new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation
+Displays an interactive TUI-based menu for configuring a DPDK build directory.
+# This is an interactive script that allows the user to configure a DPDK build directory using a
+# text-based user interface (TUI). The script will prompt the user to select various configuration
+# options, and will then call `meson setup|configure` to configure the build directory with the
+# selected options.
+# To be more user-friendly, the script will also run `meson setup` into a temporary directory in
+# the background, which will generate both the list of available options, and any dependencies
+# between them, so whenever the user selects an option, we automatically enable its dependencies.
+# This will also allow us to use meson introspection to get list of things we are capable of
+# building, and warn the user if they selected something that can't be built.
+import argparse
+import collections
+import fnmatch
+import json
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import typing as T
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+# some apps have different names in the Meson build system
+ "testpmd": "test-pmd",
+# cut off dpdk- prefix
+def _unprefix_app(app: str) -> str:
+ return app[5:]
+def _prefix_app(app: str) -> str:
+ return f"dpdk-{app}"
+def _slash_driver(driver: str) -> str:
+ return driver.replace("/", "_", 1)
+def _unslash_driver(driver: str) -> str:
+ return driver.replace("_", "/", 1)
+def create_meson_build(src_dir: str, build_dir: str) -> subprocess.Popen[bytes]:
+ """Create a Meson build directory in the background."""
+ # we want all examples
+ args = ["meson", "setup", build_dir, "-Dexamples=all"]
+ return subprocess.Popen(
+ args, cwd=src_dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+def wrap_text(message: str, cols: int) -> T.Tuple[int, int, str]:
+ """Wrap text to N columns and calculate resulting dimensions."""
+ wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(message.strip(), cols)
+ h = len(wrapped_lines)
+ w = max(len(line) for line in wrapped_lines)
+ return h, w, "\n".join(wrapped_lines)
+def calc_opt_width(option: T.Any) -> int:
+ """Calculate the width of an option."""
+ if isinstance(option, str):
+ return len(option)
+ return sum(calc_opt_width(opt) for opt in option) + len(option) # padding
+def calc_list_width(options: T.List[T.Any], checkbox: bool) -> int:
+ """Calculate the width of a list."""
+ pad = 5
+ # add 4 for the checkbox
+ if checkbox:
+ pad += 4
+ return max(calc_opt_width(opt) for opt in options) + pad
+def whiptail_msgbox(message: str) -> None:
+ """Display a message box."""
+ # set max width to 60
+ h, w, message = wrap_text(message, 60)
+ # add some padding
+ w += 10
+ h += 6
+ args = ["whiptail", "--msgbox", message, str(h), str(w)]
+, check=True)
+def whiptail_checklist(
+ title: str, prompt: str, options: T.List[T.Tuple[str, str]], checked: T.List[str]
+) -> T.List[str]:
+ """Display a checklist and get user input."""
+ # at least two free spaces, but no more than 10 in total
+ lh = min(len(options) + 2, 10)
+ # set max width to 60
+ h, w, prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 60)
+ # width was set to prompt width, but we need to account for the list
+ lw = calc_list_width(options, True)
+ # adjust width to account for list width as well
+ w = max(w, lw)
+ # add some padding and list height
+ w += 10
+ h += 6 + lh
+ # build whiptail checklist
+ checklist = [
+ (label, desc, "on" if label in checked else "off") for label, desc in options
+ ]
+ # flatten the list
+ flat = [item for tup in checklist for item in tup]
+ # build whiptail arguments
+ args = [
+ "whiptail",
+ "--notags",
+ "--separate-output",
+ "--title",
+ title,
+ "--checklist",
+ prompt,
+ str(h),
+ str(w),
+ str(lh),
+ ] + flat
+ result =, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
+ # capture selected options
+ return result.stderr.decode().strip().split()
+def whiptail_menu(title: str, prompt: str, options: T.List[T.Tuple[str, str]]) -> str:
+ """Display a menu and get user input."""
