[v1,15/38] common/mlx5: add DevX command to create CQ

Message ID 1579539790-3882-16-git-send-email-matan@mellanox.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Maxime Coquelin
Series Introduce mlx5 vDPA driver |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK

Commit Message

Matan Azrad Jan. 20, 2020, 5:02 p.m. UTC
HW implements completion queues(CQ) used to post completion reports upon
completion of work request.

Used for Rx and Tx datapath.

Add DevX command to create a CQ.

Signed-off-by: Matan Azrad <matan@mellanox.com>
 drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.c            | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.h            | 19 +++++++
 drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h                  | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/mlx5/rte_common_mlx5_version.map |  1 +
 4 files changed, 148 insertions(+)


diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.c b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.c
index aa2feeb..ef7d70c 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.c
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.c
@@ -1091,3 +1091,60 @@  struct mlx5_devx_obj *
 	return -ret;
+ * Create CQ using DevX API.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ctx
+ *   ibv_context returned from mlx5dv_open_device.
+ * @param [in] attr
+ *   Pointer to CQ attributes structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   The DevX object created, NULL otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+struct mlx5_devx_obj *
+mlx5_devx_cmd_create_cq(struct ibv_context *ctx, struct mlx5_devx_cq_attr *attr)
+	uint32_t in[MLX5_ST_SZ_DW(create_cq_in)] = {0};
+	uint32_t out[MLX5_ST_SZ_DW(create_cq_out)] = {0};
+	struct mlx5_devx_obj *cq_obj = rte_zmalloc(__func__, sizeof(*cq_obj),
+						   0);
+	void *cqctx = MLX5_ADDR_OF(create_cq_in, in, cq_context);
+	if (!cq_obj) {
+		DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to allocate CQ object memory.");
+		rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	MLX5_SET(create_cq_in, in, opcode, MLX5_CMD_OP_CREATE_CQ);
+	if (attr->db_umem_valid) {
+		MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, dbr_umem_valid, attr->db_umem_valid);
+		MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, dbr_umem_id, attr->db_umem_id);
+		MLX5_SET64(cqc, cqctx, dbr_addr, attr->db_umem_offset);
+	} else {
+		MLX5_SET64(cqc, cqctx, dbr_addr, attr->db_addr);
+	}
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, cc, attr->use_first_only);
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, oi, attr->overrun_ignore);
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, log_cq_size, attr->log_cq_size);
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, log_page_size, attr->log_page_size);
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, c_eqn, attr->eqn);
+	MLX5_SET(cqc, cqctx, uar_page, attr->uar_page_id);
+	if (attr->q_umem_valid) {
+		MLX5_SET(create_cq_in, in, cq_umem_valid, attr->q_umem_valid);
+		MLX5_SET(create_cq_in, in, cq_umem_id, attr->q_umem_id);
+		MLX5_SET64(create_cq_in, in, cq_umem_offset,
+			   attr->q_umem_offset);
+	}
+	cq_obj->obj = mlx5_glue->devx_obj_create(ctx, in, sizeof(in), out,
+						 sizeof(out));
+	if (!cq_obj->obj) {
+		rte_errno = errno;
+		DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to create CQ using DevX errno=%d.", errno);
+		rte_free(cq_obj);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	cq_obj->id = MLX5_GET(create_cq_out, out, cqn);
+	return cq_obj;
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.h b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.h
