[V1] tests/virtio_pvp_regression: Add the functionality of reading expected results from configuration files

Message ID 20230627153128.627541-1-dukaix.yuan@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State New
Series [V1] tests/virtio_pvp_regression: Add the functionality of reading expected results from configuration files |


Context Check Description
ci/Intel-dts-format-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-pylama-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-suite-test warning SKIPPED

Commit Message

Yuan, DukaiX June 27, 2023, 3:31 p.m. UTC
Previously, expected values in the code were fixed for verification. 
Now, we have made changes to read expected values from a configuration file. 
Additionally, test results can also be saved to the configuration file as new expected values. 
This optimization can improve the accuracy and maintainability of testing.

Signed-off-by: Dukai Yuan <dukaix.yuan@intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_virtio_pvp_regression.py | 177 +++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)


diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_virtio_pvp_regression.py b/tests/TestSuite_virtio_pvp_regression.py
index a2db5f87..a28ebc67 100644
--- a/tests/TestSuite_virtio_pvp_regression.py
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_virtio_pvp_regression.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@  import time
 import framework.utils as utils
 from framework.pktgen import PacketGeneratorHelper
-from framework.settings import HEADER_SIZE
+from framework.settings import HEADER_SIZE, UPDATE_EXPECTED, load_global_setting
 from framework.test_case import TestCase
 from framework.virt_common import VM
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
         self.base_dir = self.dut.base_dir.replace("~", "/root")
         self.app_testpmd_path = self.dut.apps_name["test-pmd"]
         self.testpmd_name = self.app_testpmd_path.split("/")[-1]
+        self.qemu_num = [item["version"] for item in self.qemu_list]
+        self.gap = self.get_suite_cfg()["accepted_tolerance"]
     def set_up(self):
@@ -94,8 +96,10 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
+            "Expectput(Mpps)",
             "Queue Number",
+            "Status",
@@ -340,24 +344,17 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
         self.vhost.send_expect("start", "testpmd> ", 60)
-    @property
-    def check_value(self):
-        check_dict = dict.fromkeys(self.frame_sizes)
-        linerate = {
-            64: 0.08,
-            128: 0.10,
-            256: 0.17,
-            512: 0.18,
-            1024: 0.40,
-            1280: 0.45,
-            1518: 0.50,
-        }
-        for size in self.frame_sizes:
-            speed = self.wirespeed(self.nic, size, self.number_of_ports)
-            check_dict[size] = round(speed * linerate[size], 2)
-        return check_dict
-    def send_verify(self, case_info, qemu_version, tag):
+    def handle_expected(self):
+        """
+        Update expected numbers to configurate file: $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/$suite_name.cfg
+        """
+        if load_global_setting(UPDATE_EXPECTED) == "yes":
+            for self.qemu_version in self.qemu_num:
+                self.expected_throughput[self.qemu_version] = self.throughput[
+                    self.case_info
+                ][self.qemu_version]
+    def send_verify(self, case_info, qemu_version, tag, i):
         for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
             info = "Running test %s, and %d frame size." % (
@@ -397,11 +394,19 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
             Mpps = pps / 1000000.0
             pct = Mpps * 100 / float(self.wirespeed(self.nic, frame_size, 1))
-            self.verify(
-                Mpps > self.check_value[frame_size],
-                "%s of frame size %d speed verify failed, expect %s, result %s"
-                % (self.running_case, frame_size, self.check_value[frame_size], Mpps),
-            )
+            try:
+                exepect = self.expected_throughput[self.qemu_num[i]][tag][frame_size]
+            except:
+                exepect = 0
+                self.logger.info(
+                    'The first test of %s failed to match the expected result.\
+                Please use "--update-expect" to update the expected result.'
+                    % self.qemu_num[i]
+                )
+            self.status = "PASS" if Mpps > exepect * (1 - self.gap * 0.01) else "FAILED"
             # check each queue has data
             # update print table info
@@ -410,12 +415,36 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
+                str(exepect),
+                self.status,
+    def handle_throughput(self):
+        self.throughput = {}
+        for outer in self.get_test_result_table:
+            for item in outer[1:]:
+                key1, key2, key3, key4, value = (
+                    item[0],
+                    item[1],
+                    item[-1],
+                    int(item[2]),
+                    float(item[3]),
+                )
+                if key1 not in self.throughput:
+                    self.throughput[key1] = {}
+                if key2 not in self.throughput[key1]:
+                    self.throughput[key1][key2] = {}
+                if key3 not in self.throughput[key1][key2]:
+                    self.throughput[key1][key2][key3] = {}