+ # at least two free spaces, but no more than 10 in total
+ lh = min(len(options) + 2, 10)
+ # set max width to 60
+ h, w, prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 60)
+ # width was set to prompt width, but we need to account for the list
+ lw = calc_list_width(options, False)
+ # adjust width to account for list width as well
+ w = max(w, lw)
+ # add some padding
+ w += 10
+ h += 6 + lh
+ # flatten the list
+ flat = [item for tup in options for item in tup]
+ args = [
+ "whiptail",
+ "--notags",
+ "--title",
+ title,
+ "--menu",
+ prompt,
+ str(h),
+ str(w),
+ str(lh),
+ ] + flat
+ result =, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
+ return result.stderr.decode().strip()
+def whiptail_inputbox(title: str, prompt: str, default: str = "") -> str:
+ """Display an input box and get user input."""
+ # set max width to 60
+ h, w, prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 60)
+ # add some padding
+ w += 10
+ h += 6
+ args = ["whiptail", "--inputbox", "--title", title, prompt, str(h), str(w), default]
+ result =, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
+ return result.stderr.decode().strip()
+class DPDKBuildInfo:
+ """Encapsulate all information about a DPDK build directory."""
+ def __init__(self, build_dir: str) -> None:
+ self.build_dir = build_dir
+ # components that can be built according to meson's introspection
+ self.can_be_built: T.Set[str] = set()
+ # components that were read from dependency graph
+ self.required_deps: T.Dict[str, T.Set[str]] = {}
+ self.optional_deps: T.Dict[str, T.Set[str]] = {}
+ # separate component list into libs, drivers, apps, and examples
+ self.libs: T.Set[str] = set()
+ self.drivers: T.Set[str] = set()
+ self.apps: T.Set[str] = set()
+ self.examples: T.Set[str] = set()
+ # store all meson configuration options
+ self.meson_flags: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
+ self._parse()
+ def _parse_dep_line(self, line: str) -> T.Tuple[str, T.Set[str], str, bool]:
+ """Parse digraph line into (component, {dependencies}, type, optional)."""
+ # extract attributes first
+ first, last = line.index("["), line.rindex("]")
+ edge_str, attr_str = line[:first], line[first + 1 : last]
+ # key=value, key=value, ...
+ attrs = {
+ key.strip('" '): value.strip('" ')
+ for attr_kv in attr_str.split(",")
+ for key, value in [attr_kv.strip().split("=", 1)]
+ }
+ # check if edge is defined as dotted line, meaning it's optional
+ optional = "dotted" in attrs.get("style", "")
+ try:
+ component_type = attrs["dpdk_componentType"]
+ except KeyError as _e:
+ raise ValueError(f"Error: missing component type: {line}") from _e
+ # now, extract component name and any of its dependencies
+ deps: T.Set[str] = set()
+ try:
+ component, deps_str = edge_str.strip('" ').split("->", 1)
+ component = component.strip().strip('" ')
+ deps_str = deps_str.strip().strip("{}")
+ deps = {d.strip('" ') for d in deps_str.split(",")}
+ except ValueError as _e:
+ component = edge_str.strip('" ')
+ return component, deps, component_type, optional
+ def _parse(self) -> None:
+ """Parse information from DPDK build directory."""
+ # first, read the dep graph
+ dep_graph_path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "")
+ with open(dep_graph_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ # skip lines that aren't edges
+ if line.strip() == "digraph {" or line.strip() == "}":
+ continue
+ component, deps, c_type, optional = self._parse_dep_line(line)
+ # record component type
+ type_to_set = {
+ "lib": self.libs,
+ "drivers": self.drivers,
+ "app": self.apps,
+ "examples": self.examples,
+ }
+ type_to_set[c_type].add(component)
+ # store dependencies
+ if optional:
+ self.optional_deps[component] = deps
+ else:
+ self.required_deps[component] = deps
+ # now, use Meson introspection to read the list of components that can be built
+ args = ["meson", "introspect", "--targets"]
+ output = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=self.build_dir, encoding="utf-8")
+ # parse output as JSON
+ introspected_targets = json.loads(output)
+ # we want to filter out certain things from the introspection output
+ def _filter_target(target: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
+ t_name: str = target["name"]
+ t_type: str = target["type"]
+ # if target is a library, we only want those that start with "rte_"
+ if t_type in ["static library", "shared library"]:
+ return t_name.startswith("rte_")
+ # if target is an executable, we only want those that start with "dpdk-"
+ if t_type == "executable":
+ return t_name.startswith("dpdk-")
+ return False
+ for target in filter(_filter_target, introspected_targets):
+ t_name: str = target["name"]
+ t_type: str = target["type"]
+ # for libraries, cut off rte_ prefix
+ if t_type in ["static library", "shared library"]:
+ t_name = t_name[4:]
+ # there may be duplicate targets because of shared/static libraries
+ if t_name in self.can_be_built:
+ continue
+ self.can_be_built.add(t_name)
+ # now, use Meson introspection to read build options and their values
+ args = ["meson", "introspect", "--buildoptions"]
+ output = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=self.build_dir, encoding="utf-8")
+ # parse output as JSON
+ introspected_options = json.loads(output)
+ # populate available options values from introspection
+ for option in introspected_options:
+ name = option["name"]
+ value = option["value"]
+ self.meson_flags[name] = value
+class SetupCtx:
+ """POD class to hold context for the setup script."""
