@@ -13,12 +13,57 @@ CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS)
LDLIBS += -lrte_eal
LDLIBS += -lrte_ethdev
LDLIBS += -lrte_bus_pci
+LDLIBS += -lrte_mbuf
+LDLIBS += -lrte_mempool
EXPORT_MAP := rte_pmd_igc_version.map
+# Add extra flags for base driver files (also known as shared code)
+# to disable warnings
+# CFLAGS for icc
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER = -diag-disable 177 -diag-disable 181
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER += -diag-disable 869 -diag-disable 2259
+# CFLAGS for gcc/clang
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER = -Wno-unused-parameter
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER += -Wno-unused-variable
+ifeq ($(shell test $(GCC_VERSION) -ge 60 && echo 1), 1)
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER += -Wno-misleading-indentation
+ifeq ($(shell test $(GCC_VERSION) -ge 70 && echo 1), 1)
+CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER += -Wno-implicit-fallthrough
+# Add extra flags for base driver files (also known as shared code)
+# to disable warnings in them
+BASE_DRIVER_OBJS=$(sort $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(notdir $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/base/*.c))))
+$(foreach obj, $(BASE_DRIVER_OBJS), $(eval CFLAGS_$(obj)+=$(CFLAGS_BASE_DRIVER)))
+VPATH += $(SRCDIR)/base
# all source are stored in SRCS-y
+SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IGC_PMD) += e1000_base.c
+SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IGC_PMD) += e1000_i225.c
+SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IGC_PMD) += e1000_manage.c
+SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IGC_PMD) += e1000_osdep.c
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
+ */
+Intel® IGC driver
+This directory contains source code of FreeBSD igc driver of version
+2019.10.18 released by the team which develops basic drivers for any
+i225 NIC.
+The directory of base/ contains the original source package.
+This driver is valid for the product(s) listed below
+* Intel® Ethernet Network Adapters I225
+Updating the driver
+- To avoid namespace issues with e1000 PMD, all prefix e1000_ or E1000_
+of the definition and macro names ware replaced with igc_ or IGC_.
+- Since some codes are not required, they have been removed from the
+base codes, such as the I350 and I210 series NICs related codes.
+- Some registers are used by the base codes but not defined in the base
+codes, so they ware added to them.
+- OS and DPDK specified definitions and macros ware added in following
+ e1000_osdep.h
+ e1000_osdep.c
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_82571_H_
+#define _IGC_82571_H_
+#define ID_LED_RESERVED_F746 0xF746
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT_82573 ((ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 12) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_ON2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 4) | \
+#define IGC_GCR_L1_ACT_WITHOUT_L0S_RX 0x08000000
+#define AN_RETRY_COUNT 5 /* Autoneg Retry Count value */
+/* Intr Throttling - RW */
+#define IGC_EITR_82574(_n) (0x000E8 + (0x4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_EIAC_82574 0x000DC /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
+#define IGC_EIAC_MASK_82574 0x01F00000
+/* Manageability Operation Mode mask */
+#define IGC_NVM_INIT_CTRL2_MNGM 0x6000
+#define IGC_BASE1000T_STATUS 10
+bool igc_check_phy_82574(struct igc_hw *hw);
+bool igc_get_laa_state_82571(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_set_laa_state_82571(struct igc_hw *hw, bool state);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_82575_H_
+#define _IGC_82575_H_
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT_82575_SERDES ((ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 12) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 4) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_ON2))
+ * Receive Address Register Count
+ * Number of high/low register pairs in the RAR. The RAR (Receive Address
+ * Registers) holds the directed and multicast addresses that we monitor.
+ * These entries are also used for MAC-based filtering.
+ */
+ * For 82576, there are an additional set of RARs that begin at an offset
+ * separate from the first set of RARs.
+ */
+#define IGC_RAR_ENTRIES_82575 16
+#define IGC_RAR_ENTRIES_82576 24
+#define IGC_RAR_ENTRIES_82580 24
+#define IGC_RAR_ENTRIES_I350 32
+#define IGC_SW_SYNCH_MB 0x00000100
+#define IGC_STAT_DEV_RST_SET 0x00100000
+struct igc_adv_data_desc {
+ __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
+ union {
+ u32 data;
+ struct {
+ u32 datalen:16; /* Data buffer length */
+ u32 rsvd:4;
+ u32 dtyp:4; /* Descriptor type */
+ u32 dcmd:8; /* Descriptor command */
+ } config;
+ } lower;
+ union {
+ u32 data;
+ struct {
+ u32 status:4; /* Descriptor status */
+ u32 idx:4;
+ u32 popts:6; /* Packet Options */
+ u32 paylen:18; /* Payload length */
+ } options;
+ } upper;
+#define IGC_TXD_DTYP_ADV_C 0x2 /* Advanced Context Descriptor */
+#define IGC_TXD_DTYP_ADV_D 0x3 /* Advanced Data Descriptor */
+#define IGC_ADV_TXD_CMD_DEXT 0x20 /* Descriptor extension (0 = legacy) */
+#define IGC_ADV_TUCMD_IPV4 0x2 /* IP Packet Type: 1=IPv4 */
+#define IGC_ADV_TUCMD_IPV6 0x0 /* IP Packet Type: 0=IPv6 */
+#define IGC_ADV_TUCMD_L4T_UDP 0x0 /* L4 Packet TYPE of UDP */
+#define IGC_ADV_TUCMD_L4T_TCP 0x4 /* L4 Packet TYPE of TCP */
+#define IGC_ADV_TUCMD_MKRREQ 0x10 /* Indicates markers are required */
+#define IGC_ADV_DCMD_EOP 0x1 /* End of Packet */
+#define IGC_ADV_DCMD_IFCS 0x2 /* Insert FCS (Ethernet CRC) */
+#define IGC_ADV_DCMD_RS 0x8 /* Report Status */
+#define IGC_ADV_DCMD_VLE 0x40 /* Add VLAN tag */
+#define IGC_ADV_DCMD_TSE 0x80 /* TCP Seg enable */
+/* Extended Device Control */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_NSICR 0x00000001 /* Disable Intr Clear all on read */
+struct igc_adv_context_desc {
+ union {
+ u32 ip_config;
+ struct {
+ u32 iplen:9;
+ u32 maclen:7;
+ u32 vlan_tag:16;
+ } fields;
+ } ip_setup;
+ u32 seq_num;
+ union {
+ u64 l4_config;
+ struct {
+ u32 mkrloc:9;
+ u32 tucmd:11;
+ u32 dtyp:4;
+ u32 adv:8;
+ u32 rsvd:4;
+ u32 idx:4;
+ u32 l4len:8;
+ u32 mss:16;
+ } fields;
+ } l4_setup;
+/* SRRCTL bit definitions */
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_LEGACY 0x00000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_MASK 0x0E000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_TIMESTAMP 0x40000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DROP_EN 0x80000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_MASK 0x0000007F
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDR_MASK 0x00003F00
+#define IGC_TX_HEAD_WB_ENABLE 0x1
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_RSS_4Q 0x00000002
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_VMDQ 0x00000003
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_VMDQ_RSS_2Q 0x00000005
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP 0x00400000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP 0x00800000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP_EX 0x01000000
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_RSS_8Q 0x00000002
+#define IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE ( \
+#define IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE ( \
+#define EIMS_ENABLE_MASK ( \
+/* Immediate Interrupt Rx (A.K.A. Low Latency Interrupt) */
+#define IGC_IMIR_PORT_IM_EN 0x00010000 /* TCP port enable */
+#define IGC_IMIR_PORT_BP 0x00020000 /* TCP port check bypass */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_URG 0x00002000 /* Check URG bit in header */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_ACK 0x00004000 /* Check ACK bit in header */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_PSH 0x00008000 /* Check PSH bit in header */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_RST 0x00010000 /* Check RST bit in header */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_SYN 0x00020000 /* Check SYN bit in header */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_FIN 0x00040000 /* Check FIN bit in header */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_MASK 0x0000000F
+#define IGC_RXDADV_SPLITHEADER_EN 0x00001000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_SPH 0x8000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_STAT_TS 0x10000 /* Pkt was time stamped */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_ERR_HBO 0x00800000
+/* RSS Hash results */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_NONE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4_TCP 0x00000001
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4 0x00000002
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_TCP 0x00000003
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_EX 0x00000004
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6 0x00000005
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_TCP_EX 0x00000006
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4_UDP 0x00000007
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_UDP 0x00000008
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_UDP_EX 0x00000009
+/* RSS Packet Types as indicated in the receive descriptor */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_NONE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV4 0x00000010 /* IPV4 hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV4_EX 0x00000020 /* IPV4 hdr + extensions */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV6 0x00000040 /* IPV6 hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV6_EX 0x00000080 /* IPV6 hdr + extensions */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_TCP 0x00000100 /* TCP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_UDP 0x00000200 /* UDP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_SCTP 0x00000400 /* SCTP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_NFS 0x00000800 /* NFS hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPSEC_ESP 0x00001000 /* IPSec ESP */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPSEC_AH 0x00002000 /* IPSec AH */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_LINKSEC 0x00004000 /* LinkSec Encap */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF 0x00008000 /* PKTTYPE is ETQF index */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF_MASK 0x00000070 /* ETQF has 8 indices */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF_SHIFT 4 /* Right-shift 4 bits */
+/* LinkSec results */
+/* Security Processing bit Indication */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_IPSEC_STATUS_SECP 0x00020000
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_SWFLSH 0x04000000 /* Tx Desc. wbk flushing */
+/* Tx Queue Arbitration Priority 0=low, 1=high */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_PRIORITY 0x08000000
+#define IGC_RXDCTL_SWFLSH 0x04000000 /* Rx Desc. wbk flushing */
+/* Direct Cache Access (DCA) definitions */
+#define IGC_DCA_CTRL_DCA_ENABLE 0x00000000 /* DCA Enable */
+#define IGC_DCA_CTRL_DCA_DISABLE 0x00000001 /* DCA Disable */
+#define IGC_DCA_CTRL_DCA_MODE_CB1 0x00 /* DCA Mode CB1 */
+#define IGC_DCA_CTRL_DCA_MODE_CB2 0x02 /* DCA Mode CB2 */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_MASK 0x0000001F /* Rx CPUID Mask */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN (1 << 5) /* DCA Rx Desc enable */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_DCA_EN (1 << 6) /* DCA Rx Desc header ena */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_DCA_EN (1 << 7) /* DCA Rx Desc payload ena */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN (1 << 9) /* DCA Rx Desc Relax Order */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK 0x0000001F /* Tx CPUID Mask */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN (1 << 5) /* DCA Tx Desc enable */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN (1 << 9) /* Tx rd Desc Relax Order */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_TX_WB_RO_EN (1 << 11) /* Tx Desc writeback RO bit */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_DATA_RRO_EN (1 << 13) /* Tx rd data Relax Order */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK_82576 0xFF000000 /* Tx CPUID Mask */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_MASK_82576 0xFF000000 /* Rx CPUID Mask */
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82576 24 /* Tx CPUID */
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82576 24 /* Rx CPUID */
+/* Additional interrupt register bit definitions */
+#define IGC_ICR_LSECPNS 0x00000020 /* PN threshold - server */
+#define IGC_IMS_LSECPNS IGC_ICR_LSECPNS /* PN threshold - server */
+#define IGC_ICS_LSECPNS IGC_ICR_LSECPNS /* PN threshold - server */
+/* ETQF register bit definitions */
+#define IGC_ETQF_FILTER_ENABLE (1 << 26)
+#define IGC_ETQF_IMM_INT (1 << 29)
+#define IGC_ETQF_QUEUE_ENABLE (1 << 31)
+ * ETQF filter list: one static filter per filter consumer. This is
+ * to avoid filter collisions later. Add new filters
+ * here!!
+ *
+ * Current filters:
+ * EAPOL 802.1x (0x888e): Filter 0
+ */
+#define IGC_FTQF_MASK_SOURCE_ADDR_BP 0x20000000
+#define IGC_FTQF_MASK_DEST_ADDR_BP 0x40000000
+#define IGC_FTQF_MASK_SOURCE_PORT_BP 0x80000000
+#define IGC_NVM_APME_82575 0x0400
+#define MAX_NUM_VFS 7
+#define IGC_DTXSWC_MAC_SPOOF_MASK 0x000000FF /* Per VF MAC spoof cntrl */
+#define IGC_DTXSWC_VLAN_SPOOF_MASK 0x0000FF00 /* Per VF VLAN spoof cntrl */
+#define IGC_DTXSWC_LLE_MASK 0x00FF0000 /* Per VF Local LB enables */
+#define IGC_DTXSWC_VMDQ_LOOPBACK_EN (1 << 31) /* global VF LB enable */
+/* Easy defines for setting default pool, would normally be left a zero */
+/* Other useful VMD_CTL register defines */
+#define IGC_VT_CTL_IGNORE_MAC (1 << 28)
+#define IGC_VT_CTL_DISABLE_DEF_POOL (1 << 29)
+#define IGC_VT_CTL_VM_REPL_EN (1 << 30)
+/* Per VM Offload register setup */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_RLPML_MASK 0x00003FFF /* Long Packet Maximum Length mask */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_LPE 0x00010000 /* Accept Long packet */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_RSSE 0x00020000 /* Enable RSS */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_AUPE 0x01000000 /* Accept untagged packets */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_ROMPE 0x02000000 /* Accept overflow multicast */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_ROPE 0x04000000 /* Accept overflow unicast */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_BAM 0x08000000 /* Accept Broadcast packets */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_MPME 0x10000000 /* Multicast promiscuous mode */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_STRVLAN 0x40000000 /* Vlan stripping enable */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_STRCRC 0x80000000 /* CRC stripping enable */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_VPE 0x00800000 /* VLAN promiscuous enable */
+#define IGC_VMOLR_UPE 0x20000000 /* Unicast promisuous enable */
+#define IGC_DVMOLR_HIDVLAN 0x20000000 /* Vlan hiding enable */
+#define IGC_DVMOLR_STRVLAN 0x40000000 /* Vlan stripping enable */
+#define IGC_DVMOLR_STRCRC 0x80000000 /* CRC stripping enable */
+#define IGC_PBRWAC_WALPB 0x00000007 /* Wrap around event on LAN Rx PB */
+#define IGC_PBRWAC_PBE 0x00000008 /* Rx packet buffer empty */
+#define IGC_VLVF_VLANID_MASK 0x00000FFF
+#define IGC_VLVF_LVLAN 0x00100000
+#define IGC_VLVF_VLANID_ENABLE 0x80000000
+#define IGC_VMVIR_VLANA_DEFAULT 0x40000000 /* Always use default VLAN */
+#define IGC_VMVIR_VLANA_NEVER 0x80000000 /* Never insert VLAN tag */
+#define IGC_VF_INIT_TIMEOUT 200 /* Number of retries to clear RSTI */
+#define IGC_IOVCTL 0x05BBC
+#define IGC_IOVCTL_REUSE_VFQ 0x00000001
+#define IGC_RPLOLR_STRVLAN 0x40000000
+#define IGC_RPLOLR_STRCRC 0x80000000
+#define IGC_TCTL_EXT_COLD 0x000FFC00
+#define IGC_DTXCTL_8023LL 0x0004
+#define IGC_DTXCTL_VLAN_ADDED 0x0008
+#define IGC_DTXCTL_OOS_ENABLE 0x0010
+#define IGC_DTXCTL_MDP_EN 0x0020
+#define IGC_DTXCTL_SPOOF_INT 0x0040
+#define ALL_QUEUES 0xFFFF
+s32 igc_reset_init_script_82575(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_init_nvm_params_82575(struct igc_hw *hw);
+/* Rx packet buffer size defines */
+#define IGC_RXPBS_SIZE_MASK_82576 0x0000007F
+void igc_vmdq_set_loopback_pf(struct igc_hw *hw, bool enable);
+void igc_vmdq_set_anti_spoofing_pf(struct igc_hw *hw, bool enable, int pf);
+void igc_vmdq_set_replication_pf(struct igc_hw *hw, bool enable);
+enum igc_promisc_type {
+ igc_promisc_disabled = 0, /* all promisc modes disabled */
+ igc_promisc_unicast = 1, /* unicast promiscuous enabled */
+ igc_promisc_multicast = 2, /* multicast promiscuous enabled */
+ igc_promisc_enabled = 3, /* both uni and multicast promisc */
+ igc_num_promisc_types
+#endif /* _IGC_82575_H_ */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1845 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+ * igc_get_i2c_data - Reads the I2C SDA data bit
+ * @i2cctl: Current value of I2CCTL register
+ *
+ * Returns the I2C data bit value
+ **/
+static bool igc_get_i2c_data(u32 *i2cctl)
+ bool data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_i2c_data");
+ if (*i2cctl & IGC_I2C_DATA_IN)
+ data = 1;
+ else
+ data = 0;
+ return data;
+ * igc_set_i2c_data - Sets the I2C data bit
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @i2cctl: Current value of I2CCTL register
+ * @data: I2C data value (0 or 1) to set
+ *
+ * Sets the I2C data bit
+ **/
+static s32 igc_set_i2c_data(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *i2cctl, bool data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_i2c_data");
+ if (data)
+ *i2cctl |= IGC_I2C_DATA_OUT;
+ else
+ *i2cctl &= ~IGC_I2C_DATA_OUT;
+ *i2cctl &= ~IGC_I2C_DATA_OE_N;
+ *i2cctl |= IGC_I2C_CLK_OE_N;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS, *i2cctl);
+ /* Data rise/fall (1000ns/300ns) and set-up time (250ns) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_RISE + IGC_I2C_T_FALL + IGC_I2C_T_SU_DATA);
+ *i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ if (data != igc_get_i2c_data(i2cctl)) {
+ status = IGC_ERR_I2C;
+ DEBUGOUT1("Error - I2C data was not set to %X.\n", data);
+ }
+ return status;
+ * igc_raise_i2c_clk - Raises the I2C SCL clock
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @i2cctl: Current value of I2CCTL register
+ *
+ * Raises the I2C clock line '0'->'1'
+ **/
+static void igc_raise_i2c_clk(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *i2cctl)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_raise_i2c_clk");
+ *i2cctl |= IGC_I2C_CLK_OUT;
+ *i2cctl &= ~IGC_I2C_CLK_OE_N;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS, *i2cctl);
+ /* SCL rise time (1000ns) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_RISE);
+ * igc_lower_i2c_clk - Lowers the I2C SCL clock
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @i2cctl: Current value of I2CCTL register
+ *
+ * Lowers the I2C clock line '1'->'0'
+ **/
+static void igc_lower_i2c_clk(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *i2cctl)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_lower_i2c_clk");
+ *i2cctl &= ~IGC_I2C_CLK_OUT;
+ *i2cctl &= ~IGC_I2C_CLK_OE_N;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS, *i2cctl);
+ /* SCL fall time (300ns) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_FALL);
+ * igc_i2c_start - Sets I2C start condition
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ * Sets I2C start condition (High -> Low on SDA while SCL is High)
+ **/
+static void igc_i2c_start(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_i2c_start");
+ /* Start condition must begin with data and clock high */
+ igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, 1);
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Setup time for start condition (4.7us) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_SU_STA);
+ igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, 0);
+ /* Hold time for start condition (4us) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_HD_STA);
+ igc_lower_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum low period of clock is 4.7 us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_LOW);
+ * igc_i2c_stop - Sets I2C stop condition
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ * Sets I2C stop condition (Low -> High on SDA while SCL is High)
+ **/
+static void igc_i2c_stop(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_i2c_stop");
+ /* Stop condition must begin with data low and clock high */
+ igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, 0);
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Setup time for stop condition (4us) */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_SU_STO);
+ igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, 1);
+ /* bus free time between stop and start (4.7us)*/
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_BUF);
+ * igc_clock_in_i2c_bit - Clocks in one bit via I2C data/clock
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @data: read data value
+ *
+ * Clocks in one bit via I2C data/clock
+ **/
+static void igc_clock_in_i2c_bit(struct igc_hw *hw, bool *data)
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clock_in_i2c_bit");
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum high period of clock is 4us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_HIGH);
+ i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ *data = igc_get_i2c_data(&i2cctl);
+ igc_lower_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum low period of clock is 4.7 us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_LOW);
+ * igc_clock_in_i2c_byte - Clocks in one byte via I2C
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @data: data byte to clock in
+ *
+ * Clocks in one byte data via I2C data/clock
+ **/
+static void igc_clock_in_i2c_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *data)
+ s32 i;
+ bool bit = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clock_in_i2c_byte");
+ *data = 0;
+ for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
+ igc_clock_in_i2c_bit(hw, &bit);
+ *data |= bit << i;
+ }
+ * igc_clock_out_i2c_bit - Clocks in/out one bit via I2C data/clock
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @data: data value to write
+ *
+ * Clocks out one bit via I2C data/clock
+ **/
+static s32 igc_clock_out_i2c_bit(struct igc_hw *hw, bool data)
+ s32 status;
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clock_out_i2c_bit");
+ status = igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, data);
+ if (status == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum high period of clock is 4us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_HIGH);
+ igc_lower_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum low period of clock is 4.7 us.
+ * This also takes care of the data hold time.
+ */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_LOW);
+ } else {
+ status = IGC_ERR_I2C;
+ DEBUGOUT1("I2C data was not set to %X\n", data);
+ }
+ return status;
+ * igc_clock_out_i2c_byte - Clocks out one byte via I2C
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @data: data byte clocked out
+ *
+ * Clocks out one byte data via I2C data/clock
+ **/
+static s32 igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ s32 i;
+ u32 i2cctl;
+ bool bit = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clock_out_i2c_byte");
+ for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
+ bit = (data >> i) & 0x1;
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_bit(hw, bit);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Release SDA line (set high) */
+ i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ i2cctl |= IGC_I2C_DATA_OE_N;
+ return status;
+ * igc_get_i2c_ack - Polls for I2C ACK
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ * Clocks in/out one bit via I2C data/clock
+ **/
+static s32 igc_get_i2c_ack(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u32 i = 0;
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ u32 timeout = 10;
+ bool ack = true;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_i2c_ack");
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum high period of clock is 4us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_HIGH);
+ /* Wait until SCL returns high */
+ for (i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
+ usec_delay(1);
+ i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ if (i2cctl & IGC_I2C_CLK_IN)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(i2cctl & IGC_I2C_CLK_IN))
+ return IGC_ERR_I2C;
+ ack = igc_get_i2c_data(&i2cctl);
+ if (ack) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2C ack was not received.\n");
+ status = IGC_ERR_I2C;
+ }
+ igc_lower_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Minimum low period of clock is 4.7 us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_LOW);
+ return status;
+ * igc_set_i2c_bb - Enable I2C bit-bang
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Enable I2C bit-bang interface
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_i2c_bb(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u32 ctrl_ext, i2cparams;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_i2c_bb");
+ ctrl_ext = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT);
+ ctrl_ext |= IGC_CTRL_I2C_ENA;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext);
+ i2cparams = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ i2cparams |= IGC_I2CBB_EN;
+ i2cparams |= IGC_I2C_DATA_OE_N;
+ i2cparams |= IGC_I2C_CLK_OE_N;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS, i2cparams);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_i2c_byte_generic - Reads 8 bit word over I2C
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @byte_offset: byte offset to read
+ * @dev_addr: device address
+ * @data: value read
+ *
+ * Performs byte read operation over I2C interface at
+ * a specified device address.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_i2c_byte_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 *data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u32 max_retry = 10;
+ u32 retry = 1;
+ u16 swfw_mask = 0;
+ bool nack = true;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_i2c_byte_generic");
+ swfw_mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY0_SM;
+ do {
+ if (hw->mac.ops.acquire_swfw_sync(hw, swfw_mask)
+ status = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ goto read_byte_out;
+ }
+ igc_i2c_start(hw);
+ /* Device Address and write indication */
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, dev_addr);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, byte_offset);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ igc_i2c_start(hw);
+ /* Device Address and read indication */
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, (dev_addr | 0x1));
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ igc_clock_in_i2c_byte(hw, data);
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_bit(hw, nack);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ igc_i2c_stop(hw);
+ break;
+ hw->mac.ops.release_swfw_sync(hw, swfw_mask);
+ msec_delay(100);
+ igc_i2c_bus_clear(hw);
+ retry++;
+ if (retry < max_retry)
+ DEBUGOUT("I2C byte read error - Retrying.\n");
+ else
+ DEBUGOUT("I2C byte read error.\n");
+ } while (retry < max_retry);
+ hw->mac.ops.release_swfw_sync(hw, swfw_mask);
+ return status;
+ * igc_write_i2c_byte_generic - Writes 8 bit word over I2C
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @byte_offset: byte offset to write
+ * @dev_addr: device address
+ * @data: value to write
+ *
+ * Performs byte write operation over I2C interface at
+ * a specified device address.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_i2c_byte_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u32 max_retry = 1;
+ u32 retry = 0;
+ u16 swfw_mask = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_i2c_byte_generic");
+ swfw_mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY0_SM;
+ if (hw->mac.ops.acquire_swfw_sync(hw, swfw_mask) != IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ status = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ goto write_byte_out;
+ }
+ do {
+ igc_i2c_start(hw);
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, dev_addr);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, byte_offset);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_clock_out_i2c_byte(hw, data);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ status = igc_get_i2c_ack(hw);
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ goto fail;
+ igc_i2c_stop(hw);
+ break;
+ igc_i2c_bus_clear(hw);
+ retry++;
+ if (retry < max_retry)
+ DEBUGOUT("I2C byte write error - Retrying.\n");
+ else
+ DEBUGOUT("I2C byte write error.\n");
+ } while (retry < max_retry);
+ hw->mac.ops.release_swfw_sync(hw, swfw_mask);
+ return status;
+ * igc_i2c_bus_clear - Clears the I2C bus
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ *
+ * Clears the I2C bus by sending nine clock pulses.
+ * Used when data line is stuck low.
+ **/
+void igc_i2c_bus_clear(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 i2cctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CPARAMS);
+ u32 i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_i2c_bus_clear");
+ igc_i2c_start(hw);
+ igc_set_i2c_data(hw, &i2cctl, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ igc_raise_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Min high period of clock is 4us */
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_HIGH);
+ igc_lower_i2c_clk(hw, &i2cctl);
+ /* Min low period of clock is 4.7us*/
+ usec_delay(IGC_I2C_T_LOW);
+ }
+ igc_i2c_start(hw);
+ /* Put the i2c bus back to default state */
+ igc_i2c_stop(hw);
+ * igc_init_mac_params - Initialize MAC function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function initializes the function pointers for the MAC
+ * set of functions. Called by drivers or by igc_setup_init_funcs.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_mac_params(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->mac.ops.init_params) {
+ ret_val = hw->mac.ops.init_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("MAC Initialization Error\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("mac.init_mac_params was NULL\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_init_nvm_params - Initialize NVM function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function initializes the function pointers for the NVM
+ * set of functions. Called by drivers or by igc_setup_init_funcs.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_nvm_params(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.init_params) {
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.init_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Initialization Error\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm.init_nvm_params was NULL\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_init_phy_params - Initialize PHY function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function initializes the function pointers for the PHY
+ * set of functions. Called by drivers or by igc_setup_init_funcs.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_phy_params(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->phy.ops.init_params) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.init_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("PHY Initialization Error\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("phy.init_phy_params was NULL\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_init_mbx_params - Initialize mailbox function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function initializes the function pointers for the PHY
+ * set of functions. Called by drivers or by igc_setup_init_funcs.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_mbx_params(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->mbx.ops.init_params) {
+ ret_val = hw->mbx.ops.init_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Mailbox Initialization Error\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("mbx.init_mbx_params was NULL\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_set_mac_type - Sets MAC type
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function sets the mac type of the adapter based on the
+ * device ID stored in the hw structure.
+ * MUST BE FIRST FUNCTION CALLED (explicitly or through
+ * igc_setup_init_funcs()).
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_mac_type(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_mac_type");
+ switch (hw->device_id) {
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82542:
+ mac->type = igc_82542;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82543GC_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82543GC_COPPER:
+ mac->type = igc_82543;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82544EI_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82544EI_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82544GC_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82544GC_LOM:
+ mac->type = igc_82544;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82540EM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82540EM_LOM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP_LOM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP_LP:
+ mac->type = igc_82540;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82545EM_FIBER:
+ mac->type = igc_82545;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_SERDES:
+ mac->type = igc_82545_rev_3;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546EB_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546EB_FIBER:
+ mac->type = igc_82546;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_PCIE:
+ mac->type = igc_82546_rev_3;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541EI:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541EI_MOBILE:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541ER_LOM:
+ mac->type = igc_82541;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541ER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI_LF:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI_MOBILE:
+ mac->type = igc_82541_rev_2;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82547EI:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82547EI_MOBILE:
+ mac->type = igc_82547;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82547GI:
+ mac->type = igc_82547_rev_2;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES:
+ mac->type = igc_82571;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_SERDES:
+ mac->type = igc_82572;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82573E:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82573E_IAMT:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82573L:
+ mac->type = igc_82573;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82574L:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82574LA:
+ mac->type = igc_82574;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82583V:
+ mac->type = igc_82583;
+ break;
+ mac->type = igc_80003es2lan;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_82567V_3:
+ mac->type = igc_ich8lan;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_BM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LF:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_V:
+ mac->type = igc_ich9lan;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LF:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_V:
+ mac->type = igc_ich10lan;
+ break;
+ mac->type = igc_pchlan;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH2_LV_V:
+ mac->type = igc_pch2lan;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPT_I217_LM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPT_I217_V:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_LM2:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_V2:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_LM3:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_V3:
+ mac->type = igc_pch_lpt;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM2:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V2:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LBG_I219_LM3:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM4:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V4:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM5:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V5:
+ mac->type = igc_pch_spt;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_LM6:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_V6:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_LM7:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_V7:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_LM8:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_V8:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_LM9:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_V9:
+ mac->type = igc_pch_cnp;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82575EB_COPPER:
+ mac->type = igc_82575;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_QUAD_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_QUAD_COPPER_ET2:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_NS:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_NS_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_SERDES_QUAD:
+ mac->type = igc_82576;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_VF:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82576_VF_HV:
+ mac->type = igc_vfadapt;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_SGMII:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_COPPER_DUAL:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_82580_QUAD_FIBER:
+ mac->type = igc_82580;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_SGMII:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_DA4:
+ mac->type = igc_i350;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I210_COPPER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I210_FIBER:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I210_SERDES:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I210_SGMII:
+ mac->type = igc_i210;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I211_COPPER:
+ mac->type = igc_i211;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I225_LM:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I225_V:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I225_K:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I225_I:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I220_V:
+ mac->type = igc_i225;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_VF:
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I350_VF_HV:
+ mac->type = igc_vfadapt_i350;
+ break;
+ case IGC_DEV_ID_I354_SGMII:
+ mac->type = igc_i354;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Should never have loaded on this device */
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_MAC_INIT;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_setup_init_funcs - Initializes function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @init_device: true will initialize the rest of the function pointers
+ * getting the device ready for use. false will only set
+ * MAC type and the function pointers for the other init
+ * functions. Passing false will not generate any hardware
+ * reads or writes.
+ *
+ * This function must be called by a driver in order to use the rest
+ * of the 'shared' code files. Called by drivers only.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_init_funcs(struct igc_hw *hw, bool init_device)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ /* Can't do much good without knowing the MAC type. */
+ ret_val = igc_set_mac_type(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("ERROR: MAC type could not be set properly.\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!hw->hw_addr) {
+ DEBUGOUT("ERROR: Registers not mapped\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Init function pointers to generic implementations. We do this first
+ * allowing a driver module to override it afterward.
+ */
+ igc_init_mac_ops_generic(hw);
+ igc_init_phy_ops_generic(hw);
+ igc_init_nvm_ops_generic(hw);
+ /*
+ * Set up the init function pointers. These are functions within the
+ * adapter family file that sets up function pointers for the rest of
+ * the functions in that family.
+ */
+ switch (hw->mac.type) {
+ case igc_i225:
+ igc_init_function_pointers_i225(hw);
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUGOUT("Hardware not supported\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Initialize the rest of the function pointers. These require some
+ * register reads/writes in some cases.
+ */
+ if (!(ret_val) && init_device) {
+ ret_val = igc_init_mac_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ ret_val = igc_init_nvm_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ ret_val = igc_init_phy_params(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_bus_info - Obtain bus information for adapter
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This will obtain information about the HW bus for which the
+ * adapter is attached and stores it in the hw structure. This is a
+ * function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_bus_info(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.get_bus_info)
+ return hw->mac.ops.get_bus_info(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_clear_vfta - Clear VLAN filter table
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This clears the VLAN filter table on the adapter. This is a function
+ * pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+void igc_clear_vfta(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.clear_vfta)
+ hw->mac.ops.clear_vfta(hw);
+ * igc_write_vfta - Write value to VLAN filter table
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the 32-bit offset in which to write the value to.
+ * @value: the 32-bit value to write at location offset.
+ *
+ * This writes a 32-bit value to a 32-bit offset in the VLAN filter
+ * table. This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+void igc_write_vfta(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.write_vfta)
+ hw->mac.ops.write_vfta(hw, offset, value);
+ * igc_update_mc_addr_list - Update Multicast addresses
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mc_addr_list: array of multicast addresses to program
+ * @mc_addr_count: number of multicast addresses to program
+ *
+ * Updates the Multicast Table Array.
+ * The caller must have a packed mc_addr_list of multicast addresses.
+ **/
+void igc_update_mc_addr_list(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr_list,
+ u32 mc_addr_count)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.update_mc_addr_list)
+ hw->mac.ops.update_mc_addr_list(hw, mc_addr_list,
+ mc_addr_count);
+ * igc_force_mac_fc - Force MAC flow control
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Force the MAC's flow control settings. Currently no func pointer exists
+ * and all implementations are handled in the generic version of this
+ * function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_force_mac_fc(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ return igc_force_mac_fc_generic(hw);
+ * igc_check_for_link - Check/Store link connection
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This checks the link condition of the adapter and stores the
+ * results in the hw->mac structure. This is a function pointer entry
+ * point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_for_link(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.check_for_link)
+ return hw->mac.ops.check_for_link(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_check_mng_mode - Check management mode
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This checks if the adapter has manageability enabled.
+ * This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+bool igc_check_mng_mode(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode)
+ return hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw);
+ return false;
+ * igc_mng_write_dhcp_info - Writes DHCP info to host interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: pointer to the host interface
+ * @length: size of the buffer
+ *
+ * Writes the DHCP information to the host interface.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length)
+ return igc_mng_write_dhcp_info_generic(hw, buffer, length);
+ * igc_reset_hw - Reset hardware
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This resets the hardware into a known state. This is a function pointer
+ * entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_reset_hw(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.reset_hw)
+ return hw->mac.ops.reset_hw(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_init_hw - Initialize hardware
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This inits the hardware readying it for operation. This is a function
+ * pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_hw(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.init_hw)
+ return hw->mac.ops.init_hw(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_setup_link - Configures link and flow control
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This configures link and flow control settings for the adapter. This
+ * is a function pointer entry point called by drivers. While modules can
+ * also call this, they probably call their own version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_link(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.setup_link)
+ return hw->mac.ops.setup_link(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_get_speed_and_duplex - Returns current speed and duplex
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @speed: pointer to a 16-bit value to store the speed
+ * @duplex: pointer to a 16-bit value to store the duplex.
+ *
+ * This returns the speed and duplex of the adapter in the two 'out'
+ * variables passed in. This is a function pointer entry point called
+ * by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_speed_and_duplex(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.get_link_up_info)
+ return hw->mac.ops.get_link_up_info(hw, speed, duplex);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_setup_led - Configures SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This prepares the SW controllable LED for use and saves the current state
+ * of the LED so it can be later restored. This is a function pointer entry
+ * point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_led(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.setup_led)
+ return hw->mac.ops.setup_led(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_cleanup_led - Restores SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This restores the SW controllable LED to the value saved off by
+ * igc_setup_led. This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_cleanup_led(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.cleanup_led)
+ return hw->mac.ops.cleanup_led(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_blink_led - Blink SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This starts the adapter LED blinking. Request the LED to be setup first
+ * and cleaned up after. This is a function pointer entry point called by
+ * drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_blink_led(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.blink_led)
+ return hw->mac.ops.blink_led(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_id_led_init - store LED configurations in SW
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Initializes the LED config in SW. This is a function pointer entry point
+ * called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_id_led_init(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.id_led_init)
+ return hw->mac.ops.id_led_init(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_led_on - Turn on SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Turns the SW defined LED on. This is a function pointer entry point
+ * called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_led_on(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.led_on)
+ return hw->mac.ops.led_on(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_led_off - Turn off SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Turns the SW defined LED off. This is a function pointer entry point
+ * called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_led_off(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.led_off)
+ return hw->mac.ops.led_off(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_reset_adaptive - Reset adaptive IFS
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Resets the adaptive IFS. Currently no func pointer exists and all
+ * implementations are handled in the generic version of this function.
+ **/
+void igc_reset_adaptive(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ igc_reset_adaptive_generic(hw);
+ * igc_update_adaptive - Update adaptive IFS
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Updates adapter IFS. Currently no func pointer exists and all
+ * implementations are handled in the generic version of this function.
+ **/
+void igc_update_adaptive(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ igc_update_adaptive_generic(hw);
+ * igc_disable_pcie_master - Disable PCI-Express master access
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Disables PCI-Express master access and verifies there are no pending
+ * requests. Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are
+ * handled in the generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_disable_pcie_master(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ return igc_disable_pcie_master_generic(hw);
+ * igc_config_collision_dist - Configure collision distance
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Configures the collision distance to the default value and is used
+ * during link setup.
+ **/
+void igc_config_collision_dist(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist)
+ hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ * igc_rar_set - Sets a receive address register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @addr: address to set the RAR to
+ * @index: the RAR to set
+ *
+ * Sets a Receive Address Register (RAR) to the specified address.
+ **/
+int igc_rar_set(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.rar_set)
+ return hw->mac.ops.rar_set(hw, addr, index);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_validate_mdi_setting - Ensures valid MDI/MDIX SW state
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Ensures that the MDI/MDIX SW state is valid.
+ **/
+s32 igc_validate_mdi_setting(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.validate_mdi_setting)
+ return hw->mac.ops.validate_mdi_setting(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_hash_mc_addr - Determines address location in multicast table
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mc_addr: Multicast address to hash.
+ *
+ * This hashes an address to determine its location in the multicast
+ * table. Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations
+ * are handled in the generic version of this function.
+ **/
+u32 igc_hash_mc_addr(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr)
+ return igc_hash_mc_addr_generic(hw, mc_addr);
+ * igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering - Enable packet filtering on TX
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Enables packet filtering on transmit packets if manageability is enabled
+ * and host interface is enabled.
+ * Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are handled in the
+ * generic version of this function.
+ **/
+bool igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ return igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering_generic(hw);
+ * igc_mng_host_if_write - Writes to the manageability host interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: pointer to the host interface buffer
+ * @length: size of the buffer
+ * @offset: location in the buffer to write to
+ * @sum: sum of the data (not checksum)
+ *
+ * This function writes the buffer content at the offset given on the host if.
+ * It also does alignment considerations to do the writes in most efficient
+ * way. Also fills up the sum of the buffer in *buffer parameter.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_host_if_write(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length,
+ u16 offset, u8 *sum)
+ return igc_mng_host_if_write_generic(hw, buffer, length, offset, sum);
+ * igc_mng_write_cmd_header - Writes manageability command header
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @hdr: pointer to the host interface command header
+ *
+ * Writes the command header after does the checksum calculation.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_write_cmd_header(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header *hdr)
+ return igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic(hw, hdr);
+ * igc_mng_enable_host_if - Checks host interface is enabled
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Returns IGC_success upon success, else IGC_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND
+ *
+ * This function checks whether the HOST IF is enabled for command operation
+ * and also checks whether the previous command is completed. It busy waits
+ * in case of previous command is not completed.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_enable_host_if(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ return igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic(hw);
+ * igc_check_reset_block - Verifies PHY can be reset
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks if the PHY is in a state that can be reset or if manageability
+ * has it tied up. This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_reset_block(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block)
+ return hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg - Reads PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the register to read
+ * @data: the buffer to store the 16-bit read.
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register and returns the value in data.
+ * This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.read_reg)
+ return hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, offset, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg - Writes PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the register to write
+ * @data: the value to write.
+ *
+ * Writes the PHY register at offset with the value in data.
+ * This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.write_reg)
+ return hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, offset, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_release_phy - Generic release PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Return if silicon family does not require a semaphore when accessing the
+ * PHY.
+ **/
+void igc_release_phy(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.release)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ * igc_acquire_phy - Generic acquire PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Return success if silicon family does not require a semaphore when
+ * accessing the PHY.
+ **/
+s32 igc_acquire_phy(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_cfg_on_link_up - Configure PHY upon link up
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+s32 igc_cfg_on_link_up(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.cfg_on_link_up)
+ return hw->phy.ops.cfg_on_link_up(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_kmrn_reg - Reads register using Kumeran interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the register to read
+ * @data: the location to store the 16-bit value read.
+ *
+ * Reads a register out of the Kumeran interface. Currently no func pointer
+ * exists and all implementations are handled in the generic version of
+ * this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return igc_read_kmrn_reg_generic(hw, offset, data);
+ * igc_write_kmrn_reg - Writes register using Kumeran interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the register to write
+ * @data: the value to write.
+ *
+ * Writes a register to the Kumeran interface. Currently no func pointer
+ * exists and all implementations are handled in the generic version of
+ * this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return igc_write_kmrn_reg_generic(hw, offset, data);
+ * igc_get_cable_length - Retrieves cable length estimation
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function estimates the cable length and stores them in
+ * hw->phy.min_length and hw->phy.max_length. This is a function pointer
+ * entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_cable_length(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length)
+ return hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_phy_info - Retrieves PHY information from registers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function gets some information from various PHY registers and
+ * populates hw->phy values with it. This is a function pointer entry
+ * point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_info(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.get_info)
+ return hw->phy.ops.get_info(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_hw_reset - Hard PHY reset
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Performs a hard PHY reset. This is a function pointer entry point called
+ * by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_hw_reset(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.reset)
+ return hw->phy.ops.reset(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_commit - Soft PHY reset
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Performs a soft PHY reset on those that apply. This is a function pointer
+ * entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_commit(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.commit)
+ return hw->phy.ops.commit(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_d0_lplu_state - Sets low power link up state for D0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: boolean used to enable/disable lplu
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns 1
+ *
+ * The low power link up (lplu) state is set to the power management level D0
+ * and SmartSpeed is disabled when active is true, else clear lplu for D0
+ * and enable Smartspeed. LPLU and Smartspeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU
+ * is used during Dx states where the power conservation is most important.
+ * During driver activity, SmartSpeed should be enabled so performance is
+ * maintained. This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_d0_lplu_state(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.set_d0_lplu_state)
+ return hw->phy.ops.set_d0_lplu_state(hw, active);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_d3_lplu_state - Sets low power link up state for D3
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: boolean used to enable/disable lplu
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns 1
+ *
+ * The low power link up (lplu) state is set to the power management level D3
+ * and SmartSpeed is disabled when active is true, else clear lplu for D3
+ * and enable Smartspeed. LPLU and Smartspeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU
+ * is used during Dx states where the power conservation is most important.
+ * During driver activity, SmartSpeed should be enabled so performance is
+ * maintained. This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.set_d3_lplu_state)
+ return hw->phy.ops.set_d3_lplu_state(hw, active);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_mac_addr - Reads MAC address
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the MAC address out of the adapter and stores it in the HW structure.
+ * Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are handled in the
+ * generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_mac_addr(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.read_mac_addr)
+ return hw->mac.ops.read_mac_addr(hw);
+ return igc_read_mac_addr_generic(hw);
+ * igc_read_pba_string - Read device part number string
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num: pointer to device part number
+ * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores
+ * the value in pba_num.
+ * Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are handled in the
+ * generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_string(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num, u32 pba_num_size)
+ return igc_read_pba_string_generic(hw, pba_num, pba_num_size);
+ * igc_read_pba_length - Read device part number string length
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number length from the EEPROM and
+ * stores the value in pba_num.
+ * Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are handled in the
+ * generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_length(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num_size)
+ return igc_read_pba_length_generic(hw, pba_num_size);
+ * igc_read_pba_num - Read device part number
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num: pointer to device part number
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores
+ * the value in pba_num.
+ * Currently no func pointer exists and all implementations are handled in the
+ * generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_num(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num)
+ return igc_read_pba_num_generic(hw, pba_num);
+ * igc_validate_nvm_checksum - Verifies NVM (EEPROM) checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Validates the NVM checksum is correct. This is a function pointer entry
+ * point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.validate)
+ return hw->nvm.ops.validate(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_update_nvm_checksum - Updates NVM (EEPROM) checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Updates the NVM checksum. Currently no func pointer exists and all
+ * implementations are handled in the generic version of this function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.update)
+ return hw->nvm.ops.update(hw);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_reload_nvm - Reloads EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reloads the EEPROM by setting the "Reinitialize from EEPROM" bit in the
+ * extended control register.
+ **/
+void igc_reload_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.reload)
+ hw->nvm.ops.reload(hw);
+ * igc_read_nvm - Reads NVM (EEPROM)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the word offset to read
+ * @words: number of 16-bit words to read
+ * @data: pointer to the properly sized buffer for the data.
+ *
+ * Reads 16-bit chunks of data from the NVM (EEPROM). This is a function
+ * pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.read)
+ return hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, offset, words, data);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ * igc_write_nvm - Writes to NVM (EEPROM)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: the word offset to read
+ * @words: number of 16-bit words to write
+ * @data: pointer to the properly sized buffer for the data.
+ *
+ * Writes 16-bit chunks of data to the NVM (EEPROM). This is a function
+ * pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.write)
+ return hw->nvm.ops.write(hw, offset, words, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg - Writes 8bit Control register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @reg: 32bit register offset
+ * @offset: the register to write
+ * @data: the value to write.
+ *
+ * Writes the PHY register at offset with the value in data.
+ * This is a function pointer entry point called by drivers.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u32 offset,
+ u8 data)
+ return igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg_generic(hw, reg, offset, data);
+ * igc_power_up_phy - Restores link in case of PHY power down
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * The phy may be powered down to save power, to turn off link when the
+ * driver is unloaded, or wake on lan is not enabled (among others).
+ **/
+void igc_power_up_phy(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.power_up)
+ hw->phy.ops.power_up(hw);
+ igc_setup_link(hw);
+ * igc_power_down_phy - Power down PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * The phy may be powered down to save power, to turn off link when the
+ * driver is unloaded, or wake on lan is not enabled (among others).
+ **/
+void igc_power_down_phy(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->phy.ops.power_down)
+ hw->phy.ops.power_down(hw);
+ * igc_power_up_fiber_serdes_link - Power up serdes link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Power on the optics and PCS.
+ **/
+void igc_power_up_fiber_serdes_link(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.power_up_serdes)
+ hw->mac.ops.power_up_serdes(hw);
+ * igc_shutdown_fiber_serdes_link - Remove link during power down
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Shutdown the optics and PCS on driver unload.
+ **/
+void igc_shutdown_fiber_serdes_link(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ if (hw->mac.ops.shutdown_serdes)
+ hw->mac.ops.shutdown_serdes(hw);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_API_H_
+#define _IGC_API_H_
+#include "e1000_hw.h"
+/* I2C SDA and SCL timing parameters for standard mode */
+#define IGC_I2C_T_HD_STA 4
+#define IGC_I2C_T_LOW 5
+#define IGC_I2C_T_HIGH 4
+#define IGC_I2C_T_SU_STA 5
+#define IGC_I2C_T_HD_DATA 5
+#define IGC_I2C_T_SU_DATA 1
+#define IGC_I2C_T_RISE 1
+#define IGC_I2C_T_FALL 1
+#define IGC_I2C_T_SU_STO 4
+#define IGC_I2C_T_BUF 5
+s32 igc_set_i2c_bb(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_i2c_byte_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 *data);
+s32 igc_write_i2c_byte_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 data);
+void igc_i2c_bus_clear(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82542(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82543(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82540(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82571(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82541(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_80003es2lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_82575(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_vf(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_power_up_fiber_serdes_link(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_shutdown_fiber_serdes_link(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_i210(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_function_pointers_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_set_obff_timer(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 itr);
+s32 igc_set_mac_type(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_init_funcs(struct igc_hw *hw, bool init_device);
+s32 igc_init_mac_params(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_init_nvm_params(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_init_phy_params(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_init_mbx_params(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_bus_info(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_clear_vfta(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_write_vfta(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value);
+s32 igc_force_mac_fc(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_for_link(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_reset_hw(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_init_hw(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_link(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_speed_and_duplex(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex);
+s32 igc_disable_pcie_master(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_config_collision_dist(struct igc_hw *hw);
+int igc_rar_set(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index);
+u32 igc_hash_mc_addr(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr);
+void igc_update_mc_addr_list(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr_list,
+ u32 mc_addr_count);
+s32 igc_setup_led(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_cleanup_led(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_reset_block(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_blink_led(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_led_on(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_led_off(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_id_led_init(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_reset_adaptive(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_update_adaptive(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cable_length(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_validate_mdi_setting(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u32 offset,
+ u8 data);
+s32 igc_get_phy_info(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_release_phy(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_acquire_phy(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_cfg_on_link_up(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_hw_reset(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_commit(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_power_up_phy(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_power_down_phy(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_mac_addr(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_pba_num(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *part_num);
+s32 igc_read_pba_string(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num, u32 pba_num_size);
+s32 igc_read_pba_length(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num_size);
+void igc_reload_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+s32 igc_set_d0_lplu_state(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+bool igc_check_mng_mode(struct igc_hw *hw);
+bool igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_mng_enable_host_if(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_mng_host_if_write(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length,
+ u16 offset, u8 *sum);
+s32 igc_mng_write_cmd_header(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header *hdr);
+s32 igc_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length);
+u32 igc_translate_register_82542(u32 reg);
+#endif /* _IGC_API_H_ */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_hw.h"
+#include "e1000_i225.h"
+#include "e1000_mac.h"
+#include "e1000_base.h"
+#include "e1000_manage.h"
+ * igc_acquire_phy_base - Acquire rights to access PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Acquire access rights to the correct PHY.
+ **/
+s32 igc_acquire_phy_base(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY0_SM;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_acquire_phy_base");
+ if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_1)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY1_SM;
+ else if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_2)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY2_SM;
+ else if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_3)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY3_SM;
+ return hw->mac.ops.acquire_swfw_sync(hw, mask);
+ * igc_release_phy_base - Release rights to access PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * A wrapper to release access rights to the correct PHY.
+ **/
+void igc_release_phy_base(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY0_SM;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_release_phy_base");
+ if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_1)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY1_SM;
+ else if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_2)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY2_SM;
+ else if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_3)
+ mask = IGC_SWFW_PHY3_SM;
+ hw->mac.ops.release_swfw_sync(hw, mask);
+ * igc_init_hw_base - Initialize hardware
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This inits the hardware readying it for operation.
+ **/
+s32 igc_init_hw_base(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 i, rar_count = mac->rar_entry_count;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_hw_base");
+ /* Setup the receive address */
+ igc_init_rx_addrs_generic(hw, rar_count);
+ /* Zero out the Multicast HASH table */
+ DEBUGOUT("Zeroing the MTA\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < mac->mta_reg_count; i++)
+ /* Zero out the Unicast HASH table */
+ DEBUGOUT("Zeroing the UTA\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < mac->uta_reg_count; i++)
+ /* Setup link and flow control */
+ ret_val = mac->ops.setup_link(hw);
+ /*
+ * Clear all of the statistics registers (clear on read). It is
+ * important that we do this after we have tried to establish link
+ * because the symbol error count will increment wildly if there
+ * is no link.
+ */
+ igc_clear_hw_cntrs_base_generic(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_power_down_phy_copper_base - Remove link during PHY power down
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * In the case of a PHY power down to save power, or to turn off link during a
+ * driver unload, or wake on lan is not enabled, remove the link.
+ **/
+void igc_power_down_phy_copper_base(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ if (!(phy->ops.check_reset_block))
+ return;
+ /* If the management interface is not enabled, then power down */
+ if (!phy->ops.check_reset_block(hw))
+ igc_power_down_phy_copper(hw);
+ * igc_rx_fifo_flush_base - Clean Rx FIFO after Rx enable
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * After Rx enable, if manageability is enabled then there is likely some
+ * bad data at the start of the FIFO and possibly in the DMA FIFO. This
+ * function clears the FIFOs and flushes any packets that came in as Rx was
+ * being enabled.
