[V2,5/5] test_plans/vf_offload: add VLAN packets to test scope and improve vector path validating.
Commit Message
Add VLAN Packets to ensure checksum offload works well on packets with Dot1Q part.
For daily regression, we introduce wrapped cases for each path.
Signed-off-by: Ke Xu <ke1.xu@intel.com>
test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 158 insertions(+)
@@ -286,6 +286,135 @@ be validated as pass by the tester.
The first byte of source IPv4 address will be increased by testpmd. The checksum
is indeed recalculated by software algorithms.
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check with vlan
+Start testpmd and enable checksum offload on rx port. Based on test steps of
+HW checksum offload check, configure the traffic generator to send the multiple
+packets for the following combination:
+ +----------------+----------------------------------------+
+ | packet type | packet organization |
+ +================+========================================+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / UDP / payload |
+ | +----------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / TCP / payload |
+ | +----------------------------------------+
+ | packets | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / SCTP / payload |
+ | for checksum +----------------------------------------+
+ | offload test | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / UDP / payload |
+ | +----------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / TCP / payload |
+ +----------------+----------------------------------------+
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check with vlan
+Based on test steps of HW tunneling checksum offload check, configure the
+traffic generator to send the multiple packets combination with outer or
+tunneling package of:
+ +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ | packet type | packet organization |
+ +================+============================================+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / UDP / VXLAN / Ether |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / UDP / VXLAN / Ether |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / GRE |
+ | outer and +--------------------------------------------+
+ | tunneling | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / GRE / Ether |
+ | packets +--------------------------------------------+
+ | for checksum | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / GRE |
+ | offload test +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / GRE / Ether |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / NVGRE |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / NVGRE / Ether |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / NVGRE |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / NVGRE / Ether |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv4 / UDP / GTPU |
+ | +--------------------------------------------+
+ | | Ether / VLAN / IPv6 / UDP / GTPU |
+ +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check on scalar path
+These set of cases based on existing cases are designed for better case managment for
+regression test.
+Start testpmd with eal parameter --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64. Based on test steps of
+'HW checksum offload check'.
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check on sse path
+Start testpmd with eal parameter --force-max-simd-bitwidth=128. Based on test steps of
+'HW checksum offload check'.
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check on avx2 path
+Start testpmd with eal parameter --force-max-simd-bitwidth=256. Based on test steps of
+'HW checksum offload check'.
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check on avx512 path
+Start testpmd with eal parameter --force-max-simd-bitwidth=512. Based on test steps of
+'HW checksum offload check'.
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check with vlan on scalar path
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check with vlan on sse path
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check with vlan on avx2 path
+Test Case: HW checksum offload check with vlan on avx512 path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check on scalar path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check on sse path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check on avx2 path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check on avx512 path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check with vlan on scalar path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check with vlan on sse path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check with vlan on avx2 path
+Test Case: HW tunneling checksum offload check with vlan on avx512 path
+Test Case: SW checksum offload check on scalar path
+Test Case: SW checksum offload check on sse path
+Test Case: SW checksum offload check on avx2 path
+Test Case: SW checksum offload check on avx512 path
Prerequisites for TSO
@@ -510,3 +639,32 @@ Test IPv6() in scapy::
for one_outer_packet in outer_packet_list:
sendp([Ether(dst="%s", src="52:00:00:00:00:00")/one_outer_packet/IPv6(src="FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst="3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888")/TCP(sport=1021,dport=1021)/Raw(load=RandString(size=%s))], iface="%s", count = %s)
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use TSO, on scalar path
+These set of cases based on existing cases are designed for better case managment for
+regression test.
+Start testpmd with eal parameter --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64. Based on test steps of
+'csum fwd engine, use TSO'.
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use TSO, on sse path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use TSO, on avx2 path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use TSO, on avx512 path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use tunnel TSO, on scalar path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use tunnel TSO, on sse path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use tunnel TSO, on avx2 path
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use tunnel TSO, on avx512 path