       sizeof(dseg->bcount) +
-					       (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) ?
-					       sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr) : 0),
-					       MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE));
-		/* Build WQE till we have space, packets and resources. */
-		part = room;
-		for (;;) {
-			uint32_t dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-			uint8_t *dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
-			unsigned int tlen;
-			MLX5_ASSERT((room % MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE) == 0);
-			MLX5_ASSERT((uintptr_t)dseg < (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end);
-			/*
-			 * Some Tx offloads may cause an error if
-			 * packet is not long enough, check against
-			 * assumed minimal length.
-			 */
-			if (unlikely(dlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)) {
-				part -= room;
-				if (unlikely(!part))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-				/*
-				 * We have some successfully built
-				 * packet Data Segments to send.
-				 */
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-			}
-			/* Inline or not inline - that's the Question. */
-			if (dlen > txq->inlen_empw ||
-			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE)
-				goto pointer_empw;
-				if (dlen > txq->inlen_send)
-					goto pointer_empw;
-				tlen = dlen;
-				if (part == room) {
-					/* Open new inline MPW session. */
-					tlen += sizeof(dseg->bcount);
-					dseg->bcount = RTE_BE32(0);
-					dseg = RTE_PTR_ADD
-						(dseg, sizeof(dseg->bcount));
-				} else {
-					/*
-					 * No pointer and inline descriptor
-					 * intermix for legacy MPW sessions.
-					 */
-					if (wqem->dseg[0].bcount)
-						break;
-				}
-			} else {
-				tlen = sizeof(dseg->bcount) + dlen;
-			}
-			/* Inline entire packet, optional VLAN insertion. */
-			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
-				/*
-				 * The packet length must be checked in
-				 * mlx5_tx_able_to_empw() and packet
-				 * fits into inline length guaranteed.
-				 */
-				MLX5_ASSERT((dlen +
-					     sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) <=
-					    txq->inlen_empw);
-				tlen += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-				if (room < tlen)
-					break;
-				dseg = mlx5_tx_dseg_vlan(txq, loc, dseg,
-							 dptr, dlen, olx);
-				/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-				slen +=	sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-			} else {
-				if (room < tlen)
-					break;
-				dseg = mlx5_tx_dseg_empw(txq, loc, dseg,
-							 dptr, dlen, olx);
-			}
-				tlen = RTE_ALIGN(tlen, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(room >= tlen);
-			room -= tlen;
-			/*
-			 * Packet data are completely inline,
-			 * we can try to free the packet.
-			 */
-			if (likely(loc->pkts_sent == loc->mbuf_free)) {
-				/*
-				 * All the packets from the burst beginning
-				 * are inline, we can free mbufs directly
-				 * from the origin array on tx_burst exit().
-				 */
-				loc->mbuf_free++;
-				goto next_mbuf;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * In order no to call rte_pktmbuf_free_seg() here,
-			 * in the most inner loop (that might be very
-			 * expensive) we just save the mbuf in elts.
-			 */
-			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-			loc->elts_free--;
-			goto next_mbuf;
-			/*
-			 * No pointer and inline descriptor
-			 * intermix for legacy MPW sessions.
-			 */
-			    part != room &&
-			    wqem->dseg[0].bcount == RTE_BE32(0))
-				break;
-			/*
-			 * Not inlinable VLAN packets are
-			 * proceeded outside of this routine.
-			 */
-				MLX5_ASSERT(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags &
-					    PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT));
-			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
-			/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
-			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
-			loc->elts_free--;
-			room -= MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE;
-			/* Ring buffer wraparound is checked at the loop end.*/
-			++dseg;
-			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-			slen += dlen;
-			loc->pkts_sent++;
-			pkts_n--;
-			if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free)) {
-				/*
-				 * We have no resources/packets to
-				 * continue build descriptors.
-				 */
-				part -= room;
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			}
-			loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-			if (likely(pkts_n > 1))
-				rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-			ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
-			/*
-			 * Unroll the completion code to avoid
-			 * returning variable value - it results in
-			 * unoptimized sequent checking in caller.
-			 */
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
-				part -= room;
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI;
-			}
-			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
-				part -= room;
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
-			}
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
-				part -= room;
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-					     !loc->wqe_free))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			}
-			if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW) {
-				MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-				part -= room;
-				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
-						   slen, wqem, olx);
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-			}
-			/* Check if we have minimal room left. */
-			nlim--;
-			if (unlikely(!nlim || room < MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE))
-				break;
-			/*
-			 * Check whether packet parameters coincide
-			 * within assumed eMPW batch:
-			 * - check sum settings
-			 * - metadata value
-			 * - software parser settings
-			 * - packets length (legacy MPW only)
-			 * - scheduling is not required
-			 */
-			if (!mlx5_tx_match_empw(txq, &wqem->eseg,
-						loc, dlen, olx))
-				break;
-			/* Packet attributes match, continue the same eMPW. */
-			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
-				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * We get here to close an existing eMPW
-		 * session and start the new one.
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
-		part -= room;
-		if (unlikely(!part))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, wqem, olx);
-		if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
-			     !loc->wqe_free))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		/* Continue the loop with new eMPW session. */
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
- * The routine sends packets with ordinary MLX5_OPCODE_SEND.
- * Data inlining and VLAN insertion are supported.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_single_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-			  unsigned int pkts_n,
-			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-			  unsigned int olx)
-	/*
-	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single()
-	 * and sends single-segment packet with SEND opcode.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
-	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
-	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
-	for (;;) {
-		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
-		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
-			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
-			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
-			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
-				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-		}
-			unsigned int inlen, vlan = 0;
-			inlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
-				vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-				inlen += vlan;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * If inlining is enabled at configuration time
-			 * the limit must be not less than minimal size.
-			 * Otherwise we would do extra check for data
-			 * size to avoid crashes due to length overflow.
-			 */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >=
-			if (inlen <= txq->inlen_send) {
-				unsigned int seg_n, wqe_n;
-				rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod
-						(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *));
-				/* Check against minimal length. */
-				if (inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
-				if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags &
-					/*
-					 * The hint flag not to inline packet
-					 * data is set. Check whether we can
-					 * follow the hint.
-					 */
-					if ((!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(EMPW) &&
-					      txq->inlen_mode) ||
-					    (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) &&
-					     txq->inlen_mode)) {
-						if (inlen <= txq->inlen_send)
-							goto single_inline;
-						/*
-						 * The hardware requires the
-						 * minimal inline data header.
-						 */
-						goto single_min_inline;
-					}
-					if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) &&
-					    vlan && !txq->vlan_en) {
-						/*
-						 * We must insert VLAN tag
-						 * by software means.
-						 */
-						goto single_part_inline;
-					}
-					goto single_no_inline;
-				}
-				/*
-				 * Completely inlined packet data WQE:
-				 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
-				 * - Ethernet Segment, no VLAN insertion
-				 * - Data inlined, VLAN optionally inserted
-				 * - Alignment to MLX5_WSEG_SIZE
-				 * Have to estimate amount of WQEBBs
-				 */
-				seg_n = (inlen + 3 * MLX5_WSEG_SIZE -
-					 MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-				/* Check if there are enough WQEBBs. */
-				wqe_n = (seg_n + 3) / 4;
-				if (wqe_n > loc->wqe_free)
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, seg_n,
-						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-				mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe,
-						  vlan, inlen, 0, olx);
-				txq->wqe_ci += wqe_n;
-				loc->wqe_free -= wqe_n;
-				/*
-				 * Packet data are completely inlined,
-				 * free the packet immediately.
-				 */
-				rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(loc->mbuf);
-			} else if ((!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(EMPW) ||
-				     MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW)) &&
-					txq->inlen_mode) {
-				/*
-				 * If minimal inlining is requested the eMPW
-				 * feature should be disabled due to data is
-				 * inlined into Ethernet Segment, which can
-				 * not contain inlined data for eMPW due to
-				 * segment shared for all packets.
-				 */
-				struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
-				unsigned int ds;
-				uint8_t *dptr;
-				/*
-				 * The inline-mode settings require
-				 * to inline the specified amount of
-				 * data bytes to the Ethernet Segment.
-				 * We should check the free space in
-				 * WQE ring buffer to inline partially.
-				 */
-				MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >= txq->inlen_mode);
-				MLX5_ASSERT(inlen > txq->inlen_mode);
-				MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode >=
-				/*
-				 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
-				 * - Control Segment
-				 * - Ethernet Segment
-				 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
-				 * - ... data continued ...
-				 * - Finishing Data Segment of pointer type
-				 */
-				ds = (MLX5_WQE_CSEG_SIZE +
-				      MLX5_WQE_ESEG_SIZE +
-				      MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE +
-				      txq->inlen_mode -
-				      MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE +
-				      MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
-				if (loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4))
-					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-				/*
-				 * Build the ordinary SEND WQE:
-				 * - Control Segment
-				 * - Ethernet Segment, inline inlen_mode bytes
-				 * - Data Segment of pointer type
-				 */
-				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds,
-						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-				dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe, vlan,
-							 txq->inlen_mode,
-							 0, olx);
-				dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) +
-				       txq->inlen_mode - vlan;
-				inlen -= txq->inlen_mode;
-				mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg,
-						 dptr, inlen, olx);
-				/*
-				 * WQE is built, update the loop parameters
-				 * and got to the next packet.
-				 */
-				txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
-				loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
-				/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
-				txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] =
-						loc->mbuf;
-				--loc->elts_free;
-			} else {
-				uint8_t *dptr;
-				unsigned int dlen;
-				/*
-				 * Partially inlined packet data WQE, we have
-				 * some space in title WQEBB, we can fill it
-				 * with some packet data. It takes one WQEBB,
-				 * it is available, no extra space check:
-				 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
-				 * - Ethernet Segment, no VLAN insertion
-				 * - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE bytes of Data
-				 * - Data Segment, pointer type
-				 *
-				 * We also get here if VLAN insertion is not
-				 * supported by HW, the inline is enabled.
-				 */
-				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 4,
-						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-				mlx5_tx_eseg_dmin(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, olx);
-				dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) +
-				       MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE - vlan;
-				/*
-				 * The length check is performed above, by
-				 * comparing with txq->inlen_send. We should
-				 * not get overflow here.
-				 */
-				dlen = inlen - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE;
-				mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, &wqe->dseg[1],
-						 dptr, dlen, olx);
-				++txq->wqe_ci;
-				--loc->wqe_free;
-				/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
-				txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] =
-						loc->mbuf;
-				--loc->elts_free;
-			}
-			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-			txq->stats.obytes += vlan +
-					rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-		} else {
-			/*
-			 * No inline at all, it means the CPU cycles saving
-			 * is prioritized at configuration, we should not
-			 * copy any packet data to WQE.
-			 *
-			 * SEND WQE, one WQEBB:
-			 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
-			 * - Ethernet Segment, optional VLAN, no inline
-			 * - Data Segment, pointer type
-			 */
-			wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
-			loc->wqe_last = wqe;
-			mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 3,
-					  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
-			mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqe, olx);
-			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
-				(txq, loc, &wqe->dseg[0],
-				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
-				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
-			++txq->wqe_ci;
-			--loc->wqe_free;
-			/*
-			 * We should not store mbuf pointer in elts
-			 * if no inlining is configured, this is done
-			 * by calling routine in a batch copy.
-			 */
-			--loc->elts_free;
-			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
-			txq->stats.obytes += rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
-			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
-				txq->stats.obytes +=
-					sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
-		}
-		++loc->pkts_sent;
-		--pkts_n;
-		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
-			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
-		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
-		if (pkts_n > 1)
-			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
-		ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
-		if (unlikely(ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE))
-			return ret;
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
-mlx5_tx_burst_single(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		     struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		     unsigned int pkts_n,
-		     struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
-		     unsigned int olx)
-	enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-	ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, false);
-	if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
-		goto ordinary_send;
-	for (;;) {
-		/* Optimize for inline/no inline eMPW send. */
-			mlx5_tx_burst_empw_inline
-				(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx) :
-			mlx5_tx_burst_empw_simple
-				(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx);
-		if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
-			return ret;
-		/* The resources to send one packet should remain. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-		ret = mlx5_tx_burst_single_send(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx);
-		if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW)
-			return ret;
-		/* The resources to send one packet should remain. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
-	}
- * DPDK Tx callback template. This is configured template
- * used to generate routines optimized for specified offload setup.
- * One of this generated functions is chosen at SQ configuration
- * time.