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.complete_dg: DPDKBuildInfo
+ # when reconfiguring existing directory, we want to pick up options from existing
+ # directory, but pick up everything else from the big dg
+ self.configure_dg: DPDKBuildInfo
+ # for delayed creation of dependency graph
+ self.tmp_build_dir: str
+ self.tmp_build_proc: subprocess.Popen[bytes]
+ self.use_ui = False
+ self.minimal = False
+ self.configure = False
+ self.dry_run = False
+ self.src_dir = ""
+ self.build_dir = ""
+ self.parsed_input = False
+ # what did user specify on the command-line?
+ self.enabled_apps_str = ""
+ self.enabled_drivers_str = ""
+ self.enabled_examples_str = ""
+ self.enabled_libs_str = ""
+ self.meson_args_str = ""
+ # what did we end up with after parsing user's input?
+ self.enabled_apps: T.List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_drivers: T.List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_examples: T.List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_libs: T.List[str] = []
+ def _create_meson_option_cmd(
+ self,
+ meson_option_cmd: str,
+ entries: T.Set[str],
+ rename_func: T.Optional[T.Callable[[str], str]] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Create a Meson option command from a set of entries."""
+ opt_list = [
+ entry if rename_func is None else rename_func(entry)
+ for entry in sorted(entries)
+ ]
+ return f"-D{meson_option_cmd}={','.join(opt_list)}"
+ def _resolve_wildcard(
+ self,
+ components: T.Set[str],
+ pattern: str,
+ pattern_func: T.Optional[T.Callable[[str], str]] = None,
+ ) -> T.Set[str]:
+ """Match a pattern against a set of components."""
+ if not pattern:
+ return set()
+ if pattern_func is not None:
+ pattern = pattern_func(pattern)
+ # if this is not a wildcard, return component explicitly - that's what user requested
+ if "*" not in pattern:
+ return {pattern}
+ # this is a wildcard match, so use wildcard matching
+ match = {c for c in components if fnmatch.fnmatch(c, pattern)}
+ # filter out anything that isn't buildable
+ return match & self.complete_dg.can_be_built
+ def _parse_list(
+ self,
+ dst: T.List[str],
+ pattern: str,
+ rename_func: T.Optional[T.Callable[[str], str]],
+ src_set: T.Set[str],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Populate list from wildcard matches, optionally with rename on the fly."""
+ dst.clear()
+ res_lst = [
+ entry
+ for p in pattern.split(",")
+ for entry in self._resolve_wildcard(src_set, p, rename_func)
+ ]
+ dst.extend(res_lst)
+ def parse(self) -> None:
+ """Parse user input."""
+ # when parsing user input, we expect to see a list of components separated by commas, as
+ # well as maybe wildcards. We will expand wildcards into a list of components, but by
+ # default we won't enable anything that can't be built even if it matches wildcard. also,
+ # component named used by Meson user-facing code and component names used in the backend
+ # are not exactly the same. for example, apps and examples will not have "dpdk-" prefixes,
+ # while drivers will have underscores instead of slashes. we need to take all of that into
+ # account when matching user input to actual components.