+                self.throughput[key1][key2][key3][key4] = value
+        print(self.throughput)
     def close_testpmd_and_qemu(self):
         stop testpmd in vhost and qemu
@@ -435,6 +464,7 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
         modem = 1, start vm as virtio 1.0
         virtio_path = mergeable/normal/vector_rx
+        self.get_test_result_table = []
         for i in range(len(self.qemu_list)):
             path = self.qemu_list[i]["path"]
@@ -451,93 +481,148 @@  class TestVirtioPVPRegression(TestCase):
             self.logger.info("now testing the qemu path of %s" % path)
-            self.send_verify(case_info, version, "before reconnect")
+            self.send_verify(case_info, version, "before reconnect", i)
-            self.logger.info("now reconnect from vhost")
-            self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "# ")
-            self.start_testpmd_as_vhost()
-            self.send_verify(case_info, version, "reconnect from vhost")
+            if "virtio-1.1" not in self.case_info:
+                self.logger.info("now reconnect from vhost")
+                self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "# ")
+                self.start_testpmd_as_vhost()
+                self.send_verify(case_info, version, "reconnect from vhost", i)
             self.logger.info("now reconnect from vm")
             self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT qemu-system-x86_64", "# ")
             self.start_vm(path, version, modem, virtio_path, packed=packed)
-            self.send_verify(case_info, version, "reconnect from vm")
+            self.send_verify(case_info, version, "reconnect from vm", i)
+            self.get_test_result_table.append(self.result_table_getrows())
+            self.verify(
+                "FAIL" not in self.status,
+                "Excessive gap between test results and expectations",
+            )
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_with_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 1: pvp test with virtio 0.95 mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-0.95 mergeable"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-0.95 mergeable"
         modem = 0
         virtio_path = "mergeable"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-0.95"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_modern_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 4: pvp test with virtio 1.0 mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-1.0 mergeable"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-1.0 mergeable"
         modem = 1
         virtio_path = "mergeable"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-1.0"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_non_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 2: pvp test with virtio 0.95 non-mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-0.95 normal"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-0.95 normal"
         modem = 0
         virtio_path = "normal"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-0.95"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_modern_non_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 5: pvp test with virtio 1.0 non-mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-1.0 normal"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-1.0 normal"
         modem = 1
         virtio_path = "normal"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-1.0"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_vector_rx_path(self):
         Test Case 3: pvp test with virtio 0.95 vrctor_rx path
-        case_info = "virtio-0.95 vector_rx"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-0.95 vector_rx"
         modem = 0
         virtio_path = "vector_rx"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-0.95"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_regression_modern_vector_rx_path(self):
         Test Case 6: pvp test with virtio 1.0 vrctor_rx path
-        case_info = "virtio-1.0 normal"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-1.0 vector_rx"
         modem = 1
         virtio_path = "vector_rx"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-1.0"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_with_virtio11_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 7: pvp test with virtio 1.1 mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-1.1 mergeable"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-1.1 mergeable"
         modem = 1
         virtio_path = "mergeable"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path, packed=True)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-1.1"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path, packed=True)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def test_perf_pvp_with_virtio11_non_mergeable_path(self):
         Test Case 8: pvp test with virtio 1.1 non-mergeable path
-        case_info = "virtio-1.1 normal"
+        self.case_info = "virtio-1.1 normal"
         modem = 1
         virtio_path = "normal"
-        self.pvp_regression_run(case_info, modem, virtio_path, packed=True)
+        self.test_target = self.running_case
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()[
+            "expected_throughput_virtio-1.1"
+        ][self.test_target][self.case_info]
+        self.pvp_regression_run(self.case_info, modem, virtio_path, packed=True)
+        self.handle_throughput()
+        self.handle_expected()
     def tear_down(self):