- *
- * @param txq
- *   Generic pointer to TX queue structure.
- * @param[in] pkts
- *   Packets to transmit.
- * @param pkts_n
- *   Number of packets in array.
- * @param olx
- *   Configured offloads mask, presents the bits of MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_xxx
- *   values. Should be static to take compile time static configuration
- *   advantages.
- *
- * @return
- *   Number of packets successfully transmitted (<= pkts_n).
- */
-static __rte_always_inline uint16_t
-mlx5_tx_burst_tmpl(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
-		   struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
-		   uint16_t pkts_n,
-		   unsigned int olx)
-	struct mlx5_txq_local loc;
-	enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
-	unsigned int part;
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
-	if (unlikely(!pkts_n))
-		return 0;
-		loc.mbuf_free = 0;
-	loc.pkts_sent = 0;
-	loc.pkts_copy = 0;
-	loc.wqe_last = NULL;
-	loc.pkts_loop = loc.pkts_sent;
-	/*
-	 * Check if there are some CQEs, if any:
-	 * - process an encountered errors
-	 * - process the completed WQEs
-	 * - free related mbufs
-	 * - doorbell the NIC about processed CQEs
-	 */
-	rte_prefetch0(*(pkts + loc.pkts_sent));
-	mlx5_tx_handle_completion(txq, olx);
-	/*
-	 * Calculate the number of available resources - elts and WQEs.
-	 * There are two possible different scenarios:
-	 * - no data inlining into WQEs, one WQEBB may contains up to
-	 *   four packets, in this case elts become scarce resource
-	 * - data inlining into WQEs, one packet may require multiple
-	 *   WQEBBs, the WQEs become the limiting factor.
-	 */
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
-	loc.elts_free = txq->elts_s -
-				(uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail);
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
-	loc.wqe_free = txq->wqe_s -
-				(uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi);
-	if (unlikely(!loc.elts_free || !loc.wqe_free))
-		goto burst_exit;
-	for (;;) {
-		/*
-		 * Fetch the packet from array. Usually this is
-		 * the first packet in series of multi/single
-		 * segment packets.
-		 */
-		loc.mbuf = *(pkts + loc.pkts_sent);
-		/* Dedicated branch for multi-segment packets. */
-		    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc.mbuf) > 1)) {
-			/*
-			 * Multi-segment packet encountered.
-			 * Hardware is able to process it only
-			 * with SEND/TSO opcodes, one packet
-			 * per WQE, do it in dedicated routine.
-			 */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(loc.pkts_sent >= loc.pkts_copy);
-			part = loc.pkts_sent - loc.pkts_copy;
-			if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && part) {
-				/*
-				 * There are some single-segment mbufs not
-				 * stored in elts. The mbufs must be in the
-				 * same order as WQEs, so we must copy the
-				 * mbufs to elts here, before the coming
-				 * multi-segment packet mbufs is appended.
-				 */
-				mlx5_tx_copy_elts(txq, pkts + loc.pkts_copy,
-						  part, olx);
-				loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
-			}
-			MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
-			ret = mlx5_tx_burst_mseg(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
-				loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
-			/*
-			 * These returned code checks are supposed
-			 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
-			 */
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT) {
-				/*
-				 * The routine returns this code when
-				 * all packets are sent or there is no
-				 * enough resources to complete request.
-				 */
-				break;
-			}
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
-				/*
-				 * The routine returns this code when
-				 * some error in the incoming packets
-				 * format occurred.
-				 */
-				txq->stats.oerrors++;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
-				/*
-				 * The single-segment packet was encountered
-				 * in the array, try to send it with the
-				 * best optimized way, possible engaging eMPW.
-				 */
-				goto enter_send_single;
-			}
-			    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
-				/*
-				 * The single-segment TSO packet was
-				 * encountered in the array.
-				 */
-				goto enter_send_tso;
-			}
-			/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-			txq->stats.oerrors++;
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Dedicated branch for single-segment TSO packets. */
-		    unlikely(loc.mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
-			/*
-			 * TSO might require special way for inlining
-			 * (dedicated parameters) and is sent with
-			 * MLX5_OPCODE_TSO opcode only, provide this
-			 * in dedicated branch.
-			 */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc.mbuf) == 1);
-			MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
-			ret = mlx5_tx_burst_tso(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
-			/*
-			 * These returned code checks are supposed
-			 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
-			 */
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-				break;
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
-				txq->stats.oerrors++;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
-				goto enter_send_single;
-			    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
-				/*
-				 * The multi-segment packet was
-				 * encountered in the array.
-				 */
-				goto enter_send_multi;
-			}
-			/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
-			MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-			txq->stats.oerrors++;
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * The dedicated branch for the single-segment packets
-		 * without TSO. Often these ones can be sent using
-		 * MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW with multiple packets in one WQE.
-		 * The routine builds the WQEs till it encounters
-		 * the TSO or multi-segment packet (in case if these
-		 * offloads are requested at SQ configuration time).
-		 */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
-		ret = mlx5_tx_burst_single(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
-		/*
-		 * These returned code checks are supposed
-		 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
-		 */
-		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
-			break;
-		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
-			txq->stats.oerrors++;
-			break;
-		}
-		    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
-			/*
-			 * The multi-segment packet was
-			 * encountered in the array.
-			 */
-			goto enter_send_multi;
-		}
-		    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
-			/*
-			 * The single-segment TSO packet was
-			 * encountered in the array.
-			 */
-			goto enter_send_tso;
-		}
-		/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
-		MLX5_ASSERT(false);
-		txq->stats.oerrors++;
-		break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Main Tx loop is completed, do the rest:
-	 * - set completion request if thresholds are reached
-	 * - doorbell the hardware
-	 * - copy the rest of mbufs to elts (if any)
-	 */
-		    loc.pkts_sent >= loc.pkts_copy);
-	/* Take a shortcut if nothing is sent. */
-	if (unlikely(loc.pkts_sent == loc.pkts_loop))
-		goto burst_exit;
-	/* Request CQE generation if limits are reached. */
-	mlx5_tx_request_completion(txq, &loc, olx);
-	/*
-	 * Ring QP doorbell immediately after WQE building completion
-	 * to improve latencies. The pure software related data treatment
-	 * can be completed after doorbell. Tx CQEs for this SQ are
-	 * processed in this thread only by the polling.
-	 *
-	 * The rdma core library can map doorbell register in two ways,
-	 * depending on the environment variable "MLX5_SHUT_UP_BF":
-	 *
-	 * - as regular cached memory, the variable is either missing or
-	 *   set to zero. This type of mapping may cause the significant
-	 *   doorbell register writing latency and requires explicit
-	 *   memory write barrier to mitigate this issue and prevent
-	 *   write combining.
-	 *
-	 * - as non-cached memory, the variable is present and set to
-	 *   not "0" value. This type of mapping may cause performance
-	 *   impact under heavy loading conditions but the explicit write
-	 *   memory barrier is not required and it may improve core
-	 *   performance.
-	 *
-	 * - the legacy behaviour (prior 19.08 release) was to use some
-	 *   heuristics to decide whether write memory barrier should
-	 *   be performed. This behavior is supported with specifying
-	 *   tx_db_nc=2, write barrier is skipped if application
-	 *   provides the full recommended burst of packets, it
-	 *   supposes the next packets are coming and the write barrier
-	 *   will be issued on the next burst (after descriptor writing,
-	 *   at least).
-	 */
-	mlx5_tx_dbrec_cond_wmb(txq, loc.wqe_last, !txq->db_nc &&
-			(!txq->db_heu || pkts_n % MLX5_TX_DEFAULT_BURST));
-	/* Not all of the mbufs may be stored into elts yet. */
-	part = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) ? 0 : loc.pkts_sent - loc.pkts_copy;
-	if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && part) {
-		/*
-		 * There are some single-segment mbufs not stored in elts.
-		 * It can be only if the last packet was single-segment.
-		 * The copying is gathered into one place due to it is
-		 * a good opportunity to optimize that with SIMD.
-		 * Unfortunately if inlining is enabled the gaps in
-		 * pointer array may happen due to early freeing of the
-		 * inlined mbufs.
-		 */
-		mlx5_tx_copy_elts(txq, pkts + loc.pkts_copy, part, olx);
-		loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
-	}
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
-	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
-	if (pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent) {
-		/*
-		 * If burst size is large there might be no enough CQE
-		 * fetched from completion queue and no enough resources
-		 * freed to send all the packets.
-		 */
-		goto send_loop;
-	}
-	/* Increment sent packets counter. */
-	txq->stats.opackets += loc.pkts_sent;
-	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && loc.mbuf_free)
-		__mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq, pkts, loc.mbuf_free, olx);
-	return loc.pkts_sent;
 /* Generate routines with Enhanced Multi-Packet Write support. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_tx.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_tx.h
index 7f91d04..34843d4 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_tx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_tx.h
@@ -20,8 +20,64 @@ 
 #include "mlx5_autoconf.h"
 #include "mlx5_mr.h"
+/* TX burst subroutines return codes. */
+enum mlx5_txcmp_code {
+ * These defines are used to configure Tx burst routine option set supported
+ * at compile time. The not specified options are optimized out due to if
+ * conditions can be explicitly calculated at compile time.
+ * The offloads with bigger runtime check (require more CPU cycles toskip)
+ * overhead should have the bigger index - this is needed to select the better
+ * matching routine function if no exact match and some offloads are not
+ * actually requested.
+ */
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_MULTI (1u << 0) /* Multi-segment packets.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_TSO (1u << 1) /* TCP send offload supported.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_SWP (1u << 2) /* Tunnels/SW Parser offloads.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_CSUM (1u << 3) /* Check Sums offloaded. */
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_INLINE (1u << 4) /* Data inlining supported. */
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN (1u << 5) /* VLAN insertion supported.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_METADATA (1u << 6) /* Flow metadata. */
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_EMPW (1u << 8) /* Enhanced MPW supported.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_MPW (1u << 9) /* Legacy MPW supported.*/
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_TXPP (1u << 10) /* Scheduling on timestamp.*/
+/* The most common offloads groups. */
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(mask) (olx & MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_##mask)
+#define MLX5_TXOFF_DECL(func, olx) \
+static uint16_t mlx5_tx_burst_##func(void *txq, \
+				     struct rte_mbuf **pkts, \
+				    uint16_t pkts_n) \
+{ \
+	return mlx5_tx_burst_tmpl((struct mlx5_txq_data *)txq, \
+		    pkts, pkts_n, (olx)); \
 /* Mbuf dynamic flag offset for inline. */
 extern uint64_t rte_net_mlx5_dynf_inline_mask;
+#define PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE rte_net_mlx5_dynf_inline_mask
+extern uint32_t mlx5_ptype_table[] __rte_cache_aligned;
+extern uint8_t mlx5_cksum_table[1 << 10] __rte_cache_aligned;
+extern uint8_t mlx5_swp_types_table[1 << 10] __rte_cache_aligned;
 struct mlx5_txq_stats {
@@ -167,6 +223,8 @@  struct mlx5_txq_ctrl *mlx5_txq_hairpin_new
 uint16_t removed_tx_burst(void *dpdk_txq, struct rte_mbuf **pkts,
 			  uint16_t pkts_n);
+void mlx5_tx_handle_completion(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			       unsigned int olx __rte_unused);
 int mlx5_tx_descriptor_status(void *tx_queue, uint16_t offset);
 void mlx5_txq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
 		       struct rte_eth_txq_info *qinfo);
@@ -368,4 +426,3250 @@  uint32_t mlx5_tx_update_ext_mp(struct mlx5_txq_data *txq, uintptr_t addr,
 	return ci;
+ * Set Software Parser flags and offsets in Ethernet Segment of WQE.
+ * Flags must be preliminary initialized to zero.
+ *
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param swp_flags
+ *   Pointer to store Software Parser flags.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Software Parser offsets packed in dword.
+ *   Software Parser flags are set by pointer.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline uint32_t
+txq_mbuf_to_swp(struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		uint8_t *swp_flags,
+		unsigned int olx)
+	uint64_t ol, tunnel;
+	unsigned int idx, off;
+	uint32_t set;
+		return 0;
+	ol = loc->mbuf->ol_flags;
+	tunnel = ol & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK;
+	/*
+	 * Check whether Software Parser is required.
+	 * Only customized tunnels may ask for.