+ enabled_apps_str = self.enabled_apps_str
+ enabled_examples_str = self.enabled_examples_str
+ enabled_drivers_str = self.enabled_drivers_str
+ enabled_libs_str = self.enabled_libs_str
+ if self.configure:
+ flags = self.configure_dg.meson_flags
+ # on configure, override existing build if user input is specified
+ enabled_apps_str = enabled_apps_str or flags["enable_apps"]
+ enabled_examples_str = enabled_examples_str or flags["examples"]
+ enabled_drivers_str = enabled_drivers_str or flags["enable_drivers"]
+ enabled_libs_str = enabled_libs_str or flags["enable_libs"]
+ # now, parse specified configuration
+ self._parse_list(
+ self.enabled_apps,
+ enabled_apps_str,
+ _prefix_app,
+ self.complete_dg.apps,
+ )
+ self._parse_list(
+ self.enabled_examples,
+ enabled_examples_str,
+ _prefix_app,
+ self.complete_dg.examples,
+ )
+ self._parse_list(
+ self.enabled_drivers,
+ enabled_drivers_str,
+ _slash_driver,
+ self.complete_dg.drivers,
+ )
+ self._parse_list(
+ self.enabled_libs, enabled_libs_str, None, self.complete_dg.libs
+ )
+ self.parsed_input = True
+ def create_meson_cmdline(self) -> T.List[str]:
+ """Dump all configuration into Meson command-line string."""
+ assert self.parsed_input, "parse() must be called before create_meson_cmdline()"
+ args: T.List[str] = []
+ enabled_apps: T.Set[str] = set()
+ enabled_drivers: T.Set[str] = set()
+ enabled_examples: T.Set[str] = set()
+ enabled_libs: T.Set[str] = set()
+ # gather everything
+ enabled_apps = set(self.enabled_apps)
+ enabled_drivers = set(self.enabled_drivers)
+ enabled_examples = set(self.enabled_examples)
+ enabled_libs = set(self.enabled_libs)
+ enabled_all = enabled_examples | enabled_apps | enabled_drivers | enabled_libs
+ # gather all dependencies
+ new_deps: T.Set[str] = set()
+ for component in enabled_all:
+ deps = self.complete_dg.required_deps[component]
+ new_deps.add(component)
+ # deps do not include complete list, so walk through all dependencies
+ dep_stack = collections.deque(deps)
+ while dep_stack:
+ dc = dep_stack.pop()
+ if dc in new_deps:
+ continue
+ new_deps.add(dc)
+ # get dependencies for this dependency
+ deps = self.complete_dg.required_deps[dc]
+ # recurse deeper
+ dep_stack.extend(deps)
+ # extend all lists with new dependencies
+ enabled_apps |= new_deps & self.complete_dg.apps
+ enabled_drivers |= new_deps & self.complete_dg.drivers
+ enabled_examples |= new_deps & self.complete_dg.examples
+ enabled_libs |= new_deps & self.complete_dg.libs
+ enabled_all |= new_deps
+ # check if everything can be built
+ diff = enabled_all - self.complete_dg.can_be_built
+ if diff:
+ print(
+ f"Warning: {', '.join(diff)} requested but cannot be built",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ # we've resolved all dependencies, time to dump it all out
+ if enabled_apps:
+ # special case: some apps are renamed
+ enabled_apps = {APP_RENAME_MAP.get(app, app) for app in enabled_apps}
+ args += [
+ self._create_meson_option_cmd(
+ "enable_apps", enabled_apps, _unprefix_app
+ )
+ ]
+ if enabled_examples:
+ args += [
+ self._create_meson_option_cmd(
+ "examples", enabled_examples, _unprefix_app
+ )
+ ]
+ if enabled_drivers:
+ args += [
+ self._create_meson_option_cmd(
+ "enable_drivers", enabled_drivers, _slash_driver
+ )
+ ]
+ # if we have specified any other components, enabled_libs will not be empty. however, we
+ # only want to specify enabled libs if we want to have a minimal build. so, before only
+ # enabling libs we depend on, check if user actually wanted a minimal build.
+ if (self.minimal or self.enabled_libs) and enabled_libs:
+ args += [self._create_meson_option_cmd("enable_libs", enabled_libs)]
+ # if minimal build is enabled and tests are not, disable tests as well
+ if self.minimal and "dpdk-test" not in enabled_apps:
+ args.append("-Dtests=false")
+ # did user specify any extra Meson arguments?