+ **/
+void igc_rx_fifo_flush_base(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 rctl, rlpml, rxdctl[4], rfctl, temp_rctl, rx_enabled;
+ int i, ms_wait;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_rx_fifo_flush_base");
+ /* disable IPv6 options as per hardware errata */
+ rfctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RFCTL);
+ rfctl |= IGC_RFCTL_IPV6_EX_DIS;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RFCTL, rfctl);
+ return;
+ /* Disable all Rx queues */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ rxdctl[i] = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXDCTL(i));
+ rxdctl[i] & ~IGC_RXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE);
+ }
+ /* Poll all queues to verify they have shut down */
+ for (ms_wait = 0; ms_wait < 10; ms_wait++) {
+ msec_delay(1);
+ rx_enabled = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ rx_enabled |= IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXDCTL(i));
+ if (!(rx_enabled & IGC_RXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ms_wait == 10)
+ DEBUGOUT("Queue disable timed out after 10ms\n");
+ /* Clear RLPML, RCTL.SBP, RFCTL.LEF, and set RCTL.LPE so that all
+ * incoming packets are rejected. Set enable and wait 2ms so that
+ * any packet that was coming in as RCTL.EN was set is flushed
+ */
+ rlpml = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RLPML);
+ rctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RCTL);
+ temp_rctl = rctl & ~(IGC_RCTL_EN | IGC_RCTL_SBP);
+ temp_rctl |= IGC_RCTL_LPE;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RCTL, temp_rctl);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RCTL, temp_rctl | IGC_RCTL_EN);
+ msec_delay(2);
+ /* Enable Rx queues that were previously enabled and restore our
+ * previous state
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RXDCTL(i), rxdctl[i]);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RCTL, rctl);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RLPML, rlpml);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RFCTL, rfctl);
+ /* Flush receive errors generated by workaround */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_BASE_H_
+#define _IGC_BASE_H_
+/* forward declaration */
+s32 igc_init_hw_base(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_power_down_phy_copper_base(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_rx_fifo_flush_base(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_acquire_phy_base(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_release_phy_base(struct igc_hw *hw);
+/* Transmit Descriptor - Advanced */
+union igc_adv_tx_desc {
+ struct {
+ __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of descriptor's data buf */
+ __le32 cmd_type_len;
+ __le32 olinfo_status;
+ } read;
+ struct {
+ __le64 rsvd; /* Reserved */
+ __le32 nxtseq_seed;
+ __le32 status;
+ } wb;
+/* Context descriptors */
+struct igc_adv_tx_context_desc {
+ __le32 vlan_macip_lens;
+ union {
+ __le32 launch_time;
+ __le32 seqnum_seed;
+ } u;
+ __le32 type_tucmd_mlhl;
+ __le32 mss_l4len_idx;
+/* Adv Transmit Descriptor Config Masks */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DTYP_CTXT 0x00200000 /* Advanced Context Descriptor */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DTYP_DATA 0x00300000 /* Advanced Data Descriptor */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_EOP 0x01000000 /* End of Packet */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_IFCS 0x02000000 /* Insert FCS (Ethernet CRC) */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_RS 0x08000000 /* Report Status */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_DDTYP_ISCSI 0x10000000 /* DDP hdr type or iSCSI */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_DEXT 0x20000000 /* Descriptor extension (1=Adv) */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_VLE 0x40000000 /* VLAN pkt enable */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_DCMD_TSE 0x80000000 /* TCP Seg enable */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_MAC_LINKSEC 0x00040000 /* Apply LinkSec on pkt */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_MAC_TSTAMP 0x00080000 /* IEEE1588 Timestamp pkt */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_STAT_SN_CRC 0x00000002 /* NXTSEQ/SEED prsnt in WB */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_IDX_SHIFT 4 /* Adv desc Index shift */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_POPTS_ISCO_1ST 0x00000000 /* 1st TSO of iSCSI PDU */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_POPTS_ISCO_MDL 0x00000800 /* Middle TSO of iSCSI PDU */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_POPTS_ISCO_LAST 0x00001000 /* Last TSO of iSCSI PDU */
+/* 1st & Last TSO-full iSCSI PDU*/
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_POPTS_ISCO_FULL 0x00001800
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_POPTS_IPSEC 0x00000400 /* IPSec offload request */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_PAYLEN_SHIFT 14 /* Adv desc PAYLEN shift */
+/* Advanced Transmit Context Descriptor Config */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT 9 /* Adv ctxt desc mac len shift */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_VLAN_SHIFT 16 /* Adv ctxt vlan tag shift */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV4 0x00000400 /* IP Packet Type: 1=IPv4 */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV6 0x00000000 /* IP Packet Type: 0=IPv6 */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_UDP 0x00000000 /* L4 Packet TYPE of UDP */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_TCP 0x00000800 /* L4 Packet TYPE of TCP */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_SCTP 0x00001000 /* L4 Packet TYPE of SCTP */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPSEC_TYPE_ESP 0x00002000 /* IPSec Type ESP */
+/* IPSec Encrypt Enable for ESP */
+/* Req requires Markers and CRC */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_TUCMD_MKRREQ 0x00002000
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_L4LEN_SHIFT 8 /* Adv ctxt L4LEN shift */
+#define IGC_ADVTXD_MSS_SHIFT 16 /* Adv ctxt MSS shift */
+/* Adv ctxt IPSec SA IDX mask */
+/* Adv ctxt IPSec ESP len mask */
+/* Receive Descriptor - Advanced */
+union igc_adv_rx_desc {
+ struct {
+ __le64 pkt_addr; /* Packet buffer address */
+ __le64 hdr_addr; /* Header buffer address */
+ } read;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ __le16 pkt_info; /*RSS type, Pkt type*/
+ /* Split Header, header buffer len */
+ __le16 hdr_info;
+ } hs_rss;
+ } lo_dword;
+ union {
+ __le32 rss; /* RSS Hash */
+ struct {
+ __le16 ip_id; /* IP id */
+ __le16 csum; /* Packet Checksum */
+ } csum_ip;
+ } hi_dword;
+ } lower;
+ struct {
+ __le32 status_error; /* ext status/error */
+ __le16 length; /* Packet length */
+ __le16 vlan; /* VLAN tag */
+ } upper;
+ } wb; /* writeback */
+/* Additional Transmit Descriptor Control definitions */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE 0x02000000 /* Ena specific Tx Queue */
+/* Additional Receive Descriptor Control definitions */
+#define IGC_RXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE 0x02000000 /* Ena specific Rx Queue */
+/* SRRCTL bit definitions */
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT 10 /* Shift _right_ */
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_SHIFT 2 /* Shift _left_ */
+#endif /* _IGC_BASE_H_ */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1649 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_DEFINES_H_
+#define _IGC_DEFINES_H_
+/* Number of Transmit and Receive Descriptors must be a multiple of 8 */
+/* Definitions for power management and wakeup registers */
+/* Wake Up Control */
+#define IGC_WUC_APME 0x00000001 /* APM Enable */
+#define IGC_WUC_PME_EN 0x00000002 /* PME Enable */
+#define IGC_WUC_PME_STATUS 0x00000004 /* PME Status */
+#define IGC_WUC_APMPME 0x00000008 /* Assert PME on APM Wakeup */
+#define IGC_WUC_PHY_WAKE 0x00000100 /* if PHY supports wakeup */
+/* Wake Up Filter Control */
+#define IGC_WUFC_LNKC 0x00000001 /* Link Status Change Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_MAG 0x00000002 /* Magic Packet Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_EX 0x00000004 /* Directed Exact Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_MC 0x00000008 /* Directed Multicast Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_BC 0x00000010 /* Broadcast Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_ARP 0x00000020 /* ARP Request Packet Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_IPV4 0x00000040 /* Directed IPv4 Packet Wakeup Enable */
+#define IGC_WUFC_FLX0 0x00010000 /* Flexible Filter 0 Enable */
+/* Wake Up Status */
+/* Extended Device Control */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LPCD 0x00000004 /* LCD Power Cycle Done */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP4_DATA 0x00000010 /* SW Definable Pin 4 data */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP6_DATA 0x00000040 /* SW Definable Pin 6 data */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP3_DATA 0x00000080 /* SW Definable Pin 3 data */
+/* SDP 4/5 (bits 8,9) are reserved in >= 82575 */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP4_DIR 0x00000100 /* Direction of SDP4 0=in 1=out */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP6_DIR 0x00000400 /* Direction of SDP6 0=in 1=out */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP3_DIR 0x00000800 /* Direction of SDP3 0=in 1=out */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_FORCE_SMBUS 0x00000800 /* Force SMBus mode */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST 0x00002000 /* Reinitialize from EEPROM */
+/* Physical Func Reset Done Indication */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_PFRSTD 0x00004000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDLPE 0X00040000 /* SerDes Low Power Enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SPD_BYPS 0x00008000 /* Speed Select Bypass */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_RO_DIS 0x00020000 /* Relaxed Ordering disable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_DMA_DYN_CLK_EN 0x00080000 /* DMA Dynamic Clk Gating */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_MASK 0x00C00000
+/* Offset of the link mode field in Ctrl Ext register */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_1000BASE_KX 0x00400000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_GMII 0x00000000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_SGMII 0x00800000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_EIAME 0x01000000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_IRCA 0x00000001
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_DRV_LOAD 0x10000000 /* Drv loaded bit for FW */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_IAME 0x08000000 /* Int ACK Auto-mask */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_PBA_CLR 0x80000000 /* PBA Clear */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_LSECCK 0x00001000
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_PHYPDEN 0x00100000
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_OPCODE_READ 0x08000000
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_OPCODE_WRITE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_READY 0x20000000
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_ERROR 0x80000000
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DATA_ADDR(a) (0x0000 + (a))
+#define IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DIAG_ADDR(a) (0x0100 + (a))
+#define IGC_IVAR_VALID 0x80
+#define IGC_GPIE_NSICR 0x00000001
+#define IGC_GPIE_MSIX_MODE 0x00000010
+#define IGC_GPIE_EIAME 0x40000000
+#define IGC_GPIE_PBA 0x80000000
+/* Receive Descriptor bit definitions */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_DD 0x01 /* Descriptor Done */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_EOP 0x02 /* End of Packet */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_IXSM 0x04 /* Ignore checksum */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_VP 0x08 /* IEEE VLAN Packet */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_UDPCS 0x10 /* UDP xsum calculated */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_TCPCS 0x20 /* TCP xsum calculated */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_IPCS 0x40 /* IP xsum calculated */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_PIF 0x80 /* passed in-exact filter */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_IPIDV 0x200 /* IP identification valid */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_UDPV 0x400 /* Valid UDP checksum */
+#define IGC_RXD_STAT_DYNINT 0x800 /* Pkt caused INT via DYNINT */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_CE 0x01 /* CRC Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_SE 0x02 /* Symbol Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_SEQ 0x04 /* Sequence Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_CXE 0x10 /* Carrier Extension Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_TCPE 0x20 /* TCP/UDP Checksum Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_IPE 0x40 /* IP Checksum Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_ERR_RXE 0x80 /* Rx Data Error */
+#define IGC_RXD_SPC_VLAN_MASK 0x0FFF /* VLAN ID is in lower 12 bits */
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_TST 0x00000100 /* Time Stamp taken */
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_LB 0x00040000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_CE 0x01000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_SE 0x02000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_SEQ 0x04000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_CXE 0x10000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_TCPE 0x20000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_IPE 0x40000000
+#define IGC_RXDEXT_STATERR_RXE 0x80000000
+/* mask to determine if packets should be dropped due to frame errors */
+/* Same mask, but for extended and packet split descriptors */
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_RSS_2Q 0x00000001
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_TCP 0x00010000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4 0x00020000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP_EX 0x00040000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6 0x00100000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP 0x00200000
+#define IGC_RXDPS_HDRSTAT_HDRSP 0x00008000
+/* Management Control */
+#define IGC_MANC_SMBUS_EN 0x00000001 /* SMBus Enabled - RO */
+#define IGC_MANC_ASF_EN 0x00000002 /* ASF Enabled - RO */
+#define IGC_MANC_ARP_EN 0x00002000 /* Enable ARP Request Filtering */
+#define IGC_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN 0x00020000 /* Receive TCO Packets Enabled */
+#define IGC_MANC_BLK_PHY_RST_ON_IDE 0x00040000 /* Block phy resets */
+/* Enable MAC address filtering */
+#define IGC_MANC_EN_MAC_ADDR_FILTER 0x00100000
+/* Enable MNG packets to host memory */
+#define IGC_MANC_EN_MNG2HOST 0x00200000
+#define IGC_MANC2H_PORT_623 0x00000020 /* Port 0x26f */
+#define IGC_MANC2H_PORT_664 0x00000040 /* Port 0x298 */
+#define IGC_MDEF_PORT_623 0x00000800 /* Port 0x26f */
+#define IGC_MDEF_PORT_664 0x00000400 /* Port 0x298 */
+/* Receive Control */
+#define IGC_RCTL_RST 0x00000001 /* Software reset */
+#define IGC_RCTL_EN 0x00000002 /* enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SBP 0x00000004 /* store bad packet */
+#define IGC_RCTL_UPE 0x00000008 /* unicast promisc enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_MPE 0x00000010 /* multicast promisc enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_LPE 0x00000020 /* long packet enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_LBM_NO 0x00000000 /* no loopback mode */
+#define IGC_RCTL_LBM_MAC 0x00000040 /* MAC loopback mode */
+#define IGC_RCTL_LBM_TCVR 0x000000C0 /* tcvr loopback mode */
+#define IGC_RCTL_DTYP_PS 0x00000400 /* Packet Split descriptor */
+#define IGC_RCTL_RDMTS_HALF 0x00000000 /* Rx desc min thresh size */
+#define IGC_RCTL_RDMTS_HEX 0x00010000
+#define IGC_RCTL_MO_SHIFT 12 /* multicast offset shift */
+#define IGC_RCTL_MO_3 0x00003000 /* multicast offset 15:4 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_BAM 0x00008000 /* broadcast enable */
+/* these buffer sizes are valid if IGC_RCTL_BSEX is 0 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_2048 0x00000000 /* Rx buffer size 2048 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_1024 0x00010000 /* Rx buffer size 1024 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_512 0x00020000 /* Rx buffer size 512 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_256 0x00030000 /* Rx buffer size 256 */
+/* these buffer sizes are valid if IGC_RCTL_BSEX is 1 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_16384 0x00010000 /* Rx buffer size 16384 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_8192 0x00020000 /* Rx buffer size 8192 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SZ_4096 0x00030000 /* Rx buffer size 4096 */
+#define IGC_RCTL_VFE 0x00040000 /* vlan filter enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_CFIEN 0x00080000 /* canonical form enable */
+#define IGC_RCTL_CFI 0x00100000 /* canonical form indicator */
+#define IGC_RCTL_DPF 0x00400000 /* discard pause frames */
+#define IGC_RCTL_PMCF 0x00800000 /* pass MAC control frames */
+#define IGC_RCTL_BSEX 0x02000000 /* Buffer size extension */
+#define IGC_RCTL_SECRC 0x04000000 /* Strip Ethernet CRC */
+/* Use byte values for the following shift parameters
+ * Usage:
+ * psrctl |= (((ROUNDUP(value0, 128) >> IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_SHIFT) &
+ * ((ROUNDUP(value1, 1024) >> IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_SHIFT) &
+ * ((ROUNDUP(value2, 1024) << IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_SHIFT) &
+ * ((ROUNDUP(value3, 1024) << IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_SHIFT) |;
+ * where value0 = [128..16256], default=256
+ * value1 = [1024..64512], default=4096
+ * value2 = [0..64512], default=4096
+ * value3 = [0..64512], default=0
+ */
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_MASK 0x0000007F
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_MASK 0x00003F00
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_MASK 0x003F0000
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_MASK 0x3F000000
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_SHIFT 7 /* Shift _right_ 7 */
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_SHIFT 2 /* Shift _right_ 2 */
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_SHIFT 6 /* Shift _left_ 6 */
+#define IGC_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_SHIFT 14 /* Shift _left_ 14 */
+/* SWFW_SYNC Definitions */
+#define IGC_SWFW_EEP_SM 0x01
+#define IGC_SWFW_PHY0_SM 0x02
+#define IGC_SWFW_PHY1_SM 0x04
+#define IGC_SWFW_CSR_SM 0x08
+#define IGC_SWFW_PHY2_SM 0x20
+#define IGC_SWFW_PHY3_SM 0x40
+#define IGC_SWFW_SW_MNG_SM 0x400
+/* Device Control */
+#define IGC_CTRL_FD 0x00000001 /* Full duplex.0=half; 1=full */
+#define IGC_CTRL_PRIOR 0x00000004 /* Priority on PCI. 0=rx,1=fair */
+#define IGC_CTRL_GIO_MASTER_DISABLE 0x00000004 /*Blocks new Master reqs */
+#define IGC_CTRL_LRST 0x00000008 /* Link reset. 0=normal,1=reset */
+#define IGC_CTRL_ASDE 0x00000020 /* Auto-speed detect enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SLU 0x00000040 /* Set link up (Force Link) */
+#define IGC_CTRL_ILOS 0x00000080 /* Invert Loss-Of Signal */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SPD_SEL 0x00000300 /* Speed Select Mask */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SPD_10 0x00000000 /* Force 10Mb */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SPD_100 0x00000100 /* Force 100Mb */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SPD_1000 0x00000200 /* Force 1Gb */
+#define IGC_CTRL_FRCSPD 0x00000800 /* Force Speed */
+#define IGC_CTRL_FRCDPX 0x00001000 /* Force Duplex */
+#define IGC_CTRL_LANPHYPC_OVERRIDE 0x00010000 /* SW control of LANPHYPC */
+#define IGC_CTRL_LANPHYPC_VALUE 0x00020000 /* SW value of LANPHYPC */
+#define IGC_CTRL_MEHE 0x00080000 /* Memory Error Handling Enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN0 0x00040000 /* SWDPIN 0 value */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN1 0x00080000 /* SWDPIN 1 value */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN2 0x00100000 /* SWDPIN 2 value */
+#define IGC_CTRL_ADVD3WUC 0x00100000 /* D3 WUC */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EN_PHY_PWR_MGMT 0x00200000 /* PHY PM enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN3 0x00200000 /* SWDPIN 3 value */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIO0 0x00400000 /* SWDPIN 0 Input or output */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIO2 0x01000000 /* SWDPIN 2 input or output */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SWDPIO3 0x02000000 /* SWDPIN 3 input or output */
+#define IGC_CTRL_DEV_RST 0x20000000 /* Device reset */
+#define IGC_CTRL_RST 0x04000000 /* Global reset */
+#define IGC_CTRL_RFCE 0x08000000 /* Receive Flow Control enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_TFCE 0x10000000 /* Transmit flow control enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_VME 0x40000000 /* IEEE VLAN mode enable */
+#define IGC_CTRL_PHY_RST 0x80000000 /* PHY Reset */
+#define IGC_CTRL_I2C_ENA 0x02000000 /* I2C enable */
+#define IGC_CONNSW_PHYSD 0x400
+#define IGC_CONNSW_PHY_PDN 0x800
+#define IGC_CONNSW_SERDESD 0x200
+#define IGC_PCS_CFG_PCS_EN 8
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_FSV_10 0
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_FSV_100 2
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_FSV_1000 4
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_FSD 0x10
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_AN_ENABLE 0x10000
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_AN_RESTART 0x20000
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL_AN_TIMEOUT 0x40000
+#define IGC_PCS_LSTS_SPEED_100 2
+#define IGC_PCS_LSTS_SPEED_1000 4
+#define IGC_PCS_LSTS_SYNK_OK 0x10
+#define IGC_PCS_LSTS_AN_COMPLETE 0x10000
+/* Device Status */
+#define IGC_STATUS_FD 0x00000001 /* Duplex 0=half 1=full */
+#define IGC_STATUS_LU 0x00000002 /* Link up.0=no,1=link */
+#define IGC_STATUS_FUNC_MASK 0x0000000C /* PCI Function Mask */
+#define IGC_STATUS_FUNC_1 0x00000004 /* Function 1 */
+#define IGC_STATUS_TXOFF 0x00000010 /* transmission paused */
+#define IGC_STATUS_SPEED_MASK 0x000000C0
+#define IGC_STATUS_SPEED_10 0x00000000 /* Speed 10Mb/s */
+#define IGC_STATUS_SPEED_100 0x00000040 /* Speed 100Mb/s */
+#define IGC_STATUS_SPEED_1000 0x00000080 /* Speed 1000Mb/s */
+/* Speed 2.5Gb/s indication for I225 */
+#define IGC_STATUS_SPEED_2500 0x00400000
+#define IGC_STATUS_LAN_INIT_DONE 0x00000200 /* Lan Init Compltn by NVM */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PHYRA 0x00000400 /* PHY Reset Asserted */
+#define IGC_STATUS_GIO_MASTER_ENABLE 0x00080000 /* Master request status */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCI66 0x00000800 /* In 66Mhz slot */
+#define IGC_STATUS_BUS64 0x00001000 /* In 64 bit slot */
+#define IGC_STATUS_2P5_SKU 0x00001000 /* Val of 2.5GBE SKU strap */
+#define IGC_STATUS_2P5_SKU_OVER 0x00002000 /* Val of 2.5GBE SKU Over */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIX_MODE 0x00002000 /* PCI-X mode */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED 0x0000C000 /* PCI-X bus speed */
+/* Constants used to interpret the masked PCI-X bus speed. */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_66 0x00000000 /* PCI-X bus spd 50-66MHz */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_100 0x00004000 /* PCI-X bus spd 66-100MHz */
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_133 0x00008000 /* PCI-X bus spd 100-133MHz*/
+#define IGC_STATUS_PCIM_STATE 0x40000000 /* PCIm function state */
+#define SPEED_10 10
+#define SPEED_100 100
+#define SPEED_1000 1000
+#define SPEED_2500 2500
+#define HALF_DUPLEX 1
+#define FULL_DUPLEX 2
+#define PHY_FORCE_TIME 20
+#define ADVERTISE_10_HALF 0x0001
+#define ADVERTISE_10_FULL 0x0002
+#define ADVERTISE_100_HALF 0x0004
+#define ADVERTISE_100_FULL 0x0008
+#define ADVERTISE_1000_HALF 0x0010 /* Not used, just FYI */
+#define ADVERTISE_1000_FULL 0x0020
+#define ADVERTISE_2500_HALF 0x0040 /* NOT used, just FYI */
+#define ADVERTISE_2500_FULL 0x0080
+/* 1000/H is not supported, nor spec-compliant. */
+#define IGC_ALL_SPEED_DUPLEX_2500 ( \
+#define IGC_ALL_NOT_GIG ( \
+/* LED Control */
+#define IGC_PHY_LED0_MODE_MASK 0x00000007
+#define IGC_PHY_LED0_IVRT 0x00000008
+#define IGC_PHY_LED0_MASK 0x0000001F
+#define IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_MASK 0x0000000F
+#define IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT 0x00000040
+#define IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK 0x00000080
+/* Transmit Descriptor bit definitions */
+#define IGC_TXD_DTYP_D 0x00100000 /* Data Descriptor */
+#define IGC_TXD_DTYP_C 0x00000000 /* Context Descriptor */
+#define IGC_TXD_POPTS_IXSM 0x01 /* Insert IP checksum */
+#define IGC_TXD_POPTS_TXSM 0x02 /* Insert TCP/UDP checksum */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_EOP 0x01000000 /* End of Packet */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_IFCS 0x02000000 /* Insert FCS (Ethernet CRC) */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_IC 0x04000000 /* Insert Checksum */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_RS 0x08000000 /* Report Status */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_RPS 0x10000000 /* Report Packet Sent */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_DEXT 0x20000000 /* Desc extension (0 = legacy) */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_VLE 0x40000000 /* Add VLAN tag */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_IDE 0x80000000 /* Enable Tidv register */
+#define IGC_TXD_STAT_DD 0x00000001 /* Descriptor Done */
+#define IGC_TXD_STAT_EC 0x00000002 /* Excess Collisions */
+#define IGC_TXD_STAT_LC 0x00000004 /* Late Collisions */
+#define IGC_TXD_STAT_TU 0x00000008 /* Transmit underrun */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_TCP 0x01000000 /* TCP packet */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_IP 0x02000000 /* IP packet */
+#define IGC_TXD_CMD_TSE 0x04000000 /* TCP Seg enable */
+#define IGC_TXD_STAT_TC 0x00000004 /* Tx Underrun */
+#define IGC_TXD_EXTCMD_TSTAMP 0x00000010 /* IEEE1588 Timestamp packet */
+/* Transmit Control */
+#define IGC_TCTL_EN 0x00000002 /* enable Tx */
+#define IGC_TCTL_PSP 0x00000008 /* pad short packets */
+#define IGC_TCTL_CT 0x00000ff0 /* collision threshold */
+#define IGC_TCTL_COLD 0x003ff000 /* collision distance */
+#define IGC_TCTL_RTLC 0x01000000 /* Re-transmit on late collision */
+#define IGC_TCTL_MULR 0x10000000 /* Multiple request support */
+/* Transmit Arbitration Count */
+#define IGC_TARC0_ENABLE 0x00000400 /* Enable Tx Queue 0 */
+/* SerDes Control */
+/* Receive Checksum Control */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM_IPOFL 0x00000100 /* IPv4 checksum offload */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM_TUOFL 0x00000200 /* TCP / UDP checksum offload */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM_CRCOFL 0x00000800 /* CRC32 offload enable */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM_IPPCSE 0x00001000 /* IP payload checksum enable */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM_PCSD 0x00002000 /* packet checksum disabled */
+/* GPY211 - I225 defines */
+#define GPY_MMD_MASK 0xFFFF0000
+#define GPY_MMD_SHIFT 16
+#define GPY_REG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+/* Header split receive */
+#define IGC_RFCTL_NFSW_DIS 0x00000040
+#define IGC_RFCTL_NFSR_DIS 0x00000080
+#define IGC_RFCTL_ACK_DIS 0x00001000
+#define IGC_RFCTL_EXTEN 0x00008000
+#define IGC_RFCTL_IPV6_EX_DIS 0x00010000
+#define IGC_RFCTL_NEW_IPV6_EXT_DIS 0x00020000
+#define IGC_RFCTL_LEF 0x00040000
+/* Collision related configuration parameters */
+#define IGC_CT_SHIFT 4
+#define IGC_COLD_SHIFT 12
+/* Default values for the transmit IPG register */
+#define DEFAULT_82542_TIPG_IPGT 10
+#define DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGT_FIBER 9
+#define IGC_TIPG_IPGT_MASK 0x000003FF
+#define DEFAULT_82542_TIPG_IPGR1 2
+#define DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGR1 8
+#define IGC_TIPG_IPGR1_SHIFT 10
+#define DEFAULT_82542_TIPG_IPGR2 10
+#define DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGR2 6
+#define DEFAULT_80003ES2LAN_TIPG_IPGR2 7
+#define IGC_TIPG_IPGR2_SHIFT 20
+/* Ethertype field values */
+#define ETHERNET_IEEE_VLAN_TYPE 0x8100 /* 802.3ac packet */
+#define MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 0x3F00
+/* The datasheet maximum supported RX size is 9.5KB (9728 bytes) */
+#define MAX_RX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 0x2600
+#define IGC_TX_PTR_GAP 0x1F
+/* Extended Configuration Control and Size */
+#define IGC_EXTCNF_CTRL_SWFLAG 0x00000020
+#define IGC_EXTCNF_CTRL_GATE_PHY_CFG 0x00000080
+#define IGC_PHY_CTRL_D0A_LPLU 0x00000002
+#define IGC_PHY_CTRL_NOND0A_LPLU 0x00000004
+#define IGC_PHY_CTRL_NOND0A_GBE_DISABLE 0x00000008
+#define IGC_PHY_CTRL_GBE_DISABLE 0x00000040
+#define IGC_KABGTXD_BGSQLBIAS 0x00050000
+/* Low Power IDLE Control */
+#define IGC_LPIC_LPIET_SHIFT 24 /* Low Power Idle Entry Time */
+/* PBA constants */
+#define IGC_PBA_8K 0x0008 /* 8KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_10K 0x000A /* 10KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_12K 0x000C /* 12KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_14K 0x000E /* 14KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_16K 0x0010 /* 16KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_18K 0x0012
+#define IGC_PBA_20K 0x0014
+#define IGC_PBA_22K 0x0016
+#define IGC_PBA_24K 0x0018
+#define IGC_PBA_26K 0x001A
+#define IGC_PBA_30K 0x001E
+#define IGC_PBA_32K 0x0020
+#define IGC_PBA_34K 0x0022
+#define IGC_PBA_35K 0x0023
+#define IGC_PBA_38K 0x0026
+#define IGC_PBA_40K 0x0028
+#define IGC_PBA_48K 0x0030 /* 48KB */
+#define IGC_PBA_64K 0x0040 /* 64KB */
+#define IGC_PBS_16K IGC_PBA_16K
+/* Uncorrectable/correctable ECC Error counts and enable bits */
+#define IGC_PBECCSTS_ECC_ENABLE 0x00010000
+#define IFS_MAX 80
+#define IFS_MIN 40
+#define IFS_RATIO 4
+#define IFS_STEP 10
+#define MIN_NUM_XMITS 1000
+/* SW Semaphore Register */
+#define IGC_SWSM_SMBI 0x00000001 /* Driver Semaphore bit */
+#define IGC_SWSM_SWESMBI 0x00000002 /* FW Semaphore bit */
+#define IGC_SWSM_DRV_LOAD 0x00000008 /* Driver Loaded Bit */
+#define IGC_SWSM2_LOCK 0x00000002 /* Secondary driver semaphore bit */
+/* Interrupt Cause Read */
+#define IGC_ICR_TXDW 0x00000001 /* Transmit desc written back */
+#define IGC_ICR_TXQE 0x00000002 /* Transmit Queue empty */
+#define IGC_ICR_LSC 0x00000004 /* Link Status Change */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXSEQ 0x00000008 /* Rx sequence error */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXDMT0 0x00000010 /* Rx desc min. threshold (0) */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXO 0x00000040 /* Rx overrun */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXT0 0x00000080 /* Rx timer intr (ring 0) */
+#define IGC_ICR_VMMB 0x00000100 /* VM MB event */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXCFG 0x00000400 /* Rx /c/ ordered set */
+#define IGC_ICR_GPI_EN0 0x00000800 /* GP Int 0 */
+#define IGC_ICR_GPI_EN1 0x00001000 /* GP Int 1 */
+#define IGC_ICR_GPI_EN2 0x00002000 /* GP Int 2 */
+#define IGC_ICR_GPI_EN3 0x00004000 /* GP Int 3 */
+#define IGC_ICR_TXD_LOW 0x00008000
+#define IGC_ICR_MNG 0x00040000 /* Manageability event */
+#define IGC_ICR_ECCER 0x00400000 /* Uncorrectable ECC Error */
+#define IGC_ICR_TS 0x00080000 /* Time Sync Interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_DRSTA 0x40000000 /* Device Reset Asserted */
+/* If this bit asserted, the driver should claim the interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_INT_ASSERTED 0x80000000
+#define IGC_ICR_DOUTSYNC 0x10000000 /* NIC DMA out of sync */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXQ0 0x00100000 /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_RXQ1 0x00200000 /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_TXQ0 0x00400000 /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_TXQ1 0x00800000 /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_ICR_OTHER 0x01000000 /* Other Interrupts */
+#define IGC_ICR_FER 0x00400000 /* Fatal Error */
+#define IGC_ICR_THS 0x00800000 /* ICR.THS: Thermal Sensor Event*/
+#define IGC_ICR_MDDET 0x10000000 /* Malicious Driver Detect */
+/* PBA ECC Register */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC_COUNTER_MASK 0xFFF00000 /* ECC counter mask */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC_COUNTER_SHIFT 20 /* ECC counter shift value */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC_CORR_EN 0x00000001 /* Enable ECC error correction */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC_STAT_CLR 0x00000002 /* Clear ECC error counter */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC_INT_EN 0x00000004 /* Enable ICR bit 5 on ECC error */
+/* Extended Interrupt Cause Read */
+#define IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE0 0x00000001 /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE1 0x00000002 /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE2 0x00000004 /* Rx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE3 0x00000008 /* Rx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE0 0x00000100 /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE1 0x00000200 /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE2 0x00000400 /* Tx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE3 0x00000800 /* Tx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICR_TCP_TIMER 0x40000000 /* TCP Timer */
+#define IGC_EICR_OTHER 0x80000000 /* Interrupt Cause Active */
+/* TCP Timer */
+#define IGC_TCPTIMER_KS 0x00000100 /* KickStart */
+#define IGC_TCPTIMER_COUNT_ENABLE 0x00000200 /* Count Enable */
+#define IGC_TCPTIMER_COUNT_FINISH 0x00000400 /* Count finish */
+#define IGC_TCPTIMER_LOOP 0x00000800 /* Loop */
+/* This defines the bits that are set in the Interrupt Mask
+ * Set/Read Register. Each bit is documented below:
+ * o RXT0 = Receiver Timer Interrupt (ring 0)
+ * o TXDW = Transmit Descriptor Written Back
+ * o RXDMT0 = Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold hit (ring 0)
+ * o RXSEQ = Receive Sequence Error
+ * o LSC = Link Status Change
+ */
+#define IMS_ENABLE_MASK ( \
+ IGC_IMS_RXT0 | \
+/* Interrupt Mask Set */
+#define IGC_IMS_TXDW IGC_ICR_TXDW /* Tx desc written back */
+#define IGC_IMS_TXQE IGC_ICR_TXQE /* Transmit Queue empty */
+#define IGC_IMS_LSC IGC_ICR_LSC /* Link Status Change */
+#define IGC_IMS_VMMB IGC_ICR_VMMB /* Mail box activity */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXSEQ IGC_ICR_RXSEQ /* Rx sequence error */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXDMT0 IGC_ICR_RXDMT0 /* Rx desc min. threshold */
+#define IGC_QVECTOR_MASK 0x7FFC /* Q-vector mask */
+#define IGC_ITR_VAL_MASK 0x04 /* ITR value mask */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXO IGC_ICR_RXO /* Rx overrun */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXT0 IGC_ICR_RXT0 /* Rx timer intr */
+#define IGC_IMS_ECCER IGC_ICR_ECCER /* Uncorrectable ECC Error */
+#define IGC_IMS_TS IGC_ICR_TS /* Time Sync Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMS_DRSTA IGC_ICR_DRSTA /* Device Reset Asserted */
+#define IGC_IMS_DOUTSYNC IGC_ICR_DOUTSYNC /* NIC DMA out of sync */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXQ0 IGC_ICR_RXQ0 /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMS_RXQ1 IGC_ICR_RXQ1 /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMS_TXQ0 IGC_ICR_TXQ0 /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMS_TXQ1 IGC_ICR_TXQ1 /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMS_OTHER IGC_ICR_OTHER /* Other Interrupts */
+#define IGC_IMS_FER IGC_ICR_FER /* Fatal Error */
+#define IGC_IMS_THS IGC_ICR_THS /* ICR.TS: Thermal Sensor Event*/
+#define IGC_IMS_MDDET IGC_ICR_MDDET /* Malicious Driver Detect */
+/* Extended Interrupt Mask Set */
+#define IGC_EIMS_RX_QUEUE0 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE0 /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_RX_QUEUE1 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE1 /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_RX_QUEUE2 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE2 /* Rx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_RX_QUEUE3 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE3 /* Rx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_TX_QUEUE0 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE0 /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_TX_QUEUE1 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE1 /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_TX_QUEUE2 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE2 /* Tx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_TX_QUEUE3 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE3 /* Tx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EIMS_OTHER IGC_EICR_OTHER /* Interrupt Cause Active */
+/* Interrupt Cause Set */
+#define IGC_ICS_LSC IGC_ICR_LSC /* Link Status Change */
+#define IGC_ICS_RXSEQ IGC_ICR_RXSEQ /* Rx sequence error */
+#define IGC_ICS_RXDMT0 IGC_ICR_RXDMT0 /* Rx desc min. threshold */
+#define IGC_ICS_DRSTA IGC_ICR_DRSTA /* Device Reset Aserted */
+/* Extended Interrupt Cause Set */
+#define IGC_EICS_RX_QUEUE0 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE0 /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_RX_QUEUE1 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE1 /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_RX_QUEUE2 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE2 /* Rx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_RX_QUEUE3 IGC_EICR_RX_QUEUE3 /* Rx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_TX_QUEUE0 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE0 /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_TX_QUEUE1 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE1 /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_TX_QUEUE2 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE2 /* Tx Queue 2 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_TX_QUEUE3 IGC_EICR_TX_QUEUE3 /* Tx Queue 3 Interrupt */
+#define IGC_EICS_OTHER IGC_EICR_OTHER /* Interrupt Cause Active */
+#define IGC_EITR_INTERVAL 0x00007FFC
+/* IGC_EITR_CNT_IGNR is only for 82576 and newer */
+#define IGC_EITR_CNT_IGNR 0x80000000 /* Don't reset counters on write */
+/* Transmit Descriptor Control */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_PTHRESH 0x0000003F /* TXDCTL Prefetch Threshold */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_HTHRESH 0x00003F00 /* TXDCTL Host Threshold */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_WTHRESH 0x003F0000 /* TXDCTL Writeback Threshold */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_GRAN 0x01000000 /* TXDCTL Granularity */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_FULL_TX_DESC_WB 0x01010000 /* GRAN=1, WTHRESH=1 */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_MAX_TX_DESC_PREFETCH 0x0100001F /* GRAN=1, PTHRESH=31 */
+/* Enable the counting of descriptors still to be processed. */
+#define IGC_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC 0x00400000
+/* Flow Control Constants */
+#define FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_LOW 0x00C28001
+#define FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_HIGH 0x00000100
+#define FLOW_CONTROL_TYPE 0x8808
+/* 802.1q VLAN Packet Size */
+#define VLAN_TAG_SIZE 4 /* 802.3ac tag (not DMA'd) */
+#define IGC_VLAN_FILTER_TBL_SIZE 128 /* VLAN Filter Table (4096 bits) */
+/* Receive Address
+ * Number of high/low register pairs in the RAR. The RAR (Receive Address
+ * Registers) holds the directed and multicast addresses that we monitor.
+ * Technically, we have 16 spots. However, we reserve one of these spots
+ * (RAR[15]) for our directed address used by controllers with
+ * manageability enabled, allowing us room for 15 multicast addresses.
+ */
+#define IGC_RAR_ENTRIES 15
+#define IGC_RAH_AV 0x80000000 /* Receive descriptor valid */
+#define IGC_RAH_QUEUE_MASK_82575 0x000C0000
+#define IGC_RAH_POOL_1 0x00040000
+/* Error Codes */
+#define IGC_SUCCESS 0
+#define IGC_ERR_NVM 1
+#define IGC_ERR_PHY 2
+#define IGC_ERR_CONFIG 3
+#define IGC_ERR_PARAM 4
+#define IGC_ERR_MAC_INIT 5
+#define IGC_ERR_PHY_TYPE 6
+#define IGC_ERR_RESET 9
+#define IGC_BLK_PHY_RESET 12
+#define IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC 13
+#define IGC_ERR_MBX 15
+#define IGC_ERR_NO_SPACE 17
+#define IGC_ERR_I2C 19
+/* Loop limit on how long we wait for auto-negotiation to complete */
+#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_LIMIT 45
+#define PHY_FORCE_LIMIT 20
+/* Number of 100 microseconds we wait for PCI Express master disable */
+/* Number of milliseconds we wait for PHY configuration done after MAC reset */
+#define PHY_CFG_TIMEOUT 100
+/* Number of 2 milliseconds we wait for acquiring MDIO ownership. */
+/* Number of milliseconds for NVM auto read done after MAC reset. */
+/* Flow Control */
+#define IGC_FCRTH_RTH 0x0000FFF8 /* Mask Bits[15:3] for RTH */
+#define IGC_FCRTL_RTL 0x0000FFF8 /* Mask Bits[15:3] for RTL */
+#define IGC_FCRTL_XONE 0x80000000 /* Enable XON frame transmission */
+/* Transmit Configuration Word */
+#define IGC_TXCW_FD 0x00000020 /* TXCW full duplex */
+#define IGC_TXCW_PAUSE 0x00000080 /* TXCW sym pause request */
+#define IGC_TXCW_ASM_DIR 0x00000100 /* TXCW astm pause direction */
+#define IGC_TXCW_PAUSE_MASK 0x00000180 /* TXCW pause request mask */
+#define IGC_TXCW_ANE 0x80000000 /* Auto-neg enable */
+/* Receive Configuration Word */
+#define IGC_RXCW_CW 0x0000ffff /* RxConfigWord mask */
+#define IGC_RXCW_IV 0x08000000 /* Receive config invalid */
+#define IGC_RXCW_C 0x20000000 /* Receive config */
+#define IGC_RXCW_SYNCH 0x40000000 /* Receive config synch */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_VALID 0x00000001 /* Tx timestamp valid */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_ENABLED 0x00000010 /* enable Tx timestamping */
+/* HH Time Sync */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_MAX_ALLOWED_DLY_MASK 0x0000F000 /* max delay */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_SYNC_COMP_ERR 0x20000000 /* sync err */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_SYNC_COMP 0x40000000 /* sync complete */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_START_SYNC 0x80000000 /* initiate sync */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_VALID 0x00000001 /* Rx timestamp valid */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000E /* Rx type mask */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_TYPE_L2_V2 0x00
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_TYPE_L4_V1 0x02
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_TYPE_L2_L4_V2 0x04
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_ENABLED 0x00000010 /* enable Rx timestamping */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL_SYSCFI 0x00000020 /* Sys clock frequency */
+#define IGC_RXMTRL_PTP_V1_SYNC_MESSAGE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_RXMTRL_PTP_V2_SYNC_MESSAGE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_TIMINCA_16NS_SHIFT 24
+/* Time Sync Interrupt Cause/Mask Register Bits */
+#define TSINTR_SYS_WRAP (1 << 0) /* SYSTIM Wrap around. */
+#define TSINTR_TXTS (1 << 1) /* Transmit Timestamp. */
+#define TSINTR_TT0 (1 << 3) /* Target Time 0 Trigger. */
+#define TSINTR_TT1 (1 << 4) /* Target Time 1 Trigger. */
+#define TSINTR_AUTT0 (1 << 5) /* Auxiliary Timestamp 0 Taken. */
+#define TSINTR_AUTT1 (1 << 6) /* Auxiliary Timestamp 1 Taken. */
+/* TSAUXC Configuration Bits */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_TT0 (1 << 0) /* Enable target time 0. */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_TT1 (1 << 1) /* Enable target time 1. */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_CLK0 (1 << 2) /* Enable Configurable Frequency Clock 0. */
+#define TSAUXC_ST0 (1 << 4) /* Start Clock 0 Toggle on Target Time 0. */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_CLK1 (1 << 5) /* Enable Configurable Frequency Clock 1. */
+#define TSAUXC_ST1 (1 << 7) /* Start Clock 1 Toggle on Target Time 1. */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_TS0 (1 << 8) /* Enable hardware timestamp 0. */
+#define TSAUXC_EN_TS1 (1 << 10) /* Enable hardware timestamp 0. */
+/* SDP Configuration Bits */
+#define AUX0_SEL_SDP0 (0u << 0) /* Assign SDP0 to auxiliary time stamp 0. */
+#define AUX0_SEL_SDP1 (1u << 0) /* Assign SDP1 to auxiliary time stamp 0. */
+#define AUX0_SEL_SDP2 (2u << 0) /* Assign SDP2 to auxiliary time stamp 0. */
+#define AUX0_SEL_SDP3 (3u << 0) /* Assign SDP3 to auxiliary time stamp 0. */
+#define AUX0_TS_SDP_EN (1u << 2) /* Enable auxiliary time stamp trigger 0. */
+#define AUX1_SEL_SDP0 (0u << 3) /* Assign SDP0 to auxiliary time stamp 1. */
+#define AUX1_SEL_SDP1 (1u << 3) /* Assign SDP1 to auxiliary time stamp 1. */
+#define AUX1_SEL_SDP2 (2u << 3) /* Assign SDP2 to auxiliary time stamp 1. */
+#define AUX1_SEL_SDP3 (3u << 3) /* Assign SDP3 to auxiliary time stamp 1. */
+#define AUX1_TS_SDP_EN (1u << 5) /* Enable auxiliary time stamp trigger 1. */
+#define TS_SDP0_EN (1u << 8) /* SDP0 is assigned to Tsync. */
+#define TS_SDP1_EN (1u << 11) /* SDP1 is assigned to Tsync. */
+#define TS_SDP2_EN (1u << 14) /* SDP2 is assigned to Tsync. */
+#define TS_SDP3_EN (1u << 17) /* SDP3 is assigned to Tsync. */
+#define TS_SDP0_SEL_TT0 (0u << 6) /* Target time 0 is output on SDP0. */
+#define TS_SDP0_SEL_TT1 (1u << 6) /* Target time 1 is output on SDP0. */
+#define TS_SDP1_SEL_TT0 (0u << 9) /* Target time 0 is output on SDP1. */
+#define TS_SDP1_SEL_TT1 (1u << 9) /* Target time 1 is output on SDP1. */
+#define TS_SDP0_SEL_FC0 (2u << 6) /* Freq clock 0 is output on SDP0. */
+#define TS_SDP0_SEL_FC1 (3u << 6) /* Freq clock 1 is output on SDP0. */
+#define TS_SDP1_SEL_FC0 (2u << 9) /* Freq clock 0 is output on SDP1. */
+#define TS_SDP1_SEL_FC1 (3u << 9) /* Freq clock 1 is output on SDP1. */
+#define TS_SDP2_SEL_TT0 (0u << 12) /* Target time 0 is output on SDP2. */
+#define TS_SDP2_SEL_TT1 (1u << 12) /* Target time 1 is output on SDP2. */
+#define TS_SDP2_SEL_FC0 (2u << 12) /* Freq clock 0 is output on SDP2. */
+#define TS_SDP2_SEL_FC1 (3u << 12) /* Freq clock 1 is output on SDP2. */
+#define TS_SDP3_SEL_TT0 (0u << 15) /* Target time 0 is output on SDP3. */
+#define TS_SDP3_SEL_TT1 (1u << 15) /* Target time 1 is output on SDP3. */
+#define TS_SDP3_SEL_FC0 (2u << 15) /* Freq clock 0 is output on SDP3. */
+#define TS_SDP3_SEL_FC1 (3u << 15) /* Freq clock 1 is output on SDP3. */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SDP0_DIR 0x00400000 /* SDP0 Data direction */
+#define IGC_CTRL_SDP1_DIR 0x00800000 /* SDP1 Data direction */
+/* Extended Device Control */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_SDP2_DIR 0x00000400 /* SDP2 Data direction */
+/* ETQF register bit definitions */
+#define IGC_ETQF_1588 (1 << 30)
+#define IGC_FTQF_VF_BP 0x00008000
+#define IGC_FTQF_1588_TIME_STAMP 0x08000000
+#define IGC_FTQF_MASK 0xF0000000
+#define IGC_FTQF_MASK_PROTO_BP 0x10000000
+/* Immediate Interrupt Rx (A.K.A. Low Latency Interrupt) */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CTRL_BP 0x00080000 /* Bypass check of ctrl bits */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_SIZE_BP 0x00001000 /* Packet size bypass */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_STAT_TSIP 0x08000 /* timestamp in packet */
+#define IGC_TSICR_TXTS 0x00000002
+#define IGC_TSIM_TXTS 0x00000002
+/* TUPLE Filtering Configuration */
+#define IGC_TTQF_DISABLE_MASK 0xF0008000 /* TTQF Disable Mask */
+#define IGC_TTQF_QUEUE_ENABLE 0x100 /* TTQF Queue Enable Bit */
+#define IGC_TTQF_PROTOCOL_MASK 0xFF /* TTQF Protocol Mask */
+#define IGC_TTQF_PROTOCOL_SHIFT 5 /* TTQF Protocol Shift */
+#define IGC_TTQF_QUEUE_SHIFT 16 /* TTQF Queue Shfit */
+#define IGC_TTQF_RX_QUEUE_MASK 0x70000 /* TTQF Queue Mask */
+#define IGC_TTQF_MASK_ENABLE 0x10000000 /* TTQF Mask Enable Bit */
+#define IGC_IMIR_CLEAR_MASK 0xF001FFFF /* IMIR Reg Clear Mask */
+#define IGC_IMIR_PORT_BYPASS 0x20000 /* IMIR Port Bypass Bit */
+#define IGC_IMIR_PRIORITY_SHIFT 29 /* IMIR Priority Shift */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT_CLEAR_MASK 0x7FFFF /* IMIREXT Reg Clear Mask */
+#define IGC_MDICNFG_EXT_MDIO 0x80000000 /* MDI ext/int destination */
+#define IGC_MDICNFG_COM_MDIO 0x40000000 /* MDI shared w/ lan 0 */
+#define IGC_MDICNFG_PHY_MASK 0x03E00000
+#define IGC_M88E1112_AUTO_COPPER_SGMII 0x2
+#define IGC_M88E1112_AUTO_COPPER_BASEX 0x3
+#define IGC_M88E1112_STATUS_LINK 0x0004 /* Interface Link Bit */
+#define IGC_M88E1112_MAC_CTRL_1 0x10
+#define IGC_M88E1112_MAC_CTRL_1_MODE_MASK 0x0380 /* Mode Select */
+#define IGC_M88E1112_MAC_CTRL_1_MODE_SHIFT 7
+#define IGC_M88E1112_PAGE_ADDR 0x16
+#define IGC_M88E1112_STATUS 0x01
+#define IGC_THSTAT_LOW_EVENT 0x20000000 /* Low thermal threshold */
+#define IGC_THSTAT_MID_EVENT 0x00200000 /* Mid thermal threshold */
+#define IGC_THSTAT_HIGH_EVENT 0x00002000 /* High thermal threshold */
+#define IGC_THSTAT_PWR_DOWN 0x00000001 /* Power Down Event */
+#define IGC_THSTAT_LINK_THROTTLE 0x00000002 /* Link Spd Throttle Event */
+/* EEE defines */
+#define IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_2_5G_AN 0x00000010 /* IPCNFG EEE Ena 2.5G AN */
+#define IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_1G_AN 0x00000008 /* IPCNFG EEE Ena 1G AN */
+#define IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_100M_AN 0x00000004 /* IPCNFG EEE Ena 100M AN */
+#define IGC_EEER_TX_LPI_EN 0x00010000 /* EEER Tx LPI Enable */
+#define IGC_EEER_RX_LPI_EN 0x00020000 /* EEER Rx LPI Enable */
+#define IGC_EEER_LPI_FC 0x00040000 /* EEER Ena on Flow Cntrl */
+/* EEE status */
+#define IGC_EEER_EEE_NEG 0x20000000 /* EEE capability nego */
+#define IGC_EEER_RX_LPI_STATUS 0x40000000 /* Rx in LPI state */
+#define IGC_EEER_TX_LPI_STATUS 0x80000000 /* Tx in LPI state */
+#define IGC_EEE_LP_ADV_ADDR_I350 0x040F /* EEE LP Advertisement */
+#define IGC_M88E1543_PAGE_ADDR 0x16 /* Page Offset Register */
+#define IGC_M88E1543_EEE_CTRL_1 0x0
+#define IGC_M88E1543_EEE_CTRL_1_MS 0x0001 /* EEE Master/Slave */
+#define IGC_M88E1543_FIBER_CTRL 0x0 /* Fiber Control Register */
+#define IGC_EEE_ADV_DEV_I354 7
+#define IGC_EEE_ADV_ADDR_I354 60
+#define IGC_EEE_ADV_100_SUPPORTED (1 << 1) /* 100BaseTx EEE Supported */
+#define IGC_EEE_ADV_1000_SUPPORTED (1 << 2) /* 1000BaseT EEE Supported */
+#define IGC_PCS_STATUS_DEV_I354 3
+#define IGC_PCS_STATUS_ADDR_I354 1
+#define IGC_PCS_STATUS_RX_LPI_RCVD 0x0400
+#define IGC_PCS_STATUS_TX_LPI_RCVD 0x0800
+#define IGC_M88E1512_CFG_REG_1 0x0010
+#define IGC_M88E1512_CFG_REG_2 0x0011
+#define IGC_M88E1512_CFG_REG_3 0x0007
+#define IGC_M88E1512_MODE 0x0014
+#define IGC_EEE_SU_LPI_CLK_STP 0x00800000 /* EEE LPI Clock Stop */
+#define IGC_EEE_LP_ADV_DEV_I210 7 /* EEE LP Adv Device */
+#define IGC_EEE_LP_ADV_ADDR_I210 61 /* EEE LP Adv Register */
+#define IGC_EEE_SU_LPI_CLK_STP 0x00800000 /* EEE LPI Clock Stop */
+#define IGC_EEE_LP_ADV_DEV_I225 7 /* EEE LP Adv Device */
+#define IGC_EEE_LP_ADV_ADDR_I225 61 /* EEE LP Adv Register */
+/* PCI Express Control */
+#define IGC_GCR_RXD_NO_SNOOP 0x00000001
+#define IGC_GCR_RXDSCW_NO_SNOOP 0x00000002
+#define IGC_GCR_RXDSCR_NO_SNOOP 0x00000004
+#define IGC_GCR_TXD_NO_SNOOP 0x00000008
+#define IGC_GCR_TXDSCW_NO_SNOOP 0x00000010
+#define IGC_GCR_TXDSCR_NO_SNOOP 0x00000020
+#define IGC_GCR_CMPL_TMOUT_MASK 0x0000F000
+#define IGC_GCR_CMPL_TMOUT_10ms 0x00001000
+#define IGC_GCR_CMPL_TMOUT_RESEND 0x00010000
+#define IGC_GCR_CAP_VER2 0x00040000
+#define IGC_MMDAC_FUNC_DATA 0x4000 /* Data, no post increment */
+/* mPHY address control and data registers */
+#define IGC_MPHY_ADDR_CTL 0x0024 /* Address Control Reg */
+#define IGC_MPHY_DATA 0x0E10 /* Data Register */
+/* AFE CSR Offset for PCS CLK */
+/* Override for near end digital loopback. */
+/* PHY Control Register */
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_MSB 0x0040 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */
+#define MII_CR_COLL_TEST_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Collision test enable */
+#define MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100 /* FDX =1, half duplex =0 */
+#define MII_CR_RESTART_AUTO_NEG 0x0200 /* Restart auto negotiation */
+#define MII_CR_ISOLATE 0x0400 /* Isolate PHY from MII */
+#define MII_CR_POWER_DOWN 0x0800 /* Power down */
+#define MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN 0x1000 /* Auto Neg Enable */
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_LSB 0x2000 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */
+#define MII_CR_LOOPBACK 0x4000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = loopback */
+#define MII_CR_RESET 0x8000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = PHY reset */
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_1000 0x0040
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_100 0x2000
+#define MII_CR_SPEED_10 0x0000
+/* PHY Status Register */
+#define MII_SR_EXTENDED_CAPS 0x0001 /* Extended register capabilities */
+#define MII_SR_JABBER_DETECT 0x0002 /* Jabber Detected */
+#define MII_SR_LINK_STATUS 0x0004 /* Link Status 1 = link */
+#define MII_SR_AUTONEG_CAPS 0x0008 /* Auto Neg Capable */
+#define MII_SR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x0010 /* Remote Fault Detect */
+#define MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE 0x0020 /* Auto Neg Complete */
+#define MII_SR_PREAMBLE_SUPPRESS 0x0040 /* Preamble may be suppressed */
+#define MII_SR_EXTENDED_STATUS 0x0100 /* Ext. status info in Reg 0x0F */
+#define MII_SR_100T2_HD_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T2 Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100T2_FD_CAPS 0x0400 /* 100T2 Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0800 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x1000 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100X_HD_CAPS 0x2000 /* 100X Half Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100X_FD_CAPS 0x4000 /* 100X Full Duplex Capable */
+#define MII_SR_100T4_CAPS 0x8000 /* 100T4 Capable */
+/* Autoneg Advertisement Register */
+#define NWAY_AR_SELECTOR_FIELD 0x0001 /* indicates IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD */
+#define NWAY_AR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0020 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x0040 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100TX_HD_CAPS 0x0080 /* 100TX Half Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100TX_FD_CAPS 0x0100 /* 100TX Full Duplex Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_100T4_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T4 Capable */
+#define NWAY_AR_PAUSE 0x0400 /* Pause operation desired */
+#define NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR 0x0800 /* Asymmetric Pause Direction bit */
+#define NWAY_AR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000 /* Remote Fault detected */
+#define NWAY_AR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* Next Page ability supported */
+/* Link Partner Ability Register (Base Page) */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_SELECTOR_FIELD 0x0000 /* LP protocol selector field */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0020 /* LP 10T Half Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x0040 /* LP 10T Full Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100TX_HD_CAPS 0x0080 /* LP 100TX Half Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100TX_FD_CAPS 0x0100 /* LP 100TX Full Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_100T4_CAPS 0x0200 /* LP is 100T4 Capable */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE 0x0400 /* LP Pause operation desired */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR 0x0800 /* LP Asym Pause Direction bit */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000 /* LP detected Remote Fault */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x4000 /* LP rx'd link code word */
+#define NWAY_LPAR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* Next Page ability supported */
+/* Autoneg Expansion Register */
+#define NWAY_ER_LP_NWAY_CAPS 0x0001 /* LP has Auto Neg Capability */
+#define NWAY_ER_PAGE_RXD 0x0002 /* LP 10T Half Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_NEXT_PAGE_CAPS 0x0004 /* LP 10T Full Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_LP_NEXT_PAGE_CAPS 0x0008 /* LP 100TX Half Dplx Capable */
+#define NWAY_ER_PAR_DETECT_FAULT 0x0010 /* LP 100TX Full Dplx Capable */
+/* 1000BASE-T Control Register */
+#define CR_1000T_ASYM_PAUSE 0x0080 /* Advertise asymmetric pause bit */
+#define CR_1000T_HD_CAPS 0x0100 /* Advertise 1000T HD capability */
+#define CR_1000T_FD_CAPS 0x0200 /* Advertise 1000T FD capability */
+/* 1=Repeater/switch device port 0=DTE device */
+#define CR_1000T_REPEATER_DTE 0x0400
+/* 1=Configure PHY as Master 0=Configure PHY as Slave */
+#define CR_1000T_MS_VALUE 0x0800
+/* 1=Master/Slave manual config value 0=Automatic Master/Slave config */
+#define CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE 0x1000
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_NORMAL 0x0000 /* Normal Operation */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_1 0x2000 /* Transmit Waveform test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_2 0x4000 /* Master Transmit Jitter test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_3 0x6000 /* Slave Transmit Jitter test */
+#define CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_4 0x8000 /* Transmitter Distortion test */
+/* 1000BASE-T Status Register */
+#define SR_1000T_IDLE_ERROR_CNT 0x00FF /* Num idle err since last rd */
+#define SR_1000T_ASYM_PAUSE_DIR 0x0100 /* LP asym pause direction bit */
+#define SR_1000T_LP_HD_CAPS 0x0400 /* LP is 1000T HD capable */
+#define SR_1000T_LP_FD_CAPS 0x0800 /* LP is 1000T FD capable */
+#define SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS 0x1000 /* Remote receiver OK */
+#define SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS 0x2000 /* Local receiver OK */
+#define SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_RES 0x4000 /* 1=Local Tx Master, 0=Slave */
+#define SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_FAULT 0x8000 /* Master/Slave config fault */
+/* PHY 1000 MII Register/Bit Definitions */
+/* PHY Registers defined by IEEE */
+#define PHY_CONTROL 0x00 /* Control Register */
+#define PHY_STATUS 0x01 /* Status Register */
+#define PHY_ID1 0x02 /* Phy Id Reg (word 1) */
+#define PHY_ID2 0x03 /* Phy Id Reg (word 2) */
+#define PHY_AUTONEG_ADV 0x04 /* Autoneg Advertisement */
+#define PHY_LP_ABILITY 0x05 /* Link Partner Ability (Base Page) */
+#define PHY_AUTONEG_EXP 0x06 /* Autoneg Expansion Reg */
+#define PHY_NEXT_PAGE_TX 0x07 /* Next Page Tx */
+#define PHY_LP_NEXT_PAGE 0x08 /* Link Partner Next Page */
+#define PHY_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+#define PHY_1000T_STATUS 0x0A /* 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+#define PHY_EXT_STATUS 0x0F /* Extended Status Reg */
+/* PHY GPY 211 registers */
+#define STANDARD_AN_REG_MASK 0x0007 /* MMD */
+#define ANEG_MULTIGBT_AN_CTRL 0x0020 /* MULTI GBT AN Control Register */
+#define MMD_DEVADDR_SHIFT 16 /* Shift MMD to higher bits */
+#define CR_2500T_FD_CAPS 0x0080 /* Advertise 2500T FD capability */
+#define PHY_CONTROL_LB 0x4000 /* PHY Loopback bit */
+/* NVM Control */
+#define IGC_EECD_SK 0x00000001 /* NVM Clock */
+#define IGC_EECD_CS 0x00000002 /* NVM Chip Select */
+#define IGC_EECD_DI 0x00000004 /* NVM Data In */
+#define IGC_EECD_DO 0x00000008 /* NVM Data Out */
+#define IGC_EECD_REQ 0x00000040 /* NVM Access Request */
+#define IGC_EECD_GNT 0x00000080 /* NVM Access Grant */
+#define IGC_EECD_PRES 0x00000100 /* NVM Present */
+#define IGC_EECD_SIZE 0x00000200 /* NVM Size (0=64 word 1=256 word) */
+#define IGC_EECD_BLOCKED 0x00008000 /* Bit banging access blocked flag */
+#define IGC_EECD_ABORT 0x00010000 /* NVM operation aborted flag */
+#define IGC_EECD_TIMEOUT 0x00020000 /* NVM read operation timeout flag */
+#define IGC_EECD_ERROR_CLR 0x00040000 /* NVM error status clear bit */
+/* NVM Addressing bits based on type 0=small, 1=large */
+#define IGC_EECD_ADDR_BITS 0x00000400
+#define IGC_EECD_TYPE 0x00002000 /* NVM Type (1-SPI, 0-Microwire) */
+#define IGC_NVM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS 1000 /* NVM # attempts to gain grant */
+#define IGC_EECD_AUTO_RD 0x00000200 /* NVM Auto Read done */
+#define IGC_EECD_SIZE_EX_MASK 0x00007800 /* NVM Size */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLUPD 0x00080000 /* Update FLASH */
+#define IGC_EECD_AUPDEN 0x00100000 /* Ena Auto FLASH update */
+#define IGC_EECD_SEC1VAL 0x00400000 /* Sector One Valid */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLUPD_I210 0x00800000 /* Update FLASH */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLUDONE_I210 0x04000000 /* Update FLASH done */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLASH_DETECTED_I210 0x00080000 /* FLASH detected */
+#define IGC_EECD_SEC1VAL_I210 0x02000000 /* Sector One Valid */
+#define IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT 512 /* buffered EEPROM words rw */
+#define IGC_I210_FIFO_SEL_RX 0x00
+#define IGC_I210_FIFO_SEL_TX_QAV(_i) (0x02 + (_i))
+#define IGC_I210_FIFO_SEL_BMC2OS_TX 0x06
+#define IGC_I210_FIFO_SEL_BMC2OS_RX 0x01
+#define IGC_I210_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE 0x1000 /* 4KB FLASH sector unit size */
+/* Secure FLASH mode requires removing MSb */
+#define IGC_I210_FW_PTR_MASK 0x7FFF
+/* Firmware code revision field word offset*/
+#define IGC_I210_FW_VER_OFFSET 328
+#define IGC_EECD_FLUPD_I225 0x00800000 /* Update FLASH */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLUDONE_I225 0x04000000 /* Update FLASH done */
+#define IGC_EECD_FLASH_DETECTED_I225 0x00080000 /* FLASH detected */
+#define IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT 512 /* buffered EEPROM words rw */
+#define IGC_EECD_SEC1VAL_I225 0x02000000 /* Sector One Valid */
+#define IGC_FLSECU_BLK_SW_ACCESS_I225 0x00000004 /* Block SW access */
+#define IGC_FWSM_FW_VALID_I225 0x8000 /* FW valid bit */
+#define IGC_NVM_RW_REG_DATA 16 /* Offset to data in NVM read/write regs */
+#define IGC_NVM_RW_REG_DONE 2 /* Offset to READ/WRITE done bit */
+#define IGC_NVM_RW_REG_START 1 /* Start operation */
+#define IGC_NVM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT 2 /* Shift to the address bits */
+#define IGC_NVM_POLL_WRITE 1 /* Flag for polling for write complete */
+#define IGC_NVM_POLL_READ 0 /* Flag for polling for read complete */
+#define IGC_FLASH_UPDATES 2000
+/* NVM Word Offsets */
+#define NVM_COMPAT 0x0003
+#define NVM_ID_LED_SETTINGS 0x0004
+#define NVM_VERSION 0x0005
+#define NVM_SERDES_AMPLITUDE 0x0006 /* SERDES output amplitude */
+#define NVM_PHY_CLASS_WORD 0x0007
+#define IGC_I210_NVM_FW_MODULE_PTR 0x0010
+#define IGC_I350_NVM_FW_MODULE_PTR 0x0051
+#define NVM_FUTURE_INIT_WORD1 0x0019
+#define NVM_ETRACK_WORD 0x0042
+#define NVM_ETRACK_HIWORD 0x0043
+#define NVM_COMB_VER_OFF 0x0083
+#define NVM_COMB_VER_PTR 0x003d
+/* NVM version defines */
+#define NVM_MAJOR_MASK 0xF000
+#define NVM_MINOR_MASK 0x0FF0
+#define NVM_IMAGE_ID_MASK 0x000F
+#define NVM_COMB_VER_MASK 0x00FF
+#define NVM_MAJOR_SHIFT 12
+#define NVM_MINOR_SHIFT 4
+#define NVM_COMB_VER_SHFT 8
+#define NVM_ETRACK_SHIFT 16
+#define NVM_ETRACK_VALID 0x8000
+#define NVM_NEW_DEC_MASK 0x0F00
+#define NVM_HEX_CONV 16
+#define NVM_HEX_TENS 10
+/* FW version defines */
+/* Offset of "Loader patch ptr" in Firmware Header */
+/* Patch generation hour & minutes */
+#define IGC_I350_NVM_FW_VER_WORD1_OFFSET 0x04
+/* Patch generation month & day */
+#define IGC_I350_NVM_FW_VER_WORD2_OFFSET 0x05
+/* Patch generation year */
+#define IGC_I350_NVM_FW_VER_WORD3_OFFSET 0x06
+/* Patch major & minor numbers */
+#define IGC_I350_NVM_FW_VER_WORD4_OFFSET 0x07
+#define NVM_MAC_ADDR 0x0000
+#define NVM_SUB_DEV_ID 0x000B
+#define NVM_SUB_VEN_ID 0x000C
+#define NVM_DEV_ID 0x000D
+#define NVM_VEN_ID 0x000E
+#define NVM_INIT_CTRL_2 0x000F
+#define NVM_INIT_CTRL_4 0x0013
+#define NVM_LED_1_CFG 0x001C
+#define NVM_LED_0_2_CFG 0x001F
+#define NVM_COMPAT_VALID_CSUM 0x0001
+#define NVM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG 0x000F
+#define NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_B 0x0014
+#define NVM_INIT_3GIO_3 0x001A
+#define NVM_SWDEF_PINS_CTRL_PORT_0 0x0020
+#define NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_A 0x0024
+#define NVM_CFG 0x0012
+#define NVM_ALT_MAC_ADDR_PTR 0x0037
+#define NVM_CHECKSUM_REG 0x003F
+#define NVM_COMPATIBILITY_REG_3 0x0003
+#define IGC_NVM_CFG_DONE_PORT_0 0x040000 /* MNG config cycle done */
+#define IGC_NVM_CFG_DONE_PORT_1 0x080000 /* ...for second port */
+#define IGC_NVM_CFG_DONE_PORT_2 0x100000 /* ...for third port */
+#define IGC_NVM_CFG_DONE_PORT_3 0x200000 /* ...for fourth port */
+#define NVM_82580_LAN_FUNC_OFFSET(a) ( \
+ __extension__ ({ \
+ typeof(a) _a = (a); \
+ _a ? (0x40 + 0x40 * _a) : 0; \
+ }))
+/* Mask bits for fields in Word 0x24 of the NVM */
+#define NVM_WORD24_COM_MDIO 0x0008 /* MDIO interface shared */
+#define NVM_WORD24_EXT_MDIO 0x0004 /* MDIO accesses routed extrnl */
+/* Offset of Link Mode bits for 82575/82576 */
+/* Offset of Link Mode bits for 82580 up */
+#define NVM_WORD24_82580_LNK_MODE_OFFSET 4
+/* Mask bits for fields in Word 0x0f of the NVM */
+#define NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK 0x3000
+#define NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE 0x1000
+#define NVM_WORD0F_ASM_DIR 0x2000
+/* Mask bits for fields in Word 0x1a of the NVM */
+#define NVM_WORD1A_ASPM_MASK 0x000C
+/* Mask bits for fields in Word 0x03 of the EEPROM */
+#define NVM_COMPAT_LOM 0x0800
+/* length of string needed to store PBA number */
+/* For checksumming, the sum of all words in the NVM should equal 0xBABA. */
+#define NVM_SUM 0xBABA
+/* PBA (printed board assembly) number words */
+#define NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0 8
+#define NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1 9
+#define NVM_PHY_CLASS_A 0x8000
+#define NVM_SIZE_MASK 0x1C00
+#define NVM_SIZE_SHIFT 10
+/* NVM Commands - Microwire */
+#define NVM_READ_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x6 /* NVM read opcode */
+#define NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x5 /* NVM write opcode */
+#define NVM_ERASE_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x7 /* NVM erase opcode */
+#define NVM_EWEN_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x13 /* NVM erase/write enable */
+#define NVM_EWDS_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x10 /* NVM erase/write disable */
+/* NVM Commands - SPI */
+#define NVM_MAX_RETRY_SPI 5000 /* Max wait of 5ms, for RDY signal */
+#define NVM_READ_OPCODE_SPI 0x03 /* NVM read opcode */
+#define NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI 0x02 /* NVM write opcode */
+#define NVM_A8_OPCODE_SPI 0x08 /* opcode bit-3 = address bit-8 */
+#define NVM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI 0x06 /* NVM set Write Enable latch */
+#define NVM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI 0x05 /* NVM read Status register */
+/* SPI NVM Status Register */
+#define NVM_STATUS_RDY_SPI 0x01
+/* Word definitions for ID LED Settings */
+#define ID_LED_RESERVED_0000 0x0000
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT ((ID_LED_OFF1_ON2 << 12) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_OFF2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 4) | \
+#define ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 0x1
+#define ID_LED_DEF1_ON2 0x2
+#define ID_LED_DEF1_OFF2 0x3
+#define ID_LED_ON1_DEF2 0x4
+#define ID_LED_ON1_ON2 0x5
+#define ID_LED_ON1_OFF2 0x6
+#define ID_LED_OFF1_DEF2 0x7
+#define ID_LED_OFF1_ON2 0x8
+#define ID_LED_OFF1_OFF2 0x9
+#define IGP_LED3_MODE 0x07000000
+/* PCI/PCI-X/PCI-EX Config space */
+#define PCIE_LINK_STATUS 0x12
+#define PCIE_DEVICE_CONTROL2 0x28
+#define PCIX_STATUS_HI_MMRBC_4K 0x3
+#define PCIX_STATUS_HI_MMRBC_2K 0x2
+#define PCIE_LINK_SPEED_2500 0x01
+#define PCIE_LINK_SPEED_5000 0x02
+#define PCIE_DEVICE_CONTROL2_16ms 0x0005
+#define ETH_ADDR_LEN 6
+#define MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS 0x1F /* 5 bit address bus (0-0x1F) */
+/* Bit definitions for valid PHY IDs.