+	 */
+	if (likely(tunnel != PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP && tunnel != PKT_TX_TUNNEL_IP))
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * The index should have:
+	 * bit[0:1] = PKT_TX_L4_MASK
+	 * bit[4] = PKT_TX_IPV6
+	 * bit[8] = PKT_TX_OUTER_IPV6
+	 * bit[9] = PKT_TX_OUTER_UDP
+	 */
+	idx = (ol & (PKT_TX_L4_MASK | PKT_TX_IPV6 | PKT_TX_OUTER_IPV6)) >> 52;
+	idx |= (tunnel == PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP) ? (1 << 9) : 0;
+	*swp_flags = mlx5_swp_types_table[idx];
+	/*
+	 * Set offsets for SW parser. Since ConnectX-5, SW parser just
+	 * complements HW parser. SW parser starts to engage only if HW parser
+	 * can't reach a header. For the older devices, HW parser will not kick
+	 * in if any of SWP offsets is set. Therefore, all of the L3 offsets
+	 * should be set regardless of HW offload.
+	 */
+	off = loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len;
+		off += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	set = (off >> 1) << 8; /* Outer L3 offset. */
+	off += loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
+	if (tunnel == PKT_TX_TUNNEL_UDP)
+		set |= off >> 1; /* Outer L4 offset. */
+	if (ol & (PKT_TX_IPV4 | PKT_TX_IPV6)) { /* Inner IP. */
+		const uint64_t csum = ol & PKT_TX_L4_MASK;
+			off += loc->mbuf->l2_len;
+		set |= (off >> 1) << 24; /* Inner L3 offset. */
+		if (csum == PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM ||
+		    csum == PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM ||
+		    (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(TSO) && ol & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
+			off += loc->mbuf->l3_len;
+			set |= (off >> 1) << 16; /* Inner L4 offset. */
+		}
+	}
+	set = rte_cpu_to_le_32(set);
+	return set;
+ * Convert the Checksum offloads to Verbs.
+ *
+ * @param buf
+ *   Pointer to the mbuf.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Converted checksum flags.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline uint8_t
+txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(struct rte_mbuf *buf)
+	uint32_t idx;
+	uint8_t is_tunnel = !!(buf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK);
+	const uint64_t ol_flags_mask = PKT_TX_TCP_SEG | PKT_TX_L4_MASK |
+	/*
+	 * The index should have:
+	 * bit[0] = PKT_TX_TCP_SEG
+	 * bit[4] = PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM
+	 * bit[8] = PKT_TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM
+	 * bit[9] = tunnel
+	 */
+	idx = ((buf->ol_flags & ol_flags_mask) >> 50) | (!!is_tunnel << 9);
+	return mlx5_cksum_table[idx];
+ * Free the mbufs from the linear array of pointers.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
+ * @param pkts
+ *   Pointer to array of packets to be free.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets to be freed.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		  unsigned int pkts_n,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct rte_mempool *pool = NULL;
+	struct rte_mbuf **p_free = NULL;
+	struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+	unsigned int n_free = 0;
+	/*
+	 * The implemented algorithm eliminates
+	 * copying pointers to temporary array
+	 * for rte_mempool_put_bulk() calls.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
+	/*
+	 * Free mbufs directly to the pool in bulk
+	 * if fast free offload is engaged
+	 */
+	if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MULTI) && txq->fast_free) {
+		mbuf = *pkts;
+		pool = mbuf->pool;
+		rte_mempool_put_bulk(pool, (void *)pkts, pkts_n);
+		return;
+	}
+	for (;;) {
+		for (;;) {
+			/*
+			 * Decrement mbuf reference counter, detach
+			 * indirect and external buffers if needed.
+			 */
+			mbuf = rte_pktmbuf_prefree_seg(*pkts);
+			if (likely(mbuf != NULL)) {
+				MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf == *pkts);
+				if (likely(n_free != 0)) {
+					if (unlikely(pool != mbuf->pool))
+						/* From different pool. */
+						break;
+				} else {
+					/* Start new scan array. */
+					pool = mbuf->pool;
+					p_free = pkts;
+				}
+				++n_free;
+				++pkts;
+				--pkts_n;
+				if (unlikely(pkts_n == 0)) {
+					mbuf = NULL;
+					break;
+				}
+			} else {
+				/*
+				 * This happens if mbuf is still referenced.
+				 * We can't put it back to the pool, skip.
+				 */
+				++pkts;
+				--pkts_n;
+				if (unlikely(n_free != 0))
+					/* There is some array to free.*/
+					break;
+				if (unlikely(pkts_n == 0))
+					/* Last mbuf, nothing to free. */
+					return;
+			}
+		}
+		for (;;) {
+			/*
+			 * This loop is implemented to avoid multiple
+			 * inlining of rte_mempool_put_bulk().
+			 */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(pool);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(p_free);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(n_free);
+			/*
+			 * Free the array of pre-freed mbufs
+			 * belonging to the same memory pool.
+			 */
+			rte_mempool_put_bulk(pool, (void *)p_free, n_free);
+			if (unlikely(mbuf != NULL)) {
+				/* There is the request to start new scan. */
+				pool = mbuf->pool;
+				p_free = pkts++;
+				n_free = 1;
+				--pkts_n;
+				if (likely(pkts_n != 0))
+					break;
+				/*
+				 * This is the last mbuf to be freed.
+				 * Do one more loop iteration to complete.
+				 * This is rare case of the last unique mbuf.
+				 */
+				mbuf = NULL;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (likely(pkts_n == 0))
+				return;
+			n_free = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+ * No inline version to free buffers for optimal call
+ * on the tx_burst completion.
+ */
+static __rte_noinline void
+__mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		    struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		    unsigned int pkts_n,
+		    unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq, pkts, pkts_n, olx);
+ * Free the mbuf from the elts ring buffer till new tail.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
+ * @param tail
+ *   Index in elts to free up to, becomes new elts tail.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_free_elts(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  uint16_t tail,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	uint16_t n_elts = tail - txq->elts_tail;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(n_elts);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(n_elts <= txq->elts_s);
+	/*
+	 * Implement a loop to support ring buffer wraparound
+	 * with single inlining of mlx5_tx_free_mbuf().
+	 */
+	do {
+		unsigned int part;
+		part = txq->elts_s - (txq->elts_tail & txq->elts_m);
+		part = RTE_MIN(part, n_elts);
+		MLX5_ASSERT(part);
+		MLX5_ASSERT(part <= txq->elts_s);
+		mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq,
+				  &txq->elts[txq->elts_tail & txq->elts_m],
+				  part, olx);
+		txq->elts_tail += part;
+		n_elts -= part;
+	} while (n_elts);
+ * Store the mbuf being sent into elts ring buffer.
+ * On Tx completion these mbufs will be freed.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to Tx queue structure.
+ * @param pkts
+ *   Pointer to array of packets to be stored.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets to be stored.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_copy_elts(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		  unsigned int pkts_n,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	unsigned int part;
+	struct rte_mbuf **elts = (struct rte_mbuf **)txq->elts;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
+	part = txq->elts_s - (txq->elts_head & txq->elts_m);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(part);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(part <= txq->elts_s);
+	/* This code is a good candidate for vectorizing with SIMD. */
+	rte_memcpy((void *)(elts + (txq->elts_head & txq->elts_m)),
+		   (void *)pkts,
+		   RTE_MIN(part, pkts_n) * sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *));
+	txq->elts_head += pkts_n;
+	if (unlikely(part < pkts_n))
+		/* The copy is wrapping around the elts array. */
+		rte_memcpy((void *)elts, (void *)(pkts + part),
+			   (pkts_n - part) * sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *));
+ * Check if the completion request flag should be set in the last WQE.
+ * Both pushed mbufs and WQEs are monitored and the completion request
+ * flag is set if any of thresholds is reached.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_request_completion(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			   unsigned int olx)
+	uint16_t head = txq->elts_head;
+	unsigned int part;
+	       0 : loc->pkts_sent - loc->pkts_copy;
+	head += part;
+	if ((uint16_t)(head - txq->elts_comp) >= MLX5_TX_COMP_THRESH ||
+	     (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_comp) >= txq->wqe_thres)) {
+		volatile struct mlx5_wqe *last = loc->wqe_last;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(last);
+		txq->elts_comp = head;
+			txq->wqe_comp = txq->wqe_ci;
+		/* Request unconditional completion on last WQE. */
+		last->cseg.flags = RTE_BE32(MLX5_COMP_ALWAYS <<
+		/* Save elts_head in dedicated free on completion queue. */
+		txq->fcqs[txq->cq_pi++ & txq->cqe_m] = head |
+			  (last->cseg.opcode >> 8) << 16;
+		txq->fcqs[txq->cq_pi++ & txq->cqe_m] = head;
+		/* A CQE slot must always be available. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT((txq->cq_pi - txq->cq_ci) <= txq->cqe_s);
+	}
+ * Build the Control Segment with specified opcode:
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Control Segment.
+ * @param ds
+ *   Supposed length of WQE in segments.
+ * @param opcode
+ *   SQ WQE opcode to put into Control Segment.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_cseg_init(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int ds,
+		  unsigned int opcode,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_cseg *__rte_restrict cs = &wqe->cseg;
+	/* For legacy MPW replace the EMPW by TSO with modifier. */
+		opcode = MLX5_OPCODE_TSO | MLX5_OPC_MOD_MPW << 24;
+	cs->opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_32((txq->wqe_ci << 8) | opcode);
+	cs->sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
+	cs->flags = RTE_BE32(MLX5_COMP_ONLY_FIRST_ERR <<
+	cs->misc = RTE_BE32(0);
+ * Build the Synchronize Queue Segment with specified completion index.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Control Segment.
+ * @param wci
+ *   Completion index in Clock Queue to wait.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_wseg_init(struct mlx5_txq_data *restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *restrict loc __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int wci,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_qseg *qs;
+	qs = RTE_PTR_ADD(wqe, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+	qs->max_index = rte_cpu_to_be_32(wci);
+	qs->qpn_cqn = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->sh->txpp.clock_queue.cq_obj.cq->id);
+	qs->reserved0 = RTE_BE32(0);
+	qs->reserved1 = RTE_BE32(0);
+ * Build the Ethernet Segment without inlined data.
+ * Supports Software Parser, Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_eseg_none(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
+	uint32_t csum;
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
+	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
+	 */
+	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
+	es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
+	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
+	 */
+	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
+	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
+	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
+		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
+		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
+	/* Engage VLAN tag insertion feature if requested. */
+	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
+		/*
+		 * We should get here only if device support
+		 * this feature correctly.
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(txq->vlan_en);
+		es->inline_hdr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(MLX5_ETH_WQE_VLAN_INSERT |
+						  loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
+	} else {
+		es->inline_hdr = RTE_BE32(0);
+	}
+ * Build the Ethernet Segment with minimal inlined data
+ * of MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE bytes length. This is
+ * used to fill the gap in single WQEBB WQEs.
+ * Supports Software Parser, Checksums and VLAN
+ * insertion Tx offload features.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
+ * @param vlan
+ *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_eseg_dmin(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int vlan,
+		  unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
+	uint32_t csum;
+	uint8_t *psrc, *pdst;
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
+	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
+	 */
+	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
+	es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
+	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
+	 */
+	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
+	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
+	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
+		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
+		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
+	psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
+	es->inline_hdr_sz = RTE_BE16(MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
+	es->inline_data = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
+	psrc +=	sizeof(uint16_t);
+	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 1);
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
+		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
+		memcpy(pdst, psrc, 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t));
+		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
+		psrc +=	2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
+		/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. */
+		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
+						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
+						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
+		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+		/* Copy the rest two bytes from packet data. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(pdst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, sizeof(uint16_t)));
+		*(uint16_t *)pdst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
+	} else {
+		/* Fill the gap in the title WQEBB with inline data. */
+		rte_mov16(pdst, psrc);
+	}
+ * Build the Ethernet Segment with entire packet data inlining. Checks the
+ * boundary of WQEBB and ring buffer wrapping, supports Software Parser,
+ * Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
+ * @param vlan
+ *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
+ * @param inlen
+ *   Length of data to inline (VLAN included, if any).
+ * @param tso
+ *   TSO flag, set mss field from the packet.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pointer to the next Data Segment (aligned and wrapped around).
