[08/19] net/mlx5: support basic meter operations

Message ID 1573053090-179521-9-git-send-email-suanmingm@mellanox.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Raslan Darawsheh
Series net/mlx5: support meter |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation fail apply issues

Commit Message

Suanming Mou Nov. 6, 2019, 3:11 p.m. UTC
This commit add the basic meter operations for meter create and destroy.

New internal functions in rte_mtr_ops callback:
1. create()
2. destroy()

The create() callback will create the corresponding flow rules on the
meter table.
The destroy() callback destroys the flow rules on the meter table.

Signed-off-by: Suanming Mou <suanmingm@mellanox.com>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c            |   1 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h            |   5 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h       |   8 ++
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c
index 7958067..1a2fef6 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c
@@ -2405,6 +2405,7 @@  struct mlx5_flow_id_pool *
+	TAILQ_INIT(&priv->flow_meters);
 	/* Hint libmlx5 to use PMD allocator for data plane resources */
 	struct mlx5dv_ctx_allocators alctr = {
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
index 58bd7d0..35abb3f 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
@@ -692,6 +692,8 @@  struct mlx5_proc_priv {
 /* MTR profile list. */
 TAILQ_HEAD(mlx5_mtr_profiles, mlx5_flow_meter_profile);
+/* MTR list. */
+TAILQ_HEAD(mlx5_flow_meters, mlx5_flow_meter);
 #define MLX5_PROC_PRIV(port_id) \
 	((struct mlx5_proc_priv *)rte_eth_devices[port_id].process_private)
@@ -764,6 +766,7 @@  struct mlx5_priv {
 	uint8_t mtr_sfx_reg; /* Meter prefix-suffix flow match REG_C. */
 	uint8_t mtr_color_reg; /* Meter color match REG_C. */
 	struct mlx5_mtr_profiles flow_meter_profiles; /* MTR profile list. */
+	struct mlx5_flow_meters flow_meters; /* MTR list. */
 #ifndef RTE_ARCH_64
 	rte_spinlock_t uar_lock_cq; /* CQs share a common distinct UAR */
 	rte_spinlock_t uar_lock[MLX5_UAR_PAGE_NUM_MAX];
@@ -1029,5 +1032,7 @@  struct mlx5_devx_obj *mlx5_devx_cmd_create_tis
 /* mlx5_flow_meter.c */
 int mlx5_flow_meter_ops_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *arg);
+struct mlx5_flow_meter *mlx5_flow_meter_find(struct mlx5_priv *priv,
+					     uint32_t meter_id);
 #endif /* RTE_PMD_MLX5_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
index ca0a98d..e7bd787 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
@@ -557,14 +557,22 @@  struct mlx5_meter_domains_infos {
 /* Meter parameter structure. */
 struct mlx5_flow_meter {
+	TAILQ_ENTRY(mlx5_flow_meter) next;
+	/**< Pointer to the next flow meter structure. */
 	uint32_t meter_id;
 	/**< Meter id. */
 	struct rte_mtr_params params;
 	/**< Meter rule parameters. */
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter_profile *profile;
+	/**< Meter profile parameters. */
 	struct mlx5_meter_domains_infos *mfts;
 	/**< Flow table created for this meter. */
 	uint32_t ref_cnt;
 	/**< Use count. */
+	uint32_t active_state:1;
+	/**< Meter state. */
+	uint32_t shared:1;
+	/**< Meter shared or not. */
 /* RFC2697 parameter structure. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c
index 5ad5e14..76a3180 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c
@@ -362,12 +362,227 @@ 
 	return 0;
+ * Convert wrong color setting action to verbose error.
+ *
+ * @param[in] action
+ *   Policy color action.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Verbose meter color error type.
+ */
+static inline enum rte_mtr_error_type
+action2error(enum rte_mtr_policer_action action)
+	switch (action) {
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+ * Check meter validation.
+ *
+ * @param[in] priv
+ *   Pointer to mlx5 private data structure.
+ * @param[in] meter_id
+ *   Meter id.
+ * @param[in] params
+ *   Pointer to rte meter parameters.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to rte meter error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_meter_validate(struct mlx5_priv *priv, uint32_t meter_id,
+			 struct rte_mtr_params *params,
+			 struct rte_mtr_error *error)
+	static enum rte_mtr_policer_action
+				valid_recol_action[RTE_COLORS] = {
+	int i;
+	/* Meter params must not be NULL. */
+	if (params == NULL)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, EINVAL,
+					  NULL, "Meter object params null.");
+	/* Previous meter color is not supported. */
+	if (params->use_prev_mtr_color)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOTSUP,
+					  NULL,
+					  "Previous meter color "
+					  "not supported.");
+	/* Validate policer settings. */
+	for (i = 0; i < RTE_COLORS; i++)
+		if (params->action[i] != valid_recol_action[i] &&
+		    params->action[i] != MTR_POLICER_ACTION_DROP)
+			return -rte_mtr_error_set
+					(error, ENOTSUP,
+					 action2error(params->action[i]), NULL,
+					 "Recolor action not supported.");
+	/* Validate meter id. */
+	if (mlx5_flow_meter_find(priv, meter_id))
