[v3,3/5] common/cnxk: add REE support

Message ID 20211129194912.14584-4-lironh@marvell.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Series [v3,1/5] common/cnxk: add REE HW definitions |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Liron Himi Nov. 29, 2021, 7:49 p.m. UTC
From: Liron Himi <lironh@marvell.com>

extend cnxk infrastructure to support REE

Signed-off-by: Liron Himi <lironh@marvell.com>
 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.c      | 647 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.h      | 137 ++++++
 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree_priv.h |  18 +
 3 files changed, 802 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree_priv.h


diff --git a/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.c b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1eb2ae7272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2021 Marvell.
+ */
+#include "roc_api.h"
+#include "roc_priv.h"
+#define REE0_PF 19
+#define REE1_PF 20
+static int
+roc_ree_available_queues_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint16_t *nb_queues)
+	struct free_rsrcs_rsp *rsp;
+	struct dev *dev = vf->dev;
+	int ret;
+	mbox_alloc_msg_free_rsrc_cnt(dev->mbox);
+	ret = mbox_process_msg(dev->mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+	if (ret)
+		return -EIO;
+	if (vf->block_address == RVU_BLOCK_ADDR_REE0)
+		*nb_queues = rsp->ree0;
+	else
+		*nb_queues = rsp->ree1;
+	return 0;
+static int
+roc_ree_max_matches_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint8_t *max_matches)
+	uint64_t val;
+	int ret;
+	ret = roc_ree_af_reg_read(vf, REE_AF_REEXM_MAX_MATCH, &val);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	*max_matches = val;
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_queues_attach(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint8_t nb_queues)
+	struct rsrc_attach_req *req;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	/* Ask AF to attach required LFs */
+	req = mbox_alloc_msg_attach_resources(mbox);
+	if (req == NULL) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	/* 1 LF = 1 queue */
+	req->reelfs = nb_queues;
+	req->ree_blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+	if (mbox_process(mbox) < 0)
+		return -EIO;
+	/* Update number of attached queues */
+	vf->nb_queues = nb_queues;
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_queues_detach(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	struct rsrc_detach_req *req;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	req = mbox_alloc_msg_detach_resources(mbox);
+	if (req == NULL) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	req->reelfs = true;
+	req->partial = true;
+	if (mbox_process(mbox) < 0)
+		return -EIO;
+	/* Queues have been detached */
+	vf->nb_queues = 0;
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_msix_offsets_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	struct msix_offset_rsp *rsp;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	uint32_t i, ret;
+	/* Get REE MSI-X vector offsets */
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	mbox_alloc_msg_msix_offset(mbox);
+	ret = mbox_process_msg(mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < vf->nb_queues; i++) {
+		if (vf->block_address == RVU_BLOCK_ADDR_REE0)
+			vf->lf_msixoff[i] = rsp->ree0_lf_msixoff[i];
+		else
+			vf->lf_msixoff[i] = rsp->ree1_lf_msixoff[i];
+		plt_ree_dbg("lf_msixoff[%d]  0x%x", i, vf->lf_msixoff[i]);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int
+ree_send_mbox_msg(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	struct mbox *mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	int ret;
+	mbox_msg_send(mbox, 0);
+	ret = mbox_wait_for_rsp(mbox, 0);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		plt_err("Could not get mailbox response");
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_config_lf(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint8_t lf, uint8_t pri, uint32_t size)
+	struct ree_lf_req_msg *req;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	int ret;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	req = mbox_alloc_msg_ree_config_lf(mbox);
+	if (req == NULL) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	req->lf = lf;
+	req->pri = pri ? 1 : 0;
+	req->size = size;
+	req->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+	ret = mbox_process(mbox);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		plt_err("Could not get mailbox response");