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
+mlx5_tx_eseg_data(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int vlan,
+		  unsigned int inlen,
+		  unsigned int tso,
+		  unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
+	uint32_t csum;
+	uint8_t *psrc, *pdst;
+	unsigned int part;
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, dword field
+	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
+	 */
+	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
+	if (tso) {
+		csum <<= 24;
+		csum |= loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
+		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_be_32(csum);
+	} else {
+		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
+	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
+	 */
+	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
+	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
+	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
+		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
+		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
+	psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
+	es->inline_hdr_sz = rte_cpu_to_be_16(inlen);
+	es->inline_data = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
+	psrc +=	sizeof(uint16_t);
+	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 1);
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
+		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
+		memcpy(pdst, psrc, 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t));
+		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
+		psrc +=	2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN - sizeof(uint16_t);
+		/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. */
+		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
+						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
+						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
+		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+		/* Copy the rest two bytes from packet data. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(pdst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, sizeof(uint16_t)));
+		*(uint16_t *)pdst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)psrc;
+		psrc += sizeof(uint16_t);
+	} else {
+		/* Fill the gap in the title WQEBB with inline data. */
+		rte_mov16(pdst, psrc);
+		psrc += sizeof(rte_v128u32_t);
+	}
+	pdst = (uint8_t *)(es + 2);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pdst < (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end);
+	if (!inlen) {
+		return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
+	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
+	 */
+	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
+	part = RTE_MIN(part, inlen);
+	do {
+		rte_memcpy(pdst, psrc, part);
+		inlen -= part;
+		if (likely(!inlen)) {
+			/*
+			 * If return value is not used by the caller
+			 * the code below will be optimized out.
+			 */
+			pdst += part;
+			pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+			if (unlikely(pdst >= (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end))
+				pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
+		}
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+		psrc += part;
+		part = inlen;
+	} while (true);
+ * Copy data from chain of mbuf to the specified linear buffer.
+ * Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features. If data
+ * from some mbuf copied completely this mbuf is freed. Local
+ * structure is used to keep the byte stream state.
+ *
+ * @param pdst
+ *   Pointer to the destination linear buffer.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param len
+ *   Length of data to be copied.
+ * @param must
+ *   Length of data to be copied ignoring no inline hint.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Number of actual copied data bytes. This is always greater than or
+ *   equal to must parameter and might be lesser than len in no inline
+ *   hint flag is encountered.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
+mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(uint8_t *pdst,
+		    struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		    unsigned int len,
+		    unsigned int must,
+		    unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+	unsigned int part, dlen, copy = 0;
+	uint8_t *psrc;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(must <= len);
+	do {
+		/* Allow zero length packets, must check first. */
+		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+		if (dlen <= loc->mbuf_off) {
+			/* Exhausted packet, just free. */
+			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
+			loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
+			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
+			loc->mbuf_off = 0;
+			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_nseg > 1);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf);
+			--loc->mbuf_nseg;
+			if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE) {
+				unsigned int diff;
+				if (copy >= must) {
+					/*
+					 * We already copied the minimal
+					 * requested amount of data.
+					 */
+					return copy;
+				}
+				diff = must - copy;
+				if (diff <= rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf)) {
+					/*
+					 * Copy only the minimal required
+					 * part of the data buffer.
+					 */
+					len = diff;
+				}
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		dlen -= loc->mbuf_off;
+		psrc = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *,
+					       loc->mbuf_off);
+		part = RTE_MIN(len, dlen);
+		rte_memcpy(pdst, psrc, part);
+		copy += part;
+		loc->mbuf_off += part;
+		len -= part;
+		if (!len) {
+			if (loc->mbuf_off >= rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf)) {
+				loc->mbuf_off = 0;
+				/* Exhausted packet, just free. */
+				mbuf = loc->mbuf;
+				loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
+				rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
+				loc->mbuf_off = 0;
+				MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_nseg >= 1);
+				--loc->mbuf_nseg;
+			}
+			return copy;
+		}
+		pdst += part;
+	} while (true);
+ * Build the Ethernet Segment with inlined data from multi-segment packet.
+ * Checks the boundary of WQEBB and ring buffer wrapping, supports Software
+ * Parser, Checksums and VLAN insertion Tx offload features.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet Segment.
+ * @param vlan
+ *   Length of VLAN tag insertion if any.
+ * @param inlen
+ *   Length of data to inline (VLAN included, if any).
+ * @param tso
+ *   TSO flag, set mss field from the packet.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pointer to the next Data Segment (aligned and possible NOT wrapped
+ *   around - caller should do wrapping check on its own).
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
+mlx5_tx_eseg_mdat(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		  unsigned int vlan,
+		  unsigned int inlen,
+		  unsigned int tso,
+		  unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es = &wqe->eseg;
+	uint32_t csum;
+	uint8_t *pdst;
+	unsigned int part, tlen = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set check sum flags first, uint32_t field
+	 * in segment may be shared with Software Parser flags.
+	 */
+	csum = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(CSUM) ? txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) : 0;
+	if (tso) {
+		csum <<= 24;
+		csum |= loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
+		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_be_32(csum);
+	} else {
+		es->flags = rte_cpu_to_le_32(csum);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Calculate and set Software Parser offsets and flags.
+	 * These flags a set for custom UDP and IP tunnel packets.
+	 */
+	es->swp_offs = txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &es->swp_flags, olx);
+	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
+	es->metadata = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(METADATA) ?
+		       loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
+		       *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0 : 0;
+	pdst = (uint8_t *)&es->inline_data;
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && vlan) {
+		/* Implement VLAN tag insertion as part inline data. */
+		mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(pdst, loc,
+				    2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
+				    2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN, olx);
+		pdst += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+		*(unaligned_uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32
+						((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
+						 loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
+		pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+		tlen += 2 * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN + sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pdst < (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end);
+	/*
+	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
+	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
+	 */
+	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
+	part = RTE_MIN(part, inlen - tlen);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(part);
+	do {
+		unsigned int copy;
+		/*
+		 * Copying may be interrupted inside the routine
+		 * if run into no inline hint flag.
+		 */
+		copy = tlen >= txq->inlen_mode ? 0 : (txq->inlen_mode - tlen);
+		copy = mlx5_tx_mseg_memcpy(pdst, loc, part, copy, olx);
+		tlen += copy;
+		if (likely(inlen <= tlen) || copy < part) {
+			es->inline_hdr_sz = rte_cpu_to_be_16(tlen);
+			pdst += copy;
+			pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
+		}
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+		part = inlen - tlen;
+	} while (true);
+ * Build the Data Segment of pointer type.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param dseg
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
+ * @param buf
+ *   Data buffer to point.
+ * @param len
+ *   Data buffer length.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		 struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		 struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
+		 uint8_t *buf,
+		 unsigned int len,
+		 unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
+	dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len);
+	dseg->lkey = mlx5_tx_mb2mr(txq, loc->mbuf);
+	dseg->pbuf = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uintptr_t)buf);
+ * Build the Data Segment of pointer type or inline if data length is less than
+ * buffer in minimal Data Segment size.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param dseg
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
+ * @param buf
+ *   Data buffer to point.
+ * @param len
+ *   Data buffer length.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
+		  uint8_t *buf,
+		  unsigned int len,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	uintptr_t dst, src;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(len);
+	if (len > MLX5_DSEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE) {
+		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len);
+		dseg->lkey = mlx5_tx_mb2mr(txq, loc->mbuf);
+		dseg->pbuf = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uintptr_t)buf);
+		return;
+	}
+	dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len | MLX5_ETH_WQE_DATA_INLINE);
+	/* Unrolled implementation of generic rte_memcpy. */
+	dst = (uintptr_t)&dseg->inline_data[0];
+	src = (uintptr_t)buf;
+	if (len & 0x08) {
+		MLX5_ASSERT(dst == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(dst, sizeof(uint32_t)));
+		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
+		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
+		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		*(uint64_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint64_t *)src;
+		dst += sizeof(uint64_t);
+		src += sizeof(uint64_t);
+	}
+	if (len & 0x04) {
+		*(uint32_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint32_t *)src;
+		dst += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		src += sizeof(uint32_t);
+	}
+	if (len & 0x02) {
+		*(uint16_t *)dst = *(unaligned_uint16_t *)src;
+		dst += sizeof(uint16_t);
+		src += sizeof(uint16_t);
+	}
+	if (len & 0x01)
+		*(uint8_t *)dst = *(uint8_t *)src;
+ * Build the Data Segment of inlined data from single
+ * segment packet, no VLAN insertion.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param dseg
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Data Segment.
+ * @param buf
+ *   Data buffer to point.
+ * @param len
+ *   Data buffer length.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pointer to the next Data Segment after inlined data.
+ *   Ring buffer wraparound check is needed. We do not do it here because it
+ *   may not be needed for the last packet in the eMPW session.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
+mlx5_tx_dseg_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
+		  uint8_t *buf,
+		  unsigned int len,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	unsigned int part;
+	uint8_t *pdst;
+		/* Store the descriptor byte counter for eMPW sessions. */
+		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32(len | MLX5_ETH_WQE_DATA_INLINE);
+		pdst = &dseg->inline_data[0];
+	} else {
+		/* The entire legacy MPW session counter is stored on close. */
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)dseg;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
+	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
+	 */
+	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
+	part = RTE_MIN(part, len);
+	do {
+		rte_memcpy(pdst, buf, part);
+		len -= part;
+		if (likely(!len)) {
+			pdst += part;
+				pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+			/* Note: no final wraparound check here. */
+			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
+		}
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+		buf += part;
+		part = len;
+	} while (true);
+ * Build the Data Segment of inlined data from single
+ * segment packet with VLAN insertion.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param dseg
+ *   Pointer to the dseg fill with built Data Segment.
+ * @param buf
+ *   Data buffer to point.
+ * @param len
+ *   Data buffer length.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pointer to the next Data Segment after inlined data.
+ *   Ring buffer wraparound check is needed.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *
+mlx5_tx_dseg_vlan(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc __rte_unused,
+		  struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg,
+		  uint8_t *buf,
+		  unsigned int len,
+		  unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	unsigned int part;
+	uint8_t *pdst;
+		/* Store the descriptor byte counter for eMPW sessions. */
+		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32
+				((len + sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) |
+		pdst = &dseg->inline_data[0];
+	} else {
+		/* The entire legacy MPW session counter is stored on close. */
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)dseg;
+	}
+	memcpy(pdst, buf, MLX5_DSEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
+	/* Insert VLAN ethertype + VLAN tag. Pointer is aligned. */
+	if (unlikely(pdst >= (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end))
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+	*(uint32_t *)pdst = rte_cpu_to_be_32((RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN << 16) |
+					      loc->mbuf->vlan_tci);
+	pdst += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	/*
+	 * The WQEBB space availability is checked by caller.
+	 * Here we should be aware of WQE ring buffer wraparound only.
+	 */
+	part = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes_end - pdst;
+	part = RTE_MIN(part, len);
+	do {
+		rte_memcpy(pdst, buf, part);
+		len -= part;
+		if (likely(!len)) {
+			pdst += part;
+				pdst = RTE_PTR_ALIGN(pdst, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+			/* Note: no final wraparound check here. */
+			return (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)pdst;
+		}
+		pdst = (uint8_t *)txq->wqes;
+		buf += part;
+		part = len;
+	} while (true);
+ * Build the Ethernet Segment with optionally inlined data with
+ * VLAN insertion and following Data Segments (if any) from
+ * multi-segment packet. Used by ordinary send and TSO.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param wqe
+ *   Pointer to WQE to fill with built Ethernet/Data Segments.
+ * @param vlan
+ *   Length of VLAN header to insert, 0 means no VLAN insertion.
+ * @param inlen
+ *   Data length to inline. For TSO this parameter specifies exact value,
+ *   for ordinary send routine can be aligned by caller to provide better WQE
+ *   space saving and data buffer start address alignment.
+ *   This length includes VLAN header being inserted.
+ * @param tso
+ *   Zero means ordinary send, inlined data can be extended,
+ *   otherwise this is TSO, inlined data length is fixed.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Actual size of built WQE in segments.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
+mlx5_tx_mseg_build(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		   struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe,
+		   unsigned int vlan,
+		   unsigned int inlen,
+		   unsigned int tso,
+		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+	unsigned int ds;
+	MLX5_ASSERT((rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf) + vlan) >= inlen);
+	loc->mbuf_nseg = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf);
+	loc->mbuf_off = 0;
+	dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_mdat(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, tso, olx);
+	if (!loc->mbuf_nseg)
+		goto dseg_done;
+	/*
+	 * There are still some mbuf remaining, not inlined.