+ * I = Integrated
+ * E = External
+ */
+#define M88IGC_E_PHY_ID 0x01410C50
+#define M88IGC_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C30
+#define M88E1011_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C20
+#define IGP01IGC_I_PHY_ID 0x02A80380
+#define M88E1111_I_PHY_ID 0x01410CC0
+#define M88E1543_E_PHY_ID 0x01410EA0
+#define M88E1512_E_PHY_ID 0x01410DD0
+#define M88E1112_E_PHY_ID 0x01410C90
+#define I347AT4_E_PHY_ID 0x01410DC0
+#define M88E1340M_E_PHY_ID 0x01410DF0
+#define GG82563_E_PHY_ID 0x01410CA0
+#define IGP03IGC_E_PHY_ID 0x02A80390
+#define IFE_E_PHY_ID 0x02A80330
+#define IFE_PLUS_E_PHY_ID 0x02A80320
+#define IFE_C_E_PHY_ID 0x02A80310
+#define BMIGC_E_PHY_ID 0x01410CB0
+#define BMIGC_E_PHY_ID_R2 0x01410CB1
+#define I82577_E_PHY_ID 0x01540050
+#define I82578_E_PHY_ID 0x004DD040
+#define I82579_E_PHY_ID 0x01540090
+#define I217_E_PHY_ID 0x015400A0
+#define I82580_I_PHY_ID 0x015403A0
+#define I350_I_PHY_ID 0x015403B0
+#define I210_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C00
+#define IGP04IGC_E_PHY_ID 0x02A80391
+#define M88_VENDOR 0x0141
+#define I225_I_PHY_ID 0x67C9DC00
+/* M88E1000 Specific Registers */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL 0x10 /* PHY Specific Control Reg */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_STATUS 0x11 /* PHY Specific Status Reg */
+#define M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL 0x14 /* Extended PHY Specific Cntrl */
+#define M88IGC_RX_ERR_CNTR 0x15 /* Receive Error Counter */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_EXT_CTRL 0x1A /* PHY extend control register */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_PAGE_SELECT 0x1D /* Reg 29 for pg number setting */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_GEN_CONTROL 0x1E /* meaning depends on reg 29 */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_VCO_REG_BIT8 0x100 /* Bits 8 & 11 are adjusted for */
+#define M88IGC_PHY_VCO_REG_BIT11 0x800 /* improved BER performance */
+/* M88E1000 PHY Specific Control Register */
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL 0x0002 /* 1=Polarity Reverse enabled */
+/* MDI Crossover Mode bits 6:5 Manual MDI configuration */
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE 0x0000
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_MDIX_MANUAL_MODE 0x0020 /* Manual MDIX configuration */
+/* 1000BASE-T: Auto crossover, 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T: MDI Mode */
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T 0x0040
+/* Auto crossover enabled all speeds */
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE 0x0060
+#define M88IGC_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX 0x0800 /* 1=Assert CRS on Tx */
+/* M88E1000 PHY Specific Status Register */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_REV_POLARITY 0x0002 /* 1=Polarity reversed */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_DOWNSHIFT 0x0020 /* 1=Downshifted */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_MDIX 0x0040 /* 1=MDIX; 0=MDI */
+/* 0 = <50M
+ * 1 = 50-80M
+ * 2 = 80-110M
+ * 3 = 110-140M
+ * 4 = >140M
+ */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH 0x0380
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_LINK 0x0400 /* 1=Link up, 0=Link down */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_SPD_DPLX_RESOLVED 0x0800 /* 1=Speed & Duplex resolved */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_DPLX 0x2000 /* 1=Duplex 0=Half Duplex */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_SPEED 0xC000 /* Speed, bits 14:15 */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_100MBS 0x4000 /* 01=100Mbs */
+#define M88IGC_PSSR_1000MBS 0x8000 /* 10=1000Mbs */
+/* Number of times we will attempt to autonegotiate before downshifting if we
+ * are the master
+ */
+/* Number of times we will attempt to autonegotiate before downshifting if we
+ * are the slave
+ */
+#define M88IGC_EPSCR_TX_CLK_25 0x0070 /* 25 MHz TX_CLK */
+/* Intel I347AT4 Registers */
+#define I347AT4_PCDL 0x10 /* PHY Cable Diagnostics Length */
+#define I347AT4_PCDC 0x15 /* PHY Cable Diagnostics Control */
+#define I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT 0x16
+/* I347AT4 Extended PHY Specific Control Register */
+/* Number of times we will attempt to autonegotiate before downshifting if we
+ * are the master
+ */
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_ENABLE 0x0800
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_MASK 0x7000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_1X 0x0000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_2X 0x1000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_3X 0x2000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_4X 0x3000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_5X 0x4000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_6X 0x5000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_7X 0x6000
+#define I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_8X 0x7000
+/* I347AT4 PHY Cable Diagnostics Control */
+#define I347AT4_PCDC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNIT 0x0400 /* 0=cm 1=meters */
+/* M88E1112 only registers */
+#define M88E1112_VCT_DSP_DISTANCE 0x001A
+/* M88EC018 Rev 2 specific DownShift settings */
+#define M88EC018_EPSCR_DOWNSHIFT_COUNTER_5X 0x0800
+#define I82578_EPSCR_DOWNSHIFT_ENABLE 0x0020
+/* BME1000 PHY Specific Control Register */
+#define BMIGC_PSCR_ENABLE_DOWNSHIFT 0x0800 /* 1 = enable downshift */
+/* Bits...
+ * 15-5: page
+ * 4-0: register offset
+ */
+#define GG82563_PAGE_SHIFT 5
+#define GG82563_REG(page, reg) \
+ (((page) << GG82563_PAGE_SHIFT) | ((reg) & MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS))
+#define GG82563_MIN_ALT_REG 30
+/* GG82563 Specific Registers */
+#define GG82563_PHY_SPEC_CTRL GG82563_REG(0, 16) /* PHY Spec Cntrl */
+#define GG82563_PHY_PAGE_SELECT GG82563_REG(0, 22) /* Page Select */
+#define GG82563_PHY_SPEC_CTRL_2 GG82563_REG(0, 26) /* PHY Spec Cntrl2 */
+#define GG82563_PHY_PAGE_SELECT_ALT GG82563_REG(0, 29) /* Alt Page Select */
+/* MAC Specific Control Register */
+#define GG82563_PHY_MAC_SPEC_CTRL GG82563_REG(2, 21)
+#define GG82563_PHY_DSP_DISTANCE GG82563_REG(5, 26) /* DSP Distance */
+/* Page 193 - Port Control Registers */
+/* Kumeran Mode Control */
+#define GG82563_PHY_KMRN_MODE_CTRL GG82563_REG(193, 16)
+#define GG82563_PHY_PWR_MGMT_CTRL GG82563_REG(193, 20) /* Pwr Mgt Ctrl */
+/* Page 194 - KMRN Registers */
+#define GG82563_PHY_INBAND_CTRL GG82563_REG(194, 18) /* Inband Ctrl */
+/* MDI Control */
+#define IGC_MDIC_DATA_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+#define IGC_MDIC_INT_EN 0x20000000
+#define IGC_MDIC_REG_MASK 0x001F0000
+#define IGC_MDIC_REG_SHIFT 16
+#define IGC_MDIC_PHY_MASK 0x03E00000
+#define IGC_MDIC_PHY_SHIFT 21
+#define IGC_MDIC_OP_WRITE 0x04000000
+#define IGC_MDIC_OP_READ 0x08000000
+#define IGC_MDIC_READY 0x10000000
+#define IGC_MDIC_ERROR 0x40000000
+#define IGC_MDIC_DEST 0x80000000
+#define IGC_N0_QUEUE -1
+#define IGC_MAX_MAC_HDR_LEN 127
+#define IGC_VLAPQF_QUEUE_SEL(_n, q_idx) ((q_idx) << ((_n) * 4))
+#define IGC_VLAPQF_P_VALID(_n) (0x1 << (3 + (_n) * 4))
+/* SerDes Control */
+#define IGC_GEN_CTL_READY 0x80000000
+/* LinkSec register fields */
+#define IGC_LSECTXCAP_SUM_MASK 0x00FF0000
+#define IGC_LSECRXCAP_SUM_MASK 0x00FF0000
+#define IGC_LSECTXCTRL_EN_MASK 0x00000003
+#define IGC_LSECTXCTRL_AISCI 0x00000020
+#define IGC_LSECTXCTRL_RSV_MASK 0x000000D8
+#define IGC_LSECRXCTRL_EN_MASK 0x0000000C
+#define IGC_LSECRXCTRL_PLSH 0x00000040
+#define IGC_LSECRXCTRL_RP 0x00000080
+/* Tx Rate-Scheduler Config fields */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNRC_RS_ENA 0x80000000
+/* DMA Coalescing register fields */
+/* DMA Coalescing Watchdog Timer */
+/* DMA Coalescing Rx Threshold */
+#define IGC_DMACR_DMACTHR_MASK 0x00FF0000
+/* Lx when no PCIe transactions */
+#define IGC_DMACR_DMAC_LX_MASK 0x30000000
+#define IGC_DMACR_DMAC_EN 0x80000000 /* Enable DMA Coalescing */
+/* DMA Coalescing BMC-to-OS Watchdog Enable */
+#define IGC_DMACR_DC_BMC2OSW_EN 0x00008000
+/* DMA Coalescing Transmit Threshold */
+#define IGC_DMCTLX_TTLX_MASK 0x00000FFF /* Time to LX request */
+/* Rx Traffic Rate Threshold */
+/* Rx packet rate in current window */
+#define IGC_DMCRTRH_LRPRCW 0x80000000
+/* DMA Coal Rx Traffic Current Count */
+/* Flow ctrl Rx Threshold High val */
+/* Lx power decision based on DMA coal */
+#define IGC_PCIEMISC_LX_DECISION 0x00000080
+#define IGC_RXPBS_CFG_TS_EN 0x80000000 /* Timestamp in Rx buffer */
+#define IGC_RXPBS_SIZE_I210_MASK 0x0000003F /* Rx packet buffer size */
+#define IGC_TXPB0S_SIZE_I210_MASK 0x0000003F /* Tx packet buffer 0 size */
+#define I210_RXPBSIZE_DEFAULT 0x000000A2 /* RXPBSIZE default */
+#define I210_TXPBSIZE_DEFAULT 0x04000014 /* TXPBSIZE default */
+#define I225_RXPBSIZE_DEFAULT 0x000000A2 /* RXPBSIZE default */
+#define I225_TXPBSIZE_DEFAULT 0x04000014 /* TXPBSIZE default */
+#define IGC_RXPBS_SIZE_I225_MASK 0x0000003F /* Rx packet buffer size */
+#define IGC_TXPB0S_SIZE_I225_MASK 0x0000003F /* Tx packet buffer 0 size */
+#define IGC_STM_OPCODE 0xDB00
+#define INVM_DWORD_TO_RECORD_TYPE(invm_dword) \
+ (u8)((invm_dword) & 0x7)
+#define INVM_DWORD_TO_WORD_ADDRESS(invm_dword) \
+ (u8)(((invm_dword) & 0x0000FE00) >> 9)
+#define INVM_DWORD_TO_WORD_DATA(invm_dword) \
+ (u16)(((invm_dword) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
+#define IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_TWO 0x7FE000
+#define IGC_INVM_IMGTYPE_FIELD 0x1F800000
+#define IGC_INVM_MAJOR_MASK 0x3F0
+/* PLL Defines */
+#define IGC_PCI_PMCSR 0x44
+#define IGC_PCI_PMCSR_D3 0x03
+#define IGC_MAX_PLL_TRIES 5
+#define IGC_PHY_PLL_FREQ_PAGE 0xFC0000
+#define IGC_PHY_PLL_FREQ_REG 0x000E
+#define IGC_INVM_DEFAULT_AL 0x202F
+#define IGC_INVM_PLL_WO_VAL 0x0010
+/* Proxy Filter Control Extended */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_MDNS 0x00000001 /* mDNS */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_MDNS_M 0x00000002 /* mDNS Multicast */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_MDNS_U 0x00000004 /* mDNS Unicast */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_IPV4_M 0x00000008 /* IPv4 Multicast */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_IPV6_M 0x00000010 /* IPv6 Multicast */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_IGMP 0x00000020 /* IGMP */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_IGMP_M 0x00000040 /* IGMP Multicast */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ARPRES 0x00000080 /* ARP Response */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ARPRES_D 0x00000100 /* ARP Response Directed */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ICMPV4 0x00000200 /* ICMPv4 */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ICMPV4_D 0x00000400 /* ICMPv4 Directed */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ICMPV6 0x00000800 /* ICMPv6 */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_ICMPV6_D 0x00001000 /* ICMPv6 Directed */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX_DNS 0x00002000 /* DNS */
+/* Proxy Filter Control */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_D0 0x00000001 /* Enable offload in D0 */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_EX 0x00000004 /* Directed exact proxy */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_MC 0x00000008 /* Directed MC Proxy */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_BC 0x00000010 /* Broadcast Proxy Enable */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_ARP_DIRECTED 0x00000020 /* Directed ARP Proxy Ena */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_IPV4 0x00000040 /* Directed IPv4 Enable */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_IPV6 0x00000080 /* Directed IPv6 Enable */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_NS 0x00000200 /* IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_NS_DIRECTED 0x00000400 /* Directed NS Proxy Ena */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC_ARP 0x00000800 /* ARP Request Proxy Ena */
+/* Proxy Status */
+#define IGC_PROXYS_CLEAR 0xFFFFFFFF /* Clear */
+/* Firmware Status */
+#define IGC_FWSTS_FWRI 0x80000000 /* FW Reset Indication */
+/* VF Control */
+#define IGC_VTCTRL_RST 0x04000000 /* Reset VF */
+#define IGC_STATUS_LAN_ID_MASK 0x00000000C /* Mask for Lan ID field */
+/* Lan ID bit field offset in status register */
+#define IGC_VFTA_ENTRIES 128
+#define ERROR_REPORT(fmt) do { } while (0)
+#endif /* _IGC_DEFINES_H_ */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_HW_H_
+#define _IGC_HW_H_
+#include "e1000_osdep.h"
+#include "e1000_regs.h"
+#include "e1000_defines.h"
+struct igc_hw;
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82542 0x1000
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82543GC_FIBER 0x1001
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82543GC_COPPER 0x1004
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82544EI_COPPER 0x1008
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82544EI_FIBER 0x1009
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82544GC_COPPER 0x100C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82544GC_LOM 0x100D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82540EM 0x100E
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82540EM_LOM 0x1015
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP_LOM 0x1016
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP 0x1017
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82540EP_LP 0x101E
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER 0x100F
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82545EM_FIBER 0x1011
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_COPPER 0x1026
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_FIBER 0x1027
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82545GM_SERDES 0x1028
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546EB_COPPER 0x1010
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546EB_FIBER 0x1012
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546EB_QUAD_COPPER 0x101D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_COPPER 0x1079
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_FIBER 0x107A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_SERDES 0x107B
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_PCIE 0x108A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_QUAD_COPPER 0x1099
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82546GB_QUAD_COPPER_KSP3 0x10B5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541EI 0x1013
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541EI_MOBILE 0x1018
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541ER_LOM 0x1014
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541ER 0x1078
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI 0x1076
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI_LF 0x107C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82541GI_MOBILE 0x1077
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82547EI 0x1019
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82547EI_MOBILE 0x101A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82547GI 0x1075
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_COPPER 0x105E
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_FIBER 0x105F
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES 0x1060
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_DUAL 0x10D9
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_QUAD 0x10DA
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_COPPER 0x10A4
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571PT_QUAD_COPPER 0x10D5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_FIBER 0x10A5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_COPPER_LP 0x10BC
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_COPPER 0x107D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_FIBER 0x107E
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI_SERDES 0x107F
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82572EI 0x10B9
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82573E 0x108B
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82573E_IAMT 0x108C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82573L 0x109A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82574L 0x10D3
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82574LA 0x10F6
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82583V 0x150C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_COPPER_DPT 0x1096
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_SERDES_DPT 0x1098
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_COPPER_SPT 0x10BA
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_SERDES_SPT 0x10BB
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_82567V_3 0x1501
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M_AMT 0x1049
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_AMT 0x104A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_C 0x104B
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE 0x104C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE_GT 0x10C4
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE_G 0x10C5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M 0x104D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M 0x10BF
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M_AMT 0x10F5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M_V 0x10CB
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_AMT 0x10BD
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_BM 0x10E5
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_C 0x294C
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE 0x10C0
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE_GT 0x10C3
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE_G 0x10C2
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LM 0x10CC
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LF 0x10CD
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_V 0x10CE
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LM 0x10DE
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LF 0x10DF
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_V 0x1525
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_M_HV_LM 0x10EA
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_M_HV_LC 0x10EB
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_D_HV_DM 0x10EF
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_D_HV_DC 0x10F0
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH2_LV_LM 0x1502
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH2_LV_V 0x1503
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPT_I217_LM 0x153A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPT_I217_V 0x153B
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPTLP_I218_LM 0x155A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LPTLP_I218_V 0x1559
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_LM2 0x15A0
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_V2 0x15A1
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_LM3 0x15A2 /* Wildcat Point PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_I218_V3 0x15A3 /* Wildcat Point PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM 0x156F /* Sunrise Point PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V 0x1570 /* Sunrise Point PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM2 0x15B7 /* Sunrise Point-H PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V2 0x15B8 /* Sunrise Point-H PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_LBG_I219_LM3 0x15B9 /* LEWISBURG PCH */
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM4 0x15D7
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V4 0x15D8
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_LM5 0x15E3
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_SPT_I219_V5 0x15D6
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_LM6 0x15BD
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_V6 0x15BE
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_LM7 0x15BB
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_CNP_I219_V7 0x15BC
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_LM8 0x15DF
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_V8 0x15E0
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_LM9 0x15E1
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_PCH_ICP_I219_V9 0x15E2
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576 0x10C9
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_FIBER 0x10E6
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_SERDES 0x10E7
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_QUAD_COPPER 0x10E8
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_QUAD_COPPER_ET2 0x1526
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_NS 0x150A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_NS_SERDES 0x1518
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_SERDES_QUAD 0x150D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_VF 0x10CA
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82576_VF_HV 0x152D
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_VF 0x1520
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_VF_HV 0x152F
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82575EB_COPPER 0x10A7
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82575EB_FIBER_SERDES 0x10A9
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82575GB_QUAD_COPPER 0x10D6
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_COPPER 0x150E
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_FIBER 0x150F
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_SERDES 0x1510
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_SGMII 0x1511
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_COPPER_DUAL 0x1516
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_82580_QUAD_FIBER 0x1527
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_COPPER 0x1521
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_FIBER 0x1522
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_SERDES 0x1523
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_SGMII 0x1524
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I350_DA4 0x1546
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_COPPER 0x1533
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_COPPER_OEM1 0x1534
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_COPPER_IT 0x1535
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_FIBER 0x1536
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_SERDES 0x1537
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I210_SGMII 0x1538
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I211_COPPER 0x1539
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I225_LM 0x15F2
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I225_V 0x15F3
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I225_K 0x3100
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I225_I 0x15F8
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I220_V 0x15F7
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I225_BLANK_NVM 0x15FD
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I354_BACKPLANE_1GBPS 0x1F40
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I354_SGMII 0x1F41
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_I354_BACKPLANE_2_5GBPS 0x1F45
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_DH89XXCC_SGMII 0x0438
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_DH89XXCC_SERDES 0x043A
+#define IGC_DEV_ID_DH89XXCC_SFP 0x0440
+#define IGC_REVISION_0 0
+#define IGC_REVISION_1 1
+#define IGC_REVISION_2 2
+#define IGC_REVISION_3 3
+#define IGC_REVISION_4 4
+#define IGC_FUNC_0 0
+#define IGC_FUNC_1 1
+#define IGC_FUNC_2 2
+#define IGC_FUNC_3 3
+enum igc_mac_type {
+ igc_undefined = 0,
+ igc_82542,
+ igc_82543,
+ igc_82544,
+ igc_82540,
+ igc_82545,
+ igc_82545_rev_3,
+ igc_82546,
+ igc_82546_rev_3,
+ igc_82541,
+ igc_82541_rev_2,
+ igc_82547,
+ igc_82547_rev_2,
+ igc_82571,
+ igc_82572,
+ igc_82573,
+ igc_82574,
+ igc_82583,
+ igc_80003es2lan,
+ igc_ich8lan,
+ igc_ich9lan,
+ igc_ich10lan,
+ igc_pchlan,
+ igc_pch2lan,
+ igc_pch_lpt,
+ igc_pch_spt,
+ igc_pch_cnp,
+ igc_82575,
+ igc_82576,
+ igc_82580,
+ igc_i350,
+ igc_i354,
+ igc_i210,
+ igc_i211,
+ igc_i225,
+ igc_vfadapt,
+ igc_vfadapt_i350,
+ igc_num_macs /* List is 1-based, so subtract 1 for true count. */
+enum igc_media_type {
+ igc_media_type_unknown = 0,
+ igc_media_type_copper = 1,
+ igc_media_type_fiber = 2,
+ igc_media_type_internal_serdes = 3,
+ igc_num_media_types
+enum igc_nvm_type {
+ igc_nvm_unknown = 0,
+ igc_nvm_none,
+ igc_nvm_eeprom_spi,
+ igc_nvm_eeprom_microwire,
+ igc_nvm_flash_hw,
+ igc_nvm_invm,
+ igc_nvm_flash_sw
+enum igc_nvm_override {
+ igc_nvm_override_none = 0,
+ igc_nvm_override_spi_small,
+ igc_nvm_override_spi_large,
+ igc_nvm_override_microwire_small,
+ igc_nvm_override_microwire_large
+enum igc_phy_type {
+ igc_phy_unknown = 0,
+ igc_phy_none,
+ igc_phy_m88,
+ igc_phy_igp,
+ igc_phy_igp_2,
+ igc_phy_gg82563,
+ igc_phy_igp_3,
+ igc_phy_ife,
+ igc_phy_bm,
+ igc_phy_82578,
+ igc_phy_82577,
+ igc_phy_82579,
+ igc_phy_i217,
+ igc_phy_82580,
+ igc_phy_vf,
+ igc_phy_i210,
+ igc_phy_i225,
+enum igc_bus_type {
+ igc_bus_type_unknown = 0,
+ igc_bus_type_pci,
+ igc_bus_type_pcix,
+ igc_bus_type_pci_express,
+ igc_bus_type_reserved
+enum igc_bus_speed {
+ igc_bus_speed_unknown = 0,
+ igc_bus_speed_33,
+ igc_bus_speed_66,
+ igc_bus_speed_100,
+ igc_bus_speed_120,
+ igc_bus_speed_133,
+ igc_bus_speed_2500,
+ igc_bus_speed_5000,
+ igc_bus_speed_reserved
+enum igc_bus_width {
+ igc_bus_width_unknown = 0,
+ igc_bus_width_pcie_x1,
+ igc_bus_width_pcie_x2,
+ igc_bus_width_pcie_x4 = 4,
+ igc_bus_width_pcie_x8 = 8,
+ igc_bus_width_32,
+ igc_bus_width_64,
+ igc_bus_width_reserved
+enum igc_1000t_rx_status {
+ igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok = 0,
+ igc_1000t_rx_status_ok,
+ igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined = 0xFF
+enum igc_rev_polarity {
+ igc_rev_polarity_normal = 0,
+ igc_rev_polarity_reversed,
+ igc_rev_polarity_undefined = 0xFF
+enum igc_fc_mode {
+ igc_fc_none = 0,
+ igc_fc_rx_pause,
+ igc_fc_tx_pause,
+ igc_fc_full,
+ igc_fc_default = 0xFF
+enum igc_ffe_config {
+ igc_ffe_config_enabled = 0,
+ igc_ffe_config_active,
+ igc_ffe_config_blocked
+enum igc_dsp_config {
+ igc_dsp_config_disabled = 0,
+ igc_dsp_config_enabled,
+ igc_dsp_config_activated,
+ igc_dsp_config_undefined = 0xFF
+enum igc_ms_type {
+ igc_ms_hw_default = 0,
+ igc_ms_force_master,
+ igc_ms_force_slave,
+ igc_ms_auto
+enum igc_smart_speed {
+ igc_smart_speed_default = 0,
+ igc_smart_speed_on,
+ igc_smart_speed_off
+enum igc_serdes_link_state {
+ igc_serdes_link_down = 0,
+ igc_serdes_link_autoneg_progress,
+ igc_serdes_link_autoneg_complete,
+ igc_serdes_link_forced_up
+enum igc_invm_structure_type {
+ igc_invm_uninitialized_structure = 0x00,
+ igc_invm_word_autoload_structure = 0x01,
+ igc_invm_csr_autoload_structure = 0x02,
+ igc_invm_phy_register_autoload_structure = 0x03,
+ igc_invm_rsa_key_sha256_structure = 0x04,
+ igc_invm_invalidated_structure = 0x0f,
+#define __le16 u16
+#define __le32 u32
+#define __le64 u64
+/* Receive Descriptor */
+struct igc_rx_desc {
+ __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
+ __le16 length; /* Length of data DMAed into data buffer */
+ __le16 csum; /* Packet checksum */
+ u8 status; /* Descriptor status */
+ u8 errors; /* Descriptor Errors */
+ __le16 special;
+/* Receive Descriptor - Extended */
+union igc_rx_desc_extended {
+ struct {
+ __le64 buffer_addr;
+ __le64 reserved;
+ } read;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ __le32 mrq; /* Multiple Rx Queues */
+ union {
+ __le32 rss; /* RSS Hash */
+ struct {
+ __le16 ip_id; /* IP id */
+ __le16 csum; /* Packet Checksum */
+ } csum_ip;
+ } hi_dword;
+ } lower;
+ struct {
+ __le32 status_error; /* ext status/error */
+ __le16 length;
+ __le16 vlan; /* VLAN tag */
+ } upper;
+ } wb; /* writeback */
+#define MAX_PS_BUFFERS 4
+/* Number of packet split data buffers (not including the header buffer) */
+/* Receive Descriptor - Packet Split */
+union igc_rx_desc_packet_split {
+ struct {
+ /* one buffer for protocol header(s), three data buffers */
+ __le64 buffer_addr[MAX_PS_BUFFERS];
+ } read;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ __le32 mrq; /* Multiple Rx Queues */
+ union {
+ __le32 rss; /* RSS Hash */
+ struct {
+ __le16 ip_id; /* IP id */
+ __le16 csum; /* Packet Checksum */
+ } csum_ip;
+ } hi_dword;
+ } lower;
+ struct {
+ __le32 status_error; /* ext status/error */
+ __le16 length0; /* length of buffer 0 */
+ __le16 vlan; /* VLAN tag */
+ } middle;
+ struct {
+ __le16 header_status;
+ /* length of buffers 1-3 */
+ __le16 length[PS_PAGE_BUFFERS];
+ } upper;
+ __le64 reserved;
+ } wb; /* writeback */
+/* Transmit Descriptor */
+struct igc_tx_desc {
+ __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ __le16 length; /* Data buffer length */
+ u8 cso; /* Checksum offset */
+ u8 cmd; /* Descriptor control */
+ } flags;
+ } lower;
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ u8 status; /* Descriptor status */
+ u8 css; /* Checksum start */
+ __le16 special;
+ } fields;
+ } upper;
+/* Offload Context Descriptor */
+struct igc_context_desc {
+ union {
+ __le32 ip_config;
+ struct {
+ u8 ipcss; /* IP checksum start */
+ u8 ipcso; /* IP checksum offset */
+ __le16 ipcse; /* IP checksum end */
+ } ip_fields;
+ } lower_setup;
+ union {
+ __le32 tcp_config;
+ struct {
+ u8 tucss; /* TCP checksum start */
+ u8 tucso; /* TCP checksum offset */
+ __le16 tucse; /* TCP checksum end */
+ } tcp_fields;
+ } upper_setup;
+ __le32 cmd_and_length;
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ u8 status; /* Descriptor status */
+ u8 hdr_len; /* Header length */
+ __le16 mss; /* Maximum segment size */
+ } fields;
+ } tcp_seg_setup;
+/* Offload data descriptor */
+struct igc_data_desc {
+ __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's buffer address */
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ __le16 length; /* Data buffer length */
+ u8 typ_len_ext;
+ u8 cmd;
+ } flags;
+ } lower;
+ union {
+ __le32 data;
+ struct {
+ u8 status; /* Descriptor status */
+ u8 popts; /* Packet Options */
+ __le16 special;
+ } fields;
+ } upper;
+/* Statistics counters collected by the MAC */
+struct igc_hw_stats {
+ u64 crcerrs;
+ u64 algnerrc;
+ u64 symerrs;
+ u64 rxerrc;
+ u64 mpc;
+ u64 scc;
+ u64 ecol;
+ u64 mcc;
+ u64 latecol;
+ u64 colc;
+ u64 dc;
+ u64 tncrs;
+ u64 sec;
+ u64 cexterr;
+ u64 rlec;
+ u64 xonrxc;
+ u64 xontxc;
+ u64 xoffrxc;
+ u64 xofftxc;
+ u64 fcruc;
+ u64 prc64;
+ u64 prc127;
+ u64 prc255;
+ u64 prc511;
+ u64 prc1023;
+ u64 prc1522;
+ u64 gprc;
+ u64 bprc;
+ u64 mprc;
+ u64 gptc;
+ u64 gorc;
+ u64 gotc;
+ u64 rnbc;
+ u64 ruc;
+ u64 rfc;
+ u64 roc;
+ u64 rjc;
+ u64 mgprc;
+ u64 mgpdc;
+ u64 mgptc;
+ u64 tor;
+ u64 tot;
+ u64 tpr;
+ u64 tpt;
+ u64 ptc64;
+ u64 ptc127;
+ u64 ptc255;
+ u64 ptc511;
+ u64 ptc1023;
+ u64 ptc1522;
+ u64 mptc;
+ u64 bptc;
+ u64 tsctc;
+ u64 tsctfc;
+ u64 iac;
+ u64 icrxptc;
+ u64 icrxatc;
+ u64 ictxptc;
+ u64 ictxatc;
+ u64 ictxqec;
+ u64 ictxqmtc;
+ u64 icrxdmtc;
+ u64 icrxoc;
+ u64 cbtmpc;
+ u64 htdpmc;
+ u64 cbrdpc;
+ u64 cbrmpc;
+ u64 rpthc;
+ u64 hgptc;
+ u64 htcbdpc;
+ u64 hgorc;
+ u64 hgotc;
+ u64 lenerrs;
+ u64 scvpc;
+ u64 hrmpc;
+ u64 doosync;
+ u64 o2bgptc;
+ u64 o2bspc;
+ u64 b2ospc;
+ u64 b2ogprc;
+struct igc_vf_stats {
+ u64 base_gprc;
+ u64 base_gptc;
+ u64 base_gorc;
+ u64 base_gotc;
+ u64 base_mprc;
+ u64 base_gotlbc;
+ u64 base_gptlbc;
+ u64 base_gorlbc;
+ u64 base_gprlbc;
+ u32 last_gprc;
+ u32 last_gptc;
+ u32 last_gorc;
+ u32 last_gotc;
+ u32 last_mprc;
+ u32 last_gotlbc;
+ u32 last_gptlbc;
+ u32 last_gorlbc;
+ u32 last_gprlbc;
+ u64 gprc;
+ u64 gptc;
+ u64 gorc;
+ u64 gotc;
+ u64 mprc;
+ u64 gotlbc;
+ u64 gptlbc;
+ u64 gorlbc;
+ u64 gprlbc;
+struct igc_phy_stats {
+ u32 idle_errors;
+ u32 receive_errors;
+struct igc_host_mng_dhcp_cookie {
+ u32 signature;
+ u8 status;
+ u8 reserved0;
+ u16 vlan_id;
+ u32 reserved1;
+ u16 reserved2;
+ u8 reserved3;
+ u8 checksum;
+/* Host Interface "Rev 1" */
+struct igc_host_command_header {
+ u8 command_id;
+ u8 command_length;
+ u8 command_options;
+ u8 checksum;
+struct igc_host_command_info {
+ struct igc_host_command_header command_header;
+ u8 command_data[IGC_HI_MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
+/* Host Interface "Rev 2" */
+struct igc_host_mng_command_header {
+ u8 command_id;
+ u8 checksum;
+ u16 reserved1;
+ u16 reserved2;
+ u16 command_length;
+struct igc_host_mng_command_info {
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header command_header;
+ u8 command_data[IGC_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH];
+#include "e1000_mac.h"
+#include "e1000_phy.h"
+#include "e1000_nvm.h"
+#include "e1000_manage.h"
+/* Function pointers for the MAC. */
+struct igc_mac_operations {
+ s32 (*init_params)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*id_led_init)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*blink_led)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ bool (*check_mng_mode)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*check_for_link)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*cleanup_led)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*clear_hw_cntrs)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*clear_vfta)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*get_bus_info)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*set_lan_id)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*get_link_up_info)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex);
+ s32 (*led_on)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*led_off)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*update_mc_addr_list)(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u8 *mc_addr_list, u32 count);
+ s32 (*reset_hw)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*init_hw)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*shutdown_serdes)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*power_up_serdes)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*setup_link)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*setup_physical_interface)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*setup_led)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*write_vfta)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value);
+ void (*config_collision_dist)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ int (*rar_set)(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index);
+ s32 (*read_mac_addr)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*validate_mdi_setting)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*acquire_swfw_sync)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask);
+ void (*release_swfw_sync)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask);
+/* When to use various PHY register access functions:
+ *
+ * Func Caller
+ * Function Does Does When to use
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * X_reg L,P,A n/a for simple PHY reg accesses
+ * X_reg_locked P,A L for multiple accesses of different regs
+ * on different pages
+ * X_reg_page A L,P for multiple accesses of different regs
+ * on the same page
+ *
+ * Where X=[read|write], L=locking, P=sets page, A=register access
+ *
+ */
+struct igc_phy_operations {
+ s32 (*init_params)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*acquire)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*cfg_on_link_up)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*check_polarity)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*check_reset_block)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*commit)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*force_speed_duplex)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*get_cfg_done)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*get_cable_length)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*get_info)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*set_page)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 page);
+ s32 (*read_reg)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+ s32 (*read_reg_locked)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+ s32 (*read_reg_page)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+ void (*release)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*reset)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*set_d0_lplu_state)(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+ s32 (*set_d3_lplu_state)(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+ s32 (*write_reg)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+ s32 (*write_reg_locked)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+ s32 (*write_reg_page)(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+ void (*power_up)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*power_down)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*read_i2c_byte)(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 *data);
+ s32 (*write_i2c_byte)(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 data);
+/* Function pointers for the NVM. */
+struct igc_nvm_operations {
+ s32 (*init_params)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*acquire)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*read)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
+ void (*release)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ void (*reload)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*update)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*valid_led_default)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data);
+ s32 (*validate)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ s32 (*write)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
+struct igc_info {
+ s32 (*get_invariants)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ struct igc_mac_operations *mac_ops;
+ const struct igc_phy_operations *phy_ops;
+ struct igc_nvm_operations *nvm_ops;
+extern const struct igc_info igc_i225_info;
+struct igc_mac_info {
+ struct igc_mac_operations ops;
+ u8 addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN];
+ u8 perm_addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN];
+ enum igc_mac_type type;
+ u32 collision_delta;
+ u32 ledctl_default;
+ u32 ledctl_mode1;
+ u32 ledctl_mode2;
+ u32 mc_filter_type;
+ u32 tx_packet_delta;
+ u32 txcw;
+ u16 current_ifs_val;
+ u16 ifs_max_val;
+ u16 ifs_min_val;
+ u16 ifs_ratio;
+ u16 ifs_step_size;
+ u16 mta_reg_count;
+ u16 uta_reg_count;
+ /* Maximum size of the MTA register table in all supported adapters */
+#define MAX_MTA_REG 128
+ u32 mta_shadow[MAX_MTA_REG];
+ u16 rar_entry_count;
+ u8 forced_speed_duplex;
+ bool adaptive_ifs;
+ bool has_fwsm;
+ bool arc_subsystem_valid;
+ bool asf_firmware_present;
+ bool autoneg;
+ bool autoneg_failed;
+ bool get_link_status;
+ bool in_ifs_mode;
+ bool report_tx_early;
+ enum igc_serdes_link_state serdes_link_state;
+ bool serdes_has_link;
+ bool tx_pkt_filtering;
+struct igc_phy_info {
+ struct igc_phy_operations ops;
+ enum igc_phy_type type;
+ enum igc_1000t_rx_status local_rx;
+ enum igc_1000t_rx_status remote_rx;
+ enum igc_ms_type ms_type;
+ enum igc_ms_type original_ms_type;
+ enum igc_rev_polarity cable_polarity;
+ enum igc_smart_speed smart_speed;
+ u32 addr;
+ u32 id;
+ u32 reset_delay_us; /* in usec */
+ u32 revision;
+ enum igc_media_type media_type;
+ u16 autoneg_advertised;
+ u16 autoneg_mask;
+ u16 cable_length;
+ u16 max_cable_length;
+ u16 min_cable_length;
+ u8 mdix;
+ bool disable_polarity_correction;
+ bool is_mdix;
+ bool polarity_correction;
+ bool speed_downgraded;
+ bool autoneg_wait_to_complete;
+struct igc_nvm_info {
+ struct igc_nvm_operations ops;
+ enum igc_nvm_type type;
+ enum igc_nvm_override override;
+ u32 flash_bank_size;
+ u32 flash_base_addr;
+ u16 word_size;
+ u16 delay_usec;
+ u16 address_bits;
+ u16 opcode_bits;
+ u16 page_size;
+struct igc_bus_info {
+ enum igc_bus_type type;
+ enum igc_bus_speed speed;
+ enum igc_bus_width width;
+ u16 func;
+ u16 pci_cmd_word;
+struct igc_fc_info {
+ u32 high_water; /* Flow control high-water mark */
+ u32 low_water; /* Flow control low-water mark */
+ u16 pause_time; /* Flow control pause timer */
+ u16 refresh_time; /* Flow control refresh timer */
+ bool send_xon; /* Flow control send XON */
+ bool strict_ieee; /* Strict IEEE mode */
+ enum igc_fc_mode current_mode; /* FC mode in effect */
+ enum igc_fc_mode requested_mode; /* FC mode requested by caller */
+struct igc_mbx_operations {
+ s32 (*init_params)(struct igc_hw *hw);
+struct igc_mbx_stats {
+ u32 msgs_tx;
+ u32 msgs_rx;
+ u32 acks;
+ u32 reqs;
+ u32 rsts;
+struct igc_mbx_info {
+ struct igc_mbx_operations ops;
+ struct igc_mbx_stats stats;
+ u32 timeout;
+ u32 usec_delay;
+ u16 size;
+struct igc_dev_spec_82541 {
+ enum igc_dsp_config dsp_config;
+ enum igc_ffe_config ffe_config;
+ u16 spd_default;
+ bool phy_init_script;
+struct igc_dev_spec_82542 {
+ bool dma_fairness;
+struct igc_dev_spec_82543 {
+ u32 tbi_compatibility;
+ bool dma_fairness;
+ bool init_phy_disabled;
+struct igc_dev_spec_82571 {
+ bool laa_is_present;
+ u32 smb_counter;
+ IGC_MUTEX swflag_mutex;
+struct igc_dev_spec_80003es2lan {
+ bool mdic_wa_enable;
+struct igc_shadow_ram {
+ u16 value;
+ bool modified;
+#define IGC_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS 2048
+/* I218 PHY Ultra Low Power (ULP) states */
+enum igc_ulp_state {
+ igc_ulp_state_unknown,
+ igc_ulp_state_off,
+ igc_ulp_state_on,
+struct igc_dev_spec_ich8lan {
+ bool kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_enabled;
+ struct igc_shadow_ram shadow_ram[IGC_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS];
+ IGC_MUTEX nvm_mutex;
+ IGC_MUTEX swflag_mutex;
+ bool nvm_k1_enabled;
+ bool disable_k1_off;
+ bool eee_disable;
+ u16 eee_lp_ability;
+ enum igc_ulp_state ulp_state;
+ bool ulp_capability_disabled;
+ bool during_suspend_flow;
+ bool during_dpg_exit;
+ u16 lat_enc;
+ u16 max_ltr_enc;
+ bool smbus_disable;
+struct igc_dev_spec_82575 {
+ bool sgmii_active;
+ bool global_device_reset;
+ bool eee_disable;
+ bool module_plugged;
+ bool clear_semaphore_once;
+ u32 mtu;
+ struct sfp_igc_flags eth_flags;
+ u8 media_port;
+ bool media_changed;
+struct igc_dev_spec_vf {
+ u32 vf_number;
+ u32 v2p_mailbox;
+struct igc_dev_spec_i225 {
+ bool global_device_reset;
+ bool eee_disable;
+ bool clear_semaphore_once;
+ bool module_plugged;
+ u8 media_port;
+ bool mas_capable;
+ u32 mtu;
+struct igc_hw {
+ void *back;
+ u8 *hw_addr;
+ u8 *flash_address;
+ unsigned long io_base;
+ struct igc_mac_info mac;
+ struct igc_fc_info fc;
+ struct igc_phy_info phy;
+ struct igc_nvm_info nvm;
+ struct igc_bus_info bus;
+ struct igc_mbx_info mbx;
+ struct igc_host_mng_dhcp_cookie mng_cookie;
+ union {
+ struct igc_dev_spec_82541 _82541;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_82542 _82542;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_82543 _82543;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_82571 _82571;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_80003es2lan _80003es2lan;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_ich8lan ich8lan;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_82575 _82575;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_vf vf;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_i225 _i225;
+ } dev_spec;
+ u16 device_id;
+ u16 subsystem_vendor_id;
+ u16 subsystem_device_id;
+ u16 vendor_id;
+ u8 revision_id;
+#include "e1000_82571.h"
+#include "e1000_ich8lan.h"
+#include "e1000_82575.h"
+#include "e1000_i225.h"
+#include "e1000_base.h"
+/* These functions must be implemented by drivers */
+void igc_pci_clear_mwi(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_pci_set_mwi(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_pcie_cap_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value);
+s32 igc_write_pcie_cap_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value);
+void igc_read_pci_cfg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value);
+void igc_write_pci_cfg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1378 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+static s32 igc_init_nvm_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_init_mac_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_init_phy_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_reset_hw_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_acquire_nvm_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static void igc_release_nvm_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 __igc_write_nvm_srwr(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data);
+static s32 igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_valid_led_default_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data);
+ * igc_init_nvm_params_i225 - Init NVM func ptrs.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+static s32 igc_init_nvm_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ u16 size;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_nvm_params_i225");
+ size = (u16)((eecd & IGC_EECD_SIZE_EX_MASK) >>
+ /*
+ * Added to a constant, "size" becomes the left-shift value
+ * for setting word_size.
