Show patches with: Archived = No       |   9787 patches
« 1 290 91 9297 98 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v5,0/2] Introduce travis support - - - --- 2019-02-07 Michael Santana None
[00/38] net/sfc: update base driver - - - --- 2019-02-07 Andrew Rybchenko None
[00/30] net/sfc: improve multi-process support - - - --- 2019-02-07 Andrew Rybchenko None
[v4,0/2] Introduce travis support - - - --- 2019-02-06 Michael Santana None
[0/3] adding op-type crt sign and decrypt - - - --- 2019-02-06 Ayuj Verma None
[v3,0/2] Introduce travis support - - - --- 2019-02-01 Michael Santana None
[v2,0/2] Introduce travis support - - - --- 2019-01-30 Michael Santana None
[0/3] more doc about isolated mode and bifurcated model - - - --- 2019-01-30 Thomas Monjalon None
[v4,0/5] Add non-blocking ring - - - --- 2019-01-28 Eads, Gage None
[0/1] Add 128-bit compare and set - - - --- 2019-01-28 Eads, Gage None
[0/4] RFC: consolidate testing apps to app dir - - - --- 2019-01-25 Bruce Richardson None
[v3,0/2] ticketlock: implement ticketlock and add test case - - - --- 2019-01-25 Joyce Kong None
[0/5] net/ena: minor fixes and docs update - - - --- 2019-01-25 Michal Krawczyk None
[0/3] net/virtio: missing/wrong read barriers. - - - --- 2019-01-24 Ilya Maximets None
[0/4] Virtio fixes - - - --- 2019-01-22 Tiwei Bie None
[v5,0/2] doc/howto: add debug and troubleshoot guide - - - --- 2019-01-21 Varghese, Vipin None
[v6,0/5] create different meson test targets - - - --- 2019-01-18 Hari Kumar Vemula None
[v3,0/5] Add non-blocking ring - - - --- 2019-01-18 Eads, Gage None
[v4,0/2] Add non-blocking stack mempool handler - - - --- 2019-01-17 Eads, Gage None
[v5,0/3] Compression Unit Tests - - - --- 2019-01-17 Kovacevic, Marko None
[v3,0/2] Add non-blocking stack mempool handler - - - --- 2019-01-16 Eads, Gage None
[v4,0/2] doci/howto: add debug and troubleshoot guide - - - --- 2019-01-16 Varghese, Vipin None
[v2,0/7] net/ice: update share code - - - --- 2019-01-16 Qi Zhang None
[v2,0/3] net/ixgbe: promiscuous mode enable on VF - - - --- 2019-01-16 Zhao1, Wei None
[0/3] promiscuous mode enable on VF - - - --- 2019-01-16 Zhao1, Wei None
[v2,0/5] Add non-blocking ring - - - --- 2019-01-15 Eads, Gage None
[v2,0/2] Add non-blocking stack mempool handler - - - --- 2019-01-15 Eads, Gage None
[v2,0/3] reimplement rwlock and add relevant perf test case - - - --- 2019-01-15 Joyce Kong None
[0/7] net/ice: update share code - - - --- 2019-01-15 Qi Zhang None
[v5,0/4] spinlock optimization and test case enhancements - - - --- 2019-01-15 Gavin Hu None
[v4,0/4] spinlock optimization and test case enhancements - - - --- 2019-01-15 Gavin Hu None
[v2,0/2] Fixes for realloc() in vhost - - - --- 2019-01-15 Tiwei Bie None
[0/2] net/enic: two trivial fixes - - - --- 2019-01-14 Hyong Youb Kim None
[0/2] Fixes for realloc() in vhost - - - --- 2019-01-14 Tiwei Bie None
[v2,0/3] net/mlx5: add tos and ttl flower match and tunnel keys - - - --- 2019-01-13 Slava Ovsiienko None
[v2,0/6] net/tap: fixes and cleanups - - - --- 2019-01-11 Stephen Hemminger None
[0/6] net/tap: fixes and cleanups - - - --- 2019-01-11 Stephen Hemminger None
[v4,0/3] Compression Unit Tests - - - --- 2019-01-11 Kovacevic, Marko None
[v3,0/3] Compression Unit Tests - - - --- 2019-01-11 Kovacevic, Marko None
[v3,00/20] NXP DPAA2 fixes and enhancements - - - --- 2019-01-11 Shreyansh Jain None
[v2,00/20] NXP DPAA2 fixes and enhancements - - - --- 2019-01-11 Shreyansh Jain None
[v4,0/2] net/virtio-user: add packed vq support - - - --- 2019-01-11 Jens Freimann None
[v3,0/2] net/virtio-user: add packed vq support - - - --- 2019-01-10 Jens Freimann None
[v9,0/6] app/proc-info: enhance debug of proc-info tool - - - --- 2019-01-10 Varghese, Vipin None
[v8,00/10] examples/ipsec-secgw: make app to use ipsec library - - - --- 2019-01-10 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v8,0/9] ipsec: new library for IPsec data-path processing - - - --- 2019-01-10 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[0/6] Add non-blocking ring - - - --- 2019-01-10 Eads, Gage None
[0/3] Add non-blocking stack mempool handler - - - --- 2019-01-10 Eads, Gage None
[0/5,pktgen] fixes and minor features - - - --- 2019-01-10 Rafal Kozik None
[v5,00/12] cryptodev: change qp conf and sym session - - - --- 2019-01-10 Fan Zhang None
[v7,00/10] ipsec: new library for IPsec data-path processing - - - --- 2019-01-10 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v2,0/2] net/virtio-user: add packed vq support - - - --- 2019-01-10 Jens Freimann None