+	 * The first mbuf may be partially inlined and we
+	 * must process the possible non-zero data offset.
+	 */
+	if (loc->mbuf_off) {
+		unsigned int dlen;
+		uint8_t *dptr;
+		/*
+		 * Exhausted packets must be dropped before.
+		 * Non-zero offset means there are some data
+		 * remained in the packet.
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->mbuf_off < rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
+		MLX5_ASSERT(rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
+		dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *,
+					       loc->mbuf_off);
+		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf) - loc->mbuf_off;
+		/*
+		 * Build the pointer/minimal Data Segment.
+		 * Do ring buffer wrapping check in advance.
+		 */
+		if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
+			dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
+		mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
+		/* Store the mbuf to be freed on completion. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free);
+		txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+		--loc->elts_free;
+		++dseg;
+		if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
+			goto dseg_done;
+		loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
+		loc->mbuf_off = 0;
+	}
+	do {
+		if (unlikely(!rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))) {
+			struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+			/* Zero length segment found, just skip. */
+			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
+			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
+			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
+			if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
+				break;
+		} else {
+			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
+				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
+			mlx5_tx_dseg_iptr
+				(txq, loc, dseg,
+				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
+				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free);
+			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+			--loc->elts_free;
+			++dseg;
+			if (--loc->mbuf_nseg == 0)
+				break;
+			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
+		}
+	} while (true);
+	/* Calculate actual segments used from the dseg pointer. */
+	if ((uintptr_t)wqe < (uintptr_t)dseg)
+		ds = ((uintptr_t)dseg - (uintptr_t)wqe) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+	else
+		ds = (((uintptr_t)dseg - (uintptr_t)wqe) +
+		      txq->wqe_s * MLX5_WQE_SIZE) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+	return ds;
+ * The routine checks timestamp flag in the current packet,
+ * and push WAIT WQE into the queue if scheduling is required.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - continue processing with the packet.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - the WAIT inserted, continue processing.
+ * Local context variables partially updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_schedule_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *restrict txq,
+		      struct mlx5_txq_local *restrict loc,
+		      unsigned int olx)
+	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & txq->ts_mask) {
+		struct mlx5_wqe *wqe;
+		uint64_t ts;
+		int32_t wci;
+		/*
+		 * Estimate the required space quickly and roughly.
+		 * We would like to ensure the packet can be pushed
+		 * to the queue and we won't get the orphan WAIT WQE.
+		 */
+		if (loc->wqe_free <= MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WQE_SIZE ||
+		    loc->elts_free < NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		/* Convert the timestamp into completion to wait. */
+		ts = *RTE_MBUF_DYNFIELD(loc->mbuf, txq->ts_offset, uint64_t *);
+		wci = mlx5_txpp_convert_tx_ts(txq->sh, ts);
+		if (unlikely(wci < 0))
+		/* Build the WAIT WQE with specified completion. */
+		wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 2, MLX5_OPCODE_WAIT, olx);
+		mlx5_tx_wseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, wci, olx);
+		++txq->wqe_ci;
+		--loc->wqe_free;
+	}
+ * Tx one packet function for multi-segment TSO. Supports all
+ * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_TSO to build WQEs,
+ * sends one packet per WQE.
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
+ * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ * Local context variables partially updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_packet_multi_tso(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
+	unsigned int ds, dlen, inlen, ntcp, vlan = 0;
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Calculate data length to be inlined to estimate
+	 * the required space in WQE ring buffer.
+	 */
+	dlen = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
+		vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	inlen = loc->mbuf->l2_len + vlan +
+		loc->mbuf->l3_len + loc->mbuf->l4_len;
+	if (unlikely((!inlen || !loc->mbuf->tso_segsz)))
+	if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK)
+		inlen += loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len + loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
+	/* Packet must contain all TSO headers. */
+	if (unlikely(inlen > MLX5_MAX_TSO_HEADER ||
+		     inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE ||
+		     inlen > (dlen + vlan)))
+	MLX5_ASSERT(inlen >= txq->inlen_mode);
+	/*
+	 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
+	 * - Control Segment
+	 * - Ethernet Segment
+	 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
+	 * - ... data continued ...
+	 * - Data Segments of pointer/min inline type
+	 */
+	ds = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) + 2 + (inlen -
+				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE +
+				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
+	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
+	ntcp = (dlen - (inlen - vlan) + loc->mbuf->tso_segsz - 1) /
+		loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
+	/*
+	 * One will be added for mbuf itself at the end of the mlx5_tx_burst
+	 * from loc->pkts_sent field.
+	 */
+	--ntcp;
+	txq->stats.opackets += ntcp;
+	txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan + ntcp * inlen;
+	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 0, MLX5_OPCODE_TSO, olx);
+	ds = mlx5_tx_mseg_build(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, 1, olx);
+	wqe->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
+	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+ * Tx one packet function for multi-segment SEND. Supports all types of Tx
+ * offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND to build WQEs, sends one packet per WQE,
+ * without any data inlining in Ethernet Segment.
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
+ * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ * Local context variables partially updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			  unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
+	unsigned int ds, nseg;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+	}
+	/*
+	 * No inline at all, it means the CPU cycles saving is prioritized at
+	 * configuration, we should not copy any packet data to WQE.
+	 */
+	nseg = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf);
+	ds = 2 + nseg;
+	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
+	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/*
+	 * Some Tx offloads may cause an error if packet is not long enough,
+	 * check against assumed minimal length.
+	 */
+	if (rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf) <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
+	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+	txq->stats.obytes += rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
+	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
+		txq->stats.obytes += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	/*
+	 * SEND WQE, one WQEBB:
+	 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
+	 * - Ethernet Segment, optional VLAN, no inline
+	 * - Data Segments, pointer only type
+	 */
+	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds, MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+	mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqe, olx);
+	dseg = &wqe->dseg[0];
+	do {
+		if (unlikely(!rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))) {
+			struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+			/*
+			 * Zero length segment found, have to correct total
+			 * size of WQE in segments.
+			 * It is supposed to be rare occasion, so in normal
+			 * case (no zero length segments) we avoid extra
+			 * writing to the Control Segment.
+			 */
+			--ds;
+			wqe->cseg.sq_ds -= RTE_BE32(1);
+			mbuf = loc->mbuf;
+			loc->mbuf = mbuf->next;
+			rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(mbuf);
+			if (--nseg == 0)
+				break;
+		} else {
+			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
+				(txq, loc, dseg,
+				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
+				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
+			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+			--loc->elts_free;
+			if (--nseg == 0)
+				break;
+			++dseg;
+			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
+				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
+			loc->mbuf = loc->mbuf->next;
+		}
+	} while (true);
+	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+ * Tx one packet function for multi-segment SEND. Supports all
+ * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND to build WQEs,
+ * sends one packet per WQE, with data inlining in
+ * Ethernet Segment and minimal Data Segments.
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
+ * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ * Local context variables partially updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_packet_multi_inline(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			    struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			    unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
+	unsigned int ds, inlen, dlen, vlan = 0;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+		/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+		wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+	}
+	/*
+	 * First calculate data length to be inlined
+	 * to estimate the required space for WQE.
+	 */
+	dlen = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(loc->mbuf);
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) && loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
+		vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+	inlen = dlen + vlan;
+	/* Check against minimal length. */
+	if (inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE);
+	if (inlen > txq->inlen_send ||
+	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE) {
+		struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+		unsigned int nxlen;
+		uintptr_t start;
+		/*
+		 * Packet length exceeds the allowed inline data length,
+		 * check whether the minimal inlining is required.
+		 */
+		if (txq->inlen_mode) {
+			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode >=
+			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode <= txq->inlen_send);
+			inlen = txq->inlen_mode;
+		} else {
+			if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE ||
+			    !vlan || txq->vlan_en) {
+				/*
+				 * VLAN insertion will be done inside by HW.
+				 * It is not utmost effective - VLAN flag is
+				 * checked twice, but we should proceed the
+				 * inlining length correctly and take into
+				 * account the VLAN header being inserted.
+				 */
+				return mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send
+							(txq, loc, olx);
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Now we know the minimal amount of data is requested
+		 * to inline. Check whether we should inline the buffers
+		 * from the chain beginning to eliminate some mbufs.
+		 */
+		mbuf = loc->mbuf;
+		nxlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
+		if (unlikely(nxlen <= txq->inlen_send)) {
+			/* We can inline first mbuf at least. */
+			if (nxlen < inlen) {
+				unsigned int smlen;
+				/* Scan mbufs till inlen filled. */
+				do {
+					smlen = nxlen;
+					mbuf = NEXT(mbuf);
+					MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf);
+					nxlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
+					nxlen += smlen;
+				} while (unlikely(nxlen < inlen));
+				if (unlikely(nxlen > txq->inlen_send)) {
+					/* We cannot inline entire mbuf. */
+					smlen = inlen - smlen;
+					start = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset
+						    (mbuf, uintptr_t, smlen);
+					goto do_align;
+				}
+			}
+			do {
+				inlen = nxlen;
+				mbuf = NEXT(mbuf);
+				/* There should be not end of packet. */
+				MLX5_ASSERT(mbuf);
+				nxlen = inlen + rte_pktmbuf_data_len(mbuf);
+			} while (unlikely(nxlen < txq->inlen_send));
+		}
+		start = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, uintptr_t);
+		/*
+		 * Check whether we can do inline to align start
+		 * address of data buffer to cacheline.
+		 */
+		start = (~start + 1) & (RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
+		if (unlikely(start)) {
+			start += inlen;
+			if (start <= txq->inlen_send)
+				inlen = start;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
+	 * - Control Segment
+	 * - Ethernet Segment
+	 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
+	 * - ... data continued ...
+	 * - Data Segments of pointer/min inline type
+	 *
+	 * Estimate the number of Data Segments conservatively,
+	 * supposing no any mbufs is being freed during inlining.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(inlen <= txq->inlen_send);
+	ds = NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) + 2 + (inlen -
+				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE +
+				       MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+	if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/* Check for maximal WQE size. */
+	if (unlikely((MLX5_WQE_SIZE_MAX / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) < ((ds + 3) / 4)))
+	/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
+	txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan;
+	wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+	loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+	mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 0, MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+	ds = mlx5_tx_mseg_build(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, inlen, 0, olx);
+	wqe->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
+	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+ * Tx burst function for multi-segment packets. Supports all
+ * types of Tx offloads, uses MLX5_OPCODE_SEND/TSO to build WQEs,
+ * sends one packet per WQE. Function stops sending if it
+ * encounters the single-segment packet.
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf
+ * into elts ring buffer and update elts_head.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param[in] pkts
+ *   Packets to transmit.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets in array.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet encountered.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO single-segment packet encountered.
+ * Local context variables updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_mseg(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		   unsigned int pkts_n,
+		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		   unsigned int olx)
+	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
+	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
+	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
+	for (;;) {
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1);
+		/*
+		 * Estimate the number of free elts quickly but conservatively.
+		 * Some segment may be fully inlined and freed,
+		 * ignore this here - precise estimation is costly.
+		 */
+		if (loc->elts_free < NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
+			/* Proceed with multi-segment TSO. */
+			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_tso(txq, loc, olx);
+		} else if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE)) {
+			/* Proceed with multi-segment SEND with inlining. */
+			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_inline(txq, loc, olx);
+		} else {
+			/* Proceed with multi-segment SEND w/o inlining. */
+			ret = mlx5_tx_packet_multi_send(txq, loc, olx);
+		}
+		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+		/* WQE is built, go to the next packet. */
+		++loc->pkts_sent;
+		--pkts_n;
+		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+		if (pkts_n > 1)
+			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+		if (likely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
+			continue;
+		/* Here ends the series of multi-segment packets. */
+		    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+ * Tx burst function for single-segment packets with TSO.
+ * Supports all types of Tx offloads, except multi-packets.
+ * Uses MLX5_OPCODE_TSO to build WQEs, sends one packet per WQE.
+ * Function stops sending if it encounters the multi-segment
+ * packet or packet without TSO requested.
+ *
+ * The routine is responsible for storing processed mbuf into elts ring buffer
+ * and update elts_head if inline offloads is requested due to possible early
+ * freeing of the inlined mbufs (can not store pkts array in elts as a batch).