+ */
+ /* Just in case size is out of range, cap it to the largest
+ * EEPROM size supported
+ */
+ if (size > 15)
+ size = 15;
+ nvm->word_size = 1 << size;
+ nvm->opcode_bits = 8;
+ nvm->delay_usec = 1;
+ nvm->type = igc_nvm_eeprom_spi;
+ nvm->page_size = eecd & IGC_EECD_ADDR_BITS ? 32 : 8;
+ nvm->address_bits = eecd & IGC_EECD_ADDR_BITS ?
+ 16 : 8;
+ if (nvm->word_size == (1 << 15))
+ nvm->page_size = 128;
+ nvm->ops.acquire = igc_acquire_nvm_i225;
+ nvm->ops.release = igc_release_nvm_i225;
+ nvm->ops.valid_led_default = igc_valid_led_default_i225;
+ if (igc_get_flash_presence_i225(hw)) {
+ hw->nvm.type = igc_nvm_flash_hw;
+ nvm->ops.read = igc_read_nvm_srrd_i225;
+ nvm->ops.write = igc_write_nvm_srwr_i225;
+ nvm->ops.validate = igc_validate_nvm_checksum_i225;
+ nvm->ops.update = igc_update_nvm_checksum_i225;
+ } else {
+ hw->nvm.type = igc_nvm_invm;
+ nvm->ops.write = igc_null_write_nvm;
+ nvm->ops.validate = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ nvm->ops.update = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_init_mac_params_i225 - Init MAC func ptrs.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+static s32 igc_init_mac_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ struct igc_dev_spec_i225 *dev_spec = &hw->dev_spec._i225;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_mac_params_i225");
+ /* Initialize function pointer */
+ igc_init_mac_ops_generic(hw);
+ /* Set media type */
+ hw->phy.media_type = igc_media_type_copper;
+ /* Set mta register count */
+ mac->mta_reg_count = 128;
+ /* Set rar entry count */
+ mac->rar_entry_count = IGC_RAR_ENTRIES_BASE;
+ /* reset */
+ mac->ops.reset_hw = igc_reset_hw_i225;
+ /* hw initialization */
+ mac->ops.init_hw = igc_init_hw_i225;
+ /* link setup */
+ mac->ops.setup_link = igc_setup_link_generic;
+ /* check for link */
+ mac->ops.check_for_link = igc_check_for_link_i225;
+ /* link info */
+ mac->ops.get_link_up_info = igc_get_speed_and_duplex_copper_generic;
+ /* acquire SW_FW sync */
+ mac->ops.acquire_swfw_sync = igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225;
+ /* release SW_FW sync */
+ mac->ops.release_swfw_sync = igc_release_swfw_sync_i225;
+ /* Allow a single clear of the SW semaphore on I225 */
+ dev_spec->clear_semaphore_once = true;
+ mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = igc_setup_copper_link_i225;
+ /* Set if part includes ASF firmware */
+ mac->asf_firmware_present = true;
+ /* multicast address update */
+ mac->ops.update_mc_addr_list = igc_update_mc_addr_list_generic;
+ mac->ops.write_vfta = igc_write_vfta_generic;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_init_phy_params_i225 - Init PHY func ptrs.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+static s32 igc_init_phy_params_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u32 ctrl_ext;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_phy_params_i225");
+ phy->ops.read_i2c_byte = igc_read_i2c_byte_generic;
+ phy->ops.write_i2c_byte = igc_write_i2c_byte_generic;
+ if (hw->phy.media_type != igc_media_type_copper) {
+ phy->type = igc_phy_none;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ phy->ops.power_up = igc_power_up_phy_copper;
+ phy->ops.power_down = igc_power_down_phy_copper_base;
+ phy->autoneg_mask = AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT_2500;
+ phy->reset_delay_us = 100;
+ phy->ops.acquire = igc_acquire_phy_base;
+ phy->ops.check_reset_block = igc_check_reset_block_generic;
+ phy->ops.commit = igc_phy_sw_reset_generic;
+ phy->ops.release = igc_release_phy_base;
+ ctrl_ext = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT);
+ /* Make sure the PHY is in a good state. Several people have reported
+ * firmware leaving the PHY's page select register set to something
+ * other than the default of zero, which causes the PHY ID read to
+ * access something other than the intended register.
+ */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.reset(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext);
+ phy->ops.read_reg = igc_read_phy_reg_gpy;
+ phy->ops.write_reg = igc_write_phy_reg_gpy;
+ ret_val = igc_get_phy_id(hw);
+ /* Verify phy id and set remaining function pointers */
+ switch (phy->id) {
+ case I225_I_PHY_ID:
+ phy->type = igc_phy_i225;
+ phy->ops.set_d0_lplu_state = igc_set_d0_lplu_state_i225;
+ phy->ops.set_d3_lplu_state = igc_set_d3_lplu_state_i225;
+ /* TODO - complete with GPY PHY information */
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_reset_hw_i225 - Reset hardware
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This resets the hardware into a known state.
+ **/
+static s32 igc_reset_hw_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_reset_hw_i225");
+ /*
+ * Prevent the PCI-E bus from sticking if there is no TLP connection
+ * on the last TLP read/write transaction when MAC is reset.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_disable_pcie_master_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT("PCI-E Master disable polling has failed.\n");
+ DEBUGOUT("Masking off all interrupts\n");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_IMC, 0xffffffff);
+ msec_delay(10);
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ DEBUGOUT("Issuing a global reset to MAC\n");
+ ret_val = igc_get_auto_rd_done_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ /*
+ * When auto config read does not complete, do not
+ * return with an error. This can happen in situations
+ * where there is no eeprom and prevents getting link.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Auto Read Done did not complete\n");
+ }
+ /* Clear any pending interrupt events. */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_IMC, 0xffffffff);
+ /* Install any alternate MAC address into RAR0 */
+ ret_val = igc_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_acquire_nvm_i225 - Request for access to EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Acquire the necessary semaphores for exclusive access to the EEPROM.
+ * Set the EEPROM access request bit and wait for EEPROM access grant bit.
+ * Return successful if access grant bit set, else clear the request for
+ * EEPROM access and return -IGC_ERR_NVM (-1).
+ */
+static s32 igc_acquire_nvm_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_acquire_nvm_i225");
+ ret_val = igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225(hw, IGC_SWFW_EEP_SM);
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_release_nvm_i225 - Release exclusive access to EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Stop any current commands to the EEPROM and clear the EEPROM request bit,
+ * then release the semaphores acquired.
+ */
+static void igc_release_nvm_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_release_nvm_i225");
+ igc_release_swfw_sync_i225(hw, IGC_SWFW_EEP_SM);
+/* igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225 - Acquire SW/FW semaphore
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mask: specifies which semaphore to acquire
+ *
+ * Acquire the SW/FW semaphore to access the PHY or NVM. The mask
+ * will also specify which port we're acquiring the lock for.
+ */
+s32 igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask)
+ u32 swfw_sync;
+ u32 swmask = mask;
+ u32 fwmask = mask << 16;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ s32 i = 0, timeout = 200; /* FIXME: find real value to use here */
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225");
+ while (i < timeout) {
+ if (igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225(hw)) {
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ swfw_sync = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SW_FW_SYNC);
+ if (!(swfw_sync & (fwmask | swmask)))
+ break;
+ /* Firmware currently using resource (fwmask)
+ * or other software thread using resource (swmask)
+ */
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ msec_delay_irq(5);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access resource, SW_FW_SYNC timeout.\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ swfw_sync |= swmask;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_SW_FW_SYNC, swfw_sync);
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_release_swfw_sync_i225 - Release SW/FW semaphore
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mask: specifies which semaphore to acquire
+ *
+ * Release the SW/FW semaphore used to access the PHY or NVM. The mask
+ * will also specify which port we're releasing the lock for.
+ */
+void igc_release_swfw_sync_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask)
+ u32 swfw_sync;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_release_swfw_sync_i225");
+ while (igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225(hw) != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ ; /* Empty */
+ swfw_sync = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SW_FW_SYNC);
+ swfw_sync &= ~mask;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_SW_FW_SYNC, swfw_sync);
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ * igc_setup_copper_link_i225 - Configure copper link settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Configures the link for auto-neg or forced speed and duplex. Then we check
+ * for link, once link is established calls to configure collision distance
+ * and flow control are called.
+ */
+s32 igc_setup_copper_link_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 phpm_reg;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_setup_copper_link_i225");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_SLU;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ phpm_reg = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM);
+ phpm_reg &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_GO_LINKD;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM, phpm_reg);
+ ret_val = igc_setup_copper_link_generic(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225 - Acquire hardware semaphore
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Acquire the HW semaphore to access the PHY or NVM
+ */
+static s32 igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 swsm;
+ s32 timeout = hw->nvm.word_size + 1;
+ s32 i = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_hw_semaphore_i225");
+ /* Get the SW semaphore */
+ while (i < timeout) {
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ if (!(swsm & IGC_SWSM_SMBI))
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ /* In rare circumstances, the SW semaphore may already be held
+ * unintentionally. Clear the semaphore once before giving up.
+ */
+ if (hw->dev_spec._i225.clear_semaphore_once) {
+ hw->dev_spec._i225.clear_semaphore_once = false;
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ for (i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ if (!(swsm & IGC_SWSM_SMBI))
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we do not have the semaphore here, we have to give up. */
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access device -\n");
+ DEBUGOUT("SMBI bit is set.\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get the FW semaphore. */
+ for (i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ /* Semaphore acquired if bit latched */
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ }
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ /* Release semaphores */
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access the NVM\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+/* igc_read_nvm_srrd_i225 - Reads Shadow Ram using EERD register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset of word in the Shadow Ram to read
+ * @words: number of words to read
+ * @data: word read from the Shadow Ram
+ *
+ * Reads a 16 bit word from the Shadow Ram using the EERD register.
+ * Uses necessary synchronization semaphores.
+ */
+s32 igc_read_nvm_srrd_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 i, count;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_nvm_srrd_i225");
+ /* We cannot hold synchronization semaphores for too long,
+ * because of forceful takeover procedure. However it is more efficient
+ * to read in bursts than synchronizing access for each word.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i += IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT) {
+ count = (words - i) / IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT > 0 ?
+ IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT : (words - i);
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.acquire(hw) == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ status = igc_read_nvm_eerd(hw, offset, count,
+ data + i);
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ } else {
+ status = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ }
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ break;
+ }
+ return status;
+/* igc_write_nvm_srwr_i225 - Write to Shadow RAM using EEWR
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset within the Shadow RAM to be written to
+ * @words: number of words to write
+ * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the Shadow RAM
+ *
+ * Writes data to Shadow RAM at offset using EEWR register.
+ *
+ * If igc_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the
+ * data will not be committed to FLASH and also Shadow RAM will most likely
+ * contain an invalid checksum.
+ *
+ * If error code is returned, data and Shadow RAM may be inconsistent - buffer
+ * partially written.
+ */
+s32 igc_write_nvm_srwr_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 i, count;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_nvm_srwr_i225");
+ /* We cannot hold synchronization semaphores for too long,
+ * because of forceful takeover procedure. However it is more efficient
+ * to write in bursts than synchronizing access for each word.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i += IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT) {
+ count = (words - i) / IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT > 0 ?
+ IGC_EERD_EEWR_MAX_COUNT : (words - i);
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.acquire(hw) == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ status = __igc_write_nvm_srwr(hw, offset, count,
+ data + i);
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ } else {
+ status = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ }
+ if (status != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ break;
+ }
+ return status;
+/* __igc_write_nvm_srwr - Write to Shadow Ram using EEWR
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset within the Shadow Ram to be written to
+ * @words: number of words to write
+ * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the Shadow Ram
+ *
+ * Writes data to Shadow Ram at offset using EEWR register.
+ *
+ * If igc_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the
+ * Shadow Ram will most likely contain an invalid checksum.
+ */
+static s32 __igc_write_nvm_srwr(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 i, k, eewr = 0;
+ u32 attempts = 100000;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_write_nvm_srwr");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * too many words for the offset, and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
+ eewr = ((offset + i) << IGC_NVM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ (data[i] << IGC_NVM_RW_REG_DATA) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_SRWR, eewr);
+ for (k = 0; k < attempts; k++) {
+ ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ usec_delay(5);
+ }
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Shadow RAM write EEWR timed out\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_read_invm_version_i225 - Reads iNVM version and image type
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @invm_ver: version structure for the version read
+ *
+ * Reads iNVM version and image type.
+ */
+s32 igc_read_invm_version_i225(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_fw_version *invm_ver)
+ u32 *record = NULL;
+ u32 *next_record = NULL;
+ u32 i = 0;
+ u32 invm_dword = 0;
+ u32 invm_blocks = IGC_INVM_SIZE - (IGC_INVM_ULT_BYTES_SIZE /
+ u32 buffer[IGC_INVM_SIZE];
+ u16 version = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_invm_version_i225");
+ /* Read iNVM memory */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_INVM_SIZE; i++) {
+ invm_dword = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_INVM_DATA_REG(i));
+ buffer[i] = invm_dword;
+ }
+ /* Read version number */
+ for (i = 1; i < invm_blocks; i++) {
+ record = &buffer[invm_blocks - i];
+ next_record = &buffer[invm_blocks - i + 1];
+ /* Check if we have first version location used */
+ if (i == 1 && (*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_ONE) == 0) {
+ version = 0;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if we have second version location used */
+ else if ((i == 1) &&
+ ((*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_TWO) == 0)) {
+ version = (*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_ONE) >> 3;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if we have odd version location
+ * used and it is the last one used
+ */
+ else if ((((*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_ONE) == 0) &&
+ ((*record & 0x3) == 0)) || (((*record & 0x3) != 0) &&
+ (i != 1))) {
+ version = (*next_record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_TWO)
+ >> 13;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if we have even version location
+ * used and it is the last one used
+ */
+ else if (((*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_TWO) == 0) &&
+ ((*record & 0x3) == 0)) {
+ version = (*record & IGC_INVM_VER_FIELD_ONE) >> 3;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (status == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ invm_ver->invm_major = (version & IGC_INVM_MAJOR_MASK)
+ invm_ver->invm_minor = version & IGC_INVM_MINOR_MASK;
+ }
+ /* Read Image Type */
+ for (i = 1; i < invm_blocks; i++) {
+ record = &buffer[invm_blocks - i];
+ next_record = &buffer[invm_blocks - i + 1];
+ /* Check if we have image type in first location used */
+ if (i == 1 && (*record & IGC_INVM_IMGTYPE_FIELD) == 0) {
+ invm_ver->invm_img_type = 0;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if we have image type in first location used */
+ else if ((((*record & 0x3) == 0) &&
+ ((*record & IGC_INVM_IMGTYPE_FIELD) == 0)) ||
+ ((((*record & 0x3) != 0) && (i != 1)))) {
+ invm_ver->invm_img_type =
+ (*next_record & IGC_INVM_IMGTYPE_FIELD) >> 23;
+ status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+/* igc_validate_nvm_checksum_i225 - Validate EEPROM checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calculates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM
+ * and then verifies that the sum of the EEPROM is equal to 0xBABA.
+ */
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 status = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ s32 (*read_op_ptr)(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset,
+ u16 count, u16 *data);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_validate_nvm_checksum_i225");
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.acquire(hw) == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ /* Replace the read function with semaphore grabbing with
+ * the one that skips this for a while.
+ * We have semaphore taken already here.
+ */
+ read_op_ptr = hw->nvm.ops.read;
+ hw->nvm.ops.read = igc_read_nvm_eerd;
+ status = igc_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(hw);
+ /* Revert original read operation. */
+ hw->nvm.ops.read = read_op_ptr;
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ } else {
+ status = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ }
+ return status;
+/* igc_update_nvm_checksum_i225 - Update EEPROM checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Updates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM
+ * up to the checksum. Then calculates the EEPROM checksum and writes the
+ * value to the EEPROM. Next commit EEPROM data onto the Flash.
+ */
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 checksum = 0;
+ u16 i, nvm_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_update_nvm_checksum_i225");
+ /* Read the first word from the EEPROM. If this times out or fails, do
+ * not continue or we could be in for a very long wait while every
+ * EEPROM read fails
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm_eerd(hw, 0, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ DEBUGOUT("EEPROM read failed\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (hw->nvm.ops.acquire(hw) == IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ /* Do not use hw->nvm.ops.write, hw->nvm.ops.read
+ * because we do not want to take the synchronization
+ * semaphores twice here.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < NVM_CHECKSUM_REG; i++) {
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm_eerd(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error while updating\n");
+ DEBUGOUT("checksum.\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ checksum += nvm_data;
+ }
+ checksum = (u16)NVM_SUM - checksum;
+ ret_val = __igc_write_nvm_srwr(hw, NVM_CHECKSUM_REG, 1,
+ &checksum);
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Write Error while updating checksum.\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ hw->nvm.ops.release(hw);
+ ret_val = igc_update_flash_i225(hw);
+ } else {
+ ret_val = IGC_ERR_SWFW_SYNC;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_get_flash_presence_i225 - Check if flash device is detected.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ */
+bool igc_get_flash_presence_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 eec = 0;
+ bool ret_val = false;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_flash_presence_i225");
+ eec = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ ret_val = true;
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_set_flsw_flash_burst_counter_i225 - sets FLSW NVM Burst
+ * Counter in FLSWCNT register.
+ *
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @burst_counter: size in bytes of the Flash burst to read or write
+ */
+s32 igc_set_flsw_flash_burst_counter_i225(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u32 burst_counter)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_flsw_flash_burst_counter_i225");
+ /* Validate input data */
+ if (burst_counter < IGC_I225_SHADOW_RAM_SIZE) {
+ /* Write FLSWCNT - burst counter */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSWCNT, burst_counter);
+ } else {
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225 - write/erase to a sector
+ * region on a given address.
+ *
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @opcode: opcode to be used for the write command
+ * @address: the offset to write into the FLASH image
+ */
+s32 igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 opcode,
+ u32 address)
+ u32 flswctl = 0;
+ s32 timeout = IGC_NVM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225");
+ flswctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSWCTL);
+ /* Polling done bit on FLSWCTL register */
+ while (timeout) {
+ if (flswctl & IGC_FLSWCTL_DONE)
+ break;
+ usec_delay(5);
+ flswctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSWCTL);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if (!timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Flash transaction was not done\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ /* Build and issue command on FLSWCTL register */
+ flswctl = address | opcode;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSWCTL, flswctl);
+ /* Check if issued command is valid on FLSWCTL register */
+ flswctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSWCTL);
+ if (!(flswctl & IGC_FLSWCTL_CMDV)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Write flash command failed\n");
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_update_flash_i225 - Commit EEPROM to the flash
+ * if fw_valid_bit is set, FW is active. setting FLUPD bit in EEC
+ * register makes the FW load the internal shadow RAM into the flash.
+ * Otherwise, fw_valid_bit is 0. if FL_SECU.block_prtotected_sw = 0
+ * then FW is not active so the SW is responsible shadow RAM dump.
+ *
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ */
+s32 igc_update_flash_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 current_offset_data = 0;
+ u32 block_sw_protect = 1;
+ u16 base_address = 0x0;
+ u32 i, fw_valid_bit;
+ u16 current_offset;
+ s32 ret_val = 0;
+ u32 flup;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_update_flash_i225");
+ block_sw_protect = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_FLSECU) &
+ fw_valid_bit = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FWSM) &
+ if (fw_valid_bit) {
+ ret_val = igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225(hw);
+ if (ret_val == -IGC_ERR_NVM) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Flash update time out\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, flup);
+ ret_val = igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225(hw);
+ if (ret_val == IGC_SUCCESS)
+ DEBUGOUT("Flash update complete\n");
+ else
+ DEBUGOUT("Flash update time out\n");
+ } else if (!block_sw_protect) {
+ /* FW is not active and security protection is disabled.
+ * therefore, SW is in charge of shadow RAM dump.
+ * Check which sector is valid. if sector 0 is valid,
+ * base address remains 0x0. otherwise, sector 1 is
+ * valid and it's base address is 0x1000
+ */
+ base_address = 0x1000;
+ /* Valid sector erase */
+ ret_val = igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225(hw,
+ base_address);
+ if (!ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Sector erase failed\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ current_offset = base_address;
+ /* Write */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_I225_SHADOW_RAM_SIZE / 2; i++) {
+ /* Set burst write length */
+ ret_val = igc_set_flsw_flash_burst_counter_i225(hw,
+ 0x2);
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ break;
+ /* Set address and opcode */
+ ret_val = igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225(hw,
+ 2 * current_offset);
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS)
+ break;
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm_eerd(hw, current_offset,
+ 1, ¤t_offset_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Failed to read from EEPROM\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* Write CurrentOffseData to FLSWDATA register */
+ current_offset_data);
+ current_offset++;
+ /* Wait till operation has finished */
+ ret_val = igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw,
+ if (ret_val)
+ break;
+ usec_delay(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225 - Pool FLUDONE status.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ */
+s32 igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ u32 i, reg;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_pool_flash_update_done_i225");
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_FLUDONE_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
+ reg = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ if (reg & IGC_EECD_FLUDONE_I225) {
+ ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ usec_delay(5);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_set_ltr_i225 - Set Latency Tolerance Reporting thresholds.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @link: bool indicating link status
+ *
+ * Set the LTR thresholds based on the link speed (Mbps), EEE, and DMAC
+ * settings, otherwise specify that there is no LTR requirement.
+ */
+static s32 igc_set_ltr_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool link)
+ u16 speed, duplex;
+ u32 tw_system, ltrc, ltrv, ltr_min, ltr_max, scale_min, scale_max;
+ s32 size;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_ltr_i225");
+ /* If we do not have link, LTR thresholds are zero. */
+ if (link) {
+ hw->mac.ops.get_link_up_info(hw, &speed, &duplex);
+ /* Check if using copper interface with EEE enabled or if the
+ * link speed is 10 Mbps.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_copper &&
+ !hw->dev_spec._i225.eee_disable &&
+ speed != SPEED_10) {
+ /* EEE enabled, so send LTRMAX threshold. */
+ ltrc = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_LTRC) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LTRC, ltrc);
+ /* Calculate tw_system (nsec). */
+ if (speed == SPEED_100)
+ tw_system = ((IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEE_SU) &
+ IGC_TW_SYSTEM_100_SHIFT) * 500;
+ else
+ tw_system = (IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEE_SU) &
+ IGC_TW_SYSTEM_1000_MASK) * 500;
+ } else {
+ tw_system = 0;
+ }
+ /* Get the Rx packet buffer size. */
+ size = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXPBS) &
+ /* Calculations vary based on DMAC settings. */
+ size -= (IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_DMACR) &
+ /* Convert size to bits. */
+ size *= 1024 * 8;
+ } else {
+ /* Convert size to bytes, subtract the MTU, and then
+ * convert the size to bits.
+ */
+ size *= 1024;
+ size -= hw->dev_spec._i225.mtu;
+ size *= 8;
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("Invalid effective Rx buffer size %d\n",
+ size);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the thresholds. Since speed is in Mbps, simplify
+ * the calculation by multiplying size/speed by 1000 for result
+ * to be in nsec before dividing by the scale in nsec. Set the
+ * scale such that the LTR threshold fits in the register.
+ */
+ ltr_min = (1000 * size) / speed;
+ ltr_max = ltr_min + tw_system;
+ scale_min = (ltr_min / 1024) < 1024 ? IGC_LTRMINV_SCALE_1024 :
+ scale_max = (ltr_max / 1024) < 1024 ? IGC_LTRMAXV_SCALE_1024 :
+ ltr_min /= scale_min == IGC_LTRMINV_SCALE_1024 ? 1024 : 32768;
+ ltr_max /= scale_max == IGC_LTRMAXV_SCALE_1024 ? 1024 : 32768;
+ /* Only write the LTR thresholds if they differ from before. */
+ if (ltr_min != (ltrv & IGC_LTRMINV_LTRV_MASK)) {
+ ltrv = IGC_LTRMINV_LSNP_REQ | ltr_min |
+ (scale_min << IGC_LTRMINV_SCALE_SHIFT);
+ }
+ if (ltr_max != (ltrv & IGC_LTRMAXV_LTRV_MASK)) {
+ ltrv = IGC_LTRMAXV_LSNP_REQ | ltr_max |
+ (scale_min << IGC_LTRMAXV_SCALE_SHIFT);
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+/* igc_check_for_link_i225 - Check for link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks to see of the link status of the hardware has changed. If a
+ * change in link status has been detected, then we read the PHY registers
+ * to get the current speed/duplex if link exists.
+ */
+s32 igc_check_for_link_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ bool link = false;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_for_link_i225");
+ /* We only want to go out to the PHY registers to see if
+ * Auto-Neg has completed and/or if our link status has
+ * changed. The get_link_status flag is set upon receiving
+ * a Link Status Change or Rx Sequence Error interrupt.
+ */
+ if (!mac->get_link_status) {
+ ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* First we want to see if the MII Status Register reports
+ * link. If so, then we want to get the current speed/duplex
+ * of the PHY.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ if (!link)
+ goto out; /* No link detected */
+ mac->get_link_status = false;
+ /* Check if there was DownShift, must be checked
+ * immediately after link-up
+ */
+ igc_check_downshift_generic(hw);
+ /* If we are forcing speed/duplex, then we simply return since
+ * we have already determined whether we have link or not.
+ */
+ if (!mac->autoneg)
+ goto out;
+ /* Auto-Neg is enabled. Auto Speed Detection takes care
+ * of MAC speed/duplex configuration. So we only need to
+ * configure Collision Distance in the MAC.
+ */
+ mac->ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ /* Configure Flow Control now that Auto-Neg has completed.
+ * First, we need to restore the desired flow control
+ * settings because we may have had to re-autoneg with a
+ * different link partner.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT("Error configuring flow control\n");
+ /* Now that we are aware of our link settings, we can set the LTR
+ * thresholds.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_set_ltr_i225(hw, link);
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_init_function_pointers_i225 - Init func ptrs.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Called to initialize all function pointers and parameters.
+ */
+void igc_init_function_pointers_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ igc_init_mac_ops_generic(hw);
+ igc_init_phy_ops_generic(hw);
+ igc_init_nvm_ops_generic(hw);
+ hw->mac.ops.init_params = igc_init_mac_params_i225;
+ hw->nvm.ops.init_params = igc_init_nvm_params_i225;
+ hw->phy.ops.init_params = igc_init_phy_params_i225;
+/* igc_valid_led_default_i225 - Verify a valid default LED config
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @data: pointer to the NVM (EEPROM)
+ *
+ * Read the EEPROM for the current default LED configuration. If the
+ * LED configuration is not valid, set to a valid LED configuration.
+ */
+static s32 igc_valid_led_default_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_valid_led_default_i225");
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ID_LED_SETTINGS, 1, data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (*data == ID_LED_RESERVED_0000 || *data == ID_LED_RESERVED_FFFF) {
+ switch (hw->phy.media_type) {
+ case igc_media_type_internal_serdes:
+ break;
+ case igc_media_type_copper:
+ default:
+ *data = ID_LED_DEFAULT_I225;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* igc_get_cfg_done_i225 - Read config done bit
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Read the management control register for the config done bit for
+ * completion status. NOTE: silicon which is EEPROM-less will fail trying
+ * to read the config done bit, so an error is *ONLY* logged and returns
+ * IGC_SUCCESS. If we were to return with error, EEPROM-less silicon
+ * would not be able to be reset or change link.
+ */
+static s32 igc_get_cfg_done_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 timeout = PHY_CFG_TIMEOUT;
+ u32 mask = IGC_NVM_CFG_DONE_PORT_0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cfg_done_i225");
+ while (timeout) {
+ if (IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEMNGCTL_I225) & mask)
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if (!timeout)
+ DEBUGOUT("MNG configuration cycle has not completed.\n");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+/* igc_init_hw_i225 - Init hw for I225
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Called to initialize hw for i225 hw family.
+ */
+s32 igc_init_hw_i225(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_hw_i225");
+ hw->phy.ops.get_cfg_done = igc_get_cfg_done_i225;
+ ret_val = igc_init_hw_base(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_set_d0_lplu_state_i225 - Set Low-Power-Link-Up (LPLU) D0 state
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: true to enable LPLU, false to disable
+ *
+ * Note: since I225 does not actually support LPLU, this function
+ * simply enables/disables 1G and 2.5G speeds in D0.
+ */
+s32 igc_set_d0_lplu_state_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active)
+ u32 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_d0_lplu_state_i225");
+ data = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM);
+ if (active) {
+ data |= IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000;
+ data |= IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500;
+ } else {
+ data &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000;
+ data &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_d3_lplu_state_i225 - Set Low-Power-Link-Up (LPLU) D3 state
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: true to enable LPLU, false to disable
+ *
+ * Note: since I225 does not actually support LPLU, this function
+ * simply enables/disables 100M, 1G and 2.5G speeds in D3.
+ */
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active)
+ u32 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_d3_lplu_state_i225");
+ data = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM);
+ if (active) {
+ data |= IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_100_D3;
+ data |= IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000_D3;
+ data |= IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500_D3;
+ } else {
+ data &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_100_D3;
+ data &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000_D3;
+ data &= ~IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500_D3;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I225_PHPM, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_eee_i225 - Enable/disable EEE support
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @adv2p5G: boolean flag enabling 2.5G EEE advertisement
+ * @adv1G: boolean flag enabling 1G EEE advertisement
+ * @adv100M: boolean flag enabling 100M EEE advertisement
+ *
+ * Enable/disable EEE based on setting in dev_spec structure.
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_eee_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool adv2p5G, bool adv1G,
+ bool adv100M)
+ u32 ipcnfg, eeer;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_eee_i225");
+ if (hw->mac.type != igc_i225 ||
+ hw->phy.media_type != igc_media_type_copper)
+ goto out;
+ ipcnfg = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_IPCNFG);
+ eeer = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEER);
+ /* enable or disable per user setting */
+ if (!(hw->dev_spec._i225.eee_disable)) {
+ u32 eee_su = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEE_SU);
+ if (adv100M)
+ ipcnfg |= IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_100M_AN;
+ else
+ ipcnfg &= ~IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_100M_AN;
+ if (adv1G)
+ ipcnfg |= IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_1G_AN;
+ else
+ ipcnfg &= ~IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_1G_AN;
+ if (adv2p5G)
+ ipcnfg |= IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_2_5G_AN;
+ else
+ ipcnfg &= ~IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_2_5G_AN;
+ /* This bit should not be set in normal operation. */
+ if (eee_su & IGC_EEE_SU_LPI_CLK_STP)
+ DEBUGOUT("LPI Clock Stop Bit should not be set!\n");
+ } else {
+ ipcnfg &= ~(IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_2_5G_AN | IGC_IPCNFG_EEE_1G_AN |
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_IPCNFG, ipcnfg);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EEER, eeer);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_I225_H_
+#define _IGC_I225_H_
+bool igc_get_flash_presence_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_update_flash_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_nvm_srwr_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset,
+ u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_nvm_srrd_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset,
+ u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_invm_version_i225(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_fw_version *invm_ver);
+s32 igc_set_flsw_flash_burst_counter_i225(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u32 burst_counter);
+s32 igc_write_erase_flash_command_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 opcode,
+ u32 address);
+s32 igc_check_for_link_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_acquire_swfw_sync_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask);
+void igc_release_swfw_sync_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 mask);
+s32 igc_init_hw_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_copper_link_i225(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_set_d0_lplu_state_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+s32 igc_set_eee_i225(struct igc_hw *hw, bool adv2p5G, bool adv1G,
+ bool adv100M);
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT_I225 ((ID_LED_OFF1_ON2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 4) | \
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT_I225_SERDES ((ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 4) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_ON2))
+/* NVM offset defaults for I225 devices */
+#define NVM_INIT_CTRL_2_DEFAULT_I225 0X7243
+#define NVM_INIT_CTRL_4_DEFAULT_I225 0x00C1
+#define NVM_LED_1_CFG_DEFAULT_I225 0x0184
+#define NVM_LED_0_2_CFG_DEFAULT_I225 0x200C
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_RSS_4Q 0x00000002
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_VMDQ 0x00000003
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_VMDQ_RSS_2Q 0x00000005
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP 0x00400000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP 0x00800000
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP_EX 0x01000000
+#define IGC_I225_SHADOW_RAM_SIZE 4096
+#define IGC_I225_ERASE_CMD_OPCODE 0x02000000
+#define IGC_I225_WRITE_CMD_OPCODE 0x01000000
+#define IGC_FLSWCTL_DONE 0x40000000
+#define IGC_FLSWCTL_CMDV 0x10000000
+/* SRRCTL bit definitions */
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_LEGACY 0x00000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_MASK 0x0E000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_DROP_EN 0x80000000
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_MASK 0x0000007F
+#define IGC_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDR_MASK 0x00003F00
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_MASK 0x0000000F
+#define IGC_RXDADV_SPLITHEADER_EN 0x00001000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_SPH 0x8000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_STAT_TS 0x10000 /* Pkt was time stamped */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_ERR_HBO 0x00800000
+/* RSS Hash results */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_NONE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4_TCP 0x00000001
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4 0x00000002
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_TCP 0x00000003
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_EX 0x00000004
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6 0x00000005
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_TCP_EX 0x00000006
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV4_UDP 0x00000007
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_UDP 0x00000008
+#define IGC_RXDADV_RSSTYPE_IPV6_UDP_EX 0x00000009
+/* RSS Packet Types as indicated in the receive descriptor */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_NONE 0x00000000
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV4 0x00000010 /* IPV4 hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV4_EX 0x00000020 /* IPV4 hdr + extensions */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV6 0x00000040 /* IPV6 hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPV6_EX 0x00000080 /* IPV6 hdr + extensions */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_TCP 0x00000100 /* TCP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_UDP 0x00000200 /* UDP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_SCTP 0x00000400 /* SCTP hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_NFS 0x00000800 /* NFS hdr present */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPSEC_ESP 0x00001000 /* IPSec ESP */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_IPSEC_AH 0x00002000 /* IPSec AH */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_LINKSEC 0x00004000 /* LinkSec Encap */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF 0x00008000 /* PKTTYPE is ETQF index */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF_MASK 0x00000070 /* ETQF has 8 indices */
+#define IGC_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF_SHIFT 4 /* Right-shift 4 bits */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_ICH8LAN_H_
+#define _IGC_ICH8LAN_H_
+#define ICH_FLASH_GFPREG 0x0000
+#define ICH_FLASH_HSFSTS 0x0004
+#define ICH_FLASH_HSFCTL 0x0006
+#define ICH_FLASH_FADDR 0x0008
+#define ICH_FLASH_FDATA0 0x0010
+/* Requires up to 10 seconds when MNG might be accessing part. */
+#define ICH_CYCLE_READ 0
+#define ICH_CYCLE_WRITE 2
+#define ICH_CYCLE_ERASE 3
+#define ICH_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_256 256
+#define ICH_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_4K 4096
+#define ICH_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_8K 8192
+#define ICH_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_64K 65536
+#define IGC_ICH_FWSM_RSPCIPHY 0x00000040 /* Reset PHY on PCI Reset */
+/* FW established a valid mode */
+#define IGC_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID 0x00008000
+#define IGC_ICH_FWSM_PCIM2PCI 0x01000000 /* ME PCIm-to-PCI active */
+#define IGC_ICH_MNG_IAMT_MODE 0x2
+#define IGC_FWSM_WLOCK_MAC_MASK 0x0380
+#define IGC_FWSM_ULP_CFG_DONE 0x00000400 /* Low power cfg done */
+/* Shared Receive Address Registers */
+#define IGC_SHRAL_PCH_LPT(_i) (0x05408 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_SHRAH_PCH_LPT(_i) (0x0540C + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_H2ME 0x05B50 /* Host to ME */
+#define IGC_H2ME_ULP 0x00000800 /* ULP Indication Bit */
+#define IGC_H2ME_ENFORCE_SETTINGS 0x00001000 /* Enforce Settings */
+#define ID_LED_DEFAULT_ICH8LAN ((ID_LED_DEF1_DEF2 << 12) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_OFF2 << 8) | \
+ (ID_LED_OFF1_ON2 << 4) | \
+#define IGC_ICH_NVM_SIG_WORD 0x13
+#define IGC_ICH_NVM_SIG_MASK 0xC000
+#define IGC_ICH_NVM_SIG_VALUE 0x80
+/* FEXT register bit definition */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM_SW_CONFIG_ICH8M (1 << 27) /* different on ICH8M */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM3_PHY_CFG_COUNTER_50MSEC 0x08000000
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM6_REQ_PLL_CLK 0x00000100
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM6_K1_OFF_ENABLE 0x80000000
+/* bit for disabling packet buffer read */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM7_DISABLE_PB_READ 0x00040000
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM7_SIDE_CLK_UNGATE 0x00000004
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM7_DISABLE_SMB_PERST 0x00000020
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM9_IOSFSB_CLKREQ_DIS 0x00001000
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM11_DISABLE_PB_READ 0x00000200
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM11_DISABLE_MULR_FIX 0x00002000
+/* bit24: RXDCTL thresholds granularity: 0 - cache lines, 1 - descriptors */
+#define IGC_RXDCTL_THRESH_UNIT_DESC 0x01000000
+#define NVM_SIZE_MULTIPLIER 4096 /*multiplier for NVMS field*/
+#define IGC_FLASH_BASE_ADDR 0xE000 /*offset of NVM access regs*/
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT_NVMVS 0x3 /*NVM valid sector */
+#define IGC_TARC0_CB_MULTIQ_3_REQ 0x30000000
+#define IGC_TARC0_CB_MULTIQ_2_REQ 0x20000000
+#define IGC_PCH2_RAR_ENTRIES 5 /* RAR[0], SHRA[0-3] */
+#define IGC_PCH_LPT_RAR_ENTRIES 12 /* RAR[0], SHRA[0-10] */
+#define PHY_PAGE_SHIFT 5
+#define PHY_REG(page, reg) (((page) << PHY_PAGE_SHIFT) | \
+ ((reg) & MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS))
+#define IGP3_KMRN_DIAG PHY_REG(770, 19) /* KMRN Diagnostic */
+#define IGP3_VR_CTRL PHY_REG(776, 18) /* Voltage Regulator Control */
+#define IGP3_KMRN_DIAG_PCS_LOCK_LOSS 0x0002
+#define IGP3_VR_CTRL_MODE_SHUTDOWN 0x0200
+/* PHY Wakeup Registers and defines */
+#define BM_RAR_L(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 16 + ((_i) << 2)))
+#define BM_RAR_M(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 17 + ((_i) << 2)))
+#define BM_RAR_H(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 18 + ((_i) << 2)))
+#define BM_RAR_CTRL(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 19 + ((_i) << 2)))
+#define BM_MTA(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 128 + ((_i) << 1)))
+#define BM_RCTL_UPE 0x0001 /* Unicast Promiscuous Mode */
+#define BM_RCTL_MPE 0x0002 /* Multicast Promiscuous Mode */
+#define BM_RCTL_MO_SHIFT 3 /* Multicast Offset Shift */
+#define BM_RCTL_MO_MASK (3 << 3) /* Multicast Offset Mask */
+#define BM_RCTL_BAM 0x0020 /* Broadcast Accept Mode */
+#define BM_RCTL_PMCF 0x0040 /* Pass MAC Control Frames */
+#define BM_RCTL_RFCE 0x0080 /* Rx Flow Control Enable */
+#define HV_LED_CONFIG PHY_REG(768, 30) /* LED Configuration */
+#define HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL PHY_REG(776, 16)
+#define HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL_GEN_TO_MAC 0x0400
+#define HV_STATS_PAGE 778
+/* Half-duplex collision counts */
+#define HV_SCC_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 16) /* Single Collision */
+#define HV_ECOL_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 18) /* Excessive Coll. */
+#define HV_MCC_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 20) /* Multiple Collision */
+#define HV_LATECOL_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 23) /* Late Collision */
+#define HV_COLC_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 25) /* Collision */
+#define HV_DC_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 27) /* Defer Count */
+#define HV_TNCRS_UPPER PHY_REG(HV_STATS_PAGE, 29) /* Tx with no CRS */
+#define IGC_FCRTV_PCH 0x05F40 /* PCH Flow Control Refresh Timer Value */
+#define IGC_NVM_K1_CONFIG 0x1B /* NVM K1 Config Word */
+#define IGC_NVM_K1_ENABLE 0x1 /* NVM Enable K1 bit */
+#define K1_ENTRY_LATENCY 0
+#define K1_MIN_TIME 1
+/* SMBus Control Phy Register */
+#define CV_SMB_CTRL PHY_REG(769, 23)
+#define CV_SMB_CTRL_FORCE_SMBUS 0x0001
+/* I218 Ultra Low Power Configuration 1 Register */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1 PHY_REG(779, 16)
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_START 0x0001 /* Start auto ULP config */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_IND 0x0004 /* Pwr up from ULP indication */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_STICKY_ULP 0x0010 /* Set sticky ULP mode */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_INBAND_EXIT 0x0020 /* Inband on ULP exit */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_WOL_HOST 0x0040 /* WoL Host on ULP exit */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_RESET_TO_SMBUS 0x0100 /* Reset to SMBus mode */
+/* enable ULP even if when phy powered down via lanphypc */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_EN_ULP_LANPHYPC 0x0400
+/* disable clear of sticky ULP on PERST */
+#define I218_ULP_CONFIG1_DISABLE_SMB_PERST 0x1000 /* Disable on PERST# */
+/* SMBus Address Phy Register */
+#define HV_SMB_ADDR PHY_REG(768, 26)
+#define HV_SMB_ADDR_MASK 0x007F
+#define HV_SMB_ADDR_PEC_EN 0x0200
+#define HV_SMB_ADDR_VALID 0x0080
+#define HV_SMB_ADDR_FREQ_MASK 0x1100
+/* Strapping Option Register - RO */
+#define IGC_STRAP 0x0000C
+#define IGC_STRAP_SMT_FREQ_MASK 0x00003000
+/* OEM Bits Phy Register */
+#define HV_OEM_BITS PHY_REG(768, 25)
+#define HV_OEM_BITS_LPLU 0x0004 /* Low Power Link Up */
+#define HV_OEM_BITS_GBE_DIS 0x0040 /* Gigabit Disable */
+#define HV_OEM_BITS_RESTART_AN 0x0400 /* Restart Auto-negotiation */
+/* KMRN Mode Control */
+#define HV_KMRN_MODE_CTRL PHY_REG(769, 16)
+#define HV_KMRN_MDIO_SLOW 0x0400
+/* KMRN FIFO Control and Status */
+#define HV_KMRN_FIFO_CTRLSTA PHY_REG(770, 16)
+/* PHY Power Management Control */
+#define HV_PM_CTRL PHY_REG(770, 17)
+#define HV_PM_CTRL_K1_CLK_REQ 0x200
+#define HV_PM_CTRL_K1_ENABLE 0x4000
+#define I217_PLL_CLOCK_GATE_REG PHY_REG(772, 28)
+#define I217_PLL_CLOCK_GATE_MASK 0x07FF
+#define SW_FLAG_TIMEOUT 1000 /* SW Semaphore flag timeout in ms */
+/* Inband Control */
+#define I217_INBAND_CTRL PHY_REG(770, 18)
+/* Low Power Idle GPIO Control */
+#define I217_LPI_GPIO_CTRL PHY_REG(772, 18)
+#define I217_LPI_GPIO_CTRL_AUTO_EN_LPI 0x0800
+/* PHY Low Power Idle Control */
+#define I82579_LPI_CTRL PHY_REG(772, 20)
+#define I82579_LPI_CTRL_100_ENABLE 0x2000
+#define I82579_LPI_CTRL_1000_ENABLE 0x4000
+#define I82579_LPI_CTRL_ENABLE_MASK 0x6000
+/* 82579 DFT Control */
+#define I82579_DFT_CTRL PHY_REG(769, 20)
+#define I82579_DFT_CTRL_GATE_PHY_RESET 0x0040 /* Gate PHY Reset on MAC Reset */
+/* Extended Management Interface (EMI) Registers */
+#define I82579_EMI_ADDR 0x10
+#define I82579_EMI_DATA 0x11
+#define I82579_LPI_UPDATE_TIMER 0x4805 /* in 40ns units + 40 ns base value */
+#define I82579_MSE_THRESHOLD 0x084F /* 82579 Mean Square Error Threshold */
+#define I82577_MSE_THRESHOLD 0x0887 /* 82577 Mean Square Error Threshold */
+#define I82579_MSE_LINK_DOWN 0x2411 /* MSE count before dropping link */
+#define I82579_RX_CONFIG 0x3412 /* Receive configuration */
+#define I82579_LPI_PLL_SHUT 0x4412 /* LPI PLL Shut Enable */
+#define I82579_EEE_PCS_STATUS 0x182E /* IEEE MMD Register 3.1 >> 8 */
+#define I82579_EEE_CAPABILITY 0x0410 /* IEEE MMD Register 3.20 */
+#define I82579_EEE_ADVERTISEMENT 0x040E /* IEEE MMD Register 7.60 */
+#define I82579_EEE_LP_ABILITY 0x040F /* IEEE MMD Register 7.61 */
+#define I82579_EEE_100_SUPPORTED (1 << 1) /* 100BaseTx EEE */
+#define I82579_EEE_1000_SUPPORTED (1 << 2) /* 1000BaseTx EEE */
+#define I82579_LPI_100_PLL_SHUT (1 << 2) /* 100M LPI PLL Shut Enabled */
+#define I217_EEE_PCS_STATUS 0x9401 /* IEEE MMD Register 3.1 */
+#define I217_EEE_CAPABILITY 0x8000 /* IEEE MMD Register 3.20 */
+#define I217_EEE_ADVERTISEMENT 0x8001 /* IEEE MMD Register 7.60 */
+#define I217_EEE_LP_ABILITY 0x8002 /* IEEE MMD Register 7.61 */
+#define I217_RX_CONFIG 0xB20C /* Receive configuration */
+#define IGC_EEE_RX_LPI_RCVD 0x0400 /* Tx LP idle received */
+#define IGC_EEE_TX_LPI_RCVD 0x0800 /* Rx LP idle received */
+/* Intel Rapid Start Technology Support */
+#define I217_PROXY_CTRL_AUTO_DISABLE 0x0080
+#define I217_CGFREG PHY_REG(772, 29)
+#define I217_CGFREG_ENABLE_MTA_RESET 0x0002
+#define I217_MEMPWR PHY_REG(772, 26)
+/* Receive Address Initial CRC Calculation */
+#define IGC_PCH_RAICC(_n) (0x05F50 + ((_n) * 4))
+void igc_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ bool state);
+void igc_igp3_phy_powerdown_workaround_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_gig_downshift_workaround_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_suspend_workarounds_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+u32 igc_resume_workarounds_pchlan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_configure_k1_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw, bool k1_enable);
+s32 igc_configure_k0s_lpt(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 entry_latency, u8 min_time);
+void igc_copy_rx_addrs_to_phy_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(struct igc_hw *hw, bool enable);
+s32 igc_read_emi_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_emi_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u16 data);
+s32 igc_set_eee_pchlan(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_enable_ulp_lpt_lp(struct igc_hw *hw, bool to_sx);
+s32 igc_disable_ulp_lpt_lp(struct igc_hw *hw, bool force);
+#endif /* _IGC_ICH8LAN_H_ */
+void igc_demote_ltr(struct igc_hw *hw, bool demote, bool link);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,2100 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+static s32 igc_validate_mdi_setting_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static void igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static void igc_config_collision_dist_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static int igc_rar_set_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index);
+ * igc_init_mac_ops_generic - Initialize MAC function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Setups up the function pointers to no-op functions
+ **/
+void igc_init_mac_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_mac_ops_generic");
+ /* General Setup */
+ mac->ops.init_params = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.init_hw = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.reset_hw = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.get_bus_info = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.set_lan_id = igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie;
+ mac->ops.read_mac_addr = igc_read_mac_addr_generic;
+ mac->ops.config_collision_dist = igc_config_collision_dist_generic;
+ mac->ops.clear_hw_cntrs = igc_null_mac_generic;
+ /* LED */
+ mac->ops.cleanup_led = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.setup_led = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.blink_led = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.led_on = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.led_off = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ /* LINK */
+ mac->ops.setup_link = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ mac->ops.get_link_up_info = igc_null_link_info;
+ mac->ops.check_for_link = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ /* Management */
+ mac->ops.check_mng_mode = igc_null_mng_mode;
+ /* VLAN, MC, etc. */
+ mac->ops.update_mc_addr_list = igc_null_update_mc;
+ mac->ops.clear_vfta = igc_null_mac_generic;
+ mac->ops.write_vfta = igc_null_write_vfta;
+ mac->ops.rar_set = igc_rar_set_generic;
+ mac->ops.validate_mdi_setting = igc_validate_mdi_setting_generic;
+ * igc_null_ops_generic - No-op function, returns 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_ops_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_ops_generic");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_mac_generic - No-op function, return void
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+void igc_null_mac_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_mac_generic");
+ * igc_null_link_info - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @s: dummy variable
+ * @d: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_link_info(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_link_info");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_mng_mode - No-op function, return false
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+bool igc_null_mng_mode(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_mng_mode");
+ return false;
+ * igc_null_update_mc - No-op function, return void
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @h: dummy variable
+ * @a: dummy variable
+ **/
+void igc_null_update_mc(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_update_mc");
+ * igc_null_write_vfta - No-op function, return void
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @a: dummy variable
+ * @b: dummy variable
+ **/
+void igc_null_write_vfta(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_write_vfta");
+ * igc_null_rar_set - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @h: dummy variable
+ * @a: dummy variable
+ **/
+int igc_null_rar_set(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_rar_set");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_bus_info_pci_generic - Get PCI(x) bus information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Determines and stores the system bus information for a particular
+ * network interface. The following bus information is determined and stored:
+ * bus speed, bus width, type (PCI/PCIx), and PCI(-x) function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_bus_info_pci_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ struct igc_bus_info *bus = &hw->bus;
+ u32 status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_bus_info_pci_generic");
+ /* PCI or PCI-X? */
+ bus->type = (status & IGC_STATUS_PCIX_MODE)
+ ? igc_bus_type_pcix
+ : igc_bus_type_pci;
+ /* Bus speed */
+ if (bus->type == igc_bus_type_pci) {
+ bus->speed = (status & IGC_STATUS_PCI66)
+ ? igc_bus_speed_66
+ : igc_bus_speed_33;
+ } else {
+ switch (status & IGC_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED) {
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_66;
+ break;
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_100;
+ break;
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_133;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_reserved;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Bus width */
+ bus->width = (status & IGC_STATUS_BUS64)
+ ? igc_bus_width_64
+ : igc_bus_width_32;
+ /* Which PCI(-X) function? */
+ mac->ops.set_lan_id(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_bus_info_pcie_generic - Get PCIe bus information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Determines and stores the system bus information for a particular
+ * network interface. The following bus information is determined and stored:
+ * bus speed, bus width, type (PCIe), and PCIe function.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_bus_info_pcie_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ struct igc_bus_info *bus = &hw->bus;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 pcie_link_status;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_bus_info_pcie_generic");
+ bus->type = igc_bus_type_pci_express;
+ ret_val = igc_read_pcie_cap_reg(hw, PCIE_LINK_STATUS,
+ &pcie_link_status);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ bus->width = igc_bus_width_unknown;
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_unknown;
+ } else {
+ switch (pcie_link_status & PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MASK) {
+ case PCIE_LINK_SPEED_2500:
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_2500;
+ break;
+ case PCIE_LINK_SPEED_5000:
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_5000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bus->speed = igc_bus_speed_unknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ bus->width = (enum igc_bus_width)((pcie_link_status &
+ }
+ mac->ops.set_lan_id(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie - Set LAN id for PCIe multiple port devices
+ *
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Determines the LAN function id by reading memory-mapped registers
+ * and swaps the port value if requested.
+ **/
+static void igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_bus_info *bus = &hw->bus;
+ u32 reg;
+ /* The status register reports the correct function number
+ * for the device regardless of function swap state.
+ */
+ * igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pci - Set LAN id for PCI multiple port devices
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Determines the LAN function id by reading PCI config space.
+ **/
+void igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pci(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_bus_info *bus = &hw->bus;
+ u16 pci_header_type;
+ u32 status;
+ igc_read_pci_cfg(hw, PCI_HEADER_TYPE_REGISTER, &pci_header_type);
+ if (pci_header_type & PCI_HEADER_TYPE_MULTIFUNC) {
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ bus->func = (status & IGC_STATUS_FUNC_MASK)
+ } else {
+ bus->func = 0;
+ }
+ * igc_set_lan_id_single_port - Set LAN id for a single port device
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets the LAN function id to zero for a single port device.
+ **/
+void igc_set_lan_id_single_port(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_bus_info *bus = &hw->bus;
+ bus->func = 0;
+ * igc_clear_vfta_generic - Clear VLAN filter table
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Clears the register array which contains the VLAN filter table by
+ * setting all the values to 0.
+ **/
+void igc_clear_vfta_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 offset;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clear_vfta_generic");
+ for (offset = 0; offset < IGC_VLAN_FILTER_TBL_SIZE; offset++) {
+ IGC_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, IGC_VFTA, offset, 0);
+ }
+ * igc_write_vfta_generic - Write value to VLAN filter table
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset in VLAN filter table
+ * @value: register value written to VLAN filter table
+ *
+ * Writes value at the given offset in the register array which stores
+ * the VLAN filter table.
+ **/
+void igc_write_vfta_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_vfta_generic");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, IGC_VFTA, offset, value);
+ * igc_init_rx_addrs_generic - Initialize receive address's
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @rar_count: receive address registers
+ *
+ * Setup the receive address registers by setting the base receive address
+ * register to the devices MAC address and clearing all the other receive
+ * address registers to 0.
+ **/
+void igc_init_rx_addrs_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 rar_count)
+ u32 i;
+ u8 mac_addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN] = {0};
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_rx_addrs_generic");
+ /* Setup the receive address */
+ DEBUGOUT("Programming MAC Address into RAR[0]\n");
+ hw->mac.ops.rar_set(hw, hw->mac.addr, 0);
+ /* Zero out the other (rar_entry_count - 1) receive addresses */
+ DEBUGOUT1("Clearing RAR[1-%u]\n", rar_count - 1);
+ for (i = 1; i < rar_count; i++)
+ hw->mac.ops.rar_set(hw, mac_addr, i);
+ * igc_check_alt_mac_addr_generic - Check for alternate MAC addr
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks the nvm for an alternate MAC address. An alternate MAC address
+ * can be setup by pre-boot software and must be treated like a permanent
+ * address and must override the actual permanent MAC address. If an
+ * alternate MAC address is found it is programmed into RAR0, replacing
+ * the permanent address that was installed into RAR0 by the Si on reset.