+ if self.meson_args_str:
+ args += self.meson_args_str.split()
+ return args
+def select_items(
+ title: str,
+ prompt: str,
+ item_list: T.List[str],
+ rename_func: T.Optional[T.Callable[[str], str]],
+ checked_list: T.List[str],
+) -> None:
+ """Select items to enable."""
+ # create a dialog selection for items
+ options = [
+ (app, rename_func(app) if rename_func is not None else app)
+ for app in sorted(item_list)
+ ]
+ try:
+ selected = whiptail_checklist(
+ title,
+ prompt,
+ options,
+ checked_list,
+ )
+ checked_list.clear()
+ checked_list.extend(selected)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # user pressed cancel, don't do anything
+ pass
+def main_menu(ctx: SetupCtx) -> None:
+ """Display main menu."""
+ while True:
+ options = {
+ "apps": "Select applications",
+ "examples": "Select examples",
+ "drivers": "Select drivers",
+ "libs": "Select libraries",
+ "meson": "Enter custom Meson options",
+ "exit": "Save & exit",
+ }
+ ret = whiptail_menu(
+ "Setup DPDK build directory",
+ "Select an option",
+ list(options.items()),
+ )
+ if ret not in ["meson", "exit"]:
+ # before we're able to use selection dialogs, we need to parse input
+ if not ctx.parsed_input:
+ # we need to wait for the background process to finish
+ print("Parsing dependency tree, please wait...")
+ ctx.tmp_build_proc.wait()
+ ctx.complete_dg = DPDKBuildInfo(ctx.tmp_build_dir)
+ ctx.parse()
+ # selector dialogs are pretty similar
+ if ret in ["apps", "examples", "libs", "drivers"]:
+ selection_screens: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "apps": (
+ "Applications",
+ "Select applications to enable:",
+ list(ctx.complete_dg.apps),
+ _unprefix_app,
+ ctx.enabled_apps,
+ ),
+ "examples": (
+ "Examples",
+ "Select example applications to enable:",
+ list(ctx.complete_dg.examples),
+ _unprefix_app,
+ ctx.enabled_examples,
+ ),
+ "libs": (
+ "Libraries",
+ "Select libraries to enable:",
+ list(ctx.complete_dg.libs),
+ None,
+ ctx.enabled_libs,
+ ),
+ "drivers": (
+ "Drivers",
+ "Select drivers to enable:",
+ list(ctx.complete_dg.drivers),
+ _unslash_driver,
+ ctx.enabled_drivers,
+ ),
+ }
+ try:
+ t, p, il, rf, el = selection_screens[ret]
+ select_items(t, p, il, rf, el)
+ # did user select something that cannot be built?
+ diff = set(el) - ctx.complete_dg.can_be_built
+ if diff:
+ comp_str = ", ".join(diff)
+ whiptail_msgbox(
+ f"Warning: selected component(s) {comp_str} cannot be built."
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # user pressed cancel, don't do anything
+ pass
+ elif ret == "meson":
+ try:
+ ctx.meson_args_str = whiptail_inputbox(
+ "Custom Meson options",
+ "Enter custom options to pass to Meson setup:",
+ ctx.meson_args_str,
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # user pressed cancel, don't do anything
+ pass
+ elif ret == "exit":
+ break
+def parse_args() -> SetupCtx:
+ """Parse command-line arguments and return a context."""
+ # find out where we are
+ self_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+ # go one level up to get to DPDK source directory
+ src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self_path))
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Configure a DPDK build directory.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--src-dir", "-S", default=src_dir, help="Path to the DPDK source directory."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--build-dir", "-B", default="build", help="Path to the DPDK build directory."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--no-ui",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Disable the TUI and use command-line arguments directly.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--minimal",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Try to remove unneeded libraries from build.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--configure",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Reconfigure existing build directory instead of creating new one.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--dry-run",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Print resulting Meson command-line arguments but do not run Meson.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--apps",
+ "-a",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of apps to enable (wildcards are accepted).",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--drivers",
+ "-d",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of drivers to enable (wildcards are accepted).",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--examples",
+ "-e",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of examples to enable (wildcards are accepted).",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--libs",
+ "-l",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of libraries to enable (wildcards are accepted).",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--meson-args", "-m", default="", help="Extra arguments to pass to Meson setup."