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param[in] pkts
+ *   Packets to transmit.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets in array.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet encountered.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
+ * Local context variables updated.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_tso(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		  unsigned int pkts_n,
+		  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		  unsigned int olx)
+	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
+	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
+	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
+	for (;;) {
+		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
+		unsigned int ds, dlen, hlen, ntcp, vlan = 0;
+		uint8_t *dptr;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+		}
+		dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+		    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
+			vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+		}
+		/*
+		 * First calculate the WQE size to check
+		 * whether we have enough space in ring buffer.
+		 */
+		hlen = loc->mbuf->l2_len + vlan +
+		       loc->mbuf->l3_len + loc->mbuf->l4_len;
+		if (unlikely((!hlen || !loc->mbuf->tso_segsz)))
+		if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TUNNEL_MASK)
+			hlen += loc->mbuf->outer_l2_len +
+				loc->mbuf->outer_l3_len;
+		/* Segment must contain all TSO headers. */
+		if (unlikely(hlen > MLX5_MAX_TSO_HEADER ||
+			     hlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE ||
+			     hlen > (dlen + vlan)))
+		/*
+		 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
+		 * - Control Segment
+		 * - Ethernet Segment
+		 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
+		 * - ... data continued ...
+		 * - Finishing Data Segment of pointer type
+		 */
+		ds = 4 + (hlen - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE +
+		if (loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		/* Update sent data bytes/packets counters. */
+		ntcp = (dlen + vlan - hlen +
+			loc->mbuf->tso_segsz - 1) /
+			loc->mbuf->tso_segsz;
+		/*
+		 * One will be added for mbuf itself at the end
+		 * of the mlx5_tx_burst from loc->pkts_sent field.
+		 */
+		--ntcp;
+		txq->stats.opackets += ntcp;
+		txq->stats.obytes += dlen + vlan + ntcp * hlen;
+		/*
+		 * Build the TSO WQE:
+		 * - Control Segment
+		 * - Ethernet Segment with hlen bytes inlined
+		 * - Data Segment of pointer type
+		 */
+		wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+		loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds,
+				  MLX5_OPCODE_TSO, olx);
+		dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, hlen, 1, olx);
+		dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) + hlen - vlan;
+		dlen -= hlen - vlan;
+		mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
+		/*
+		 * WQE is built, update the loop parameters
+		 * and go to the next packet.
+		 */
+		txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+		loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+		--loc->elts_free;
+		++loc->pkts_sent;
+		--pkts_n;
+		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+		if (pkts_n > 1)
+			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+		    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
+		if (likely(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)))
+		/* Continue with the next TSO packet. */
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+ * Analyze the packet and select the best method to send.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ * @param newp
+ *   The predefined flag whether do complete check for
+ *   multi-segment packets and TSO.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
+ *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO required, use TSO/LSO.
+ *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - single-segment packet, use SEND.
+ *  MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW - single-segment packet, use MPW.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		     struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		     unsigned int olx,
+		     bool newp)
+	/* Check for multi-segment packet. */
+	if (newp &&
+	    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) > 1))
+	/* Check for TSO packet. */
+	if (newp &&
+	    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG))
+		return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
+	/* Check if eMPW is enabled at all. */
+	/* Check if eMPW can be engaged. */
+	    unlikely(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) &&
+		 unlikely((rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf) +
+			   sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) > txq->inlen_empw))) {
+		/*
+		 * eMPW does not support VLAN insertion offload, we have to
+		 * inline the entire packet but packet is too long for inlining.
+		 */
+	}
+ * Check the next packet attributes to match with the eMPW batch ones.
+ * In addition, for legacy MPW the packet length is checked either.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param es
+ *   Pointer to Ethernet Segment of eMPW batch.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param dlen
+ *   Length of previous packet in MPW descriptor.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
+ *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline bool
+mlx5_tx_match_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict es,
+		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		   uint32_t dlen,
+		   unsigned int olx)
+	uint8_t swp_flags = 0;
+	/* Compare the checksum flags, if any. */
+	    txq_ol_cksum_to_cs(loc->mbuf) != es->cs_flags)
+		return false;
+	/* Compare the Software Parser offsets and flags. */
+	    (es->swp_offs != txq_mbuf_to_swp(loc, &swp_flags, olx) ||
+	     es->swp_flags != swp_flags))
+		return false;
+	/* Fill metadata field if needed. */
+		es->metadata != (loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_METADATA ?
+				 *RTE_FLOW_DYNF_METADATA(loc->mbuf) : 0))
+		return false;
+	/* Legacy MPW can send packets with the same length only. */
+	    dlen != rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf))
+		return false;
+	/* There must be no VLAN packets in eMPW loop. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT));
+	/* Check if the scheduling is requested. */
+	    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & txq->ts_mask)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+ * Update send loop variables and WQE for eMPW loop without data inlining.
+ * Number of Data Segments is equal to the number of sent packets.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param ds
+ *   Number of packets/Data Segments/Packets.
+ * @param slen
+ *   Accumulated statistics, bytes sent.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
+ *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		   unsigned int ds,
+		   unsigned int slen,
+		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+	 txq->stats.obytes += slen;
+	(void)slen;
+	loc->elts_free -= ds;
+	loc->pkts_sent += ds;
+	ds += 2;
+	loc->wqe_last->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | ds);
+	txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+ * Update send loop variables and WQE for eMPW loop with data inlining.
+ * Gets the size of pushed descriptors and data to the WQE.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param len
+ *   Total size of descriptor/data in bytes.
+ * @param slen
+ *   Accumulated statistics, data bytes sent.
+ * @param wqem
+ *   The base WQE for the eMPW/MPW descriptor.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  true - packet match with eMPW batch attributes.
+ *  false - no match, eMPW should be restarted.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline void
+mlx5_tx_idone_empw(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		   unsigned int len,
+		   unsigned int slen,
+		   struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqem,
+		   unsigned int olx __rte_unused)
+	struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *dseg = &wqem->dseg[0];
+	/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+	 txq->stats.obytes += slen;
+	(void)slen;
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) && dseg->bcount == RTE_BE32(0)) {
+		/*
+		 * If the legacy MPW session contains the inline packets
+		 * we should set the only inline data segment length
+		 * and align the total length to the segment size.
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(len > sizeof(dseg->bcount));
+		dseg->bcount = rte_cpu_to_be_32((len - sizeof(dseg->bcount)) |
+		len = (len + MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE + 2;
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * The session is not legacy MPW or contains the
+		 * data buffer pointer segments.
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT((len % MLX5_WSEG_SIZE) == 0);
+		len = len / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE + 2;
+	}
+	wqem->cseg.sq_ds = rte_cpu_to_be_32(txq->qp_num_8s | len);
+	txq->wqe_ci += (len + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_free -= (len + 3) / 4;
+	loc->wqe_last = wqem;
+ * The set of Tx burst functions for single-segment packets without TSO
+ * and with Multi-Packet Writing feature support.
+ * Supports all types of Tx offloads, except multi-packets and TSO.
+ *
+ * Uses MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW to build WQEs if possible and sends as many packet
+ * per WQE as it can. If eMPW is not configured or packet can not be sent with
+ * eMPW (VLAN insertion) the ordinary SEND opcode is used and only one packet
+ * placed in WQE.
+ *
+ * Functions stop sending if it encounters the multi-segment packet or packet
+ * with TSO requested.
+ *
+ * The routines are responsible for storing processed mbuf into elts ring buffer
+ * and update elts_head if inlining offload is requested. Otherwise the copying
+ * mbufs to elts can be postponed and completed at the end of burst routine.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param[in] pkts
+ *   Packets to transmit.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets in array.
+ * @param loc
+ *   Pointer to burst routine local context.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured Tx offloads mask. It is fully defined at
+ *   compile time and may be used for optimization.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT - sending is done or impossible.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR - some unrecoverable error occurred.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI - multi-segment packet encountered.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO - TSO packet encountered.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE - used inside functions set.
+ *   MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW - used inside functions set.
+ *
+ * Local context variables updated.
+ *
+ *
+ * The routine sends packets with MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW
+ * without inlining, this is dedicated optimized branch.
+ * No VLAN insertion is supported.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_empw_simple(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+			  unsigned int pkts_n,
+			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			  unsigned int olx)
+	/*
+	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single() and sends
+	 * single-segment packet with eMPW opcode without data inlining.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
+	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
+	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
+	for (;;) {
+		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+		struct mlx5_wqe_eseg *__rte_restrict eseg;
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+		unsigned int part, loop;
+		unsigned int slen = 0;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+		}
+		part = RTE_MIN(pkts_n, MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) ?
+				       MLX5_MPW_MAX_PACKETS :
+				       MLX5_EMPW_MAX_PACKETS);
+		if (unlikely(loc->elts_free < part)) {
+			/* We have no enough elts to save all mbufs. */
+			if (unlikely(loc->elts_free < MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS))
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			/* But we still able to send at least minimal eMPW. */
+			part = loc->elts_free;
+		}
+		/* Check whether we have enough WQEs */
+		if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free < ((2 + part + 3) / 4))) {
+			if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free <
+				((2 + MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS + 3) / 4)))
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			part = (loc->wqe_free * 4) - 2;
+		}
+		if (likely(part > 1))
+			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+		loc->wqe_last = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+		/*
+		 * Build eMPW title WQEBB:
+		 * - Control Segment, eMPW opcode
+		 * - Ethernet Segment, no inline
+		 */
+		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, loc->wqe_last, part + 2,
+		mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, loc->wqe_last,
+				  olx & ~MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN);
+		eseg = &loc->wqe_last->eseg;
+		dseg = &loc->wqe_last->dseg[0];
+		loop = part;
+		/* Store the packet length for legacy MPW. */
+			eseg->mss = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+					(rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
+		for (;;) {
+			uint32_t dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+			slen += dlen;
+			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
+				(txq, loc, dseg,
+				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
+				 dlen, olx);
+			if (unlikely(--loop == 0))
+				break;
+			loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+			if (likely(loop > 1))
+				rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+			ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
+			/*
+			 * Unroll the completion code to avoid
+			 * returning variable value - it results in
+			 * unoptimized sequent checking in caller.
+			 */
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
+				part -= loop;
+				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI;
+			}
+			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
+				part -= loop;
+				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
+			}
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
+				part -= loop;
+				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			}
+			if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW) {
+				MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+				part -= loop;
+				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Check whether packet parameters coincide
+			 * within assumed eMPW batch:
+			 * - check sum settings
+			 * - metadata value
+			 * - software parser settings
+			 * - packets length (legacy MPW only)
+			 * - scheduling is not required
+			 */
+			if (!mlx5_tx_match_empw(txq, eseg, loc, dlen, olx)) {
+				MLX5_ASSERT(loop);
+				part -= loop;
+				mlx5_tx_sdone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				pkts_n -= part;
+				goto next_empw;
+			}
+			/* Packet attributes match, continue the same eMPW. */
+			++dseg;
+			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
+				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
+		}
+		/* eMPW is built successfully, update loop parameters. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(!loop);
+		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n >= part);
+		/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+		txq->stats.obytes += slen;
+		loc->elts_free -= part;
+		loc->pkts_sent += part;
+		txq->wqe_ci += (2 + part + 3) / 4;
+		loc->wqe_free -= (2 + part + 3) / 4;
+		pkts_n -= part;
+		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+		ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
+		if (unlikely(ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW))
+			return ret;
+		/* Continue sending eMPW batches. */
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+ * The routine sends packets with MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW
+ * with inlining, optionally supports VLAN insertion.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_empw_inline(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+			  unsigned int pkts_n,
+			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			  unsigned int olx)
+	/*
+	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single() and sends
+	 * single-segment packet with eMPW opcode with data inlining.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
+	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
+	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
+	for (;;) {
+		struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqem;
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+		unsigned int room, part, nlim;
+		unsigned int slen = 0;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Limits the amount of packets in one WQE
+		 * to improve CQE latency generation.
+		 */
+		nlim = RTE_MIN(pkts_n, MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) ?
+				       MLX5_EMPW_MAX_PACKETS);
+		/* Check whether we have minimal amount WQEs */
+		if (unlikely(loc->wqe_free <
+			    ((2 + MLX5_EMPW_MIN_PACKETS + 3) / 4)))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		if (likely(pkts_n > 1))
+			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+		wqem = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+		/*
+		 * Build eMPW title WQEBB:
+		 * - Control Segment, eMPW opcode, zero DS
+		 * - Ethernet Segment, no inline
+		 */
+		mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqem, 0,
+		mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqem,
+				  olx & ~MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_VLAN);
+		dseg = &wqem->dseg[0];
+		/* Store the packet length for legacy MPW. */
+			wqem->eseg.mss = rte_cpu_to_be_16
+					 (rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf));
+			       loc->wqe_free) * MLX5_WQE_SIZE -
+		/* Limit the room for legacy MPW sessions for performance. */
+			room = RTE_MIN(room,
+				       RTE_MAX(txq->inlen_empw +
+					       sizeof(dseg->bcount) +
+					       (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) ?