[0/2] net/bonding: a couple minor fixes - - - --- 2019-01-10 Hyong Youb Kim None
[v4,00/12] cryptodev: change qp conf and sym session - - - --- 2019-01-09 Fan Zhang None
[v3,0/3] Missing barriers and VIRTIO_F_ORDER_PLATFORM. - - - --- 2019-01-09 Ilya Maximets None
[v7,00/10] examples/ipsec-secgw: make app to use ipsec library - - - --- 2019-01-09 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v6,0/3] ring test enhancement and new ring reset api and use it by hash - - - --- 2019-01-09 Gavin Hu None
[v8,0/7] app/proc-info: enhance debug of proc-info tool - - - --- 2019-01-07 Varghese, Vipin None
[v2,0/3] segment sanity checks - - - --- 2019-01-07 David Marchand None
[v4,0/2] lib/librte_meter: add RFC4115 trTCM meter support - - - --- 2019-01-04 Eelco Chaudron None
[0/2] vhost/crypto: some fixes - - - --- 2019-01-04 Fan Zhang None
[0/6] Some fixes for vhost - - - --- 2019-01-04 Tiwei Bie None
[v6,00/10] examples/ipsec-secgw: make app to use ipsec library - - - --- 2019-01-03 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v6,00/10] ipsec: new library for IPsec data-path processing - - - --- 2019-01-03 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v4,0/3] support flow counters using devx - - - --- 2019-01-03 Moti Haimovsky None
[0/2] Some fixes for virtio-user/packed-ring - - - --- 2019-01-03 Tiwei Bie None
[v5,0/3] ring test enhancement and new ring reset api and use it by hash - - - --- 2019-01-03 Gavin Hu None
[v3,0/3] support flow counters using devx - - - --- 2019-01-02 Moti Haimovsky None
[v4,0/3] add rte ring reset api and use it to flush a ring by hash - - - --- 2019-01-02 Gavin Hu None
[0/5] net/mlx5: simplify VXLAN devices management for E-Switch - - - --- 2018-12-29 Slava Ovsiienko None
[0/4] net/mlx5: add tos and ttl flower match and tunnel keys - - - --- 2018-12-29 Slava Ovsiienko None
[v5,00/10] examples/ipsec-secgw: make app to use ipsec library - - - --- 2018-12-28 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v5,00/10] ipsec: new library for IPsec data-path processing - - - --- 2018-12-28 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v2,0/3] support flow counters using devx - - - --- 2018-12-27 Moti Haimovsky None
[0/5] net/mlx5: add inner tunnel items support on E-Switch - - - --- 2018-12-27 Slava Ovsiienko None
[00/20] NXP DPAA2 fixes and enhancements - - - --- 2018-12-27 Hemant Agrawal None
[v3,0/6] spinlock optimization and test case enhancements - - - --- 2018-12-27 Gavin Hu None
[0/4] NXP DPAA fixes and enhancements - - - --- 2018-12-26 Hemant Agrawal None
[v1,0/3] support flow counters using devx - - - --- 2018-12-25 Moti Haimovsky None
[v2,0/2] enable x550 flexible byte filter - - - --- 2018-12-25 Zhao1, Wei None
[RFC,v2,0/2] rcu: add RCU library supporting QSBR mechanism - - - --- 2018-12-22 Honnappa Nagarahalli None
[v3,0/2] cryptodev: change qp conf and sym session - - - --- 2018-12-21 Fan Zhang None
[v2,0/5] spinlock optimization and test case enhancements - - - --- 2018-12-20 Gavin Hu None
[v3,0/3] net/virtio: Rx paths improvements - - - --- 2018-12-20 Maxime Coquelin None
[v1,0/8] Clean up rte_option - - - --- 2018-12-20 Gaëtan Rivet None
[v3,0/4] Allow using external memory without malloc - - - --- 2018-12-20 Burakov, Anatoly None
[v4,0/3] use architecure independent macros - - - --- 2018-12-20 Fan Zhang None
[v9,0/3] Support request more queues - - - --- 2018-12-20 Yan, Zhirun None
[v1,0/5] spinlock optimization and test case enhancements - - - --- 2018-12-20 Gavin Hu None
[v3,0/3] crypto/aesni_mb: add plain sha support - - - --- 2018-12-19 Fan Zhang None
[v5,0/3] crypto/aesni_mb: add gmac support - - - --- 2018-12-19 Fan Zhang None
[v4,0/3] crypto/aesni_mb: add gmac support - - - --- 2018-12-19 Fan Zhang None
[v3,0/4] use architecure independent macros - - - --- 2018-12-19 Fan Zhang None
[v2,0/2] Add 'try' semantics for RD and WR locking - - - --- 2018-12-19 Ananyev, Konstantin None
[v2,0/4] net/cxgbe: fix build for Microsoft Windows OS support - - - --- 2018-12-19 Rahul Lakkireddy None
[0/3] Add rte_eth_read_clock API - - - --- 2018-12-19 Tom Barbette None
[v8,0/3] Support request more queues - - - --- 2018-12-19 Yan, Zhirun None
[v7,0/3] Support request more queues - - - --- 2018-12-19 Yan, Zhirun None
[v2,0/4] vhost: add missing barriers, move prefetching - - - --- 2018-12-19 Maxime Coquelin None
[v1,0/3] ethdev: document more retained across restart - - - --- 2018-12-19 Andrew Rybchenko None
« 1 290 91 9297 98 »