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_af_reg_read(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint64_t reg, uint64_t *val)
+	struct ree_rd_wr_reg_msg *msg;
+	struct mbox_dev *mdev;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	int ret, off;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	mdev = &mbox->dev[0];
+	msg = (struct ree_rd_wr_reg_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(
+		mbox, 0, sizeof(*msg), sizeof(*msg));
+	if (msg == NULL) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	msg->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RD_WR_REGISTER;
+	msg->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+	msg->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+	msg->is_write = 0;
+	msg->reg_offset = reg;
+	msg->ret_val = val;
+	msg->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+	ret = ree_send_mbox_msg(vf);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	off = mbox->rx_start +
+	      RTE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct mbox_hdr), MBOX_MSG_ALIGN);
+	msg = (struct ree_rd_wr_reg_msg *)((uintptr_t)mdev->mbase + off);
+	*val = msg->val;
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_af_reg_write(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint64_t reg, uint64_t val)
+	struct ree_rd_wr_reg_msg *msg;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	msg = (struct ree_rd_wr_reg_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(
+		mbox, 0, sizeof(*msg), sizeof(*msg));
+	if (msg == NULL) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	msg->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RD_WR_REGISTER;
+	msg->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+	msg->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+	msg->is_write = 1;
+	msg->reg_offset = reg;
+	msg->val = val;
+	msg->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+	return ree_send_mbox_msg(vf);
+roc_ree_rule_db_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, char *rule_db, uint32_t rule_db_len,
+		    char *rule_dbi, uint32_t rule_dbi_len)
+	struct ree_rule_db_get_req_msg *req;
+	struct ree_rule_db_get_rsp_msg *rsp;
+	char *rule_db_ptr = (char *)rule_db;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	int ret, last = 0;
+	uint32_t len = 0;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	if (!rule_db) {
+		plt_err("Couldn't return rule db due to NULL pointer");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	while (!last) {
+		req = (struct ree_rule_db_get_req_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(
+			mbox, 0, sizeof(*req), sizeof(*rsp));
+		if (!req) {
+			plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		req->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RULE_DB_GET;
+		req->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+		req->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+		req->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+		req->is_dbi = 0;
+		req->offset = len;
+		ret = mbox_process_msg(mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		if (rule_db_len < len + rsp->len) {
+			plt_err("Rule db size is too small");
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		mbox_memcpy(rule_db_ptr, rsp->rule_db, rsp->len);
+		len += rsp->len;
+		rule_db_ptr = rule_db_ptr + rsp->len;
+		last = rsp->is_last;
+	}
+	if (rule_dbi) {
+		req = (struct ree_rule_db_get_req_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(
+			mbox, 0, sizeof(*req), sizeof(*rsp));
+		if (!req) {
+			plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		req->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RULE_DB_GET;
+		req->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+		req->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+		req->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+		req->is_dbi = 1;
+		req->offset = 0;
+		ret = mbox_process_msg(mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		if (rule_dbi_len < rsp->len) {
+			plt_err("Rule dbi size is too small");
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		mbox_memcpy(rule_dbi, rsp->rule_db, rsp->len);
+	}
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_rule_db_len_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint32_t *rule_db_len,
+			uint32_t *rule_dbi_len)
+	struct ree_rule_db_len_rsp_msg *rsp;
