mbox series

[v22,00/13] drivers/zsda: introduce zsda drivers

Message ID 20241113022918.3228337-1-li.hanxiao@zte.com.cn (mailing list archive)
Series drivers/zsda: introduce zsda drivers |


Hanxiao Li Nov. 13, 2024, 2:29 a.m. UTC
- modify misspelled errors.

- modify some errors.

- add release note which was forgot in last version

- delete cryptodev drivers and prepare to submit it next time.
- only submit compressdev driver this time.
- resplit the patches.

- add code in drivers/meson.build to compile zsda drivers.
- make every patch compile without any warnings or errors.

- fix some spelling errors

- resplit patches.
- complete documentation which is yet there in that patch.
- every patch should compile without any warnings or errors.
- delete unused comments.

- split to more patches.

- Uniform Byte Alignment.

- resolve some comiler warnings that are being suppressed.

- use RTE_LOG_LINE_PREFIX in logging macro.
- delete the check for null with rte_mempool_free.
- delete some unused initial values.

- use RTE_LOG_LINE in logging macro.
- fix some known bugs.

- delete new blank line at EOF
- Cleaning up some code in zsda_log.h

- add a new feature  in default.ini.
- Re-split the patch according to the new PMD guidelines
- Split SM4-XTS tests into a new series to releases.
- Separate out datapath(enqueue/dequeue) as a separate patch.

- fix some errors in cryptodevs/features/zsda.ini.

- add release notes and some documentations.
- add MAINTAINERS context in the patch where the file/folder is added.
- add files in meason.build which are included in the patch only.
- add a check for unsupported on Windows.
- notice the implicit cast in C.
- add cover letter.
- compile each of the patches individually.

Hanxiao Li (13):
  config: add zsda device number
  common/zsda: add zsdadev driver
  common/zsda: add logging macros
  common/zsda: add functions to operate hardware queue
  common/zsda: add definition and use of msg chan.
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev driver skeleton
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev dev ops
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev stats ops
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev xform ops
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev qp ops
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev enqueue datapath
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev dequeue datapath
  compress/zsda: add zsda compressdev capabilities

 MAINTAINERS                               |   6 +
 config/rte_config.h                       |   4 +
 doc/guides/compressdevs/features/zsda.ini |  15 +
 doc/guides/compressdevs/index.rst         |   1 +
 doc/guides/compressdevs/zsda.rst          | 201 +++++
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_24_11.rst    |   7 +
 drivers/common/zsda/meson.build           |  26 +
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_device.c         | 206 +++++
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_device.h         |  77 ++
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_logs.c           |  19 +
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_logs.h           |  27 +
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp.c             | 935 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp.h             | 182 +++++
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp_common.c      | 192 +++++
 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp_common.h      | 198 +++++
 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp.c         | 388 +++++++++
 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp.h         |  45 ++
 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp_pmd.c     | 465 +++++++++++
 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp_pmd.h     |  25 +
 drivers/meson.build                       |   1 +
 20 files changed, 3020 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/compressdevs/features/zsda.ini
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/compressdevs/zsda.rst
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/meson.build
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_device.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_device.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_logs.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_logs.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp_common.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/zsda/zsda_qp_common.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp_pmd.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/compress/zsda/zsda_comp_pmd.h