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, EEXIST,
+					  "Meter object already exists.");
+	return 0;
+ * Create meter rules.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to Ethernet device.
+ * @param[in] meter_id
+ *   Meter id.
+ * @param[in] params
+ *   Pointer to rte meter parameters.
+ * @param[in] shared
+ *   Meter shared with other flow or not.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to rte meter error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_meter_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t meter_id,
+		       struct rte_mtr_params *params, int shared,
+		       struct rte_mtr_error *error)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meters *fms = &priv->flow_meters;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter_profile *fmp;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter *fm;
+	const struct rte_flow_attr attr = {
+				.ingress = 1,
+				.egress = 1,
+				.transfer = priv->config.dv_esw_en ? 1 : 0,
+			};
+	int ret;
+	if (!priv->mtr_en)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOTSUP,
+					  "Meter is not support");
+	/* Validate the parameters. */
+	ret = mlx5_flow_meter_validate(priv, meter_id, params, error);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Meter profile must exist. */
+	fmp = mlx5_flow_meter_profile_find(priv, params->meter_profile_id);
+	if (fmp == NULL)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOENT,
+					  NULL, "Meter profile id not valid.");
+	/* Allocate the flow meter memory. */
+	fm = rte_calloc(__func__, 1,
+			sizeof(struct mlx5_flow_meter), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+	if (fm == NULL)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOMEM,
+					  "Memory alloc failed for meter.");
+	/* Fill the flow meter parameters. */
+	fm->meter_id = meter_id;
+	fm->profile = fmp;
+	fm->params = *params;
+	fm->mfts = mlx5_flow_create_mtr_tbls(dev);
+	if (!fm->mfts)
+		goto error;
+	ret = mlx5_flow_create_policer_rules(dev, fm, &attr);
+	if (ret)
+		goto error;
+	/* Add to the flow meter list. */
+	TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(fms, fm, next);
+	fm->active_state = 1; /* Config meter starts as active. */
+	fm->shared = !!shared;
+	fm->profile->ref_cnt++;
+	return 0;
+	mlx5_flow_destroy_policer_rules(dev, fm, &attr);
+	mlx5_flow_destroy_mtr_tbls(dev, fm->mfts);
+	rte_free(fm);
+	return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, -ret,
+				  NULL, "Failed to create devx meter.");
+ * Destroy meter rules.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to Ethernet device.
+ * @param[in] meter_id
+ *   Meter id.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to rte meter error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+mlx5_flow_meter_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t meter_id,
+			struct rte_mtr_error *error)
+	struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meters *fms = &priv->flow_meters;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter_profile *fmp;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter *fm;
+	const struct rte_flow_attr attr = {
+				.ingress = 1,
+				.egress = 1,
+				.transfer = priv->config.dv_esw_en ? 1 : 0,
+			};
+	if (!priv->mtr_en)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOTSUP,
+					  "Meter is not support");
+	/* Meter object must exist. */
+	fm = mlx5_flow_meter_find(priv, meter_id);
+	if (fm == NULL)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, ENOENT,
+					  NULL, "Meter object id not valid.");
+	/* Meter object must not have any owner. */
+	if (fm->ref_cnt > 0)
+		return -rte_mtr_error_set(error, EBUSY,
+					  NULL, "Meter object is being used.");
+	/* Get the meter profile. */
+	fmp = fm->profile;
+	RTE_ASSERT(fmp);
+	/* Update dependencies. */
+	fmp->ref_cnt--;
+	/* Remove from the flow meter list. */
+	TAILQ_REMOVE(fms, fm, next);
+	/* Free meter flow table */
+	mlx5_flow_destroy_policer_rules(dev, fm, &attr);
+	mlx5_flow_destroy_mtr_tbls(dev, fm->mfts);
+	rte_free(fm);
+	return 0;
 static const struct rte_mtr_ops mlx5_flow_mtr_ops = {
 	.capabilities_get = mlx5_flow_mtr_cap_get,
 	.meter_profile_add = mlx5_flow_meter_profile_add,
 	.meter_profile_delete = mlx5_flow_meter_profile_delete,
-	.create = NULL,
-	.destroy = NULL,
+	.create = mlx5_flow_meter_create,
+	.destroy = mlx5_flow_meter_destroy,
 	.meter_enable = NULL,
 	.meter_disable = NULL,
 	.meter_profile_update = NULL,
@@ -394,3 +609,26 @@ 
 	*(const struct rte_mtr_ops **)arg = &mlx5_flow_mtr_ops;
 	return 0;
+ * Find meter by id.
+ *
+ * @param priv
+ *   Pointer to mlx5_priv.
+ * @param meter_id
+ *   Meter id.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pointer to the profile found on success, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+struct mlx5_flow_meter *
+mlx5_flow_meter_find(struct mlx5_priv *priv, uint32_t meter_id)
+	struct mlx5_flow_meters *fms = &priv->flow_meters;
+	struct mlx5_flow_meter *fm;
+	TAILQ_FOREACH(fm, fms, next)
+		if (meter_id == fm->meter_id)
+			return fm;
+	return NULL;