+ * This function will return SUCCESS unless it encounters an error while
+ * reading the EEPROM.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 i;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 offset, nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset, nvm_data;
+ u8 alt_mac_addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN];
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_alt_mac_addr_generic");
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_COMPAT, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* not supported on older hardware or 82573 */
+ if (hw->mac.type < igc_82571 || hw->mac.type == igc_82573)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* Alternate MAC address is handled by the option ROM for 82580
+ * and newer. SW support not required.
+ */
+ if (hw->mac.type >= igc_82580)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ALT_MAC_ADDR_PTR, 1,
+ &nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset == 0xFFFF ||
+ nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset == 0x0000)
+ /* There is no Alternate MAC Address */
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_1)
+ nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset += IGC_ALT_MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET_LAN1;
+ if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_2)
+ nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset += IGC_ALT_MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET_LAN2;
+ if (hw->bus.func == IGC_FUNC_3)
+ nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset += IGC_ALT_MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET_LAN3;
+ for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i += 2) {
+ offset = nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset + (i >> 1);
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, offset, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ alt_mac_addr[i] = (u8)(nvm_data & 0xFF);
+ alt_mac_addr[i + 1] = (u8)(nvm_data >> 8);
+ }
+ /* if multicast bit is set, the alternate address will not be used */
+ if (alt_mac_addr[0] & 0x01) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Ignoring Alternate Mac Address with MC bit set\n");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /* We have a valid alternate MAC address, and we want to treat it the
+ * same as the normal permanent MAC address stored by the HW into the
+ * RAR. Do this by mapping this address into RAR0.
+ */
+ hw->mac.ops.rar_set(hw, alt_mac_addr, 0);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_rar_set_generic - Set receive address register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @addr: pointer to the receive address
+ * @index: receive address array register
+ *
+ * Sets the receive address array register at index to the address passed
+ * in by addr.
+ **/
+static int igc_rar_set_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index)
+ u32 rar_low, rar_high;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_rar_set_generic");
+ /* HW expects these in little endian so we reverse the byte order
+ * from network order (big endian) to little endian
+ */
+ rar_low = ((u32)addr[0] | ((u32)addr[1] << 8) |
+ ((u32)addr[2] << 16) | ((u32)addr[3] << 24));
+ rar_high = ((u32)addr[4] | ((u32)addr[5] << 8));
+ /* If MAC address zero, no need to set the AV bit */
+ if (rar_low || rar_high)
+ rar_high |= IGC_RAH_AV;
+ /* Some bridges will combine consecutive 32-bit writes into
+ * a single burst write, which will malfunction on some parts.
+ * The flushes avoid this.
+ */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RAL(index), rar_low);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_RAH(index), rar_high);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_hash_mc_addr_generic - Generate a multicast hash value
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mc_addr: pointer to a multicast address
+ *
+ * Generates a multicast address hash value which is used to determine
+ * the multicast filter table array address and new table value.
+ **/
+u32 igc_hash_mc_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr)
+ u32 hash_value, hash_mask;
+ u8 bit_shift = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_hash_mc_addr_generic");
+ /* Register count multiplied by bits per register */
+ hash_mask = (hw->mac.mta_reg_count * 32) - 1;
+ /* For a mc_filter_type of 0, bit_shift is the number of left-shifts
+ * where 0xFF would still fall within the hash mask.
+ */
+ while (hash_mask >> bit_shift != 0xFF)
+ bit_shift++;
+ /* The portion of the address that is used for the hash table
+ * is determined by the mc_filter_type setting.
+ * The algorithm is such that there is a total of 8 bits of shifting.
+ * The bit_shift for a mc_filter_type of 0 represents the number of
+ * left-shifts where the MSB of mc_addr[5] would still fall within
+ * the hash_mask. Case 0 does this exactly. Since there are a total
+ * of 8 bits of shifting, then mc_addr[4] will shift right the
+ * remaining number of bits. Thus 8 - bit_shift. The rest of the
+ * cases are a variation of this algorithm...essentially raising the
+ * number of bits to shift mc_addr[5] left, while still keeping the
+ * 8-bit shifting total.
+ *
+ * For example, given the following Destination MAC Address and an
+ * mta register count of 128 (thus a 4096-bit vector and 0xFFF mask),
+ * we can see that the bit_shift for case 0 is 4. These are the hash
+ * values resulting from each mc_filter_type...
+ * [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
+ * 01 AA 00 12 34 56
+ *
+ * case 0: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 4) | (0x56 << 4)) & 0xFFF = 0x563
+ * case 1: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 3) | (0x56 << 5)) & 0xFFF = 0xAC6
+ * case 2: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 2) | (0x56 << 6)) & 0xFFF = 0x163
+ * case 3: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 0) | (0x56 << 8)) & 0xFFF = 0x634
+ */
+ switch (hw->mac.mc_filter_type) {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ bit_shift += 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ bit_shift += 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ bit_shift += 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ hash_value = hash_mask & (((mc_addr[4] >> (8 - bit_shift)) |
+ (((u16)mc_addr[5]) << bit_shift)));
+ return hash_value;
+ * igc_update_mc_addr_list_generic - Update Multicast addresses
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @mc_addr_list: array of multicast addresses to program
+ * @mc_addr_count: number of multicast addresses to program
+ *
+ * Updates entire Multicast Table Array.
+ * The caller must have a packed mc_addr_list of multicast addresses.
+ **/
+void igc_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u8 *mc_addr_list, u32 mc_addr_count)
+ u32 hash_value, hash_bit, hash_reg;
+ int i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_update_mc_addr_list_generic");
+ /* clear mta_shadow */
+ memset(&hw->mac.mta_shadow, 0, sizeof(hw->mac.mta_shadow));
+ /* update mta_shadow from mc_addr_list */
+ for (i = 0; (u32)i < mc_addr_count; i++) {
+ hash_value = igc_hash_mc_addr_generic(hw, mc_addr_list);
+ hash_reg = (hash_value >> 5) & (hw->mac.mta_reg_count - 1);
+ hash_bit = hash_value & 0x1F;
+ hw->mac.mta_shadow[hash_reg] |= (1 << hash_bit);
+ mc_addr_list += (ETH_ADDR_LEN);
+ }
+ /* replace the entire MTA table */
+ for (i = hw->mac.mta_reg_count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ IGC_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, IGC_MTA, i, hw->mac.mta_shadow[i]);
+ * igc_pcix_mmrbc_workaround_generic - Fix incorrect MMRBC value
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * In certain situations, a system BIOS may report that the PCIx maximum
+ * memory read byte count (MMRBC) value is higher than than the actual
+ * value. We check the PCIx command register with the current PCIx status
+ * register.
+ **/
+void igc_pcix_mmrbc_workaround_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 cmd_mmrbc;
+ u16 pcix_cmd;
+ u16 pcix_stat_hi_word;
+ u16 stat_mmrbc;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_pcix_mmrbc_workaround_generic");
+ /* Workaround for PCI-X issue when BIOS sets MMRBC incorrectly */
+ if (hw->bus.type != igc_bus_type_pcix)
+ return;
+ igc_read_pci_cfg(hw, PCIX_COMMAND_REGISTER, &pcix_cmd);
+ igc_read_pci_cfg(hw, PCIX_STATUS_REGISTER_HI, &pcix_stat_hi_word);
+ cmd_mmrbc = (pcix_cmd & PCIX_COMMAND_MMRBC_MASK) >>
+ stat_mmrbc = (pcix_stat_hi_word & PCIX_STATUS_HI_MMRBC_MASK) >>
+ if (stat_mmrbc == PCIX_STATUS_HI_MMRBC_4K)
+ stat_mmrbc = PCIX_STATUS_HI_MMRBC_2K;
+ if (cmd_mmrbc > stat_mmrbc) {
+ pcix_cmd |= stat_mmrbc << PCIX_COMMAND_MMRBC_SHIFT;
+ igc_write_pci_cfg(hw, PCIX_COMMAND_REGISTER, &pcix_cmd);
+ }
+ * igc_clear_hw_cntrs_base_generic - Clear base hardware counters
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Clears the base hardware counters by reading the counter registers.
+ **/
+void igc_clear_hw_cntrs_base_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_clear_hw_cntrs_base_generic");
+ * igc_check_for_copper_link_generic - Check for link (Copper)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks to see of the link status of the hardware has changed. If a
+ * change in link status has been detected, then we read the PHY registers
+ * to get the current speed/duplex if link exists.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_for_copper_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_for_copper_link");
+ /* We only want to go out to the PHY registers to see if Auto-Neg
+ * has completed and/or if our link status has changed. The
+ * get_link_status flag is set upon receiving a Link Status
+ * Change or Rx Sequence Error interrupt.
+ */
+ if (!mac->get_link_status)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* First we want to see if the MII Status Register reports
+ * link. If so, then we want to get the current speed/duplex
+ * of the PHY.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS; /* No link detected */
+ mac->get_link_status = false;
+ /* Check if there was DownShift, must be checked
+ * immediately after link-up
+ */
+ igc_check_downshift_generic(hw);
+ /* If we are forcing speed/duplex, then we simply return since
+ * we have already determined whether we have link or not.
+ */
+ if (!mac->autoneg)
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ /* Auto-Neg is enabled. Auto Speed Detection takes care
+ * of MAC speed/duplex configuration. So we only need to
+ * configure Collision Distance in the MAC.
+ */
+ mac->ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ /* Configure Flow Control now that Auto-Neg has completed.
+ * First, we need to restore the desired flow control
+ * settings because we may have had to re-autoneg with a
+ * different link partner.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT("Error configuring flow control\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_check_for_fiber_link_generic - Check for link (Fiber)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks for link up on the hardware. If link is not up and we have
+ * a signal, then we need to force link up.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_for_fiber_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ u32 rxcw;
+ u32 ctrl;
+ u32 status;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_for_fiber_link_generic");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ rxcw = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXCW);
+ /* If we don't have link (auto-negotiation failed or link partner
+ * cannot auto-negotiate), the cable is plugged in (we have signal),
+ * and our link partner is not trying to auto-negotiate with us (we
+ * are receiving idles or data), we need to force link up. We also
+ * need to give auto-negotiation time to complete, in case the cable
+ * was just plugged in. The autoneg_failed flag does this.
+ */
+ /* (ctrl & IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN1) == 1 == have signal */
+ if ((ctrl & IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN1) && !(status & IGC_STATUS_LU) &&
+ !(rxcw & IGC_RXCW_C)) {
+ if (!mac->autoneg_failed) {
+ mac->autoneg_failed = true;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT("NOT Rx'ing /C/, disable AutoNeg and force link.\n");
+ /* Disable auto-negotiation in the TXCW register */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW, (mac->txcw & ~IGC_TXCW_ANE));
+ /* Force link-up and also force full-duplex. */
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl |= (IGC_CTRL_SLU | IGC_CTRL_FD);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ /* Configure Flow Control after forcing link up. */
+ ret_val = igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error configuring flow control\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ } else if ((ctrl & IGC_CTRL_SLU) && (rxcw & IGC_RXCW_C)) {
+ /* If we are forcing link and we are receiving /C/ ordered
+ * sets, re-enable auto-negotiation in the TXCW register
+ * and disable forced link in the Device Control register
+ * in an attempt to auto-negotiate with our link partner.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Rx'ing /C/, enable AutoNeg and stop forcing link.\n");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW, mac->txcw);
+ mac->serdes_has_link = true;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_check_for_serdes_link_generic - Check for link (Serdes)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks for link up on the hardware. If link is not up and we have
+ * a signal, then we need to force link up.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_for_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ u32 rxcw;
+ u32 ctrl;
+ u32 status;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_for_serdes_link_generic");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ rxcw = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXCW);
+ /* If we don't have link (auto-negotiation failed or link partner
+ * cannot auto-negotiate), and our link partner is not trying to
+ * auto-negotiate with us (we are receiving idles or data),
+ * we need to force link up. We also need to give auto-negotiation
+ * time to complete.
+ */
+ /* (ctrl & IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN1) == 1 == have signal */
+ if (!(status & IGC_STATUS_LU) && !(rxcw & IGC_RXCW_C)) {
+ if (!mac->autoneg_failed) {
+ mac->autoneg_failed = true;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT("NOT Rx'ing /C/, disable AutoNeg and force link.\n");
+ /* Disable auto-negotiation in the TXCW register */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW, (mac->txcw & ~IGC_TXCW_ANE));
+ /* Force link-up and also force full-duplex. */
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl |= (IGC_CTRL_SLU | IGC_CTRL_FD);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ /* Configure Flow Control after forcing link up. */
+ ret_val = igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error configuring flow control\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ } else if ((ctrl & IGC_CTRL_SLU) && (rxcw & IGC_RXCW_C)) {
+ /* If we are forcing link and we are receiving /C/ ordered
+ * sets, re-enable auto-negotiation in the TXCW register
+ * and disable forced link in the Device Control register
+ * in an attempt to auto-negotiate with our link partner.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Rx'ing /C/, enable AutoNeg and stop forcing link.\n");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW, mac->txcw);
+ mac->serdes_has_link = true;
+ } else if (!(IGC_TXCW_ANE & IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW))) {
+ /* If we force link for non-auto-negotiation switch, check
+ * link status based on MAC synchronization for internal
+ * serdes media type.
+ */
+ /* SYNCH bit and IV bit are sticky. */
+ usec_delay(10);
+ rxcw = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXCW);
+ if (rxcw & IGC_RXCW_SYNCH) {
+ if (!(rxcw & IGC_RXCW_IV)) {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = true;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link up - forced.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = false;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link down - force failed.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ if (status & IGC_STATUS_LU) {
+ /* SYNCH bit and IV bit are sticky, so reread rxcw. */
+ usec_delay(10);
+ rxcw = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RXCW);
+ if (rxcw & IGC_RXCW_SYNCH) {
+ if (!(rxcw & IGC_RXCW_IV)) {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = true;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link up - autoneg completed successfully.\n");
+ } else {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = false;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link down - invalid codewords detected in autoneg.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = false;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link down - no sync.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ mac->serdes_has_link = false;
+ DEBUGOUT("SERDES: Link down - autoneg failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_default_fc_generic - Set flow control default values
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Read the EEPROM for the default values for flow control and store the
+ * values.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_default_fc_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 nvm_data;
+ u16 nvm_offset = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_default_fc_generic");
+ /* Read and store word 0x0F of the EEPROM. This word contains bits
+ * that determine the hardware's default PAUSE (flow control) mode,
+ * a bit that determines whether the HW defaults to enabling or
+ * disabling auto-negotiation, and the direction of the
+ * SW defined pins. If there is no SW over-ride of the flow
+ * control setting, then the variable hw->fc will
+ * be initialized based on a value in the EEPROM.
+ */
+ if (hw->mac.type == igc_i350) {
+ nvm_offset = NVM_82580_LAN_FUNC_OFFSET(hw->bus.func);
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw,
+ nvm_offset,
+ 1, &nvm_data);
+ } else {
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw,
+ 1, &nvm_data);
+ }
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (!(nvm_data & NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK))
+ hw->fc.requested_mode = igc_fc_none;
+ else if ((nvm_data & NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) ==
+ hw->fc.requested_mode = igc_fc_tx_pause;
+ else
+ hw->fc.requested_mode = igc_fc_full;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_setup_link_generic - Setup flow control and link settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Determines which flow control settings to use, then configures flow
+ * control. Calls the appropriate media-specific link configuration
+ * function. Assuming the adapter has a valid link partner, a valid link
+ * should be established. Assumes the hardware has previously been reset
+ * and the transmitter and receiver are not enabled.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_setup_link_generic");
+ /* In the case of the phy reset being blocked, we already have a link.
+ * We do not need to set it up again.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block && hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw))
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* If requested flow control is set to default, set flow control
+ * based on the EEPROM flow control settings.
+ */
+ if (hw->fc.requested_mode == igc_fc_default)
+ hw->fc.requested_mode = igc_fc_full;
+ /* Save off the requested flow control mode for use later. Depending
+ * on the link partner's capabilities, we may or may not use this mode.
+ */
+ hw->fc.current_mode = hw->fc.requested_mode;
+ DEBUGOUT1("After fix-ups FlowControl is now = %x\n",
+ hw->fc.current_mode);
+ /* Call the necessary media_type subroutine to configure the link. */
+ ret_val = hw->mac.ops.setup_physical_interface(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Initialize the flow control address, type, and PAUSE timer
+ * registers to their default values. This is done even if flow
+ * control is disabled, because it does not hurt anything to
+ * initialize these registers.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Initializing the Flow Control address, type and timer regs\n");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_FCTTV, hw->fc.pause_time);
+ return igc_set_fc_watermarks_generic(hw);
+ * igc_commit_fc_settings_generic - Configure flow control
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Write the flow control settings to the Transmit Config Word Register (TXCW)
+ * base on the flow control settings in igc_mac_info.
+ **/
+s32 igc_commit_fc_settings_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ u32 txcw;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_commit_fc_settings_generic");
+ /* Check for a software override of the flow control settings, and
+ * setup the device accordingly. If auto-negotiation is enabled, then
+ * software will have to set the "PAUSE" bits to the correct value in
+ * the Transmit Config Word Register (TXCW) and re-start auto-
+ * negotiation. However, if auto-negotiation is disabled, then
+ * software will have to manually configure the two flow control enable
+ * bits in the CTRL register.
+ *
+ * The possible values of the "fc" parameter are:
+ * 0: Flow control is completely disabled
+ * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause frames,
+ * but not send pause frames).
+ * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames but we
+ * do not support receiving pause frames).
+ * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) are enabled.
+ */
+ switch (hw->fc.current_mode) {
+ case igc_fc_none:
+ /* Flow control completely disabled by a software over-ride. */
+ txcw = (IGC_TXCW_ANE | IGC_TXCW_FD);
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_rx_pause:
+ /* Rx Flow control is enabled and Tx Flow control is disabled
+ * by a software over-ride. Since there really isn't a way to
+ * advertise that we are capable of Rx Pause ONLY, we will
+ * advertise that we support both symmetric and asymmetric Rx
+ * PAUSE. Later, we will disable the adapter's ability to send
+ * PAUSE frames.
+ */
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_tx_pause:
+ /* Tx Flow control is enabled, and Rx Flow control is disabled,
+ * by a software over-ride.
+ */
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_full:
+ /* Flow control (both Rx and Tx) is enabled by a software
+ * over-ride.
+ */
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow control param set incorrectly\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TXCW, txcw);
+ mac->txcw = txcw;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic - Poll for link up
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Polls for link up by reading the status register, if link fails to come
+ * up with auto-negotiation, then the link is forced if a signal is detected.
+ **/
+s32 igc_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ u32 i, status;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic");
+ /* If we have a signal (the cable is plugged in, or assumed true for
+ * serdes media) then poll for a "Link-Up" indication in the Device
+ * Status Register. Time-out if a link isn't seen in 500 milliseconds
+ * seconds (Auto-negotiation should complete in less than 500
+ * milliseconds even if the other end is doing it in SW).
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < FIBER_LINK_UP_LIMIT; i++) {
+ msec_delay(10);
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ if (status & IGC_STATUS_LU)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == FIBER_LINK_UP_LIMIT) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Never got a valid link from auto-neg!!!\n");
+ mac->autoneg_failed = true;
+ /* AutoNeg failed to achieve a link, so we'll call
+ * mac->check_for_link. This routine will force the
+ * link up if we detect a signal. This will allow us to
+ * communicate with non-autonegotiating link partners.
+ */
+ ret_val = mac->ops.check_for_link(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error while checking for link\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ mac->autoneg_failed = false;
+ } else {
+ mac->autoneg_failed = false;
+ DEBUGOUT("Valid Link Found\n");
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_setup_fiber_serdes_link_generic - Setup link for fiber/serdes
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Configures collision distance and flow control for fiber and serdes
+ * links. Upon successful setup, poll for link.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_setup_fiber_serdes_link_generic");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ /* Take the link out of reset */
+ ctrl &= ~IGC_CTRL_LRST;
+ hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ ret_val = igc_commit_fc_settings_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Since auto-negotiation is enabled, take the link out of reset (the
+ * link will be in reset, because we previously reset the chip). This
+ * will restart auto-negotiation. If auto-negotiation is successful
+ * then the link-up status bit will be set and the flow control enable
+ * bits (RFCE and TFCE) will be set according to their negotiated value.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Auto-negotiation enabled\n");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ msec_delay(1);
+ /* For these adapters, the SW definable pin 1 is set when the optics
+ * detect a signal. If we have a signal, then poll for a "Link-Up"
+ * indication.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_internal_serdes ||
+ ret_val = igc_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(hw);
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("No signal detected\n");
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_config_collision_dist_generic - Configure collision distance
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Configures the collision distance to the default value and is used
+ * during link setup.
+ **/
+static void igc_config_collision_dist_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 tctl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_config_collision_dist_generic");
+ tctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_TCTL);
+ tctl &= ~IGC_TCTL_COLD;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_TCTL, tctl);
+ * igc_set_fc_watermarks_generic - Set flow control high/low watermarks
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets the flow control high/low threshold (watermark) registers. If
+ * flow control XON frame transmission is enabled, then set XON frame
+ * transmission as well.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_fc_watermarks_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 fcrtl = 0, fcrth = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_fc_watermarks_generic");
+ /* Set the flow control receive threshold registers. Normally,
+ * these registers will be set to a default threshold that may be
+ * adjusted later by the driver's runtime code. However, if the
+ * ability to transmit pause frames is not enabled, then these
+ * registers will be set to 0.
+ */
+ if (hw->fc.current_mode & igc_fc_tx_pause) {
+ /* We need to set up the Receive Threshold high and low water
+ * marks as well as (optionally) enabling the transmission of
+ * XON frames.
+ */
+ fcrtl = hw->fc.low_water;
+ if (hw->fc.send_xon)
+ fcrtl |= IGC_FCRTL_XONE;
+ fcrth = hw->fc.high_water;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_FCRTL, fcrtl);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_FCRTH, fcrth);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_force_mac_fc_generic - Force the MAC's flow control settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Force the MAC's flow control settings. Sets the TFCE and RFCE bits in the
+ * device control register to reflect the adapter settings. TFCE and RFCE
+ * need to be explicitly set by software when a copper PHY is used because
+ * autonegotiation is managed by the PHY rather than the MAC. Software must
+ * also configure these bits when link is forced on a fiber connection.
+ **/
+s32 igc_force_mac_fc_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_force_mac_fc_generic");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ /* Because we didn't get link via the internal auto-negotiation
+ * mechanism (we either forced link or we got link via PHY
+ * auto-neg), we have to manually enable/disable transmit an
+ * receive flow control.
+ *
+ * The "Case" statement below enables/disable flow control
+ * according to the "hw->fc.current_mode" parameter.
+ *
+ * The possible values of the "fc" parameter are:
+ * 0: Flow control is completely disabled
+ * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause
+ * frames but not send pause frames).
+ * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames
+ * frames but we do not receive pause frames).
+ * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) is enabled.
+ * other: No other values should be possible at this point.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT1("hw->fc.current_mode = %u\n", hw->fc.current_mode);
+ switch (hw->fc.current_mode) {
+ case igc_fc_none:
+ ctrl &= (~(IGC_CTRL_TFCE | IGC_CTRL_RFCE));
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_rx_pause:
+ ctrl &= (~IGC_CTRL_TFCE);
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_RFCE;
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_tx_pause:
+ ctrl &= (~IGC_CTRL_RFCE);
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_TFCE;
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_full:
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow control param set incorrectly\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic - Configures flow control after link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Checks the status of auto-negotiation after link up to ensure that the
+ * speed and duplex were not forced. If the link needed to be forced, then
+ * flow control needs to be forced also. If auto-negotiation is enabled
+ * and did not fail, then we configure flow control based on our link
+ * partner.
+ **/
+s32 igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 mii_status_reg, mii_nway_adv_reg, mii_nway_lp_ability_reg;
+ u16 speed, duplex;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic");
+ /* Check for the case where we have fiber media and auto-neg failed
+ * so we had to force link. In this case, we need to force the
+ * configuration of the MAC to match the "fc" parameter.
+ */
+ if (mac->autoneg_failed) {
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_copper)
+ ret_val = igc_force_mac_fc_generic(hw);
+ }
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error forcing flow control settings\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Check for the case where we have copper media and auto-neg is
+ * enabled. In this case, we need to check and see if Auto-Neg
+ * has completed, and if so, how the PHY and link partner has
+ * flow control configured.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_copper && mac->autoneg) {
+ /* Read the MII Status Register and check to see if AutoNeg
+ * has completed. We read this twice because this reg has
+ * some "sticky" (latched) bits.
+ */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!(mii_status_reg & MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Copper PHY and Auto Neg has not completed.\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* The AutoNeg process has completed, so we now need to
+ * read both the Auto Negotiation Advertisement
+ * Register (Address 4) and the Auto_Negotiation Base
+ * Page Ability Register (Address 5) to determine how
+ * flow control was negotiated.
+ */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV,
+ &mii_nway_adv_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_LP_ABILITY,
+ &mii_nway_lp_ability_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Two bits in the Auto Negotiation Advertisement Register
+ * (Address 4) and two bits in the Auto Negotiation Base
+ * Page Ability Register (Address 5) determine flow control
+ * for both the PHY and the link partner. The following
+ * table, taken out of the IEEE 802.3ab/D6.0 dated March 25,
+ * 1999, describes these PAUSE resolution bits and how flow
+ * control is determined based upon these settings.
+ * NOTE: DC = Don't Care
+ *
+ * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | NIC Resolution
+ *-------|---------|-------|---------|--------------------
+ * 0 | 0 | DC | DC | igc_fc_none
+ * 0 | 1 | 0 | DC | igc_fc_none
+ * 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | igc_fc_none
+ * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | igc_fc_tx_pause
+ * 1 | 0 | 0 | DC | igc_fc_none
+ * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | igc_fc_full
+ * 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | igc_fc_none
+ * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | igc_fc_rx_pause
+ *
+ * Are both PAUSE bits set to 1? If so, this implies
+ * Symmetric Flow Control is enabled at both ends. The
+ * ASM_DIR bits are irrelevant per the spec.
+ *
+ * For Symmetric Flow Control:
+ *
+ * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result
+ *-------|---------|-------|---------|--------------------
+ * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | IGC_fc_full
+ *
+ */
+ if ((mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) &&
+ (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE)) {
+ /* Now we need to check if the user selected Rx ONLY
+ * of pause frames. In this case, we had to advertise
+ * FULL flow control because we could not advertise Rx
+ * ONLY. Hence, we must now check to see if we need to
+ * turn OFF the TRANSMISSION of PAUSE frames.
+ */
+ if (hw->fc.requested_mode == igc_fc_full) {
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_full;
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = FULL.\n");
+ } else {
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_rx_pause;
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = Rx PAUSE frames only.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* For receiving PAUSE frames ONLY.
+ *
+ * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result
+ *-------|---------|-------|---------|--------------------
+ * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | igc_fc_tx_pause
+ */
+ else if (!(mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) &&
+ (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) &&
+ (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) &&
+ (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) {
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_tx_pause;
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = Tx PAUSE frames only.\n");
+ }
+ /* For transmitting PAUSE frames ONLY.
+ *
+ * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result
+ *-------|---------|-------|---------|--------------------
+ * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | igc_fc_rx_pause
+ */
+ else if ((mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) &&
+ (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) &&
+ !(mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) &&
+ (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) {
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_rx_pause;
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = Rx PAUSE frames only.\n");
+ } else {
+ /* Per the IEEE spec, at this point flow control
+ * should be disabled.
+ */
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_none;
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = NONE.\n");
+ }
+ /* Now we need to do one last check... If we auto-
+ * negotiated to HALF DUPLEX, flow control should not be
+ * enabled per IEEE 802.3 spec.
+ */
+ ret_val = mac->ops.get_link_up_info(hw, &speed, &duplex);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error getting link speed and duplex\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (duplex == HALF_DUPLEX)
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_none;
+ /* Now we call a subroutine to actually force the MAC
+ * controller to use the correct flow control settings.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_force_mac_fc_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error forcing flow control settings\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_speed_and_duplex_copper_generic - Retrieve current speed/duplex
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @speed: stores the current speed
+ * @duplex: stores the current duplex
+ *
+ * Read the status register for the current speed/duplex and store the current
+ * speed and duplex for copper connections.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_speed_and_duplex_copper_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *speed,
+ u16 *duplex)
+ u32 status;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_speed_and_duplex_copper_generic");
+ status = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS);
+ if (status & IGC_STATUS_SPEED_1000) {
+ /* For I225, STATUS will indicate 1G speed in both 1 Gbps
+ * and 2.5 Gbps link modes. An additional bit is used
+ * to differentiate between 1 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps.
+ */
+ if (hw->mac.type == igc_i225 &&
+ (status & IGC_STATUS_SPEED_2500)) {
+ *speed = SPEED_2500;
+ DEBUGOUT("2500 Mbs, ");
+ } else {
+ *speed = SPEED_1000;
+ DEBUGOUT("1000 Mbs, ");
+ }
+ } else if (status & IGC_STATUS_SPEED_100) {
+ *speed = SPEED_100;
+ DEBUGOUT("100 Mbs, ");
+ } else {
+ *speed = SPEED_10;
+ DEBUGOUT("10 Mbs, ");
+ }
+ if (status & IGC_STATUS_FD) {
+ *duplex = FULL_DUPLEX;
+ DEBUGOUT("Full Duplex\n");
+ } else {
+ *duplex = HALF_DUPLEX;
+ DEBUGOUT("Half Duplex\n");
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_generic - Retrieve current speed/duplex
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @speed: stores the current speed
+ * @duplex: stores the current duplex
+ *
+ * Sets the speed and duplex to gigabit full duplex (the only possible option)
+ * for fiber/serdes links.
+ **/
+igc_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u16 *speed, u16 *duplex)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes_generic");
+ *speed = SPEED_1000;
+ *duplex = FULL_DUPLEX;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_hw_semaphore_generic - Acquire hardware semaphore
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Acquire the HW semaphore to access the PHY or NVM
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_hw_semaphore_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 swsm;
+ s32 timeout = hw->nvm.word_size + 1;
+ s32 i = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_hw_semaphore_generic");
+ /* Get the SW semaphore */
+ while (i < timeout) {
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ if (!(swsm & IGC_SWSM_SMBI))
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access device - SMBI bit is set.\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ /* Get the FW semaphore. */
+ for (i = 0; i < timeout; i++) {
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ /* Semaphore acquired if bit latched */
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ }
+ if (i == timeout) {
+ /* Release semaphores */
+ igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(hw);
+ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access the NVM\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic - Release hardware semaphore
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Release hardware semaphore used to access the PHY or NVM
+ **/
+void igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 swsm;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic");
+ swsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_SWSM, swsm);
+ * igc_get_auto_rd_done_generic - Check for auto read completion
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Check EEPROM for Auto Read done bit.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_auto_rd_done_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 i = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_auto_rd_done_generic");
+ while (i < AUTO_READ_DONE_TIMEOUT) {
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ i++;
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT("Auto read by HW from NVM has not completed.\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_RESET;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_valid_led_default_generic - Verify a valid default LED config
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @data: pointer to the NVM (EEPROM)
+ *
+ * Read the EEPROM for the current default LED configuration. If the
+ * LED configuration is not valid, set to a valid LED configuration.
+ **/
+s32 igc_valid_led_default_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_valid_led_default_generic");
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ID_LED_SETTINGS, 1, data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (*data == ID_LED_RESERVED_0000 || *data == ID_LED_RESERVED_FFFF)
+ *data = ID_LED_DEFAULT;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_id_led_init_generic -
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_id_led_init_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ const u32 ledctl_mask = 0x000000FF;
+ const u32 ledctl_on = IGC_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_ON;
+ const u32 ledctl_off = IGC_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_OFF;
+ u16 data, i, temp;
+ const u16 led_mask = 0x0F;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_id_led_init_generic");
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.valid_led_default(hw, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ mac->ledctl_default = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL);
+ mac->ledctl_mode1 = mac->ledctl_default;
+ mac->ledctl_mode2 = mac->ledctl_default;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ temp = (data >> (i << 2)) & led_mask;
+ switch (temp) {
+ case ID_LED_ON1_DEF2:
+ case ID_LED_ON1_ON2:
+ case ID_LED_ON1_OFF2:
+ mac->ledctl_mode1 &= ~(ledctl_mask << (i << 3));
+ mac->ledctl_mode1 |= ledctl_on << (i << 3);
+ break;
+ case ID_LED_OFF1_DEF2:
+ case ID_LED_OFF1_ON2:
+ case ID_LED_OFF1_OFF2:
+ mac->ledctl_mode1 &= ~(ledctl_mask << (i << 3));
+ mac->ledctl_mode1 |= ledctl_off << (i << 3);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Do nothing */
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (temp) {
+ case ID_LED_DEF1_ON2:
+ case ID_LED_ON1_ON2:
+ case ID_LED_OFF1_ON2:
+ mac->ledctl_mode2 &= ~(ledctl_mask << (i << 3));
+ mac->ledctl_mode2 |= ledctl_on << (i << 3);
+ break;
+ case ID_LED_DEF1_OFF2:
+ case ID_LED_ON1_OFF2:
+ case ID_LED_OFF1_OFF2:
+ mac->ledctl_mode2 &= ~(ledctl_mask << (i << 3));
+ mac->ledctl_mode2 |= ledctl_off << (i << 3);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Do nothing */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_setup_led_generic - Configures SW controllable LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This prepares the SW controllable LED for use and saves the current state
+ * of the LED so it can be later restored.
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ledctl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_setup_led_generic");
+ if (hw->mac.ops.setup_led != igc_setup_led_generic)
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_fiber) {
+ ledctl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL);
+ hw->mac.ledctl_default = ledctl;
+ /* Turn off LED0 */
+ ledctl |= (IGC_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_OFF <<
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, ledctl);
+ } else if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_copper) {
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, hw->mac.ledctl_mode1);
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_cleanup_led_generic - Set LED config to default operation
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Remove the current LED configuration and set the LED configuration
+ * to the default value, saved from the EEPROM.
+ **/
+s32 igc_cleanup_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_cleanup_led_generic");
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, hw->mac.ledctl_default);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_blink_led_generic - Blink LED
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Blink the LEDs which are set to be on.
+ **/
+s32 igc_blink_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ledctl_blink = 0;
+ u32 i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_blink_led_generic");
+ if (hw->phy.media_type == igc_media_type_fiber) {
+ /* always blink LED0 for PCI-E fiber */
+ ledctl_blink = IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK |
+ } else {
+ /* Set the blink bit for each LED that's "on" (0x0E)
+ * (or "off" if inverted) in ledctl_mode2. The blink
+ * logic in hardware only works when mode is set to "on"
+ * so it must be changed accordingly when the mode is
+ * "off" and inverted.
+ */
+ ledctl_blink = hw->mac.ledctl_mode2;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) {
+ u32 mode = (hw->mac.ledctl_mode2 >> i) &
+ u32 led_default = hw->mac.ledctl_default >> i;
+ if ((!(led_default & IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT) &&
+ mode == IGC_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_ON) ||
+ ((led_default & IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT) &&
+ ledctl_blink &=
+ ledctl_blink |= (IGC_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK |
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, ledctl_blink);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_led_on_generic - Turn LED on
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Turn LED on.
+ **/
+s32 igc_led_on_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_led_on_generic");
+ switch (hw->phy.media_type) {
+ case igc_media_type_fiber:
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl &= ~IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN0;
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_SWDPIO0;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ break;
+ case igc_media_type_copper:
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, hw->mac.ledctl_mode2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_led_off_generic - Turn LED off
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Turn LED off.
+ **/
+s32 igc_led_off_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_led_off_generic");
+ switch (hw->phy.media_type) {
+ case igc_media_type_fiber:
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_SWDPIN0;
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_SWDPIO0;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ break;
+ case igc_media_type_copper:
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_LEDCTL, hw->mac.ledctl_mode1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_set_pcie_no_snoop_generic - Set PCI-express capabilities
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @no_snoop: bitmap of snoop events
+ *
+ * Set the PCI-express register to snoop for events enabled in 'no_snoop'.
+ **/
+void igc_set_pcie_no_snoop_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 no_snoop)
+ u32 gcr;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_pcie_no_snoop_generic");
+ if (hw->bus.type != igc_bus_type_pci_express)
+ return;
+ if (no_snoop) {
+ gcr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_GCR);
+ gcr &= ~(PCIE_NO_SNOOP_ALL);
+ gcr |= no_snoop;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_GCR, gcr);
+ }
+ * igc_disable_pcie_master_generic - Disables PCI-express master access
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Returns IGC_SUCCESS if successful, else returns -10
+ * (-IGC_ERR_MASTER_REQUESTS_PENDING) if master disable bit has not caused
+ * the master requests to be disabled.
+ *
+ * Disables PCI-Express master access and verifies there are no pending
+ * requests.
+ **/
+s32 igc_disable_pcie_master_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_disable_pcie_master_generic");
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ while (timeout) {
+ if (!(IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_STATUS) &
+ IGC_REMOVED(hw->hw_addr))
+ break;
+ usec_delay(100);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if (!timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Master requests are pending.\n");
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_reset_adaptive_generic - Reset Adaptive Interframe Spacing
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reset the Adaptive Interframe Spacing throttle to default values.
+ **/
+void igc_reset_adaptive_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_reset_adaptive_generic");
+ if (!mac->adaptive_ifs) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Not in Adaptive IFS mode!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ mac->current_ifs_val = 0;
+ mac->ifs_min_val = IFS_MIN;
+ mac->ifs_max_val = IFS_MAX;
+ mac->ifs_step_size = IFS_STEP;
+ mac->ifs_ratio = IFS_RATIO;
+ mac->in_ifs_mode = false;
+ * igc_update_adaptive_generic - Update Adaptive Interframe Spacing
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Update the Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle value based on the
+ * time between transmitted packets and time between collisions.
+ **/
+void igc_update_adaptive_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_update_adaptive_generic");
+ if (!mac->adaptive_ifs) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Not in Adaptive IFS mode!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((mac->collision_delta * mac->ifs_ratio) > mac->tx_packet_delta) {
+ if (mac->tx_packet_delta > MIN_NUM_XMITS) {
+ mac->in_ifs_mode = true;
+ if (mac->current_ifs_val < mac->ifs_max_val) {
+ if (!mac->current_ifs_val)
+ mac->current_ifs_val = mac->ifs_min_val;
+ else
+ mac->current_ifs_val +=
+ mac->ifs_step_size;
+ mac->current_ifs_val);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (mac->in_ifs_mode &&
+ mac->tx_packet_delta <= MIN_NUM_XMITS) {
+ mac->current_ifs_val = 0;
+ mac->in_ifs_mode = false;
+ }
+ }
+ * igc_validate_mdi_setting_generic - Verify MDI/MDIx settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Verify that when not using auto-negotiation that MDI/MDIx is correctly
+ * set, which is forced to MDI mode only.
+ **/
+static s32 igc_validate_mdi_setting_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_validate_mdi_setting_generic");
+ if (!hw->mac.autoneg && (hw->phy.mdix == 0 || hw->phy.mdix == 3)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Invalid MDI setting detected\n");
+ hw->phy.mdix = 1;
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_validate_mdi_setting_crossover_generic - Verify MDI/MDIx settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Validate the MDI/MDIx setting, allowing for auto-crossover during forced
+ * operation.
+ **/
+igc_validate_mdi_setting_crossover_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_validate_mdi_setting_crossover_generic");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg_generic - Write a 8bit CTRL register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @reg: 32bit register offset such as IGC_SCTL
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Writes an address/data control type register. There are several of these
+ * and they all have the format address << 8 | data and bit 31 is polled for
+ * completion.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg,
+ u32 offset, u8 data)
+ u32 i, regvalue = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg_generic");
+ /* Set up the address and data */
+ regvalue = ((u32)data) | (offset << IGC_GEN_CTL_ADDRESS_SHIFT);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, reg, regvalue);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the MDI read completed */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_GEN_POLL_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ usec_delay(5);
+ regvalue = IGC_READ_REG(hw, reg);
+ if (regvalue & IGC_GEN_CTL_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(regvalue & IGC_GEN_CTL_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("Reg %08x did not indicate ready\n", reg);
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_MAC_H_
+#define _IGC_MAC_H_
+void igc_init_mac_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+#define IGC_REMOVED(a) (0)
+void igc_null_mac_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_link_info(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *s, u16 *d);
+bool igc_null_mng_mode(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_null_update_mc(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *h, u32 a);
+void igc_null_write_vfta(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 a, u32 b);
+int igc_null_rar_set(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *h, u32 a);
+s32 igc_blink_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_for_copper_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_for_fiber_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_for_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_cleanup_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_commit_fc_settings_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_disable_pcie_master_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_force_mac_fc_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_auto_rd_done_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_bus_info_pci_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_bus_info_pcie_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_set_lan_id_single_port(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_set_lan_id_multi_port_pci(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_hw_semaphore_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_speed_and_duplex_copper_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *speed,
+ u16 *duplex);
+s32 igc_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u16 *speed, u16 *duplex);
+s32 igc_id_led_init_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_led_on_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_led_off_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u8 *mc_addr_list, u32 mc_addr_count);
+s32 igc_set_default_fc_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_set_fc_watermarks_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_led_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_setup_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_validate_mdi_setting_crossover_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_8bit_ctrl_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg,
+ u32 offset, u8 data);
+u32 igc_hash_mc_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr);
+void igc_clear_hw_cntrs_base_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_clear_vfta_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_init_rx_addrs_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 rar_count);
+void igc_pcix_mmrbc_workaround_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_put_hw_semaphore_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_reset_adaptive_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_set_pcie_no_snoop_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 no_snoop);
+void igc_update_adaptive_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_write_vfta_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+#include "e1000_manage.h"
+ * igc_calculate_checksum - Calculate checksum for buffer
+ * @buffer: pointer to EEPROM
+ * @length: size of EEPROM to calculate a checksum for
+ *
+ * Calculates the checksum for some buffer on a specified length. The
+ * checksum calculated is returned.
+ **/
+u8 igc_calculate_checksum(u8 *buffer, u32 length)
+ u32 i;
+ u8 sum = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_calculate_checksum");
+ if (!buffer)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ sum += buffer[i];
+ return (u8)(0 - sum);
+ * igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic - Checks host interface is enabled
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Returns IGC_success upon success, else IGC_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND
+ *
+ * This function checks whether the HOST IF is enabled for command operation
+ * and also checks whether the previous command is completed. It busy waits
+ * in case of previous command is not completed.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 hicr;
+ u8 i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic");
+ if (!hw->mac.arc_subsystem_valid) {
+ DEBUGOUT("ARC subsystem not valid.\n");
+ }
+ /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_EN)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("IGC_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n");
+ }
+ /* check the previous command is completed */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_C))
+ break;
+ msec_delay_irq(1);
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT("Previous command timeout failed .\n");
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_check_mng_mode_generic - Generic check management mode
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the firmware semaphore register and returns true (>0) if
+ * manageability is enabled, else false (0).
+ **/
+bool igc_check_mng_mode_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 fwsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FWSM);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_mng_mode_generic");
+ return (fwsm & IGC_FWSM_MODE_MASK) ==
+ * igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering_generic - Enable packet filtering on Tx
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Enables packet filtering on transmit packets if manageability is enabled
+ * and host interface is enabled.
+ **/
+bool igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_host_mng_dhcp_cookie *hdr = &hw->mng_cookie;
+ u32 *buffer = (u32 *)&hw->mng_cookie;
+ u32 offset;
+ s32 ret_val, hdr_csum, csum;
+ u8 i, len;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering_generic");
+ hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true;
+ /* No manageability, no filtering */
+ if (!hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw)) {
+ hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false;
+ return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering;
+ }
+ /* If we can't read from the host interface for whatever
+ * reason, disable filtering.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val != IGC_SUCCESS) {
+ hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false;
+ return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering;
+ }
+ /* Read in the header. Length and offset are in dwords. */
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ *(buffer + i) = IGC_READ_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, IGC_HOST_IF,
+ offset + i);
+ hdr_csum = hdr->checksum;
+ hdr->checksum = 0;
+ csum = igc_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr,
+ /* If either the checksums or signature don't match, then
+ * the cookie area isn't considered valid, in which case we
+ * take the safe route of assuming Tx filtering is enabled.
+ */
+ if (hdr_csum != csum || hdr->signature != IGC_IAMT_SIGNATURE) {
+ hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true;
+ return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering;
+ }
+ /* Cookie area is valid, make the final check for filtering. */
+ if (!(hdr->status & IGC_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_PARSING))
+ hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false;
+ return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering;
+ * igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic - Writes manageability command header
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @hdr: pointer to the host interface command header
+ *
+ * Writes the command header after does the checksum calculation.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header *hdr)
+ u16 i, length = sizeof(struct igc_host_mng_command_header);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic");
+ /* Write the whole command header structure with new checksum. */
+ hdr->checksum = igc_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr, length);
+ length >>= 2;
+ /* Write the relevant command block into the ram area. */
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ *((u32 *)hdr + i));
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_mng_host_if_write_generic - Write to the manageability host interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: pointer to the host interface buffer
+ * @length: size of the buffer
+ * @offset: location in the buffer to write to
+ * @sum: sum of the data (not checksum)
+ *
+ * This function writes the buffer content at the offset given on the host if.
+ * It also does alignment considerations to do the writes in most efficient
+ * way. Also fills up the sum of the buffer in *buffer parameter.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_host_if_write_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer,
+ u16 length, u16 offset, u8 *sum)
+ u8 *tmp;
+ u8 *bufptr = buffer;
+ u32 data = 0;
+ u16 remaining, i, j, prev_bytes;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_mng_host_if_write_generic");
+ /* sum = only sum of the data and it is not checksum */
+ if (length == 0 || offset + length > IGC_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ tmp = (u8 *)&data;
+ prev_bytes = offset & 0x3;
+ offset >>= 2;
+ if (prev_bytes) {
+ data = IGC_READ_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, IGC_HOST_IF, offset);
+ for (j = prev_bytes; j < sizeof(u32); j++) {
+ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
+ *sum += *(tmp + j);
+ }
+ length -= j - prev_bytes;
+ offset++;
+ }
+ remaining = length & 0x3;
+ length -= remaining;
+ /* Calculate length in DWORDs */
+ length >>= 2;
+ /* The device driver writes the relevant command block into the
+ * ram area.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) {
+ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
+ *sum += *(tmp + j);
+ }
+ data);
+ }
+ if (remaining) {
+ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) {
+ if (j < remaining)
+ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
+ else
+ *(tmp + j) = 0;
+ *sum += *(tmp + j);
+ }
+ data);
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_mng_write_dhcp_info_generic - Writes DHCP info to host interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: pointer to the host interface
+ * @length: size of the buffer
+ *
+ * Writes the DHCP information to the host interface.
+ **/
+s32 igc_mng_write_dhcp_info_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer,
+ u16 length)
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header hdr;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 hicr;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_mng_write_dhcp_info_generic");
+ hdr.command_id = IGC_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD;
+ hdr.command_length = length;
+ hdr.reserved1 = 0;
+ hdr.reserved2 = 0;
+ hdr.checksum = 0;
+ /* Enable the host interface */
+ ret_val = igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Populate the host interface with the contents of "buffer". */
+ ret_val = igc_mng_host_if_write_generic(hw, buffer, length,
+ sizeof(hdr), &hdr.checksum);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Write the manageability command header */
+ ret_val = igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic(hw, &hdr);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Tell the ARC a new command is pending. */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_enable_mng_pass_thru - Check if management passthrough is needed
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Verifies the hardware needs to leave interface enabled so that frames can
+ * be directed to and from the management interface.
+ **/
+bool igc_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 manc;
+ u32 fwsm, factps;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_enable_mng_pass_thru");
+ if (!hw->mac.asf_firmware_present)
+ return false;
+ manc = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MANC);
+ if (!(manc & IGC_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN))
+ return false;
+ if (hw->mac.has_fwsm) {
+ fwsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FWSM);
+ factps = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FACTPS);
+ if (!(factps & IGC_FACTPS_MNGCG) &&
+ ((fwsm & IGC_FWSM_MODE_MASK) ==
+ (igc_mng_mode_pt << IGC_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT)))
+ return true;
+ } else if ((hw->mac.type == igc_82574) ||
+ (hw->mac.type == igc_82583)) {
+ u16 data;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ factps = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FACTPS);
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm(hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return false;
+ if (!(factps & IGC_FACTPS_MNGCG) &&
+ ((data & IGC_NVM_INIT_CTRL2_MNGM) ==
+ (igc_mng_mode_pt << 13)))
+ return true;
+ } else if ((manc & IGC_MANC_SMBUS_EN) &&
+ !(manc & IGC_MANC_ASF_EN)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * igc_host_interface_command - Writes buffer to host interface
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: contains a command to write
+ * @length: the byte length of the buffer, must be multiple of 4 bytes
+ *
+ * Writes a buffer to the Host Interface. Upon success, returns IGC_SUCCESS
+ **/
+s32 igc_host_interface_command(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u32 length)
+ u32 hicr, i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_host_interface_command");
+ if (!(hw->mac.arc_subsystem_valid)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Hardware doesn't support host interface command.\n");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (!hw->mac.asf_firmware_present) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Firmware is not present.\n");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (length == 0 || length & 0x3 ||
+ DEBUGOUT("Buffer length failure.\n");
+ }
+ /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_EN)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("IGC_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n");
+ }
+ /* Calculate length in DWORDs */
+ length >>= 2;
+ /* The device driver writes the relevant command block
+ * into the ram area.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ *((u32 *)buffer + i));
+ /* Setting this bit tells the ARC that a new command is pending. */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_C))
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ }
+ /* Check command successful completion. */
+ DEBUGOUT("Command has failed with no status valid.\n");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ *((u32 *)buffer + i) = IGC_READ_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw,
+ i);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_load_firmware - Writes proxy FW code buffer to host interface
+ * and execute.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @buffer: contains a firmware to write
+ * @length: the byte length of the buffer, must be multiple of 4 bytes
+ *
+ * Upon success returns IGC_SUCCESS, returns IGC_ERR_CONFIG if not enabled
+ **/
+s32 igc_load_firmware(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u32 length)
+ u32 hicr, hibba, fwsm, icr, i;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_load_firmware");
+ if (hw->mac.type < igc_i210) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Hardware doesn't support loading FW by the driver\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_EN)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("IGC_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_MEMORY_BASE_EN)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("IGC_HICR_MEMORY_BASE_EN bit disabled.\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ if (length == 0 || length & 0x3 || length > IGC_HI_FW_MAX_LENGTH) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Buffer length failure.\n");
+ }
+ /* Clear notification from ROM-FW by reading ICR register */
+ icr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_ICR_V2);
+ /* Reset ROM-FW */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_HICR, hicr);
+ hicr |= IGC_HICR_FW_RESET;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_HICR, hicr);
+ /* Wait till MAC notifies about its readiness after ROM-FW reset */
+ for (i = 0; i < (IGC_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT * 2); i++) {
+ icr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_ICR_V2);
+ if (icr & IGC_ICR_MNG)
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ }
+ /* Check for timeout */
+ DEBUGOUT("FW reset failed.\n");
+ }
+ /* Wait till MAC is ready to accept new FW code */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ fwsm = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_FWSM);
+ if ((fwsm & IGC_FWSM_FW_VALID) &&
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ }
+ /* Check for timeout */
+ DEBUGOUT("FW reset failed.\n");
+ }
+ /* Calculate length in DWORDs */
+ length >>= 2;
+ /* The device driver writes the relevant FW code block
+ * into the ram area in DWORDs via 1kB ram addressing window.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ /* Point to correct 1kB ram window */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_HIBBA, hibba);
+ }
+ *((u32 *)buffer + i));
+ }
+ /* Setting this bit tells the ARC that a new FW is ready to execute. */
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ hicr = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_HICR);
+ if (!(hicr & IGC_HICR_C))
+ break;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ }
+ /* Check for successful FW start. */
+ DEBUGOUT("New FW did not start within timeout period.\n");
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_MANAGE_H_
+#define _IGC_MANAGE_H_
+bool igc_check_mng_mode_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+bool igc_enable_tx_pkt_filtering_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_mng_enable_host_if_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_mng_host_if_write_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer,
+ u16 length, u16 offset, u8 *sum);
+s32 igc_mng_write_cmd_header_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_host_mng_command_header *hdr);
+s32 igc_mng_write_dhcp_info_generic(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ u8 *buffer, u16 length);
+bool igc_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct igc_hw *hw);
+u8 igc_calculate_checksum(u8 *buffer, u32 length);
+s32 igc_host_interface_command(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u32 length);
+s32 igc_load_firmware(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u32 length);
+enum igc_mng_mode {
+ igc_mng_mode_none = 0,
+ igc_mng_mode_asf,
+ igc_mng_mode_pt,
+ igc_mng_mode_ipmi,
+ igc_mng_mode_host_if_only
+#define IGC_FACTPS_MNGCG 0x20000000
+#define IGC_FWSM_FW_VALID 0x00008000
+#define IGC_MNG_IAMT_MODE 0x3
+#define IGC_HI_MAX_BLOCK_BYTE_LENGTH 1792 /* Num of bytes in range */
+#define IGC_HI_MAX_BLOCK_DWORD_LENGTH 448 /* Num of dwords in range */
+#define IGC_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 500 /* Process HI cmd limit */
+#define IGC_HI_FW_BASE_ADDRESS 0x10000
+#define IGC_HI_FW_MAX_LENGTH (64 * 1024) /* Num of bytes */
+#define IGC_HI_FW_BLOCK_DWORD_LENGTH 256 /* Num of DWORDs per page */
+#define IGC_HICR_MEMORY_BASE_EN 0x200 /* MB Enable bit - RO */
+#define IGC_HICR_EN 0x01 /* Enable bit - RO */
+/* Driver sets this bit when done to put command in RAM */
+#define IGC_HICR_C 0x02
+#define IGC_HICR_SV 0x04 /* Status Validity */
+#define IGC_HICR_FW_RESET 0x80
+/* Intel(R) Active Management Technology signature */
+#define IGC_IAMT_SIGNATURE 0x544D4149
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+static void igc_reload_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+ * igc_init_nvm_ops_generic - Initialize NVM function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Setups up the function pointers to no-op functions
+ **/
+void igc_init_nvm_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_nvm_ops_generic");
+ /* Initialize function pointers */
+ nvm->ops.init_params = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ nvm->ops.acquire = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ nvm->ops.read = igc_null_read_nvm;
+ nvm->ops.release = igc_null_nvm_generic;
+ nvm->ops.reload = igc_reload_nvm_generic;
+ nvm->ops.update = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ nvm->ops.valid_led_default = igc_null_led_default;
+ nvm->ops.validate = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ nvm->ops.write = igc_null_write_nvm;
+ * igc_null_nvm_read - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @a: dummy variable
+ * @b: dummy variable
+ * @c: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_read_nvm(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG * c)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_read_nvm");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_nvm_generic - No-op function, return void
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+void igc_null_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_nvm_generic");
+ * igc_null_led_default - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @data: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_led_default(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG * data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_led_default");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_write_nvm - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @a: dummy variable
+ * @b: dummy variable
+ * @c: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_write_nvm(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG * c)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_write_nvm");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_raise_eec_clk - Raise EEPROM clock
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Enable/Raise the EEPROM clock bit.