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ ctx = SetupCtx()
+ ctx.build_dir = args.build_dir
+ ctx.src_dir = args.src_dir
+ ctx.use_ui = not args.no_ui
+ ctx.minimal = args.minimal
+ ctx.dry_run = args.dry_run
+ ctx.configure = args.configure
+ ctx.enabled_apps_str = args.apps
+ ctx.enabled_drivers_str = args.drivers
+ ctx.enabled_examples_str = args.examples
+ ctx.enabled_libs_str = args.libs
+ ctx.meson_args_str = args.meson_args
+ return ctx
+def _run_setup(ctx: SetupCtx) -> int:
+ # we want the big graph unconditionally
+ ctx.tmp_build_proc = create_meson_build(ctx.src_dir, ctx.tmp_build_dir)
+ # we want the small graph only if we're reconfiguring
+ if ctx.configure:
+ # build directory already created, so we can parse the graph directly
+ ctx.configure_dg = DPDKBuildInfo(ctx.build_dir)
+ # if we're not using the UI, parse input and exit
+ if not ctx.use_ui:
+ print("UI is disabled, using command-line arguments directly")
+ print("Parsing dependency tree...")
+ ctx.tmp_build_proc.wait()
+ ctx.complete_dg = DPDKBuildInfo(ctx.tmp_build_dir)
+ ctx.parse()
+ else:
+ # we're using menu-driven UI, so wait until user tells us to exit
+ try:
+ main_menu(ctx)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # user pressed cancel, exit
+ print("Operation cancelled")
+ return 1
+ # user may not have selected anything, so graph may still be unparsed
+ if not ctx.parsed_input:
+ print("Parsing dependency tree...")
+ ctx.tmp_build_proc.wait()
+ ctx.complete_dg = DPDKBuildInfo(ctx.tmp_build_dir)
+ ctx.parse()
+ # run meson
+ meson_cmd = ["meson", "setup"] if not ctx.configure else ["meson", "configure"]
+ meson_cmdline = ctx.create_meson_cmdline()
+ run_args = [*meson_cmd, ctx.build_dir, *meson_cmdline]
+ print("The following command will be run:")
+ print(*run_args, sep=" ")
+ if ctx.dry_run:
+ return 0
+ runret =, check=False)
+ return runret.returncode
+def _main() -> int:
+ # parse command-line arguments
+ try:
+ ctx = parse_args()
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_build_dir:
+ ctx.tmp_build_dir = tmp_build_dir
+ return _run_setup(ctx)
+ # any uncaught CalledProcessError is from graph parser
+ except (OSError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
+ print(f"Error: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(_main())
@@ -149,6 +149,32 @@ When `-Dexamples=all` is set as a meson option, meson will check each example ap
and add all which can be built to the list of tasks in the ninja build configuration file.
+Text Interface for DPDK Build Configuration
+It is also possible to use a Text User Interface (TUI) to configure the DPDK build. To run TUI setup script, the following
+command may be used::
+ devtools/
+This will show a TUI dialog which will allow the user to pick which applications, drivers, example apps, and libraries they with to build.
+Additionally, there are command-line options for the script that can be useful, such as:
+* ``-B <build dir>`` - specify the build directory to use (defaults to `./build`)
+* ``-S <src dir>`` - specify the source directory to use (defaults to wherever the script is run from)
+* ``--no-ui`` - non-interactive mode, useful for automation
+* ``--minimal`` - attempt to produce the most minimal build possible (i.e. don't build unnecessary libraries)
+* ``--dry-run`` - show which Meson command will be run as a result, but do not run it
+* ``--configure`` - run the Meson configure instead of Meson setup (useful for existing build directories)
+* ``-a <app1,app2,...>`` - specify which applications to build
+* ``-e <example1,example2,...>`` - specify which example applications to build
+* ``-d <driver1,driver2,...>`` - specify which drivers to build
+* ``-l <lib1,lib2,...>`` - specify which libraries to build
+* ``--meson-args <args>`` - specify additional arguments to pass to Meson (e.g. debug build etc.)
+This script will also track all dependencies between components automatically. Note that command-line options for enabling drivers, apps, examples, and libraries
+are used as *default* selections, and the user will still be able to change them in the TUI dialog (unless ``--no-ui`` is specified).
Building 32-bit DPDK on 64-bit Systems