+	struct ree_req_msg *req;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	int ret;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	req = (struct ree_req_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(mbox, 0, sizeof(*req),
+						       sizeof(*rsp));
+	if (!req) {
+		plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	req->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RULE_DB_LEN_GET;
+	req->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+	req->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+	req->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+	ret = mbox_process_msg(mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (rule_db_len != NULL)
+		*rule_db_len = rsp->len;
+	if (rule_dbi_len != NULL)
+		*rule_dbi_len = rsp->inc_len;
+	return 0;
+static int
+ree_db_msg(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, const char *db, uint32_t db_len, int inc,
+	   int dbi)
+	uint32_t len_left = db_len, offset = 0;
+	struct ree_rule_db_prog_req_msg *req;
+	const char *rule_db_ptr = db;
+	struct mbox *mbox;
+	struct msg_rsp *rsp;
+	int ret;
+	mbox = vf->dev->mbox;
+	while (len_left) {
+		req = (struct ree_rule_db_prog_req_msg *)mbox_alloc_msg_rsp(
+			mbox, 0, sizeof(*req), sizeof(*rsp));
+		if (!req) {
+			plt_err("Could not allocate mailbox message");
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		req->hdr.id = MBOX_MSG_REE_RULE_DB_PROG;
+		req->hdr.sig = MBOX_REQ_SIG;
+		req->hdr.pcifunc = vf->dev->pf_func;
+		req->offset = offset;
+		req->total_len = db_len;
+		req->is_incremental = inc;
+		req->is_dbi = dbi;
+		req->blkaddr = vf->block_address;
+		if (len_left < REE_RULE_DB_REQ_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+			req->is_last = true;
+			req->len = len_left;
+		}
+		mbox_memcpy(req->rule_db, rule_db_ptr, req->len);
+		ret = mbox_process_msg(mbox, (void *)&rsp);
+		if (ret) {
+			plt_err("Programming mailbox processing failed");
+			return ret;
+		}
+		len_left -= req->len;
+		offset += req->len;
+		rule_db_ptr = rule_db_ptr + req->len;
+	}
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_rule_db_prog(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, const char *rule_db,
+		     uint32_t rule_db_len, const char *rule_dbi,
+		     uint32_t rule_dbi_len)
+	int inc, ret;
+	if (rule_db_len == 0) {
+		plt_err("Couldn't program empty rule db");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	inc = (rule_dbi_len != 0);
+	if ((rule_db == NULL) || (inc && (rule_dbi == NULL))) {
+		plt_err("Couldn't program NULL rule db");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	if (inc) {
+		ret = ree_db_msg(vf, rule_dbi, rule_dbi_len, inc, 1);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return ree_db_msg(vf, rule_db, rule_db_len, inc, 0);
+static int
+ree_get_blkaddr(struct dev *dev)
+	int pf;
+	pf = dev_get_pf(dev->pf_func);
+	if (pf == REE0_PF)
+		return RVU_BLOCK_ADDR_REE0;
+	else if (pf == REE1_PF)
+		return RVU_BLOCK_ADDR_REE1;
+	else
+		return 0;
+roc_ree_qp_get_base(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint16_t qp_id)
+	return REE_LF_BAR2(vf, qp_id);
+static void
+roc_ree_lf_err_intr_handler(void *param)
+	uintptr_t base = (uintptr_t)param;
+	uint8_t lf_id;
+	uint64_t intr;
+	lf_id = (base >> 12) & 0xFF;
+	intr = plt_read64(base + REE_LF_MISC_INT);
+	if (intr == 0)
+		return;
+	plt_ree_dbg("LF %d MISC_INT: 0x%" PRIx64 "", lf_id, intr);
+	/* Clear interrupt */
+	plt_write64(intr, base + REE_LF_MISC_INT);
+static void
+roc_ree_lf_err_intr_unregister(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint16_t msix_off,
+			       uintptr_t base)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = vf->pci_dev;
+	/* Disable error interrupts */
+	plt_write64(~0ull, base + REE_LF_MISC_INT_ENA_W1C);
+	dev_irq_unregister(pci_dev->intr_handle,
+			   roc_ree_lf_err_intr_handler, (void *)base, msix_off);
+roc_ree_err_intr_unregister(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	uintptr_t base;
+	uint32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < vf->nb_queues; i++) {
+		base = REE_LF_BAR2(vf, i);
+		roc_ree_lf_err_intr_unregister(vf, vf->lf_msixoff[i], base);
+	}
+	vf->err_intr_registered = 0;
+static int
+roc_ree_lf_err_intr_register(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint16_t msix_off,
+			     uintptr_t base)
+	struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = vf->pci_dev;
+	int ret;
+	/* Disable error interrupts */
+	plt_write64(~0ull, base + REE_LF_MISC_INT_ENA_W1C);