+					       sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr) : 0),
+					       MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE));
+		/* Build WQE till we have space, packets and resources. */
+		part = room;
+		for (;;) {
+			uint32_t dlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+			uint8_t *dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *);
+			unsigned int tlen;
+			MLX5_ASSERT((room % MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE) == 0);
+			MLX5_ASSERT((uintptr_t)dseg < (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end);
+			/*
+			 * Some Tx offloads may cause an error if packet is not
+			 * long enough, check against assumed minimal length.
+			 */
+			if (unlikely(dlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)) {
+				part -= room;
+				if (unlikely(!part))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+				/*
+				 * We have some successfully built
+				 * packet Data Segments to send.
+				 */
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+			}
+			/* Inline or not inline - that's the Question. */
+			if (dlen > txq->inlen_empw ||
+			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_DYNF_NOINLINE)
+				goto pointer_empw;
+				if (dlen > txq->inlen_send)
+					goto pointer_empw;
+				tlen = dlen;
+				if (part == room) {
+					/* Open new inline MPW session. */
+					tlen += sizeof(dseg->bcount);
+					dseg->bcount = RTE_BE32(0);
+					dseg = RTE_PTR_ADD
+						(dseg, sizeof(dseg->bcount));
+				} else {
+					/*
+					 * No pointer and inline descriptor
+					 * intermix for legacy MPW sessions.
+					 */
+					if (wqem->dseg[0].bcount)
+						break;
+				}
+			} else {
+				tlen = sizeof(dseg->bcount) + dlen;
+			}
+			/* Inline entire packet, optional VLAN insertion. */
+			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
+				/*
+				 * The packet length must be checked in
+				 * mlx5_tx_able_to_empw() and packet
+				 * fits into inline length guaranteed.
+				 */
+				MLX5_ASSERT((dlen +
+					     sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr)) <=
+					    txq->inlen_empw);
+				tlen += sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+				if (room < tlen)
+					break;
+				dseg = mlx5_tx_dseg_vlan(txq, loc, dseg,
+							 dptr, dlen, olx);
+				/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+				slen +=	sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+			} else {
+				if (room < tlen)
+					break;
+				dseg = mlx5_tx_dseg_empw(txq, loc, dseg,
+							 dptr, dlen, olx);
+			}
+				tlen = RTE_ALIGN(tlen, MLX5_WSEG_SIZE);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(room >= tlen);
+			room -= tlen;
+			/*
+			 * Packet data are completely inline,
+			 * we can try to free the packet.
+			 */
+			if (likely(loc->pkts_sent == loc->mbuf_free)) {
+				/*
+				 * All the packets from the burst beginning
+				 * are inline, we can free mbufs directly
+				 * from the origin array on tx_burst exit().
+				 */
+				loc->mbuf_free++;
+				goto next_mbuf;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * In order no to call rte_pktmbuf_free_seg() here,
+			 * in the most inner loop (that might be very
+			 * expensive) we just save the mbuf in elts.
+			 */
+			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+			loc->elts_free--;
+			goto next_mbuf;
+			/*
+			 * No pointer and inline descriptor
+			 * intermix for legacy MPW sessions.
+			 */
+			    part != room &&
+			    wqem->dseg[0].bcount == RTE_BE32(0))
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Not inlinable VLAN packets are
+			 * proceeded outside of this routine.
+			 */
+				MLX5_ASSERT(!(loc->mbuf->ol_flags &
+					    PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT));
+			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg, dptr, dlen, olx);
+			/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
+			txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] = loc->mbuf;
+			loc->elts_free--;
+			room -= MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE;
+			/* Ring buffer wraparound is checked at the loop end.*/
+			++dseg;
+			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+			slen += dlen;
+			loc->pkts_sent++;
+			pkts_n--;
+			if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free)) {
+				/*
+				 * We have no resources/packets to
+				 * continue build descriptors.
+				 */
+				part -= room;
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			}
+			loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+			if (likely(pkts_n > 1))
+				rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+			ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
+			/*
+			 * Unroll the completion code to avoid
+			 * returning variable value - it results in
+			 * unoptimized sequent checking in caller.
+			 */
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
+				part -= room;
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI;
+			}
+			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
+				part -= room;
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO;
+			}
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
+				part -= room;
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+					     !loc->wqe_free))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			}
+			if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW) {
+				MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+				part -= room;
+				mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part,
+						   slen, wqem, olx);
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+			}
+			/* Check if we have minimal room left. */
+			nlim--;
+			if (unlikely(!nlim || room < MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE))
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Check whether packet parameters coincide
+			 * within assumed eMPW batch:
+			 * - check sum settings
+			 * - metadata value
+			 * - software parser settings
+			 * - packets length (legacy MPW only)
+			 * - scheduling is not required
+			 */
+			if (!mlx5_tx_match_empw(txq, &wqem->eseg,
+						loc, dlen, olx))
+				break;
+			/* Packet attributes match, continue the same eMPW. */
+			if ((uintptr_t)dseg >= (uintptr_t)txq->wqes_end)
+				dseg = (struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *)txq->wqes;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * We get here to close an existing eMPW
+		 * session and start the new one.
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n);
+		part -= room;
+		if (unlikely(!part))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		mlx5_tx_idone_empw(txq, loc, part, slen, wqem, olx);
+		if (unlikely(!loc->elts_free ||
+			     !loc->wqe_free))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		/* Continue the loop with new eMPW session. */
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+ * The routine sends packets with ordinary MLX5_OPCODE_SEND.
+ * Data inlining and VLAN insertion are supported.
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_single_send(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+			  struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+			  unsigned int pkts_n,
+			  struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+			  unsigned int olx)
+	/*
+	 * Subroutine is the part of mlx5_tx_burst_single()
+	 * and sends single-segment packet with SEND opcode.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc->pkts_sent);
+	pkts += loc->pkts_sent + 1;
+	pkts_n -= loc->pkts_sent;
+	for (;;) {
+		struct mlx5_wqe *__rte_restrict wqe;
+		enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+		MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc->mbuf) == 1);
+			enum mlx5_txcmp_code wret;
+			/* Generate WAIT for scheduling if requested. */
+			wret = mlx5_tx_schedule_send(txq, loc, olx);
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+			if (wret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR)
+				return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+		}
+			unsigned int inlen, vlan = 0;
+			inlen = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
+				vlan = sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+				inlen += vlan;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * If inlining is enabled at configuration time
+			 * the limit must be not less than minimal size.
+			 * Otherwise we would do extra check for data
+			 * size to avoid crashes due to length overflow.
+			 */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >=
+			if (inlen <= txq->inlen_send) {
+				unsigned int seg_n, wqe_n;
+				rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod
+						(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *));
+				/* Check against minimal length. */
+				if (inlen <= MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE)
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR;
+				if (loc->mbuf->ol_flags &
+					/*
+					 * The hint flag not to inline packet
+					 * data is set. Check whether we can
+					 * follow the hint.
+					 */
+					if ((!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(EMPW) &&
+					      txq->inlen_mode) ||
+					    (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW) &&
+					     txq->inlen_mode)) {
+						if (inlen <= txq->inlen_send)
+							goto single_inline;
+						/*
+						 * The hardware requires the
+						 * minimal inline data header.
+						 */
+						goto single_min_inline;
+					}
+					if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(VLAN) &&
+					    vlan && !txq->vlan_en) {
+						/*
+						 * We must insert VLAN tag
+						 * by software means.
+						 */
+						goto single_part_inline;
+					}
+					goto single_no_inline;
+				}
+				/*
+				 * Completely inlined packet data WQE:
+				 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
+				 * - Ethernet Segment, no VLAN insertion
+				 * - Data inlined, VLAN optionally inserted
+				 * - Alignment to MLX5_WSEG_SIZE
+				 * Have to estimate amount of WQEBBs
+				 */
+				seg_n = (inlen + 3 * MLX5_WSEG_SIZE -
+					 MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+				/* Check if there are enough WQEBBs. */
+				wqe_n = (seg_n + 3) / 4;
+				if (wqe_n > loc->wqe_free)
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, seg_n,
+						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+				mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe,
+						  vlan, inlen, 0, olx);
+				txq->wqe_ci += wqe_n;
+				loc->wqe_free -= wqe_n;
+				/*
+				 * Packet data are completely inlined,
+				 * free the packet immediately.
+				 */
+				rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(loc->mbuf);
+			} else if ((!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(EMPW) ||
+				     MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(MPW)) &&
+					txq->inlen_mode) {
+				/*
+				 * If minimal inlining is requested the eMPW
+				 * feature should be disabled due to data is
+				 * inlined into Ethernet Segment, which can
+				 * not contain inlined data for eMPW due to
+				 * segment shared for all packets.
+				 */
+				struct mlx5_wqe_dseg *__rte_restrict dseg;
+				unsigned int ds;
+				uint8_t *dptr;
+				/*
+				 * The inline-mode settings require
+				 * to inline the specified amount of
+				 * data bytes to the Ethernet Segment.
+				 * We should check the free space in
+				 * WQE ring buffer to inline partially.
+				 */
+				MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_send >= txq->inlen_mode);
+				MLX5_ASSERT(inlen > txq->inlen_mode);
+				MLX5_ASSERT(txq->inlen_mode >=
+				/*
+				 * Check whether there are enough free WQEBBs:
+				 * - Control Segment
+				 * - Ethernet Segment
+				 * - First Segment of inlined Ethernet data
+				 * - ... data continued ...
+				 * - Finishing Data Segment of pointer type
+				 */
+				ds = (MLX5_WQE_CSEG_SIZE +
+				      MLX5_WQE_ESEG_SIZE +
+				      MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE +
+				      txq->inlen_mode -
+				      MLX5_WQE_DSEG_SIZE +
+				      MLX5_WSEG_SIZE - 1) / MLX5_WSEG_SIZE;
+				if (loc->wqe_free < ((ds + 3) / 4))
+					return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+				/*
+				 * Build the ordinary SEND WQE:
+				 * - Control Segment
+				 * - Ethernet Segment, inline inlen_mode bytes
+				 * - Data Segment of pointer type
+				 */
+				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, ds,
+						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+				dseg = mlx5_tx_eseg_data(txq, loc, wqe, vlan,
+							 txq->inlen_mode,
+							 0, olx);
+				dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) +
+				       txq->inlen_mode - vlan;
+				inlen -= txq->inlen_mode;
+				mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, dseg,
+						 dptr, inlen, olx);
+				/*
+				 * WQE is built, update the loop parameters
+				 * and got to the next packet.
+				 */
+				txq->wqe_ci += (ds + 3) / 4;
+				loc->wqe_free -= (ds + 3) / 4;
+				/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
+				txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] =
+						loc->mbuf;
+				--loc->elts_free;
+			} else {
+				uint8_t *dptr;
+				unsigned int dlen;
+				/*
+				 * Partially inlined packet data WQE, we have
+				 * some space in title WQEBB, we can fill it
+				 * with some packet data. It takes one WQEBB,
+				 * it is available, no extra space check:
+				 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
+				 * - Ethernet Segment, no VLAN insertion
+				 * - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE bytes of Data
+				 * - Data Segment, pointer type
+				 *
+				 * We also get here if VLAN insertion is not
+				 * supported by HW, the inline is enabled.
+				 */
+				wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+				loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+				mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 4,
+						  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+				mlx5_tx_eseg_dmin(txq, loc, wqe, vlan, olx);
+				dptr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *) +
+				       MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE - vlan;
+				/*
+				 * The length check is performed above, by
+				 * comparing with txq->inlen_send. We should
+				 * not get overflow here.
+				 */
+				dlen = inlen - MLX5_ESEG_MIN_INLINE_SIZE;
+				mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr(txq, loc, &wqe->dseg[1],
+						 dptr, dlen, olx);
+				++txq->wqe_ci;
+				--loc->wqe_free;
+				/* We have to store mbuf in elts.*/
+				txq->elts[txq->elts_head++ & txq->elts_m] =
+						loc->mbuf;
+				--loc->elts_free;
+			}
+			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+			txq->stats.obytes += vlan +
+					rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+		} else {
+			/*
+			 * No inline at all, it means the CPU cycles saving
+			 * is prioritized at configuration, we should not
+			 * copy any packet data to WQE.
