@@ -454,8 +454,6 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_quit = {
struct cmd_set_rxtx_result {
cmdline_fixed_string_t set;
cmdline_fixed_string_t mode;
@@ -490,8 +488,6 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_rxtx = {
struct cmd_set_rxtx_anchor {
cmdline_fixed_string_t set;
cmdline_fixed_string_t type;
@@ -528,6 +524,44 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_rxtx_anchor = {
+/* for stream control */
+struct cmd_set_rxtx_sc {
+ cmdline_fixed_string_t set;
+ cmdline_fixed_string_t type;
+static void
+cmd_set_rxtx_sc_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+ struct cmdline *cl,
+ __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+ struct cmd_set_rxtx_sc *res = parsed_result;
+ if (test_set_rxtx_sc(res->type) < 0)
+ cmdline_printf(cl, "Cannot find such stream control\n");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_rxtx_sc_set =
+ TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_rxtx_sc, set,
+ "set_rxtx_sc");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_rxtx_sc_type =
+ TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_rxtx_sc, type, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_rxtx_sc = {
+ .f = cmd_set_rxtx_sc_parsed, /* function to call */
+ .data = NULL, /* 2nd arg of func */
+ .help_str = "set rxtx stream control: "
+ "set_rxtx_sc <type>",
+ .tokens = { /* token list, NULL terminated */
+ (void *)&cmd_set_rxtx_sc_set,
+ (void *)&cmd_set_rxtx_sc_type,
+ },
cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_autotest,
(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_dump,
@@ -536,6 +570,7 @@ cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_quit,
(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_rxtx,
(cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_rxtx_anchor,
+ (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_set_rxtx_sc,
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ int test_link_bonding(void);
int test_pmd_perf(void);
int test_set_rxtx_conf(cmdline_fixed_string_t mode);
int test_set_rxtx_anchor(cmdline_fixed_string_t type);
+int test_set_rxtx_sc(cmdline_fixed_string_t type);
int test_pci_run;
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
#include <rte_cycles.h>
#include <rte_ethdev.h>
#include <rte_byteorder.h>
+#include <rte_atomic.h>
+#include <rte_malloc.h>
#include "packet_burst_generator.h"
#include "test.h"
@@ -73,13 +75,15 @@
#define TX_HTHRESH 0 /**< Default values of TX host threshold reg. */
#define TX_WTHRESH 0 /**< Default values of TX write-back threshold reg. */
+#define MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST 2048
#define NB_MBUF RTE_MAX( \
- (unsigned)(nb_ports*nb_rx_queue*RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT + \
- nb_ports*nb_lcores*MAX_PKT_BURST + \
- nb_ports*nb_tx_queue*RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT + \
- nb_lcores*MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE), \
- (unsigned)8192)
+ (unsigned)(nb_ports*nb_rx_queue*nb_rxd + \
+ nb_ports*nb_lcores*MAX_PKT_BURST + \
+ nb_ports*nb_tx_queue*nb_txd + \
+ nb_lcores*MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE + \
+ nb_ports*MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST), \
+ (unsigned)8192)
static struct rte_mempool *mbufpool[NB_SOCKETS];
@@ -147,6 +151,14 @@ struct lcore_conf lcore_conf[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
static uint64_t link_mbps;
+enum {
+static uint32_t sc_flag;
/* Check the link status of all ports in up to 3s, and print them finally */
static void
check_all_ports_link_status(uint8_t port_num, uint32_t port_mask)
@@ -361,8 +373,7 @@ signal_handler(int signum)
-#define MAX_TRAFIC_BURST (4096)
-struct rte_mbuf *tx_burst[MAX_TRAFIC_BURST];
+struct rte_mbuf **tx_burst;
uint64_t (*do_measure)(struct lcore_conf *conf,
struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[],
@@ -503,7 +514,7 @@ main_loop(__rte_unused void *args)
if (conf->status != LCORE_USED)
return 0;
- pkt_per_port = MAX_TRAFIC_BURST / conf->nb_ports;
+ pkt_per_port = MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST;
int idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < conf->nb_ports; i++) {
@@ -554,12 +565,137 @@ main_loop(__rte_unused void *args)
return 0;
+rte_atomic64_t start;
+/* main processing loop */
+static inline int
+poll_burst(void *args)
+#define MAX_IDLE (1000)
+ unsigned lcore_id;
+ struct rte_mbuf **pkts_burst;
+ uint64_t diff_tsc, cur_tsc;
+ uint16_t next[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+ struct lcore_conf *conf;
+ uint32_t pkt_per_port = *((uint32_t *)args);
+ unsigned i, portid, nb_rx = 0;
+ uint64_t total;
+ uint64_t timeout = MAX_IDLE;
+ lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
+ conf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