+	/* Register error interrupt handler */
+	ret = dev_irq_register(pci_dev->intr_handle,
+			       roc_ree_lf_err_intr_handler, (void *)base,
+			       msix_off);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Enable error interrupts */
+	plt_write64(~0ull, base + REE_LF_MISC_INT_ENA_W1S);
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_err_intr_register(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	uint32_t i, j, ret;
+	uintptr_t base;
+	for (i = 0; i < vf->nb_queues; i++) {
+		if (vf->lf_msixoff[i] == MSIX_VECTOR_INVALID) {
+			plt_err("Invalid REE LF MSI-X offset: 0x%x",
+				vf->lf_msixoff[i]);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < vf->nb_queues; i++) {
+		base = REE_LF_BAR2(vf, i);
+		ret = roc_ree_lf_err_intr_register(vf, vf->lf_msixoff[i], base);
+		if (ret)
+			goto intr_unregister;
+	}
+	vf->err_intr_registered = 1;
+	return 0;
+	/* Unregister the ones already registered */
+	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+		base = REE_LF_BAR2(vf, j);
+		roc_ree_lf_err_intr_unregister(vf, vf->lf_msixoff[j], base);
+	}
+	return ret;
+roc_ree_iq_enable(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, const struct roc_ree_qp *qp,
+		  uint8_t pri, uint32_t size_div2)
+	uint64_t val;
+	/* Set instruction queue size and priority */
+	roc_ree_config_lf(vf, qp->id, pri, size_div2);
+	/* Set instruction queue base address */
+	/* Should be written after SBUF_CTL and before LF_ENA */
+	val = plt_read64(qp->base + REE_LF_SBUF_ADDR);
+	val |= FIELD_PREP(REE_LF_SBUF_ADDR_PTR_MASK, qp->iq_dma_addr >> 7);
+	plt_write64(val, qp->base + REE_LF_SBUF_ADDR);
+	/* Enable instruction queue */
+	val = plt_read64(qp->base + REE_LF_ENA);
+	val &= ~REE_LF_ENA_ENA_MASK;
+	plt_write64(val, qp->base + REE_LF_ENA);
+	return 0;
+roc_ree_iq_disable(struct roc_ree_qp *qp)
+	uint64_t val;
+	/* Stop instruction execution */
+	val = plt_read64(qp->base + REE_LF_ENA);
+	val &= ~REE_LF_ENA_ENA_MASK;
+	plt_write64(val, qp->base + REE_LF_ENA);
+roc_ree_dev_init(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	struct plt_pci_device *pci_dev;
+	struct ree *ree;
+	struct dev *dev;
+	uint8_t max_matches = 0;
+	uint16_t nb_queues = 0;
+	int rc;
+	if (vf == NULL || vf->pci_dev == NULL)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	PLT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ree) <= ROC_REE_MEM_SZ);
+	ree = roc_ree_to_ree_priv(vf);
+	memset(ree, 0, sizeof(*ree));
+	vf->dev = &ree->dev;
+	pci_dev = vf->pci_dev;
+	dev = vf->dev;
+	/* Initialize device  */
+	rc = dev_init(dev, pci_dev);
+	if (rc) {
+		plt_err("Failed to init roc device");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Get REE block address */
+	vf->block_address = ree_get_blkaddr(dev);
+	if (!vf->block_address) {
+		plt_err("Could not determine block PF number");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Get number of queues available on the device */
+	rc = roc_ree_available_queues_get(vf, &nb_queues);
+	if (rc) {
+		plt_err("Could not determine the number of queues available");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Don't exceed the limits set per VF */
+	nb_queues = RTE_MIN(nb_queues, REE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_VF);
+	if (nb_queues == 0) {
+		plt_err("No free queues available on the device");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	vf->max_queues = nb_queues;
+	plt_ree_dbg("Max queues supported by device: %d", vf->max_queues);
+	/* Get number of maximum matches supported on the device */
+	rc = roc_ree_max_matches_get(vf, &max_matches);
+	if (rc) {
+		plt_err("Could not determine the maximum matches supported");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Don't exceed the limits set per VF */
+	max_matches = RTE_MIN(max_matches, REE_MAX_MATCHES_PER_VF);
+	if (max_matches == 0) {
+		plt_err("Could not determine the maximum matches supported");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	vf->max_matches = max_matches;
+	plt_ree_dbg("Max matches supported by device: %d", vf->max_matches);
+	return rc;
+roc_ree_dev_fini(struct roc_ree_vf *vf)
+	if (vf == NULL)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	vf->max_matches = 0;
+	vf->max_queues = 0;
+	return dev_fini(vf->dev, vf->pci_dev);
diff --git a/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.h b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e138e4de66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2021 Marvell.