index ceeca64..7b50861 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.h
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_devx_cmds.h
@@ -224,6 +224,23 @@  struct mlx5_devx_modify_sq_attr {
+/* CQ attributes structure, used by CQ operations. */
+struct mlx5_devx_cq_attr {
+	uint32_t q_umem_valid:1;
+	uint32_t db_umem_valid:1;
+	uint32_t use_first_only:1;
+	uint32_t overrun_ignore:1;
+	uint32_t log_cq_size:5;
+	uint32_t log_page_size:5;
+	uint32_t uar_page_id;
+	uint32_t q_umem_id;
+	uint64_t q_umem_offset;
+	uint32_t db_umem_id;
+	uint64_t db_umem_offset;
+	uint32_t eqn;
+	uint64_t db_addr;
 /* mlx5_devx_cmds.c */
 struct mlx5_devx_obj *mlx5_devx_cmd_flow_counter_alloc(struct ibv_context *ctx,
@@ -260,4 +277,6 @@  struct mlx5_devx_obj *mlx5_devx_cmd_create_tis(struct ibv_context *ctx,
 struct mlx5_devx_obj *mlx5_devx_cmd_create_td(struct ibv_context *ctx);
 int mlx5_devx_cmd_flow_dump(void *fdb_domain, void *rx_domain, void *tx_domain,
 			    FILE *file);
+struct mlx5_devx_obj *mlx5_devx_cmd_create_cq(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+					      struct mlx5_devx_cq_attr *attr);
 #endif /* RTE_PMD_MLX5_DEVX_CMDS_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
index 058bd8c..0206a8e 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
@@ -710,6 +710,7 @@  enum {
 enum {
+	MLX5_CMD_OP_CREATE_CQ = 0x400,
@@ -1844,6 +1845,76 @@  struct mlx5_ifc_flow_meter_parameters_bits {
 	u8         reserved_at_8[0x60];		// 14h-1Ch
+struct mlx5_ifc_cqc_bits {
+	u8 status[0x4];
+	u8 as_notify[0x1];
+	u8 initiator_src_dct[0x1];
+	u8 dbr_umem_valid[0x1];
+	u8 reserved_at_7[0x1];
+	u8 cqe_sz[0x3];
+	u8 cc[0x1];
+	u8 reserved_at_c[0x1];
+	u8 scqe_break_moderation_en[0x1];
+	u8 oi[0x1];
+	u8 cq_period_mode[0x2];
+	u8 cqe_comp_en[0x1];
+	u8 mini_cqe_res_format[0x2];
+	u8 st[0x4];
+	u8 reserved_at_18[0x8];
+	u8 dbr_umem_id[0x20];
+	u8 reserved_at_40[0x14];
+	u8 page_offset[0x6];
+	u8 reserved_at_5a[0x6];
+	u8 reserved_at_60[0x3];
+	u8 log_cq_size[0x5];
+	u8 uar_page[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_80[0x4];
+	u8 cq_period[0xc];
+	u8 cq_max_count[0x10];
+	u8 reserved_at_a0[0x18];
+	u8 c_eqn[0x8];
+	u8 reserved_at_c0[0x3];
+	u8 log_page_size[0x5];
+	u8 reserved_at_c8[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_e0[0x20];
+	u8 reserved_at_100[0x8];
+	u8 last_notified_index[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_120[0x8];
+	u8 last_solicit_index[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_140[0x8];
+	u8 consumer_counter[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_160[0x8];
+	u8 producer_counter[0x18];
+	u8 local_partition_id[0xc];
+	u8 process_id[0x14];
+	u8 reserved_at_1A0[0x20];
+	u8 dbr_addr[0x40];
+struct mlx5_ifc_create_cq_out_bits {
+	u8 status[0x8];
+	u8 reserved_at_8[0x18];
+	u8 syndrome[0x20];
+	u8 reserved_at_40[0x8];
+	u8 cqn[0x18];
+	u8 reserved_at_60[0x20];
+struct mlx5_ifc_create_cq_in_bits {
+	u8 opcode[0x10];
+	u8 uid[0x10];
+	u8 reserved_at_20[0x10];
+	u8 op_mod[0x10];
+	u8 reserved_at_40[0x40];
+	struct mlx5_ifc_cqc_bits cq_context;
+	u8 cq_umem_offset[0x40];
+	u8 cq_umem_id[0x20];
+	u8 cq_umem_valid[0x1];
+	u8 reserved_at_2e1[0x1f];
+	u8 reserved_at_300[0x580];
+	u8 pas[];
 /* CQE format mask. */
 #define MLX5E_CQE_FORMAT_MASK 0xc
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/rte_common_mlx5_version.map b/drivers/common/mlx5/rte_common_mlx5_version.map
index 0c01172..c6a203d 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/rte_common_mlx5_version.map
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/rte_common_mlx5_version.map
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 
 DPDK_20.02 {
+	mlx5_devx_cmd_create_cq;