+ if (conf->status != LCORE_USED)
+ return 0;
+ total = pkt_per_port * conf->nb_ports;
+ printf("start to receive total expect %ld\n", total);
+ pkts_burst = (struct rte_mbuf **)
+ rte_calloc_socket("poll_burst",
+ total, sizeof(void *),
+ CACHE_LINE_SIZE, conf->socketid);
+ if (!pkts_burst)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < conf->nb_ports; i++) {
+ portid = conf->portlist[i];
+ next[portid] = i * pkt_per_port;
+ }
+ while (!rte_atomic64_read(&start))
+ ;
+ cur_tsc = rte_rdtsc();
+ while (total) {
+ for (i = 0; i < conf->nb_ports; i++) {
+ portid = conf->portlist[i];
+ nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst((uint8_t) portid, 0,
+ &pkts_burst[next[portid]],
+ if (unlikely(nb_rx == 0)) {
+ timeout--;
+ if (unlikely(timeout == 0))
+ goto timeout;
+ continue;
+ }
+ next[portid] += nb_rx;
+ total -= nb_rx;
+ }
+ }
+ diff_tsc = rte_rdtsc() - cur_tsc;
+ printf("%ld packets lost, IDLE %ld times\n", total, MAX_IDLE - timeout);
+ /* clean up */
+ total = pkt_per_port * conf->nb_ports - total;
+ for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
+ rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[i]);
+ rte_free(pkts_burst);
+ return diff_tsc / total;
+/* main processing loop */
+static int
+exec_burst(uint32_t flags, int lcore)
+ unsigned i, portid, nb_tx = 0;
+ struct lcore_conf *conf;
+ uint32_t pkt_per_port;
+ int num, idx = 0;
+ int diff_tsc;
+ conf = &lcore_conf[lcore];
+ pkt_per_port = MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST;
+ num = pkt_per_port;
+ rte_atomic64_init(&start);
+ /* start polling thread, but not actually poll yet */
+ rte_eal_remote_launch(poll_burst,
+ (void *)&pkt_per_port, lcore);
+ /* Only when polling first */
+ if (flags == SC_BURST_POLL_FIRST)
+ rte_atomic64_set(&start, 1);
+ /* start xmit */
+ while (num) {
+ nb_tx = RTE_MIN(MAX_PKT_BURST, num);
+ for (i = 0; i < conf->nb_ports; i++) {
+ portid = conf->portlist[i];
+ rte_eth_tx_burst(portid, 0,
+ &tx_burst[idx], nb_tx);
+ idx += nb_tx;
+ }
+ num -= nb_tx;
+ }
+ sleep(5);
+ /* only when polling second */
+ if (flags == SC_BURST_XMIT_FIRST)
+ rte_atomic64_set(&start, 1);
+ /* wait for polling finished */
+ diff_tsc = rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore);
+ if (diff_tsc < 0)
+ return -1;
+ printf("Result: %d cycles per packet\n", diff_tsc);
+ return 0;
uint16_t nb_ports, num, nb_lcores, slave_id = (uint16_t)-1;
- uint16_t nb_rxd = RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT;
- uint16_t nb_txd = RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT;
+ uint16_t nb_rxd = MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST;
+ uint16_t nb_txd = MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST;
uint16_t portid;
uint16_t nb_rx_queue = 1, nb_tx_queue = 1;
int socketid = -1;
@@ -587,6 +723,12 @@ test_pmd_perf(void)
+ if (sc_flag == SC_CONTINUOUS) {
+ }
+ printf("CONFIG RXD=%d TXD=%d\n", nb_rxd, nb_txd);
num = 0;
for (portid = 0; portid < nb_ports; portid++) {
@@ -651,15 +793,34 @@ test_pmd_perf(void)
check_all_ports_link_status(nb_ports, RTE_PORT_ALL);
- init_traffic(mbufpool[socketid], tx_burst, MAX_TRAFIC_BURST);
+ if (tx_burst == NULL) {
+ tx_burst = (struct rte_mbuf **)
+ rte_calloc_socket("tx_buff",
+ MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST * nb_ports,
+ sizeof(void *),
+ CACHE_LINE_SIZE, socketid);
+ if (!tx_burst)
+ return -1;
+ }
- /* do both rxtx by default */
- if (NULL == do_measure)
- do_measure = measure_rxtx;
+ init_traffic(mbufpool[socketid],
+ tx_burst, MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST * nb_ports);
- rte_eal_remote_launch(main_loop, NULL, slave_id);
- if (rte_eal_wait_lcore(slave_id) < 0)
- return -1;
+ printf("Generate %d packets @socket %d\n",
+ MAX_TRAFFIC_BURST * nb_ports, socketid);
+ if (sc_flag == SC_CONTINUOUS) {
+ /* do both rxtx by default */
+ if (NULL == do_measure)
+ do_measure = measure_rxtx;
+ rte_eal_remote_launch(main_loop, NULL, slave_id);
+ if (rte_eal_wait_lcore(slave_id) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ } else if (sc_flag == SC_BURST_POLL_FIRST ||
+ sc_flag == SC_BURST_XMIT_FIRST)
+ exec_burst(sc_flag, slave_id);
/* port tear down */
for (portid = 0; portid < nb_ports; portid++) {
@@ -735,3 +896,22 @@ test_set_rxtx_anchor(cmdline_fixed_string_t type)
return -1;
+test_set_rxtx_sc(cmdline_fixed_string_t type)
+ printf("stream control switch to %s\n", type);
+ if (!strcmp(type, "continuous")) {
+ sc_flag = SC_CONTINUOUS;
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(type, "poll_before_xmit")) {
+ sc_flag = SC_BURST_POLL_FIRST;
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(type, "poll_after_xmit")) {
+ sc_flag = SC_BURST_XMIT_FIRST;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;