+ */
+#ifndef _ROC_REE_H_
+#define _ROC_REE_H_
+#include "roc_api.h"
+#define REE_MAX_LFS	       36
+#define REE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_VF  36
+#define REE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE (1 << 14)
+#define REE_NON_INC_PROG 0
+#define REE_INC_PROG	 1
+#define REE_MOD_INC(i, l) ((i) == (l - 1) ? (i) = 0 : (i)++)
+ * Device vf data
+ */
+struct roc_ree_vf {
+	struct plt_pci_device *pci_dev;
+	struct dev *dev;
+	/**< Base class */
+	uint16_t max_queues;
+	/**< Max queues supported */
+	uint8_t nb_queues;
+	/**< Number of regex queues attached */
+	uint16_t max_matches;
+	/**<  Max matches supported*/
+	uint16_t lf_msixoff[REE_MAX_LFS];
+	/**< MSI-X offsets */
+	uint8_t block_address;
+	/**< REE Block Address */
+	uint8_t err_intr_registered : 1;
+	/**< Are error interrupts registered? */
+#define ROC_REE_MEM_SZ (6 * 1024)
+	uint8_t reserved[ROC_REE_MEM_SZ] __plt_cache_aligned;
+} __plt_cache_aligned;
+struct roc_ree_rid {
+	uintptr_t rid;
+	/** Request id of a ree operation */
+	uint64_t user_id;
+	/* Client data */
+	/**< IOVA address of the pattern to be matched. */
+struct roc_ree_pending_queue {
+	uint64_t pending_count;
+	/** Pending requests count */
+	struct roc_ree_rid *rid_queue;
+	/** Array of pending requests */
+	uint16_t enq_tail;
+	/** Tail of queue to be used for enqueue */
+	uint16_t deq_head;
+	/** Head of queue to be used for dequeue */
+struct roc_ree_qp {
+	uint32_t id;
+	/**< Queue pair id */
+	uintptr_t base;
+	/**< Base address where BAR is mapped */
+	struct roc_ree_pending_queue pend_q;
+	/**< Pending queue */
+	rte_iova_t iq_dma_addr;
+	/**< Instruction queue address */
+	uint32_t roc_regexdev_jobid;
+	/**< Job ID */
+	uint32_t write_offset;
+	/**< write offset */
+union roc_ree_inst {
+	uint64_t u[8];
+	struct {
+		uint64_t doneint : 1;
+		uint64_t reserved_1_3 : 3;
+		uint64_t dg : 1;
+		uint64_t reserved_5_7 : 3;
+		uint64_t ooj : 1;
+		uint64_t reserved_9_15 : 7;
+		uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48;
+		uint64_t inp_ptr_addr : 64;
+		uint64_t inp_ptr_ctl : 64;
+		uint64_t res_ptr_addr : 64;
+		uint64_t wq_ptr : 64;
+		uint64_t tag : 32;
+		uint64_t tt : 2;
+		uint64_t ggrp : 10;
+		uint64_t reserved_364_383 : 20;
+		uint64_t reserved_384_391 : 8;
+		uint64_t ree_job_id : 24;
+		uint64_t ree_job_ctrl : 16;
+		uint64_t ree_job_length : 15;
+		uint64_t reserved_447_447 : 1;
+		uint64_t ree_job_subset_id_0 : 16;
+		uint64_t ree_job_subset_id_1 : 16;
+		uint64_t ree_job_subset_id_2 : 16;
+		uint64_t ree_job_subset_id_3 : 16;
+	} cn98xx;
+int __roc_api roc_ree_dev_init(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_dev_fini(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_queues_attach(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint8_t nb_queues);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_queues_detach(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_msix_offsets_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_config_lf(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint8_t lf, uint8_t pri,
+				uint32_t size);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_af_reg_read(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint64_t reg,
+				  uint64_t *val);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_af_reg_write(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint64_t reg,
+				   uint64_t val);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_rule_db_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, char *rule_db,
+				  uint32_t rule_db_len, char *rule_dbi,
+				  uint32_t rule_dbi_len);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_rule_db_len_get(struct roc_ree_vf *vf,
+				      uint32_t *rule_db_len,
+				      uint32_t *rule_dbi_len);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_rule_db_prog(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, const char *rule_db,
+				   uint32_t rule_db_len, const char *rule_dbi,
+				   uint32_t rule_dbi_len);
+uintptr_t __roc_api roc_ree_qp_get_base(struct roc_ree_vf *vf, uint16_t qp_id);
+void __roc_api roc_ree_err_intr_unregister(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_err_intr_register(struct roc_ree_vf *vf);
+int __roc_api roc_ree_iq_enable(struct roc_ree_vf *vf,
+				const struct roc_ree_qp *qp, uint8_t pri,
+				uint32_t size_div128);
+void __roc_api roc_ree_iq_disable(struct roc_ree_qp *qp);
+#endif /* _ROC_REE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree_priv.h b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree_priv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c39f7cf986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/cnxk/roc_ree_priv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2021 Marvell.
+ */
+#ifndef _ROC_REE_PRIV_H_
+#define _ROC_REE_PRIV_H_
+struct ree {
+	struct dev dev;
+} __plt_cache_aligned;
+static inline struct ree *
+roc_ree_to_ree_priv(struct roc_ree_vf *roc_ree)
+	return (struct ree *)&roc_ree->reserved[0];
+#endif /* _ROC_REE_PRIV_H_ */