+ **/
+static void igc_raise_eec_clk(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *eecd)
+ *eecd = *eecd | IGC_EECD_SK;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, *eecd);
+ usec_delay(hw->nvm.delay_usec);
+ * igc_lower_eec_clk - Lower EEPROM clock
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Clear/Lower the EEPROM clock bit.
+ **/
+static void igc_lower_eec_clk(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *eecd)
+ *eecd = *eecd & ~IGC_EECD_SK;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, *eecd);
+ usec_delay(hw->nvm.delay_usec);
+ * igc_shift_out_eec_bits - Shift data bits our to the EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @data: data to send to the EEPROM
+ * @count: number of bits to shift out
+ *
+ * We need to shift 'count' bits out to the EEPROM. So, the value in the
+ * "data" parameter will be shifted out to the EEPROM one bit at a time.
+ * In order to do this, "data" must be broken down into bits.
+ **/
+static void igc_shift_out_eec_bits(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 data, u16 count)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ u32 mask;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_shift_out_eec_bits");
+ mask = 0x01 << (count - 1);
+ if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_microwire)
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_DO;
+ else if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_spi)
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_DO;
+ do {
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_DI;
+ if (data & mask)
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_DI;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(nvm->delay_usec);
+ igc_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ igc_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ mask >>= 1;
+ } while (mask);
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_DI;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ * igc_shift_in_eec_bits - Shift data bits in from the EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @count: number of bits to shift in
+ *
+ * In order to read a register from the EEPROM, we need to shift 'count' bits
+ * in from the EEPROM. Bits are "shifted in" by raising the clock input to
+ * the EEPROM (setting the SK bit), and then reading the value of the data out
+ * "DO" bit. During this "shifting in" process the data in "DI" bit should
+ * always be clear.
+ **/
+static u16 igc_shift_in_eec_bits(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 count)
+ u32 eecd;
+ u32 i;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_shift_in_eec_bits");
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ eecd &= ~(IGC_EECD_DO | IGC_EECD_DI);
+ data = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ data <<= 1;
+ igc_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_DI;
+ if (eecd & IGC_EECD_DO)
+ data |= 1;
+ igc_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ }
+ return data;
+ * igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done - Poll for EEPROM read/write completion
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @ee_reg: EEPROM flag for polling
+ *
+ * Polls the EEPROM status bit for either read or write completion based
+ * upon the value of 'ee_reg'.
+ **/
+s32 igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct igc_hw *hw, int ee_reg)
+ u32 attempts = 100000;
+ u32 i, reg = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done");
+ for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
+ if (ee_reg == IGC_NVM_POLL_READ)
+ reg = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EERD);
+ else
+ reg = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EEWR);
+ if (reg & IGC_NVM_RW_REG_DONE)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ usec_delay(5);
+ }
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ * igc_acquire_nvm_generic - Generic request for access to EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Set the EEPROM access request bit and wait for EEPROM access grant bit.
+ * Return successful if access grant bit set, else clear the request for
+ * EEPROM access and return -IGC_ERR_NVM (-1).
+ **/
+s32 igc_acquire_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ s32 timeout = IGC_NVM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_acquire_nvm_generic");
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ while (timeout) {
+ if (eecd & IGC_EECD_GNT)
+ break;
+ usec_delay(5);
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if (!timeout) {
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_REQ;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not acquire NVM grant\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_standby_nvm - Return EEPROM to standby state
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Return the EEPROM to a standby state.
+ **/
+static void igc_standby_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_standby_nvm");
+ if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_microwire) {
+ eecd &= ~(IGC_EECD_CS | IGC_EECD_SK);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(nvm->delay_usec);
+ igc_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ /* Select EEPROM */
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_CS;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(nvm->delay_usec);
+ igc_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ } else if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_spi) {
+ /* Toggle CS to flush commands */
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_CS;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(nvm->delay_usec);
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_CS;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(nvm->delay_usec);
+ }
+ * igc_stop_nvm - Terminate EEPROM command
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Terminates the current command by inverting the EEPROM's chip select pin.
+ **/
+void igc_stop_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 eecd;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_stop_nvm");
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ if (hw->nvm.type == igc_nvm_eeprom_spi) {
+ /* Pull CS high */
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_CS;
+ igc_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ } else if (hw->nvm.type == igc_nvm_eeprom_microwire) {
+ /* CS on Microwire is active-high */
+ eecd &= ~(IGC_EECD_CS | IGC_EECD_DI);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ igc_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ igc_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd);
+ }
+ * igc_release_nvm_generic - Release exclusive access to EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Stop any current commands to the EEPROM and clear the EEPROM request bit.
+ **/
+void igc_release_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 eecd;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_release_nvm_generic");
+ igc_stop_nvm(hw);
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ eecd &= ~IGC_EECD_REQ;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ * igc_ready_nvm_eeprom - Prepares EEPROM for read/write
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Setups the EEPROM for reading and writing.
+ **/
+static s32 igc_ready_nvm_eeprom(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ u8 spi_stat_reg;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_ready_nvm_eeprom");
+ if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_microwire) {
+ /* Clear SK and DI */
+ eecd &= ~(IGC_EECD_DI | IGC_EECD_SK);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ /* Set CS */
+ eecd |= IGC_EECD_CS;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ } else if (nvm->type == igc_nvm_eeprom_spi) {
+ u16 timeout = NVM_MAX_RETRY_SPI;
+ /* Clear SK and CS */
+ eecd &= ~(IGC_EECD_CS | IGC_EECD_SK);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EECD, eecd);
+ usec_delay(1);
+ /* Read "Status Register" repeatedly until the LSB is cleared.
+ * The EEPROM will signal that the command has been completed
+ * by clearing bit 0 of the internal status register. If it's
+ * not cleared within 'timeout', then error out.
+ */
+ while (timeout) {
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI,
+ hw->nvm.opcode_bits);
+ spi_stat_reg = (u8)igc_shift_in_eec_bits(hw, 8);
+ if (!(spi_stat_reg & NVM_STATUS_RDY_SPI))
+ break;
+ usec_delay(5);
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if (!timeout) {
+ DEBUGOUT("SPI NVM Status error\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_nvm_spi - Read EEPROM's using SPI
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset of word in the EEPROM to read
+ * @words: number of words to read
+ * @data: word read from the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_nvm_spi(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 i = 0;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 word_in;
+ u8 read_opcode = NVM_READ_OPCODE_SPI;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_nvm_spi");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ if (nvm->address_bits == 8 && offset >= 128)
+ read_opcode |= NVM_A8_OPCODE_SPI;
+ /* Send the READ command (opcode + addr) */
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, read_opcode, nvm->opcode_bits);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)(offset * 2), nvm->address_bits);
+ /* Read the data. SPI NVMs increment the address with each byte
+ * read and will roll over if reading beyond the end. This allows
+ * us to read the whole NVM from any offset
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
+ word_in = igc_shift_in_eec_bits(hw, 16);
+ data[i] = (word_in >> 8) | (word_in << 8);
+ }
+ nvm->ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_nvm_microwire - Reads EEPROM's using microwire
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset of word in the EEPROM to read
+ * @words: number of words to read
+ * @data: word read from the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_nvm_microwire(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 i = 0;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u8 read_opcode = NVM_READ_OPCODE_MICROWIRE;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_nvm_microwire");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
+ /* Send the READ command (opcode + addr) */
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, read_opcode, nvm->opcode_bits);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)(offset + i),
+ nvm->address_bits);
+ /* Read the data. For microwire, each word requires the
+ * overhead of setup and tear-down.
+ */
+ data[i] = igc_shift_in_eec_bits(hw, 16);
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ }
+ nvm->ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_nvm_eerd - Reads EEPROM using EERD register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset of word in the EEPROM to read
+ * @words: number of words to read
+ * @data: word read from the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM using the EERD register.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_nvm_eerd(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ u32 i, eerd = 0;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_nvm_eerd");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * too many words for the offset, and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
+ eerd = ((offset + i) << IGC_NVM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) +
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_EERD, eerd);
+ ret_val = igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, IGC_NVM_POLL_READ);
+ if (ret_val)
+ break;
+ data[i] = (IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EERD) >>
+ }
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT1("NVM read error: %d\n", ret_val);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_nvm_spi - Write to EEPROM using SPI
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset within the EEPROM to be written to
+ * @words: number of words to write
+ * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Writes data to EEPROM at offset using SPI interface.
+ *
+ * If igc_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the
+ * EEPROM will most likely contain an invalid checksum.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_nvm_spi(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ s32 ret_val = -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ u16 widx = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_nvm_spi");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ while (widx < words) {
+ u8 write_opcode = NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI;
+ ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ nvm->ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ /* Send the WRITE ENABLE command (8 bit opcode) */
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI,
+ nvm->opcode_bits);
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ /* Some SPI eeproms use the 8th address bit embedded in the
+ * opcode
+ */
+ if (nvm->address_bits == 8 && offset >= 128)
+ write_opcode |= NVM_A8_OPCODE_SPI;
+ /* Send the Write command (8-bit opcode + addr) */
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, write_opcode, nvm->opcode_bits);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)((offset + widx) * 2),
+ nvm->address_bits);
+ /* Loop to allow for up to whole page write of eeprom */
+ while (widx < words) {
+ u16 word_out = data[widx];
+ word_out = (word_out >> 8) | (word_out << 8);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, word_out, 16);
+ widx++;
+ if ((((offset + widx) * 2) % nvm->page_size) == 0) {
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ msec_delay(10);
+ nvm->ops.release(hw);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_nvm_microwire - Writes EEPROM using microwire
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: offset within the EEPROM to be written to
+ * @words: number of words to write
+ * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the EEPROM
+ *
+ * Writes data to EEPROM at offset using microwire interface.
+ *
+ * If igc_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the
+ * EEPROM will most likely contain an invalid checksum.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_nvm_microwire(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data)
+ struct igc_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 eecd;
+ u16 words_written = 0;
+ u16 widx = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_nvm_microwire");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words,
+ * and not enough words.
+ */
+ if (offset >= nvm->word_size || words > (nvm->word_size - offset) ||
+ words == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_EWEN_OPCODE_MICROWIRE,
+ (u16)(nvm->opcode_bits + 2));
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, 0, (u16)(nvm->address_bits - 2));
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ while (words_written < words) {
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_MICROWIRE,
+ nvm->opcode_bits);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)(offset + words_written),
+ nvm->address_bits);
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, data[words_written], 16);
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ for (widx = 0; widx < 200; widx++) {
+ eecd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_EECD);
+ if (eecd & IGC_EECD_DO)
+ break;
+ usec_delay(50);
+ }
+ if (widx == 200) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Write did not complete\n");
+ ret_val = -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ igc_standby_nvm(hw);
+ words_written++;
+ }
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_EWDS_OPCODE_MICROWIRE,
+ (u16)(nvm->opcode_bits + 2));
+ igc_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, 0, (u16)(nvm->address_bits - 2));
+ nvm->ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_pba_string_generic - Read device part number
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num: pointer to device part number
+ * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores
+ * the value in pba_num.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_string_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num,
+ u32 pba_num_size)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 nvm_data;
+ u16 pba_ptr;
+ u16 offset;
+ u16 length;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_pba_string_generic");
+ if (pba_num == NULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("PBA string buffer was null\n");
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1, 1, &pba_ptr);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* if nvm_data is not ptr guard the PBA must be in legacy format which
+ * means pba_ptr is actually our second data word for the PBA number
+ * and we can decode it into an ascii string
+ */
+ if (nvm_data != NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM PBA number is not stored as string\n");
+ /* make sure callers buffer is big enough to store the PBA */
+ if (pba_num_size < IGC_PBANUM_LENGTH) {
+ DEBUGOUT("PBA string buffer too small\n");
+ return IGC_ERR_NO_SPACE;
+ }
+ /* extract hex string from data and pba_ptr */
+ pba_num[0] = (nvm_data >> 12) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[1] = (nvm_data >> 8) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[2] = (nvm_data >> 4) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[3] = nvm_data & 0xF;
+ pba_num[4] = (pba_ptr >> 12) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[5] = (pba_ptr >> 8) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[6] = '-';
+ pba_num[7] = 0;
+ pba_num[8] = (pba_ptr >> 4) & 0xF;
+ pba_num[9] = pba_ptr & 0xF;
+ /* put a null character on the end of our string */
+ pba_num[10] = '\0';
+ /* switch all the data but the '-' to hex char */
+ for (offset = 0; offset < 10; offset++) {
+ if (pba_num[offset] < 0xA)
+ pba_num[offset] += '0';
+ else if (pba_num[offset] < 0x10)
+ pba_num[offset] += 'A' - 0xA;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, pba_ptr, 1, &length);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (length == 0xFFFF || length == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM PBA number section invalid length\n");
+ }
+ /* check if pba_num buffer is big enough */
+ if (pba_num_size < (((u32)length * 2) - 1)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("PBA string buffer too small\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NO_SPACE;
+ }
+ /* trim pba length from start of string */
+ pba_ptr++;
+ length--;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) {
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, pba_ptr + offset, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ pba_num[offset * 2] = (u8)(nvm_data >> 8);
+ pba_num[(offset * 2) + 1] = (u8)(nvm_data & 0xFF);
+ }
+ pba_num[offset * 2] = '\0';
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_pba_length_generic - Read device part number length
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number length from the EEPROM and
+ * stores the value in pba_num_size.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_length_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num_size)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 nvm_data;
+ u16 pba_ptr;
+ u16 length;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_pba_length_generic");
+ if (pba_num_size == NULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("PBA buffer size was null\n");
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1, 1, &pba_ptr);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* if data is not ptr guard the PBA must be in legacy format */
+ if (nvm_data != NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ *pba_num_size = IGC_PBANUM_LENGTH;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, pba_ptr, 1, &length);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (length == 0xFFFF || length == 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM PBA number section invalid length\n");
+ }
+ /* Convert from length in u16 values to u8 chars, add 1 for NULL,
+ * and subtract 2 because length field is included in length.
+ */
+ *pba_num_size = ((u32)length * 2) - 1;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_pba_num_generic - Read device part number
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @pba_num: pointer to device part number
+ *
+ * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores
+ * the value in pba_num.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_num_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 nvm_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_pba_num_generic");
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ } else if (nvm_data == NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Not Supported\n");
+ }
+ *pba_num = (u32)(nvm_data << 16);
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ *pba_num |= nvm_data;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_pba_raw
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @eeprom_buf: optional pointer to EEPROM image
+ * @eeprom_buf_size: size of EEPROM image in words
+ * @max_pba_block_size: PBA block size limit
+ * @pba: pointer to output PBA structure
+ *
+ * Reads PBA from EEPROM image when eeprom_buf is not NULL.
+ * Reads PBA from physical EEPROM device when eeprom_buf is NULL.
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_pba_raw(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, u16 max_pba_block_size,
+ struct igc_pba *pba)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 pba_block_size;
+ if (pba == NULL)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 2,
+ &pba->word[0]);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1) {
+ pba->word[0] = eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0];
+ pba->word[1] = eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1];
+ } else {
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pba->word[0] == NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ if (pba->pba_block == NULL)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ ret_val = igc_get_pba_block_size(hw, eeprom_buf,
+ eeprom_buf_size,
+ &pba_block_size);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (pba_block_size > max_pba_block_size)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm(hw, pba->word[1],
+ pba_block_size,
+ pba->pba_block);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > (u32)(pba->word[1] +
+ pba_block_size)) {
+ memcpy(pba->pba_block,
+ &eeprom_buf[pba->word[1]],
+ pba_block_size * sizeof(u16));
+ } else {
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_pba_raw
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @eeprom_buf: optional pointer to EEPROM image
+ * @eeprom_buf_size: size of EEPROM image in words
+ * @pba: pointer to PBA structure
+ *
+ * Writes PBA to EEPROM image when eeprom_buf is not NULL.
+ * Writes PBA to physical EEPROM device when eeprom_buf is NULL.
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_pba_raw(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, struct igc_pba *pba)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ if (pba == NULL)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_write_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 2,
+ &pba->word[0]);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1) {
+ eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0] = pba->word[0];
+ eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1] = pba->word[1];
+ } else {
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pba->word[0] == NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ if (pba->pba_block == NULL)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_write_nvm(hw, pba->word[1],
+ pba->pba_block[0],
+ pba->pba_block);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > (u32)(pba->word[1] +
+ pba->pba_block[0])) {
+ memcpy(&eeprom_buf[pba->word[1]],
+ pba->pba_block,
+ pba->pba_block[0] * sizeof(u16));
+ } else {
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_pba_block_size
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @eeprom_buf: optional pointer to EEPROM image
+ * @eeprom_buf_size: size of EEPROM image in words
+ * @pba_data_size: pointer to output variable
+ *
+ * Returns the size of the PBA block in words. Function operates on EEPROM
+ * image if the eeprom_buf pointer is not NULL otherwise it accesses physical
+ * EEPROM device.
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_pba_block_size(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, u16 *pba_block_size)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 pba_word[2];
+ u16 length;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_pba_block_size");
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 2, &pba_word[0]);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1) {
+ pba_word[0] = eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0];
+ pba_word[1] = eeprom_buf[NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1];
+ } else {
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pba_word[0] == NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) {
+ if (eeprom_buf == NULL) {
+ ret_val = igc_read_nvm(hw, pba_word[1] + 0, 1,
+ &length);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ if (eeprom_buf_size > pba_word[1])
+ length = eeprom_buf[pba_word[1] + 0];
+ else
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ if (length == 0xFFFF || length == 0)
+ } else {
+ /* PBA number in legacy format, there is no PBA Block. */
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ if (pba_block_size != NULL)
+ *pba_block_size = length;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_mac_addr_generic - Read device MAC address
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the device MAC address from the EEPROM and stores the value.
+ * Since devices with two ports use the same EEPROM, we increment the
+ * last bit in the MAC address for the second port.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_mac_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 rar_high;
+ u32 rar_low;
+ u16 i;
+ rar_high = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RAH(0));
+ rar_low = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_RAL(0));
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_RAL_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
+ hw->mac.perm_addr[i] = (u8)(rar_low >> (i * 8));
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_RAH_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
+ hw->mac.perm_addr[i + 4] = (u8)(rar_high >> (i * 8));
+ for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++)
+ hw->mac.addr[i] = hw->mac.perm_addr[i];
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_validate_nvm_checksum_generic - Validate EEPROM checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calculates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM
+ * and then verifies that the sum of the EEPROM is equal to 0xBABA.
+ **/
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 checksum = 0;
+ u16 i, nvm_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_validate_nvm_checksum_generic");
+ for (i = 0; i < (NVM_CHECKSUM_REG + 1); i++) {
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ checksum += nvm_data;
+ }
+ if (checksum != (u16)NVM_SUM) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Checksum Invalid\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_NVM;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_update_nvm_checksum_generic - Update EEPROM checksum
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Updates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM
+ * up to the checksum. Then calculates the EEPROM checksum and writes the
+ * value to the EEPROM.
+ **/
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 checksum = 0;
+ u16 i, nvm_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_update_nvm_checksum");
+ for (i = 0; i < NVM_CHECKSUM_REG; i++) {
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Read Error while updating checksum.\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ checksum += nvm_data;
+ }
+ checksum = (u16)NVM_SUM - checksum;
+ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.write(hw, NVM_CHECKSUM_REG, 1, &checksum);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT("NVM Write Error while updating checksum.\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_reload_nvm_generic - Reloads EEPROM
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reloads the EEPROM by setting the "Reinitialize from EEPROM" bit in the
+ * extended control register.
+ **/
+static void igc_reload_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 ctrl_ext;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_reload_nvm_generic");
+ usec_delay(10);
+ ctrl_ext = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT);
+ ctrl_ext |= IGC_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST;
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext);
+ * igc_get_fw_version - Get firmware version information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @fw_vers: pointer to output version structure
+ *
+ * unsupported/not present features return 0 in version structure
+ **/
+void igc_get_fw_version(struct igc_hw *hw, struct igc_fw_version *fw_vers)
+ u16 eeprom_verh, eeprom_verl, etrack_test, fw_version;
+ u8 q, hval, rem, result;
+ u16 comb_verh, comb_verl, comb_offset;
+ memset(fw_vers, 0, sizeof(struct igc_fw_version));
+ /*
+ * basic eeprom version numbers, bits used vary by part and by tool
+ * used to create the nvm images. Check which data format we have.
+ */
+ switch (hw->mac.type) {
+ case igc_i225:
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ETRACK_HIWORD, 1, &etrack_test);
+ /* find combo image version */
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_COMB_VER_PTR, 1, &comb_offset);
+ if (comb_offset && comb_offset != NVM_VER_INVALID) {
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_COMB_VER_OFF + comb_offset + 1,
+ 1, &comb_verh);
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_COMB_VER_OFF + comb_offset,
+ 1, &comb_verl);
+ /* get Option Rom version if it exists and is valid */
+ if (comb_verh && comb_verl &&
+ comb_verh != NVM_VER_INVALID &&
+ comb_verl != NVM_VER_INVALID) {
+ fw_vers->or_valid = true;
+ fw_vers->or_major = comb_verl >>
+ fw_vers->or_build = (comb_verl <<
+ (comb_verh >>
+ fw_vers->or_patch = comb_verh &
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ETRACK_HIWORD, 1, &etrack_test);
+ return;
+ }
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_VERSION, 1, &fw_version);
+ fw_vers->eep_major = (fw_version & NVM_MAJOR_MASK)
+ /* check for old style version format in newer images*/
+ if ((fw_version & NVM_NEW_DEC_MASK) == 0x0) {
+ eeprom_verl = (fw_version & NVM_COMB_VER_MASK);
+ } else {
+ eeprom_verl = (fw_version & NVM_MINOR_MASK)
+ }
+ /* Convert minor value to hex before assigning to output struct
+ * Val to be converted will not be higher than 99, per tool output
+ */
+ q = eeprom_verl / NVM_HEX_CONV;
+ hval = q * NVM_HEX_TENS;
+ rem = eeprom_verl % NVM_HEX_CONV;
+ result = hval + rem;
+ fw_vers->eep_minor = result;
+ if ((etrack_test & NVM_MAJOR_MASK) == NVM_ETRACK_VALID) {
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ETRACK_WORD, 1, &eeprom_verl);
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, (NVM_ETRACK_WORD + 1), 1, &eeprom_verh);
+ fw_vers->etrack_id = (eeprom_verh << NVM_ETRACK_SHIFT)
+ | eeprom_verl;
+ } else if ((etrack_test & NVM_ETRACK_VALID) == 0) {
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, NVM_ETRACK_WORD, 1, &eeprom_verh);
+ hw->nvm.ops.read(hw, (NVM_ETRACK_WORD + 1), 1, &eeprom_verl);
+ fw_vers->etrack_id = (eeprom_verh << NVM_ETRACK_SHIFT) |
+ eeprom_verl;
+ }
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_NVM_H_
+#define _IGC_NVM_H_
+struct igc_pba {
+ u16 word[2];
+ u16 *pba_block;
+struct igc_fw_version {
+ u32 etrack_id;
+ u16 eep_major;
+ u16 eep_minor;
+ u16 eep_build;
+ u8 invm_major;
+ u8 invm_minor;
+ u8 invm_img_type;
+ bool or_valid;
+ u16 or_major;
+ u16 or_build;
+ u16 or_patch;
+void igc_init_nvm_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_read_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 a, u16 b, u16 *c);
+void igc_null_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_led_default(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_null_write_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 a, u16 b, u16 *c);
+s32 igc_acquire_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct igc_hw *hw, int ee_reg);
+s32 igc_read_mac_addr_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_pba_num_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num);
+s32 igc_read_pba_string_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num,
+ u32 pba_num_size);
+s32 igc_read_pba_length_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num_size);
+s32 igc_read_pba_raw(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, u16 max_pba_block_size,
+ struct igc_pba *pba);
+s32 igc_write_pba_raw(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, struct igc_pba *pba);
+s32 igc_get_pba_block_size(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *eeprom_buf,
+ u32 eeprom_buf_size, u16 *pba_block_size);
+s32 igc_read_nvm_spi(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_nvm_microwire(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset,
+ u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_nvm_eerd(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data);
+s32 igc_valid_led_default_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_nvm_microwire(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset,
+ u16 words, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_nvm_spi(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words,
+ u16 *data);
+s32 igc_update_nvm_checksum_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_stop_nvm(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_release_nvm_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_get_fw_version(struct igc_hw *hw,
+ struct igc_fw_version *fw_vers);
+#define IGC_STM_OPCODE 0xDB00
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2020
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+ * NOTE: the following routines using the igc
+ * naming style are provided to the shared
+ * code but are OS specific
+ */
+igc_write_pci_cfg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value)
+ (void)hw;
+ (void)reg;
+ (void)value;
+igc_read_pci_cfg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value)
+ (void)hw;
+ (void)reg;
+ *value = 0;
+igc_pci_set_mwi(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ (void)hw;
+igc_pci_clear_mwi(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ (void)hw;
+ * Read the PCI Express capabilities
+ */
+igc_read_pcie_cap_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value)
+ (void)hw;
+ (void)reg;
+ (void)value;
+ * Write the PCI Express capabilities
+ */
+igc_write_pcie_cap_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value)
+ (void)hw;
+ (void)reg;
+ (void)value;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2020
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_OSDEP_H_
+#define _IGC_OSDEP_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <rte_common.h>
+#include <rte_cycles.h>
+#include <rte_log.h>
+#include <rte_debug.h>
+#include <rte_byteorder.h>
+#include <rte_io.h>
+#include "../igc_logs.h"
+#define DELAY(x) rte_delay_us(x)
+#define usec_delay(x) DELAY(x)
+#define usec_delay_irq(x) DELAY(x)
+#define msec_delay(x) DELAY(1000 * (x))
+#define msec_delay_irq(x) DELAY(1000 * (x))
+#define DEBUGFUNC(F) DEBUGOUT(F "\n")
+#define DEBUGOUT(S, args...) PMD_DRV_LOG_RAW(DEBUG, S, ##args)
+#define DEBUGOUT1(S, args...) DEBUGOUT(S, ##args)
+#define DEBUGOUT2(S, args...) DEBUGOUT(S, ##args)
+#define DEBUGOUT3(S, args...) DEBUGOUT(S, ##args)
+#define DEBUGOUT6(S, args...) DEBUGOUT(S, ##args)
+#define DEBUGOUT7(S, args...) DEBUGOUT(S, ##args)
+#define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(_p) (void)(_p)
+#define UNREFERENCED_1PARAMETER(_p) (void)(_p)
+#define UNREFERENCED_2PARAMETER(_p, _q) \
+ do { \
+ (void)(_p); \
+ (void)(_q); \
+ } while (0)
+#define UNREFERENCED_3PARAMETER(_p, _q, _r) \
+ do { \
+ (void)(_p); \
+ (void)(_q); \
+ (void)(_r); \
+ } while (0)
+#define UNREFERENCED_4PARAMETER(_p, _q, _r, _s) \
+ do { \
+ (void)(_p); \
+ (void)(_q); \
+ (void)(_r); \
+ (void)(_s); \
+ } while (0)
+#define CMD_MEM_WRT_INVALIDATE 0x0010 /* BIT_4 */
+/* Mutex used in the shared code */
+#define IGC_MUTEX uintptr_t
+#define IGC_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) (*(mutex) = 0)
+#define IGC_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) (*(mutex) = 1)
+#define IGC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) (*(mutex) = 0)
+typedef uint64_t u64;
+typedef uint32_t u32;
+typedef uint16_t u16;
+typedef uint8_t u8;
+typedef int64_t s64;
+typedef int32_t s32;
+typedef int16_t s16;
+typedef int8_t s8;
+#define __le16 u16
+#define __le32 u32
+#define __le64 u64
+#define IGC_PCI_REG(reg) rte_read32(reg)
+#define IGC_PCI_REG16(reg) rte_read16(reg)
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE(reg, value) \
+ rte_write32((rte_cpu_to_le_32(value)), reg)
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE_RELAXED(reg, value) \
+ rte_write32_relaxed((rte_cpu_to_le_32(value)), reg)
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE16(reg, value) \
+ rte_write16((rte_cpu_to_le_16(value)), reg)
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR(hw, reg) \
+ ((volatile uint32_t *)((char *)(hw)->hw_addr + (reg)))
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_ARRAY_ADDR(hw, reg, index) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR((hw), (reg) + ((index) << 2))
+#define IGC_PCI_REG_FLASH_ADDR(hw, reg) \
+ ((volatile uint32_t *)((char *)(hw)->flash_address + (reg)))
+static inline uint32_t igc_read_addr(volatile void *addr)
+ return rte_le_to_cpu_32(IGC_PCI_REG(addr));
+static inline uint16_t igc_read_addr16(volatile void *addr)
+ return rte_le_to_cpu_16(IGC_PCI_REG16(addr));
+/* Register READ/WRITE macros */
+#define IGC_READ_REG(hw, reg) \
+ igc_read_addr(IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR((hw), (reg)))
+#define IGC_READ_REG_LE_VALUE(hw, reg) \
+ rte_read32(IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR((hw), (reg)))
+#define IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, reg, value) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE(IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR((hw), (reg)), (value))
+#define IGC_WRITE_REG_LE_VALUE(hw, reg, value) \
+ rte_write32(value, IGC_PCI_REG_ADDR((hw), (reg)))
+#define IGC_READ_REG_ARRAY(hw, reg, index) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG(IGC_PCI_REG_ARRAY_ADDR((hw), (reg), (index)))
+#define IGC_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, reg, index, value) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE(IGC_PCI_REG_ARRAY_ADDR((hw), (reg), (index)), \
+ (value))
+ * To be able to do IO write, we need to map IO BAR
+ * (bar 2/4 depending on device).
+ * Right now mapping multiple BARs is not supported by DPDK.
+ * Fortunatelly we need it only for legacy hw support.
+ */
+#define IGC_WRITE_REG_IO(hw, reg, value) \
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, reg, value)
+ * Tested on I217/I218 chipset.
+ */
+#define IGC_READ_FLASH_REG(hw, reg) \
+ igc_read_addr(IGC_PCI_REG_FLASH_ADDR((hw), (reg)))
+#define IGC_READ_FLASH_REG16(hw, reg) \
+ igc_read_addr16(IGC_PCI_REG_FLASH_ADDR((hw), (reg)))
+#define IGC_WRITE_FLASH_REG(hw, reg, value) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE(IGC_PCI_REG_FLASH_ADDR((hw), (reg)), (value))
+#define IGC_WRITE_FLASH_REG16(hw, reg, value) \
+ IGC_PCI_REG_WRITE16(IGC_PCI_REG_FLASH_ADDR((hw), (reg)), (value))
+#endif /* _IGC_OSDEP_H_ */
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,4422 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#include "e1000_api.h"
+static s32 igc_wait_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw);
+static s32 igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset,
+ u16 *data, bool read, bool page_set);
+static u32 igc_get_phy_addr_for_hv_page(u32 page);
+static s32 igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset,
+ u16 *data, bool read);
+/* Cable length tables */
+static const u16 igc_m88_cable_length_table[] = {
+ 0, 50, 80, 110, 140, 140, IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED };
+ (sizeof(igc_m88_cable_length_table) / \
+ sizeof(igc_m88_cable_length_table[0]))
+static const u16 igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 0, 0, 0, 3,
+ 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22,
+ 26, 30, 33, 37, 41, 44, 48, 51, 54, 58, 61, 21, 26, 31, 35, 40,
+ 44, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 68, 72, 75, 79, 82, 40, 45, 51, 56, 61,
+ 66, 70, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 94, 98, 101, 104, 60, 66, 72, 77, 82,
+ 87, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 111, 114, 117, 119, 121, 83, 89, 95,
+ 100, 105, 109, 113, 116, 119, 122, 124, 104, 109, 114, 118, 121,
+ 124};
+ (sizeof(igc_igp_2_cable_length_table) / \
+ sizeof(igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[0]))
+ * igc_init_phy_ops_generic - Initialize PHY function pointers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Setups up the function pointers to no-op functions
+ **/
+void igc_init_phy_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_init_phy_ops_generic");
+ /* Initialize function pointers */
+ phy->ops.init_params = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.acquire = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.check_polarity = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.check_reset_block = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.commit = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.force_speed_duplex = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.get_cfg_done = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.get_cable_length = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.get_info = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.set_page = igc_null_set_page;
+ phy->ops.read_reg = igc_null_read_reg;
+ phy->ops.read_reg_locked = igc_null_read_reg;
+ phy->ops.read_reg_page = igc_null_read_reg;
+ phy->ops.release = igc_null_phy_generic;
+ phy->ops.reset = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ phy->ops.set_d0_lplu_state = igc_null_lplu_state;
+ phy->ops.set_d3_lplu_state = igc_null_lplu_state;
+ phy->ops.write_reg = igc_null_write_reg;
+ phy->ops.write_reg_locked = igc_null_write_reg;
+ phy->ops.write_reg_page = igc_null_write_reg;
+ phy->ops.power_up = igc_null_phy_generic;
+ phy->ops.power_down = igc_null_phy_generic;
+ phy->ops.read_i2c_byte = igc_read_i2c_byte_null;
+ phy->ops.write_i2c_byte = igc_write_i2c_byte_null;
+ phy->ops.cfg_on_link_up = igc_null_ops_generic;
+ * igc_null_set_page - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @data: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_set_page(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_set_page");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_read_reg - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: dummy variable
+ * @data: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_read_reg(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u32 IGC_UNUSEDARG offset, u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG * data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_read_reg");
+ UNREFERENCED_3PARAMETER(hw, offset, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_phy_generic - No-op function, return void
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ **/
+void igc_null_phy_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_phy_generic");
+ * igc_null_lplu_state - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_lplu_state(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ bool IGC_UNUSEDARG active)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_lplu_state");
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_null_write_reg - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: dummy variable
+ * @data: dummy variable
+ **/
+s32 igc_null_write_reg(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u32 IGC_UNUSEDARG offset, u16 IGC_UNUSEDARG data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_null_write_reg");
+ UNREFERENCED_3PARAMETER(hw, offset, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_i2c_byte_null - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @byte_offset: byte offset to write
+ * @dev_addr: device address
+ * @data: data value read
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_i2c_byte_null(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG byte_offset,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG dev_addr,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG * data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_i2c_byte_null");
+ UNREFERENCED_4PARAMETER(hw, byte_offset, dev_addr, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_i2c_byte_null - No-op function, return 0
+ * @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+ * @byte_offset: byte offset to write
+ * @dev_addr: device address
+ * @data: data value to write
+ *
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_i2c_byte_null(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG byte_offset,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG dev_addr,
+ u8 IGC_UNUSEDARG data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_i2c_byte_null");
+ UNREFERENCED_4PARAMETER(hw, byte_offset, dev_addr, data);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_check_reset_block_generic - Check if PHY reset is blocked
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Read the PHY management control register and check whether a PHY reset
+ * is blocked. If a reset is not blocked return IGC_SUCCESS, otherwise
+ * return IGC_BLK_PHY_RESET (12).
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_reset_block_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 manc;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_reset_block");
+ manc = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MANC);
+ return (manc & IGC_MANC_BLK_PHY_RST_ON_IDE) ?
+ * igc_get_phy_id - Retrieve the PHY ID and revision
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY registers and stores the PHY ID and possibly the PHY
+ * revision in the hardware structure.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_id(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 phy_id;
+ u16 retry_count = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_phy_id");
+ if (!phy->ops.read_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ while (retry_count < 2) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_ID1, &phy_id);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->id = (u32)(phy_id << 16);
+ usec_delay(20);
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_ID2, &phy_id);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->id |= (u32)(phy_id & PHY_REVISION_MASK);
+ phy->revision = (u32)(phy_id & ~PHY_REVISION_MASK);
+ if (phy->id != 0 && phy->id != PHY_REVISION_MASK)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ retry_count++;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_reset_dsp_generic - Reset PHY DSP
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reset the digital signal processor.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_reset_dsp_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_reset_dsp_generic");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.write_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0xC1);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0);
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_mdic - Read MDI control register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the MDI control register in the PHY at offset and stores the
+ * information read to data.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ u32 i, mdic = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_mdic");
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("PHY Address %d is out of range\n", offset);
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ /* Set up Op-code, Phy Address, and register offset in the MDI
+ * Control register. The MAC will take care of interfacing with the
+ * PHY to retrieve the desired data.
+ */
+ mdic = ((offset << IGC_MDIC_REG_SHIFT) |
+ (phy->addr << IGC_MDIC_PHY_SHIFT) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_MDIC, mdic);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the MDI read completed
+ * Increasing the time out as testing showed failures with
+ * the lower time out
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < (IGC_GEN_POLL_TIMEOUT * 3); i++) {
+ usec_delay_irq(50);
+ mdic = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MDIC);
+ if (mdic & IGC_MDIC_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(mdic & IGC_MDIC_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("MDI Read did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (mdic & IGC_MDIC_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("MDI Error\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (((mdic & IGC_MDIC_REG_MASK) >> IGC_MDIC_REG_SHIFT) != offset) {
+ DEBUGOUT2("MDI Read offset error - requested %d, returned %d\n",
+ offset,
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ *data = (u16)mdic;
+ /* Allow some time after each MDIC transaction to avoid
+ * reading duplicate data in the next MDIC transaction.
+ */
+ if (hw->mac.type == igc_pch2lan)
+ usec_delay_irq(100);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_mdic - Write MDI control register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write to register at offset
+ *
+ * Writes data to MDI control register in the PHY at offset.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ u32 i, mdic = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_mdic");
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("PHY Address %d is out of range\n", offset);
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ }
+ /* Set up Op-code, Phy Address, and register offset in the MDI
+ * Control register. The MAC will take care of interfacing with the
+ * PHY to retrieve the desired data.
+ */
+ mdic = (((u32)data) |
+ (offset << IGC_MDIC_REG_SHIFT) |
+ (phy->addr << IGC_MDIC_PHY_SHIFT) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_MDIC, mdic);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the MDI read completed
+ * Increasing the time out as testing showed failures with
+ * the lower time out
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < (IGC_GEN_POLL_TIMEOUT * 3); i++) {
+ usec_delay_irq(50);
+ mdic = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MDIC);
+ if (mdic & IGC_MDIC_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(mdic & IGC_MDIC_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("MDI Write did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (mdic & IGC_MDIC_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("MDI Error\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (((mdic & IGC_MDIC_REG_MASK) >> IGC_MDIC_REG_SHIFT) != offset) {
+ DEBUGOUT2("MDI Write offset error - requested %d, returned %d\n",
+ offset,
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ /* Allow some time after each MDIC transaction to avoid
+ * reading duplicate data in the next MDIC transaction.
+ */
+ if (hw->mac.type == igc_pch2lan)
+ usec_delay_irq(100);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_i2c - Read PHY register using i2c
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset using the i2c interface and stores the
+ * retrieved information in data.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_i2c(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ u32 i, i2ccmd = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_i2c");
+ /* Set up Op-code, Phy Address, and register address in the I2CCMD
+ * register. The MAC will take care of interfacing with the
+ * PHY to retrieve the desired data.
+ */
+ i2ccmd = ((offset << IGC_I2CCMD_REG_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ (phy->addr << IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD, i2ccmd);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the I2C read completed */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ usec_delay(50);
+ i2ccmd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD);
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Read did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Error bit set\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ /* Need to byte-swap the 16-bit value. */
+ *data = ((i2ccmd >> 8) & 0x00FF) | ((i2ccmd << 8) & 0xFF00);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_i2c - Write PHY register using i2c
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Writes the data to PHY register at the offset using the i2c interface.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_i2c(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ u32 i, i2ccmd = 0;
+ u16 phy_data_swapped;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_i2c");
+ /* Prevent overwriting SFP I2C EEPROM which is at A0 address. */
+ if (hw->phy.addr == 0 || hw->phy.addr > 7) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("PHY I2C Address %d is out of range.\n",
+ hw->phy.addr);
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ /* Swap the data bytes for the I2C interface */
+ phy_data_swapped = ((data >> 8) & 0x00FF) | ((data << 8) & 0xFF00);
+ /* Set up Op-code, Phy Address, and register address in the I2CCMD
+ * register. The MAC will take care of interfacing with the
+ * PHY to retrieve the desired data.
+ */
+ i2ccmd = ((offset << IGC_I2CCMD_REG_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ (phy->addr << IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ phy_data_swapped);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD, i2ccmd);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the I2C read completed */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ usec_delay(50);
+ i2ccmd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD);
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Write did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Error bit set\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_sfp_data_byte - Reads SFP module data.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: byte location offset to be read
+ * @data: read data buffer pointer
+ *
+ * Reads one byte from SFP module data stored
+ * in SFP resided EEPROM memory or SFP diagnostic area.
+ * Function should be called with
+ * IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DATA_ADDR(<byte offset>) for SFP module database access
+ * IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DIAG_ADDR(<byte offset>) for SFP diagnostics parameters
+ * access
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_sfp_data_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u8 *data)
+ u32 i = 0;
+ u32 i2ccmd = 0;
+ u32 data_local = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_sfp_data_byte");
+ if (offset > IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DIAG_ADDR(255)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD command address exceeds upper limit\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ /* Set up Op-code, EEPROM Address,in the I2CCMD
+ * register. The MAC will take care of interfacing with the
+ * EEPROM to retrieve the desired data.
+ */
+ i2ccmd = ((offset << IGC_I2CCMD_REG_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD, i2ccmd);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if the I2C read completed */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ usec_delay(50);
+ data_local = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD);
+ if (data_local & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(data_local & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Read did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (data_local & IGC_I2CCMD_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Error bit set\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ *data = (u8)data_local & 0xFF;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_sfp_data_byte - Writes SFP module data.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: byte location offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write
+ *
+ * Writes one byte to SFP module data stored
+ * in SFP resided EEPROM memory or SFP diagnostic area.
+ * Function should be called with
+ * IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DATA_ADDR(<byte offset>) for SFP module database access
+ * IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DIAG_ADDR(<byte offset>) for SFP diagnostics parameters
+ * access
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_sfp_data_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u8 data)
+ u32 i = 0;
+ u32 i2ccmd = 0;
+ u32 data_local = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_sfp_data_byte");
+ if (offset > IGC_I2CCMD_SFP_DIAG_ADDR(255)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD command address exceeds upper limit\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ /* The programming interface is 16 bits wide
+ * so we need to read the whole word first
+ * then update appropriate byte lane and write
+ * the updated word back.
+ */
+ /* Set up Op-code, EEPROM Address,in the I2CCMD
+ * register. The MAC will take care of interfacing
+ * with an EEPROM to write the data given.
+ */
+ i2ccmd = ((offset << IGC_I2CCMD_REG_ADDR_SHIFT) |
+ /* Set a command to read single word */
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD, i2ccmd);
+ for (i = 0; i < IGC_I2CCMD_PHY_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+ usec_delay(50);
+ /* Poll the ready bit to see if lastly
+ * launched I2C operation completed
+ */
+ i2ccmd = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD);
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY) {
+ /* Check if this is READ or WRITE phase */
+ if ((i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_OPCODE_READ) ==
+ /* Write the selected byte
+ * lane and update whole word
+ */
+ data_local = i2ccmd & 0xFF00;
+ data_local |= (u32)data;
+ i2ccmd = ((offset <<
+ IGC_I2CCMD_OPCODE_WRITE | data_local);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_I2CCMD, i2ccmd);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_READY)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Write did not complete\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ if (i2ccmd & IGC_I2CCMD_ERROR) {
+ DEBUGOUT("I2CCMD Error bit set\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_m88 - Read m88 PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * and storing the retrieved information in data. Release any acquired
+ * semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_m88(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_m88");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_m88 - Write m88 PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_m88(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_m88");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_set_page_igp - Set page as on IGP-like PHY(s)
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @page: page to set (shifted left when necessary)
+ *
+ * Sets PHY page required for PHY register access. Assumes semaphore is
+ * already acquired. Note, this function sets phy.addr to 1 so the caller
+ * must set it appropriately (if necessary) after this function returns.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_page_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 page)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_page_igp");
+ DEBUGOUT1("Setting page 0x%x\n", page);
+ hw->phy.addr = 1;
+ return igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, page);
+ * __igc_read_phy_reg_igp - Read igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * and stores the retrieved information in data. Release any acquired
+ * semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_read_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data,
+ bool locked)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_read_phy_reg_igp");
+ if (!locked) {
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG)
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw,
+ (u16)offset);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw,
+ data);
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_igp - Read igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then reads the PHY register at offset and stores the
+ * retrieved information in data.
+ * Release the acquired semaphore before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_phy_reg_igp(hw, offset, data, false);
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_igp_locked - Read igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset and stores the retrieved information
+ * in data. Assumes semaphore already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_phy_reg_igp(hw, offset, data, true);
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_igp - Write igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_write_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data,
+ bool locked)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_igp");
+ if (!locked) {
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG)
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw,
+ (u16)offset);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS &
+ offset,
+ data);
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_igp - Write igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_phy_reg_igp(hw, offset, data, false);
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_igp_locked - Write igp PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Writes the data to PHY register at the offset.
+ * Assumes semaphore already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_phy_reg_igp(hw, offset, data, true);
+ * __igc_read_kmrn_reg - Read kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary. Then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * using the kumeran interface. The information retrieved is stored in data.
+ * Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_read_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data,
+ bool locked)
+ u32 kmrnctrlsta;
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_read_kmrn_reg");
+ if (!locked) {
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ kmrnctrlsta = ((offset << IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET_SHIFT) &
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA, kmrnctrlsta);
+ usec_delay(2);
+ kmrnctrlsta = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA);
+ *data = (u16)kmrnctrlsta;
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_read_kmrn_reg_generic - Read kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then reads the PHY register at offset using the
+ * kumeran interface. The information retrieved is stored in data.
+ * Release the acquired semaphore before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_kmrn_reg(hw, offset, data, false);
+ * igc_read_kmrn_reg_locked - Read kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset using the kumeran interface. The
+ * information retrieved is stored in data.
+ * Assumes semaphore already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_kmrn_reg(hw, offset, data, true);
+ * __igc_write_kmrn_reg - Write kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary. Then write the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset using the kumeran interface. Release any acquired semaphores
+ * before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_write_kmrn_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data,
+ bool locked)
+ u32 kmrnctrlsta;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_kmrn_reg_generic");
+ if (!locked) {
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ kmrnctrlsta = ((offset << IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET_SHIFT) &
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA, kmrnctrlsta);
+ usec_delay(2);
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_kmrn_reg_generic - Write kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then writes the data to the PHY register at the offset
+ * using the kumeran interface. Release the acquired semaphore before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_kmrn_reg(hw, offset, data, false);
+ * igc_write_kmrn_reg_locked - Write kumeran register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Write the data to PHY register at the offset using the kumeran interface.
+ * Assumes semaphore already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_kmrn_reg(hw, offset, data, true);
+ * igc_set_master_slave_mode - Setup PHY for Master/slave mode
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets up Master/slave mode
+ **/
+static s32 igc_set_master_slave_mode(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ /* Resolve Master/Slave mode */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* load defaults for future use */
+ hw->phy.original_ms_type = (phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE) ?
+ ((phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_VALUE) ?
+ igc_ms_force_master :
+ igc_ms_force_slave) : igc_ms_auto;
+ switch (hw->phy.ms_type) {
+ case igc_ms_force_master:
+ phy_data |= (CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE | CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
+ break;
+ case igc_ms_force_slave:
+ phy_data |= CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+ phy_data &= ~(CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
+ break;
+ case igc_ms_auto:
+ phy_data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+ /* fall-through */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, phy_data);
+ * igc_copper_link_setup_82577 - Setup 82577 PHY for copper link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets up Carrier-sense on Transmit and downshift values.
+ **/
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_82577(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_copper_link_setup_82577");
+ if (hw->phy.type == igc_phy_82580) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.reset(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error resetting the PHY.\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Enable CRS on Tx. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, I82577_CFG_REG, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data |= I82577_CFG_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX;
+ /* Enable downshift */
+ phy_data |= I82577_CFG_ENABLE_DOWNSHIFT;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, I82577_CFG_REG, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Set MDI/MDIX mode */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, I82577_PHY_CTRL_2, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data &= ~I82577_PHY_CTRL2_MDIX_CFG_MASK;
+ /* Options:
+ * 0 - Auto (default)
+ * 1 - MDI mode
+ * 2 - MDI-X mode
+ */
+ switch (hw->phy.mdix) {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ phy_data |= I82577_PHY_CTRL2_MANUAL_MDIX;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ phy_data |= I82577_PHY_CTRL2_AUTO_MDI_MDIX;
+ break;
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, I82577_PHY_CTRL_2, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return igc_set_master_slave_mode(hw);
+ * igc_copper_link_setup_m88 - Setup m88 PHY's for copper link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets up MDI/MDI-X and polarity for m88 PHY's. If necessary, transmit clock
+ * and downshift values are set also.
+ **/
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_m88(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_copper_link_setup_m88");
+ /* Enable CRS on Tx. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* For BM PHY this bit is downshift enable */
+ if (phy->type != igc_phy_bm)
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX;
+ /* Options:
+ * MDI/MDI-X = 0 (default)
+ * 0 - Auto for all speeds
+ * 1 - MDI mode
+ * 2 - MDI-X mode
+ * 3 - Auto for 1000Base-T only (MDI-X for 10/100Base-T modes)
+ */
+ phy_data &= ~M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+ switch (phy->mdix) {
+ case 1:
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Options:
+ * disable_polarity_correction = 0 (default)
+ * Automatic Correction for Reversed Cable Polarity
+ * 0 - Disabled
+ * 1 - Enabled
+ */
+ if (phy->disable_polarity_correction)
+ /* Enable downshift on BM (disabled by default) */
+ if (phy->type == igc_phy_bm) {
+ /* For 82574/82583, first disable then enable downshift */
+ if (phy->id == BMIGC_E_PHY_ID_R2) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Commit the changes. */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.commit(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error committing the PHY changes\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (phy->type == igc_phy_m88 && phy->revision < IGC_REVISION_4 &&
+ phy->id != BMIGC_E_PHY_ID_R2) {
+ /* Force TX_CLK in the Extended PHY Specific Control Register
+ * to 25MHz clock.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_EPSCR_TX_CLK_25;
+ if (phy->revision == IGC_REVISION_2 &&
+ phy->id == M88E1111_I_PHY_ID) {
+ /* 82573L PHY - set the downshift counter to 5x. */
+ phy_data |= M88EC018_EPSCR_DOWNSHIFT_COUNTER_5X;
+ } else {
+ /* Configure Master and Slave downshift values */
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (phy->type == igc_phy_bm && phy->id == BMIGC_E_PHY_ID_R2) {
+ /* Set PHY page 0, register 29 to 0x0003 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, 29, 0x0003);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Set PHY page 0, register 30 to 0x0000 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, 30, 0x0000);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Commit the changes. */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.commit(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error committing the PHY changes\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (phy->type == igc_phy_82578) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* 82578 PHY - set the downshift count to 1x. */
+ phy_data |= I82578_EPSCR_DOWNSHIFT_ENABLE;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_copper_link_setup_m88_gen2 - Setup m88 PHY's for copper link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets up MDI/MDI-X and polarity for i347-AT4, m88e1322 and m88e1112 PHY's.
+ * Also enables and sets the downshift parameters.
+ **/
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_m88_gen2(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_copper_link_setup_m88_gen2");
+ /* Enable CRS on Tx. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Options:
+ * MDI/MDI-X = 0 (default)
+ * 0 - Auto for all speeds
+ * 1 - MDI mode
+ * 2 - MDI-X mode
+ * 3 - Auto for 1000Base-T only (MDI-X for 10/100Base-T modes)
+ */
+ phy_data &= ~M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+ switch (phy->mdix) {
+ case 1:
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* M88E1112 does not support this mode) */
+ if (phy->id != M88E1112_E_PHY_ID) {
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Fall through */
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Options:
+ * disable_polarity_correction = 0 (default)
+ * Automatic Correction for Reversed Cable Polarity
+ * 0 - Disabled
+ * 1 - Enabled
+ */
+ if (phy->disable_polarity_correction)
+ /* Enable downshift and setting it to X6 */
+ if (phy->id == M88E1543_E_PHY_ID) {
+ phy_data &= ~I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_ENABLE;
+ ret_val =
+ phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.commit(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error committing the PHY changes\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ phy_data &= ~I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_MASK;
+ phy_data |= I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_6X;
+ phy_data |= I347AT4_PSCR_DOWNSHIFT_ENABLE;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Commit the changes. */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.commit(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error committing the PHY changes\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_set_master_slave_mode(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_copper_link_setup_igp - Setup igp PHY's for copper link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Sets up LPLU, MDI/MDI-X, polarity, Smartspeed and Master/Slave config for
+ * igp PHY's.
+ **/
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_igp(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_copper_link_setup_igp");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.reset(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error resetting the PHY.\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Wait 100ms for MAC to configure PHY from NVM settings, to avoid
+ * timeout issues when LFS is enabled.
+ */
+ msec_delay(100);
+ /* The NVM settings will configure LPLU in D3 for
+ * non-IGP1 PHYs.
+ */
+ if (phy->type == igc_phy_igp) {
+ /* disable lplu d3 during driver init */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.set_d3_lplu_state(hw, false);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error Disabling LPLU D3\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ /* disable lplu d0 during driver init */
+ if (hw->phy.ops.set_d0_lplu_state) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.set_d0_lplu_state(hw, false);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error Disabling LPLU D0\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Configure mdi-mdix settings */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CTRL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ switch (phy->mdix) {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CTRL, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* set auto-master slave resolution settings */
+ if (hw->mac.autoneg) {
+ /* when autonegotiation advertisement is only 1000Mbps then we
+ * should disable SmartSpeed and enable Auto MasterSlave
+ * resolution as hardware default.
+ */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised == ADVERTISE_1000_FULL) {
+ /* Disable SmartSpeed */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw,
+ &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw,
+ data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Set auto Master/Slave resolution process */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_set_master_slave_mode(hw);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_setup_autoneg - Configure PHY for auto-negotiation
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the MII auto-neg advertisement register and/or the 1000T control
+ * register and if the PHY is already setup for auto-negotiation, then
+ * return successful. Otherwise, setup advertisement and flow control to
+ * the appropriate values for the wanted auto-negotiation.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_setup_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 mii_autoneg_adv_reg;
+ u16 mii_1000t_ctrl_reg = 0;
+ u16 aneg_multigbt_an_ctrl = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_setup_autoneg");
+ phy->autoneg_advertised &= phy->autoneg_mask;
+ /* Read the MII Auto-Neg Advertisement Register (Address 4). */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, &mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (phy->autoneg_mask & ADVERTISE_1000_FULL) {
+ /* Read the MII 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9). */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL,
+ &mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if ((phy->autoneg_mask & ADVERTISE_2500_FULL) &&
+ hw->phy.id == I225_I_PHY_ID) {
+ /* Read the MULTI GBT AN Control Register - reg 7.32 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, (STANDARD_AN_REG_MASK <<
+ &aneg_multigbt_an_ctrl);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Need to parse both autoneg_advertised and fc and set up
+ * the appropriate PHY registers. First we will parse for
+ * autoneg_advertised software override. Since we can advertise
+ * a plethora of combinations, we need to check each bit
+ * individually.
+ */
+ /* First we clear all the 10/100 mb speed bits in the Auto-Neg
+ * Advertisement Register (Address 4) and the 1000 mb speed bits in
+ * the 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9).