+			 *
+			 * SEND WQE, one WQEBB:
+			 * - Control Segment, SEND opcode
+			 * - Ethernet Segment, optional VLAN, no inline
+			 * - Data Segment, pointer type
+			 */
+			wqe = txq->wqes + (txq->wqe_ci & txq->wqe_m);
+			loc->wqe_last = wqe;
+			mlx5_tx_cseg_init(txq, loc, wqe, 3,
+					  MLX5_OPCODE_SEND, olx);
+			mlx5_tx_eseg_none(txq, loc, wqe, olx);
+			mlx5_tx_dseg_ptr
+				(txq, loc, &wqe->dseg[0],
+				 rte_pktmbuf_mtod(loc->mbuf, uint8_t *),
+				 rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf), olx);
+			++txq->wqe_ci;
+			--loc->wqe_free;
+			/*
+			 * We should not store mbuf pointer in elts
+			 * if no inlining is configured, this is done
+			 * by calling routine in a batch copy.
+			 */
+			--loc->elts_free;
+			/* Update sent data bytes counter. */
+			txq->stats.obytes += rte_pktmbuf_data_len(loc->mbuf);
+			    loc->mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
+				txq->stats.obytes +=
+					sizeof(struct rte_vlan_hdr);
+		}
+		++loc->pkts_sent;
+		--pkts_n;
+		if (unlikely(!pkts_n || !loc->elts_free || !loc->wqe_free))
+			return MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT;
+		loc->mbuf = *pkts++;
+		if (pkts_n > 1)
+			rte_prefetch0(*pkts);
+		ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, true);
+		if (unlikely(ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE))
+			return ret;
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+static __rte_always_inline enum mlx5_txcmp_code
+mlx5_tx_burst_single(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		     struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		     unsigned int pkts_n,
+		     struct mlx5_txq_local *__rte_restrict loc,
+		     unsigned int olx)
+	enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+	ret = mlx5_tx_able_to_empw(txq, loc, olx, false);
+	if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
+		goto ordinary_send;
+	for (;;) {
+		/* Optimize for inline/no inline eMPW send. */
+			mlx5_tx_burst_empw_inline
+				(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx) :
+			mlx5_tx_burst_empw_simple
+				(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx);
+		if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
+			return ret;
+		/* The resources to send one packet should remain. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+		ret = mlx5_tx_burst_single_send(txq, pkts, pkts_n, loc, olx);
+		if (ret != MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EMPW)
+			return ret;
+		/* The resources to send one packet should remain. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(loc->elts_free && loc->wqe_free);
+	}
+ * DPDK Tx callback template. This is configured template used to generate
+ * routines optimized for specified offload setup.
+ * One of this generated functions is chosen at SQ configuration time.
+ *
+ * @param txq
+ *   Generic pointer to TX queue structure.
+ * @param[in] pkts
+ *   Packets to transmit.
+ * @param pkts_n
+ *   Number of packets in array.
+ * @param olx
+ *   Configured offloads mask, presents the bits of MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG_xxx
+ *   values. Should be static to take compile time static configuration
+ *   advantages.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Number of packets successfully transmitted (<= pkts_n).
+ */
+static __rte_always_inline uint16_t
+mlx5_tx_burst_tmpl(struct mlx5_txq_data *__rte_restrict txq,
+		   struct rte_mbuf **__rte_restrict pkts,
+		   uint16_t pkts_n,
+		   unsigned int olx)
+	struct mlx5_txq_local loc;
+	enum mlx5_txcmp_code ret;
+	unsigned int part;
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
+	if (unlikely(!pkts_n))
+		return 0;
+		loc.mbuf_free = 0;
+	loc.pkts_sent = 0;
+	loc.pkts_copy = 0;
+	loc.wqe_last = NULL;
+	loc.pkts_loop = loc.pkts_sent;
+	/*
+	 * Check if there are some CQEs, if any:
+	 * - process an encountered errors
+	 * - process the completed WQEs
+	 * - free related mbufs
+	 * - doorbell the NIC about processed CQEs
+	 */
+	rte_prefetch0(*(pkts + loc.pkts_sent));
+	mlx5_tx_handle_completion(txq, olx);
+	/*
+	 * Calculate the number of available resources - elts and WQEs.
+	 * There are two possible different scenarios:
+	 * - no data inlining into WQEs, one WQEBB may contains up to
+	 *   four packets, in this case elts become scarce resource
+	 * - data inlining into WQEs, one packet may require multiple
+	 *   WQEBBs, the WQEs become the limiting factor.
+	 */
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
+	loc.elts_free = txq->elts_s -
+				(uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail);
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
+	loc.wqe_free = txq->wqe_s -
+				(uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi);
+	if (unlikely(!loc.elts_free || !loc.wqe_free))
+		goto burst_exit;
+	for (;;) {
+		/*
+		 * Fetch the packet from array. Usually this is the first
+		 * packet in series of multi/single segment packets.
+		 */
+		loc.mbuf = *(pkts + loc.pkts_sent);
+		/* Dedicated branch for multi-segment packets. */
+		    unlikely(NB_SEGS(loc.mbuf) > 1)) {
+			/*
+			 * Multi-segment packet encountered.
+			 * Hardware is able to process it only
+			 * with SEND/TSO opcodes, one packet
+			 * per WQE, do it in dedicated routine.
+			 */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(loc.pkts_sent >= loc.pkts_copy);
+			part = loc.pkts_sent - loc.pkts_copy;
+			if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && part) {
+				/*
+				 * There are some single-segment mbufs not
+				 * stored in elts. The mbufs must be in the
+				 * same order as WQEs, so we must copy the
+				 * mbufs to elts here, before the coming
+				 * multi-segment packet mbufs is appended.
+				 */
+				mlx5_tx_copy_elts(txq, pkts + loc.pkts_copy,
+						  part, olx);
+				loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
+			}
+			MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
+			ret = mlx5_tx_burst_mseg(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
+				loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
+			/*
+			 * These returned code checks are supposed
+			 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
+			 */
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT) {
+				/*
+				 * The routine returns this code when
+				 * all packets are sent or there is no
+				 * enough resources to complete request.
+				 */
+				break;
+			}
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
+				/*
+				 * The routine returns this code when some error
+				 * in the incoming packets format occurred.
+				 */
+				txq->stats.oerrors++;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE) {
+				/*
+				 * The single-segment packet was encountered
+				 * in the array, try to send it with the
+				 * best optimized way, possible engaging eMPW.
+				 */
+				goto enter_send_single;
+			}
+			    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
+				/*
+				 * The single-segment TSO packet was
+				 * encountered in the array.
+				 */
+				goto enter_send_tso;
+			}
+			/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+			txq->stats.oerrors++;
+			break;
+		}
+		/* Dedicated branch for single-segment TSO packets. */
+		    unlikely(loc.mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)) {
+			/*
+			 * TSO might require special way for inlining
+			 * (dedicated parameters) and is sent with
+			 * MLX5_OPCODE_TSO opcode only, provide this
+			 * in dedicated branch.
+			 */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(NB_SEGS(loc.mbuf) == 1);
+			MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
+			ret = mlx5_tx_burst_tso(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
+			/*
+			 * These returned code checks are supposed
+			 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
+			 */
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+				break;
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
+				txq->stats.oerrors++;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_SINGLE)
+				goto enter_send_single;
+			    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
+				/*
+				 * The multi-segment packet was
+				 * encountered in the array.
+				 */
+				goto enter_send_multi;
+			}
+			/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
+			MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+			txq->stats.oerrors++;
+			break;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * The dedicated branch for the single-segment packets
+		 * without TSO. Often these ones can be sent using
+		 * MLX5_OPCODE_EMPW with multiple packets in one WQE.
+		 * The routine builds the WQEs till it encounters
+		 * the TSO or multi-segment packet (in case if these
+		 * offloads are requested at SQ configuration time).
+		 */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent);
+		ret = mlx5_tx_burst_single(txq, pkts, pkts_n, &loc, olx);
+		/*
+		 * These returned code checks are supposed
+		 * to be optimized out due to routine inlining.
+		 */
+		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_EXIT)
+			break;
+		if (ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_ERROR) {
+			txq->stats.oerrors++;
+			break;
+		}
+		    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_MULTI) {
+			/*
+			 * The multi-segment packet was
+			 * encountered in the array.
+			 */
+			goto enter_send_multi;
+		}
+		    ret == MLX5_TXCMP_CODE_TSO) {
+			/*
+			 * The single-segment TSO packet was
+			 * encountered in the array.
+			 */
+			goto enter_send_tso;
+		}
+		/* We must not get here. Something is going wrong. */
+		MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+		txq->stats.oerrors++;
+		break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Main Tx loop is completed, do the rest:
+	 * - set completion request if thresholds are reached
+	 * - doorbell the hardware
+	 * - copy the rest of mbufs to elts (if any)
+	 */
+		    loc.pkts_sent >= loc.pkts_copy);
+	/* Take a shortcut if nothing is sent. */
+	if (unlikely(loc.pkts_sent == loc.pkts_loop))
+		goto burst_exit;
+	/* Request CQE generation if limits are reached. */
+	mlx5_tx_request_completion(txq, &loc, olx);
+	/*
+	 * Ring QP doorbell immediately after WQE building completion
+	 * to improve latencies. The pure software related data treatment
+	 * can be completed after doorbell. Tx CQEs for this SQ are
+	 * processed in this thread only by the polling.
+	 *
+	 * The rdma core library can map doorbell register in two ways,
+	 * depending on the environment variable "MLX5_SHUT_UP_BF":
+	 *
+	 * - as regular cached memory, the variable is either missing or
+	 *   set to zero. This type of mapping may cause the significant
+	 *   doorbell register writing latency and requires explicit memory
+	 *   write barrier to mitigate this issue and prevent write combining.
+	 *
+	 * - as non-cached memory, the variable is present and set to not "0"
+	 *   value. This type of mapping may cause performance impact under
+	 *   heavy loading conditions but the explicit write memory barrier is
+	 *   not required and it may improve core performance.
+	 *
+	 * - the legacy behaviour (prior 19.08 release) was to use some
+	 *   heuristics to decide whether write memory barrier should
+	 *   be performed. This behavior is supported with specifying
+	 *   tx_db_nc=2, write barrier is skipped if application provides
+	 *   the full recommended burst of packets, it supposes the next
+	 *   packets are coming and the write barrier will be issued on
+	 *   the next burst (after descriptor writing, at least).
+	 */
+	mlx5_tx_dbrec_cond_wmb(txq, loc.wqe_last, !txq->db_nc &&
+			(!txq->db_heu || pkts_n % MLX5_TX_DEFAULT_BURST));
+	/* Not all of the mbufs may be stored into elts yet. */
+	part = MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) ? 0 : loc.pkts_sent - loc.pkts_copy;
+	if (!MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && part) {
+		/*
+		 * There are some single-segment mbufs not stored in elts.
+		 * It can be only if the last packet was single-segment.
+		 * The copying is gathered into one place due to it is
+		 * a good opportunity to optimize that with SIMD.
+		 * Unfortunately if inlining is enabled the gaps in pointer
+		 * array may happen due to early freeing of the inlined mbufs.
+		 */
+		mlx5_tx_copy_elts(txq, pkts + loc.pkts_copy, part, olx);
+		loc.pkts_copy = loc.pkts_sent;
+	}
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->elts_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->elts_head - txq->elts_tail));
+	MLX5_ASSERT(txq->wqe_s >= (uint16_t)(txq->wqe_ci - txq->wqe_pi));
+	if (pkts_n > loc.pkts_sent) {
+		/*
+		 * If burst size is large there might be no enough CQE
+		 * fetched from completion queue and no enough resources
+		 * freed to send all the packets.
+		 */
+		goto send_loop;
+	}
+	/* Increment sent packets counter. */
+	txq->stats.opackets += loc.pkts_sent;
+	if (MLX5_TXOFF_CONFIG(INLINE) && loc.mbuf_free)
+		__mlx5_tx_free_mbuf(txq, pkts, loc.mbuf_free, olx);
+	return loc.pkts_sent;
 #endif /* RTE_PMD_MLX5_TX_H_ */