+ */
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~(NWAY_AR_100TX_FD_CAPS |
+ mii_1000t_ctrl_reg &= ~(CR_1000T_HD_CAPS | CR_1000T_FD_CAPS);
+ DEBUGOUT1("autoneg_advertised %x\n", phy->autoneg_advertised);
+ /* Do we want to advertise 10 Mb Half Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_10_HALF) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 10mb Half duplex\n");
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_10T_HD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* Do we want to advertise 10 Mb Full Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_10_FULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 10mb Full duplex\n");
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_10T_FD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* Do we want to advertise 100 Mb Half Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_100_HALF) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 100mb Half duplex\n");
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_100TX_HD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* Do we want to advertise 100 Mb Full Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_100_FULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 100mb Full duplex\n");
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_100TX_FD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* We do not allow the Phy to advertise 1000 Mb Half Duplex */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_1000_HALF)
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 1000mb Half duplex request denied!\n");
+ /* Do we want to advertise 1000 Mb Full Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_1000_FULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 1000mb Full duplex\n");
+ mii_1000t_ctrl_reg |= CR_1000T_FD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* We do not allow the Phy to advertise 2500 Mb Half Duplex */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_2500_HALF)
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 2500mb Half duplex request denied!\n");
+ /* Do we want to advertise 2500 Mb Full Duplex? */
+ if (phy->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_2500_FULL) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 2500mb Full duplex\n");
+ aneg_multigbt_an_ctrl |= CR_2500T_FD_CAPS;
+ } else {
+ aneg_multigbt_an_ctrl &= ~CR_2500T_FD_CAPS;
+ }
+ /* Check for a software override of the flow control settings, and
+ * setup the PHY advertisement registers accordingly. If
+ * auto-negotiation is enabled, then software will have to set the
+ * "PAUSE" bits to the correct value in the Auto-Negotiation
+ * Advertisement Register (PHY_AUTONEG_ADV) and re-start auto-
+ * negotiation.
+ *
+ * The possible values of the "fc" parameter are:
+ * 0: Flow control is completely disabled
+ * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause frames
+ * but not send pause frames).
+ * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames
+ * but we do not support receiving pause frames).
+ * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) are enabled.
+ * other: No software override. The flow control configuration
+ * in the EEPROM is used.
+ */
+ switch (hw->fc.current_mode) {
+ case igc_fc_none:
+ /* Flow control (Rx & Tx) is completely disabled by a
+ * software over-ride.
+ */
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~(NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR | NWAY_AR_PAUSE);
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_rx_pause:
+ /* Rx Flow control is enabled, and Tx Flow control is
+ * disabled, by a software over-ride.
+ *
+ * Since there really isn't a way to advertise that we are
+ * capable of Rx Pause ONLY, we will advertise that we
+ * support both symmetric and asymmetric Rx PAUSE. Later
+ * (in igc_config_fc_after_link_up) we will disable the
+ * hw's ability to send PAUSE frames.
+ */
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= (NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR | NWAY_AR_PAUSE);
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_tx_pause:
+ /* Tx Flow control is enabled, and Rx Flow control is
+ * disabled, by a software over-ride.
+ */
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR;
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~NWAY_AR_PAUSE;
+ break;
+ case igc_fc_full:
+ /* Flow control (both Rx and Tx) is enabled by a software
+ * over-ride.
+ */
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= (NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR | NWAY_AR_PAUSE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUGOUT("Flow control param set incorrectly\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ DEBUGOUT1("Auto-Neg Advertising %x\n", mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
+ if (phy->autoneg_mask & ADVERTISE_1000_FULL)
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL,
+ mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
+ if ((phy->autoneg_mask & ADVERTISE_2500_FULL) &&
+ hw->phy.id == I225_I_PHY_ID)
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw,
+ aneg_multigbt_an_ctrl);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_copper_link_autoneg - Setup/Enable autoneg for copper link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Performs initial bounds checking on autoneg advertisement parameter, then
+ * configure to advertise the full capability. Setup the PHY to autoneg
+ * and restart the negotiation process between the link partner. If
+ * autoneg_wait_to_complete, then wait for autoneg to complete before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_copper_link_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_copper_link_autoneg");
+ /* Perform some bounds checking on the autoneg advertisement
+ * parameter.
+ */
+ phy->autoneg_advertised &= phy->autoneg_mask;
+ /* If autoneg_advertised is zero, we assume it was not defaulted
+ * by the calling code so we set to advertise full capability.
+ */
+ if (!phy->autoneg_advertised)
+ phy->autoneg_advertised = phy->autoneg_mask;
+ DEBUGOUT("Reconfiguring auto-neg advertisement params\n");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_setup_autoneg(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error Setting up Auto-Negotiation\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT("Restarting Auto-Neg\n");
+ /* Restart auto-negotiation by setting the Auto Neg Enable bit and
+ * the Auto Neg Restart bit in the PHY control register.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_ctrl);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_ctrl);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Does the user want to wait for Auto-Neg to complete here, or
+ * check at a later time (for example, callback routine).
+ */
+ if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) {
+ ret_val = igc_wait_autoneg(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error while waiting for autoneg to complete\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ hw->mac.get_link_status = true;
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_setup_copper_link_generic - Configure copper link settings
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calls the appropriate function to configure the link for auto-neg or forced
+ * speed and duplex. Then we check for link, once link is established calls
+ * to configure collision distance and flow control are called. If link is
+ * not established, we return -IGC_ERR_PHY (-2).
+ **/
+s32 igc_setup_copper_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ bool link = false;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_setup_copper_link_generic");
+ if (hw->mac.autoneg) {
+ /* Setup autoneg and flow control advertisement and perform
+ * autonegotiation.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_copper_link_autoneg(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ /* PHY will be set to 10H, 10F, 100H or 100F
+ * depending on user settings.
+ */
+ DEBUGOUT("Forcing Speed and Duplex\n");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.force_speed_duplex(hw);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Error Forcing Speed and Duplex\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check link status. Wait up to 100 microseconds for link to become
+ * valid.
+ */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, COPPER_LINK_UP_LIMIT, 10,
+ &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (link) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Valid link established!!!\n");
+ hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ ret_val = igc_config_fc_after_link_up_generic(hw);
+ } else {
+ DEBUGOUT("Unable to establish link!!!\n");
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp - Force speed/duplex for igp PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calls the PHY setup function to force speed and duplex. Clears the
+ * auto-crossover to force MDI manually. Waits for link and returns
+ * successful if link up is successful, else -IGC_ERR_PHY (-2).
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &phy_data);
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Clear Auto-Crossover to force MDI manually. IGP requires MDI
+ * forced whenever speed and duplex are forced.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data &= ~IGP01IGC_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX;
+ phy_data &= ~IGP01IGC_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ DEBUGOUT1("IGP PSCR: %X\n", phy_data);
+ usec_delay(1);
+ if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on IGP phy.\n");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link)
+ DEBUGOUT("Link taking longer than expected.\n");
+ /* Try once more */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88 - Force speed/duplex for m88 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calls the PHY setup function to force speed and duplex. Clears the
+ * auto-crossover to force MDI manually. Resets the PHY to commit the
+ * changes. If time expires while waiting for link up, we reset the DSP.
+ * After reset, TX_CLK and CRS on Tx must be set. Return successful upon
+ * successful completion, else return corresponding error code.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88");
+ /* I210 and I211 devices support Auto-Crossover in forced operation. */
+ if (phy->type != igc_phy_i210) {
+ /* Clear Auto-Crossover to force MDI manually. M88E1000
+ * requires MDI forced whenever speed and duplex are forced.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data &= ~M88IGC_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+ phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ DEBUGOUT1("M88E1000 PSCR: %X\n", phy_data);
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &phy_data);
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Reset the phy to commit changes. */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.commit(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on M88 phy.\n");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link) {
+ bool reset_dsp = true;
+ switch (hw->phy.id) {
+ case I347AT4_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1340M_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1112_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1543_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1512_E_PHY_ID:
+ case I210_I_PHY_ID:
+ /* fall-through */
+ case I225_I_PHY_ID:
+ /* fall-through */
+ reset_dsp = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (hw->phy.type != igc_phy_m88)
+ reset_dsp = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!reset_dsp) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Link taking longer than expected.\n");
+ } else {
+ /* We didn't get link.
+ * Reset the DSP and cross our fingers.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw,
+ 0x001d);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_phy_reset_dsp_generic(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try once more */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (hw->phy.type != igc_phy_m88)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->phy.id == I347AT4_E_PHY_ID ||
+ hw->phy.id == M88E1340M_E_PHY_ID ||
+ hw->phy.id == M88E1112_E_PHY_ID)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->phy.id == I210_I_PHY_ID)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->phy.id == I225_I_PHY_ID)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ if (hw->phy.id == M88E1543_E_PHY_ID || hw->phy.id == M88E1512_E_PHY_ID)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Resetting the phy means we need to re-force TX_CLK in the
+ * Extended PHY Specific Control Register to 25MHz clock from
+ * the reset value of 2.5MHz.
+ */
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_EPSCR_TX_CLK_25;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* In addition, we must re-enable CRS on Tx for both half and full
+ * duplex.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_data |= M88IGC_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife - Force PHY speed & duplex
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Forces the speed and duplex settings of the PHY.
+ * This is a function pointer entry point only called by
+ * PHY setup routines.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &data);
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Disable MDI-X support for 10/100 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ data &= ~IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX;
+ data &= ~IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ DEBUGOUT1("IFE PMC: %X\n", data);
+ usec_delay(1);
+ if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on IFE phy.\n");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link)
+ DEBUGOUT("Link taking longer than expected.\n");
+ /* Try once more */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup - Configure forced PHY speed/duplex
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @phy_ctrl: pointer to current value of PHY_CONTROL
+ *
+ * Forces speed and duplex on the PHY by doing the following: disable flow
+ * control, force speed/duplex on the MAC, disable auto speed detection,
+ * disable auto-negotiation, configure duplex, configure speed, configure
+ * the collision distance, write configuration to CTRL register. The
+ * caller must write to the PHY_CONTROL register for these settings to
+ * take affect.
+ **/
+void igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_ctrl)
+ struct igc_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup");
+ /* Turn off flow control when forcing speed/duplex */
+ hw->fc.current_mode = igc_fc_none;
+ /* Force speed/duplex on the mac */
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ ctrl &= ~IGC_CTRL_SPD_SEL;
+ /* Disable Auto Speed Detection */
+ ctrl &= ~IGC_CTRL_ASDE;
+ /* Disable autoneg on the phy */
+ *phy_ctrl &= ~MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN;
+ /* Forcing Full or Half Duplex? */
+ if (mac->forced_speed_duplex & IGC_ALL_HALF_DUPLEX) {
+ ctrl &= ~IGC_CTRL_FD;
+ *phy_ctrl &= ~MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX;
+ DEBUGOUT("Half Duplex\n");
+ } else {
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_FD;
+ *phy_ctrl |= MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX;
+ DEBUGOUT("Full Duplex\n");
+ }
+ /* Forcing 10mb or 100mb? */
+ if (mac->forced_speed_duplex & IGC_ALL_100_SPEED) {
+ ctrl |= IGC_CTRL_SPD_100;
+ *phy_ctrl |= MII_CR_SPEED_100;
+ *phy_ctrl &= ~MII_CR_SPEED_1000;
+ DEBUGOUT("Forcing 100mb\n");
+ } else {
+ ctrl &= ~(IGC_CTRL_SPD_1000 | IGC_CTRL_SPD_100);
+ *phy_ctrl &= ~(MII_CR_SPEED_1000 | MII_CR_SPEED_100);
+ DEBUGOUT("Forcing 10mb\n");
+ }
+ hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ * igc_set_d3_lplu_state_generic - Sets low power link up state for D3
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @active: boolean used to enable/disable lplu
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns 1
+ *
+ * The low power link up (lplu) state is set to the power management level D3
+ * and SmartSpeed is disabled when active is true, else clear lplu for D3
+ * and enable Smartspeed. LPLU and Smartspeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU
+ * is used during Dx states where the power conservation is most important.
+ * During driver activity, SmartSpeed should be enabled so performance is
+ * maintained.
+ **/
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_set_d3_lplu_state_generic");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.read_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP02IGC_PHY_POWER_MGMT, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!active) {
+ data &= ~IGP02IGC_PM_D3_LPLU;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IGP02IGC_PHY_POWER_MGMT,
+ data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* LPLU and SmartSpeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU is used
+ * during Dx states where the power conservation is most
+ * important. During driver activity we should enable
+ * SmartSpeed, so performance is maintained.
+ */
+ if (phy->smart_speed == igc_smart_speed_on) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw,
+ &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw,
+ data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else if (phy->smart_speed == igc_smart_speed_off) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw,
+ &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw,
+ data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ } else if ((phy->autoneg_advertised == IGC_ALL_SPEED_DUPLEX) ||
+ (phy->autoneg_advertised == IGC_ALL_NOT_GIG) ||
+ (phy->autoneg_advertised == IGC_ALL_10_SPEED)) {
+ data |= IGP02IGC_PM_D3_LPLU;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IGP02IGC_PHY_POWER_MGMT,
+ data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* When LPLU is enabled, we should disable SmartSpeed */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
+ &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
+ data);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_check_downshift_generic - Checks whether a downshift in speed occurred
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns 1
+ *
+ * A downshift is detected by querying the PHY link health.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_downshift_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data, offset, mask;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_downshift_generic");
+ switch (phy->type) {
+ case igc_phy_i210:
+ case igc_phy_m88:
+ case igc_phy_gg82563:
+ case igc_phy_bm:
+ case igc_phy_82578:
+ offset = M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_STATUS;
+ break;
+ case igc_phy_igp:
+ case igc_phy_igp_2:
+ case igc_phy_igp_3:
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* speed downshift not supported */
+ phy->speed_downgraded = false;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, offset, &phy_data);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ phy->speed_downgraded = !!(phy_data & mask);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_check_polarity_m88 - Checks the polarity.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns -IGC_ERR_PHY (-2)
+ *
+ * Polarity is determined based on the PHY specific status register.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_polarity_m88(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_polarity_m88");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &data);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ phy->cable_polarity = ((data & M88IGC_PSSR_REV_POLARITY)
+ ? igc_rev_polarity_reversed
+ : igc_rev_polarity_normal);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_check_polarity_igp - Checks the polarity.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns -IGC_ERR_PHY (-2)
+ *
+ * Polarity is determined based on the PHY port status register, and the
+ * current speed (since there is no polarity at 100Mbps).
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_polarity_igp(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data, offset, mask;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_polarity_igp");
+ /* Polarity is determined based on the speed of
+ * our connection.
+ */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_STATUS, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if ((data & IGP01IGC_PSSR_SPEED_MASK) ==
+ } else {
+ /* This really only applies to 10Mbps since
+ * there is no polarity for 100Mbps (always 0).
+ */
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, offset, &data);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ phy->cable_polarity = ((data & mask)
+ ? igc_rev_polarity_reversed
+ : igc_rev_polarity_normal);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_check_polarity_ife - Check cable polarity for IFE PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Polarity is determined on the polarity reversal feature being enabled.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_polarity_ife(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data, offset, mask;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_polarity_ife");
+ /* Polarity is determined based on the reversal feature being enabled.
+ */
+ if (phy->polarity_correction) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, offset, &phy_data);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ phy->cable_polarity = ((phy_data & mask)
+ ? igc_rev_polarity_reversed
+ : igc_rev_polarity_normal);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_wait_autoneg - Wait for auto-neg completion
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Waits for auto-negotiation to complete or for the auto-negotiation time
+ * limit to expire, which ever happens first.
+ **/
+static s32 igc_wait_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 i, phy_status;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_wait_autoneg");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.read_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* Break after autoneg completes or PHY_AUTO_NEG_LIMIT expires. */
+ for (i = PHY_AUTO_NEG_LIMIT; i > 0; i--) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_status);
+ if (ret_val)
+ break;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_status);
+ if (ret_val)
+ break;
+ if (phy_status & MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE)
+ break;
+ msec_delay(100);
+ }
+ /* PHY_AUTO_NEG_TIME expiration doesn't guarantee auto-negotiation
+ * has completed.
+ */
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_has_link_generic - Polls PHY for link
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @iterations: number of times to poll for link
+ * @usec_interval: delay between polling attempts
+ * @success: pointer to whether polling was successful or not
+ *
+ * Polls the PHY status register for link, 'iterations' number of times.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_has_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 iterations,
+ u32 usec_interval, bool *success)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 i, phy_status;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_has_link_generic");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.read_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+ /* Some PHYs require the PHY_STATUS register to be read
+ * twice due to the link bit being sticky. No harm doing
+ * it across the board.
+ */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_status);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ /* If the first read fails, another entity may have
+ * ownership of the resources, wait and try again to
+ * see if they have relinquished the resources yet.
+ */
+ if (usec_interval >= 1000)
+ msec_delay(usec_interval / 1000);
+ else
+ usec_delay(usec_interval);
+ }
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_status);
+ if (ret_val)
+ break;
+ if (phy_status & MII_SR_LINK_STATUS)
+ break;
+ if (usec_interval >= 1000)
+ msec_delay(usec_interval / 1000);
+ else
+ usec_delay(usec_interval);
+ }
+ *success = (i < iterations);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_cable_length_m88 - Determine cable length for m88 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY specific status register to retrieve the cable length
+ * information. The cable length is determined by averaging the minimum and
+ * maximum values to get the "average" cable length. The m88 PHY has four
+ * possible cable length values, which are:
+ * Register Value Cable Length
+ * 0 < 50 meters
+ * 1 50 - 80 meters
+ * 2 80 - 110 meters
+ * 3 110 - 140 meters
+ * 4 > 140 meters
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_m88(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data, index;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cable_length_m88");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ index = ((phy_data & M88IGC_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
+ if (index >= M88IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 1)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ phy->min_cable_length = igc_m88_cable_length_table[index];
+ phy->max_cable_length = igc_m88_cable_length_table[index + 1];
+ phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length + phy->max_cable_length) / 2;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_m88_gen2(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val = 0;
+ u16 phy_data, phy_data2, is_cm;
+ u16 index, default_page;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cable_length_m88_gen2");
+ switch (hw->phy.id) {
+ case I210_I_PHY_ID:
+ /* Get cable length from PHY Cable Diagnostics Control Reg */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, (0x7 << GS40G_PAGE_SHIFT) +
+ (I347AT4_PCDL + phy->addr),
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Check if the unit of cable length is meters or cm */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, (0x7 << GS40G_PAGE_SHIFT) +
+ I347AT4_PCDC, &phy_data2);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ is_cm = !(phy_data2 & I347AT4_PCDC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNIT);
+ /* Populate the phy structure with cable length in meters */
+ phy->min_cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ phy->max_cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ phy->cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ break;
+ case I225_I_PHY_ID:
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* TODO - complete with Foxville data */
+ break;
+ case M88E1543_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1512_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1340M_E_PHY_ID:
+ case I347AT4_E_PHY_ID:
+ /* Remember the original page select and set it to 7 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT,
+ &default_page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT, 0x07);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Get cable length from PHY Cable Diagnostics Control Reg */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, (I347AT4_PCDL + phy->addr),
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Check if the unit of cable length is meters or cm */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I347AT4_PCDC, &phy_data2);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ is_cm = !(phy_data2 & I347AT4_PCDC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNIT);
+ /* Populate the phy structure with cable length in meters */
+ phy->min_cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ phy->max_cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ phy->cable_length = phy_data / (is_cm ? 100 : 1);
+ /* Reset the page select to its original value */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT,
+ default_page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ break;
+ case M88E1112_E_PHY_ID:
+ /* Remember the original page select and set it to 5 */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT,
+ &default_page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT, 0x05);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88E1112_VCT_DSP_DISTANCE,
+ &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ index = (phy_data & M88IGC_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
+ if (index >= M88IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 1)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ phy->min_cable_length = igc_m88_cable_length_table[index];
+ phy->max_cable_length = igc_m88_cable_length_table[index + 1];
+ phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length +
+ phy->max_cable_length) / 2;
+ /* Reset the page select to its original value */
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, I347AT4_PAGE_SELECT,
+ default_page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_cable_length_igp_2 - Determine cable length for igp2 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * The automatic gain control (agc) normalizes the amplitude of the
+ * received signal, adjusting for the attenuation produced by the
+ * cable. By reading the AGC registers, which represent the
+ * combination of coarse and fine gain value, the value can be put
+ * into a lookup table to obtain the approximate cable length
+ * for each channel.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_igp_2(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data, i, agc_value = 0;
+ u16 cur_agc_index, max_agc_index = 0;
+ u16 min_agc_index = IGP02IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
+ static const u16 agc_reg_array[IGP02IGC_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM] = {
+ };
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cable_length_igp_2");
+ /* Read the AGC registers for all channels */
+ for (i = 0; i < IGP02IGC_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, agc_reg_array[i], &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Getting bits 15:9, which represent the combination of
+ * coarse and fine gain values. The result is a number
+ * that can be put into the lookup table to obtain the
+ * approximate cable length.
+ */
+ cur_agc_index = ((phy_data >> IGP02IGC_AGC_LENGTH_SHIFT) &
+ /* Array index bound check. */
+ if (cur_agc_index >= IGP02IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE ||
+ cur_agc_index == 0)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* Remove min & max AGC values from calculation. */
+ if (igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[min_agc_index] >
+ igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[cur_agc_index])
+ min_agc_index = cur_agc_index;
+ if (igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[max_agc_index] <
+ igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[cur_agc_index])
+ max_agc_index = cur_agc_index;
+ agc_value += igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[cur_agc_index];
+ }
+ agc_value -= (igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[min_agc_index] +
+ igc_igp_2_cable_length_table[max_agc_index]);
+ agc_value /= (IGP02IGC_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM - 2);
+ /* Calculate cable length with the error range of +/- 10 meters. */
+ phy->min_cable_length = (((agc_value - IGP02IGC_AGC_RANGE) > 0) ?
+ (agc_value - IGP02IGC_AGC_RANGE) : 0);
+ phy->max_cable_length = agc_value + IGP02IGC_AGC_RANGE;
+ phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length + phy->max_cable_length) / 2;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_phy_info_m88 - Retrieve PHY information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Valid for only copper links. Read the PHY status register (sticky read)
+ * to verify that link is up. Read the PHY special control register to
+ * determine the polarity and 10base-T extended distance. Read the PHY
+ * special status register to determine MDI/MDIx and current speed. If
+ * speed is 1000, then determine cable length, local and remote receiver.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_m88(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_phy_info_m88");
+ if (phy->media_type != igc_media_type_copper) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Phy info is only valid for copper media\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->polarity_correction = !!(phy_data &
+ ret_val = igc_check_polarity_m88(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, M88IGC_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->is_mdix = !!(phy_data & M88IGC_PSSR_MDIX);
+ if ((phy_data & M88IGC_PSSR_SPEED) == M88IGC_PSSR_1000MBS) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->local_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ phy->remote_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ } else {
+ /* Set values to "undefined" */
+ phy->cable_length = IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED;
+ phy->local_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ phy->remote_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_phy_info_igp - Retrieve igp PHY information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Read PHY status to determine if link is up. If link is up, then
+ * set/determine 10base-T extended distance and polarity correction. Read
+ * PHY port status to determine MDI/MDIx and speed. Based on the speed,
+ * determine on the cable length, local and remote receiver.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_igp(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_phy_info_igp");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ phy->polarity_correction = true;
+ ret_val = igc_check_polarity_igp(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_STATUS, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->is_mdix = !!(data & IGP01IGC_PSSR_MDIX);
+ if ((data & IGP01IGC_PSSR_SPEED_MASK) ==
+ ret_val = phy->ops.get_cable_length(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->local_rx = (data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ phy->remote_rx = (data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ } else {
+ phy->cable_length = IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED;
+ phy->local_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ phy->remote_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_phy_info_ife - Retrieves various IFE PHY states
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Populates "phy" structure with various feature states.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_ife(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_phy_info_ife");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->polarity_correction = !(data & IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE);
+ if (phy->polarity_correction) {
+ ret_val = igc_check_polarity_ife(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ } else {
+ /* Polarity is forced */
+ phy->cable_polarity = ((data & IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY)
+ ? igc_rev_polarity_reversed
+ : igc_rev_polarity_normal);
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->is_mdix = !!(data & IFE_PMC_MDIX_STATUS);
+ /* The following parameters are undefined for 10/100 operation. */
+ phy->cable_length = IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED;
+ phy->local_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ phy->remote_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_sw_reset_generic - PHY software reset
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Does a software reset of the PHY by reading the PHY control register and
+ * setting/write the control register reset bit to the PHY.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_sw_reset_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_sw_reset_generic");
+ if (!hw->phy.ops.read_reg)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_ctrl);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy_ctrl |= MII_CR_RESET;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_ctrl);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ usec_delay(1);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_hw_reset_generic - PHY hardware reset
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Verify the reset block is not blocking us from resetting. Acquire
+ * semaphore (if necessary) and read/set/write the device control reset
+ * bit in the PHY. Wait the appropriate delay time for the device to
+ * reset and release the semaphore (if necessary).
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_hw_reset_generic(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 ctrl;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_hw_reset_generic");
+ if (phy->ops.check_reset_block) {
+ ret_val = phy->ops.check_reset_block(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ ret_val = phy->ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL);
+ usec_delay(phy->reset_delay_us);
+ IGC_WRITE_REG(hw, IGC_CTRL, ctrl);
+ usec_delay(150);
+ phy->ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_cfg_done_generic - Generic configuration done
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Generic function to wait 10 milli-seconds for configuration to complete
+ * and return success.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_cfg_done_generic(struct igc_hw IGC_UNUSEDARG * hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cfg_done_generic");
+ msec_delay_irq(10);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_phy_init_script_igp3 - Inits the IGP3 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Initializes a Intel Gigabit PHY3 when an EEPROM is not present.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_init_script_igp3(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGOUT("Running IGP 3 PHY init script\n");
+ /* PHY init IGP 3 */
+ /* Enable rise/fall, 10-mode work in class-A */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, 0x9018);
+ /* Remove all caps from Replica path filter */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2F52, 0x0000);
+ /* Bias trimming for ADC, AFE and Driver (Default) */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2FB1, 0x8B24);
+ /* Increase Hybrid poly bias */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2FB2, 0xF8F0);
+ /* Add 4% to Tx amplitude in Gig mode */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2010, 0x10B0);
+ /* Disable trimming (TTT) */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2011, 0x0000);
+ /* Poly DC correction to 94.6% + 2% for all channels */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x20DD, 0x249A);
+ /* ABS DC correction to 95.9% */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x20DE, 0x00D3);
+ /* BG temp curve trim */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x28B4, 0x04CE);
+ /* Increasing ADC OPAMP stage 1 currents to max */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x2F70, 0x29E4);
+ /* Force 1000 ( required for enabling PHY regs configuration) */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x0000, 0x0140);
+ /* Set upd_freq to 6 */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F30, 0x1606);
+ /* Disable NPDFE */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F31, 0xB814);
+ /* Disable adaptive fixed FFE (Default) */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F35, 0x002A);
+ /* Enable FFE hysteresis */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F3E, 0x0067);
+ /* Fixed FFE for short cable lengths */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F54, 0x0065);
+ /* Fixed FFE for medium cable lengths */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F55, 0x002A);
+ /* Fixed FFE for long cable lengths */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F56, 0x002A);
+ /* Enable Adaptive Clip Threshold */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F72, 0x3FB0);
+ /* AHT reset limit to 1 */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F76, 0xC0FF);
+ /* Set AHT master delay to 127 msec */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F77, 0x1DEC);
+ /* Set scan bits for AHT */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F78, 0xF9EF);
+ /* Set AHT Preset bits */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1F79, 0x0210);
+ /* Change integ_factor of channel A to 3 */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1895, 0x0003);
+ /* Change prop_factor of channels BCD to 8 */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1796, 0x0008);
+ /* Change cg_icount + enable integbp for channels BCD */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1798, 0xD008);
+ /* Change cg_icount + enable integbp + change prop_factor_master
+ * to 8 for channel A
+ */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x1898, 0xD918);
+ /* Disable AHT in Slave mode on channel A */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x187A, 0x0800);
+ /* Enable LPLU and disable AN to 1000 in non-D0a states,
+ * Enable SPD+B2B
+ */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x0019, 0x008D);
+ /* Enable restart AN on an1000_dis change */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x001B, 0x2080);
+ /* Enable wh_fifo read clock in 10/100 modes */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x0014, 0x0045);
+ /* Restart AN, Speed selection is 1000 */
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, 0x0000, 0x1340);
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_phy_type_from_id - Get PHY type from id
+ * @phy_id: phy_id read from the phy
+ *
+ * Returns the phy type from the id.
+ **/
+enum igc_phy_type igc_get_phy_type_from_id(u32 phy_id)
+ enum igc_phy_type phy_type = igc_phy_unknown;
+ switch (phy_id) {
+ case M88IGC_I_PHY_ID:
+ case M88IGC_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1111_I_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1011_I_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1543_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1512_E_PHY_ID:
+ case I347AT4_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1112_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1340M_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_m88;
+ break;
+ case IGP01IGC_I_PHY_ID: /* IGP 1 & 2 share this */
+ phy_type = igc_phy_igp_2;
+ break;
+ case GG82563_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_gg82563;
+ break;
+ case IGP03IGC_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_igp_3;
+ break;
+ case IFE_E_PHY_ID:
+ case IFE_C_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_ife;
+ break;
+ case BMIGC_E_PHY_ID:
+ case BMIGC_E_PHY_ID_R2:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_bm;
+ break;
+ case I82578_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_82578;
+ break;
+ case I82577_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_82577;
+ break;
+ case I82579_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_82579;
+ break;
+ case I217_E_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_i217;
+ break;
+ case I82580_I_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_82580;
+ break;
+ case I210_I_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_i210;
+ break;
+ case I225_I_PHY_ID:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_i225;
+ break;
+ default:
+ phy_type = igc_phy_unknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return phy_type;
+ * igc_determine_phy_address - Determines PHY address.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This uses a trial and error method to loop through possible PHY
+ * addresses. It tests each by reading the PHY ID registers and
+ * checking for a match.
+ **/
+s32 igc_determine_phy_address(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u32 phy_addr = 0;
+ u32 i;
+ enum igc_phy_type phy_type = igc_phy_unknown;
+ hw->phy.id = phy_type;
+ for (phy_addr = 0; phy_addr < IGC_MAX_PHY_ADDR; phy_addr++) {
+ hw->phy.addr = phy_addr;
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ igc_get_phy_id(hw);
+ phy_type = igc_get_phy_type_from_id(hw->phy.id);
+ /* If phy_type is valid, break - we found our
+ * PHY address
+ */
+ if (phy_type != igc_phy_unknown)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ msec_delay(1);
+ i++;
+ } while (i < 10);
+ }
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY_TYPE;
+ * igc_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page - Retrieve PHY page address
+ * @page: page to access
+ * @reg: register to access
+ *
+ * Returns the phy address for the page requested.
+ **/
+static u32 igc_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page(u32 page, u32 reg)
+ u32 phy_addr = 2;
+ if (page >= 768 || (page == 0 && reg == 25) || reg == 31)
+ phy_addr = 1;
+ return phy_addr;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_bm - Write BM PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 page = offset >> IGP_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_bm");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, &data,
+ false, false);
+ goto release;
+ }
+ hw->phy.addr = igc_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page(page, offset);
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ u32 page_shift, page_select;
+ /* Page select is register 31 for phy address 1 and 22 for
+ * phy address 2 and 3. Page select is shifted only for
+ * phy address 1.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.addr == 1) {
+ page_shift = IGP_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ page_select = IGP01IGC_PHY_PAGE_SELECT;
+ } else {
+ page_shift = 0;
+ page_select = BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT;
+ }
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, page_select,
+ (page << page_shift));
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_bm - Read BM PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * and storing the retrieved information in data. Release any acquired
+ * semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 page = offset >> IGP_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_bm");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, data,
+ true, false);
+ goto release;
+ }
+ hw->phy.addr = igc_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page(page, offset);
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ u32 page_shift, page_select;
+ /* Page select is register 31 for phy address 1 and 22 for
+ * phy address 2 and 3. Page select is shifted only for
+ * phy address 1.
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.addr == 1) {
+ page_shift = IGP_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ page_select = IGP01IGC_PHY_PAGE_SELECT;
+ } else {
+ page_shift = 0;
+ page_select = BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT;
+ }
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, page_select,
+ (page << page_shift));
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_bm2 - Read BM PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * and storing the retrieved information in data. Release any acquired
+ * semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_bm2(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = (u16)(offset >> IGP_PAGE_SHIFT);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_bm2");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, data,
+ true, false);
+ goto release;
+ }
+ hw->phy.addr = 1;
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT,
+ page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_bm2 - Write BM PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_bm2(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = (u16)(offset >> IGP_PAGE_SHIFT);
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_bm2");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, &data,
+ false, false);
+ goto release;
+ }
+ hw->phy.addr = 1;
+ if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT,
+ page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset,
+ data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm - enable access to BM wakeup registers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @phy_reg: pointer to store original contents of BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG
+ *
+ * Assumes semaphore already acquired and phy_reg points to a valid memory
+ * address to store contents of the BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG register.
+ **/
+s32 igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 temp;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm");
+ if (!phy_reg)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ /* All page select, port ctrl and wakeup registers use phy address 1 */
+ hw->phy.addr = 1;
+ /* Select Port Control Registers page */
+ ret_val = igc_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT));
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not set Port Control page\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG, phy_reg);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT2("Could not read PHY register %d.%d\n",
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Enable both PHY wakeup mode and Wakeup register page writes.
+ * Prevent a power state change by disabling ME and Host PHY wakeup.
+ */
+ temp = *phy_reg;
+ temp |= BM_WUC_ENABLE_BIT;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG, temp);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT2("Could not write PHY register %d.%d\n",
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Select Host Wakeup Registers page - caller now able to write
+ * registers on the Wakeup registers page
+ */
+ return igc_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_WUC_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT));
+ * igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm - disable access to BM wakeup regs
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @phy_reg: pointer to original contents of BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG
+ *
+ * Restore BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG to its original value.
+ *
+ * Assumes semaphore already acquired and *phy_reg is the contents of the
+ * BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG before register(s) on BM_WUC_PAGE were accessed by
+ * caller.
+ **/
+s32 igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm");
+ if (!phy_reg)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PARAM;
+ /* Select Port Control Registers page */
+ ret_val = igc_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT));
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not set Port Control page\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Restore 769.17 to its original value */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG, *phy_reg);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT2("Could not restore PHY register %d.%d\n",
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm - Read/write BM PHY wakeup register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read or written
+ * @data: pointer to the data to read or write
+ * @read: determines if operation is read or write
+ * @page_set: BM_WUC_PAGE already set and access enabled
+ *
+ * Read the PHY register at offset and store the retrieved information in
+ * data, or write data to PHY register at offset. Note the procedure to
+ * access the PHY wakeup registers is different than reading the other PHY
+ * registers. It works as such:
+ * 1) Set 769.17.2 (page 769, register 17, bit 2) = 1
+ * 2) Set page to 800 for host (801 if we were manageability)
+ * 3) Write the address using the address opcode (0x11)
+ * 4) Read or write the data using the data opcode (0x12)
+ * 5) Restore 769.17.2 to its original value
+ *
+ * Steps 1 and 2 are done by igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm() and
+ * step 5 is done by igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm().
+ *
+ * Assumes semaphore is already acquired. When page_set==true, assumes
+ * the PHY page is set to BM_WUC_PAGE (i.e. a function in the call stack
+ * is responsible for calls to igc_[enable|disable]_phy_wakeup_reg_bm()).
+ **/
+static s32 igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset,
+ u16 *data, bool read, bool page_set)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 reg = BM_PHY_REG_NUM(offset);
+ u16 page = BM_PHY_REG_PAGE(offset);
+ u16 phy_reg = 0;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm");
+ /* Gig must be disabled for MDIO accesses to Host Wakeup reg page */
+ if (hw->mac.type == igc_pchlan &&
+ DEBUGOUT1("Attempting to access page %d while gig enabled.\n",
+ page);
+ if (!page_set) {
+ /* Enable access to PHY wakeup registers */
+ ret_val = igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &phy_reg);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not enable PHY wakeup reg access\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT2("Accessing PHY page %d reg 0x%x\n", page, reg);
+ /* Write the Wakeup register page offset value using opcode 0x11 */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ADDRESS_OPCODE, reg);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT1("Could not write address opcode to page %d\n", page);
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (read) {
+ /* Read the Wakeup register page value using opcode 0x12 */
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_DATA_OPCODE,
+ data);
+ } else {
+ /* Write the Wakeup register page value using opcode 0x12 */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_DATA_OPCODE,
+ *data);
+ }
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT2("Could not access PHY reg %d.%d\n", page, reg);
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ if (!page_set)
+ ret_val = igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &phy_reg);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_power_up_phy_copper - Restore copper link in case of PHY power down
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * In the case of a PHY power down to save power, or to turn off link during a
+ * driver unload, or wake on lan is not enabled, restore the link to previous
+ * settings.
+ **/
+void igc_power_up_phy_copper(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 mii_reg = 0;
+ /* The PHY will retain its settings across a power down/up cycle */
+ hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &mii_reg);
+ mii_reg &= ~MII_CR_POWER_DOWN;
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, mii_reg);
+ * igc_power_down_phy_copper - Restore copper link in case of PHY power down
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * In the case of a PHY power down to save power, or to turn off link during a
+ * driver unload, or wake on lan is not enabled, restore the link to previous
+ * settings.
+ **/
+void igc_power_down_phy_copper(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 mii_reg = 0;
+ /* The PHY will retain its settings across a power down/up cycle */
+ hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &mii_reg);
+ mii_reg |= MII_CR_POWER_DOWN;
+ hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, mii_reg);
+ msec_delay(1);
+ * __igc_read_phy_reg_hv - Read HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ * @page_set: BM_WUC_PAGE already set and access enabled
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the PHY register at offset
+ * and stores the retrieved information in data. Release any acquired
+ * semaphore before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_read_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data,
+ bool locked, bool page_set)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = BM_PHY_REG_PAGE(offset);
+ u16 reg = BM_PHY_REG_NUM(offset);
+ u32 phy_addr = hw->phy.addr = igc_get_phy_addr_for_hv_page(page);
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_read_phy_reg_hv");
+ if (!locked) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, data,
+ true, page_set);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (page > 0 && page < HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(hw, offset,
+ data, true);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!page_set) {
+ if (page == HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START)
+ page = 0;
+ if (reg > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_set_page_igp(hw,
+ (page << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT));
+ hw->phy.addr = phy_addr;
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT3("reading PHY page %d (or 0x%x shifted) reg 0x%x\n", page,
+ page << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT, reg);
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & reg,
+ data);
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_hv - Read HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then reads the PHY register at offset and stores
+ * the retrieved information in data. Release the acquired semaphore
+ * before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, false, false);
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_hv_locked - Read HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset and stores the retrieved information
+ * in data. Assumes semaphore already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, true, false);
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_page_hv - Read HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset and stores the retrieved information
+ * in data. Assumes semaphore already acquired and page already set.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_page_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ return __igc_read_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, true, true);
+ * __igc_write_phy_reg_hv - Write HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ * @locked: semaphore has already been acquired or not
+ * @page_set: BM_WUC_PAGE already set and access enabled
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_write_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data,
+ bool locked, bool page_set)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = BM_PHY_REG_PAGE(offset);
+ u16 reg = BM_PHY_REG_NUM(offset);
+ u32 phy_addr = hw->phy.addr = igc_get_phy_addr_for_hv_page(page);
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_write_phy_reg_hv");
+ if (!locked) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Page 800 works differently than the rest so it has its own func */
+ if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, &data,
+ false, page_set);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (page > 0 && page < HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START) {
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(hw, offset,
+ &data, false);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!page_set) {
+ if (page == HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START)
+ page = 0;
+ /*
+ * Workaround MDIO accesses being disabled after entering IEEE
+ * Power Down (when bit 11 of the PHY Control register is set)
+ */
+ if (hw->phy.type == igc_phy_82578 &&
+ hw->phy.revision >= 1 &&
+ hw->phy.addr == 2 &&
+ !(MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & reg) &&
+ (data & (1 << 11))) {
+ u16 data2 = 0x7EFF;
+ ret_val = igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(hw,
+ (1 << 6) | 0x3,
+ &data2, false);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (reg > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) {
+ /* Page is shifted left, PHY expects (page x 32) */
+ ret_val = igc_set_page_igp(hw,
+ (page << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT));
+ hw->phy.addr = phy_addr;
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGOUT3("writing PHY page %d (or 0x%x shifted) reg 0x%x\n", page,
+ page << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT, reg);
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & reg,
+ data);
+ if (!locked)
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_hv - Write HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore then writes the data to PHY register at the offset.
+ * Release the acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, false, false);
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_hv_locked - Write HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Writes the data to PHY register at the offset. Assumes semaphore
+ * already acquired.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, true, false);
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_page_hv - Write HV PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Writes the data to PHY register at the offset. Assumes semaphore
+ * already acquired and page already set.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_page_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ return __igc_write_phy_reg_hv(hw, offset, data, true, true);
+ * igc_get_phy_addr_for_hv_page - Get PHY adrress based on page
+ * @page: page to be accessed
+ **/
+static u32 igc_get_phy_addr_for_hv_page(u32 page)
+ u32 phy_addr = 2;
+ if (page >= HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START)
+ phy_addr = 1;
+ return phy_addr;
+ * igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv - Read HV PHY vendor specific high registers
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to be read or written
+ * @data: pointer to the data to be read or written
+ * @read: determines if operation is read or write
+ *
+ * Reads the PHY register at offset and stores the retrieved information
+ * in data. Assumes semaphore already acquired. Note that the procedure
+ * to access these regs uses the address port and data port to read/write.
+ * These accesses done with PHY address 2 and without using pages.
+ **/
+static s32 igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset,
+ u16 *data, bool read)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u32 addr_reg;
+ u32 data_reg;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_access_phy_debug_regs_hv");
+ /* This takes care of the difference with desktop vs mobile phy */
+ addr_reg = ((hw->phy.type == igc_phy_82578) ?
+ I82578_ADDR_REG : I82577_ADDR_REG);
+ data_reg = addr_reg + 1;
+ /* All operations in this function are phy address 2 */
+ hw->phy.addr = 2;
+ /* masking with 0x3F to remove the page from offset */
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, addr_reg, (u16)offset & 0x3F);
+ if (ret_val) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not write the Address Offset port register\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Read or write the data value next */
+ if (read)
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, data_reg, data);
+ else
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, data_reg, *data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ DEBUGOUT("Could not access the Data port register\n");
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_link_stall_workaround_hv - Si workaround
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * This function works around a Si bug where the link partner can get
+ * a link up indication before the PHY does. If small packets are sent
+ * by the link partner they can be placed in the packet buffer without
+ * being properly accounted for by the PHY and will stall preventing
+ * further packets from being received. The workaround is to clear the
+ * packet buffer after the PHY detects link up.
+ **/
+s32 igc_link_stall_workaround_hv(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ s32 ret_val = IGC_SUCCESS;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_link_stall_workaround_hv");
+ if (hw->phy.type != igc_phy_82578)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* Do not apply workaround if in PHY loopback bit 14 set */
+ hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &data);
+ if (data & PHY_CONTROL_LB)
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ /* check if link is up and at 1Gbps */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, BM_CS_STATUS, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ msec_delay(200);
+ /* flush the packets in the fifo buffer */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL,
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL,
+ * igc_check_polarity_82577 - Checks the polarity.
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Success returns 0, Failure returns -IGC_ERR_PHY (-2)
+ *
+ * Polarity is determined based on the PHY specific status register.
+ **/
+s32 igc_check_polarity_82577(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_check_polarity_82577");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I82577_PHY_STATUS_2, &data);
+ if (!ret_val)
+ phy->cable_polarity = ((data & I82577_PHY_STATUS2_REV_POLARITY)
+ ? igc_rev_polarity_reversed
+ : igc_rev_polarity_normal);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577 - Force speed/duplex for I82577 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Calls the PHY setup function to force speed and duplex.
+ **/
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data;
+ bool link = false;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &phy_data);
+ ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ usec_delay(1);
+ if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on 82577 phy\n");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link)
+ DEBUGOUT("Link taking longer than expected.\n");
+ /* Try once more */
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT,
+ 100000, &link);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_get_phy_info_82577 - Retrieve I82577 PHY information
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Read PHY status to determine if link is up. If link is up, then
+ * set/determine 10base-T extended distance and polarity correction. Read
+ * PHY port status to determine MDI/MDIx and speed. Based on the speed,
+ * determine on the cable length, local and remote receiver.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_82577(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 data;
+ bool link;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_phy_info_82577");
+ ret_val = igc_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (!link) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n");
+ return -IGC_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+ phy->polarity_correction = true;
+ ret_val = igc_check_polarity_82577(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I82577_PHY_STATUS_2, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->is_mdix = !!(data & I82577_PHY_STATUS2_MDIX);
+ if ((data & I82577_PHY_STATUS2_SPEED_MASK) ==
+ I82577_PHY_STATUS2_SPEED_1000MBPS) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ phy->local_rx = (data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ phy->remote_rx = (data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS)
+ ? igc_1000t_rx_status_ok
+ : igc_1000t_rx_status_not_ok;
+ } else {
+ phy->cable_length = IGC_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED;
+ phy->local_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ phy->remote_rx = igc_1000t_rx_status_undefined;
+ }
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_get_cable_length_82577 - Determine cable length for 82577 PHY
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Reads the diagnostic status register and verifies result is valid before
+ * placing it in the phy_cable_length field.
+ **/
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_82577(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ struct igc_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 phy_data, length;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_get_cable_length_82577");
+ ret_val = phy->ops.read_reg(hw, I82577_PHY_DIAG_STATUS, &phy_data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ length = ((phy_data & I82577_DSTATUS_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ phy->cable_length = length;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_gs40g - Write GS40G PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_gs40g(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = offset >> GS40G_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_gs40g");
+ offset = offset & GS40G_OFFSET_MASK;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, GS40G_PAGE_SELECT, page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, offset, data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_gs40g - Read GS40G PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: lower half is register offset to read to
+ * upper half is page to use.
+ * @data: data to read at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the data in the PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_gs40g(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u16 page = offset >> GS40G_PAGE_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_gs40g");
+ offset = offset & GS40G_OFFSET_MASK;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, GS40G_PAGE_SELECT, page);
+ if (ret_val)
+ goto release;
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, offset, data);
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_gpy - Write GPY PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: register offset to write to
+ * @data: data to write at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then writes the data to PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_gpy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u8 dev_addr = (offset & GPY_MMD_MASK) >> GPY_MMD_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_gpy");
+ offset = offset & GPY_REG_MASK;
+ if (!dev_addr) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, offset, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ } else {
+ ret_val = igc_write_xmdio_reg(hw, (u16)offset, dev_addr,
+ data);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_gpy - Read GPY PHY register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @offset: lower half is register offset to read to
+ * upper half is MMD to use.
+ * @data: data to read at register offset
+ *
+ * Acquires semaphore, if necessary, then reads the data in the PHY register
+ * at the offset. Release any acquired semaphores before exiting.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_gpy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ u8 dev_addr = (offset & GPY_MMD_MASK) >> GPY_MMD_SHIFT;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_gpy");
+ offset = offset & GPY_REG_MASK;
+ if (!dev_addr) {
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, offset, data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ hw->phy.ops.release(hw);
+ } else {
+ ret_val = igc_read_xmdio_reg(hw, (u16)offset, dev_addr,
+ data);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_phy_reg_mphy - Read mPHY control register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @address: address to be read
+ * @data: pointer to the read data
+ *
+ * Reads the mPHY control register in the PHY at offset and stores the
+ * information read to data.
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_mphy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 *data)
+ u32 mphy_ctrl = 0;
+ bool locked = false;
+ bool ready;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_phy_reg_mphy");
+ /* Check if mPHY is ready to read/write operations */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* Check if mPHY access is disabled and enable it if so */
+ mphy_ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL);
+ if (mphy_ctrl & IGC_MPHY_DIS_ACCESS) {
+ locked = true;
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ mphy_ctrl |= IGC_MPHY_ENA_ACCESS;
+ }
+ /* Set the address that we want to read */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* We mask address, because we want to use only current lane */
+ mphy_ctrl = (mphy_ctrl & ~IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_MASK &
+ (address & IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_MASK);
+ /* Read data from the address */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ *data = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MPHY_DATA);
+ /* Disable access to mPHY if it was originally disabled */
+ if (locked)
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_write_phy_reg_mphy - Write mPHY control register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @address: address to write to
+ * @data: data to write to register at offset
+ * @line_override: used when we want to use different line than default one
+ *
+ * Writes data to mPHY control register.
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_mphy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 data,
+ bool line_override)
+ u32 mphy_ctrl = 0;
+ bool locked = false;
+ bool ready;
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_phy_reg_mphy");
+ /* Check if mPHY is ready to read/write operations */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* Check if mPHY access is disabled and enable it if so */
+ mphy_ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL);
+ if (mphy_ctrl & IGC_MPHY_DIS_ACCESS) {
+ locked = true;
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ mphy_ctrl |= IGC_MPHY_ENA_ACCESS;
+ }
+ /* Set the address that we want to read */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* We mask address, because we want to use only current lane */
+ if (line_override)
+ else
+ mphy_ctrl = (mphy_ctrl & ~IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_MASK) |
+ (address & IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_MASK);
+ /* Read data from the address */
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ /* Disable access to mPHY if it was originally disabled */
+ if (locked)
+ ready = igc_is_mphy_ready(hw);
+ if (!ready)
+ return -IGC_ERR_PHY;
+ return IGC_SUCCESS;
+ * igc_is_mphy_ready - Check if mPHY control register is not busy
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ *
+ * Returns mPHY control register status.
+ **/
+bool igc_is_mphy_ready(struct igc_hw *hw)
+ u16 retry_count = 0;
+ u32 mphy_ctrl = 0;
+ bool ready = false;
+ while (retry_count < 2) {
+ mphy_ctrl = IGC_READ_REG(hw, IGC_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL);
+ if (mphy_ctrl & IGC_MPHY_BUSY) {
+ usec_delay(20);
+ retry_count++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ready = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ready)
+ DEBUGOUT("ERROR READING mPHY control register, phy is busy.\n");
+ return ready;
+ * __igc_access_xmdio_reg - Read/write XMDIO register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @address: XMDIO address to program
+ * @dev_addr: device address to program
+ * @data: pointer to value to read/write from/to the XMDIO address
+ * @read: boolean flag to indicate read or write
+ **/
+static s32 __igc_access_xmdio_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 address,
+ u8 dev_addr, u16 *data, bool read)
+ s32 ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("__igc_access_xmdio_reg");
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAC, dev_addr);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAAD, address);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAC, IGC_MMDAC_FUNC_DATA |
+ dev_addr);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (read)
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAAD, data);
+ else
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAAD, *data);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ /* Recalibrate the device back to 0 */
+ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg(hw, IGC_MMDAC, 0);
+ if (ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ return ret_val;
+ * igc_read_xmdio_reg - Read XMDIO register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @addr: XMDIO address to program
+ * @dev_addr: device address to program
+ * @data: value to be read from the EMI address
+ **/
+s32 igc_read_xmdio_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u8 dev_addr, u16 *data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_read_xmdio_reg");
+ return __igc_access_xmdio_reg(hw, addr, dev_addr, data, true);
+ * igc_write_xmdio_reg - Write XMDIO register
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
+ * @addr: XMDIO address to program
+ * @dev_addr: device address to program
+ * @data: value to be written to the XMDIO address
+ **/
+s32 igc_write_xmdio_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u8 dev_addr, u16 data)
+ DEBUGFUNC("igc_write_xmdio_reg");
+ return __igc_access_xmdio_reg(hw, addr, dev_addr, &data,
+ false);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_PHY_H_
+#define _IGC_PHY_H_
+void igc_init_phy_ops_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_read_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+void igc_null_phy_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_null_lplu_state(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+s32 igc_null_write_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_null_set_page(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_i2c_byte_null(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 *data);
+s32 igc_write_i2c_byte_null(struct igc_hw *hw, u8 byte_offset,
+ u8 dev_addr, u8 data);
+s32 igc_check_downshift_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_polarity_m88(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_polarity_igp(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_polarity_ife(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_reset_block_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_setup_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_copper_link_autoneg(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_igp(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_m88(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_m88_gen2(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_m88(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_m88_gen2(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_igp_2(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cfg_done_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_phy_id(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_igp(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_m88(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_ife(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_sw_reset_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_ctrl);
+s32 igc_phy_hw_reset_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_reset_dsp_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_kmrn_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_set_page_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 page);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_m88(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_set_d3_lplu_state_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, bool active);
+s32 igc_setup_copper_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_kmrn_reg_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_igp(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_m88(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_phy_has_link_generic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 iterations,
+ u32 usec_interval, bool *success);
+s32 igc_phy_init_script_igp3(struct igc_hw *hw);
+enum igc_phy_type igc_get_phy_type_from_id(u32 phy_id);
+s32 igc_determine_phy_address(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg);
+s32 igc_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_bm2(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_bm2(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+void igc_power_up_phy_copper(struct igc_hw *hw);
+void igc_power_down_phy_copper(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_mdic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_mdic(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_i2c(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_i2c(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_sfp_data_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u8 *data);
+s32 igc_write_sfp_data_byte(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 offset, u8 data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_page_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_page_hv(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_link_stall_workaround_hv(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_copper_link_setup_82577(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_check_polarity_82577(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_phy_info_82577(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_get_cable_length_82577(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_gs40g(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_gs40g(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_gpy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_gpy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
+s32 igc_read_phy_reg_mphy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 *data);
+s32 igc_write_phy_reg_mphy(struct igc_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 data,
+ bool line_override);
+bool igc_is_mphy_ready(struct igc_hw *hw);
+s32 igc_read_xmdio_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u8 dev_addr,
+ u16 *data);
+s32 igc_write_xmdio_reg(struct igc_hw *hw, u16 addr, u8 dev_addr,
+ u16 data);
+#define IGC_MAX_PHY_ADDR 8
+/* IGP01E1000 Specific Registers */
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CONFIG 0x10 /* Port Config */
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_STATUS 0x11 /* Status */
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_PORT_CTRL 0x12 /* Control */
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_LINK_HEALTH 0x13 /* PHY Link Health */
+#define IGP01IGC_GMII_FIFO 0x14 /* GMII FIFO */
+#define IGP02IGC_PHY_POWER_MGMT 0x19 /* Power Management */
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_PAGE_SELECT 0x1F /* Page Select */
+#define BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT 22 /* Page Select for BM */
+#define IGP_PAGE_SHIFT 5
+#define PHY_REG_MASK 0x1F
+/* GS40G - I210 PHY defines */
+#define GS40G_PAGE_SELECT 0x16
+#define GS40G_PAGE_SHIFT 16
+#define GS40G_PAGE_2 0x20000
+#define GS40G_MAC_REG2 0x15
+#define GS40G_MAC_LB 0x4140
+#define GS40G_MAC_SPEED_1G 0X0006
+#define GS40G_COPPER_SPEC 0x0010
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM 0x0E14 /* I225 PHY Power Management */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000_D3 0x0008 /* Disable 1G in D3 */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_LINK_ENERGY 0x0010 /* Link Energy Detect */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_GO_LINKD 0x0020 /* Go Link Disconnect */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_1000 0x0040 /* Disable 1G globally */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_SPD_B2B_EN 0x0080 /* Smart Power Down Back2Back */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_RST_COMPL 0x0100 /* PHY Reset Completed */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_100_D3 0x0200 /* Disable 100M in D3 */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_ULP 0x0400 /* Ultra Low-Power Mode */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500 0x0800 /* Disable 2.5G globally */
+#define IGC_I225_PHPM_DIS_2500_D3 0x1000 /* Disable 2.5G in D3 */
+/* GPY211 - I225 defines */
+#define GPY_MMD_MASK 0xFFFF0000
+#define GPY_MMD_SHIFT 16
+#define GPY_REG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+/* BM/HV Specific Registers */
+#define BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE 769
+#define BM_WUC_PAGE 800
+#define BM_WUC_DATA_OPCODE 0x12
+#define BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG 17
+#define BM_WUC_ENABLE_BIT (1 << 2)
+#define BM_WUC_HOST_WU_BIT (1 << 4)
+#define BM_WUC_ME_WU_BIT (1 << 5)
+#define PHY_UPPER_SHIFT 21
+#define BM_PHY_REG(page, reg) ( \
+ __extension__ ({ \
+ typeof(page) _page = (page); \
+ typeof(reg) _reg = (reg); \
+ (_reg & MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) | \
+ ((_page & 0xFFFF) << PHY_PAGE_SHIFT) | \
+ ((_reg & ~MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) << \
+ }))
+#define BM_PHY_REG_PAGE(offset) \
+ ((u16)(((offset) >> PHY_PAGE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFF))
+#define BM_PHY_REG_NUM(offset) ( \
+ __extension__ ({ \
+ typeof(offset) _offset = (offset); \
+ (u16)((_offset & MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) | \
+ ((_offset >> (PHY_UPPER_SHIFT - PHY_PAGE_SHIFT)) & \
+ }))
+#define HV_INTC_FC_PAGE_START 768
+#define I82578_ADDR_REG 29
+#define I82577_ADDR_REG 16
+#define I82577_CFG_REG 22
+#define I82577_CFG_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX (1 << 15)
+#define I82577_CFG_ENABLE_DOWNSHIFT (3 << 10) /* auto downshift */
+#define I82577_CTRL_REG 23
+/* 82577 specific PHY registers */
+#define I82577_PHY_CTRL_2 18
+#define I82577_PHY_LBK_CTRL 19
+#define I82577_PHY_STATUS_2 26
+#define I82577_PHY_DIAG_STATUS 31
+/* I82577 PHY Status 2 */
+#define I82577_PHY_STATUS2_REV_POLARITY 0x0400
+#define I82577_PHY_STATUS2_MDIX 0x0800
+#define I82577_PHY_STATUS2_SPEED_MASK 0x0300
+#define I82577_PHY_STATUS2_SPEED_1000MBPS 0x0200
+/* I82577 PHY Control 2 */
+#define I82577_PHY_CTRL2_MANUAL_MDIX 0x0200
+#define I82577_PHY_CTRL2_AUTO_MDI_MDIX 0x0400
+#define I82577_PHY_CTRL2_MDIX_CFG_MASK 0x0600
+/* I82577 PHY Diagnostics Status */
+#define I82577_DSTATUS_CABLE_LENGTH 0x03FC
+/* 82580 PHY Power Management */
+#define IGC_82580_PHY_POWER_MGMT 0xE14
+#define IGC_82580_PM_SPD 0x0001 /* Smart Power Down */
+#define IGC_82580_PM_D0_LPLU 0x0002 /* For D0a states */
+#define IGC_82580_PM_D3_LPLU 0x0004 /* For all other states */
+#define IGC_82580_PM_GO_LINKD 0x0020 /* Go Link Disconnect */
+#define IGC_MPHY_DIS_ACCESS 0x80000000 /* disable_access bit */
+#define IGC_MPHY_ENA_ACCESS 0x40000000 /* enable_access bit */
+#define IGC_MPHY_BUSY 0x00010000 /* busy bit */
+#define IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_FNC_OVERRIDE 0x20000000 /* fnc_override bit */
+#define IGC_MPHY_ADDRESS_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* address mask */
+/* BM PHY Copper Specific Control 1 */
+#define BM_CS_CTRL1 16
+/* BM PHY Copper Specific Status */
+#define BM_CS_STATUS 17
+#define BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP 0x0400
+#define BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED 0x0800
+#define BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_1000 0x8000
+/* 82577 Mobile Phy Status Register */
+#define HV_M_STATUS 26
+#define HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_MASK 0x0300
+#define HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_1000 0x0200
+#define HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_100 0x0100
+#define HV_M_STATUS_LINK_UP 0x0040
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_PCS_INIT_REG 0x00B4
+#define IGP01IGC_PHY_POLARITY_MASK 0x0078
+#define IGP01IGC_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX 0x1000
+#define IGP01IGC_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX 0x2000 /* 0=MDI, 1=MDIX */
+#define IGP01IGC_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED 0x0080
+/* Enable flexible speed on link-up */
+#define IGP01IGC_GMII_FLEX_SPD 0x0010
+#define IGP01IGC_GMII_SPD 0x0020 /* Enable SPD */
+#define IGP02IGC_PM_SPD 0x0001 /* Smart Power Down */
+#define IGP02IGC_PM_D0_LPLU 0x0002 /* For D0a states */
+#define IGP02IGC_PM_D3_LPLU 0x0004 /* For all other states */
+#define IGP01IGC_PLHR_SS_DOWNGRADE 0x8000
+#define IGP01IGC_PSSR_MDIX 0x0800
+#define IGP01IGC_PSSR_SPEED_MASK 0xC000
+#define IGP01IGC_PSSR_SPEED_1000MBPS 0xC000
+#define IGP02IGC_PHY_AGC_A 0x11B1
+#define IGP02IGC_PHY_AGC_B 0x12B1
+#define IGP02IGC_PHY_AGC_C 0x14B1
+#define IGP02IGC_PHY_AGC_D 0x18B1
+#define IGP02IGC_AGC_LENGTH_SHIFT 9 /* Course=15:13, Fine=12:9 */
+#define IGP02IGC_AGC_RANGE 15
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET 0x001F0000
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_REN 0x00200000
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_CTRL_OFFSET 0x1 /* Kumeran Control */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_DIAG_OFFSET 0x3 /* Kumeran Diagnostic */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_TIMEOUTS 0x4 /* Kumeran Timeouts */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_INBAND_PARAM 0x9 /* Kumeran InBand Parameters */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_IBIST_DISABLE 0x0200 /* Kumeran IBIST Disable */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_DIAG_NELPBK 0x1000 /* Nearend Loopback mode */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_ENABLE 0x0002 /* enable K1 */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_HD_CTRL 0x10 /* Kumeran HD Control */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_K0S_CTRL 0x1E /* Kumeran K0s Control */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_OP_MODES 0x1F /* Kumeran Modes of Operation */
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA_OP_MODES_LSC2CSC 0x0002 /* change LSC to CSC */
+#define IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL 0x11 /* 100BaseTx PHY Special Ctrl */
+#define IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL_LED 0x1B /* PHY Special and LED Ctrl */
+#define IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL 0x1C /* MDI/MDI-X Control */
+/* IFE PHY Extended Status Control */
+/* IFE PHY Special Control */
+#define IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY 0x0020
+/* IFE PHY Special Control and LED Control */
+#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_MODE 0x0020
+#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_OFF 0x0006 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 off */
+#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_ON 0x0007 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 on */
+/* IFE PHY MDIX Control */
+#define IFE_PMC_MDIX_STATUS 0x0020 /* 1=MDI-X, 0=MDI */
+#define IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX 0x0040 /* 1=force MDI-X, 0=force MDI */
+#define IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX 0x0080 /* 1=enable auto, 0=disable */
+/* SFP modules ID memory locations */
+/* Flags for SFP modules compatible with ETH up to 1Gb */
+struct sfp_igc_flags {
+ u8 igc_base_sx:1;
+ u8 igc_base_lx:1;
+ u8 igc_base_cx:1;
+ u8 igc_base_t:1;
+ u8 e100_base_lx:1;
+ u8 e100_base_fx:1;
+ u8 e10_base_bx10:1;
+ u8 e10_base_px:1;
+/* Vendor OUIs: format of OUI is 0x[byte0][byte1][byte2][00] */
+#define IGC_SFF_VENDOR_OUI_TYCO 0x00407600
+#define IGC_SFF_VENDOR_OUI_FTL 0x00906500
+#define IGC_SFF_VENDOR_OUI_AVAGO 0x00176A00
+#define IGC_SFF_VENDOR_OUI_INTEL 0x001B2100
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2001-2019
+ */
+#ifndef _IGC_REGS_H_
+#define _IGC_REGS_H_
+/* General Register Descriptions */
+#define IGC_CTRL 0x00000 /* Device Control - RW */
+#define IGC_CTRL_DUP 0x00004 /* Device Control Duplicate (Shadow) - RW */
+#define IGC_STATUS 0x00008 /* Device Status - RO */
+#define IGC_EECD 0x00010 /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
+/* NVM Register Descriptions */
+#define IGC_EERD 0x12014 /* EEprom mode read - RW */
+#define IGC_EEWR 0x12018 /* EEprom mode write - RW */
+#define IGC_CTRL_EXT 0x00018 /* Extended Device Control - RW */
+#define IGC_MDIC 0x00020 /* MDI Control - RW */
+#define IGC_MDICNFG 0x00E04 /* MDI Config - RW */
+#define IGC_REGISTER_SET_SIZE 0x20000 /* CSR Size */
+#define IGC_EEPROM_INIT_CTRL_WORD_2 0x0F /* EEPROM Init Ctrl Word 2 */
+#define IGC_EEPROM_PCIE_CTRL_WORD_2 0x28 /* EEPROM PCIe Ctrl Word 2 */
+#define IGC_BARCTRL 0x5BBC /* BAR ctrl reg */
+#define IGC_BARCTRL_FLSIZE 0x0700 /* BAR ctrl Flsize */
+#define IGC_BARCTRL_CSRSIZE 0x2000 /* BAR ctrl CSR size */
+#define IGC_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL 0x0024 /* GbE MPHY Address Control */
+#define IGC_MPHY_DATA 0x0E10 /* GBE MPHY Data */
+#define IGC_MPHY_STAT 0x0E0C /* GBE MPHY Statistics */
+#define IGC_PPHY_CTRL 0x5b48 /* PCIe PHY Control */
+#define IGC_I350_BARCTRL 0x5BFC /* BAR ctrl reg */
+#define IGC_I350_DTXMXPKTSZ 0x355C /* Maximum sent packet size reg*/
+#define IGC_SCTL 0x00024 /* SerDes Control - RW */
+#define IGC_FCAL 0x00028 /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
+#define IGC_FCAH 0x0002C /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
+#define IGC_FEXT 0x0002C /* Future Extended - RW */
+#define IGC_I225_FLSWCTL 0x12048 /* FLASH control register */
+#define IGC_I225_FLSWDATA 0x1204C /* FLASH data register */
+#define IGC_I225_FLSWCNT 0x12050 /* FLASH Access Counter */
+#define IGC_I225_FLSECU 0x12114 /* FLASH Security */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM 0x00028 /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM3 0x0003C /* Future Extended NVM 3 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM4 0x00024 /* Future Extended NVM 4 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM5 0x00014 /* Future Extended NVM 5 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM6 0x00010 /* Future Extended NVM 6 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM7 0x000E4 /* Future Extended NVM 7 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM9 0x5BB4 /* Future Extended NVM 9 - RW */
+#define IGC_FEXTNVM11 0x5BBC /* Future Extended NVM 11 - RW */
+#define IGC_PCIEANACFG 0x00F18 /* PCIE Analog Config */
+#define IGC_FCT 0x00030 /* Flow Control Type - RW */
+#define IGC_CONNSW 0x00034 /* Copper/Fiber switch control - RW */
+#define IGC_VET 0x00038 /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
+#define IGC_ICR 0x01500 /* Intr Cause Read - RC/W1C */
+#define IGC_ITR 0x000C4 /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
+#define IGC_ICS 0x01504 /* Intr Cause Set - WO */
+#define IGC_IMS 0x01508 /* Intr Mask Set/Read - RW */
+#define IGC_IMC 0x0150C /* Intr Mask Clear - WO */
+#define IGC_IAM 0x01510 /* Intr Ack Auto Mask- RW */
+#define IGC_IVAR 0x000E4 /* Interrupt Vector Allocation Register - RW */
+#define IGC_SVCR 0x000F0
+#define IGC_SVT 0x000F4
+#define IGC_LPIC 0x000FC /* Low Power IDLE control */
+#define IGC_RCTL 0x00100 /* Rx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_FCTTV 0x00170 /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
+#define IGC_TXCW 0x00178 /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
+#define IGC_RXCW 0x00180 /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
+#define IGC_PBA_ECC 0x01100 /* PBA ECC Register */
+#define IGC_EICR 0x01580 /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
+#define IGC_EITR(_n) (0x01680 + (0x4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_EICS 0x01520 /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Set - W0 */
+#define IGC_EIMS 0x01524 /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Set/Read - RW */
+#define IGC_EIMC 0x01528 /* Ext. Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
+#define IGC_EIAC 0x0152C /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
+#define IGC_EIAM 0x01530 /* Ext. Interrupt Ack Auto Clear Mask - RW */
+#define IGC_GPIE 0x01514 /* General Purpose Interrupt Enable - RW */
+#define IGC_IVAR0 0x01700 /* Interrupt Vector Allocation (array) - RW */
+#define IGC_IVAR_MISC 0x01740 /* IVAR for "other" causes - RW */
+#define IGC_TCTL 0x00400 /* Tx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_TCTL_EXT 0x00404 /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_TIPG 0x00410 /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
+#define IGC_TBT 0x00448 /* Tx Burst Timer - RW */
+#define IGC_AIT 0x00458 /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
+#define IGC_LEDCTL 0x00E00 /* LED Control - RW */
+#define IGC_LEDMUX 0x08130 /* LED MUX Control */
+#define IGC_EXTCNF_CTRL 0x00F00 /* Extended Configuration Control */
+#define IGC_EXTCNF_SIZE 0x00F08 /* Extended Configuration Size */
+#define IGC_PHY_CTRL 0x00F10 /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
+#define IGC_POEMB IGC_PHY_CTRL /* PHY OEM Bits */
+#define IGC_PBA 0x01000 /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
+#define IGC_PBS 0x01008 /* Packet Buffer Size */
+#define IGC_PBECCSTS 0x0100C /* Packet Buffer ECC Status - RW */
+#define IGC_IOSFPC 0x00F28 /* TX corrupted data */
+#define IGC_EEMNGCTL 0x01010 /* MNG EEprom Control */
+#define IGC_EEMNGCTL_I210 0x01010 /* i210 MNG EEprom Mode Control */
+#define IGC_EEMNGCTL_I225 0x01010 /* i225 MNG EEprom Mode Control */
+#define IGC_EEARBC 0x01024 /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
+#define IGC_EEARBC_I210 0x12024 /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
+#define IGC_EEARBC_I225 0x12024 /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
+#define IGC_FLASHT 0x01028 /* FLASH Timer Register */
+#define IGC_FLSWCTL 0x01030 /* FLASH control register */
+#define IGC_FLSWDATA 0x01034 /* FLASH data register */
+#define IGC_FLSWCNT 0x01038 /* FLASH Access Counter */
+#define IGC_FLOP 0x0103C /* FLASH Opcode Register */
+#define IGC_I2CCMD 0x01028 /* SFPI2C Command Register - RW */
+#define IGC_I2CPARAMS 0x0102C /* SFPI2C Parameters Register - RW */
+#define IGC_I2CBB_EN 0x00000100 /* I2C - Bit Bang Enable */
+#define IGC_I2C_CLK_OUT 0x00000200 /* I2C- Clock */
+#define IGC_I2C_DATA_OUT 0x00000400 /* I2C- Data Out */
+#define IGC_I2C_DATA_OE_N 0x00000800 /* I2C- Data Output Enable */
+#define IGC_I2C_DATA_IN 0x00001000 /* I2C- Data In */
+#define IGC_I2C_CLK_OE_N 0x00002000 /* I2C- Clock Output Enable */
+#define IGC_I2C_CLK_IN 0x00004000 /* I2C- Clock In */
+#define IGC_I2C_CLK_STRETCH_DIS 0x00008000 /* I2C- Dis Clk Stretching */
+#define IGC_WDSTP 0x01040 /* Watchdog Setup - RW */
+#define IGC_SWDSTS 0x01044 /* SW Device Status - RW */
+#define IGC_FRTIMER 0x01048 /* Free Running Timer - RW */
+#define IGC_TCPTIMER 0x0104C /* TCP Timer - RW */
+#define IGC_VPDDIAG 0x01060 /* VPD Diagnostic - RO */
+#define IGC_ICR_V2 0x01500 /* Intr Cause - new location - RC */
+#define IGC_ICS_V2 0x01504 /* Intr Cause Set - new location - WO */
+#define IGC_IMS_V2 0x01508 /* Intr Mask Set/Read - new location - RW */
+#define IGC_IMC_V2 0x0150C /* Intr Mask Clear - new location - WO */
+#define IGC_IAM_V2 0x01510 /* Intr Ack Auto Mask - new location - RW */
+#define IGC_ERT 0x02008 /* Early Rx Threshold - RW */
+#define IGC_FCRTL 0x02160 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
+#define IGC_FCRTH 0x02168 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
+#define IGC_PSRCTL 0x02170 /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
+#define IGC_RDFH 0x02410 /* Rx Data FIFO Head - RW */
+#define IGC_RDFT 0x02418 /* Rx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
+#define IGC_RDFHS 0x02420 /* Rx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
+#define IGC_RDFTS 0x02428 /* Rx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
+#define IGC_RDFPC 0x02430 /* Rx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
+#define IGC_PBRTH 0x02458 /* PB Rx Arbitration Threshold - RW */
+#define IGC_FCRTV 0x02460 /* Flow Control Refresh Timer Value - RW */
+/* Split and Replication Rx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_RDPUMB 0x025CC /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Mailbox - RW */
+#define IGC_RDPUAD 0x025D0 /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Addr Command - RW */
+#define IGC_RDPUWD 0x025D4 /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Write - RW */
+#define IGC_RDPURD 0x025D8 /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Data Read - RW */
+#define IGC_RDPUCTL 0x025DC /* DMA Rx Descriptor uC Control - RW */
+#define IGC_PBDIAG 0x02458 /* Packet Buffer Diagnostic - RW */
+#define IGC_RXPBS 0x02404 /* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
+#define IGC_IRPBS 0x02404 /* Same as RXPBS, renamed for newer Si - RW */
+#define IGC_PBRWAC 0x024E8 /* Rx packet buffer wrap around counter - RO */
+#define IGC_RDTR 0x02820 /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
+#define IGC_RADV 0x0282C /* Rx Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
+#define IGC_EMIADD 0x10 /* Extended Memory Indirect Address */
+#define IGC_EMIDATA 0x11 /* Extended Memory Indirect Data */
+/* Shadow Ram Write Register - RW */
+#define IGC_SRWR 0x12018
+#define IGC_EEC_REG 0x12010
+#define IGC_I210_FLMNGCTL 0x12038
+#define IGC_I210_FLMNGDATA 0x1203C
+#define IGC_I210_FLMNGCNT 0x12040
+#define IGC_I210_FLSWCTL 0x12048
+#define IGC_I210_FLSWDATA 0x1204C
+#define IGC_I210_FLSWCNT 0x12050
+#define IGC_I210_FLA 0x1201C
+#define IGC_SHADOWINF 0x12068
+#define IGC_FLFWUPDATE 0x12108
+#define IGC_INVM_DATA_REG(_n) (0x12120 + 4 * (_n))
+#define IGC_INVM_SIZE 64 /* Number of INVM Data Registers */
+/* QAV Tx mode control register */
+#define IGC_I210_TQAVCTRL 0x3570
+/* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
+/* QAV enable */
+#define IGC_TQAVCTRL_MODE (1 << 0)
+/* Fetching arbitration type */
+#define IGC_TQAVCTRL_FETCH_ARB (1 << 4)
+/* Fetching timer enable */
+/* Launch arbitration type */
+#define IGC_TQAVCTRL_LAUNCH_ARB (1 << 8)
+/* Launch timer enable */
+/* SP waits for SR enable */
+#define IGC_TQAVCTRL_SP_WAIT_SR (1 << 10)
+/* Fetching timer correction */
+/* High credit registers where _n can be 0 or 1. */
+#define IGC_I210_TQAVHC(_n) (0x300C + 0x40 * (_n))
+/* Queues fetch arbitration priority control register */
+#define IGC_I210_TQAVARBCTRL 0x3574
+/* Queues priority masks where _n and _p can be 0-3. */
+#define IGC_TQAVARBCTRL_QUEUE_PRI(_n, _p) ((_p) << (2 * (_n)))
+/* QAV Tx mode control registers where _n can be 0 or 1. */
+#define IGC_I210_TQAVCC(_n) (0x3004 + 0x40 * (_n))
+/* QAV Tx mode control register bitfields masks */
+#define IGC_TQAVCC_IDLE_SLOPE 0xFFFF /* Idle slope */
+#define IGC_TQAVCC_KEEP_CREDITS (1 << 30) /* Keep credits opt enable */
+#define IGC_TQAVCC_QUEUE_MODE (1 << 31) /* SP vs. SR Tx mode */
+/* Good transmitted packets counter registers */
+#define IGC_PQGPTC(_n) (0x010014 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+/* Queues packet buffer size masks where _n can be 0-3 and _s 0-63 [kB] */
+#define IGC_I210_TXPBS_SIZE(_n, _s) ((_s) << (6 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_MMDAC 13 /* MMD Access Control */
+#define IGC_MMDAAD 14 /* MMD Access Address/Data */
+/* Convenience macros
+ *
+ * Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * IGC_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
+ */
+#define IGC_QUEUE_REG(n, low, high) ( \
+ __extension__ ({ \
+ typeof(n) _n = (n); \
+ _n < 4 ? ((low) + _n * 0x100) : ((high) + _n * 0x40); \
+ }))
+#define IGC_RDBAL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02800, 0x0C000)
+#define IGC_RDBAH(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02804, 0x0C004)
+#define IGC_RDLEN(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02808, 0x0C008)
+#define IGC_SRRCTL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x0280C, 0x0C00C)
+#define IGC_RDH(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02810, 0x0C010)
+#define IGC_RXCTL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02814, 0x0C014)
+#define IGC_DCA_RXCTRL(_n) IGC_RXCTL(_n)
+#define IGC_RDT(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02818, 0x0C018)
+#define IGC_RXDCTL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02828, 0x0C028)
+#define IGC_RQDPC(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x02830, 0x0C030)
+#define IGC_TDBAL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03800, 0x0E000)
+#define IGC_TDBAH(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03804, 0x0E004)
+#define IGC_TDLEN(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03808, 0x0E008)
+#define IGC_TDH(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03810, 0x0E010)
+#define IGC_TXCTL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03814, 0x0E014)
+#define IGC_DCA_TXCTRL(_n) IGC_TXCTL(_n)
+#define IGC_TDT(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03818, 0x0E018)
+#define IGC_TXDCTL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03828, 0x0E028)
+#define IGC_TDWBAL(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x03838, 0x0E038)
+#define IGC_TDWBAH(_n) IGC_QUEUE_REG(_n, 0x0383C, 0x0E03C)
+#define IGC_TARC(_n) (0x03840 + (_n) * 0x100)
+#define IGC_RSRPD 0x02C00 /* Rx Small Packet Detect - RW */
+#define IGC_RAID 0x02C08 /* Receive Ack Interrupt Delay - RW */
+#define IGC_TXDMAC 0x03000 /* Tx DMA Control - RW */
+#define IGC_KABGTXD 0x03004 /* AFE Band Gap Transmit Ref Data */
+#define IGC_PSRTYPE(_i) (0x05480 + ((_i) * 4))
+#define IGC_RAL(n) ( \
+ __extension__ ({ \
+ typeof(n) _n = (n); \
+ _n < 16 ? (0x05400 + _n * 8) : (0x054E0 + (_n - 16) * 8); \
+ }))
+#define IGC_RAH(_n) (IGC_RAL(_n) + 4)
+#define IGC_VLAPQF 0x055B0 /* VLAN Priority Queue Filter VLAPQF */
+#define IGC_SHRAL(_i) (0x05438 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_SHRAH(_i) (0x0543C + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_IP4AT_REG(_i) (0x05840 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_IP6AT_REG(_i) (0x05880 + ((_i) * 4))
+#define IGC_WUPM_REG(_i) (0x05A00 + ((_i) * 4))
+#define IGC_FFMT_REG(_i) (0x09000 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_FFVT_REG(_i) (0x09800 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_FFLT_REG(_i) (0x05F00 + ((_i) * 8))
+#define IGC_PBSLAC 0x03100 /* Pkt Buffer Slave Access Control */
+#define IGC_PBSLAD(_n) (0x03110 + (0x4 * (_n))) /* Pkt Buffer DWORD */
+#define IGC_TXPBS 0x03404 /* Tx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
+/* Same as TXPBS, renamed for newer Si - RW */
+#define IGC_ITPBS 0x03404
+#define IGC_TDFH 0x03410 /* Tx Data FIFO Head - RW */
+#define IGC_TDFT 0x03418 /* Tx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
+#define IGC_TDFHS 0x03420 /* Tx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
+#define IGC_TDFTS 0x03428 /* Tx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
+#define IGC_TDFPC 0x03430 /* Tx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
+#define IGC_TDPUMB 0x0357C /* DMA Tx Desc uC Mail Box - RW */
+#define IGC_TDPUAD 0x03580 /* DMA Tx Desc uC Addr Command - RW */
+#define IGC_TDPUWD 0x03584 /* DMA Tx Desc uC Data Write - RW */
+#define IGC_TDPURD 0x03588 /* DMA Tx Desc uC Data Read - RW */
+#define IGC_TDPUCTL 0x0358C /* DMA Tx Desc uC Control - RW */
+#define IGC_DTXCTL 0x03590 /* DMA Tx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_DTXTCPFLGL 0x0359C /* DMA Tx Control flag low - RW */
+#define IGC_DTXTCPFLGH 0x035A0 /* DMA Tx Control flag high - RW */
+/* DMA Tx Max Total Allow Size Reqs - RW */
+#define IGC_DTXMXSZRQ 0x03540
+#define IGC_TIDV 0x03820 /* Tx Interrupt Delay Value - RW */
+#define IGC_TADV 0x0382C /* Tx Interrupt Absolute Delay Val - RW */
+#define IGC_TSPMT 0x03830 /* TCP Segmentation PAD & Min Threshold - RW */
+/* Statistics Register Descriptions */
+#define IGC_CRCERRS 0x04000 /* CRC Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_ALGNERRC 0x04004 /* Alignment Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_SYMERRS 0x04008 /* Symbol Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RXERRC 0x0400C /* Receive Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MPC 0x04010 /* Missed Packet Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_SCC 0x04014 /* Single Collision Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_ECOL 0x04018 /* Excessive Collision Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MCC 0x0401C /* Multiple Collision Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_LATECOL 0x04020 /* Late Collision Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_COLC 0x04028 /* Collision Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_DC 0x04030 /* Defer Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TNCRS 0x04034 /* Tx-No CRS - R/clr */
+#define IGC_SEC 0x04038 /* Sequence Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_CEXTERR 0x0403C /* Carrier Extension Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RLEC 0x04040 /* Receive Length Error Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_XONRXC 0x04048 /* XON Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_XONTXC 0x0404C /* XON Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_XOFFRXC 0x04050 /* XOFF Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_XOFFTXC 0x04054 /* XOFF Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_FCRUC 0x04058 /* Flow Control Rx Unsupported Count- R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC64 0x0405C /* Packets Rx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC127 0x04060 /* Packets Rx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC255 0x04064 /* Packets Rx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC511 0x04068 /* Packets Rx (255-511 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC1023 0x0406C /* Packets Rx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PRC1522 0x04070 /* Packets Rx (1024-1522 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GPRC 0x04074 /* Good Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_BPRC 0x04078 /* Broadcast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MPRC 0x0407C /* Multicast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GPTC 0x04080 /* Good Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GORCL 0x04088 /* Good Octets Rx Count Low - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GORCH 0x0408C /* Good Octets Rx Count High - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GOTCL 0x04090 /* Good Octets Tx Count Low - R/clr */
+#define IGC_GOTCH 0x04094 /* Good Octets Tx Count High - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RNBC 0x040A0 /* Rx No Buffers Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RUC 0x040A4 /* Rx Undersize Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RFC 0x040A8 /* Rx Fragment Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_ROC 0x040AC /* Rx Oversize Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_RJC 0x040B0 /* Rx Jabber Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MGTPRC 0x040B4 /* Management Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MGTPDC 0x040B8 /* Management Packets Dropped Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MGTPTC 0x040BC /* Management Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TORL 0x040C0 /* Total Octets Rx Low - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TORH 0x040C4 /* Total Octets Rx High - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TOTL 0x040C8 /* Total Octets Tx Low - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TOTH 0x040CC /* Total Octets Tx High - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TPR 0x040D0 /* Total Packets Rx - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TPT 0x040D4 /* Total Packets Tx - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC64 0x040D8 /* Packets Tx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC127 0x040DC /* Packets Tx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC255 0x040E0 /* Packets Tx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC511 0x040E4 /* Packets Tx (256-511 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC1023 0x040E8 /* Packets Tx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_PTC1522 0x040EC /* Packets Tx (1024-1522 Bytes) - R/clr */
+#define IGC_MPTC 0x040F0 /* Multicast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_BPTC 0x040F4 /* Broadcast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TSCTC 0x040F8 /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx - R/clr */
+#define IGC_TSCTFC 0x040FC /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx Fail - R/clr */
+#define IGC_IAC 0x04100 /* Interrupt Assertion Count */
+/* Interrupt Cause */
+#define IGC_ICRXPTC 0x04104 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Pkt Timer Expire Count */
+#define IGC_ICRXATC 0x04108 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Abs Timer Expire Count */
+#define IGC_ICTXPTC 0x0410C /* Interrupt Cause Tx Pkt Timer Expire Count */
+#define IGC_ICTXATC 0x04110 /* Interrupt Cause Tx Abs Timer Expire Count */
+#define IGC_ICTXQEC 0x04118 /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Empty Count */
+#define IGC_ICTXQMTC 0x0411C /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Min Thresh Count */
+#define IGC_ICRXDMTC 0x04120 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Desc Min Thresh Count */
+#define IGC_ICRXOC 0x04124 /* Interrupt Cause Receiver Overrun Count */
+#define IGC_CRC_OFFSET 0x05F50 /* CRC Offset register */
+#define IGC_VFGPRC 0x00F10
+#define IGC_VFGORC 0x00F18
+#define IGC_VFMPRC 0x00F3C
+#define IGC_VFGPTC 0x00F14
+#define IGC_VFGOTC 0x00F34
+#define IGC_VFGOTLBC 0x00F50
+#define IGC_VFGPTLBC 0x00F44
+#define IGC_VFGORLBC 0x00F48
+#define IGC_VFGPRLBC 0x00F40
+/* Virtualization statistical counters */
+#define IGC_PFVFGPRC(_n) (0x010010 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGPTC(_n) (0x010014 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGORC(_n) (0x010018 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGOTC(_n) (0x010034 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFMPRC(_n) (0x010038 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGPRLBC(_n) (0x010040 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGPTLBC(_n) (0x010044 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGORLBC(_n) (0x010048 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_PFVFGOTLBC(_n) (0x010050 + (0x100 * (_n)))
+/* LinkSec */
+#define IGC_LSECTXUT 0x04300 /* Tx Untagged Pkt Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECTXPKTE 0x04304 /* Encrypted Tx Pkts Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECTXPKTP 0x04308 /* Protected Tx Pkt Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECTXOCTE 0x0430C /* Encrypted Tx Octets Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECTXOCTP 0x04310 /* Protected Tx Octets Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECRXUT 0x04314 /* Untagged non-Strict Rx Pkt Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECRXOCTD 0x0431C /* Rx Octets Decrypted Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXOCTV 0x04320 /* Rx Octets Validated */
+#define IGC_LSECRXBAD 0x04324 /* Rx Bad Tag */
+#define IGC_LSECRXNOSCI 0x04328 /* Rx Packet No SCI Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXUNSCI 0x0432C /* Rx Packet Unknown SCI Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXUNCH 0x04330 /* Rx Unchecked Packets Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXDELAY 0x04340 /* Rx Delayed Packet Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXLATE 0x04350 /* Rx Late Packets Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXOK(_n) (0x04360 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* Rx Pkt OK Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECRXINV(_n) (0x04380 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* Rx Invalid Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECRXNV(_n) (0x043A0 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* Rx Not Valid Cnt */
+#define IGC_LSECRXUNSA 0x043C0 /* Rx Unused SA Count */
+#define IGC_LSECRXNUSA 0x043D0 /* Rx Not Using SA Count */
+#define IGC_LSECTXCAP 0x0B000 /* Tx Capabilities Register - RO */
+#define IGC_LSECRXCAP 0x0B300 /* Rx Capabilities Register - RO */
+#define IGC_LSECTXCTRL 0x0B004 /* Tx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECRXCTRL 0x0B304 /* Rx Control - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECTXSCL 0x0B008 /* Tx SCI Low - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECTXSCH 0x0B00C /* Tx SCI High - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECTXSA 0x0B010 /* Tx SA0 - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECTXPN0 0x0B018 /* Tx SA PN 0 - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECTXPN1 0x0B01C /* Tx SA PN 1 - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECRXSCL 0x0B3D0 /* Rx SCI Low - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECRXSCH 0x0B3E0 /* Rx SCI High - RW */
+/* LinkSec Tx 128-bit Key 0 - WO */
+#define IGC_LSECTXKEY0(_n) (0x0B020 + (0x04 * (_n)))
+/* LinkSec Tx 128-bit Key 1 - WO */
+#define IGC_LSECTXKEY1(_n) (0x0B030 + (0x04 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_LSECRXSA(_n) (0x0B310 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* Rx SAs - RW */
+#define IGC_LSECRXPN(_n) (0x0B330 + (0x04 * (_n))) /* Rx SAs - RW */
+/* LinkSec Rx Keys - where _n is the SA no. and _m the 4 dwords of the 128 bit
+ * key - RW.
+ */
+#define IGC_LSECRXKEY(_n, _m) (0x0B350 + (0x10 * (_n)) + (0x04 * (_m)))
+#define IGC_SSVPC 0x041A0 /* Switch Security Violation Pkt Cnt */
+#define IGC_IPSCTRL 0xB430 /* IpSec Control Register */
+#define IGC_IPSRXCMD 0x0B408 /* IPSec Rx Command Register - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSRXIDX 0x0B400 /* IPSec Rx Index - RW */
+/* IPSec Rx IPv4/v6 Address - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSRXIPADDR(_n) (0x0B420 + (0x04 * (_n)))
+/* IPSec Rx 128-bit Key - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSRXKEY(_n) (0x0B410 + (0x04 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_IPSRXSALT 0x0B404 /* IPSec Rx Salt - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSRXSPI 0x0B40C /* IPSec Rx SPI - RW */
+/* IPSec Tx 128-bit Key - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSTXKEY(_n) (0x0B460 + (0x04 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_IPSTXSALT 0x0B454 /* IPSec Tx Salt - RW */
+#define IGC_IPSTXIDX 0x0B450 /* IPSec Tx SA IDX - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_CFG0 0x04200 /* PCS Configuration 0 - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_LCTL 0x04208 /* PCS Link Control - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_LSTAT 0x0420C /* PCS Link Status - RO */
+#define IGC_CBTMPC 0x0402C /* Circuit Breaker Tx Packet Count */
+#define IGC_HTDPMC 0x0403C /* Host Transmit Discarded Packets */
+#define IGC_CBRDPC 0x04044 /* Circuit Breaker Rx Dropped Count */
+#define IGC_CBRMPC 0x040FC /* Circuit Breaker Rx Packet Count */
+#define IGC_RPTHC 0x04104 /* Rx Packets To Host */
+#define IGC_HGPTC 0x04118 /* Host Good Packets Tx Count */
+#define IGC_HTCBDPC 0x04124 /* Host Tx Circuit Breaker Dropped Count */
+#define IGC_HGORCL 0x04128 /* Host Good Octets Received Count Low */
+#define IGC_HGORCH 0x0412C /* Host Good Octets Received Count High */
+#define IGC_HGOTCL 0x04130 /* Host Good Octets Transmit Count Low */
+#define IGC_HGOTCH 0x04134 /* Host Good Octets Transmit Count High */
+#define IGC_LENERRS 0x04138 /* Length Errors Count */
+#define IGC_SCVPC 0x04228 /* SerDes/SGMII Code Violation Pkt Count */
+#define IGC_HRMPC 0x0A018 /* Header Redirection Missed Packet Count */
+#define IGC_PCS_ANADV 0x04218 /* AN advertisement - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_LPAB 0x0421C /* Link Partner Ability - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_NPTX 0x04220 /* AN Next Page Transmit - RW */
+#define IGC_PCS_LPABNP 0x04224 /* Link Partner Ability Next Pg - RW */
+#define IGC_RXCSUM 0x05000 /* Rx Checksum Control - RW */
+#define IGC_RLPML 0x05004 /* Rx Long Packet Max Length */
+#define IGC_RFCTL 0x05008 /* Receive Filter Control*/
+#define IGC_MTA 0x05200 /* Multicast Table Array - RW Array */
+#define IGC_RA 0x05400 /* Receive Address - RW Array */
+#define IGC_RA2 0x054E0 /* 2nd half of Rx address array - RW Array */
+#define IGC_VFTA 0x05600 /* VLAN Filter Table Array - RW Array */
+#define IGC_VT_CTL 0x0581C /* VMDq Control - RW */
+#define IGC_CIAA 0x05B88 /* Config Indirect Access Address - RW */
+#define IGC_CIAD 0x05B8C /* Config Indirect Access Data - RW */
+#define IGC_VFQA0 0x0B000 /* VLAN Filter Queue Array 0 - RW Array */
+#define IGC_VFQA1 0x0B200 /* VLAN Filter Queue Array 1 - RW Array */
+#define IGC_WUC 0x05800 /* Wakeup Control - RW */
+#define IGC_WUFC 0x05808 /* Wakeup Filter Control - RW */
+#define IGC_WUS 0x05810 /* Wakeup Status - RO */
+/* Management registers */
+#define IGC_MANC 0x05820 /* Management Control - RW */
+#define IGC_IPAV 0x05838 /* IP Address Valid - RW */
+#define IGC_IP4AT 0x05840 /* IPv4 Address Table - RW Array */
+#define IGC_IP6AT 0x05880 /* IPv6 Address Table - RW Array */
+#define IGC_WUPL 0x05900 /* Wakeup Packet Length - RW */
+#define IGC_WUPM 0x05A00 /* Wakeup Packet Memory - RO A */
+#define IGC_WUPM_EXT 0x0B800 /* Wakeup Packet Memory Extended - RO Array */
+#define IGC_WUFC_EXT 0x0580C /* Wakeup Filter Control Extended - RW */
+#define IGC_WUS_EXT 0x05814 /* Wakeup Status Extended - RW1C */
+#define IGC_FHFTSL 0x05804 /* Flex Filter Indirect Table Select - RW */
+#define IGC_PROXYFCEX 0x05590 /* Proxy Filter Control Extended - RW1C */
+#define IGC_PROXYEXS 0x05594 /* Proxy Extended Status - RO */
+#define IGC_WFUTPF 0x05500 /* Wake Flex UDP TCP Port Filter - RW Array */
+#define IGC_RFUTPF 0x05580 /* Range Flex UDP TCP Port Filter - RW */
+#define IGC_RWPFC 0x05584 /* Range Wake Port Filter Control - RW */
+#define IGC_WFUTPS 0x05588 /* Wake Filter UDP TCP Status - RW1C */
+#define IGC_WCS 0x0558C /* Wake Control Status - RW1C */
+/* MSI-X Table Register Descriptions */
+#define IGC_PBACL 0x05B68 /* MSIx PBA Clear - Read/Write 1's to clear */
+#define IGC_FFLT 0x05F00 /* Flexible Filter Length Table - RW Array */
+#define IGC_HOST_IF 0x08800 /* Host Interface */
+#define IGC_HIBBA 0x8F40 /* Host Interface Buffer Base Address */
+/* Flexible Host Filter Table */
+#define IGC_FHFT(_n) (0x09000 + ((_n) * 0x100))
+/* Ext Flexible Host Filter Table */
+#define IGC_FHFT_EXT(_n) (0x09A00 + ((_n) * 0x100))
+#define IGC_KMRNCTRLSTA 0x00034 /* MAC-PHY interface - RW */
+#define IGC_MANC2H 0x05860 /* Management Control To Host - RW */
+/* Management Decision Filters */
+#define IGC_MDEF(_n) (0x05890 + (4 * (_n)))
+/* Semaphore registers */
+#define IGC_SW_FW_SYNC 0x05B5C /* SW-FW Synchronization - RW */
+#define IGC_CCMCTL 0x05B48 /* CCM Control Register */
+#define IGC_GIOCTL 0x05B44 /* GIO Analog Control Register */
+#define IGC_SCCTL 0x05B4C /* PCIc PLL Configuration Register */
+/* PCIe Register Description */
+#define IGC_GCR 0x05B00 /* PCI-Ex Control */
+#define IGC_GCR2 0x05B64 /* PCI-Ex Control #2 */
+#define IGC_GSCL_1 0x05B10 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #1 */
+#define IGC_GSCL_2 0x05B14 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #2 */
+#define IGC_GSCL_3 0x05B18 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #3 */
+#define IGC_GSCL_4 0x05B1C /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #4 */
+/* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
+#define IGC_FACTPS 0x05B30
+#define IGC_SWSM 0x05B50 /* SW Semaphore */
+#define IGC_FWSM 0x05B54 /* FW Semaphore */
+/* Driver-only SW semaphore (not used by BOOT agents) */
+#define IGC_SWSM2 0x05B58
+#define IGC_DCA_ID 0x05B70 /* DCA Requester ID Information - RO */
+#define IGC_DCA_CTRL 0x05B74 /* DCA Control - RW */
+#define IGC_UFUSE 0x05B78 /* UFUSE - RO */
+#define IGC_FFLT_DBG 0x05F04 /* Debug Register */
+#define IGC_HICR 0x08F00 /* Host Interface Control */
+#define IGC_FWSTS 0x08F0C /* FW Status */
+/* RSS registers */
+#define IGC_CPUVEC 0x02C10 /* CPU Vector Register - RW */
+#define IGC_MRQC 0x05818 /* Multiple Receive Control - RW */
+#define IGC_IMIR(_i) (0x05A80 + ((_i) * 4)) /* Immediate Interrupt */
+#define IGC_IMIREXT(_i) (0x05AA0 + ((_i) * 4)) /* Immediate INTR Ext*/
+#define IGC_IMIRVP 0x05AC0 /* Immediate INT Rx VLAN Priority -RW */
+#define IGC_MSIXBM(_i) (0x01600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* MSI-X Alloc Reg -RW */
+/* Redirection Table - RW Array */
+#define IGC_RETA(_i) (0x05C00 + ((_i) * 4))
+/* RSS Random Key - RW Array */
+#define IGC_RSSRK(_i) (0x05C80 + ((_i) * 4))
+#define IGC_RSSIM 0x05864 /* RSS Interrupt Mask */
+#define IGC_RSSIR 0x05868 /* RSS Interrupt Request */
+#define IGC_UTA 0x0A000 /* Unicast Table Array - RW */
+/* VT Registers */
+#define IGC_SWPBS 0x03004 /* Switch Packet Buffer Size - RW */
+#define IGC_MBVFICR 0x00C80 /* Mailbox VF Cause - RWC */
+#define IGC_MBVFIMR 0x00C84 /* Mailbox VF int Mask - RW */
+#define IGC_VFLRE 0x00C88 /* VF Register Events - RWC */
+#define IGC_VFRE 0x00C8C /* VF Receive Enables */
+#define IGC_VFTE 0x00C90 /* VF Transmit Enables */
+#define IGC_QDE 0x02408 /* Queue Drop Enable - RW */
+#define IGC_DTXSWC 0x03500 /* DMA Tx Switch Control - RW */
+#define IGC_WVBR 0x03554 /* VM Wrong Behavior - RWS */
+#define IGC_RPLOLR 0x05AF0 /* Replication Offload - RW */
+#define IGC_IOVTCL 0x05BBC /* IOV Control Register */
+#define IGC_VMRCTL 0X05D80 /* Virtual Mirror Rule Control */
+#define IGC_VMRVLAN 0x05D90 /* Virtual Mirror Rule VLAN */
+#define IGC_VMRVM 0x05DA0 /* Virtual Mirror Rule VM */
+#define IGC_MDFB 0x03558 /* Malicious Driver free block */
+#define IGC_LVMMC 0x03548 /* Last VM Misbehavior cause */
+#define IGC_TXSWC 0x05ACC /* Tx Switch Control */
+#define IGC_SCCRL 0x05DB0 /* Storm Control Control */
+#define IGC_BSCTRH 0x05DB8 /* Broadcast Storm Control Threshold */
+#define IGC_MSCTRH 0x05DBC /* Multicast Storm Control Threshold */
+/* These act per VF so an array friendly macro is used */
+#define IGC_V2PMAILBOX(_n) (0x00C40 + (4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_P2VMAILBOX(_n) (0x00C00 + (4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_VMBMEM(_n) (0x00800 + (64 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_VFVMBMEM(_n) (0x00800 + (_n))
+#define IGC_VMOLR(_n) (0x05AD0 + (4 * (_n)))
+/* VLAN Virtual Machine Filter - RW */
+#define IGC_VLVF(_n) (0x05D00 + (4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_VMVIR(_n) (0x03700 + (4 * (_n)))
+#define IGC_DVMOLR(_n) (0x0C038 + (0x40 * (_n))) /* DMA VM offload */
+#define IGC_VTCTRL(_n) (0x10000 + (0x100 * (_n))) /* VT Control */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCTL 0x0B620 /* Rx Time Sync Control register - RW */
+#define IGC_TSYNCTXCTL 0x0B614 /* Tx Time Sync Control register - RW */
+#define IGC_TSYNCRXCFG 0x05F50 /* Time Sync Rx Configuration - RW */
+#define IGC_RXSTMPL 0x0B624 /* Rx timestamp Low - RO */
+#define IGC_RXSTMPH 0x0B628 /* Rx timestamp High - RO */
+#define IGC_RXSATRL 0x0B62C /* Rx timestamp attribute low - RO */
+#define IGC_RXSATRH 0x0B630 /* Rx timestamp attribute high - RO */
+#define IGC_TXSTMPL 0x0B618 /* Tx timestamp value Low - RO */
+#define IGC_TXSTMPH 0x0B61C /* Tx timestamp value High - RO */
+#define IGC_SYSTIML 0x0B600 /* System time register Low - RO */
+#define IGC_SYSTIMH 0x0B604 /* System time register High - RO */
+#define IGC_TIMINCA 0x0B608 /* Increment attributes register - RW */
+#define IGC_TIMADJL 0x0B60C /* Time sync time adjustment offset Low - RW */
+#define IGC_TIMADJH 0x0B610 /* Time sync time adjustment offset High - RW */
+#define IGC_TSAUXC 0x0B640 /* Timesync Auxiliary Control register */
+#define IGC_SYSSTMPL 0x0B648 /* HH Timesync system stamp low register */
+#define IGC_SYSSTMPH 0x0B64C /* HH Timesync system stamp hi register */
+#define IGC_PLTSTMPL 0x0B640 /* HH Timesync platform stamp low register */
+#define IGC_PLTSTMPH 0x0B644 /* HH Timesync platform stamp hi register */
+#define IGC_SYSTIMR 0x0B6F8 /* System time register Residue */
+#define IGC_TSICR 0x0B66C /* Interrupt Cause Register */
+#define IGC_TSIM 0x0B674 /* Interrupt Mask Register */
+#define IGC_RXMTRL 0x0B634 /* Time sync Rx EtherType and Msg Type - RW */
+#define IGC_RXUDP 0x0B638 /* Time Sync Rx UDP Port - RW */
+/* Filtering Registers */
+#define IGC_SAQF(_n) (0x05980 + (4 * (_n))) /* Source Address Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_DAQF(_n) (0x059A0 + (4 * (_n))) /* Dest Address Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_SPQF(_n) (0x059C0 + (4 * (_n))) /* Source Port Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_FTQF(_n) (0x059E0 + (4 * (_n))) /* 5-tuple Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_TTQF(_n) (0x059E0 + (4 * (_n))) /* 2-tuple Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_SYNQF(_n) (0x055FC + (4 * (_n))) /* SYN Packet Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_ETQF(_n) (0x05CB0 + (4 * (_n))) /* EType Queue Fltr */
+#define IGC_RTTDCS 0x3600 /* Reedtown Tx Desc plane control and status */
+#define IGC_RTTPCS 0x3474 /* Reedtown Tx Packet Plane control and status */
+#define IGC_RTRPCS 0x2474 /* Rx packet plane control and status */
+#define IGC_RTRUP2TC 0x05AC4 /* Rx User Priority to Traffic Class */
+#define IGC_RTTUP2TC 0x0418 /* Transmit User Priority to Traffic Class */
+/* Tx Desc plane TC Rate-scheduler config */
+#define IGC_RTTDTCRC(_n) (0x3610 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Config */
+#define IGC_RTTPTCRC(_n) (0x3480 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Config */
+#define IGC_RTRPTCRC(_n) (0x2480 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Desc Plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
+#define IGC_RTTDTCRS(_n) (0x3630 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Desc Plane TC Rate-Scheduler MMW */
+#define IGC_RTTDTCRM(_n) (0x3650 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
+#define IGC_RTTPTCRS(_n) (0x34A0 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Packet plane TC Rate-scheduler MMW */
+#define IGC_RTTPTCRM(_n) (0x34C0 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler Status */
+#define IGC_RTRPTCRS(_n) (0x24A0 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Rx Packet plane TC Rate-Scheduler MMW */
+#define IGC_RTRPTCRM(_n) (0x24C0 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx Desc plane VM Rate-Scheduler MMW*/
+#define IGC_RTTDVMRM(_n) (0x3670 + ((_n) * 4))
+/* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler MMW */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNRM(_n) (0x3690 + ((_n) * 4))
+#define IGC_RTTDQSEL 0x3604 /* Tx Desc Plane Queue Select */
+#define IGC_RTTDVMRC 0x3608 /* Tx Desc Plane VM Rate-Scheduler Config */
+#define IGC_RTTDVMRS 0x360C /* Tx Desc Plane VM Rate-Scheduler Status */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNRC 0x36B0 /* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler Config */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNRS 0x36B4 /* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler Status */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNCR 0xB200 /* Tx BCN Control Register */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNTG 0x35A4 /* Tx BCN Tagging */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNCP 0xB208 /* Tx BCN Congestion point */
+#define IGC_RTRBCNCR 0xB20C /* Rx BCN Control Register */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNRD 0x36B8 /* Tx BCN Rate Drift */
+#define IGC_PFCTOP 0x1080 /* Priority Flow Control Type and Opcode */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNIDX 0xB204 /* Tx BCN Congestion Point */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNACH 0x0B214 /* Tx BCN Control High */
+#define IGC_RTTBCNACL 0x0B210 /* Tx BCN Control Low */
+/* DMA Coalescing registers */
+#define IGC_DMACR 0x02508 /* Control Register */
+#define IGC_DMCTXTH 0x03550 /* Transmit Threshold */
+#define IGC_DMCTLX 0x02514 /* Time to Lx Request */
+#define IGC_DMCRTRH 0x05DD0 /* Receive Packet Rate Threshold */
+#define IGC_DMCCNT 0x05DD4 /* Current Rx Count */
+#define IGC_FCRTC 0x02170 /* Flow Control Rx high watermark */
+#define IGC_PCIEMISC 0x05BB8 /* PCIE misc config register */
+/* PCIe Parity Status Register */
+#define IGC_PCIEERRSTS 0x05BA8
+#define IGC_PROXYS 0x5F64 /* Proxying Status */
+#define IGC_PROXYFC 0x5F60 /* Proxying Filter Control */
+/* Thermal sensor configuration and status registers */
+#define IGC_THMJT 0x08100 /* Junction Temperature */
+#define IGC_THLOWTC 0x08104 /* Low Threshold Control */
+#define IGC_THMIDTC 0x08108 /* Mid Threshold Control */
+#define IGC_THHIGHTC 0x0810C /* High Threshold Control */
+#define IGC_THSTAT 0x08110 /* Thermal Sensor Status */
+/* Energy Efficient Ethernet "EEE" registers */
+#define IGC_IPCNFG 0x0E38 /* Internal PHY Configuration */
+#define IGC_LTRC 0x01A0 /* Latency Tolerance Reporting Control */
+#define IGC_EEER 0x0E30 /* Energy Efficient Ethernet "EEE"*/
+#define IGC_EEE_SU 0x0E34 /* EEE Setup */
+#define IGC_EEE_SU_2P5 0x0E3C /* EEE 2.5G Setup */
+#define IGC_TLPIC 0x4148 /* EEE Tx LPI Count - TLPIC */
+#define IGC_RLPIC 0x414C /* EEE Rx LPI Count - RLPIC */
+/* OS2BMC Registers */
+#define IGC_B2OSPC 0x08FE0 /* BMC2OS packets sent by BMC */
+#define IGC_B2OGPRC 0x04158 /* BMC2OS packets received by host */
+#define IGC_O2BGPTC 0x08FE4 /* OS2BMC packets received by BMC */
+#define IGC_O2BSPC 0x0415C /* OS2BMC packets transmitted by host */
+#define IGC_LTRMINV 0x5BB0 /* LTR Minimum Value */
+#define IGC_LTRMAXV 0x5BB4 /* LTR Maximum Value */
+/* IEEE 1588 TIMESYNCH */
+#define IGC_TRGTTIML0 0x0B644 /* Target Time Register 0 Low - RW */
+#define IGC_TRGTTIMH0 0x0B648 /* Target Time Register 0 High - RW */
+#define IGC_TRGTTIML1 0x0B64C /* Target Time Register 1 Low - RW */
+#define IGC_TRGTTIMH1 0x0B650 /* Target Time Register 1 High - RW */
+#define IGC_FREQOUT0 0x0B654 /* Frequency Out 0 Control Register - RW */
+#define IGC_FREQOUT1 0x0B658 /* Frequency Out 1 Control Register - RW */
+#define IGC_TSSDP 0x0003C /* Time Sync SDP Configuration Register - RW */
+#define IGC_LTRC_EEEMS_EN (1 << 5)
+#define IGC_TW_SYSTEM_100_MASK 0xff00
+#define IGC_TW_SYSTEM_100_SHIFT 8
+#define IGC_TW_SYSTEM_1000_MASK 0xff
+#define IGC_LTRMINV_SCALE_1024 0x02
+#define IGC_LTRMINV_SCALE_32768 0x03
+#define IGC_LTRMAXV_SCALE_1024 0x02
+#define IGC_LTRMAXV_SCALE_32768 0x03
+#define IGC_LTRMINV_LTRV_MASK 0x1ff
+#define IGC_LTRMINV_LSNP_REQ 0x80
+#define IGC_LTRMAXV_LTRV_MASK 0x1ff
+#define IGC_LTRMAXV_LSNP_REQ 0x80
+#define IGC_MRQC_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000007
+#define IGC_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_EX 0x00080000
+#define IGC_RCTL_DTYP_MASK 0x00000C00 /* Descriptor type mask */